sigynofdevotion · 11 years
I'm just going to post them all here...more like a questionnaire instead of a regular interview. I'm hoping to have this by Sunday or Monday but certainly take your time!! And thank you so much for helping me with this!!
What’s your name or what would you like to go by?
Where are you from? (General location)
How did you start role playing? Who got you involved? Where did you start (online? facebook? tumblr? At a table game?) 
What did you think about role play before you started?
How often do you role play? Think about role playing?
Why do you role play?
How do you feel during a role play game?
How do you create a role play?
What is the typical plot of a role play?
How old were you when you started role playing? Have things changed? How so? 
Why do you role play on tumblr?
What do you like most about role playing?
What makes you uncomfortable about role play?
What is the difference between independent and group role play games?
What character(s) do you play? 
How and why do you pick the character(s) you play?
In your own words can you define what a Mary Sue or self insert character is? How do you feel about role playing with these characters?
What’s the difference between yourself and your character?
What’s the difference between a canon and original character and which do you interact with the most? Why?
How did you make the character(s) you play your own?
What are “head canons” and how do you use them? 
Do you prefer to play male or female characters? Why? 
Do you prefer to play magical or non-magical characters? Why?
How often do you talk “out of character” with your role play partners?
Can you describe the world your character lives in? 
Are there basic rules that every role player should follow? What are they? Who created them? Why should they be followed? 
Is there anything specific you do before, during, after a role play game? 
Do you think role playing is taboo? Why or why not? 
How do you feel about the people you role play with? 
What, if any, are the basic traits that role players share? 
Do you have special terms or slang to talk about role play or that you use with your partners? Can you define them? (ex. head canon, mun, muse). 
What do you think of non-role players? How do you think they would describe this activity? 
What makes someone a good role player? What makes them poor? 
Do you believe that you are part of a group? A community? Why? 
Do you have biases when it comes to who you choose as a role play partner? 
Has role playing influenced your life? How so? 
What makes tumblr different than other role play communities? 
What do you think of the “role play community” as a whole? 
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clamor-of-lightning replied to your post: “[[MOR]I guess it’s munday so here take this, it was me all fancied...”:
((Since you're myth!Loki, you remind me a lot of myth!Loki, with your vibrant red hair. <3))
//omg thank you. ;---;
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kissofmistletoe · 11 years
♟ (Because Thor really wants to know, and still feels bad about the whole collar thing.)
♟ for something my muse admires
Baldr admires kings and kingship, even when most seem against Odin’s way of thinking. Knowing that he is to rule the remaining worlds once the Ragnarok has passed opened his eyes to what a hard task being a monarch really is. He dreads the time when he is forced to the throne, and takes every opportunity to learn what he can, now, from his father.
Being the third son in line to the crown, with Aesir being such a hardy race, there was never any true intent on fully teaching Baldr how to lead and rule. He has just learnt what skills he could through watching.
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immortalspxrrow · 11 years
(Don'tlookatmeIshouldbedoingananalysis BUT BAH. More or less, I saw you interacting with a lovely Queen Morgana and /never/ have I come a more accurate description of Jack's prose and use of dialogue. In my head I hear that brogue and I can so easily see that smirk that Jack is known for, and in everything I read of you, I'm thoroughly convinced that you're Jack Sparrow, and if so, I'd love to come on one adventure with you. What drew me in was your writing, and your passion for the character.)
//OMGAJGSFDHAGDSGSD BUT I’M ONLY STUMBLING MY WAY THROUGH HIS WIT??? HOW i’m convinced it all sounds like word vomit half the time seriously bUT YES WE SHOULD DEFINITELY START AN ADVENTURE pardon the caps bUT I’M JUST SO AJHSFDAHGDASD ok i’m done
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the-blackest-spider · 11 years
Aye, lightning cannot roar with the savage beauty of thunder. But it is a force that very few can...
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sigynofdevotion · 11 years
I need ya'll (only 18 and older because I can't interview minors) to fill out this consent form before I can interview you. Please fill it out and send it to my email: [email protected] and if you can't open the link then let me know!
[ x ]
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heilsa-er-kann · 11 years
clamor-of-lightning started following you
Höðr is fishing on the edge of a small pond, though there is no hook on his line, just a loop in the string with some bait tied into it.  He hears a familiar footfall nearby.
"You are up and about early, bror," he calls out to Thor.
((Thank you for following!))
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mamadcvil-blog · 11 years
A-Z; every letter ever. (And look who it is asbdhj)
My Dearest Thor!
Put a letter from A-Z in my ask and I’ll tell you 1 thing I love which starts with that letter.
A - Asgard; enough said
B - Blue
C - Cats omfg
D - Dogs, only a select few
E - Emily my cat oops
F - fucking Friends ahahah
G - Gold, on jewelry though
H - Hookah, I love mine to death
I - Intimacy I guess? like cuddling you feel me
J - Juice, big juice fan here
K - Kale, it’s actually really good for being a vegetable
M - Mom, duh
N - Newshit, that counts as one word right?
O - oral idk what i have that starts with an O shet
P - People, certain people
R - Red, red stuff in general
S - boxSETS that counts i have so many Avengers and Game of Thrones
T - T-shirts, even though i rarely wear shirts i’m a built in bra shirt person ahah
U - uhhhhhhhh IDK FOR THIS ONE
V - vagina
W - War of the posters up in my room i have so many
X - iDK
Y - does Youtube count?
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staroftamaran-blog · 11 years
clamor-of-lightning started following you
Bursts of green light flashed behind dark clouds, lighting up the otherwise dark sky. Another and another, exploding across the black and grey. In seconds, a young Titan burst into view and began careening downward, flying as fast as she could to escape her pursuer somewhere high above.
Tumblr media
Starfire flew blind with panic, faster and faster, closer and closer to the ground, hurdling unknowingly towards a great mass of a man -- or, rather, god. Her body slammed into his and she let out a surprised shriek. The impact brought her back to her senses enough to tumble away from him and she immediately fell into a defensive stance.
"Gokta! Gokta!" she warned, slipping into her native tongue. "Gokta buhovna!"
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immortalspxrrow · 11 years
clamor-of-lightning replied to your post: thor-mun’s making me emotional.
((…o///o I apologize if this was not directed towards me…but oh. ; n ;))
//it was shhhh -pets a lot- 
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clamor-of-lightning replied to your photo: idek what I’m doing :)
((…my God you’re amazing.))
klxjlkjdfk thank you ;A;
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skymtofasgard · 11 years
clamor-of-lightning started following you
"Good afternoon, my lord Thor," Skymt said smoothly. "May I ask with what purpose you choose to honour me with your presence?"
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pearlsofbeguilement · 11 years
starting at amazing, do every other line c;
>.> I'm watching you
Amazing: Your OTP in 3 fandoms?
1. X-Files: Mulder and Scully2. Lord of the Rings: Faramir and Eowyn3. Underworld: Sonja and Lucian
Cup: Do you drink Tea or Coffee?
Both, though I do drink tea much more often. 
English: How many languages can you speak?
Lol. Just English. I've taken Spanish, but I'm not even close to being fluent, though I do occasionally have an ear for listening to it.
Game: What was the last board game you played?
Hm...I'm not sure. The last game I played was Apples to Apples. Although it's not a board game, it's the most recent game I've played in over two years. 
Injury: Have you ever walked into a glass door?
Yes, a few times. xD
Kiss: Who's your biggest celebrity crush? 
Female: Milla JovovichMale: Depends, but usually Jeremy Renner 
Money: What would you do with 1 million dollars?
Donate to a few charities, buy my textbooks for college and take some more classes I wanted to take, buy a new Xbox 360, a Playstation, a new laptop. Buy gifts for my friends. Put it in the bank. Oh yus. 
Oops: What is one thing you'd like to change/fix?
My weight. >.> 
Quality: Name three of your favourite blogs.
.... Why only three? Why not all of them? I'd be here forever, if I did that tho. Okay, across the board, including my other rp accounts, I'll give you three of my favorites. 
1. Jerry Dandridge: yourneighbourjerry.tumblr.com2. Thor Odinson: clamor-of-lightning.tumblr.com3. Cronus: thesaturngod.tumblr.com
Star-sign: When's your birthday?
St. Patrick's Day; March 17, 1993
Unite: Do you sponsor a cause?
No, though I do volunteer occasionally and give blood as often as I can. 
Xylophone:Do you play an instrument?
I used to sing. 
Zoo: What is your favourite animal?
Honestly, I love animals and have plenty of favorites, but the one that comes to often first and foremost would be the tiger. Bengal, Siberian, white, orange. I think they're majestic and powerful. And just saying, based on how they hunt and their power, in the event of a one-on-one, a tiger could take down a lion. Few predators can do that. 8D
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kissofmistletoe · 11 years
Maelstrom (Drabble?)
Those who believe a storm a thing of darkness and anger are wrong, ignorant. They are those who believe night to be a terrifying thing, and all that carry it's blackness are merely a stretch of that over-powering fear most succumb to. They are those who are small and see might as death-dealing. They are those who harbour nightmares behind their eyes and project their irrationality into the world.
For a storm is beautiful. It is not a dual chrome structure, made solely from electricity and gloom. It is not something to sweep in from a cobalt sky and scour the earth, leaving destruction in it's wake, and disappear once more.
No. A storm is gold and purple, power punching a bruise in the very atmosphere to spread and tell the land of it's pain. A storm is a creation of hurt broiled for too long, and made dangerous too easily. It's edges are the colour of spun light, the sun's saddened rays catching blonde hair as it falls over the battle-scarred face, covering a sky-blue eye. It's indigos and violets are grievances each, piled every higher and higher as the cumulus blossoms, like diluted ink deepening in water to turn crystal to murk.
There is something beautiful in pain.
But as darkness trails light, so too does anger step on the heels of agony. And rage is a vivacious thing, singing with the voice of artillery guns, spearing the earth with her force. Too slight for the eye and too quick for form, anger comes and goes when she will, leaving the strongest men weak and brittle beneath her hammer.
And sorrow, ever sorrow. The wheel behind the movement, our turning block of the world as all seek to chase in circles what they hope never to be caught by. A cold wind keening, the noise of the heart whispering so softly as the thunder growls in the back of sky's throat. And tears to choke, cool cool rain dashing the ground with craters and ice.
A symphony of noise and carnage and light. A storm is a beautiful thing.
But always a storm carries in it's wings chaos and darkness. Clinging to it's towering spires of charcoal cloud that still burns gold in embers, the raven's feathers ever seek to shape and change in mischief. So beautiful thing, made terrifying by the death caused underhand, in the storm's blind spot. Never is there lightning without fire's touch. Never is their thunder without the frightening jump and waiting tension.
What is lightning and rain and might without it's opposite, it's slight and subtle rival?
What is Thor without Loki?
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the-blackest-spider · 11 years
Aye, lightning cannot roar with the savage beauty of thunder. But it is a force that very few can...
It's this lovely, adorable mun's birthday! 
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