#I am not at the mercy of timezones and the dutyfinder
okami-zero · 2 years
So after having finally seen one of the characters much written/talked about in a bunch of the fics that got me into playing FFXIV, I have come to the current conclusion regarding Emet-Selch/Solus:
Emet in fic: *scheming, slick, darkly mysterious mastermind, maybe not so bad?*
My current, based-on-cutscenes-so-far conclusion: *100% absolute chaotic evil shitgibbon with zero fucks to give and would probably kick puppies for funsies*
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Now, that us my initial read on him and is in no way any sort of final call. I am just highly amused but the differences. Granted, he's only been like this around his grandson, maybe just for shock factor because he's trying to get a rise out of him (and he sort of did, Emperor shot him deqd from behind, not like it stuck LOL).
But yea, he currently seems more like Batman TAS Joker than anything else. But those fics also came in at a point farther along than I am in the game (I JUST finished Dohn Mheg last night), se we shall see how this chaotic evil gremlin of a man comports himself around the Warrior of Light/Darkness.
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