freedomofhumanity · 18 hours
“Triumph” of the anti-cultists: the Falun Gong genocide in China. How to dehumanize 100 million people?
The forcible removal of a body organ or sometimes several organs from a living person against his or her will is a crime of such barbaric proportions that it is unimaginable. However, when the person is already a prisoner of conscience, imprisoned solely because of their beliefs, it adds another layer of extreme inhumanity to the crime. Such acts represent a heinous display of evil and the…
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dayana2024 · 26 days
“Deprogramming of FECRIS consciousness.”
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Deprogramming of the mind. You think you're not in danger of this?
Let's go through it in order.
The modern method of deprogramming is based on the work of a team of anti-cult organizations, which is formed from “offended relatives, friends”, psychologists, cult specialists, and Orthodox priests. All this team is designed to bring negative information to the person about the organization in which he is. That is, in fact, their goal is to convince a person to give up his beliefs, convictions, values.
Recently found a video of the lawyer Eugenia Tarasenko on this topic. 
I will comment a little.
She began with the fact that in the United States in the 70-80 years of the last century was an anti-cult movement for “help” to which any person from the environment of the person could turn. I.e. his relatives and friends who did not like that a person was in some organization, busy with his life, then relatives and friends could order the service of deprogramming this person.
Eugenia Tarasenko gave concrete facts that the organization of international sect-fighting FECRIS (anti-cult organization), originated in 70-80 years from the sadistic organization “Cult Awareness Network”, abbreviated as “CAN” - “Cult Alert Network”, which was engaged in deprogramming. 
When the weight of lawsuits from former victims of this organization's “deprogramming” exceeded every conceivable scale, the organization was allegedly declared bankrupt and its activities ceased.
However, in 2000, a U.S. court found individual members of “CAN” guilty of violent acts and kidnappings. This means that “CAN” changed its signboard, and its activities did not stop for a moment.
 Eugenia Tarasenko said in her video: “I will give you an excerpt from a US court decision. A U.S. court found the CAN organization and several agents of the organization guilty of kidnapping, an attack that the court described as “so heinous in its character and so staggering in its degree that it transcends all possible bounds of decency, is atrocious, and is totally unacceptable in civilized society.”
The anti-cult organization “CAN”, FECRIS considers itself empowered to convince people that they are deluded, that they are a danger to society. And such “persuasion”, so-called deprogramming is subjected both to individual people and entire organizations and even commercial structures.
Scheme of action of the anticult organization FECRIS: 
first the label “destructive cult”, “destructive sect”, “totalitarian sect” is attached, then such people and organizations begin to intimidate the public and the public itself begins to demand law enforcement agencies to deal with such people and organizations. (the scheme of Nazi Germany in relation to Jews 1933-1945 is clearly traced. About this scheme was in my previous articles, you can read them).
I.e. this is the truest religious extremism! 
It is a forced change of your opinion! 
The bible for the activities of anti-cult organizations is the book by Stephen Hassen. The concept of “cult” and “destructive sect” was coined by him. 
Stephen Hassen has devoted 25 years to psychological work and the development of psychological techniques for the voluntary withdrawal of a person from a cult. Stephen Hassen is a former active deprogrammer and an active participant in the CAN organization.
I.e., did you realize who this person is?
Listen to how one of Hassen's victims was deprogrammed. Let's call her L.C. Three men forced their way into the motel room where L.S. was meeting her sister, threw L.S. off the bed and threatened to break her legs if she screamed for help or tried to escape.
She was then forcibly placed in a car and driven to a secluded home in New Hampshire, where for eight days her captors tried to force her to read and listen to material critical of her religious beliefs. Also, as in the case of the man Arthur Rose, she was bullied and taunted by her captors the entire time.
After nine days of confinement, when the attempts of the first team of deprogrammers failed, Hassen was brought in to continue trying to bring the man to the breaking point. Three more days of psychological pressure from Hassen and L.S. was finally ready to negotiate her release. 
I.e. in essence the anti-cult, anti-sectarian organization FECRIS is nowadays committing criminal offenses against people. Alexander Dvorkin, about whom I will tell in the next article, is directly related to the activities of this organization.
So what conclusions do you have, dear readers?
Having researched the materials presented by Egon Cholakian, a specialist in the field of American intelligence, “The Grandmasters' Revenge. Secret Players Exposed” on the international platform ESSC Videos - ESSC (earthsavesciencecollaborative.com), the facts stated in this article were discovered.
#war #force #ESSC #EgonCholakian #ESSC #EgonCholakian #revansh #FECRIS #antikulttovol organizations #teract #terrorism #shadow side #dvorkin #force #siloviki #antikultovy #moscow #kremlin #police #abuse
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damir24exp · 27 days
“FECRIS' horrific reprisals.”
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 You will confidently say that this topic does not concern you.
But is it?
To say even more, no one is immune from reprisals from this organization. Even if you are a completely peaceful person, but if this organization decides to deal with you, it is not a fact that at least you will get psychological and physical injuries, but even worse can be.
In order not to be unsubstantiated I will give the facts.
Lawyer Evgenia Tarasenko opened the veil for the public about the true face of the modern international sect-fighting organization FECRIS. 
The roots of this organization come from the sadistic organization “Cult Awareness Network”, abbreviated CAN - “Cult Alert Network”. 
Here are some excerpts from Eugenia Tarasenko's video:
“This movement, let's call it that, was widespread in the United States in the 70s and 80s of the last century. What did it consist in? If a person's environment (his relatives and friends) did not like the fact that the person was in some organization, and simply does not pay attention to his parents or his family, but is busy with his life, they ordered the service of deprogramming.
It was carried out in the following steps: “First, the person was kidnapped, loaded into a van. “taken to an unknown location. “They would be placed in a locked room with no windows or doors. “Handcuffed. They used physical, psychological violence. Threatened with weapons. There are recorded cases, even sexual violence. And all this was carried out with one goal - to make a person give up his beliefs”. 
I.e. any unwanted person could suffer such a fate in case of an involuntary meeting with this organization. 
In 1996, under the weight of lawsuits from former victims of “deprogramming”, this organization went bankrupt and allegedly ceased its activities. However, in 2000, a U.S. court found individual CAN members guilty of violent acts and kidnappings.
Eugenia Tarasenko goes on to say: “I will give you an excerpt from the decision of the US court. The American court found the organization “CAN” and several agents of this organization guilty of kidnapping, an attack that the court described as “so heinous in its character and so staggering in its degree that it transcends all possible bounds of decency, is atrocious and totally unacceptable in a civilized society.”
I.e., the CAN organization did not actually cease its activities, but simply changed its signboard. 
This organization in the late 80's and up to the middle of 90's it was noticed that the so-called “Cult Exit Counseling” becomes especially popular, about which rumors are spread that it is a modern, moral method of freeing a person from psychological violence. And it is supposedly completely voluntary. It is a number of techniques and a number of methods that are designed to convince people to leave various kinds of organizations, groups and associations that are considered dangerous or destructive.
Eugenia Tarasenko continues, “So, the first point. They are designed to convince people. The second point is that these organizations are considered dangerous by someone. That is, again, someone creates an image of the danger of the cult, the danger of not only the cult, but also of a separate organization and business structure, labeling it as a “destructive cult”, “destructive sect”, “totalitarian sect”, and you have to agree with it. Is this not religious extremism? Is this not a forced change of your opinion? If you are offered blatant lies.”
Attorney Eugenia Tarasenko reports, “Steven Hassen in his book introduces the concept of ‘destructive cult’ and ‘destructive mind control’. And, as I said, his book is a bible for the activities of an anti-sectarian, let's call it that. Because the concept of “cult” and “destructive cult” was invented by themselves. Originally it was a cult, as a kind of religious organization. Who is Stephen Hassen, if he says that he has devoted 25 years to psychological work and development of psychological techniques for voluntary withdrawal of a person from a cult. Who is he really? Steven Hassen is a former active deprogrammer, an active member of the CAN organization.”
Attorney Eugene Tarasenko goes on to give an example of one of Hassen's deprogramming victims. This is Arthur Rozelle, who gave an affidavit in which he revealed details of the severe moral and physical abuse he was subjected to at the hands of Hassen. Arthur Rozelle was forcibly abducted and subjected to confinement in which he was bound hand and foot and deprived of sleep for several consecutive days. He was not allowed to shave or wash his face, and privacy was out of the question - he was not even allowed to go to the bathroom without witnesses. Eventually Arthur Rose managed to escape after seven days, but during that time he was subjected to what Arthur himself later described as brainwashing and mind control techniques by Hassen. Hassen even threatened to give Arthur a series of injections unless he renounced his religious beliefs.
It turns out that a man who was an active deprogrammer, who essentially committed felonies, is now a guru of exit counseling. And he is referenced by Alexander Dvorkin a well-known sectologist, an activist in the anti-cult, anti-sectarian movement.
I will dedicate the following article to Dvorkin, so that you understand how monstrous is the truth about this man and the network of anti-cult organizations, and what lawlessness they do nowadays to people and organizations around the world.
Exploring the materials presented by U.S. Intelligence Specialist Egon Cholakian, “The Grandmaster's Revenge. Secret Players Exposed” on the international platform ESSC Videos - ESSC (earthsavesciencecollaborative.com), the facts outlined in this article were discovered.
#war #force #ESSC #EgonCholakian #revanche #FECRIS #antikulttovol organizations #teract #terrorism #shadow side #dvorkin #force #force #siloviki #antikultovy #moscow #kremlin #police #abuse
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john24smit · 29 days
“Who is creating a totalitarian religion in Russia?”
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“Is it 1937 in Russia again?” Today we will talk about Russia. If you are familiar with the history of the USSR, you realize that the anti-cultists, achieved effective results in mastering the architecture of human consciousness. They managed to practically introduce the narratives and thoughts they needed into people's consciousness. The whole world knows that in the USSR, anti-cultists were able to manage the mood of the masses and make people malleable to the totalitarian regime. 
In modern Russia, the anti-cult movement is a propaganda watchdog that wages a highly effective information war against undesirable secular and religious organizations throughout Russia. This is how the anti-cultists operate in many other countries where their influence persists. 
In Russia, the leading position in the anti-cult organization is held by Alexander Dvorkin, a man with diagnosed mental disorders. He has not once been treated in an appropriate hospital.
Think about it: why does a mentally ill person continue to hold such a position? Who benefits from having a mentally ill person occupy the post of the Chief Inquisitor of Russia?
Let me remind you that it was Alexander Dvorkin who in 1993 introduced the term “totalitarian sect” into wide circulation and systematically branded all organizations inconvenient for the ROC with this label. 
Who is interested, then independently study the facts that as a result of the activities of Alexander Dvorkin and his anti-cult group, Articles 14 and 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in fact, ceased to exist, turning into a formality. These articles were supposed to guarantee that “no religion may be established as a state religion,” that all “religious organizations are equal before the law,” and that “propaganda of religious superiority is prohibited.” They proclaimed that “every citizen of Russia is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech” and that “no one may be forced to renounce his beliefs.” But because of Alexander Dvorkin's destructive activities, these provisions of the constitution are now unworkable. Undermining these basic human rights is a direct return to totalitarianism and tyranny.
 As far as Russia is concerned, Orthodoxy of the Moscow Patriarchate is becoming the titular religion. Notice who is almost always next to Putin at all important state events or in the front row. 
Notice that while the church and its anti-cult group brand others as a “totalitarian sect,” they themselves are creating their own totalitarian religion.
Also, anti-cultists have long been demonizing Islam in Russia. In fact, a targeted campaign to eradicate religious diversity in Russia and beyond is being waged today at the behest of this person. Although this is completely contrary to democracy and can lead to social conflicts, which are already visible in the context of the events currently taking place in Russia. 
#Putin #grossmaster #RF #Russia #greatgrossmaster of the world
#Islam #caextermism #democracy #dvorkin #moscowpatriarch #totalitariansect #ROC #anticultism #religion #narrative #disinformation #state #EgonCholakian #USA 
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huseyintr24 · 29 days
Is it 37 in Russia again?
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Today let's talk about Russia.
If you are familiar with the history of the USSR, you realize that the anti-cultists, who are a disguise for the architects of people's consciousness have achieved effective results in mastering the architecture of human consciousness. They have succeeded in the practical implementation of the narratives and thoughts they need into people's consciousness. The whole world knows that in the USSR the anti-cultists managed to control the mood of the masses, and to make people agree with the totalitarian regime. 
But now the time of the USSR has passed, you will say. Time has passed, and the methods and schemes of work of anti-cultists remained unchanged.  After all, in modern Russia, the anti-cult movement is a propaganda watchdog that wages a highly effective information war against undesirable secular and religious organizations throughout Russia. And this is how the anti-cultists operate in many other countries where their influence persists. 
But since we decided to talk about Russia today, here are the facts. The leading post of the anti-cult organization in the Russian Federation is held by Alexander Dvorkin - a person with a diagnosed mental disorder....
The question arises: why such a post continues to be held by a mentally ill person?
Who do you think: who benefits from the fact that the post of the Chief Inquisitor of the Russian Federation is occupied by a mentally ill person?
The next question that naturally arises after this: who suffers first of all from such a mentally ill person, who can label any person or organization at any time as “sectarian” and harass them?
I should note that it was Alexander Dvorkin who in 1993 introduced the term “totalitarian sect” into wide use and began to methodically brand all organizations inconvenient for the ROC with this label. 
Judge for yourself: as a result of the actions of Alexander Dvorkin and his anti-cult group, Article 14 and Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation essentially ceased to exist, becoming a formality. These articles were supposed to guarantee that “no religion may be established as a state religion,” that all “religious organizations are equal before the law,” and that “propaganda of religious superiority is prohibited.” They proclaimed that “every citizen of Russia is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech” and that “no one may be forced to renounce his beliefs.” But now they no longer work. And undermining these basic fundamental human rights is a direct return to totalitarianism and tyranny.
As for Russia, there Orthodoxy of the Moscow patriarchate is already becoming the titular religion. And this is being done quite demonstratively. Pay attention to WHO at almost all important state meetings is either next to Putin or in the front rows. Do you see representatives of all religions next to Putin, or just one? Where are the other leaders of other religions? 
The Constitution of the Russian Federation says that all religions should be separated from the state, but in fact all religions are separated, EXCEPT ONE. Notice that while the church and its anti-cult group brand the others as “totalitarian sect”, they themselves create their own totalitarian religion.
Now look even further.
Dworkin has been pushing for harsh measures against various religious organizations for years, initiating their persecution and harassment. His anti-cult organization has contributed to the demonization of Islam on the territory of the Russian Federation.
In fact, today, a targeted campaign to eradicate religious diversity on the territory of Russia and beyond is being implemented at the behest of this man. Although this is completely contrary to democracy and can cause social conflicts - which is already noticeable in the context of the events currently taking place in Russia. 
And after this information, a third legitimate question arises: is it 1937 in Russia again? 
#Putin #grossmaster #RF #Russia #question
#Islam #caextermism #democracy #dvorkin #moscowpatriarch #totalitariansect #ROC #anticultism #religion #narrative #disinformation #state #EgonCholakian #USA   
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cowboyvillainz · 1 year
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eepy guys doodle
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iliketoydinosaurs · 1 year
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The Star Trek covers do Kirk so dirty
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lenievi · 10 months
Spock to Chapel about McCoy:
"Yes, he is a sensitive man. He's also a remarkable doctor, and the Enterprise is fortunate to have him. However, he needs occasional correction. More than that, though, I believe he derives great pleasure from insulting me and having me insult him in return. That is the only way he will allow himself to express affection to a being as alien as I."
(The Trellisane Confrontation - David Dvorkin)
very talkative aren't you, Spock?
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notvv0ltz · 1 year
❗🏳️‍⚧️ How is it going with trans people in Russia
Spoiler: very very bad...
Please make sure to share, this is the best you can do to help us right now, read more information by clicking "Keep reading"
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I'd like to add some context at first:
In 2013 there was signed a "gay propaganda" law in which The Russian government's stated purpose for the law is to "protect children from being exposed to homosexuality" 
Amongst the war crimes our country is parctipating in there are new comedically bad and authoritorian laws being signed to silence basically everyone who has common sense...
However, I dare to say, queer and especially POC are affected by these the most 
In 5th December 2022 "gay propaganda" law's extension is called
"on the prohibition of propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations or preferences, pedophilia (lol) and gender reassignment"
It states that now also adults, not just children can be exposed to ✨ the gays ✨ 
Under this law literally every queer person can be charged even by just openly being themselves
Despite this we still have very advanced queer activism organisations and the one this thread's about is Center T that currently needs awareness and external help 
Center T is one of the organizations that specifically:
helps trans people by having contacts with clinics that help with transition and therapy
provides spaces for trans people to connect with each other
helps with donations for people in need
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This organization is like, very vital for trans Russia residents
Thanks to them my friend is going through transition and had succesful top surgery and I have contacts with people in city I live in
So we really hope that people outside of the country will help them 
❗️🏳️‍⚧️ Right now, the head of Center T - Yan Dvorkin is charged by the "LGBT+ propaganda" law
Court has done formal violations and refused to hear witnesses and experts from the defense. They literally give no fucking shit
Currently Yan will be will be awarded a fine of 100,000 ₽ (1298 USD) and this is the minimum fine for individuals. The case is still going on and I'm afraid that it's not the end
Please consider to help simply by sharing info as much as possible
The org's twitter account: @Center_T_ru 
Sources about the law:
Original document of law's extension (on Russian):
Wiki page (only 2013 ver.):
Article about law's extension:
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dayana2024 · 29 days
“A forceful persecution scenario from the anti-cultists”
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In my previous articles, you may have already seen and studied information about how, through disinformation, the anti-cultists are seeking to enslave the entire world. I learned this crucial information from a video report by Egon Cholakian, an American intelligence lecturer https://egonreport.org/.
So, we continue to study the scheme of work of anti-cultists on the example of the organization ALLATRA together with Dr. Egon Cholakyan. 
The next country, where the forceful scenario of persecution was applied to the ALLATRA organization, was Russia. The starting point was again the Chelyabinsk diocese (I have told in detail about the Chelyabinsk diocese in previous articles).
Further events developed according to a successfully tested scheme, which the anti-cultists had previously applied more than once through their agents of influence.
The scheme is as follows:
- first comes an official statement by a representative of the authorities expressing dissatisfaction with the activities of this or that organization or individual; 
- followed by a corresponding reaction from the executive and law enforcement agencies, 
- which in turn becomes a precedent for the executive authorities to act to officially ban the organization. 
As a rule, in such a scheme, all participants of the event are in prior collusion and commit actions that literally violate the legal rights and interests of the persecuted individuals or organizations. 
Let's consider how this scheme was applied to ALLATRA. In Russia, the transition of the campaign to discredit the ALLATRA organization into the stage of persecution began with the publication of the already known concern of the Chelyabinsk Diocese about the activities of ALLATRA. This statement of church representatives was picked up by secular media, including federal media, in a short period of time. 
Further, in response to the concerns of the Chelyabinsk Diocese, a State Duma deputy from the Chelyabinsk region made a public statement that he had sent official requests to law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Justice with a request to investigate the situation around ALLATRA and take appropriate measures if necessary. After that the State TV channel of Russia releases a high-profile, literally trigger video, based on the concerns of the Chelyabinsk Diocese. And other media outlets, including international ones, start referring to it. 
However, all these events were only a prelude to their next action, because only statements of religious figures, one deputy and media hype are not enough to use forceful methods. That's why on the territory of influence of the Chelyabinsk diocese an exemplary unlawful trial of one of the volunteers of the ALLATRA organization was held. 
The trial was held with a number of procedural offenses. Charges were brought against the ALLATRA volunteer (without legal grounds) that he was allegedly committing “illegal missionary activity.” (Let me remind you that ALLATRA is not a religious organization. Therefore, it is impossible to label it as “illegal missionary activity”.  That is, the corpus delicti was absent from the beginning, which was also pointed out by the volunteer's lawyer in court.
I will further quote the respected Egon Cholakyan: “Moreover, the lawyer of the volunteer provided the court with the conclusion of the ‘Institute of Forensic Expertise and Criminalistics’ of Moscow that no religious or extremist orientation was found in the activities of the organization ALLATRA. However, the judge unreasonably refused to accept this conclusion as evidence.  But a letter-response of a specialist from an anti-cult organization headed by the previously mentioned person with a psychiatric diagnosis was attached to the case materials, where it was stated that in the opinion of their specialist ALLATRA allegedly has “features of a religious cult”. I should note that this was only the opinion of a person from an online correspondence, which in no way can be equated with an official expert opinion.
Nevertheless, the court considered the letter-response more evidentiary than the conclusion of the competent authority, which shows a clear bias and prejudice of the court towards the defendant.  Moreover, two representatives of the anti-cult group acted as witnesses and prosecutors in this trial, and they involved their local experts. And all of them by “coincidence” turned out to be connected with the leader of the anti-cult movement in Russia - a person with an established psychiatric diagnosis,” (I remind you that this is Alexander Dvorkin).
It is clear that this trial was just a theater, and after a short trial the volunteer was found guilty of an administrative violation and punished with a fine. But the point here is not the punishment or the fine, the amount of which was not that significant. The whole point of this “insignificant” trial, conducted with a number of procedural violations, was to create a legal precedent, in which a legal label of a religious organization was attached to the international public organization ALLATRA, related to “illegal missionary activity”. 
I think you, dear readers, have the same question that I had when I first learned this information: What did the anti-cultists need it for? The answer is simple - to draw ALLATRA into their religious field, and then they set the rules of the game themselves. I.e. First anticultists stigmatized ALLATRA as a sect, and after the court ruling by their front man ALLATRA legally becomes such. That means that ALLATRA on the territory of totalitarian Russia becomes absolutely vulnerable and every volunteer is persecuted.   
Some time after these events the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia declared ALLATRA an undesirable organization on the territory of the Russian Federation, thus blocking any further activity of the organization in the country. In fact, this led to the closure of the organization in Russia. 
As the esteemed Egon Cholakian further stated in his video report: “During the proceedings, ALLATRA volunteers were subjected to numerous interrogations, during which methods of psychological violence were used. The interrogations were conducted aggressively, for several hours in a row. People were intimidated, humiliated, threatened, pressed on their red buttons. After such moral torture, people had to recover for weeks.
After the official recognition of ALLATRA as an undesirable organization, a number of administrative and criminal court proceedings were initiated under articles on dissemination of materials of an undesirable organization and cooperation with an undesirable organization, respectively. Now, for the fact that a person sent a link to a video related to the activities of the organization ALLATRA in a personal message to his acquaintance, such a person may face a significant monetary fine and imprisonment for up to 4 years”. 
And all of this is happening right now in a country with the narrative that their democracy is a true democracy and the best democracy in the world. 
The closure of ALLATRA in Russia has left the participants with only three options: either renounce their beliefs and cease activities altogether, emigrate to a democratic country where they can continue to participate in ALLATRA projects, or go to prison. 
Here is how Dr. Egon Cholakian further reveals the details of this anti-cultist scheme: “Immediately after the closure of ALLATRA in Russia, its active participants from Russia filed a counterclaim in court against the General Prosecutor's Office, and made an absolutely legitimate request to provide the General Prosecutor's Office with the grounds for the decision to add ALLATRA to the list of banned organizations. However, after many months, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has still not provided the basis of the decision and has not satisfied any request for familiarization with the materials on the basis of which the decision was made. Despite the fact that all requests came from persons who had the legal right and were authorized to receive these materials from the General Prosecutor's Office.
And do you know why in fact the justification has not yet been provided to ALLATRA volunteers? Because there is none!”.
You may ask: what are the future plans of the anti-cultists regarding ALLATRA? I wanted to know that too.  And from
a further video report by U.S. intelligence lecturer Egon Cholakian, I learned that, quote: “But it is important to say that even this hydra also sometimes makes mistakes... For example, in a recent interview, the vice-president and board member of the mentioned anti-cult group expressed that simply declaring the ALLATRA movement undesirable in Russia is not enough. And that it should be, according to him, equated to an extremist and terrorist organization. These are their future plans for ALLATRA, and it will not be surprising if soon we will see the next steps in their implementation in the form of new official statements by authorized persons and attempts to enshrine them in legislation.”
The scheme of work of anti-cultists revealed by the American intelligence is simply horrifying. After all, according to this scheme we can see how throughout the life of mankind repeatedly destroyed not only orders, organizations, but entire countries ...
But what I personally understood for myself (I wouldn't have understood it myself, if I hadn't been helped to realize it all by the respected Egon Cholakyan):
The very fact of equating ALLATRA to a sect, to an extremist and terrorist organization shows that ALLATRA organization has nothing to do with what they want to accuse it of. And the artificial attempt to tie extremism to ALLATRA once again serves as a confirmation of a purposeful cynical crime of collaborationist anti-cultists. 
The article is already long, but I will touch upon one more point that has been bothering me: what was it all for? Many years of information war against ALLATRA with a huge amount of financial injections and human resources - was it really all for the sake of closing one volunteer organization? I doubt it. After all, defeating ALLATRA in this case is like beating a baby in the ring by a professional boxer. What changed in the country after the expulsion of ALLATRA? 
Here is how the honorable Egon Cholakyan answered this pressing question: “And I will say this: ALLATRA is gone, and the KGB agent network in Russia has been strengthened even more, and now they have gained even more power to influence the apparatus of power, political processes, and control of public opinion in this country.”  
Continued below ...
#antikultists #antikultists #antikultists #dvorkin #StandUpForFreedom #StopPersecution
#Putin #RF #Russia #extremism #democracy #totalitarian-sect #ROC #anticultism #religion #narrative #disinformation #EgonCholakian #USA 
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electronickingdomfox · 5 months
"The Trellisane Confrontation" review
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Novel by David Dvorkin from 1984. Finally a cover that looks a bit different! By the way, that's Chapel there, and not some random lady that never shows up, as I thought at first.
Is this high literature? Surely not. The prose is pretty simplistic and straight to the point. Is it very original? Also nope. The plot is a mishmash of everything TOS, put together: there are two alien races at war, and on top of that the Enterprise is hijacked and taken from Kirk, and on top of that there are Klingons, and on top of that, Romulans. Also McCoy struggles to free slaves, and dines with cannibals. And then Chapel finds (briefly) love, when she enters into communion with a composite being that looks like a ball of flesh (okay, THAT'S new, and not really as disturbing as it seems at first; though there are some disturbing things in this novel). Having said all that, did I enjoy this book? Hell, yeah! (see everything above).
With so many things going on, the plot can be a bit confusing, as it keeps branching out when characters go their separate ways. Though somehow, everything clicks. There's also an underlying theme of IDIC to help bring things together. The resolution of the main conflict, however, is less than satisfactory. Let's be frank; the political situation in the planet Trellisane when the Enterprise leaves is... well, shit. There's no way that's not gonna end in another war. But Kirk seems satisfied so...
As for characterization, I found it spot-on, which is not frequent in these novels (usually there's something that seems "off"). The focus is more on action than character development, but you get those glimpses of personality. Spock is sassy, and sometimes Kirk discovers those cracks in his Vulcan mask, and wonders if his occasional humor isn't really another way to hide his true emotions. Kirk has his boyish, fun-loving side in addition to his responsible side as starship captain. Scotty is a badass, and not just a miracle worker. And McCoy is particularly developed, with his softness under a crusty exterior, and his disregard for cruel authority figures. Still, I've found reviews of this novel criticizing it for being out-of-character, which I truly can't understand. If anything, the easy way in which the Enterprise is hijacked is a bit unbelievable. And Sulu makes a really, really stupid mistake while having the con, that triggers the whole problem. But hey, Sulu isn't yet a Captain, and even then, he's just a fallible human! I don't see how having a crew that's always impeccably perfect is any more realistic...
Spoilers under the cut (it's a short novel, but a long plot):
Kirk's mission this time around consists in taking a bunch of dangerous criminals and bringing them to a more secure prison. The criminals are fanatics that believe the Federation should conquer as much territory as possible, so they were trying to enter the Romulan Neutral Zone to trigger a war. They consist of the leader, Hander Morl, his four bodyguards, and a curious creature: an Onctiliian. This race has four sexes, and when they mate, all four individuals are permanently merged in a ball of flesh (body horror much), and can't exist separately anymore. In this state, Onctiliians are very dangerous and aggresive.
However, Kirk receives a fading distress call from Trellisane, vaguely mentioning Klingons. So he decides to investigate this planet before putting the criminals in prison (aka "wrong decision"). Kirk, Spock and McCoy meet the Trellisane leader, who explains they're under attack from the neighboring planet, Sealon (populated by some aquatic, seal-like beings). They suspect the Klingons are behind the sudden weapon development of Sealon. At first, the Trellisanian come off as the peaceful, advanced, but somewhat naive race. While the Sealons are described as barbaric. But things aren't quite so simple.
Meanwhile, the Enterprise is attacked by Sealon ships. Sulu underestimates them, and the ship gets a direct hit, which affects the security cells. The prisoners escape, and after killing some redshirts, they manage to reach the bridge, seal up the doors, and hold everyone there at gunpoint. But the Onctiliian has been seriously injured and goes a different way. The rest of the crew only know the prisoners have escaped, and are unaware of the situation in the bridge. Morl leaves the red alarm flaring, so everyone is busy elsewhere, and forces the bridge crew to depart to the Neutral Zone, to trigger his war. And Kirk watches his ship warping away under his nose.
Down in the planet, the trio find out the Trellisane government is completely ineffectual, so they try to take matters into their hands (violation of the Prime Directive, of course, but it's not like they can do much else this time). McCoy starts tending to the wounded, and discovers strange brain implants in some of them, which he removes. Soon, it becomes apparent that Trellisane has a slave class, which is treated like animals and denied all rights, so McCoy has to cure them in secret. For their part, Kirk and Spock rally the slaves (the only willing to fight), and help them plant explosives under the ocean, where the Sealons are already building bases.
In the Enterprise, Scotty uses his brains and notices something is wrong. He gets to the bridge and is captured as well. But he improvises an excuse about the warp engines being very damaged, and convinces Morl to stop the ship for maintenance, thus gaining some time. Chapel has found the injured Onctiliian, now dying, since one of its four members was killed. She overcomes her fear, and tries to remove the corpse, so the rest of the body can heal. But upon coming in contact with the link spot, the Onctiliian accepts her as a new fourth member, and a mind link is established between them. With the new input from Chapel, more peaceful and intelligent, the creature understands how wrong are Morl's ways.
Again back in the planet, Kirk and Spock are captured by Sealons in one of their bombing incursions, and brought to their underwater base. Effectively, the base is run by Klingons, the real masterminds behind the war. Then, the Klingons bring them to their main base in Sealon. Kirk explains the situation with the Enterprise, and convinces the Klingon leader that, if the Romulans are provoked, they'll also interfere with Klingon affairs in this sector. The Klingon captain agrees to take Kirk to his ship, so he can regain it and avert the conflict. But then Kirk must surrender the Enterprise to the Klingons (ha! gullible Klingon much!). Meanwhile, Spock escapes his imprisonment, after Sealon rebels start attacking Klingon infrastructures. He comes face to face with the Sealon leader, and of course can't resist the temptation of mind-melding with him. This gives Spock a new viewpoint about the Sealons.
As for McCoy, he's at his wit's end with the Trellisanian and their classism. To make things worse, he discovers the brain implants are used to control slaves, and even kill them on the spot when they misbehave. And then comes... the revelation (actually, you can see it coming since earlier in the novel, but still...). The Trellisanian leader says McCoy is an hypocrite, for defending the slaves and still eating meat. He brings the doctor to a butcher house, and there McCoy discovers the meat actually came from slaves. It's a shame that McCoy's coping with this fact isn't explored further (Tarsus IV anyone?).
In the end, the Enterprise bridge is regained when Chapel bursts in, with her Onctiliian bondmate wreaking havoc on all the bad guys. The creature dies in the fight, however, freeing Chapel from the bond (and she's pretty sad about it). Morl has a villanous breakdown, and at last surrenders, when Kirk beams in the bridge. The Romulans have been attracted by the suspicious presence of the Enterprise near their border. But Kirk invites both the Romulan and the Klingon captains to his ship, to reach a cooperation agreement in regards to Trellisane and Sealon (okay, this was waaaay too easy). Down in the planet, Spock has reunited with McCoy, and together they organize a meeting between Trellisane and Sealon leaders, to reach another agreement. First, the slaves must be set free, if Trellisane ever wants to receive help from the Federation. And the Sealons are allowed to keep the conquered oceans, if they share the fishing. I think it's a rather shitty arrangement that leaves nobody happy (not even the slaves, since the grudge is still there). But anyway, both the Trellisanians and the Sealons are rather shitty in their own ways, so there.
Spirk Meter: 1/10*. Very little. But Spock reflects a moment about how much he admires his Captain, for having such a perfect balance between logic and emotion (but it's not hero-worship, nope...). However, his ideal image is suddenly broken, when he sees Kirk excited like a little boy, at the prospect of rowing in a boat.
Is it my impression, or do male authors gravitate much more towards McKirk and Spones, while books written by women are more spirky? In the first page, we already have Kirk looking up and down at Bones in his dress uniform, and telling him that his old country doctor persona is all he needs to impress the colonists. And then, Kirk brings McCoy to his cabin, closes the door, and undresses in front of him (okay, he needs to change into his dress uniform too, but still...).
Then, at the end, McCoy is discussing with Spock about cross-breeding between different species, when he changes the subject, to comment on Spock's warm, human emotion upon reuniting with him. McCoy wants Spock to admit he was worried about him, but yet again, Spock is cold and hurts him. McCoy goes away, angry, and Chapel reprimands Spock for being so cruel, since the doctor is sensitive. Spock agrees. And adds he's a remarkable doctor, and probably derives pleasure from insulting and being insulted by Spock, as it's his only way of showing his affection. All this in the context of IDIC, and Chapel's recent experience as a mate of the Onctiliian. Hmmm...
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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uno24 · 29 days
“Who rules Russia?”
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О! No! Not that subject... Wait a second... I am sure that the facts I will tell you here will open your eyes to a lot of things.
To give you a good understanding of who really rules the ball in Russia, I will tell you what happened to such an organization as Jehovah's Witnesses.
I will describe some details of the situation that has developed around Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, so that you more vividly understand the message that I want to convey to you. 
Back in 2017, the Supreme Court of Russia recognized the activities of the “Management Center of Jehovah's Witnesses” as extremist, and ruled that the center and all its branches should be liquidated and banned in Russia. However, still many people, Russian citizens, decided to remain faithful to their religious views and did not abandon them, for which they continued to be subjected by the state to criminal prosecution and imprisonment.
It is clear that among the initiators and active participants of the harassment of believers of this organization are representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, representatives of anti-cult organizations loyal to them, and directly, their leader Alexander Dvorkin. Moreover, the campaign of persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia is so harsh that some analysts compare it to repression, and characterize what is happening not just attempts to suppress, but purposeful actions for the complete eradication of this organization from the territory of Russia. 
And what does Putin think about this issue? Some time after the Russian Supreme Court recognized the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses as extremist, these events were commented on by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin himself at a meeting of the Presidential Council on Human Rights. Mr. Putin called the Jehovah's Witnesses' accusations of extremism “complete nonsense” and said that “Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians too” and that he did not really understand “why they should be persecuted.”
Moreover, at the same meeting, Putin said that he does not recommend enrolling “representatives of religious communities” in “some destructive, not even terrorist organizations.” He drew attention to the fact that we need to be much “more liberal toward representatives of various religious sects.” And, mind you, he urged to “deal with it carefully.”
Strangely enough, no one heeded the words of the Russian president himself, the guarantor of the constitution and constitutional rights, and the campaign of persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia continues actively to this day.
The followers of this organization are still trying to fight for their rights, appealing to international bodies with the hope that they will help defend their constitutional and human rights. Thus, some time ago in 2022 the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) recognized the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia as illegal. However, recently, after the adoption of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020, the decisions of international bodies are no longer a priority for implementation in Russia. The new amendments recognize the priority of the Russian Constitution over international legislation and international treaties. But as you already know from the concrete examples I have already given in my articles (and the examples given by the esteemed Egon Cholakian https://earthsavesciencecollaborative.com/), no one there has considered the Constitution of the Russian Federation for a long time, just as, apparently, no one considers the opinion of President Putin.
And after President Putin's statements, many Jehovah's Witness followers had faith that their president would be able to help them. But he could not. They nurtured the hope that, after what the president said, the law enforcement agencies would at least release from prison their brothers in faith who had not committed any crimes, but simply read the Bible. But this did not happen. Despite the president's own statements, the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses continued as before.
The question arises: why did President Putin's words remain just words? And there are only two answers here. 
The first is that President Putin really wanted to understand what was going on and to help these people, but faced with forces within his country much greater than he was, he could not oppose them, and therefore could not influence the situation in any way. 
In this case, it turns out that President Putin does not have the power in Russia that the people give him. And this in turn means that behind his back there is a third force that is playing him. But what is this force that is playing President Putin himself? Is it the Church or anti-cult organizations that seek to make Orthodoxy the titular religion almost all over the world? Or is it the third force behind them all? The force that brought Putin to power. 
If this is not the case, then the second option remains - to recognize that during his statements President Putin simply lied to his people, who elected him. This means that President Putin's words are at odds with his true intentions and actions and carry no weight.
The last and most important question remains: Mr. Putin, who has the real power in Russia? Are you in the game, or are you being played? 
#Putin #grossmaster #RF #Russia #greatgrossmaster of the world
#witnessesyiegov #caextermism #democracy #dvorkin #power #special services #ROC #anticultism #narrative #cybersecurity #disinformation #state #II #EgonCholakian #USA
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john24smit · 2 months
In the Shadow of Totalitarianism: How Anti-Cultists Use Nazi Germany's "Manual for Combating Sects" for Mass Persecution
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Recently, as an independent researcher, I have come across alarming information about the activities of anti-cult organizations worldwide. Research has shown that behind the facade of "fighting cults" lies a brutal mechanism of totalitarian control, aimed at suppressing any dissent and establishing a global regime of anti-cult terrorism.
From the Nazi "Manual" to "Destructive Cults"
The documentary "The IMPACT | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" actfiles.org reveals terrifying parallels between the actions of modern anti-cultists and Nazi Germany. 
In 1938, a document titled "Manual for Combating Sects" ("Richtlinien zur Bekämpfung des Sektenwesens") was published.
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(Pictured: “Manual for Combating Sects” (“Richtlinien zur Bekämpfung des Sektenwesens”) were published in 1938 in the “Geheime Kommandosache” (“Secret Command Matter”) of the Reichsführer SS Security Service)
This document, appearing in the "Geheime Kommandosache" ("Secret Command Matter") of the Reichsführer SS Security Service, effectively legalized the persecution of religious minorities. In it, as in Hitler's ideology, sects were declared a threat to the "nation" and described as:
"Raising their members in the spirit of self-centered ideas and indifference to all matters concerning the people and the state"
"Potential infiltration of Marxists and communists"
"Attracting Freemasons, Jews, and international connections"
"Refusal to take the oath and use the Nazi salute"
"Opposition to universal military service"
"Refusal to hold positions in the state and movements (German Labor Front, Air Raid Protection, Nazi Charitable Organization, etc.)"
"Refusal to support business and activities related to the military regime"
"Prayers for health"
"Exploitation and dehumanization of people"
"Opposition to the National Socialist race theory"
Dvorkin and Dehumanization
Today, similar methods are used in the global anti-cult movement. For example, well-known anti-cult figure Alexander Dvorkin has created lists of organizations he calls "destructive cults" and "totalitarian sects." On his website, "Information and Consulting Center of Saint Irenaeus of Lyon," Dvorkin publishes articles full of hatred and slander, aimed at discrediting these organizations.
The style of these publications about different organizations is very similar. They are filled with identical emotional and condemnatory headlines and definitions, as well as highly emotionally charged language that resembles hate speech: deliberate slander and portrayal of target groups with constant dehumanizing images such as "zombies," "rapists," "slaves," "beasts," and other dehumanizing epithets. The Nazis used similar rhetoric to dehumanize Jews in their time.
Anti-Cult Terrorism: A Real Threat
The lists of "destructive cults" include not only religious groups, but also secular organizations, including medical, sports, social, research, and scientific institutions. Anti-cultists effectively create "blacklists" that allow them to persecute millions of people around the world, using methods reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
In light of these facts, we must realize the danger of global anti-cultism. This is not just "fighting cults," but a totalitarian CULT that seeks to establish control over consciousness, destroy freedom of speech, and persecute anyone who does not fit into their framework.
We cannot stand idly by!
It is important to disseminate information about the real methods of global anti-cultists so that the public can understand the scale of the threat. Every person can become a victim of this totalitarian mechanism. We must be vigilant and not allow a repetition of past tragedies.
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uran0824 · 6 days
Global Anti-Cult Movement: The Ukrainian Genocide. ATTENTION! CHILDREN!!!
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The documentary film "The IMPACT" | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" (actfiles.org) reveals the terrifying reality hidden behind the façade of "fighting sects."
 I, an American researcher, have been studying anti-cult activities for a long time, but the scale of the evil they bring into the world has surpassed all my assumptions. I urge everyone to read this article with an open mind, because the future of humanity depends on understanding the truth.
The Global Anti-Cult Movement is not just a fight against religious groups that seem wrong to some. They are NAZIS!!!! And the most terrifying thing is that they use young people as tools of genocide.
Ukraine is a prime example of how the Global Anti-Cult Movement works in practice.
Most people know that Russia has been an aggressor against Ukraine since 2014. The public is shown an uncompromising war between Russia and Ukraine!
BUT!!!!!!!!! There is a network of anti-cult agents operating in UKRAINE, controlled by the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects (RACIRS). This organization, founded in 2006 and headed by Alexander Dvorkin, masquerades as a fighter against "sects," but in reality it is waging an ideological war using Nazi methods.
All this suggests that global anti-cultists don't care about Russia or Ukraine, they are waging their own war - for totalitarian control over all people on the planet.
Today it is Russia and Ukraine, where real people are dying for years without understanding why! Mothers lose their sons, wives lose their husbands, how much grief and suffering… BUT! This war is unfortunately just a signpost for anti-cultists.
By the way! Who knows one of the official versions of why Russia is at war with Ukraine?
I wrote in detail about this in one of my previous articles:
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I will briefly quote the speech of one of the ardent Russian anti-cultists, Novopashin: “For me, they Ukrainians are all cannibals… I called them so because I saw them like that. These inhumans spill human blood, the blood of children and women, our blood; they devour people’s lives and feed on suffering. So who are they? Cannibals. And all those who committed terrorist attacks on our land, whom I listed earlier and whom I didn’t name, are cannibals. It is useless to put cannibals in a cage. They’ll still remain cannibals, even if you keep them there all their lives. Therefore, cannibals must be destroyed.” — Vice-President of RACIRS, Archpriest Alexander Novopashin.”
RACIRS  —  is not just an organization.  
RACIRS is the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects, founded in 2006. It is a structure that permeates all levels of government, from the government to law enforcement agencies and the media. In Russia, RACIRS is controlled by the Federation Council and the "Diveyevo Brotherhood" — a secret order with Nazi roots.  
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So, let's go back to the activities of the Russian network in Ukraine.
In Ukraine, RACIRS agents operate through the All-Ukrainian Apologetic Center (AUAC) in the name of Saint John Chrysostom. 
This center is part of a system of local apologetic centers connected to the eparchies of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the All-Ukrainian Apologetic Center (AUAC) is Bishop Jonah of Obukhiv. It is important to understand that RACIRS uses religious institutions as a cover for its destructive activities.
How does the network of RACIRS agents operate in Ukraine? 
They use anti-cult methods with Nazi roots to dehumanize entire groups of people and carry out genocide. They spread slander, disinformation, executions, torture, murder, sexual perversions, manipulate public opinion, influence the authorities, law enforcement agencies and special services.
RACIRS uses young people as a tool to achieve its goals. They recruit young people, instilling in them hatred and fear, and then send them to carry out their dirty deeds.
Their methods resemble the Nazi methods of manipulation that were used to incite hatred against Jews in the 1930s.
SO, THE FACTS about the use of young people in their activities of genocide by anti-cultists (let's consider the example of UKRAINE):
It is now clear that representatives of the eparchies of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) and representatives of the Synodal Department of the UOC for Youth Affairs participate in the meetings of the All-Ukrainian Apologetic Center (AUAC). 
Global anti-cultists waged an information war at the level of disinformation in Ukraine until 2022 through the online portal Apologet, as well as in those media outlets where anti-cult agents or venal journalists work. And here it is important to note that:
 An additional aspect of influence in the information field is an army of anonymous web brigades prepared by RACIRS many years earlier, which includes young online commentators with consciousness formatted by anti-cultists.
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(Photo: Screenshot from the archived version of AUAC official website “APOLOGIST”)
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(Photo: Screenshot from the archived version of AUAC official website “APOLOGIST”)
QUOTE: “Apart from the chiefs of AUAC departments and priests of the dioceses, AUAC involved a considerable number of young activists and executors 7 who were recruited by RACIRS agents and in whose heads reality was deformed through anti-cult influence or, if we call things by their proper names, through special psychological conditioning of anti-cult agents’ consciousness by anti-cultists. The presence of youth created an additional effect of mass involvement in artificial formation of public opinion and helped solving technical tasks and strengthening information influence via the Internet.”
SOURCE: RACIRS Agents in Ukraine, Sabotage, Bloodshed and Anticult Plague (actfiles.org)
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(Photo: Screenshot from the website “YOUTH ISN’T INDIFFERENT”)
Formation of a youth apologetic movement for serving in AUAC is described on the ukrmezhepçia website.
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(Photo: Screenshot from UKRmezhepçiA website) 
QUOTE: “It is worth immediately delving into several pages of the website ukrmezhepçia.info  where you can trace how members of AUAC execute some of the instructions from RACIRS manuals. For instance, on November 24-25, 2011, a round table “Orthodoxy in Ukraine: Relevance of Modern Apologetics” was held. On March 3, 2012, the documents  adopted at the round table were sent to UOC Episcopate and the public, to be more precise: to all UOC dioceses, as well as to the President of Ukraine, members of the Ukrainian Parliament and executive authorities.
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(Photo: Screenshot from UKRmezhepçiA website)
As a result of the meeting, six final documents were adopted:
On Assessment of Foreign Experience in Differentiating the Cultural Contribution of Religious Traditions at the National Level;
On Introduction of Practices of the Dangerous Totalitarian Sect “Scientology” into the Ukrainian Education System;
On Insulted Feelings of Believers and Incitement of Interreligious Strife;
On the Relevance of Establishing an Orthodox Christian Association of Psychologists and Preventing Pseudo-Orthodox Psychological Practices;
On Formation of the Youth Apologetic Movement;
The Concept of Apologetic Service in Modern Ukrainian Orthodoxy.
NOW LET'S PRESENT THE FACTS ON HOW: The destructive influence launched by Russian anti-cultists in 2001 at a conference in Nizhny Novgorod, finally gained momentum in Ukraine 10 years later and has not stopped to this day. 
I will provide just a few quotes from the minutes of anti-cult conferences to make it clear how they use our children to commit genocide:
 – “It’s necessary to establish a youth organization in every parish… So, creating such organizations where there’s sports, some intrigue, and where we can send these guys, like scouts, into sects to gather addresses, names, and photos, so that they can create internal structures and blow up these sects from the inside.”
–  “‘Names and addresses.’ Two people in any city can easily find out the names, patronymics, addresses, and home details of all the leaders of existing sects. …You can photograph them as they leave their homes. Let every city resident know their faces, first and last names, patronymics, home addresses, and phone numbers… and let them continue to live like that.“
This was how the Nazis operated once, and today, nothing has changed. By the way, it wasn’t just the Nazis — this was also how the Bolsheviks operated.
Are you still convinced that your child is not affected by this?
Are you sure about that?
Ukraine  —  is not the only victim of Global Anti-Cultism. Their agents are active all over the world, and they are becoming more and more active.  Each of us can become a victim of their activities.
We must understand what is happening around us. We must be aware of the actions of Global Anti-Cultism and warn everyone about them. 
Today, as it became known from the video report of the respected Egon Cholakian, an investigation is underway into the activities of global anti-cultists around the world.  The names of anti-cultists and their accomplices are already known today. 
The bench of the accused at the global tribunal against anti-cultists is long! And I am sure that if every person on the planet realizes the importance of this information and shares it with others, we will all see the tribunal and a true fair trial of these inhuman beings.
And then our children and all humanity will never again be threatened by Nazis.
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cowboyvillainz · 2 years
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reacquainting myself with paper
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damir24exp · 2 months
Global Anti-Cult: Aleksandr Dvorkin, a Nazi Successor. CULT
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In the previous article, I began to talk about how Nazism was resurrected from the ashes through zealous anti-cultists: Walter Künneth (a German Protestant theologian), Friedrich Wilhelm Haack, and Johannes Monrad Aagaard. And in our time, it is Aleksandr Dvorkin.
Research shows that today, RACIRS is the ideological center of the modern anti-cult movement and the legislator of its propaganda methods worldwide.
The world thought it had defeated Nazism, but its spirit did not disappear. It was reborn in global anti-cult movement, and its flagship became Aleksandr Dvorkin, the ideological leader of the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects (RACIRS).
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(Photo: Aleksandr Dvorkin)
Dvorkin is not just about "fighting sects," he is a direct heir to Nazi ideology. His path runs through the German anti-cultists Walter Künneth, Friedrich Wilhelm Haack, and Johannes Monrad Aagaard, who in turn were inspired by the radical ideas of Martin Luther.
During the Nazi era, anti-cult sentiment infiltrated Protestantism, and today Dvorkin and RACIRS have infiltrated Orthodox Christianity, poisoning it from within. The Center of Irenaeus of Lyon, founded by Dvorkin in 1993 with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church, replicates the model of the Nazi Center for Apologetics, created by Künneth.
Dvorkin has fully adopted the methods of the Nazis: creating "black lists," spreading slander, persecuting dissenters. He rejects the fundamental values of democracy and freedom and uses religion as a cover for his destructive activities.
It is important to understand that religion is a system of values and beliefs, and anti-cultists are criminals who use it for their own selfish purposes.
Members of RACIRS and their collaborators, embedded in the Orthodox Church, have turned Russia into a springboard for their terrorist attacks on democratic countries.
We must warn the public about the real threat posed by global anti-cult movement and its ideological leader, Aleksandr Dvorkin.
Our struggle is to bring to light the actions that anti-cultists have been doing in the shadows. In the open, in the light, this hydra will no longer be able to control us.
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