#[to pay much attention to th dragon xD]
siren-virus · 3 years
ok, It's been a long while since I've sent an ask, and though that can be atributed to life being life, that can only go so far and these previeous 3 days I've been lazing around mostly XD So, in order to compensate, here's the asks for Free and SWUP that have entered my brain and I haven't filtered out yet that I'll send you. Answer as you see fit for I might send repeated questions or some that have already been aswered before in another form.
For SWUP, would SWUP (Does she have another name? I can't remember) ever try a work somewhere? She has to get money somehow if she wants to be able to buy food, clothes, a home, and pay for all the medical expences she might have to go through. What other friends would she have other than wine aunt and coffee barista? I remember you said there might be a third one who's not really relevant, but whos father is, and you were still unsure on wether to include them or not. Also, the humans in this Earth, how much do they know about aliens? The Unicorns and Dragons? I imagine that considering the amount of damage they can do when they fight, and considering that apparently their experiments on abducted humans that they leave on Earth for like a month before taking them forever, would make them fairly known, and have something like a world agency looking out for different cases or something, however succesful they actually are.
Now onto Free, Is there any chance that we could get to know of any of the friends that the rag-tag group would make along the way of the travels? Like, there HAS to be someone who they befriend without any shennanigans involved at the very least, or with minimal ammount of them, just as there HAS to be a friend made after a disaster of cataclismic proportions happens that inebitably onvolves the found family. Also, how long was Leo outside on his own before bird friend (forgot his name) found him and started to get them back to the Domes? Considering that they have a long adventure, I imagine that he spent at least a month outside without an idea of any direction he was going, and getting lost along the way because of course he gets lost, before he was found. Would the team find anyone else who was part of the Domes but left of their own volition too? Another traveler similar to Leo, but that doesn't want to return to those places for X or Y reason? Would there be anyone from the Domes that they meet that DIDN'T want to leave the Domes in the first place but got out regardless? This could be for whatever reason, from kidnapping to exhile to attack to the Dome to simply escaping from a bad situation.
oop sorry for taking a bit to get back to you,
youre questions make me realise how under developed my stories are wheeezee so i rlly appreciate your questions!!
SWUP aka Vicky her human alias. or I guess the unicorn is the alias. AH SHIT I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT!! Originally when i made SWUP she was supposed to be in high school. But as i grow I also like my characters to grow with me. Maybe I'll get her a job as one of them gym buddies (it has to be a job that allows for some form of freedom, enough to like be able to do th vigialnte thing- (i forget the name) Medical expenses aren't too bad, I'm basing it off aus medical- which means medicare! Plus she doesn't need the hospital all that often, she can regenerate.
In terms of friends she doesn't have many not because she socially inept (like myself)- she was very popular in highschool, but there isn't many people she can relate to. Her best friend James (pending name) comic book nerd that loves super heroes is all she's got. And some gym bros, but they're just friends at the gym, outside complete strangers. I really do want James to be relevant to the plot and not his dad and daddy issues, but he's a bit hard to squeeze in. Maybe if I sat down to actually do some writing, maybe--- ALAS I am but a creature of laziness, and poor attention span. (im barely focusing on Flee atm and I rlly wanna try developing GECKO again fml)
Humans know little to nothing about aliens (excpet for like the government and so wackos who a really into scifi) So even though SWUP is doing her best to help ppl, she's seen as a horrifying villain that is stage one to an alien invasion. (the scifi wackos play a part in that.) Although most Police officers appreciate the help... most.
Suprisingly no, most humans who were mutated into unicorns almost seem to disappear, SWUP is an exception. Why is that hmmmmmmmm? this is kind of a big moment, if I ever plan to push this idea to the webcomic/animation stage, youll see.
There's not really an official .org agency or anything like that, but some wackos who love space, and an actual scientist or 2. So far they have deducted that unicorns are evil space creatures who prey on humans and consume their flesh to get stronger so they can lay eggs and take over the world. There's not a lot of truth to that. Some parts tho... but which part? At the moment I'm really into mystery- so maybe I'll add some mystery elements, or I'll give it to GECKO. first i gotta redesign Mac, poor lad is not a looker I'l tell you that.
FLEE I barely know their friends either- haven't gone about developing them. HOWEVER. I do have a villain in mind. I remember making him for my illustration class back in uni (sigh uni days...) I dom't have a name, but I have a face. He's a big leader of this village known for killing the hybrid/mutants. He and his crew, a rag-tag gun loving, truck driving, share-a-brain-cell, lot. How they've managed to become successful hunter bunch is unknown.
But one the friends I have developed enough is Bolt, who also comes with their own shennanigans and an old rusty bus. Techincally they don't need it because they're fast as fuck, but it helps to have around incase you get a goliath sand bobbit on your hands.
Tristian is the human, Leo is the bird friend. Actually Trisitian was out on his own for three days, he didn't cover much ground when he finally met Leo either- dumbass didn't bring enough food and water to last. He didn't even have a plan, just wanted to go out. The only reason Leo didn't send his ass running home was because something- or someone- pushed them far. far away. Oh my who could it be?
Tristians kind of a rarity, not many people leave the domes unless it's through underground passageways to other domes. Most people are blissfully unaware of the outside world. Not to say Tristians the only one who escaped, but he's the only one who's survived outside for so long. (dome people don't have any survival skills) The only reason Tristians gotten so far is dumb lucks and a hot headed bird friend.
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emmybluefire · 7 years
Loss of Those Never Had
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WARNING: There is some slight lewdness and beyond this point. Just in statements and sentiment. No pornography though :P
“Is there any way to tell if Dragon eggs are alive or not? Emmy?”
The half elf’s ears percolated upward at that. Her distant haze and overall disinterest in the situation before her melting away. Her cosmic gaze found it’s way one of her deepest friends, Shelby Smith... and her casual “partner” caelin Tautstring. The words bounced around in her head for a moment... her gale blank, as if contemplating. Thoughts ran through her head. Thoughts that rippled down her spine, and caused her heart to sink. They were thoughts she’d rather not be having right now...
“I know humans have a method for discerning the life of chicken eggs. It involves a lot of bright lights though.” Emmy replied. Her friends none the wiser to the sorrow she was beginning to feel.
“She’s right.” caelin interjected, turning his head towards his lover. His tone shameless and uncaring. “Did you lay any from the last time we did it?”
Emmy sighed, rolling her eyes but saying nothing. The more he spoke, the more her muscles twitched. The more her energy surged. She didn’t quite understand why though... Perhaps she was just protective of her friend? Yeah, that had to be it. It couldn’t be anything else.
“I wasn’t lying when I said I had to run off and poop eggs.” Shelby giggled, paying far more attention to her lover than her friend. Not that Emmy really minded anymore... no, there was something else eating at her conscious. Something that lingered in the back of her throat, squeezing all life--all love--from it. Though, it dared not rear it’s head forward--out in the open for all to see.
“Well, we can always keep trying.” The man smirked. It was almost as if he thought his gesture sly. Thought it was charming. But Emmy couldn’t help but sneer. “Lead on love! We’ll see what they’re like.” he encouraged, moving off with Shelby. The two lovers paying no mind to the actions or consent of the third wheel behind them.
She didn’t want to do this... she didn’t want to find out the truth. She didn’t want to be belittled in the way she was about to be. She even resisted for a moment, planting her feet in the ground whilst they walked away from her. But... what kind of friend would she be if she didn’t help?
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Something within her stirred as she watched the backs of their heads. It was a cold sensation. A gripping sensation that only became more apparent with each step she took. Each fraternization, each sign of affection they offered to each other deepened a pit on her stomach. Each word just another hand squeezing the back of her throat. She cursed herself for having so much knowledge in times like these. In times where she knew she was most vulnerable to hard information... In times like these where she knew all of her hopes were about to be destroyed by the very logic she had always revered.
She stayed quiet though... pushing back all these emotions brewing up within her. Emotions had always clouded her judgement... and she needed that to cast. When they got to the egg shelf, she tried her hardest not to pay attention to the shear quantity of potential children resting here. Of the potential family growing before her very eyes.
With a well hidden hesitation... Emmy lifted her hand. A shimmering blue light pulsing to life within her palm... bright enough to see through shells. It didn’t take long for her to notice the wriggling dark embryo within. The hands around her throat moved up, gripping towards the middle now, choking her up. “Th- there’s an embryo within that one... it seems...” she sighed, pulling her hand away.
Shelby looked to her, her eyes becoming globes of wonder and mystique... the look of a proud mother... and caelin? Well, his eyes were aglow too. Filled with love and affection for Shelby. The look of a proud father... He looked to be nervous as all hell, but she could see it in his eyes. While he was never one to admit it, Emmy knew that deep down... he wanted this. They both wanted this.
“I’ve been with Kale for five years. And in all that time, I’ve never laid a good egg. I- I don’t get it!” Shelby, Sorania... was dumbstruck.
Emmy thinned her lips, those hands on her throat advancing even further. They had almost pushed through. Her eyes watered at the pain... the struggle of holding it all back.
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She got it... she hated that she did. She hated having a library in her mind... A library of everything good, and most of all... everything bad. Everything that she kept locked away in a restricted section to be forgotten. Everything that challenged her hope for the things she wanted most in life. Black dragons had never given their power to the dragon soul. They were still fertile. They were still immortal. Though, Sorania’s former consort Kalestraz was not. He was a red. Humans though... humans were ample. And humans can breed with anything titan...
“You don’t get it?” Emmy asked, maintaining a stoic exterior to hide her pain. “It’s... it’s because humans aren’t infertile like most dragons are these days...” she pursed her lips together to prevent them from quivering. Her hand rose to gently grasp the top of her throat in an attempt to relieve the sorrowful pain. “I-...” she sniffled inward. “I know I don’t... have a faith.” she changed the subject. “I don’t believe in miricles... but this... I-Its a blessing.” Each word felt like a spinning dagger escaping her throat. Her sorrow would not have been hard to see now. The little bit of water that had gathered around her eyes threatened to stream outward now despite her detest. Despite the fact that she knew she was being illogical. But it didn’t matter... the resistance in her throat pushed, while her walls stood against them. The siege though... they were so close to falling. Little did she know, they had a secret weapon.
“So... what you’re saying is.” cael stepped up, clearing his throat. “My cum is more powerful than dragon cum?”
That was it... that attempt at a joke. Her walls crumbled down. Her armies faltered. All that was left was the valiant queen left alone to defend herself from the encroaching usurpers. As the queen put up a courageous effort, Emmy’s sorrow was turned into blind anger. She puffed up at the comment, every impulse she had was to obliterate cael from the face of Azeroth. She had the power to do so... but her mind brought her body to a halt. Her soul lashing out where she could not. She felt hot, and rightfully so. Her silhouette became laced with powerful streams of raw arcane energy in ways that could remind one of a supernova.
“Bluefire I- I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it that way!” caelin pleaded. He knew now the error of his mistake, and groveled like a child. Pathetic...
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With a sharp breath inward through her nose, she contained herself. What was this she was feeling? Jealousy? Tsk, she thought herself better than this... Pressing in on her temples, she dragged her hands down her face. Had she really almost done that? Had she really wanted to kill someone over an ignorant comment? No... “Jus-” her voice frustrated, and her demeanor snappy. She whipped a knifed hand up to the same level as her head, insuring caelin could see the back of it. “Don’t worry about it...” Her tone was dismissive, as was her gesture. She shook her head and unleashed a scoff. Moving to step away from those who had gotten under her skin.
She payed no mind to their composure. She listened not to their sentiment. It was not wanted... or so she thought. But even though she actively avoided listening... she couldn’t help but make out a few sympathies from behind.
“I have so many children already!” Shelby cried. “Why can’t I let someone else have the gift of giving life? Why is fate so cruel?”
That was a good question... why is fate so cruel? All she had ever wanted in life was to do her job. Was to have a family in a world where she wouldn’t come home one day half-expecting them to have all been slaughtered by hunters and looters. But thanks to the actions of Deathwing... of her late aspect Malygos... she can no longer be confident in that ability. She was naught but fates pawn now... 
No... Fate... was objective. Fate can be forced. It had to be... She’s a dragon. A Thaumaturge capable of manipulating the very fabric of reality. There has to be a way.
She just needs to find it first...
Author’s gratitude: As always. Thank you all again for reading this... eh, Slightly angsty post XD. And thank you to @shelby-smith-sorania for that wonderful RP we had the other night :P It was fun. And please, everyone, have a good day or night wherever you may be :P
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cutebunnys50 · 8 years
tag meme thing (that i started like last week or something idk lol my sense of time is messed up)
Thanks for tagging me Em I’ll do a bit now and finish later ^^ damn. I started brainstorming 5 ships too and then I remembered I’m not asked that. xD thank god when it comes to me I can spend hours… xD 
1.       What is a song that defined a moment/event in your life? Why? What was that moment/event?
Damn. xD Starting with a hard-hitter. xD I’m trying to think of video game music or something and I guess what keeps coming to mind is Maplestory. xD It defined my childhood, and if you know me, I’m bound to bring it up sometime. xDD whether it’s by a 5 hour talk with @nyashizura or not, it would eventually come up xDD Maplestory opening- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qj4hgJeSe4
2.       If you were a Pokemon gym leader/elite four, what type would you specialize in?
Mmmh. I’m really open lol. I’d throw all of my fave Pokemon at you, not paying attention to type. I’m not a strategic player. xD I just like Lucario and Latios and Latias and stuff. xD I almost said water, but honestly, I’d be miscellaneous. xD I’d rather be the adventurer than a gym leader/part of the elite four. xD I get bored waiting around. xD
3.       What is your favorite reptile? Why?
             I don’t look up specific reptiles so I’m not sure. xD I like a lot of animals. Maybe a turtle or a dragon. xD For turtle, red-eared slider turtle; my turtle. I hope Speedy’s doing okay!
4.       What anime archetype do you think you’d fit the best?
Mmmh… In a slice of life anime, I’d be the boke, I suppose? C: And I’d try to be the outgoing, energetic one. I’ll try to make things fun by asking weird questions and getting everyone to think and go along with my random whims. xD Haha, just being with a cool group of friends would make me happy xD so I wouldn’t know _how_ to act. xD bad puns/jokes and trying to brighten/lighten up the atmosphere tho c: also you can come to me for help xD rely on me xD slightly bunmum xD 
5.       Do you have a favorite font? What is it? Why do you like it?
            Fonts are cool xD I used Comic Sans unironically though. xD I liked it because it was simple and easy to read/use. xD Also if something’s controversial, just watch me keep using it. xDD
6.       Which post you’ve made yourself on your current URL has received the most notes? When did you make that post? Why did you make it?
Probably would have to be that Madosaya comic I shared with otpprompts. xD It got so many notes because people looked at it and liked it and reblogged it. xD After I shared it, I fled tumblr for a while out of embarrassment and was surprised to come back to like 100+ notes and very nice comments hhhffngsdh, I made that post back in 2014/2015? And I made it because I was influenced by a prompt in otpprompts (I’d surf it all day, thinking about my OTPs) and I was compelled to make a dumb comic and share it with people. xD thank that blog for sharing my art lol
7.       European noodle dishes or Asian noodle dishes?
            Asian noodle dishes yes I’m love.
8.       What is your favorite flavor of juice?
            Listen this is so hard ghjflksj?? I like anything that tastes good pls. I love juice in general… apple, grape, orange… I like it all… (listenn i actually take time to think abt these for a while,, , aahh)
9.       Which brand of ballpoint pen is your favorite?
            No idea I don’t use pens. xD Pencil ftw xD
10.   Have you ever traveled outside your home country? If yes, where have you been? If no, why not?
            Yea, to China. I wanna travel more. It’d be cool. xD What if I studied overseas or somethin’ hmhm…
11.   Contemporary of Victorian architecture/interior? Why?
             Man I ain’t good at architecture even If it’s pretty and a valid form of art! idk man. we haven’t covered that in AP Art History exactly yet xD 
10 Facts about me
1. I like to think I’m chill but apparently I’m not I guess lol I just bottle it all up inside and get really agitated/irritated easily if you know where to push my buttons. xD When something doesn’t go my way I get really frustrated/angry to the point that I could start crying lol tb to when I was like in 5th grade or something and I started crying bc I couldn’t get this one long division problem right despite doing it two times. xD (it was resolved.) Old habits die hard I guess. xD
2. don’t get me started on art… (I love it)
3. I’m very lazy I just went back to filling out this meme and I’m not gonna write as much as I intended to xD
4. I’m love girls.
5. I stole my brother’s cat lol
6. I wanna play the trombone
7. im married to my computer we’ve been together for 4+ years
8. Maplestory is my lif e
9. i like to observe things from the side without being directly involved. I make a lot of observations about the other person in my head and make note of small things. The small things are important too lol.
10.  I’m very passionate and energetic, I like to think ( owo )b even tho I can be sidetracked/distracted easily/lose interest easily/procrastinate, I’m serious about stuff when I’m serious!! I don’t necessarily have to mention the thing one million times to get the point across, but believe me inside me I have the blazing flames of passion. My obsessions don’t die down; they’re only put on the backburner for a bit and they can be reactivated very hard. xD like my surge of Touhou again xD
My questions:
1. Do you have any pets? Tell me about them! :D
2. Do you have a favorite season and why?
3. What do you think is one of your defining traits? (If someone described you to another person, what would they say/what do people associate you with?)
4. Do you have a favorite object/thing? (toy, clothing, blanket, etc.) Why is it important to you and what is it? A person is fine too. ^^ 
5. Do you have a favorite emoticon/emoji? What is it?
6. What’s your favorite animal?
7. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it? (Whether it be out of context or inspirational or anything xD)
8. What is your opinion of art?
9. How do you like to spend your free time?
10. If you could visit any place right now, where would you like to go?
11. What is your favorite song? List one of them! :D
Tagging all my mutuals ig? xD  @latimerlink @mikantrapper too lazy to list everyone out im sorry i dont wanna leave anyone out xD
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