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I don't know who needs to hear this, but don't let the miserable life you know keep you in fear of the life you could be living. Thank you @mrjamesfortune for reiterating that message! . . . . . . #mywhy❤️ #useyourplatform #unmaskyourtruth #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #domesticviolencesurvivor #himtoo #survivornotvictim #mylifematters #breakgenerationalcurses #breakingmentalbarriers #breakingthemold #stoprunningfromthetruth #enddomesticviolenceagainstmenandboys #enddomesticviolenceagainstwomenandgirls #enddomesticviolenceagainstourown #enddomesticviolenceagainstchildren #enddomesticviolence✋ #enddomesticviolence❤️🙏🏽 (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLzM1IeB-Pl/?igshid=af2s6zee9mrb
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WOOOO! IN MY RIC FLAIR VOICE! Big s/o @millionlifetimestravel_ for being my 1000th follower! Thank you to everyone that has helped us teach this milestone and ahead our message of peace! #TrustTheProcess #TrustGodAlways #enddomesticviolence🤼‍ #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #DoingBetterThanExcellence #thereisnobox📦 (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCn49hahamM/?igshid=14hd4zajy2jz4
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How many REAL MEN will take this pledge with me? #enddomesticviolence❤️🙏🏽 #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #STANDFORSOMETHING https://www.instagram.com/p/CCn0JMbBSpc/?igshid=aubdycs2d7h9
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I've been through 40 years of storms, droughts, pain, brokenness, and dispair.... BUT I've ALWAYS come back stronger! I WILL SUCCEED! #WINNINGMINDSET #TrustGodAlways #TrustTheProcess #ENDDOMESTICVIOLENCE #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #MenCanBeVictimsToo #UnlockTheSecrets #TeamNoExcuses #unpopularsubject #THEREISNOBOX📦 (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBxzif4hEmz/?igshid=mvjr3lus3r6w
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Dear fellow African American, Black, Negro, Mulatto, how every you wan't to define yourself. We have been killed enough, can we stop killing and tearing down each other? They don't need our help to destroy our families any further! #DoingBetterThanExcellence #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #MenCanBeVictimsToo #enddomesticviolence❤️ #enddomesticviolence🤼‍ #enddomesticviolenceagainstourown #enddomesticviolence❤️🙏🏽 #enddomesticviolence💜💜 (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLN5cFhWLG/?igshid=1g8u99o7yi5bl
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For this weeks #MidweekMotivation, I wanted to serve as a reminder. We were created not as perfect people. Good, covered by grace and mercy, blessed, but not perfect. We have taken on so many shapes, ideals, forms, over or life time. BUT, always remember this. YOU ARE NOT WHAT THEY SAY YOU ARE, WHAT YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH NOR WHAT SOCIETY HAD TOLD YOU TO PUT ON YOURSELF! YOU ARE A LIVING, BREATHING, WALKING, MOVING, TALKING, MIRACLE! #WINNINGMINDSET #TrustGodAlways #TrustTheProcess #Vision2020 #stayinyourpurpose #thriveinyourpassion #thereisnobox📦 #ENDDOMESTICVIOLENCE #ENDHOMELESSNESS #VOLUNTEER #breakingmentalbarriers #DoingBetterThanExcellence #faithoverfear #surroundyourselfwiththerightlifepeople #FillTheTruck #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #MenCanBeVictimsToo #victorymindset (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-uWNpEBuQF/?igshid=fz3oyt1w3106
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Don't forget while you're out VOTING on Z NEXT TUESDAY, go by @meltbargrilled for our fundraiser! Spread the word! #beadifferencemaker #ENDDOMESTICVIOLENCE #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #MenCanBeVictimsToo #UnlockTheSecrets #TeamNoExcuses #unpopularsubject #TrustTheProcess #Vision2020 #FillTheTruck (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rPU3oBFXH/?igshid=1vkfgwnd80m6q
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This weeks #midweekmotivation remember to live life, embrace your flaws, and grow daily. #WINNINGMINDSET #TrustGodAlways #TrustTheProcess #Vision2020 #stayinyourpurpose #thriveinyourpassion #thereisnobox📦 #DoingBetterThanExcellence #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #faithoverfear (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9l8nMUhAZ6/?igshid=1vj76pivhnlfd
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We advocate against domestic violence. Domestic violence is violence that starts at home. Abuse comes in all forms. Bullying, sexual assault, child molestation, date rape, physical, mental, spiritual, financial, etc... #ENDDOMESTICVIOLENCE #DoingBetterThanExcellence #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #MenCanBeVictimsToo #UnlockTheSecrets #TeamNoExcuses #unpopularsubject #FillTheTruck #breakingmentalbarriers #narcissisticabuserecovery #liveyourbestlife♥️ (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9jTkHXhHyK/?igshid=l2l4m5cf0u9g
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I've told people this all my life. I am the type of person that would give you the shirt off of my back literally if you said you needed it, loyal to a fault. But the minute I have to turn my back on you, you're screwed! Nobody deserves to be used, abused nor mistreated. #ENDDOMESTICVIOLENCE #FillTheTruck #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #DoingBetterThanExcellence #MenCanBeVictimsToo (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9eU4_mBLoh/?igshid=axilas3va7d3
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Domestic violence happens in many forms, age ranges, sexual orientation/ preference. We have to teach the younger generations better! #ENDDOMESTICVIOLENCE #DVEFFECTSEVERYONEDIFFERENTLY #FillTheTruck
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