#dwarf in lord of the rings
coveredinsun · 5 months
rewatching lotr, and rewatched the hobbit trilogy like 2 weeks ago, and i must say. i love this franchise for all its “i knew a guy who knew a guy” relations. like to give just one example, gimli presumes for a second, like the whole fellowship, that frodo got injured by the cave troll in moria. but he’s actually just fine! because frodo just happens to be gimli’s dad’s boss’s situationship’s nephew, and therefore has the mithril shirt that gimli’s dad’s boss gave to his situationship right before gimli’s dad’s boss led the company to battle against, among others, legolas’s dad. legolas’s old situationship from like last year (60 years ago) was also there and chose, get this, gimli’s dad’s boss’s nephew over him. i love yall
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brewerssupplies · 11 months
In relation to the fireworks wizard post and the Lord of the Rings part comp. The party composition for The Hobbit is just as crazy if not more.
It goes
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Dwarf fighter
Halfling rogue
And occasionally that same fucking aasimar wizard.
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lovebeatriceplz · 3 months
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(gimli was definitely tip toeing)
Fanart by - @/eliounora.
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meteors-lotr · 3 months
Thorin: OW! Bilbo: What happened? Thorin: Nothing, just nicked myself on the blade Bilbo: Aw, here *kisses his finger* Thorin: Why'd you do that? Bilbo: It's a hobbit thing! Kissing booboos makes you feel better! Thorin: -Later- Thorin: Dwalin I need you to punch me in the mouth
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mrkida-art · 2 years
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Just a lil baby dwarf being kissed on the cheek 8) 
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wild-saber1337 · 4 months
LORD OF THE R...WAIT A MINUTE??? (Artist: Phippsy digital)
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Only good bug is a dead bug
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electracution · 4 months
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Gimli, 03.2024
And another character for my collection. Love him so much 🩷 drawing the helmet was so fun, the beard a bit less, but I persevered...
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kilithedurin · 5 months
“I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight OUR BATTLES FOR US! It is not in my blood, Thorin.”
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filithedurin · 5 months
"We’ll be right behind you. If you run into trouble hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl."
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gender-fluid-weirdo · 4 months
So, I just learned that JRR Tolkien agreed with me that dwarves are Jewish. He based the dwarvish language in his books on Hebrew, and dwarvish culture on medieval jewish history.
This extends into the idea of the diaspora, as the dwarves in LOTR have been forced from their own kingdoms multiple times. He even explicitly said that the quest in the Hobbit was a metaphor for Zionism.
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imlcdrcs · 1 month
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I know everyone is in agreement that the elves are very elegant and ethereal, but can we also talk about dwarves for a second? Dwarves are absolutely elegant and ethereal in their own ways, and I think it is about time we start embracing theirs as well and paying attention to them as we do the elves! I mean, just look at him!
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the-gnomish-bastard · 10 months
Times it is acceptable to smoke:
You are literally anyone at anytime in a heist/war/detective/noir movie.
You are a grizzled police chief/captain who’s chewing out their subordinates for reckless behavior.
You’re an old sea captain who people just noticed in the bar and is about to tell their tale. (Pipe and Cigar only)
You’re a demolitions fanatic/expert. (Cigar only)
You’re a wizard informing a halfling that the jewelry given to them by their uncle is in fact a magical artifact created by the dark lord and is the one thing he needs to take over the realm. (Shire Pipe Weed only)
You and your friend are halflings who, with the help of tree people, overtook a wizard’s domain and are now welcoming the king of nearby lands. (Shire Pipe Weed only)
You are Samuel L Jackson.
You are a member of a cartel/mafia.
You are a modern day wizard replenishing their mana by smoking Arcane Crystals (meth) and Moon Stones (crack).
You’ve been fatally wounded by your enemy, then they offer you a smoke in your final moments.
You’re down on your luck and you light a cigarette, but the lighter won’t work and it starts to rain.
You’re explaining the terrifying capabilities of someone who is currently infiltrating your building. (Eg: John Wick, The TF2 Spy.)
You’re about to have a flashback.
You’re Arnold Schwarzenegger.
You’re a fantasy dwarf.
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basiliths · 1 month
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i’ve been SO burnt out from art lately but I managed a really messy, not serious at all, grumpy Thorin sketch ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
blushing because somebody is teasing him abt a certain hobbit.. ദ്ദി・ᴗ・
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meteors-lotr · 8 months
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Lotr + The Hobbit as The Onion Headlines
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mrkida-art · 2 months
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Dís, a child of Thráin II
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bilbo-the-himbo · 4 months
I just want a fic where Bilbo and Thorin somehow end up with Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin in Erebor. I just want the tomfoolery that Fili,Kili, Merry & Pippin would get into cause you just KNOW they would.
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