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allyooops · 6 months ago
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A random evening of chatting with the buddies led to a second daughter for DC/Dust. Meet Chamomile Quandary, better known as Cammy. Lobelia’s younger though quite tall sister, a bit of an odd ball with an inter sense of humour. DC found her in a cardboard box during a rainstorm, Dust and DC tried their best to find the filly’s parents, to no avail. Fostering her became full adoption, and their little family felt complete. Cammy is known for making small chirping noises or owl-like trills.
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askinquiry · 1 year ago
My darling Dreamy: come hither; I wish to use you as the pillow. And perhaps together we may, if you so choose, explore this snapdragon soda pop I found at the grocer.
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DC: Anything for you Snuggle Bug
Dust Jacket belongs to @askashapeshifter
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askashapeshifter · 11 months ago
An Ode to Dream Catcher (by Dust Jacket)
The night arrives; the time is near; My Dreamy has a test: His unit now must fly from here Upon a daunting quest.
They will return, this Nightguard crew, By early dawn—and when they do, My lovely darling Snoozy-poo Will come home to our nest.
Remove royal insignia; Hang up the royal crest. My Dreamy's home, and brings me a New quilt so we can rest.
And as we nap, we happy two, The thought returns again, anew: I love my darling Snoozy-poo; My Dreamy is the best.
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askashapeshifter · 10 months ago
Cat AU OTP 2: Floofmageddon
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Completed piece for @askashapeshifter and @askinquiry . Featuring Dream Catcher being a super fluffy bed for Dust Jacket
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spatort · 6 months ago
Ist es cool, dich in Spatort art zu taggen?
Hey! Grundsätzlich hab ich nichts dagegen, getagged zu werden, ich gehe aber auch regelmäßig durch den Tatort Saarbrücken Tag und sehe daher eigentlich eh alles, was da gepostet wird (wenn tumblr nicht gerade rumspinnt 😅)
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found-family-tournament · 2 years ago
Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 22 Group 110
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Ghost Crew: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Garazeb Orrelios, Ezra Bridger, Chopper
Dustcatchers: Will Parry, Kirjava, Lyra Belacqua, Pantalaimon, Lee Scoresby, Hester, Lorek
Submissions are still open!
Ghost Crew:
ur honour they mean everything to me,,,,
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
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klngfili · 1 year ago
I was tagged by @rivnedell thank you so much !! ✨✨✨
are you named after someone? I kinda named myself after a fictional blorbo of mine
when was the last time you cried? i think its healthy to cry
do you have kids? by proxy i actually have so many cause i work w kids
what sports do you play/have played? I picked up volleyball while i was university and started playing football (soccer) when i was like 13
do you use sarcasm? i used to use it a lot more
what the first thing you notice about people? honestly yeah their vibe and energy or like a nice item of clothing
what's your eye colour? grey
scary movies or happy endings? i cant do scary movies or horror movies tbh
any talents?
where were you born? small town in germany
what are your hobbies? i like to write, draw and paint, i picked needle felting and baking during the pandemic
do you have any pets? i have a lil kitty cat
how tall are you? roughly one kit harrington short
favorite subject in school? history and geography
dream job? i kinda already have my dream job as a part time museum educator so im pretty happy w that plus sometimes i get to help out at a local kindergarten
Tagging @ellrond @house-of-chemical-wolves @keyleth-s @dustcatching and @rainbowcrowley @samwwise! Feel free to join ✨
But no pressure if you don't wanna do it of course
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ruvviks · 1 year ago
🐉🍎 💘 🍔 🤔 and 😞 for any oc of your choice!! or two ocs if you're feeling up for it [:
oc asks! / preferred ocs!
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
rafiq is a big fan of mythical creatures in general and loves watching shows and videos about it, or listening to podcasts during slow days at work. he's an avid reader of the revenant (a blogging site for paranormal investigators) and used to keep up with posts of the conspiracy group known as the hive, before they seemingly vanished at some point in time and stopped updating regularly. he loves the idea of bigfoot specifically but isn't in the right state of the country to investigate himself :( if he had the chance for it he 100% would though
since teddy works for CALAMITY which is an organization specified in monitoring and sometimes capturing strange phenomena all over the world, this is exactly the kind of thing that he works with. which is also exactly the reason why he HATES them LMFAO if anything they're all just troublemakers to him and he would like to get some rest. back when he still worked an office job for the organization he got very attached to some dustcatchers which are basically just little puff balls that cause chaos in the most dusty place of your home. that's about as close to a favorite mythical creature as it gets for him
yancey LOVES zombies. probably a little bit too much but i can't blame him because honestly same. he's watched every zombie media he's managed to get his hands on and will continue to do so for as long as he lives. it's funny because in this universe zombies do in fact end up as a thing somewhere but that's still a couple of years away so yancey doesn't know that yet. don't even worry about it
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
rafiq was born in san francisco! very far away from where he lives nowadays and he does miss it a lot more than he likes to admit, but also wouldn't wanna go back there even though he is still very much welcome with his parents who still live there. the place has too many bad memories and rafiq wouldn't be able to live there comfortably at all anymore
teddy was born and raised in raleigh, which is not all too far away from blightwood crossing. he moved to the west coast at some point when he went to join CALAMITY and ever since he's been on the move, visiting towns all across the united states and sometimes even to another country to do jobs for the organization. he's been in blightwood crossing for a while now; the job he's doing there hasn't been going well at all and he's lost contact with CALAMITY, so he's just stuck in town without direction
yancey is from atlanta and only recently moved to blightwood crossing, after a series of events caused him to no longer be welcome at home. despite his mixed feelings about the town now, he does still really love the place and its energy and often wishes he hadn't been forced to leave; but there's not much he can do about that now and he knows he's better off far, far away from there
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
rafiq loves his parents to bits and misses them a lot. he also has a small group of friends in blightwood crossing, mainly his coworkers from the diner he works at, and he cares a lot about them too :^) eventually during the story he gets together with teddy and yancey and he loves them soooo much. btw. if you even care
teddy is very lonely in town. he doesn't have contact with his family anymore since he's not allowed because of CALAMITY and their rules, and he didn't really have many friends at the organization either; so he's stuck in a strange town where nobody likes him all that much and no one's out there missing him either :( during the story he grows closer with the other main characters and he ends up ride or die for them, being a very loyal guy in general
yancey is hesitant to make new friends in town despite it coming naturally for him, and he does end up caring a lot about the other main characters. he's very scared to have all of them ripped away from him in one sweep without warning, just like what happened before with his ex friends and family back in atlanta, but also knows there's no way to predict or prevent that from happening if it were to happen one day so he tries to ignore it as best as he can and not let it get in the way of enjoying the time he has with them
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
rafiq is decent enough at cooking. his father sends him a lot of recipes to try out and he can follow them well enough on most days, but often has to simplify them a little. baking is also not his expertise but he still loves doing it! usually does it with friends so it's a group effort (and a group failure if it doesn't go well) and it's more to have an excuse to hang out with them
teddy is a very good cook but just doesn't do it :/ he's living on instant noodles, microwaved rice, pizza, any meal he can get from the diner and then leftovers of that for the next day, tater tots, questionable quality dry bread with cheese, and sometimes he will pensively have a vegetable. he doesn't like baking all that much but also does enjoy hanging out with rafiq so he will bake with him. just this once (<- said every single time)
yancey is a GREAT cook which is why he ends up as a cook at the diner :^) he loves experimenting with cooking and coming up with his own recipes and while it doesn't always work out for him, he uses the knowledge from that to make something that DOES work out next time. also pretty good at baking but does that significantly less because he's stuck in the belief that baking is mostly sweet stuff and he prefers savory things. clearly this man has never had a pizza muffin before
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
rafiq is very expressive and a very active listener, which can take some getting used to when you're getting to know him. he likes actively adding his thoughts into a conversation and is good at relating to other people, which always makes for a very lively conversation :^)
teddy is basically a brick wall. you can't tell what's going on in his head you can't tell how he's feeling and sometimes you may even wonder if he just fell asleep standing up with his eyes open (it's not the case but with how far away his brain has zoomed out it may as well be). he's very easily distracted and gets lost in his own brain a lot which causes him to speak slowly and sometimes he just doesn't finish his sentences. he also cracks his knuckles a lot
yancey can be very witty at times but his brain lags behind when there's too many people talking so he doesn't control WHEN he gets to be witty. he does finger guns at people a lot or a little thumbs up because he never knows what to do with his hands so adding in a little gesture like that gives him something to focus on. it's very endearing :^)
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
rafiq is a people person and loves to chat with people, which is why customers at the diner tend to stay a lot longer when he's on the workfloor because he'll just end up talking with them for hours. despite being surrounded by people a lot, he can still get very lonely easily because actually connecting to people in a deeper way takes a lot more effort for him
teddy is probably the loneliest man in blightwood crossing at the start of the story. he mostly just stays at home and goes to a nearby bar and the diner and that's IT. sometimes the grocery store. he mostly just talks to the diner's waiters rafiq and yukiko and then the bartender and cashier and he's a regular in those places so they would recognize his face but they wouldn't even know his name. he's always been a bit lonely and just focusing on the task at hand by himself so it doesn't really bother him, but also just isn't aware of just HOW lonely he is so once he starts talking to people more he's like "ohh so my life was just really fucked up before. ok"
yancey makes new friends very easily because of his fun and kind nature and he's good at making other people feel at ease with him :^) he values his alone time a lot but also knows when it's time for him to get out of the house and hang out with people again, which is why his new job at the diner is very good for him. it gives him something fun to do that he also gets paid for AND he gets to hang out with his new friends because they all work there :D easy right? what could possibly go wrong
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rockthistowninsideout · 2 years ago
Username song game!
Tagged by @tangledupblue, thank you dear!
R - Rock This Town - The Stray Cats
O - Once In A Lifetime - The Night Game
C - Cut The Cord - Shinedown
K - Kill Or Be Killed - New Years Day
T - Tanz Mit Mir - Harpyie, Mr. Hurley & Die Pulveraffen
H - Hummel - Max Raabe
I - Im Fieber - Jochen Distelmeyer
S - Step It Out Mary - The High Kings
T - Tic Tic Tic - Dada Life ft. Lzzy Hale
O - Once More For The Ocean - Slothrust
W - Wittenberg ist nicht Paris - Kraftklub
N - Northwest Passage - Unleash The Archers
I - I Like It Heavy - Halestorm
N - New Love In Town - Europe
S - Summertime Sadnes - Killin' Baudelaire
I - I Try To Think About Elvis - Patty Loveless
D - Die Sonne geht auf - City
E - Elvis In Vegas - Meat Loaf
O - Oliver Cromwell's Head - Mr. Irish Bastard
U - Under A Coal Black Sun - Mono Inc.
T - That Don't Impress Me Much - Shania Twain
tagging @michameinmicha @dustcatching @farisyawritesfic @soda-nebula @earanie and anyone who wants to give it a go!
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allyooops · 2 years ago
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From a little stream last night, mez @asknightspinner and @shiftermod have been having fun discussing our ship kids and silly little AU’s using them. And I mean. I need no excuse to draw these babs. 
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askinquiry · 2 years ago
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The boys 💚❤️
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shiftermod · 4 months ago
@allyooops and @whirlwindflux got me one of the best gifts I have received and I am overjoyed and have lots of Dustcatcher and Dreamorph and it is a (now desperately needed) source of comfort.
Thank you both, you are the best.
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prmafrost · 1 year ago
❤️ and 🧸
❤️ - How did your muse come to realize their romantic and sexual orientations? Was it difficult to accept? Are they proud of who they are?
Growing up he barely had any romantic or sexual interests at all. He developed his first crush when he was around 18, and that was on a boy. He internalized that, however, based on the issues with his father who is staunchly homophobic.
However, since then, Grusha has realized that despite being bi, he is still primarily interested in fems and women. Which isn't to say men don't catch his eye at all - it's just rarer than for women.
He's proud of who he is but still grapples with his internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity.
🧸- Does your muse own any sentimental objects from their past? What makes it/them so special?
He's still got his guitar, but it's stored and hidden away deep in his house lol. Dustcatcher rn.
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ask-a-grumpy-melon · 2 years ago
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A couple nightmare night doodles from the stream the other night! Getting close now! Time for spooks and candy!
Twila @wonderheart-replies
Pegasus Spooky Squad @asklostcelestia
Dust Jacket @askashapeshifter
Lucid @asknightspinner
Shutter @ask-shutter-ghost
Rose Moon @askdaisydandfriemly
Summer @ask-summer-epos
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askinquiry · 2 years ago
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It was a dear friend of mines birthday the other day!! Had to draw the ship for him 💚🖤 happy birthday @shiftermod here's to many more years of cute boys and friendship!!
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pumpkinspice-creations · 3 years ago
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Duality of a bug
Commissioned by @asknightspinner for @askashapeshifter and @askinquiry
This was a lot of fun to work on and figure out. 
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