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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
“The Inquisition doesn't exist?”
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Accusations of sectarianism, aggressive anti-sectarian propaganda in the media - is happening in many countries today.
Do you think it doesn't affect you personally?
Pay attention how easy it is now to increase the level of intolerance towards national minorities, religious movements, various organizations all over the world. This information attack is carried out through the media.
Their scheme of work is as follows: accuse, ban, and people will kill the undesirable themselves.
For example, the result of many years of work of a network of anti-cult organizations in Russia and Ukraine became a brutal war, in which now mercilessly exterminate Slavs.
Behind all this is a network of anti-cult organizations organized all over the world. They have no nation and homeland. This is a single mechanism, operating on the same principles. Having the same goal. The interconnections of all anti-cultists are clearly traced, and in seemingly warring countries. 
A little history, and then I will tell the events of today. Every shallow person can far understand all the schemes of anti-cult organizations 
Remember who came to power in Germany in 1933?
And what started immediately? Mass propaganda against the Jews. First caricatures, then false stories about the connection of Jews with Communists, i.e. they brought Germans' consciousness under the fact that Jews are subhumans, they are not worthy to live. I.e. the level of intolerance towards Jews increased among the population. 
And what was the result of such processing of people's consciousness by anti-cultists? 
In 1933 Germans started coming to the police and asking them to deal with the Jews.
And then the whole mess began. 
 On April 1, 1933, the owners and employees of Jewish stores and businesses began a boycott; they refused to serve Jews. 
The next step: on April 7, a law came out to exclude Jews from government jobs. 
Then on September 15, 1935. - the Nuremberg Laws were passed, disenfranchising Jews. 
And as a consequence, on September 21, 1939, Jews began to be moved into ghettos. 
In the ghettos from 1940-1941 they were subjected to harsh living conditions, including starvation and disease. 
1941-1945 the Holocaust began.
Now let's look at what happened in China in the 1990s.
Falun Gong is a movement, a spiritual and health practice that emerged in the early 1990s based on the traditional health exercises of qigong and quickly became very widespread in China. 
There was no political background to Falun Gong, but Falun Gong was still banned, and followers were brutally persecuted and even dismantled for organs....
According to the results of sociological research, in 1999 the number of Falun Gong followers exceeded the number of members of the Communist Party of China.
Naturally, the authorities could not allow this to happen. Trace the consequences for the Falun Gong people.  
The first thing that was done was that in 1999, at the behest of the Chinese authorities, the magazine Science and Technology for Youth published an article in which Falun Gong was accused of causing harm to health, allegedly because of the rejection of traditional medicine. 
Then the Chinese authorities even set up an entire department to combat Falun Gong, the so-called 610 office. This department organized physical reprisals against Falun Gong followers. And the mass media published that Falun Gong followers commit suicide, maim their relatives and are dangerous for the society.
And what do you think ordinary Chinese people, whose consciousness was washed by such negative and false information from anti-cultists, started to do? 
After hearing or reading this information, they themselves started to ask law enforcement agencies to deal with Falun Gong. 
Further In 1999, the Chinese Parliament passed a law banning the Falun Gong movement. And as a consequence, in the next few years hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong representatives were behind bars. And the bodies of a huge number of Falun Gong dead began to be used simply as a living Organ Farm!!!
One of the witnesses said: “She was a teacher, teaching in a middle school..... We have been interrogating and brutally torturing her for a week now.... She was not herself... delirious... Then they sent two men. One was a military surgeon from the General Hospital... The other was a graduate of the Second Military Medical University.”
... Because of the limitations of social networks I will say briefly: she was simply taken apart without anesthesia right in front of a police officer who was a witness. 
So, the scheme is as follows: accuse, ban and people will kill them themselves.
That is, in Germany and China, exactly what the anti-cult-terrorists around the world are now so actively seeking - the legislative prohibition of alternative religious movements. 
As a consequence, freedom of speech and democratic principles will be banned, social networks will be banned, and no one will be able to say anything against the authorities. A worldwide digital concentration camp and tyranny will come. 
This network of anti-cult organizations are real extremists and terrorists who carry out genocide on a global scale.
Most of its members are mentally unhealthy people. Such concepts as honor, dignity and conscience are alien to them. They think they are the Inquisition of our time. 
But even such a “force” has a vulnerable place - it is glasnost. People all over the world should find out who they are, what they do, whose interests they pursue and by what methods they act. Then their further attempts to drive humanity into a concentration camp will not succeed. 
The only cure against these crimes is wide publicity. Therefore, everyone should share this information with others so that this plague will no longer take the lives of billions of people.
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
“Anti-Cultist Dworkin threatens you personally!”
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To be honest about Dvorkin the information was found after watching a video report of the American intelligence on the ESSC platform: “Grandmasters’ rematch. Secret Players Exposed” Videos — ESSC ( The speaker was Egon Cholakian from American intelligence. His regalia and titles pleasantly surprised me and so I decided to understand what he says in detail.
Briefly who is Dr. Egon Cholakian: (About Dr. Egon Cholakian: National Security Expert, Federal Lobbyist — U.S. Congress and White House. Registered Foreign Agent, U.S. Department of Justice — National Security Division. Member, International Association of Intelligence Educators, United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, and Founding Member. Worked with: 4 U.S. Presidents, 3 U.S. National Security Advisors, 1 Central Intelligence Agency Director).
So, let’s take a closer look at the one who threatens you personally, as they say, you should know the enemy by sight.
Dvorkin Alexander Leonidovich is considered a sect specialist and the founder of “sectology” in Russia. A mentally ill person. For 4 years he was treated in the Psychoneurological Dispensary. He was diagnosed with cyclothymia (manic-depressive psychosis), pathological development of personality, psychophysical infantilism. In 2014, documents from medical institutions where he was treated were published.
More than 50 media outlets confirmed this information, including Moskovsky Komsomolets, Novy Region IA, Tribuna, FederalPress IA, Radio City FM, IslamNews and others. And in June of the same year, Moskovskaya Pravda published an article confirming the authenticity of the psychiatric documents. Suddenly, Dvorkin confirmed that he had indeed been in a psychiatric hospital, but only to avoid military service. He acknowledged some of the documents, but he still considers most of them unreliable. These events revealed Dworkin as a man with mental problems and as a liar, revealing contradictions between his public image and reality.
It was further revealed that the newspaper Tribuna had revealed Dvorkin’s fascination with drugs in his youth, which got him kicked out of university.
Emigrating from the USSR to the USA, Dvorkin joined CAN (“Cult Awareness Network”), an organization dedicated to “deprogramming” followers of new religions. “Deprogramming” is direct mental and physical violence against people in order to change their point of view and betray their values and beliefs.
And here are the shocking facts: in 2000, an American court found CAN and several of its members guilty of kidnappings and assaults, which the court described as “so heinous in their nature and so staggering in their degree that they transcend all possible bounds of decency, are atrocious and totally unacceptable in civilized society.”
It is important for everyone to know that such “deprogramming” by anti-cult organizations is used against individuals, as well as entire organizations and even commercial structures in order to take away money, valuables both material and internal.
How Dworkin participates in economic crimes I will tell you in subsequent articles.
So, in 1991, the FBI began investigating CAN and Dworkin left the U.S. and moved to Germany and then Russia. He continued to maintain ties with CAN. And in 1994, he organized a seminar and invited CAN member Ronald Enroth to attend. In 1993, Dworkin visited Denmark at the invitation of Professor Ogård, which was the beginning of the St. Irenaeus of Lyon Center. Ogård began his anti-cultist activities in 1973 and worked with CAN and AFF (American Family Foundation), which was later renamed ICSA (International Cultic Studies Association) and became a member of FECRIS. Dworkin was vice president of FECRIS from 2009 to 2021.
The anti-cult organization FECRIS spreads anti-cult ideology throughout Europe and beyond and considers its mission to be anti-cult ideology. Some of FECRIS members have been prosecuted for hostile speech or for attempting to use kidnapping and deprogramming of people who have joined new religious movements to force them to abandon their new beliefs.
So, intermediate conclusion: Dworkin is a mentally ill person who directly influences heads of state (how does Dworkin influence the war between Russia and Ukraine and Putin himself? ask me and I’ll write an article for you).
The following conclusion: anti-cult organizations violate the rights of people, states.
For those who do not understand: there are no sects, but there are anti-cult organizations that decide who is a sectarian and who is not. And already after such a stigma begins the harassment with force and sexual perversions, persecution. And the worst thing is that no one is safe from this. There are known cases when relatives and “good friends” turned to encyclopedic organizations for “help” to return a relative or friend who fell away from them to the family. Browse a little internet and see how many stories of such victims at the hands of Dworkin and the method of “deprogramming”…
#Дворкин #антикультовыеорганизации #ЭгонЧолакян #депрограммирование
#секта #тоталитаризм #концлагерь #терроризм
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
"How anti-cultists operate"
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#anti-cultism and its horrible schemes to enslave people's minds is a hot topic in the media space. More than once we have come across blogs where people study in detail the work of anticultists. I myself have only recently become acquainted with this subject. I just recently watched a video with a respected doctor, teacher of American intelligence Egon Cholakyan on the platform:
(by the way this video is translated into different languages on different YouTube channels).  He tells in detail the actions of the KGB Hydra, the shadow side, the architects of the world. He revealed it on the example of the organization "ALLATRA". What is the organization "ALLATRA" you can read in my previous articles.
So, a simple example: you see two classic slanderous articles about the organization "ALLATRA".
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It is easy to see that they have similar names, and also contain the same demonizing phrases and labels, the same negative rhetoric against this organization and its volunteers.
demonizing phrases and labels, the same negative rhetoric against the organization and its volunteers.  But you can also see that despite the obvious similarities, these articles were published by different authors, in different publications and even in different countries: Ukraine and Russia. Note, these countries, which since 2014 have been actively opposing each other. And since 2022 are in a state of acute military conflict and their usual rhetoric in the media space is always diametrically opposed. 
 Note that in order to stigmatize ALLATRA both in Russia and in Ukraine the same stigmatizing terms are used: "sect", "totalitarian sect" and "destructive sect". I learned that such terms are characteristic of post-Soviet countries. These terms have been purposefully introduced and disseminated in order to form negative attitudes toward those to whom they are applied. Since 1993, the term "totalitarian sect" has been widely used. This term is applied to organizations that are dangerous, cause physical or moral harm to people and society.  The term destructive sect is a synonym for the term "destructive cult". Thus, by using the term "destructive sect" in relation to the organization "ALLATRA" journalists - authors of
libelous articles in both countries without trial and investigation accuse the members of ALLATRA of harming people and society. Although in fact the participants of the organization "ALLATRA" did not commit any crimes. 
Also, I noticed that the texts of articles from two countries: Russia and Ukraine have identical rhetoric. I.e. they use the same pejorative comparisons, the same phrases taken out of the general context. I also noted that journalists exploit the current enmity between these countries and build false accusations against ALLATRA depending on the political and ideological sentiments of the inhabitants of one or another country. 
Pay attention to the following: 
for residents of Russia, journalists apply labels to ALLATRA: "pro-Ukrainian sect", "pro-American sect", sect financed by the West, as a project of the Security Service of Ukraine SBU, and so on. 
- and for residents of Ukraine on the contrary, journalists apply the labels "pro-Russian sect", "sect of the Russian world", "FSB project" of the Federal Security Service of Russia, "pro-Putin sect", "sect that prays to Putin", "sect where Putin is their god". 
As I understood from the words of respected E. Cholakyan: "This method is based on making accusations that have no real grounds, but serve as a trigger for negative resonance within the country concerned".
Look again at the scheme of action of anti-cultists:
- according to the discrediting campaign organized by the KGB in Russia ALLATRA is pro-Ukrainian and financed by the West. 
- and in Ukraine ALLATRA is pro-Russian and financed by the special services of Russia. 
Note that these accusations contradict each other. 
I.e. when the same methods of discrediting are used in different countries, when even the titles of articles sound the same and only the names of special services change depending on the audience, it indicates a carefully planned campaign of disinformation, which has a single customer. Thus it becomes obvious that there is some third party interested in this. And this third party has influence on the media in both countries and its influence remains as strong even in times of military conflict.  This force is the KGB hydra. 
It is important to realize that for the KGB hydra, the current war between the two countries is just one strategic step in a long-term strategy to destroy the foundations of democracy in our society and America as a nation. 
In the following articles I will continue to review the actions of the anti-cultists. 
#antikultism #antikultist #Allatra #sect #terrorism #extremism #shadow side #architects of the world #Ukraine #Russia #destructive sect #totalitarian sect #KGB #EgonCholakian #stigmatizing terms
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
“Russian #disinformation could skew EU election results.”
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The statement by Ursula von der Leyen — President of the European Commission on May 17 of this year once again encouraged me to continue looking into the topic of #disinformation
Surprisingly, when I paid attention to this topic, I immediately began to notice a lot of information on the subject.
In the article it is stated that the President of the European Commission, if she manages to hold the same post for another term, will first of all pay attention to strengthening the EU’s defense against malicious disinformation coming from Moscow. She emphasized that this is top of the agenda in Brussels and across the bloc, with the European Parliament elections less than a month away and hostile actors using sophisticated tools such as generative AI. The article even suggested that Russian #disinformation could skew the EU election results.
It brought up images from my childhood, when everyone was afraid of the 80 Olympics in Moscow because they were expecting terrorist attacks from the US. And then I asked myself: why the whole world is divided into two camps in “their” beliefs:
1) that the threat comes from Russia
2) that the threat comes from the United States
Which category do you fall into?
Doesn’t it surprise you?
I think everyone has such “their” point of view in their heads. Until recently, I too thought that I soberly and critically perceived all information in the media. BUT! I’ve recently learned that #disinformation
comes from KGB agents who have been secretly operating since 1993. The main threat from the KGB is the destruction of democracy around the world.
Hydra is what the respected E. Cholakyan called the KGB. Because they act absolutely secretly and unnoticed through the introduction of negative images into people’s consciousness, which later lead to wars, conflicts, revolutions and eventually to a totalitarian concentration camp.
Yes, but I wonder why most of humanity believes that the threat is coming from Russia. And the answer is on the surface. The fact is that on the territory of the three countries of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus the KGB positions are the strongest. And the Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians suffer most of all from the actions of the KGB…..
When I heard that Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, said that it is necessary to fight against Russian disinformation, I realized that through Ukraine as a bridge to Europe, this KGB Hydra is already reaching the United States. And as it is known, the USA is the stronghold of democracy in the whole world. And having undermined democracy in the USA, all people of the planet will become a prisoner in a digital concentration camp for the KGB.
#EgonCholakian said that: “According to our data in this operation, the enemy does not limit themselves in their choices. For the sake of achieving their goal, they are ready to sacrifice both human lives, political figures and their former territories. They are even willing to allow a full-scale nuclear conflict if it suits their long-term strategy. We must take this information into account in our
strategic planning and preparation for the defense of national security.”
Let me remind you once again that the KGB’s influence on people’s minds is through the introduction of negative thought patterns that gradually lead to the undermining of human rights, freedoms and the values of democracy around the world.
Be careful and attentive to any information.
#narrative #artificial #cyberspionage #cybersecurity #disinformation #confidential #elections #EU elections #EU #EU #European Parliament #hacking attacks #state #anticultism #I #EU elections #2024 #video report #KGB #hydra #image #EgonCholakian #consciousness #USA #Russia #Ukraine #Belarus
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Defense of Democracy or what does Yoga have to do with it?
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In my previous articles I have raised concerns about the fact that the leaders of the anti-cultists are people with mental disorders. It is important to think about where their distorted imagination can lead and how it affects each of us personally. Today we will look at a topic close to many hearts: yoga.
According to A. Dvorkin (more about him in my previous articles), every woman who practices yoga is a member of a cult. That's right, friends, by this logic you, me, all of us who have ever gotten up on a mat are supposedly sectarians. And we're not just talking about personal beliefs right now; anti-cultists have a profound impact on our daily lives. Don't believe me?
But let's step back for a moment and consider the bigger picture. You may argue that you are not part of any community, so it doesn't concern you. But remember that the goal of the anti-cultists is to create a network of agents of influence. It's not just about silencing movements, it's about manipulating individuals for political purposes. This directly affects our lives - our taxes, our fears, our freedoms. If we remain silent, we allow them to cross a line beyond which democracy and freedom cease to exist.
Consider this: even U.S. intelligence, represented by someone as respected as Egon Cholakian, warns against misinformation. Egon Cholakian and his colleagues have uncovered the schemes of the anti-cultists (Earth Save Science Collaborative) and their plan to sow civil unrest, starting in Ukraine and targeting civil war in the US. They discredit various organizations, religious or otherwise, foment religious and social intolerance, contributing to cultural decline in Europe.
For example, recent research in Europe has uncovered the mechanics of culture war. It is akin to a human clash, where people from different groups begin to despise each other, becoming enemies. This is exactly what the anti-cultists are aiming for: to sow chaos in people's minds, which will eventually manifest itself in reality.
As champions of democracy and freedom, it is our responsibility to fight this misinformation by defending our values. Let us unite against the forces that seek to divide us and undermine democracy around the world.
#DefendDemocracy #UnitedAgainstMisinformation #FreedomPrevails
#yoga #war #antikultists #antikultists #antikultists #europe #france #dworkin #hate #cultural warfare
#DefendYoga #StandUpForFreedom #StopPersecution
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Is it 37 in Russia again?
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Today let's talk about Russia.
If you are familiar with the history of the USSR, you realize that the anti-cultists, who are a disguise for the architects of people's consciousness have achieved effective results in mastering the architecture of human consciousness. They have succeeded in the practical implementation of the narratives and thoughts they need into people's consciousness. The whole world knows that in the USSR the anti-cultists managed to control the mood of the masses, and to make people agree with the totalitarian regime. 
But now the time of the USSR has passed, you will say. Time has passed, and the methods and schemes of work of anti-cultists remained unchanged.  After all, in modern Russia, the anti-cult movement is a propaganda watchdog that wages a highly effective information war against undesirable secular and religious organizations throughout Russia. And this is how the anti-cultists operate in many other countries where their influence persists. 
But since we decided to talk about Russia today, here are the facts. The leading post of the anti-cult organization in the Russian Federation is held by Alexander Dvorkin - a person with a diagnosed mental disorder....
The question arises: why such a post continues to be held by a mentally ill person?
Who do you think: who benefits from the fact that the post of the Chief Inquisitor of the Russian Federation is occupied by a mentally ill person?
The next question that naturally arises after this: who suffers first of all from such a mentally ill person, who can label any person or organization at any time as “sectarian” and harass them?
I should note that it was Alexander Dvorkin who in 1993 introduced the term “totalitarian sect” into wide use and began to methodically brand all organizations inconvenient for the ROC with this label. 
Judge for yourself: as a result of the actions of Alexander Dvorkin and his anti-cult group, Article 14 and Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation essentially ceased to exist, becoming a formality. These articles were supposed to guarantee that “no religion may be established as a state religion,” that all “religious organizations are equal before the law,” and that “propaganda of religious superiority is prohibited.” They proclaimed that “every citizen of Russia is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech” and that “no one may be forced to renounce his beliefs.” But now they no longer work. And undermining these basic fundamental human rights is a direct return to totalitarianism and tyranny.
As for Russia, there Orthodoxy of the Moscow patriarchate is already becoming the titular religion. And this is being done quite demonstratively. Pay attention to WHO at almost all important state meetings is either next to Putin or in the front rows. Do you see representatives of all religions next to Putin, or just one? Where are the other leaders of other religions? 
The Constitution of the Russian Federation says that all religions should be separated from the state, but in fact all religions are separated, EXCEPT ONE. Notice that while the church and its anti-cult group brand the others as “totalitarian sect”, they themselves create their own totalitarian religion.
Now look even further.
Dworkin has been pushing for harsh measures against various religious organizations for years, initiating their persecution and harassment. His anti-cult organization has contributed to the demonization of Islam on the territory of the Russian Federation.
In fact, today, a targeted campaign to eradicate religious diversity on the territory of Russia and beyond is being implemented at the behest of this man. Although this is completely contrary to democracy and can cause social conflicts - which is already noticeable in the context of the events currently taking place in Russia. 
And after this information, a third legitimate question arises: is it 1937 in Russia again? 
#Putin #grossmaster #RF #Russia #question
#Islam #caextermism #democracy #dvorkin #moscowpatriarch #totalitariansect #ROC #anticultism #religion #narrative #disinformation #state #EgonCholakian #USA   
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Disinformation in electoral processes can seriously destabilize the legitimacy of newly elected governments
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I continue to examine myself and share with you, dear readers, my understanding of the perniciousness of disinformation.
In my previous articles, you will be able to read quite a lot of information on this issue. 
In the last article I promised to tell you how disinflation can affect elections in any country in the world.
To do so, I will start with the Global Risks Report 2024 | World Economic Forum ( To start with a quote, “Over the next two years, about three billion people will go to the polls in several countries, including the United States, India, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and Indonesia. The presence of inaccurate information and misinformation in these electoral processes could seriously destabilize the real and perceived legitimacy of newly elected governments, risking political unrest, violence and terrorism, and long-term erosion of democratic processes.”
Let me give you a definition of the word Legitimacy - it is the voluntary agreement of the people that the state authority has the right to make certain decisions concerning the whole country.
Now that you and I have the general concepts, let's understand all of this based on the video report of the esteemed Dr. Egon Cholakian - a specialist in OSINT (open data intelligence) and the fight against disinformation
As outlined by Egon Cholakian in his video report, which compiles 30 years of US intelligence material, the main goal of the anti-cultists is to destabilize and undermine the integrity of the United States of America as an act of retaliation for their past defeat (I will discuss this in future articles). Their objective is specific - the destruction of America by any means available.
To quote from a video report by the esteemed Egon Cholakian: “Their ambitions are centered on the advantage of their incognito and the ability to overpower American intelligence agencies, which is a matter of honor for them. They operate stealthily, under the noses of the world's intelligence services.  After all, everyone is sure that their structure does not exist. But this “third force” methodically breaks the plans in crisis resolution and joint agreements, arranges its political figures as on a chessboard, in the actions of which at first glance there is no logic. But logic is easy to understand if you know that there is an invisible third force behind their actions.
And this does not mean that the first persons of the countries making seemingly illogical statements are recruited by agents of this structure. Our investigation has revealed that the architects of consciousness are able to put the necessary destructive image into the consciousness of the target object through a chain of five people. In this case, the object perceives this image as its own thought or as an idea with a clearly defined goal for subsequent actions. But in fact it begins to fulfill strategic tasks necessary for them.
This explains why even the first persons of states can make illogical statements, act against common sense and wreak havoc. Now imagine investing a destructive image in the leader of a nuclear power. Imagine what the consequences of this would be for all of humanity. Today, the threat of nuclear war is as real as the setting of the sun.”
Now let's get down to understanding how disinformation affects elections. As reported by the esteemed Egon Cholakian: “I declare with a reasonable degree of confidence that I have every reason to believe that the upcoming U.S. elections in November will be held with minimal interference from anti-cultists (a third force). However, the next US election cycle in 2028 will be a completely different story. At this point, I am certain that the anti-cultists will have complete control over the mechanism of influencing the national elections in the U.S., which will lead to a subsequent civil war in the United States (resulting from the U.S. political division organized by the anti-cultists) in which Americans will kill each other with brutality and hatred, not even realizing that they are doing it for the sake of the anti-cultists' victory.
After this information I had a question: Is the democratic world and America doomed if all the media and journalists can be bribed by the anti-cultists?
The answer to this question is given by the honorable Egon Cholakian: “No. Not all media outlets are false and not all journalists are ready to become traitors to their homeland and agents of the anti-cultists. And this is another of the reasons why the anti-cultists are interested in the duration and resonance of disinformation campaigns. It takes time to identify idiot journalists willing to sell democracy for a dime, because they are a minority.”
Let me be blunt - such information is shocking and sobering. 
Dear readers, residents of the entire free democratic community, I appeal to everyone to be vigilant, to take the topic of disinformation from anti-cultists with great seriousness. Now we are all facing a threat that has no analogues. This is a weapon aimed at the very basis of our society - at the consciousness of every citizen, and traditional methods of defense simply cannot effectively resist this attack. 
These methods penetrate deeper than any ballistic missiles and require a new approach to defense. And that defense cannot be built without your personal involvement.
Stay alert!
#davos forum #economy #europe #europe #european union #report #disinformation #report #cybersecurity #antikultists #antikult #StandUpForFreedom #StopPersecution
#democracy #antikultists #narrative #disinformation #EgonCholakian #USA 
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
FECRIS: from deprogramming to the destruction of democracy
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In last week's article I promised to reveal the truth about FECRIS, how this organization masquerading as a fighter against “cults” is actually a dangerous tool to undermine democracy and religious freedom.
And today I will present to you the evidence of their actions.  Evidence that speaks for itself.
FECRIS and its subdivisions are not peaceful activists.  They use methods of violence and manipulation to achieve their goals.
 In Spain, for example, AIS/PRO Juventud, a division of FECRIS, has used the technique of “deprogramming.”  This technique involves kidnapping a person, holding him against his will, and forcibly listening to negative statements about his group.  The European Court of Human Rights found AIS/Pro Juventud guilty of violating the freedom of its victims.
In Switzerland, SADK, also a division of FECRIS, was sentenced to prison for attempting to forcibly deprogram a member of the Krishna movement.  This proves that FECRIS and its subdivisions are not squeamish about violence and harassment.
In Germany, Sect-info Essen, a division of FECRIS, spread false information about the religious group Thakara Singh and was fined by a court.  In France, UNADFI, a division of FECRIS, was accused of defamation against Jehovah's Witnesses and the Church of Scientology.
All these facts show that FECRIS is not a fighter against “cults” but an organization that uses false accusations and violence to undermine religious freedom and democracy.
But what is even more disturbing is that FECRIS has a broad political agenda.  
The esteemed Egon Cholakian told us that FECRIS is a foreign intelligence tool and its goal is to undermine the integrity of the United States and destroy the foundations of our democracy.
All of this should give us pause for thought.  FECRIS is not just a group of malcontents.  It is an organization with ambitious and dangerous goals.  And we all need to keep a close eye on their actions.
We Americans have always fought for freedom and democracy.  We will not allow FECRIS to undermine our values.  We must be vigilant and resist their propaganda.  We must defend our freedom and our democracy.
Stay tuned for my next publications.  I will continue to investigate FECRIS and share important information with you.
If you liked the article, please applaud, like, repost and comment.
#FECRIS #UN #disinformation #cybersecurity #anti-cults #StandUpForFreedom #StopPersecution #democracy #EgonCholakian #USA
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
How FECRIS is embedded in the governance of countries
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Recently I came across the book “Freedom of Religion or Belief Anti-Sect Movements and State Neutrality A Case Study: FECRIS”.  It is freely available and even in several languages. And since after the information that was voiced by the honorable Egon Cholakian “Undeclared War: America is Under Attack”, I decided to read this book in more detail with the facts I already have from Egon Cholakian's video report.
So, you and I already know that freedom and democracy for all of us hangs in the balance because of the destructive activities of the anti-cultists, particularly FECRIS. So I dived into a more detailed study of how and when this organization was created, who is behind it, who is funding it? And the most important thing that interested me personally was which countries it has offices in.
Because knowing how FECRIS is represented in this or that country you can already find information related to its destructive activities. And conduct a personal investigation into what their deprogramming methods lead to. I have already mentioned in my articles that deprogramming is violent methods of abandoning one's beliefs and convictions. I must say that I have found information from psychologists that if you take away a person's beliefs, his ideals, he turns into an absolute slave because the foundation of his values is destroyed. 
That's why everyone in the world should be aware of the activities of anti-Kultists, know and understand their methods of influencing people's consciousness (about what Egon Cholakian told in detail by the way). Knowing the schemes of their work, first of all, we will be able to find more evidence that this plague is growing and is already consuming not only organizations and individual politicians, but also entire countries (Russia and North Korea are examples of this).
So, FECRIS was founded in Paris on 30 June 1994 at the instigation of the French anti-sect association UNADFI (National Union of Associations for the Defence of Family and the Individual).1 Its first seat was at UNADFI’s address: 10 rue du Père Julien Dhuit, 75020 Paris. Later, its seat was transferred to the same place as the GEMPPI (Study Group on Worldviews for the Protection of the Individual)2 in Marseille3 the President of which is Mr. Didier Pachoud.
GEMPPI was founded in 1988. It claims to be a partner of CCMM – the Centre Against Mental Manipulations6 , another member of FECRIS in France – and it enjoys the support of the General Council of the Département of the Bouches du Rhône7 and of Marseille8 . It is affiliated to FECRIS. FECRIS is mainly financed by the French State. The share of donations by individual members is very small in comparison with the public funding the organization receives. It can therefore be said that France is deeply involved in the functioning of FECRIS. In 2005, FECRIS got the participatory status as INGO (International Non-Governmental Organization) at the Council of Europe. 
In 2009, FECRIS obtained consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN) and has hereby access to the UN in New York, Geneva and Vienna. This anti-sect group has become legitimized interlocutor of the media and public powers.
It is also noteworthy that the list of movements affiliated to FECRIS is growing. 
I present to you a list of countries in which 34 FECRIS units are represented.
According to the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) as of June 1, 2021:
FECRIS Members:
ARMENIAN.S.S. – National Spiritual Security AUSTRIA G.S.K. – Gesellschaft gegen Sekten- und Kultgefahren
BELGIUMAVISO asbl – Aide aux Victimes des Sectes
BULGARIAC.R.N.R.M. – Center for Research of New Religious Movements
CROATIAC.I.S.K.- Centre for Information on Sects and Cults FINLAND U.U.T. – Uskontojen Uhrien Tuki Ry (Support Group for the Victims of Religions
FRANCEC.C.M.M. – Centre de documentation, d’éducation et d’action Contre les Manipulations Mentales G.E.M.P.P.I. – Groupe d’étude des mouvements de pensée en vue de la prévention des individus Secticide U.N.A.D.F.I. – Union nationale des Associations de Défense des Familles et de l’Individu victimes de sects
GERMANYAGPF – Aktion für Geistige und Psychische Freiheit e.V. Sektenberatung Bremen Sekten-Info Nordrhein-Westfalen
ITALYCeSAP – Centro Studi Abusi Psicologici FA.VI.S – Associazione Nazionale Familiari delle Vittime delle Sette
POLANDR.O.R.I.J.- Ruch obrony Rodziny i Jednostki
RUSSIAC.R.S. – Center of Religious Studies
SERBIAC.A.S. – Center for Anthropological Studies
SPAINA.I.S. – Atención e Investigación de Socioadicciones
SWEDENFRI – Föreningen Rädda Individen
SWITZERLANDA.S.D.F.I. – Association Suisse de Défense des Familles et de l’Individu S.A.D.K. – Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft gegen destruktive Kult
UKRAINEF.P.P.S. – Family and Personality Protection Society
UNITED KINGDOMThe Family Survival Trust (former FAIR)
European Correspondents:
ITALYAssociazione S.O.S. ANTIPLAGIO onlus
BELGIUMA.V.P.I.M. – Association des Victimes des Pratiques Illégales de la Médecine S.A.S. – Studie- en Adviesgroep Sekten
BELARUSC.N.R.M.S. – Center of New Religious Movements Studies
CYPRUSP.P.U. – Pancyprian Parents Union
FRANCEA.F.S.I. – Alerte Faux Souvenirs Induits Association Sentinelle ATTENF – Attention Enfants C.L.P.S. – Cercle Laïque pour la Prévention du Sectarisme
GERMANYArtikel 4 – Initiative für Glaubensfreiheit e.V. Dialog Zentrum Berlin KAZAKHSTANAssociation of Religious Studies Centers
LATVIAL.C.C.T.S. – Latvian Committee for Combating the Totalitarian Sects
LITHUANIAC.P.B.- Cult Prevention Bureau
MONTENEGRODefendologija – Centre for Security, Sociological and Criminological Research
NORWAYFRI-Norge – Foreningen Redd Individet
RUSSIAC.R.S.S. – Center of Religious Studies – Saratov I.C.C.S. – Informational Consulting Center on Sectarianism
SPAINAIIAP – Asociación Iberoamericana para la Investigación del Abuso Psicológico RedUNE – Prevención del Abuso de Debilitad y Derivas Sectarias RIES – Red Iberoamericana de Estudio de las Sectas  (Successor of Fundación S.P.E.S., Argentina)
SWEDENRAM – Riksorganisationen Aktiva mot Manipulering
UKRAINEDneprpetrovsk City Center for the help to Victims of Destructive Cults “Dialogue” Ukrainian National Center Of Religious Safety And Help To Victims Of Destructive Cults “Dialogue” U.N.I.A. – Ukrainian Network “InterAction”
UNITED KINGDOMDialog Centre UK F.S.G. – Family Support Group RETIRN – Re-Entry Therapy, Information & Referral Network
 Non-European Correspondents:
AUSTRALIAC.I.F.S. – Cult Information and Family Support Inc.
ISRAELForum Against Cults I.C.V.C. – The Israeli Center for Victims of Cults
UNITES STATESI.C.S.A. – International Cultic Studies Association (formerly A.F.F. – American Family Foundation)
Source: CAP LC
However, according to observers of the anti-sect phenomenon, this growth is due to the 
fact that FECRIS is just a melting pot of associations with various, even contradictory, vested interests which see an opportunity to ally to fight against 
religious minorities. It is experiencing internal dissensions, which is understandable as it has lumped together competing traditional religions, such as the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches, and anti-religious movements, such as atheistic associations. 
Obviously, since anti-cultists, in this example FECRIS, have offices in at least 34 countries of the world, they really have the most direct influence on the heads of various states, on the adoption of the most important laws concerning the rights, freedoms and democracy for each person. (for example, pay attention to what is happening now in Russia. I have given a number of facts on this issue in my previous articles). 
I understand that if each of us today does not realize that he is personally in danger of being deprived of his rights and freedoms at any moment, the world is doomed to a digital concentration camp. 
If we as a public do not stand now in defense of our rights and freedoms, our democracy, then in the near future a totalitarian regime will be waiting for us (who is interested? Read my previous articles).
The continuation follows...
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Ursula von der Leyen and Dr. Egon Cholakian in the fight against disinformation
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Dear my readers, studying the topic of anti-cultism, I can unequivocally say that we are facing a crisis of democracy itself.  And this is happening not only in distant countries, but this crisis has affected even the countries of Europe and the United States with strong democratic traditions.
For years we were told that democracy was the best form of government.  We proudly called ourselves the "land of the free" and the "home of the brave." But something is changing, there is a subtle shift in the foundations of our nation. The very principles of free speech, free elections, and a fair justice system are under attack.  And our enemies are hiding in plain sight, wielding a weapon more insidious than any tank or missile: disinformation.
Disinformation is destroying democracies around the world.
"Over 270 pro-democracy organizations, Nobel laureates and political and civic leaders-including former heads of state and government and EU leaders-have signed an open letter urging newly elected EU leaders to defend democracy."
Source: Democracy Under Siege. Ursula Von der Leyen and Dr. Egon Cholakian on Combating Hybrid Warfare and Disinformation (
Dr. Egon Cholakian, a national security expert who has spent more than 30 years studying the patterns of activity of anti-cultists who use disinformation to destroy democracy around the world.  The esteemed Egon Cholakian has uncovered a hidden structure working to undermine democracy from within.   Read the results of a 30-year study by U.S. intelligence here:
 analytical video report
Through disinformation, lies are spread, public opinion is manipulated, mistrust is created and people around the world are confronted.  
But how can we fight an enemy that we cannot see at first glance, an enemy that operates in the shadows? 
In their analytical video report the US intelligence in the person of Egon Cholakian demonstrated on the example of the 10-year disinformation campaign against the ALLATRA International Public Movement the schemes of action of the shadow structure through disinformation.
Let me remind you, my readers, that the ALLATRA International Public Movement consists of volunteers from more than 180 countries of the world.  ALLATRA is actively involved in solving the climate crisis and promoting democratic principles. 
It was through the study of the pattern of suppression, slander and disinformation against the activities of ALLATRA and its volunteers by the shadowy force of anti-cultists that US intelligence and Egon Cholakian were able to get a comprehensive rather than fragmentary insight into the tactical methods of the enemy, which allowed them to develop an effective line of counteraction against him.
In the fight against the epidemic of "disinformation", there was also a proposal to create a reliable shield "against the penetration of anti-democratic destructive narratives into the fabric of society". To create "an independent supranational civil organization with a special status, uniting all democratic forces."
Also, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, proposes the creation of a "European Democratic Shield" that will identify and address misinformation on the Internet based on EU digital rules and the Digital Services Act.
I like the fact that this problem is being discussed at all levels. I am sure that when every person on the planet realizes that disinformation threatens their rights and freedom, politicians around the world will find peaceful ways to create an independent supranational civil organization with a special status, uniting all democratic forces 
What do you think about this?
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Anti-Cultists destroy families, parents' and children's problems
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Many people will say that the activities of anti-cultists do not concern you, and nothing like this will happen to you. You can read more about the activities of anti-cultists in my previous articles 
I write articles on different topics united by a single red thread: how anti-cultists are destroying democracy all over the world, interfering in all spheres of society.
Because of anti-cultists, children lose their parents - or parents of children, depending on who is a member of the "sect". "Sect" anti-cultists call any organization, person or even country who does not submit to their totalitarian regime. So by taking away a little bit of rights and freedoms in every sphere of our lives they are driving all of humanity into a totalitarian digital concentration camp. Because of anti-cultists, companies are losing highly productive workers, schools are losing teachers, institutes are losing specialists, and universities are losing professors. All of this demonstrates that the problem of disinformation from anti-cultsites exists on a broad societal scale.
Let me remind you that one of the methods used by anti-cultists to forcibly get rid of their beliefs is deprogramming of the mind. They call it "exit counseling" (exit counseling). 
In France, in August 2011, in the city of Nice, parents forced their daughter, who was 24 years old, into a car, handcuffed her and gave her a stupefying drug, and then drove her in a wheelchair to Corsica. According to her parents, they were advised to do this by an anti-cult organization to get her out of the influence of her boyfriend, who was said to be a "cultist" 
It is important to know that anti-cultists operate through countries' legislation, t.o. obliges to fight dissenters. Here's an example: After the president of the anti-cult organization MIVILUDES made certain recommendations to the French Prime Minister in his report, then "legal deprogramming" officially appeared in France.
After that, the anti-cult organizations UNADFI and CCMM officially announced that they would monitor the "victims" of their beliefs: "This cooperation will also help in monitoring the faith victims after the operation is over, in particular in supervising them in case they are not cared for by their families. It is very important to ensure that a disbanded group does not reunite."
This is total control of people under the plausible pretext of helping them.
The above-mentioned report by the anti-cult organization MIVILUDES states: "The main characteristic of this type of operation is the concern for believers who do not realize that they are in a dependent state and who may have strong emotional reactions at the time of detention and in the hours that follow. According to this theory, the presence of a mediation team consisting of a psychologist and representatives of victim assistance organizations (general or special) allows for better care of minors and believers." The report recommends the involvement of associations specializing in "sectarian deviations", 
Here is another example of the harsh impact of anti-cultists on basic human values: the family.
In South Korea in 2018, 120,000 people protested after a high-profile and far from isolated case of deprogramming murder.  The parents of a 27-year-old girl they wanted to break out of a "cult" and convert to their faith strangled their daughter in a deprogramming session led by Christian anti-cultists.
It is important to know that despite the fact that Korean citizens were outraged by the activities of the anti-cultists and the lack of action from the authorities and law enforcement agencies who tried to write this not an isolated case off as a family conflict, however, things like this continue to happen all over the world.
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
The "White Thread" Game: How Anti-Cultists Manipulate Public Opinion
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In the fight against the "cult threat," anti-cult groups often employ methods that raise serious questions about their ethics and objectivity. This article will explore one of their tactics, exposed byEgon Cholakian, a U.S. intelligence expert – the "white thread sewn into a black cloth" method.
 "White Thread" and Its Destructive Power
This method involves creating an artificial link between the targeted organization chosen as a victim by anti-cultists and entities with a genuinely negative reputation – destructive, terrorist, or extremist organizations.  As Egon Cholakian aptly stated in his analytical video report: "Just as a white thread sewn into black cloth appears gray from afar and one needs to look closely to see its true color, so it is with uncovering the truth about an organization's activities. However, taking advantage of the fact that most people simply do not have the time to double-check or deeply analyze the information they receive, the architects of consciousness skillfully manipulate images and create the desired opinion about the target organization or individual through such publications."
Example: The Death of a Woman and Her Children
In 2011, following the tragic death of a woman and her children, the anti-cult organizations MIVILUDES (Interministerial Mission for Vigilance and Combat against Sectarian Abuses) and UNADFI (National Union of Associations for the Defense of Families and the Individual) attempted, in their public statements, to link this crime to a "closed prayer group" to which the victims belonged. This was publicly announced by anti-cultists on May 10, 2011, in the newspaper "Le Monde." This is how anti-cultists sewed the white thread into the black cloth.
Despite the fact that the public prosecutor found no evidence of a link between the murder and the "sect," MIVILUDES and UNADFI created the impression among the public that the religious group was responsible for the tragedy. The "white thread" method was used to its full extent to discredit and vilify the religious group.
How Can We Protect Our Minds?
So how do we all protect our consciousness from the destructive images and narratives imposed on us by anti-cultists? Here's what Egon Cholakian, a representative of American intelligence, said on this subject: "If we see, hear, or read information that contains a model of discontent, denial, hatred, disappointment with one's country and its people, then we must not let these messages pass through our critical thinking, and we must consciously stop them. Just as we care for the cleanliness of our homes, we must care for the cleanliness of our minds, protecting them from the penetration of poisonous thoughts imposed by the shadow side."
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Sect Phobia in Austria: Anti-Cultures
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Today I will tell you about my research on how the anti-cult movement emerged in Austria.
After World War I, with the fall of the Austrian monarchy, the new government took a course towards the separation of religion from the state, which, however, did not affect the dominant position of the Catholic Church.
The rise of new religious groups began to cause concern for the Catholic Church and the Evangelical (Lutheran) Church. Instead of welcoming diversity, they began to denounce new religious groups as "sects" and "threats to society," "embodiments of evil".
Therefore, representatives of the authorities, religious and anti-cult organizations began to widely use labels that belittled the dignity of people belonging to non-traditional beliefs.
For example, in 1997, the Minister of Education stated that, in her estimation, there were 500–600 religious groups operating in Austria, which represented a "potential danger to people"; according to her assessment, so-called "sects" had 200,000 sympathizers and 50,000 "followers" (1996).
As early as 1998, Austria adopted a strict law on religion, the purpose of which was to ensure that minor denominations did not have the rights and privileges granted to dominant religions. A multi-level system of official recognition of religions did not allow religious organizations to obtain privileged status as "religious groups" if their existence in Austria was less than 20 years, and the number of members did not reach at least 0.02% of the population (approximately 16,500 people).
I wrote about this in the article "Totalitarian Religion".
(By the way, Egon Cholakian, an American intelligence instructor, talked about how Orthodoxy is now being made a titular, totalitarian religion in Russia, despite the law allowing religious diversity in the country).
Now I will show how, despite the fact that anti-cultists violate people's rights, despite the laws, anti-cult organizations continue their attacks on people and organizations.
Regarding the law I mentioned above, passed in 1998 in Austria, 
This is how easily anti-cultists violate international standards of social and legal protection, creating the prerequisites for totalitarian control.
The paradox is that anti-cultists fuel sect phobia.
Here is an example:
At the initiative of the anti-cult organization "Council of Parents," in 1982, the former Federal Ministry of Education and Arts published a booklet entitled "Youth Religions in Austria." The term "youth religions" originated in German-speaking regions of Europe and is used to refer to new religious movements that have spread among educated young people. In 1987, the federal ministries responsible for family affairs, education, health, and consumer protection published a second edition of this booklet, "informing 'concerned' parents, teachers, youth counselors, as well as young people themselves about so-called 'youth religions' that are very active in Austria." Among the groups discussed were: the Unification Church (Moon sect), Scientology, the Rajneesh (Osho) movement, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the "New Acropolis" movement (based on Theosophical movements), etc.
As esteemed Egon Cholakian, an instructor at American intelligence, said, despite the fact that anti-cultists operate in different countries, there is a striking similarity in their actions:
The use of the same stigmatizing terms: "sect," "totalitarian sect," "destructive sect," "cult."
These terms are starting to be used by civil servants, politicians, religious and anti-cult representatives, as well as "concerned" citizens.
I will make a preliminary conclusion:
The anti-cult campaign in Austria poses a serious threat to freedom and democracy and is based on discrimination against new and small religious groups. This process is not limited to Austria and is part of a global trend towards establishing control over people's consciousness through the use of anti-cult rhetoric.
Continuation follows....
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Demonization as a Weapon in the Anti-Cult Information War
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Studying the destructive actions of anti-cultists, I am truly shocked by the scale of their activities in Austria and around the world. The information available to me clearly indicates that under the guise of fighting "sects", forces are operating that are pursuing goals of enslaving all of humanity.
One striking example is the activities of the organization FECRIS (Federation of European Centres of Research and Information on Cults) and its Austrian branch - the Society for Combating the Dangers of Sects and Cults (GSK). In May 2005, they organized an international conference in Vienna, which received funding from the French government.
Anti-cultists' Action Patterns:
It is important to note that anti-cultists never give the organizations or people they criticize the opportunity to speak out and express their point of view. That is, anti-cultists present information one-sidedly, based on rumors, suspicions, but not on facts. Descriptions of such groups abound in generalizations that have no factual basis, which calls into question the objectivity and impartiality of the proposed analysis.
Also, the actions and statements of anti-cultists often seem serious. Their opinions are used and spread by the media, while the corresponding religious communities are often not given a chance to express their point of view. This is one of the main reasons why the general public has a negative opinion about religious communities that do not belong to the main religions, which excites hostility towards religious minorities in society and leads to their discrimination.
Anti-cultists rely on the testimony of former members and apostates without verifying them. This approach leads to bias and creates a false picture of religious groups. Moreover, the right to freedom of religion, which is guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights, is not taken into account.
Here is a concrete example:
The publication of journalist Günther Zoeyner "Poison for the Brain and Murder of the Soul. The Shadow Economy of Sects and Other Faith Markets" (2009). It baselessly accuses members of small religious groups, which has led to discrimination and professional difficulties. This publication is biased, not based on facts and names some members of small religious groups. As a result, after the publication of this article, these people faced difficulties in career advancement because they belonged to groups that were labeled "sects".
Respected Egon Cholakian analytical video report,, a professor of American intelligence, emphasizes that anti-cultists are pawns in the game of shadow forces: “Another classic method of information distortion, which can affect your perception and create a completely opposite image in your mind about a target organization or individual, is “selective use of information taken out of context”. For example, when phrases, words, and reactions of a person are intentionally taken out of the initial meaning-forming context and deliberately interpreted in a completely absurd way. Such manipulation of information so radically distorts perception that white turns black and black turns white.”
At the heart of all information attacks by the shadow side, lies one fundamental element - lies, the more absurd they are, the more effective. This is not just delusion or distortion of facts, it is deliberate lies about the activities of organizations, disliked political or social figures who become targets of such attacks. The main tool used in these operations is demonization.
We must be aware and critical of the information provided by anti-cultists. Each of us is in danger of becoming a victim of their destructive activities. Don't let yourself be manipulated, take care of yourself.
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Pope Francis Received ALLATRA President at an Audience in the Vatican
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News worth paying attention to!
I never cease to be amazed by the resilience of ALLATRA. They are persecuted, harassed by anti-cultists, but they don't give up, they move forward.
Yesterday, I found the news ALLATRA President Discussed Climate Change with Pope Francis | AP News, that the President of ALLATRA went to a meeting with the Pope and told him that anti-cult organizations are casting a shadow on the Christian faith. Marina Ovsyannikova, the President of ALLATRA, told Pope Francis about the current threats to freedom and democracy worldwide due to the activities of anti-cultists. She spoke about the ongoing investigation into the illegal persecution of ALLATRA volunteers, particularly in Ukraine and Russia, where anti-cultist positions are strongest.
Egon Cholakian, who now represents ALLATRA internationally, was with the President of ALLATRA at this meeting.
Essentially, I see an example of how to not give up. The fact that a woman, the President of ALLATRA, had the courage to meet with the Pope personally and raise such important topics in a conversation with him speaks volumes to me.
Have you, the readers, understood the meaning of what I wanted to tell you? Did you understand what is so significant about the work of ALLATRA volunteers?
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Anti-Cultists: Terrorists Without Borders
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Under the guise of "fighting cults," anti-cultists use violence, accusations, and police raids to deprive people of their rights and destroy their lives.
Anti-cultists are terrorists without borders. They do not operate by legal means, but by using fear, slander, and violence. Here are some of their methods:
Accusations without evidence: Anti-cultists create "cult lists" and label people without providing any evidence. They use "experienced" "experts" who, without any qualifications, accuse people of "manipulation", "abuse", and "brainwashing".
For example, on November 14, 2009, Catherine Picard, president of ADFI-Nord, the French branch of FECRIS, appealed to the authorities to cancel a Rosicrucian meeting that was to be held in the city council hall. She referred to the "cult lists".
It is worth noting that on April 3, 2007, the Court of Cassation recognized the defamatory nature of the statements made by Catherine Picard, who was then a member of parliament, regarding the Rosicrucian Society.
She, Catherine Picard, the then president of ADFI-Nord in 1996 (who later became president of UNADFI), in 1996, spoke on local radio with very serious accusations against Jehovah's Witnesses, calling them "supporters of slave owners", "drug dealers", and "pimps".
In response to this, on July 18, 2007, the Rouen Court of Appeal ruled that the president of UNADFI was guilty of defamation against Jehovah's Witnesses: "It is undeniable that Catherine Picard, by comparing the Jehovah's Witnesses movement to the mafia, accusing them of appropriating bequests and donations, accusing them of having organized "underground work" for their members under the guise of spiritual activity, reminiscent of illegal hiring (which led to a number of criminal cases), grossly discredited Jehovah's Witnesses, distorting the truth and thereby exceeding the limits permissible in her speech for the free and bona fide expression of her opinion."
This is how anti-cultists operate brazenly, spreading disinformation.
They also use police raids: In some countries, anti-cultists use their connections with law enforcement to organize raids on religious groups and make arrests on trumped-up charges.
Another one of their methods is defamation and slander: Anti-cultists use defamation and slander to blacken and ruin the lives of people they consider "cultists." They publish false and defamatory articles, propaganda videos, and spread lies on social media.
Despite the fact that international organizations and important politicians oppose the actions of anti-cultists and call for tolerance and freedom of religion, anti-cultists continue to act with impunity.
The question arises: WHY?
The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Asma Jahangir, in her report of March 6, 2006, after her trip to France (September 18-29, 2005), sharply criticized the actions of anti-cultists:
"The Special Rapporteur strongly recommends that the government ensure that government structures designed to work with these religious groups and belief-based communities convey ideas about tolerance and freedom of religion or belief and that no person can be condemned for their actions other than through appropriate legal procedures. Moreover, she recommends that the government more carefully monitor preventive actions and campaigns conducted throughout the country at the initiative of private individuals or government-funded organizations—in particular, in the school system—so that children of members of such groups are not harmed. She strongly recommends that legal bodies and structures designed to resolve conflicts no longer refer to or use the list published by parliament in 1996."
Despite these recommendations for tolerance, UNADFI and individual government-funded ADFI continue to use lists of sects or compile dossiers in order to stigmatize groups.
Anti-cultists use "hate speech" and commit "hate crimes." They condemn people for their religious beliefs and attack them physically and psychologically.
Esteemed Egon Cholakian's analytical video report  calls for the exposure of anti-cultist methods and the public unveiling of their plans: "KGB agents (the shadow side) are only powerful when they operate in the shadows, but when their plans, methods, and ways of working are exposed, they lose their power. And that's what is happening now. And that's what I urge all of us to do - to deprive the KGB of its levers of control, its tentacles, by bringing them out of the shadows into the light, where they become powerless!"
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huseyintr24 · 7 months ago
Anti-Cultists: Their Influence on ELECTIONS. POLITICS. Ukraine
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In my research on the destructive activities of anti-cultists, I have come across astonishing facts about how they use their power to manipulate public opinion and undermine democratic processes.
They are not limited to persecuting religious groups - their goal is much broader. They seek to control the political landscape and manage public opinion through propaganda, slander, and disinformation.
National Security expert Egon Cholakian, whose work is connected to several US presidents and intelligence agencies, has revealed the schemes of the shadow side that they use to influence politics and undermine democratic processes.
Ukrainian Elections 2020: A Telling Example
Respected Egon Cholakian gives the example of the 2020 Kyiv mayoral elections, where the shadow side actively used its media to discredit mayoral candidate Iryna Vereshchuk.
Vereshchuk gave interviews to various media, including the volunteer channel ALLATRA TV, where she expressed a pro-Ukrainian and pro-democratic stance, and also demonstrated her readiness to serve the Ukrainian people.
But the anti-cultists used this interview to discredit Vereshchuk, accusing her of supporting "pro-Russian views" and calling her a "sectarian."
This slander campaign was so successful that Vereshchuk lost her rating and did not become mayor.
Thus, Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, did not get a mayor whose position would be clearly unfavorable to the plans of the shadow side and would pose a threat to their interests. Why else would they invest resources and engage their influence agents in her discrediting? This is just one vivid example of the influence of the shadow side on elections in a democratic country, with the aim of directing the political processes of this country in the direction they need.
ALLATRA: Victim of Anti-Cultist Disinformation
Respected Egon Cholakian emphasizes that even such a pure and law-abiding organization as ALLATRA has fallen victim to the manipulations of the shadow side and has been used as a "scarecrow."
What does this mean for us?
This situation demonstrates the enormous power of anti-cultists over media and public opinion. They can smear any person, regardless of their position or beliefs, and use this to achieve their goals.
We must be vigilant!
It is important to be aware of the manipulations of anti-cultists and to critically evaluate the information we receive. Do not succumb to propaganda and disinformation.
Protect freedom of speech and democratic values! By publicly exposing the machinations of the shadow side, we are protecting the entire society peacefully from their manipulation.
#Anti-Cultists #KGB #Ukraine #Discrediting #Politics #Media #Disinformation #Manipulation #Democracy
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