judasofsuburbia · 3 months
thinking about troye sivan's blue neighbourhood coming out near winter break of 18 year old henry fox's first year of uni and henry listening to it in his bedroom at kensington, feeling absolutely shaken up but also very seen
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thecranekick · 3 months
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tiktaalic · 1 year
Pilot is so funny because they’re just vomiting exposition at each other like barely massaged at all but I get it. When you’re having the argument you have yearly for the year. Sorry for having Notes on supernatural but it could have been improved if dean cut sam off at any point with like. Ticking off his fingers. He gave you a .45. He raised us like soldiers. He made us melt down silver for bullets. You’re really speed running it this time the only thing you haven’t pulled out is the time you ran away from home. (Normal people don’t feel like they have to run away from home, Dean!) and there it is !
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mackmp3 · 8 months
keep finding guys on pintrest who look like me if i was a twink it's slightly uncanny
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llulabeee · 2 years
Sometimes I look for longer fanfiction, like 5k+ words because I feel like you need that much to flesh out a story with the kind of buildup I like, but lord. I just found a fanfiction that was 624,000 words. Bruh
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It’s an owl house fic. For my other fanfiction readers reference, that’s how long fallout equestria is. This is the book set for that
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That’s 5 whole ass books. That’s over twice the length of Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix, the longest commonly known book I know of. What the fuck. Why are fic writers like this
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pardonmydelays · 7 months
fave lyrics from "cabinet battle #2"? (you did so well while i was away 👏👏👏)
yaay! a pat on the back from my lovely anon (also i'm like 100% sure i discovered your true identity hahaha SO GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK!!!) ❤️ ok, let's gooooo:
he knows nothing of loyalty, smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty, desperate to rise above his station, everything he does betrays the ideals of our nation - no reason at all i just really like this line & especially the delivery of this line
we signed a treaty with a king whose head is now in a basket, would you like to take it out and ask it? should we honor our treaty, king louis' head? uh… do whatever you want, i'm super dead - please i will never stop laughing at this one hshshhshsh
daddy's calling - you know i had to...
honorable mention: you must be out of your goddamn mind - the delivery of this one 🤌🏻
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bonus: mostly because i just don't really know where to put it, but if any of you by any chance haven't heard it yet, here's cabinet battle #3 (lin's demo), it's really good i promise:
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petrow1tch · 8 months
Every day I wake up as a faggot and will continue to do so for the rest of my life
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bioluminescentfrog · 1 year
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aturnoftheearth · 1 year
eyes are blurry from how fast i was trying to finish that discussion board. anyway i thought mine sucked but then i read my arch-nemesis’ and his sucks more so. good day.
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thatnamelessbutler · 2 years
Oh good, that's good. It's not much, but it's something at least. It's progress.
-Sweet Voice
[Due to the distraction, Lunar currently doesn't see or hear your words. But yes, it is progress.]
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stsebastiens · 3 months
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Oh How I Love a Baby! by Gwenn Beope, embroidery/mixed media. spotted at a county fair.
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buck2eddie · 1 year
tina and doug at the end of ep7
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evilwriter37 · 7 months
Very shocked to know bridenapping is a thing in the Dragons series. This is just a weird thought and a headcanon. The world building in this is something sometimes. I’m assuming to Viggo this is a normal occurrence as to Mala and Throk (because of their location on the map when he and Hiccup were dividing the archipelago).
Now I’m just thinking of Midnight Scrum because gold wasn’t in question in that situation and putting a bounty is just an easy scammy “retrieval and a struggle”, as Throk would say. It’s a bit unnerving that Viggo is the one orchestrating the bounty and not be seen in this episode, just basically in the shadows.
I know this is a stretch but it’s kinda crazy to headcanon about.
On a serious note: The overall tone of that episode compared to the others is just unsettling. It’s basically a rude awakening of what Hiccup and Viggo’s entire relationship is about. I’m saying this as a compliment because although there wasn’t a huge battle like the others; it’s so “quiet” to the point of unnerving. I have never seen that tackled in a show like this next to dragon trafficking and attempted m**der.
Duuuuuuuuude, I didn’t think about Bride-knapping happening on other islands/with other cultures, but that is so interesting.
And you’re absolutely right that the show sometimes has a lot of dark implications. It’s so fun. That is why I have so many whump fics.
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frostbitebakery · 7 months
I'm so in love with all of your art. My favorites have to be Codywan, Cody and Obi-Wan separately, and your cursed series art.
May I ask how you came up with the idea for the cursed commanders and Boba Fett series?
Ahhhh this message was the best way to wake up! Thank youuuu 💜💜💜
The Unlucky Ones, my beloveds! That one started like all the others: I went “lmao wouldn’t it be cool” and then it grew into a monster of a concept and venus flytrapping @adiduck in the process.
TUO started because for Halloween I had already Eldritched Obi-Wan so it was Cody’s turn.
I love character design. I like to play around with the given themes or throw them into the ocean and do my own thing. So every time for character designs it really does start out like, “I want to draw that character in these clothes”. There’s no plan. That always happens along the way.
For TUO!Cody I wanted him scary but still being Cody. I thought about typical Halloween things and went with skeletons. Mainly because of the white armor and I thought how cool it would look if the armor was shaped like bones. But I didn’t want the armor to look scary, I wanted him to look scary (and badass) (and like a sexy bastard). While looking for bone refs, I saw enough skulls in different positions. Some of them looked like they were screaming, howling. And I thought, duuuuuuuuude. Duuuuuuude. A skeleton projection rising out of Cody and growing taller and lifting its arms and rushing forward with a scream while Cody stands there like 😎??? YES. LET’S DO THAT.
So the concept of the Curse was born.
It always starts as a visually appealing concept. I try to make sense of my decisions later.
For the other Commanders I thought about how to apply the Cody concept art on them. I didn’t want to copy paste the armor design. But I also wanted them to visually belong together in the same verse.
The designs should be distinct and representative of each character. Even if some details seem questionable at first glance, I always want them to make sense in context. So I add snippets to basically explain myself.
Wolffe’s armor in canon went from red to grey in grief and is rather neat with stenciled designs. For TUO!Wolffe I wanted to up that grief given what Wolffe goes through in TUO. The grey canon design turned into rotten fabric and veils. Which turned Wolffe into a banshee-inspired design. The armor design is reminiscent of those fluttering torn fabrics that indicate a tragedy happened here and the grief is ever present. Going with the banshee and with how I deformed Cody’s face, Wolffe got a deformed jaw (think The Mummy when the corpse screams) which he hides behind a bandana.
Adi suggested beauty in decay for Bly. So he’s got flowers growing out of him. And I desperately needed a reason for him to tell Aayla “General, hold my flower”.
Fox has a deformed back which is only known so far to Adi and me. He started with the little white tufts of hair bc I love that on him and wanted it for TUO!Fox. By then it was already established that their hair goes white with each death. So that meant if I wanted the Fox ears, Fox had to have died twice already. Things like that were the reasons the backstory avalanched into a monster. And suddenly you go from “aww, the white hair looks like ears so cute!!” to “actually Cody killed his brother in training because how the Curse was genetically modified and added to the Commanders makes them go into a berserker state” to “the non-command class clones have instated containment protocols for when a command clone goes berserk”.
Now Ponds. Ponds had to survive. I’m not spoiling his whole story but his character design was inspired by “rising like a phoenix out of the ashes”. So his armor has bird bones and wing bone structures. And with how he looks, his backstory makes perfect sense and is heartbreaking.
Boba was a request by a dear friend. He’s not cursed in TUO canon but my friend loves the design so much she asked if I couldn’t do a Boba design. So I did.
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barbwillbrb · 7 days
ok so durge and ketheric are obviously made for each other. stabby g/gn/bf with stabable bf. it's just there. it's just as it should be.
send ask
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Yes omg yes.
Like come on.
Durge in a war-room with stern af, immortal Ketheric?!
No work is getting done. Stabby sex. Lots of it. Ketheric can regenerate for fuck’s sake.
It’s our turn in the fucking Honda Odyssey.
New fucking ship unlocked.
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