pssst frankly i don't know if someone missed me or not but i just wanna say that i've not gone far
i'm just slow and irresponsible and i'm sorry ;A; 
i'll get to Amber's Pitch and to Mitchell and finally to Kili in a bit. sorry for the delays. not been feeling it. ._.
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"Kili, at your service!" Bows and stands up straight once more with a bright smile. //Thank you for following :)
"Ah, um, Bilbo Baggins. At yours." Bilbo bit his lip, looking around in confusion. "C-can I help you? I don't really have... dwarves over much. Actually, there aren't dwarves in the Shire- ever. Why- why are you here?"
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goldenglorfindel · 12 years
 durin-dwarf-kili said: 
“I’m a dwarf, this is about as polite as I get with an elf.. I wasn’t sayin’ anything about your people, just stating from my own experience is all.. Though maybe that has changed, huh?” The dwarf gave him a forced smile.
"Hmm," he looked at the dwarf with slightly narrowed eyes, appraising him. "Well I have no quarrel with you. I expect we all have views formed of others which might not be quite correct. Better not to be so hasty to make comments eh?"
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asktheoakenshieldbros · 12 years
Hey, c'mon now, I was just kidding, of course.. Or was I *Shifty look* well y'know, it was just a suggestion.. Anyway, you could use that fire to burn the enemies instead of burning my stubble! u_u
B: Wha' stubble?
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hiimehime-blog · 12 years
I've been Tagged
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11   new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Tagged by: thewalkinghobbitdiaries
Her Questions:
What was your favorite movie that came out in 2012? The Hobbit, but also really loved Brave...
What is something that makes you happy? Um, reading a good book in which something happy is happening (not when my favourite characters are dying) also funny gifs on tumblr and positive asks and RP replies
What’s your favourite part about today so far? Mum made a chocolate cheesecake for no reason other than wanting to make one :D~
Would you choose truth or dare? Truth, and yes I actually answer the truth
What’s one item you can’t live without? ...books, or my laptop or ipod (this is not including family, friends, pets, air and food, right??)
What fictional universe would you most want to live in?
Summer or Winter? Middle earth, probably Summer... but if I could choose Autumn I'd go with that, or Spring
Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book? No, just finished reading the Hobbit when I should have been reading one of 5 books I have to read for school though...
If you can have any super power what would it be? To be able to morph into whatever I wanted, so that I can grow a pair of wings at will or mermaid tail or just turn into a cat completely
If you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? I have no idea, all my dream locations are in my books...
Do you have a tattoo? If not do you want to have one? No and no, I detest needles and would not go through with it even if I desperately wanted one. I've had so many needles in my life I do not want another!
My Questions:
Song playing on your ipod at the moment, if none playing, what was the last song that you listened to?
Do you have a fantasy(s) where you put yourself into a book? If so, what he one fantasy that you keep going back to in order to escape reality?
Do you RP? If so, who's your favourite charcter to RP with?
What is your favourite thing to draw/paint/sketch? If you don't do any of these what would you draw/paint/sketch if you could?
What gif sums up your life (or blog if you have no life) at the moment?
Look to your left, what/who is there?
Do you consider yourself a Grammar Nazi? If so, what annoys you the most when it comes to the misuse of the English language?
What is your favourite Tv show?
What is your favourite series/trilogy of books?
What is your favourite movie that you will happily re-watch 3 times a day, every day for a week?
What's a question that you've always wanted someone to ask you? Answer that question.
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They Are Seeking The Light
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"All of these new people. Some of them I have heard of. Others I am yet to know. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I am Ireth."
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durin-dwarf-kili started following you
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Welcome. I am Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood. 
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//You guys. I'm not sure who even missed me, but, well. Let's just say that RotG fandom swallowed me whole. Just to explain my absence, I s'pose; I'm mostly over here these days.
That said, I know I owe a couple of things on here! I think? And I still want to play with Kili. Yes, I do. Sorry that my muse died unexpectedly. Hope you' still won't mind. ^^
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3 people started following you
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My Lords,
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goldenglorfindel · 12 years
The dwarf shook his head lightly in disappointment, it's not like he agreed with the elf and his wise advise but he also didn't disagree, he just thought it was something to keep in mind. "How are you so calm is what I don't get... I know that there are a lot of elves who don't like dwarves and often refuse to talk to 'em" Kili may have been using elves ignorantly again but it was true, the elves he had previously met didn't like him very much.
Glorfindel shook his head, slightly exasperated. "I remain calm because it is my manner," he said with a sigh. "I know our peoples have had disagreements but surely you are not trying to infer that all elves are rude when all dwarves are polite?" He raised his brows questioningly. "Sometimes it is better to say nothing at all when faced with hostility rather than rise to a challenge." He knew that was true from experience all too well. 
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asktheoakenshieldbros · 12 years
Well.. *furrows his brows* You could distract the enemy while we run... Don't worry, you'll run too, once you've finished the trick and they're all laughing and stuff *grins* That's a good plan, isn't it? >__>
Lad, I've got enough paraffin oil in this flask t'make yeh REALLY beardless!
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hiimehime-blog · 12 years
durin-dwarf-kili started following you
Iellwen smiled upon meeting the dwarf, she bowed her head. "Saesa omentien lle, Kili. My name is Iellwen, at your service." She raised her head, her smile still lingering as she awaited a reply.
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goldenglorfindel · 12 years
Kili huffed, he usually didn't mind elves, well, he hadn't really much experience with them so he was basically basing his opinion off what his uncle and other dwarves had told him, which was obviously a one-sided negative view "Well.." He was unsure of what to say, he had ignorantly used the word 'elves' and he knew he was wrong "I thought you may have been of Mirkwood" He said quietly.
"Then I am glad that I have been able to clear up any misunderstanding," he said, noticing that the dwarf had changed his tone somewhat. "I am from Imladris," he said, watching the young dwarf's reaction, "and I know your face from your passing through our valley. You should be sure to form your own opinions rather than base your thoughts on that of others," he advised, softening his words. 
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goldenglorfindel · 12 years
He furrowed his brows "Not all dwarves have long beards, elf! Mostly the line of Durin" He added, though Kili had no long beard to show for that and he was of the Durin line. "Well.. Can you tell me why the elves didn't help the dwarves when Smaug attacked" He was sounding just like his uncle now, when he in fact wasn't even born when the whole ordeal happened.
Frowning at the sullen dwarf who had approached, seemingly with the express purpose to pick a fight, Glorfindel reminded himself to keep his temper even. "It was not the place of my people to come to your aid Master Dwarf, you called for Mirkwood to come and that is Thranduil's realm, not the one I live in. You cannot just say the elves when you speak of the incident, any more than we can say the dwarves when we speak of your people." 
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goldenglorfindel · 12 years
"Why do elves have such pretty long hair?" The dwarve grumbles.
"Why do dwarves have long beards? Why do hobbits have hairy feet?" he mused in return. "Ask Eru, I'm afraid I do not know Master Dwarf."
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asktheoakenshieldbros · 12 years
*Grins then gasps as I watch* That is brilliant! You know, you should use your dragon abilities while we go on our quest!
B: I don' think a few tricks will 'elp with reclaimin' a kingdom...
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