cowgirl60 · 5 months
Morning Mantra: “What you do makes a difference, you just have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
It’s easy to think you don’t make a difference in a world of social media where we value people having huge followings and 1000’s of likes. But your impact on other people is bigger than you think.
Someone still giggles when they think of the funny thing you said.
Someone still smiles when they think of the compliment you gave them.
Someone silently admires you.
The advice you give has made a difference for someone.
The support and love you’ve offered others has made someone’s day.
Your input and opinions have made someone think twice.
You’re not insignificant, your existence makes a positive difference, whether you see it or not. So shine your beautiful light.
#BeADifferenceMaker #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #inspirationalQuotes #MorningMotivation #Equestrian #HorseLover #QuotesToInspire #HorseHippieBrand #HorseHippieBoutique
Quote: Jane Goodall
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chenelno1 · 1 year
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Happiness shouldn't be in what you can buy, but rsther in what you can be to someone else.
#chenelno1 #moneycantbuyhappiness #moneymindset #quoteoftheday2023 #beadifferencemaker
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coach-rd · 5 years
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“THE QUALITY OF A LEADER IS REFLECTED IN THE STANDARDS THEY KEEP FOR THEMSELVES.” :::SET THE STANDARD::: #setthestandard #workhard #havefun #doworkson #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #beagoodteammate #animalbraininc #animalbrainmentality #staypositive #bodylanguage #inspireothers #toughtimesdontlasttoughpeopledo #respectthejourney #letsgo #toughtimesbuildcharacter #strengthisking #beadifferencemaker (at College Park–University of Maryland station) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3CSz3Jh-zQ/?igshid=1qcibcrrrtqzh
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hotrev904-blog · 6 years
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buildachampionlife · 7 years
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How can you be a Difference Maker? #thankfulthursday #mindset #designyourlife #lifebydesign #motivation #yolo #makeadifference #beadifferencemaker #differencemaker #give #lifechanger #freedom #escapeaverage #buildachampionlife
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thetonycross · 6 years
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“Then he will answer them, saying, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.'” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25:45‬ ‭ESV‬‬ It’s a scary thing to ponder if you know you can have an impact upon God’s kingdom through fostering but refuse to but instead complain and moan about the current state of this world. Everyone can make a difference, there’s a child in need of a foster family who could use support. Talk is cheap, complaining is useless. Be a person of action. #fostering #fostercare #fosteringsaveslives #fosteringchangeslives #bethehandsandfeetofjesus #gospel #kingdomwork #leastofthese #jesuspaiditall #bethechange #bethechurch #beadifferencemaker #running #triathlon #whatsyourwhy #fosteradoption #notofthisworld #runningfortheleastofthese #defendthefatherless #christ #biblicalmandate #matthew2545 https://www.instagram.com/p/BqcZLytHgCt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13xg4nt0zsc01
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beautyqueensole · 6 years
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We were all created to live these incredible and magical lives but yet we still search for the answers outside of ourselves instead of hearing what is already inside of ourselves. All the answer are there girl if you stop searching and start listening. #adjustyourcrownboo #beautyqueenjewelry #beautyqueensole #inspirationalquotes #beadifferencemaker #shopforapurpose #paparazziaccessories #fashion #jewelry (at Beauty Queen Jewelry by Allison Sole) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpzbEfaARmz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=go5t3ex8y915
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Most of us are too selfish. Some of us are not selfish enough. #review #dopeaf #staywoke #speaklife #spilledink #knowmore #beadifferencemaker #nofilter #rawanduncut #rawandreal #boom #chasinglight #construct #simpleconcept #harmony #dayandnight #sovivid #openyourmind #dammitman #areYouGrowing #repitition #itsallaprocess #babysteps #imchanging #imtransforming
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chenelno1 · 1 year
Why can't we do both?
#chenelno1 #improvetheworld #improveyourself #quoteoftheday2023 #beadifferencemaker
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coachmcb · 5 years
As we approach the New Year making plans to resolutely make changes in our lives, it is important to realize for things to change you have to change. Not only do we need the desire to change, but we need to take action steps; meaningful, deliberate action steps. We must persevere when faced with setbacks. We must persist when old habits try to rise up. Resolutions without serious action steps are just wishes. Take the steps necessary to reveal the champion within, because YOU are a champion! - JDM #RiseAbove #NextLevelLiving #ChampionLife #FulfillYourDestiny #BeAChampion #BeADifferenceMaker #FitnessSystems #StrengthTraining #FitnessTraining #WeightLoss #LoseWeight #WeightManagement #BodyBuilding #Deadlift https://www.instagram.com/p/B6nv7z0lhJ9/?igshid=1vzsmpbubw8go
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chenelno1 · 1 year
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Having a positive attitude makes the world of difference.
#chenelno1 #positivethoughts #quoteoftheday2023 #lightandshadow #beadifferencemaker
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god-lover-andy · 8 years
There are many things in life that aren't equal but we all get 24 hrs a day. Use your time wisely. Change someones life!
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We are booking NOW for the #NoMore week cruise for 2023! You can start making payments now to have it paid off by 11/1/2022! For more information go to https://www.venturesawaytravel.com/nomorecruise.html . . . . . #breakingthecycle #NoMore #himtoo #survivornotvictim #enddomesticviolence❤️🙏🏽 #enddomesticviolenceagainstourown #enddomesticviolenceagainstchildren #enddomesticviolenceandsexualassualt #beadifferencemaker #trauma #travel #ncl #fundraiser #cruiseforcause #STAYINYOURPURPOSE (at Doing Better Than Excellence) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMuCQtEhj8F/?igshid=1kzjw35ty8z7z
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