roegadynroost · 6 months
Hello! I'm really impressed with you speed running all of your alts to get the Regalia! Would you mind sharing any tips or tricks that got you through so much ARR fast? - A fellow alt-happy Eorzean
Oh wow hey! Thanks for the ask!
One REALLY big help is doing stuff on the New and Prefered servers because the Road to 80 buff is just WAY TOO GOOD. I'm working on the story on some alts and by the end of ShB, only doing the story, I can get about 3 jobs to 80. If you have character on congested servers that you don't mind moving around you can move them to a new or preferred server for FREE and get the Road to 80 buff for 30 days (It lasts longer on characters made directly on those servers tho.)
There are some bits that I like to watch on every run through, but skipping the cutscenes is an obvious must. I play on PS4, and put on a show while I grind most of the time.
If you have the road buff, when you get to dungeons, instead of queueing in the Dutyfinder set up a Partyfinder for your dungeons. I always set them to one slot other that myself, and then set the minimum ILV to 500. This will ensure only higher level players will join.
Into the description type: "Unsynced for MSQ progression." or "Unsyned, help me get my alt through MSQ?"
Players are usually happy to help folks working through the MSQ. This works on every Datacenter.
If you don't speak Japanese and you have an alt on the JP servers and you want quick clears, use the auto translate feature for the phases "Unrestricted party" and "Main Scenario Quest". Also if you don't speak Japanese, Auto translation "Nice to meet you" at the start and "Thank you" at the end of duties.
Make sure you set your DF to Unrestricted before you queue so you don't accidentally queue up regularly instead and always \readycheck before you go in.
Most dungeons with a LV 90 player are less than five mins and a lot of the time they won't even roll on the gear so you get good upgrades along the way. If they rush through and you don't have time to grab all the chests you can always \return at the end to get the chests that were not grabbed. If there are mobs still in the dungeon, don't worry, if you sprint and kite them you can grab everything before they kill you, then respawn and leave through the exit at the start or the menu.
The ONLY duties I don't do Unsynced for is for Castrum Meridianum, Praetorium and Porta Decumana, because with they force cut scenes even if you do it unsynced I don't like to ask people to sit through them so I just do them normally.
IF YOU HAVE FRIENDS JUST AS THEM FOR HELP UNSYNCING. I love helping my friends unsync stuff. Hell, I love helping anyone unsync stuff. Takes very little time.
If you don't have the road buff, make sure you do your leveling roulette, and queue for the dungeons. Unfortunately, the end of ARR has a LV jump around the time you get to the Rhytahtyn solo instance and if you skip duties you'll likely be underleveled.
A few characters I ended up having to run through Aurum Vale to get to 50 just so I could get through the final strech of stuff. I love Aurum Vale personally, but I know it's not everyones jam.
Buy a stack of cheap food early on so you can keep your 3% exp buff going. My personal favorites are Eggs, Orange juice and Plums.
DON'T FORGET We get Vesperbay tickets on new characters now to returning to the waking sands is no issue. They recently updated it to you get 99 total over the course of ARR. If you made a character BEFORE they added the Vesperbay Teleportation Tickets, don't run from Horizon, Teleport to Limsa Lominsa, go to the Arcanist guild via the aethernet and then take the Ferry to Vesperbay. It's pretty quick on PS4, if you're on a Toaster it might be faster to go from Horizon because of less loading.
I recommend stopping by Camp Tranquil to get your Chocobo the ability to fight (My Fiestly little Chocobo) when you hit 30. Also grab a stack of 99 Gysahl greens when you're at Bent Branch doing that. You don't have to finish the quest to be able to summon you chocobo, so if you're in a rush there is that. I always level my chocobos in Healing first. IMO Choco cure is the most useful chocobo ability early on.
Don't forget to do your job quests, a lot of them will sync up with stuff you're doing in the MSQ, and when you get to 45 the gear boost is substantial even if it's only useful for those few levels to 50. DPS can probably get away with ignoring it, but for tanks and healers GEAR IS SO IMPORTANT, especially if you're not unsyncing stuff.
You get some upgrades from the story but the ARR stuff is all normal quality, it's not the greatest. There is a Jeweler NPC in Ul'dah that I recommend grabbing accessories from, cause I've had times where I'm 50 and still have dang LV5 ring cause the MSQ doesn't give any accessories and if your RNG is bad in dungeons it can be pretty bad. (you will get a acessory from unlocking AV though, that is nice!)
If you have some of the preorder earrings, make sure you visit your the mail moogle for that. If you've been playing a long time and have stuff like the Tidus and Yuna outfits from fanfest that get sent to every character, Grab those outfits too. They're good at the early levels and give a pretty good EXP boost to lvl 30. (Don't recommend wearing them in dungeons past like the first three though)
Of course, most important of all. Take care of yourself. I've been dealing with long-covid for years now and if causes me no end of issues, but I can get into the zone and focus hard with MSQ grinds. Self care is so important. I'm pretty good about getting up and stretching and getting myself what I need, but sometimes I'm in the zone and it gets bad. I am lucky I have a partner that helps me keep up with that stuff too. If he gets up to move around and go somewhere, I usually take that as my time to give myself a break.
Setting myself a little 3 hour timer for water breaks is something I'm working on and seems to be good. I try to not keep too much food around my gaming area because if I'm going to eat something I'd like to get up and move around too. If I do keep something nearby, I try to have fruit and not like snacks. Doesn't always work but trying is important.
I hope that in here somewhere you find something useful! HAPPY ALT-ing!!!
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rabid-catboy · 4 months
i was SO brave just now btw (<- did a trial via dutyfinder) (it was just one of the hildibrand quests ones but i did it as a dancer which was Scary)
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arytha · 2 years
i've missed ffxiv so much i had a. stress dream where i was literally my wol fujie in an extreme raid i'd never done before with people I Didnt Know (dutyfinder haunts me in my dreams!) and i precisely remembered my cooldown on benediction and tetra and was counting it and stressing about the next tank buster (and also keeping a mental image of my lilies bc i didnt have. a ui because i Was fujie) and man
oh also my cohealer wasnt healing. for some reason
i want to play as white mage
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10alex01 · 3 years
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FF14 has a lot of relaxing BG Soundtrack. But that Duty Finder gets me at times. Also no more FF14 comics for a while. I'll be focusing back to Illustrations. Thank You.
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f0rg0ttencetra · 6 years
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Bliss, of another kind. 🏖️🐚🧙‍♀️ . . . . . . . . . #FFXIVBlm #ffxiv #DutyFinder #Dungeon #MMO #MMORPG #ffxivscreenshot #PS4Share #FFXIVARealmReborn #ffxivmiqote #miqote #BlackMage #finalfantasyonline #finalfantasyxiv #JRPG #Salute #Magical https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvako0XH8gq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2lgehkyuzyif
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nycelel · 7 years
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Waiting for duty. #FinalFantasy14 #stormblood #miqote #WarriorOfLight #Coeurl #FinalFantasyXIV #Stormblood #redmage #Coeurlserver #gemweasels #carbuncle #miqoteredmage #dutyfinder
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coffeexxwitch · 5 years
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Duty finder purgatory. 💀 At least there’s coffee. ☕️ #ffxiv #dutyfinder #finalfantasy14 #pc #gaming https://www.instagram.com/p/B4K14HaHxcd/?igshid=i34zl3ro0y4f
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okami-zero · 2 years
So after having finally seen one of the characters much written/talked about in a bunch of the fics that got me into playing FFXIV, I have come to the current conclusion regarding Emet-Selch/Solus:
Emet in fic: *scheming, slick, darkly mysterious mastermind, maybe not so bad?*
My current, based-on-cutscenes-so-far conclusion: *100% absolute chaotic evil shitgibbon with zero fucks to give and would probably kick puppies for funsies*
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Now, that us my initial read on him and is in no way any sort of final call. I am just highly amused but the differences. Granted, he's only been like this around his grandson, maybe just for shock factor because he's trying to get a rise out of him (and he sort of did, Emperor shot him deqd from behind, not like it stuck LOL).
But yea, he currently seems more like Batman TAS Joker than anything else. But those fics also came in at a point farther along than I am in the game (I JUST finished Dohn Mheg last night), se we shall see how this chaotic evil gremlin of a man comports himself around the Warrior of Light/Darkness.
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alechoney · 7 years
WHM raider main here! Saw your post and wanted to give you a big hug! It's rough being a healer in the DF on Chaos. I'm lazy so here's some bullet points. >Their overall DPS could've been too low for large pulls. >Tank CD management can make the difference on whether or not they're Superman or made of tissue paper. >50/50 on the pull, I've had tanks pull bird all the way to the statues before. But it's risky. >How do you usually heal? You may need some fine tuning. >Chaos DF is poop! ;__;
Thank you. Last night I didn’t realize it could have been half the tank’s fault for not looping defensive skill effectively. A friend analyzed that and said there might have been a flaw in the tank’s performance, so when it was met with my unperfect healing, it resulted in a doomed pull. 
Chaos Data has been a place of both hell and heaven for me. I met SO MANY toxic players, enough to make me feel reluctant to go to a DF. Yet, many funny, friendly, positive and welcoming people also appeared in the DF. Sometimes their politeness and personality were so sweet that I was willing to tolerate the dungeon and help carry them through, teaching whatever I could try to make them perform better in the dungeon.
I heal fine. I utilize (or rather, abuse) Assize, Asylum, Tetragrammaton, and Divine Benison buttons. I overheal a little too much and I use Medica II too often (a friend on Tonberry commented on that while doing Rabanasta with me). I am very fast to Esuna. So I would say my reaction is quite fast. My problem is that when I feel the need to use Benediction and executed it, sometimes (about 30% of the time) it landed too late. Checking from Task Manager > Resource Monitor > TCP connection, my ping (latency) on Chaos is 220ms on average. (It’s only 130ms when I’m on Tonberry server, just for rough idea from comparison.) So when I’m on Ragnarok server, I have to stay on my toes and react quickly, otherwise it is slightly harder to dodge the AoE. 
My healing does indeed need fine-tuning. And thanks to this ordeal, many other healers had given me useful tips and tricks. I will practice and prevail. :)
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clawheld · 2 years
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POV youre a dps or healer that matched with me on dutyfinder
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lord-bahamut · 7 years
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When you get permission to be destructive
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tfw you find @trashcatte in Ul’dah but you can’t say hi because duty finder pops >.>
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sevplays · 7 years
*makes a thread about how dutyfinder for DPS is trash*
*gets collectively shat on by the whole community to ‘stop playing DPS then’ *
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melodycrystel · 8 years
First things first: The mentormount in FFXIV – it still seems to be unknown for many players. And as much as I have heard in the last weeks, worldwide are (so far) not many players known to have completed the challenge of obtaining the Astrope. Considering a report I had read ca. two months ago, the known mentors with the Astrope had been worldwide 53 players – mostly located in Japan.
Quote of my project: “Ich möchte eine von den Bekloppten sein, die auf ihrem Riesen-Gaul durch die Gegend gurken.” ('I want to be one of those loonies, who cruise on their giant-moke through the region.')
Well, while I tried to do these 2.000 mentor-roulette-runs needed for the mount, I met several co-mentors who were as eager as me to get it before Stormblood comes out. (So, the number will surely increase a bit.)
For example, I'm sure my buddy from Cerberus – Raida Sameluck – owns it since a short timespan (because we haven't met anymore); my fellow-sufferer Aranwe Gyrhan soon completes the last remaining runs; and Zelyphia Arkanas whom I adore for her cute monk-outfit plus skills will not stop until she has succeeded. Also, my friend plus fellow player from Shiva – Nik Matsumoto – was a huge motivation for me to do this, since he owned the mount already when I, having barely more than 70 runs, met him for the first time in Idyllshire.
Although I had done a few runs starting with the 10. December 2016 when I unlocked my mentor-roulette, the project itself started truthfully around the 27. December and took time until 03. March 2017, 16 o'clock. Whenever I could, I did every day 20 runs as a minimum – sometimes I got 30 runs, rarely almost 40, and a single day, I was lucky to get 50 runs completed. Doing the mentor-roulette means to be forced to face whatever you get – and this can be like 90% of content from the whole game. As I'm not picky, I love doing dungeons, but I got to see more low level dungeons than anything else – Sastasha being for sure the one I have seen at the most, so I started to suffer slowly under disorientation there. :chuckle:
The Lv50 EX Fights were a huge problem, though, and despite beating a few of the primals, Ramuh EX was the only exemplar which I could never beat with the random players in my parties; not a single time. This may or not be so because of the french players I got, but the mainproblem here is probably rather the fact, how many newcomers rush the game.
This is a harsh personal opinion, but let's face it: Many newcomers take no time to get to know the game – and often, important cross-skills from other classes than their mainclass are missing like Gladiator's Provoke for the other two tanks or Thaumaturge's Swiftcast for the healers. Things which you definitely need for these fights, synced.
Additional, some people walk blindly into the EX fights and THEN ask innocently about the strategy – a fact, which annoys me in spite of my wish to help out, since everything you have to know stands around in the internet (in your native language). Either you try blindly or you inform yourself when you DON'T have a time-limit in your neck, because stress is no good teacher at all.
I also don't say new ones should do everything unsync in LV50, because it's positive for the personal experience to try stuff out the way it was meant to be done, yet it's important to do these things NOT alone with random groups via the Dutyfinder. End up as English/German player with a group of 7 french persons and be not able to communicate with them properly – classical situation for me who can barely talk this language. Je ne parle pas francais.
I'm still surprised my very last run was an ordinary guildhest instead of a dungeon or bossfight --- had been very sure to get Sastasha, since it had also been my 1.800 run. The feeling it left was quite odd, and my first thought was a clumsy “I'm free.” instead of anything epic. That phrase echoed for 10 minutes in my mind, and I'm aware of the fact how Aladin- or rather Genie-/Dschinni-like this is, but it was surely not intentional. Although I started to feel right on the next day, that something is missing now for me – got too used to my mentor-routine, wherefore now an empty feeling is left in the place where the personal duty lay before.
Still, I thank all the players who accompanied me on my way through the roulettes – no matter if they knew it or not, and if they were juniors or seniors.
I also thank my friends from Shiva – at the most those who are/were in my FC Heavenly Strike and stay in contact with me. You helped me surviving this personal task with all your conversations in the chat.
Song used in this video: Rune – Rune Factory Opening by Lil'
Recommands earned in this project: over 1.500
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f0rg0ttencetra · 6 years
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Magical being. 🧹🧙‍♀️🖖🎮 . . . . . . . . . . #FFXIVBlm #ffxiv #DutyFinder #Dungeon #MMO #MMORPG #ffxivscreenshot #PS4Share #FFXIVARealmReborn #ffxivmiqote #miqote #BlackMage #finalfantasyonline #finalfantasyxiv #JRPG #Salute #Magical https://www.instagram.com/p/BvaJu11nscR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gjtgaxboc8ky
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nycelel · 7 years
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Waiting for duty... Dps life. #FinalFantasyXIV #finalfantasy #Auri #Aura #Machnist #Aurimachinist #thereach #dutyfinder
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