#durable hair extensions
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swappetf11 · 9 months ago
CIA Agent Nathanial Ford
Agent Nathanial Ford, a master of disguise at the CIA, sat at his meticulously organized workbench, surrounded by an array of tools and materials: silicone molds, fine human hair, a palette of skin tone pigments, and dental caps. His latest mission required him to infiltrate a high-stakes criminal syndicate in Moscow, Russia—a role that demanded not just linguistic fluency but an entire physical transformation to match.
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The assignment was to pose as Dimitri Ivanov, a mid-level operator within the syndicate known for his dealings in illicit arms. Nathanial's task was to gather intelligence on the syndicate's connections with corrupt government officials. To become Dimitri, Nathanial would need to master not just the Russian language, but also the specific Moscow dialect, characterized by its sharp intonations and swift, clipping pace.
First, he focused on the facial hair. Years ago, Nathanial had undergone a beard transplant to enhance his ability to grow thick, authentic facial hair. For this role, he needed Dimitri’s signature look: a dense, well-groomed beard that was slightly graying at the edges. He began with a testosterone regimen weeks prior, ensuring his natural beard matched the density and style needed, then dyed it to achieve the perfect salt-and-pepper effect.
To achieve Dimitri’s receding hairline, Nathanial underwent a temporary hairline modification using a technique involving electrical follicle manipulation. This non-invasive procedure adjusted the growth patterns of his hair to mimic a receding hairline, creating a natural appearance without the need for prosthetics like a bald cap. He carefully blended his natural hair with additional strands that matched the texture and color of Dimitri’s hair, ensuring a seamless appearance.
Next, he prepared the ear and teeth prosthetics. Dimitri had distinctly large, lobed ears—a feature that could draw attention if not replicated accurately. Using silicone molds, Nathanial crafted oversized ear prosthetics that attached with special adhesive strong enough to integrate with his skin for extended periods. The teeth were another critical aspect; Dimitri had a noticeable gold cap on one of his upper molars. Nathanial created a set of dental caps, including the gold one, which could be worn comfortably for days and would withstand detailed scrutiny.
Adjusting his height was the next step. Nathanial was naturally 5'10", but Dimitri was known to be a slightly imposing 6'1". Using specially crafted shoe lifts that fit inside his boots, Nathanial managed an additional three inches without compromising his ability to walk naturally. This adjustment required Nathanial to practice Dimitri’s walk, which was a confident, slightly lumbering gait that suggested years of physical labor.
Once the prosthetics were ready, Nathanial applied them himself and tested them extensively to ensure they remained securely attached to his body. Sometimes, the prosthetics were worn for so long that his skin began to integrate with them, a testament to their durability and his commitment to the role.
The final touches involved accessories that would round out Dimitri’s persona: a vintage Soviet watch, a worn leather wallet containing family photos and membership cards to various local establishments, and a set of keys to a nondescript, slightly rusty Volga sedan.
As Nathanial reviewed his transformation in the mirror, fully morphed into Dimitri Ivanov, he practiced his dialect again, ensuring every inflection and nuance was just right. The reflection showed not a CIA agent, but a Moscow native, ready to delve deep into the dangerous underbelly of Russia's criminal world. His preparation complete, Nathanial was ready to step into a life that was not his own, armed with nothing but his wits and his impeccable disguise
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randomwriteronline · 6 months ago
woe/rejoice. agori (and by extension glatorian) hcs be upon you
Agori exhibit subtle sexual dimorphism differently depending on which tribe they belong to (i.e. lebori males have brighter plumage, fezeri females are larger), while their bone structures are essentially identical. Gaquri are the only tribe able to naturally alter their bodies' production of their estrogen and testosterone equivalents. Actively transitioning and/or intersex individuals of any tribe can present dimorphic traits of one sex, traits of both sexes, muddled traits, or none at all
Their breasts are placed in the pelvic area, like horses, and the nips are the only visible part. To prevent chafing, lower garments have soft reinforcements at hip-height
They have short, nubby tails which have survived across their evolution despite having lost their original size and purpose. their movement is very limited and usually unconscious; since they remain the same length during all stages of life, they appear to "shrink" the more a person grows. children use them to better balance themselves when learning to walk
With the exception of Basari's and Fezeri's, Agori ears are very flexible despite their small size and can lean in almost all directions. Their shape varies across tribes
Their senses aside from touch are generally keener than humans'
Agori clothing tends to prefer function to form and does not have significant differences between masculine and feminine styles, although it wasn't always the case before the Shattering
Together with hugs, kisses and handshakes, each tribe has a unique display of affection or greeting pertaining to the head and/or face: Lebori preen each other, Gaquri rub cheeks together, Koniri gently nip ears, Fezeri butt the top of their heads, Basari scratch each other's nape, Potori shove temples against one another and Tapyri press the other's hand to their forehead. The gesture's intensity is usually toned down when done to someone of a different tribe to avoid discomfort or pain
If an object is in an enclosed space like a house, a vehicle or a box, Agori will point to it with their chins instead of their fingers
Vorox and Zesk still communicate in an extremely simplified version of a strict Basari dialect, although the phonetics had to be heavily changed to adapt to the shape of their mutated mouths. Malum has learned it and is currently the only fully sapient being somewhat fluent in Bara Magna Basari
Other tribes tend not to know Tapyri have hair
Koniri fur keeps warm, but becomes stiff in great quantities; Lebori down feathers are very soft, but struggle to retain heat on their own; Potori wool offers great insulation in most climates, but risks growing mold easily when humidity increases
After they (almost) went extinct, the sturdy carapaces of dead Bara Magna Fezeri were pillaged to make very durable high quality armor. because of this there are no intact pieces or Fezeri remains left, and the few plates that have survived since, no matter how worn or outright broken, are either made into family heirlooms or sold at exhorbitant prices. Sahmad has a large number of them (almost all buried) as he made a habit of targetting and capturing anybody who wore them specifically
Tapyri are unique when it comes to cleaning since their protective mucus naturally catches dirt and other particles for easy removal, meaning they only need to scrub or peel it off. Gaquri, Koniri and Potori take water baths while Basari, Fezeri and Lebori take dust or sand baths
Agori children are addressed with the pronouns ti/tir until they choose their own. its highly unusual for someone to use ti/tir for tir whole life, and the set is often used as a playful jab when a person exhibits childish behavior
Pregnancy is a very taxing endeavour: the process takes around a year and a half, but the parent's body will additionally need two or three years to recover from the strain of the experience as a whole, during which it will be physically unable to produce the necessary material to make another child. sudden spikes in stress or a constant stream of it during pregnancy is almost sure to produce a stillborn, and its very easy for older individuals to simply not have the energy to make it through childbirth once the time comes. this used to not be a problem, since Agori are very long lived and the whole planet was full of them, but the Core War drastically reduced their numbers and the hazardous conditions produced by the Shattering all over the planet made for a very dangerous environment to attempt having a child in, so births became extremely rare in the 100 thousand years before Mata Nui's return. the so called "children of Bara Magna" (which include Gresh and Berix) are few and far between, commonly having significant age gaps from one to the other
A wide number of male MU beings is perceived as feminine or adjacent by Agori, partly due to sexual dimorphism not being A Thing for most species, partly due to voice and countenance: Tahu, for example, is considered to be very lady-like. in his specific case this perception might however be also affected by the fact that he was modeled after Ackar, who used to be much more overtly femme in his youth* (check tags)
this is what ive got so far. peace and love on spherus magna.
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nerdythebard · 4 months ago
#62: Sun Wukong, the Monkey King
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[Art Credit: GameScience Studio]
All he ever wanted was to chill with his monkey friends and eat delicious fruit. But the Bureaucracy of Heaven said nooo...
Time for the one and only Sun Wukong. The Handsome Monkey King. The Great Sage Equal to Heavens (self-appointed). The Immortal Troublemaker. As requested by @otakuboysworld. Without any futher ado, let's get into some monkey business! This is going to be quite a bananas build!
Next Time: With a raven's mantle and a doctor's mask... the Hunt shall begin!
Wukong is the earliest example of an overpowered anime protagonist I can think of. With his extensive repertoire of powers and skills, I had to restrict myself to only the most famous few, so let's see what we shall focus on:
Stacks of Immortality: Sun Wukong has gained immortality on at least four separate occasions and originally emerged from a mysterious stone (which adds to his durability). We need to be as tanky as possible on our journey to protect the goodest of monks.
Friends in High Places: The Monkey King, although often clashing with the Bureaucracy of Heaven, does have a few immortals looking out for him including the Bodhisattva Guanyin or Taibai Jinxing, the Great White Golden Star.
Monkey Games: Although a competent and powerful fighter, Sun Wukong is also an accomplished trickster, relying on illusions, transformations, and manipulation to accomplish his goals. Only don't make any bets with the Buddha.
This one is pretty obvious - we're going with the Hadozee from Astral Adventurer's Guide. We shall put +2 into our Dexterity and +1 into Constitution, gain 30 feet of running and climbing speed, and the Dexterous Feet ability, which lets us manipulate objects with our feet as well as we would with our hands. We then have the Glide ability - whenever we fall at least 10 feet above the ground, we can use our reaction to open our skin flaps and glide using our running speed without taking any fall damage, flying squirrel-style. In this case, I would ask the DM to reflavour the Hadozee skin membrane into Sun Wukong's Jin Dou Yun, or "Cloud Surfing" ability. Or, as you may know it better
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We also get Hadozee Dodge - whenever we take damage, we can use our reaction to roll a d6, add our proficiency bonus, and reduce the damage by the result. We can to that a number of times equal to our proficiency bonus per long rest.
For the Backround, we have a few options (Acolyte, Sage, Folk Hero among them), but as a pilgrim making their Journey, we shall grab Far Traveler. We get proficiency in Insight and Perception (to better spot the demons), proficiency with one musical instrument or gaming set, one language of our choice, and the All Eyes on You feature; our accent, mannerisms, and... well, being a monkey, certainly draw attention, but we may use this to our advantage by obtaining information or favours.
We will start with Constitution - we are a monkey made of stone draped in layers of immortality; we can take several heavy punches. Strength will be next, being able to lift an entire pillar supporting the underwater dragon kingdom is no small feat. We will put Dexterity as the next one - we are, in the end, a nimble monkey.
Charisma will be next; we are, after all, the (self-proclaimed) Handsome Monkey King and our reputation among the yaoguai preceeds us. Wisdom is on the lower end, but it shouldn't worry us as the (self-proclaimed) Great Sage Equal to Heaven. Finally, we're dumping Intelligence - we are, in the end, an impulsive monkey.
Now, there are a few interesting ways we could've build the Monkey King, ranging from the classic Kensei Monk through Matt Mercer's Echo Knight Fighter to simulate his hair clone technique; but I do like what I came up with.
Level 1 - Druid: Starting off with Sun Wukong's connection to his homeland, Mount Huaguo. Druids get d8 as their Hit Dice, [8 + Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, proficiencies with clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, and spears as well as light armour, medium armour, shields, and herbalism kit. Really good options, so let's grab a quarterstaff and a scale mail armour. Our saving throws are Intelligence and Wisdom (we sure need those), and we get to pick two class skills from the list (Medicine and Religion).
Druids start by learning Druidic, a secret language and writing system used to communicate secrets across. Additionally, we start with Spellcasting. Wisdom is our casting ability, we learn cantrips, regular spells, and rituals, and we get to prepare [Wisdom modifier + our Druid level] spells every day from the full spell list. We start with two cantrips (Primal Savagery and Thunderclap) and one 1st-level spell (Jump).
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Level 2 - Druid: We unlock Druid's signature ability - Wild Shape. Simulating one part of Wukong's 72 Earthly Transformations, we are now able to take the form of a beast we've previously encountered, with a max CR of 1/4 (no swimming or flying speed), for [our Druid level / 2] hours using our Bonus Action. We can transform twice per short or long rest.
We also get to pick our first subclass, our Druid Circle. For Sun Wukong, whose entire campaign against the Heavens started because his peaceful life on Mt. Huaguo was disturbed, we will go with Circle of the Land. We get to choose a bonus cantrip (Shilelagh), Natural Recovery lets us regain some spell slots during short rest, and we also get some additional spell depending on the Land we decide to associate with; here, we'll go with Mountain.
We can also grab another 1st-level spell (Protection from Evil and Good).
Level 3 - Druid: We don't unlock new class features here, but we are being supplies with some spells. From our subclass we get Spider Climb and Spike Growth (feel free to flavour the latter as Wukong's hair tossed on the ground and transformed), and we unlock 2nd-level spells, which lets us grab Hold Person.
Level 4 - Druid: We get our first Ability Score Improvement. We'll put one point into Constitution and round up Dexterity with the other. Our Wild Shape also improves, now including creatures with the maximum CR of 1/2 and swimming speed, and we gain one new cantrip (Produce Flame) and one 2nd-level spell (Enlarge/Reduce to use on ourselves or our staff).
Level 5 - Paladin: We're changing a tune for a little bit, but hear me out: Wukong is a holy warrior whether he likes it or not (and we do need better combat). Multiclassing into Paladin gives us proficiencies with the full spectrum of simple and martial weapons, as well as armours and shields we already are proficient with.
Starting with Divine Sense, we can now focus our magical monkey senses to detect all celestials, fiends or undead within 60 feet of us, basically allowing us to walk up to the suspicious old lady and go
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We also get Lay on Hands, which grants us small pool of [our Paladin level x5] healing energy, which we can use on ourselves or another creature as an action. Alternatively, we can spend 5 of those Healing Points to remove an illness or a disease from our target.
Level 6 - Paladin: At this level, we are now able to pack a proper divine punch with the introduction of Divine Smite. Whenever we hit a target, we can now burn one spell slot to do additional radiant damage. The damage is 2d8 for 1st-level spell slot and increases by 1d8 for each higher slot (to a maximum of 5d8 or 6d8 if the target is a fiend or undead).
We also unlock our Fighting Style here; we'll pick Dueling for a +2 to our damage rolls since we're only using our staff and no other weapon.
Finally, at this level we unlock Spellcasting. Charisma is our casting ability, and we only know regular spells - no cantrips or rituals. Since we're mixing up two casting classes, feel free to use this [calculator] to know how many spell slots you'll be getting. We have a full access to our spell list, but each day we can only prepare [our Charisma modifier + half of our Paladin level]. With how we are right now that means we start with two 1st-level spells: let's grab Searing Smite and Compelled Duel to yell "COME AT ME, BRO!" to any demon encountered.
Level 7 - Paladin: With Divine Health we are now immune to any disease. We also get to pick our second subclass and pledge our Divine Oath. For Sun Wukong, whose goal is to become the Number One In All Heavens, it's obvious to pick the Oath of Glory.
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We get a few extra spells (Guiding Bolt [funny idea: flavour this spell as your staff extending and hitting the target] and Heroism) and a Channel Divinity options (which we can use once per short or long rest):
Peerless Athlese: As a bonus action, we can enhance our physicality. For the next 10 minutes we have advantage on our Athletics and Acrobatics checks; we can push, lift, drag, and carry twice our normal capacity; and our jumping distance and height increases by 10 feet.
Inspiring Smite: When we deal radiant damage using our Divine Smite ability, we can use this Channel Divinity and, as a bonus action, distribute a total of [2d8 + our Paladin level] healing Hit Points to creatures of our choosing within 30 feet of us (ourselves included).
Level 8 - Druid: Going back to the man monkey of nature, we unlock 3rd-level spells. Take Erupting Earth and flavour it as extending your staff and striking the ground, causing tremors and difficult terrain. From our subclass we also unlock Lightning Bolt and Meld into Stone.
Level 9 - Druid: We unlock a new subclass feature. With Land's Stride, there isn't much that can stop us now. Non-magical difficult terrain no longer impedes our speed, and we can move through non-magical plants with hazardous elements such as thorns and grasping vines without any problems. For this level's spell let's take Water Walk to chase our enemies across all surfaces.
Level 10 - Druid: Halfway through the build and we unlock 4th-level spells. Time to get even better transformation abilities with... Hallucinatory Terrain. The reason I'm not taking Polymorph here is because that spell, much like our Druidic Wild Shape, is also restricted to the 'Beast' category. With Hallucinatory Terrain, we can mess up with the enemy's perception of their surroundings and add a sneak attack or two while they're confused. Classic trickster behaviour.
We also get two more spells from our subclass (Stone Shape and Stoneskin).
Level 11 - Druid: Oh, a lot happens here. First and foremost, another ASI. Let's take one point of Constitution and one point of Wisdom to finally become a little smarter. Next up, our Wild Shape impoves once again and now we can assume the form of any Beast with the max CR of 1 (which usually means a giant version of regular animals) and we can finally include creatures with flying speed!
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Finally, we can get another 4th-level spell (Locate Creature).
Level 12 - Druid: At this level, we only unlock 5th-level spells. From our subclass we get Passwall and Wall of Stone, and we additionally collect Control Winds.
Level 13 - Druid: We get our last cantrips of the build (Resistance) and another 5th-level spell (Scrying). We also get another subclass feature. With Nature's Ward, we can no longer be charmed or frightened by fey or elementals, and we're also immune to poison and disease.
Level 14 - Druid: We unlock 6th-level spells here. With Wind Walk we can transform ourselves and our group into Flying Nimbuses... Nimbusi?... which can be re-made as summoning the clouds for everyone.
Level 15 - Druid: For this level's spell, Bones of the Earth will let us manipulate the battlefield and deal some damage. For our ASI we will get the Tough feat to further boost our Hit Points.
Level 16 - Druid: Unlocking 7th-level spells grants us another great crowd control ability - Whirlwind. It not only deals 10d6 bludgeoning damage to any target caught within, but we can also move it 30 feet per turn, effectively sweeping the area like a hoover.
Level 17 - Druid: Time for our final subclass feature. Nature'e Sanctuary forces a Wisdom saving throw onto any beast or plant that attempts to attack us and make them choose a different target (and miss) if they fail.
For this level's spell, let's further roleplay Sun Wukong's immortality by picking Regenerate. Just remember to be selfish with the heals ;)
Level 18 - Druid: Unlocking 8th-level spells here gives us access to Control Weather (yes, that's actually a power Wukong has) to wreck even more chaos.
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Level 19 - Druid: For our final ASI we will grab the Observant feat; as Wukong was elevated to the Buddahood and gained his all-seeing eyes, we get a +1 to our Wisdom, read lips if we observe a creature for a minute, and get a +5 to our passive Perception and Investigation scores. For this level's spell, we're getting Sunburst to fully unleash our newly acquired divine might.
Level 20 - Druid: Our cap is Druid 17; it doesn't give us any new class or subclass features, but we do unlock the pinnacle of spellcasting, the 9th level spells. At this point, we can finally perfect the 72 Earthly Transformations with Shapechange.
Now, this here is a new section I'm trying out, please let me know your thoughts. Basically, to complete the build, I would like to list two or three items found in the D&D source books that you might want to consider pursuing. See, I am under the impression that the players shape the story as much as the DM; it is completely fine to ask your DM if you perhaps could have a storyline about getting these items, which would make for interesting plot hooks or storylines. Anyway, for Sun Wukong, you should consider the following (both given to the Monkey King by Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East):
1) (Blue) Dragon Scale Mail - This Very Rare item gives us a +1 to AC, advantage on saving throws against Frightful Presence and breath weapon of dragons, and resistance to lightning damage.
2) Pole of Collapsing - To simulate the Ruyi Jingu Bang's dimension changing properties, I would ask the DM to fuse this one with the quarterstaff we use as our main weapon.
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And that's my take on Sun Wukong, the great Monkey King. Let's see what we ended up with:
First and foremost, we have a solid pool of Hit Points. With the average of 216 we place on 3rd place of all build so far, right after Kratos and Atlas. With a plethora of healing options, we can simulate the layers of Wukong's immortality easily. We are a scout and a vanguard first and foremost - with Wild Shape, Divine Sense, and Wind Walk we can search out dangers along the way and let our party members plan out efficiently. We are also able to hold our own, adding the Paladin SMITE to our strikes or use our support spells to confuse the enemy.
Our AC is 16 (18 if we get the Dragon Armour), we have a +3 to our initiative, and the average of 216 Hit Points.
Unfortunately, there are several weaknesses here: first and foremost, none of our ability scores reach 20. Next up, a lot of our spells require concentration, so we need to be careful there. Finally, our mental stats are pretty low, which might prove challenging when facing enemies with mind control or illusion powers.
And that's it, my dears. I wanted to release this during the height of Black Myth: Wukong's popularity, but since my creative brain hates me... I have scrapped the entire build as I was at the very end. Yup, originally I intented to make him Kensei Monk and Trickster Cleric, but decided to focus on his transformations more. Hope you enjoy this, remember to be good to yourself, and I'll see you in the next one!
-Nerdy out!
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tobiasdrake · 9 months ago
Kaioken strikes me as something that was done quite differently in the anime versus the manga, with the former going for a risky flash of power, and the later going full blown transformation, as well as insisting on stacking it with Super Saiyan forms in ways that end up ammounting to nothing...
Funnily enough, Toei doesn't get as much opportunity to play around with Kaio-ken as they might have liked. Goku uses it pretty extensively in the fights he's in between Nappa and Frieza, so they don't get much chance to bring it back in for a Playing the Hits moment.
Within the anime itself, I think that one punch he threw with Super Kaio-ken against Paikuhan is the only time he ever does one outside of the manga's rails.
Though they do get to have fun with it in the movies. World's Strongest, Tree of Might, and Lord Slug all see Goku fire up the Kaio-ken, though rarely with the degree of skill he brought to its mastery in the technique's later life.
You can really see the difference between Toriyama and Toei's creative philosophies with the Kaio-ken there, between Namek and Slug.
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In his training on the way to Namek, Goku focused on hardening his body to resist the Kaio-ken's effects and learning to fire it on a hair trigger.
The basic Kaio-ken is still the only form of the technique that can comfortably be sustained for a long stretch of fighting. However, that no longer matters, because he's cultivated a new way of using it that allows him to reach greater heights.
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Goku already gave us a glimpse of what that looks like when he fought the Ginyus, using regular strength and ki suppression.
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This is different from when a suppressed character would suddenly release their ki and then the Scouter goes "FUCK NO" right in the PTO member's face. Goku arrived with 5k BP. And then he defeated Recoome with 5k BP. At no point until Ginyu arrives does he ever stop having 5k BP, and then only at Ginyu's request to see his full strength.
Burter and Jeice assume this was a fluke accident because that's the sort of conclusion you draw when you're so reliant on Scouter readouts. They saw Goku take Recoome down with their own eyes BUT THE SCOUTER SAYS
But Vegeta catches onto exactly how Goku is doing this.
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Goku's ki flares up in the moment he strikes and then drops back down to conserve energy. He's flickering his ki suppression so fast that the Scouter doesn't even have time to register the change.
This is not the Kaio-ken. Uh. Probably. We'll never know when he uses Kaio-ken again. But whether he was using the technique or not, he was showing us what "bursts" look like.
Every second spent in Kaio-ken when not needed is wasted stamina and durability. So he taught himself how not to waste it. Consequently, Goku can sustain a multiplier of x10 by flaring it just like this, which he does throughout the Frieza battle, without ever showing it.
It's a surprise reveal that Goku's already using KKx10 because his flickering of the technique has prevented it from being noticeable. Except to Kaio.
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These guys aren't present for the fight and are just spitballing ideas. Yamcha grasped at the "What about Goku's weighted gear?" straw a moment ago.
But the omniscient perspective of the audience is present, and we've seen what Goku looks like fighting. There's been no big dramatic shout of "KAIO-KEN TIMES ABOOBUHBLOO!" He has a battle aura at times, but that by itself isn't enough to indicate Kaio-ken.
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And yet this is probably Goku x10 getting kicked in the face.
This reveal took Toei by surprise as much as it did the audience. "Wait, was this Kaio-ken?" is a much easier thing to sell in the black and white color scheme of the manga. The one guy who said Goku hasn't been using Kaio-ken isn't present to watch the fight, so it's entirely possible that he's been visibly flaring red with every burst.
Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin never get tripped up by this the way Ten does. And, y'know, they sense ki so they're probably feeling each flareup.
The halcyon days of Goku roaring with Kaio-ken and suddenly burning with its power are gone; He's beyond it. He's internalized KKx10 as a natural part of his motions, like moving his wrist in a certain way when throwing a punch.
Except when he panics and goes to x20 out of pure desperation.
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A tragic and costly mistake that, much like with Vegeta, leaves Goku extremely vulnerable and unable to continue defending himself.
It's hard to say what Goku should or should not do, as Frieza truly is an incomprehensible menace. He's exactly what Kaio warned about when he freaked out on Goku about "ABSOLUTELY NOT! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES! DO NOT FUCK WITH FRIEZA!"
But he probably shouldn't have done that. Goku actually managed to do some damage to Frieza with that, to be sure.
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We see Frieza scuffed and bleeding. But he blew out his body doing it.
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Much like with KKx4 against Vegeta, KKx20 hit Goku a lot harder than it did Frieza. He probably would have been better off keeping to the KKx10 bursts.
And then we have Lord Slug. The movie that tried to steal the thunder of Goku's Super Saiyan transformation by hitting theaters right before Goku's transformation in the manga and having him go Super Saiyan first. Or. Uh. Trying to, at least.
This is all very complicated and intricate, and conveys a technique that's simple in nature and yet complex to master. Goku has pushed the Kaio-ken far beyond what even its creator ever imagined, because that's what Goku does. He is a martial arts master.
This is the sort of stuff you think about when you're writing for Goku as a writer.
Toei or, more specifically, the people making the anime, don't think about the story like writers, however. They think about it like animators. Because they're animators. Their job is to animate. This is where a lot of the disconnection between manga and anime comes from, as Toei tends to pay more attention to what will be cool to animate over narrative consistency or storytelling.
The movie Lord Slug also pushes the Kaio-ken to new heights with. Um.
Whatever this is.
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Piccolo gives Goku his ki, and Goku flares up into the Kaio-ken.
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And then Goku's KK aura burns with the fiery visages of Goku and Piccolo himself working together as bros.
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Which makes him vastly more powerful. Originally, this was intended to be Kaio-ken x100 and in fact you still see that number passed around in supplementals and shit. It's in the Japanese trailer for the film but they took it out of the official release.
And then Goku hits Slug really super hard with the power of the ultimate Kaio-ken for a Piccolo-Daimao Playing the Hits moment.
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It looks super cool, was probably a ton of fun to animate, and works perfectly with no drawbacks of any kind.
But it's also. Y'know. Kinda dumb, with no explanation given for why Piccolo's ki suddenly allows Goku to hit KKx100.
Which may be why they took Goku shouting "x100!" out of the official release, but then we're left with the basic Kaio-ken one-shotting Slug, when before he got serious he was merely being pressured by the Super Saiyan Kinda. Goku needs the x100 multiplier for this moment to work. But also. That's ridiculous.
Looks fucking cool, though. Great animation, Toei.
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selfixsworld · 3 months ago
I´m bored...
so i´ll give some ideas for quirks for BNHA DRs or OC:
Script Template: @/mx.levias on TikTok — linktree (NOT MY SCRIPT)
Original power idea: @marvelshifter111
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Quirk Inspired By: Medusa (Greek Mythology)
¦ ⌈Quirk Type⌉ ⩵ Transformation
Fear Inducement
Brass Mimicry (around their hands & nails)
Claw Retraction
Cursed Physiology (varies)
Femme Fatale (varies; most if not all Gorgons are female)
Human Monster Physiology (the first three being hexed mortals)
Human Morphing
Serpentine Tail (varies)
Peak Human Combat
Snake Physiology
Dermal Armor
Snake Den
Acidic Venom
Petrifying Venom
Snake Manipulation
Snake Hair
360-Degree Vision
Infrared Vision
Venom Secretion
Supernatural Condition
Enhanced Lung Capacity
Enhanced/Supernatural Strength
Supernatural Durability/Invulnerability
Supernatural Stamina
Immortality (varies)
Supernatural Bodily Aspects
Healing Blood (right side of the body)
Poisonous Blood (left side of the body)
Supernatural Tears
Poisonous Tears
Supernatural Senses
Enhanced Smell
Enhanced Taste
Seismic Sense
Hypnotic Voice
Apex Predator Physiology
Demigod Physiology
Petrifying Gaze
Petrification Beam Emission
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Special Moves:
🪞 Stone Shroud 🪞 - A wave of petrifying energy emanates from the user, turning nearby enemies to stone momentarily, freezing them in place and rendering them vulnerable.
🐲 Serpent Summon 🐲 - The user summons a swarm of serpents from their “Snake Den,” which can attack, constrict, or defend the user on command.
🌪️ Venomous Gale 🌪️ - By exhaling a poisonous mist or unleashing venom from their hair, the user creates a toxic storm that spreads across the battlefield, impairing vision and breathing.
💉 Petrifying Strike 💉 - The user coats their claws or brass fists in petrifying venom, delivering a single powerful strike that begins turning the target to stone from the point of impact.
🛡️ Scales of Invulnerability 🛡️ - The user summons a serpentine shield of hardened scales around their body, significantly boosting their durability against physical and magical attacks.
👁️ All-Seeing Coil 👁️ - Using their 360-degree vision and enhanced senses, the user enters a heightened awareness state, allowing them to predict enemy movements and avoid incoming attacks effortlessly.
⚡ Gorgon’s Wrath ⚡ - The user enhances their speed and strength with supernatural energy, delivering a rapid barrage of strikes with brass-coated claws, capable of breaking through the toughest defenses.
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🐲 Scale Shedding 🐲 - Extensive use of the quirk causes the user’s protective scales to weaken or fall off, leaving them vulnerable to physical damage for a period.
🌪️ Toxic Recoil 🌪️ - Releasing venom or a poisonous mist in a confined space can backfire, exposing the user to their own toxins and causing internal damage or weakened senses.
💉 Petrification Strain 💉 - If the user uses their petrifying energy too frequently, their own body starts to stiffen or calcify temporarily, making movement sluggish and painful.
🛡️ Cracked Armor 🛡️ - Over-reliance on the hardened scales or exoskeleton can lead to cracks or breaks in the scales, causing severe pain and leaving the user open to further injury.
👁️ Sensory Overload 👁️ - Using their heightened senses excessively makes the user vulnerable to loud sounds, bright lights, or overwhelming smells, resulting in disorientation or temporary blindness.
🌀 Voice Strain 🌀 - Using a powerful petrifying roar can damage the user’s vocal cords, making speech or further activation of the quirk difficult.
🔥 Poisonous Rebirth Drain 🔥 - Rapid regeneration via venom or blood sacrifices a significant amount of energy, leaving the user physically exhausted and vulnerable.
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Thank you again @marvelshifter111 for the idea and letting me use it, lot of love <3
Sorry if the format is different or is a different visual, I’m using the iPad since I can’t use my computer
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vintagecontinuum · 2 months ago
Style Masterpost
Many people consider the 1950s a universally flattering decade for women's fashion, but in reality, 1950s fashion didn't flatter most women. The iconic hourglass silhouette required extensive shaping and voluminous petticoats to achieve an exaggerated, curvy silhouette which many body types neither naturally possess nor comfortably accommodate.
If any decade truly represented a universal standard of style, it would be the 1930s. This era's fashion is distinguished by its remarkable variety and versatility—spanning long and lean to curve-friendly and gender-bending elegance. Techniques like the bias cut, where fabric is cut at a 45-degree angle to the grain, allowed for unprecedented draping that celebrated rather than constrained the body.
What many people unknowingly call 'timeless' today usually originates from 1930s design: halter tops, palazzo pants, women's suiting, and the aforementioned bias cut. The convergence of Great Depression hardship, Hollywood starlet glamour, and the complex political landscape of rising fascism created an unmistakable yet unfortunately overlooked silhouette—one of elegant strength that deserves revival in our current age of mass-produced, ill-fitting garments.
By the end of World War II, the quiet power of 30s and early 40s fashion gave way to the more flamboyant, curvaceous silhouettes of the New Look into the 50s. The fashion section of this blog celebrates vintage and vintage reproduction fashion from approximately 1930 to 1945, with some leeway in either direction. I've provided a link directory of my favorite verified vendors, as well as short descriptions I hope you find useful for every store.
Note: this blog handles exclusively vintage reproduction fashion due to its durability and affordability over true vintage from this period. However, many independent sellers, especially from Etsy, offer original pieces in varying conditions.
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meadow-hearthfire · 1 year ago
If Mount Rageons were trolls
Inspired by @ohposhers' Trolls!V&V AU and some conversations I had with @octomyth about their Floyd’s Apprentice AU.
Mount Rageon Trolls are descended from Pop Trolls.
Before the Bergens rounded up the Pop Trolls, the Mount Rageon Trolls’ ancestors moved up Mount Rageous and made a home there, effectively evading capture at the Bergens’ hands.
In the generations that followed, they developed technology that advanced quickly.
They stopped relying on their hair extension abilities as they see little or no use in said abilities due to the conveniences of advancing technology.
They kept their hair-color-changing ability for fashion and vanity reasons. Also, disguises.
Vanity, greed, and pride became common among them. That is not to say they are incapable of kindness, compassion, or love though.
Their bodies are flexible, stretchy, and more durable than those of other trolls, but their bodies cannot stretch as far as their hair can.
Their hair, which they hardly use to leap or grapple anymore, is also noodly and rubberhose-y.
While their bodies can withstand a lot of impact or abuse compared to trolls of other tribes, that does not mean they cannot feel any pain.
They have no fur—not even peach fuzz. Their skin has that rubber-like texture and sheen.
Here's a playlist that sums up the tribe as a whole and their backstory:
I'm open to suggestions.
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cure-icy-writes · 7 months ago
Skykid speculative biology
-Skykids, within the ecosystem, take the role of scavengers. Their primary food is a form of entropy created whenever a candle is lit; essentially, skykids consume the leftover energy. Because they are sacred and spiritual beings, it is considered good practice to place candles outside of your home to feed the skykid population. (Note: Ushering Stargazer's memory indicates that skykids and ancestors did, in fact, exist at the same time. Also, Aviary village contains candles to support this theory. Candle cakes may be shrines of a sort? Wasteland seems to be lacking in candles, while the palace in Crescent Oasis has many. So this is also a classism issue.)
-Skykids are not actually anything like ancestors, but rather a species of bird that happens to be humanoid shaped. They travel in flocks and are excellent mimics; their childlike stature is believed to be a defense mechanism, and they can imitate the cries of many other species. They also have a love of music (source: season of Aurora, season of rhythm, season of duets) and can be seen at concerts. It is said that if the dead are buried with an instrument, the skykids nearby will learn to play from their spirit.
-Due to their odd reproductive cycle, Skykids are lacking in primary sexual characteristics and do not appear to engage in sexual behaviors. (Source: default moth hairstyle is androgynous and game never asks your gender.) Skykids will learn how to style their hair and wear clothing from ancestors, which may often give the impression of gender, but it is important to remember that they might be wearing long hair and a pink flowery cloak simply because they thought it was pretty, not because of any feminine inclinations. The vast majority of skykids seem to be agender, with a small amount displaying gendered preferences. Occasionally, a skykid may be goth. It is uncertain if goth is a gender identity to them.
-Some skykids have been witness engaging in traditionally romantic behaviors, but it is unclear whether they understand romantic attraction or simply see this behavior as an extension of platonic love. It's theorized that they make no distinction between the two, as they will get down on one knee and present their candle to a potential friend.
-Skykids are extremophiles, who are very durable and hard to kill. They love being flung around, shot out of party cannons, and blasted by a boiling hot geyser. It's enrichment for them!
-Darkness plants, as they're commonly known, serve the purpose of absorbing pollution and converting it into a waxy substance that skykids can burn, much like candles. This spreads their seeds and restarts the cycle. Aquatic darkness plants are known as dark marimo, and usually don't clog pipes but rather drift around freely. If you place a small one in a mesh bag, you can use it to absorb the pollution in your water, creating a personal filter.
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james-hinchcliffe · 1 year ago
alright you have me convinced!! what should i know before i watch indycar next season??
yooo i'm so glad i convinced you!! this is a pretty long post, and is kind of all-over the place. i tried to break it up by general topic, but i'm adding randomly as i think, so just a warning. i'll add some info links i like at the bottom. (if you or anyone wants to talk indy or f1, asks or dms are so very welcome, i love making friends <3)
one thing about indy is unlike in basically every else, many cars look very different even when on the same team as well as special liveries that are nothing like their normal ones, so i'd recommend getting the indycar app (it's free and user friendly once you figure out the weird layout) as it has a spotter's guide. it also has onboard cameras and radios for free (!!!!).
indycar is (usually) a pretty friendly sport, but as is the case with american sports, we like chaos, so the drivers can pretty much say anything except swear words lol. there's a few different clips of drivers threatening each other, which is great. id say most drivers are friends or at least acquaintances, expect santino ferrucci (huge bigot, pay driver, got kicked out of f2 for extremely dirty driving, and i personally hate his hair) and often romain grosjean as he hits people a lot. as for 2024 rookies, kyffin simpson's dad bought him his seat, and kyle larson saying the n-word in 2020 means he has some really, really racist fans.
the safety rules are strict and the cars are very durable which is good for high-speed crashes. the safety people (shoutout amr indycar safety team i love y'all, amr the company i hate you more than i hate the fia) travel with the races and have extensive training. they are also stationed in places that allow quick access to any location on a track. this is most apparent at ovals as they are much faster and more dangerous. at the other races, they are stationed where there is higher likelihood for a more dangerous crash that needs faster reactions. they take trucks to the site that are full of basically anything that might be needed. this is especially important as indycar refuels and are at high risk of combustion compared to f1. the calling yellow flags is also a lot more liberal which is nice. during longer yellows, and reds at ovals they'll run a sweeper truck to clean the racing line so people don't slide into walls.
for flag code info, as i don't have the patience to write it out, it is is section 7.2 of the rule book (page 27). i've linked it at the bottom of the post.
with the cars, they're all required to have the same chassis and aren't allowed to change a huge amount, so the racing is mostly down to skill, though andretti, ganassi, penske, and mclaren are better as they have more money. there are two engine suppliers, honda and chevrolet, iirc (don't quote me here) chevy is a bit more powerful, but honda is a bit more handleable. fast pit stops are usually about 7 seconds due to smaller pit crews (7 people maximum) and refueling. each car also has it's own pit box as teams have variable car numbers based on what they can afford. firestone provides tires, and there are two compounds, primary and alternate, as well as a wet tire. primaries are the harder compound and have a black sidewall. alternates are softer and have a red sidewall, except at street circuits where it's green to signify all natural rubber. use of both compounds are required. on broadcast you'll hear them mention "sticker reds" which are just the brand new ones.
more tire info in section 15 of the rulebook (page 84). there's some complex rules if you like tires.
the biggest difference between indy cars and f1 is f1 has power steering, indy doesn't. if you watch onboards, the drivers are wrestling the car the whole time, and most of the racing comes down to skill. the actual racing is often chaotic (indycar app helps with this. i keep it open always) and since there are many pit stops in a race (the cars use a lot of fuel) the leaderboard will change a lot.
the points system is very different, i'll try to cover it as succinctly as i can but i'm going to put a link for the wiki on it at the bottom anyway. (this is going to be formatted real weird, but i want to be brief). p1 50; p2 40; p3 35; p4 32; 4th-10th decreases by 2; p10 20; 10th-25th decreases by 1; everything p25 down is 5 points. drivers get points for finishing the race, basically. (unless there's more than 33 finishers, then 34 down get nothing, but that doesn't really happen). there's some bonus points also, 1 for leading a lap, 2 for most laps led, and 1 for pole position. the final bonus is for indy 500 qualifying. top 12 get points from p1 getting 12, descending by 1, to p12 getting 1.
as for the circuits there's three types: ovals (6 races, 4 tracks), roads (6 races, +1 non-championship race), and street (5 races). ovals are very high speed with little to no breaking. road courses are just your average circuit made for racing, the roads tend to be a bit rougher than f1's but that's kinda just how american tracks are. street circuits are, well, on the street. american roads suck major dick. the smoothest indycar street circuit is comparable to the worst of f1's. very bumpy, usually some good crashes (watch 2023 st. petersburg start. shit was insane).
as a fan, i cannot recommend irl indy more. some races are busier than others, obviously, but it's cheap considering it's a big racing category. 3 day entry for the less major races is usually $60-ish, and paddock passes are an additional $120-ish. not 100% on the price for pit access, but that is a bundle with three day tickets usually. the races aren't super crowded and there isn't assigned seats which is nice. the paddock is super open (check my "fenrir indycar" tag, quick access on my pinned) and you are able to walk up to and touch the cars if you really want (i wouldn't) as well as have conversation with engineers if they're not busy. if you have pit access the drivers are usually just wandering around and are often happy to stop and talk/sign something when not busy. there's also a high risk of nearly getting run over by drivers on their scooters. will power is notorious for this.
for my non-americans, (love y'all) we are very happy to have a conversation with strangers. the indy fans are often thrilled to talk about their favorite drivers and thoughts with anyone. when i went id say the only bad experiences i had was getting overwhelmed (my fault, i went to a place that i knew would cause a meltdown) and my dad getting hit twice by a man in a golf cart twice (same guy, not my dad's fault, the cunt didn't try to move, warn him, or apologize, just hit him, let my dad stumble, hit him again. i'm still mad). the seats are usually right on the track, so it's extremely loud and smelly. 10/10 can not recommend irl indy enough. i am biased to the pnw and it's the only race i've been to, but the portland race is great. it's not got masses of people, you can walk right up to the track to watch with the only thing between you and the cars being a concrete wall and a fence, and as it's a smaller race with less fans compared to the east coast and mid-west races, it's cheaper. biggest con is its built on a swamp, so super humid. (another pro, i'll be there <3 [joke.])
any questions you've got or clarification needed, my notifications are on and i'll respond to relevant stuff as soon as i see it.
rule book (clicking on a section of the table of contents will take you there)
points format wiki
schedule (tickets can be bought here)
app link
2024 series wiki (so helpful)
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got-into-worm-by-mistake · 8 months ago
Kaiser came through the door with a girl on each arm, blondes with measurements like Playboy models.  Kaiser wore armor head to toe, elaborately worked and topped with a crown of blades.  The leader of Empire Eighty Eight.  The twins went by the names Fenja and Menja, and were decked out in Valkyrie-style armor featuring countless little steel wings, along with closed-face helms.  Had to admit, Kaiser liked his heavy hitters.  These two could grow to be three stories tall, and they were a hundred times more durable when they were. Purity entered a few steps behind him with several others following her.  She was dressed in a white costume without any markings or symbols on it, but the fabric glowed softly.  Her white hair and eyes glowed too, but it was more like they were made of heated magnesium than anything else.  I couldn’t look in her direction without getting spots in my eyes, and my mask had tinted lenses designed to reduce glare. The people that had come in with Purity were other members of Empire Eighty Eight.  Krieg, Night, Fog and Hookwolf.   It was interesting to see, because as far as I’d known, while every one of them had been a member of Empire Eighty Eight at some point in time, Purity had gone solo, while Night and Fog had splintered off to form their own duo in Boston not long after.  All reunited, apparently. That wasn’t even Kaiser’s entire team.  Aside from the rare exception like Lung reaching out to Bakuda when she’d been at Cornell, it seemed that most groups recruited new members from within their own city.  Kaiser was different.  He was one of the better known American villains with a white supremacist agenda, and people sharing his ideals were either recruited from other states or they came to him.  Most didn’t stay with him for too long, for whatever reason, but it still made him the Brockton Bay resident with the most raw parahuman muscle at his beck and call.
E88, I think, would absolutely be written differently if Wildbow was writing Worm today, but it is still done very interestingly, regardless.
The gang having more extensive linkages beyond just Brockton Bay, and presumably to the Gelleschaft (is that canon? WoG? Just a common fan thing?) to explain where some of the recruits he gets goes.
I do feel like it's a bit of a missed opportunity to not have E88 be bigger than just Brockton Bay - the degree to which Kaiser is monofocused on the city is a bit weird, but it does also fit with classic superhero tropes, which have a tendency to treat cities as islands unto themselves half the time (Most of the the rest of the time it's worldwide stuff. There doesn't seem to be a lot in between for the average comic book superhero story, from what I can tell. Regional/multicity narratives seem uncommon.
Then again, they seem uncommon in general. If you're going to spend any serious time in a given city for the story... you're gonna keep spending time in that city, I guess.
White Supremacy is a coherent (for a given value of the word) ideology that can serve as a motivating and rallying factor across the board for people well beyond the local area.
Technically the ABB sorta have a similar operating ideology, but in practice, it's mostly just Lung's self-aggrandizement, and recruiting for that, especially on a broader scale beyond just your local city, has got to be hard.
Probably one of the reasons E88 is such a big deal is just that it has what most villain cape gangs don't have - something to pull people in beyond the opportunity to make money as a criminal and have some cape cover and stuff.
I'm sure there's tons of that too, people who just join up for the money and the chance to be a brute, but if you believe in the ideals of E88, you can tell yourself you' re making the city a better place and all that.
Kayden/Purity certainly told herself that, and is telling herself that, now that she's rejoined.
Because she isn't willing to really do what she needed to do to change, to separate out from E88 and her past and so on.
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seaprofound · 6 months ago
interview meme
——— character question sheet
▌real name: poseida. ▌single or taken:  married (verse dependent).
▌abilities or powers: water manipulation (no matter the source—such as blood, for example, or even sweat), magic (most notably illusions), healing hands, empathy and emotion manipulation, shapeshifting, transmutation, earth manipulation—and, by extension, metal manipulation as well (so long as there are earth particles within the metal)—weather manipulation, accelerated healing, enhanced condition (strength, speed, durability, agility, and more—with her flexibility being to the point of elasticity), enhanced senses, limited flight (via water wings spell), teleportation, life creation (various creatures—both mundane and magical—and the atlanteans), power bestowal, aura reading, lunar empowerment, forbidden knowledge projection, bioluminescence, telepathic communication (limited to equids and animals tied to the sea), limited precognition, mild omniscience (with relation to her domain), and immortality.
▌eye colour: the blue of the mediterranean sea with sea green swirling in the center (central heterochromia). ▌hair colour: red—the red of a fox. under the sun, the glints of gold that catch her hair makes her mane look like wildfire.
▌family members: kronos and rhea (birth parents); nereus (father figure and mentor); hestia, demeter, hera, hades, and zeus (siblings); many, many children (most of whom are adopted); also numerous nieces and nephews that she dotes on almost as much she does her own children (at least, when they were young). ▌pets: do mortal men count?
▌something they don’t like: people who go back on their word. people who do not know the meaning of the word honor even if it slapped them in the face. deception against an enemy is something she takes no issue with—deception against an ally, on the other hand, she finds far less excusable.
▌hobbies/activities: arts and crafts, tinkering away at new inventions, magic, studying, reading, cooking/baking, singing, dancing, playing music (guitar, violin, drums, trumpet), swimming, surfing, horseback riding, and video games.
▌ever hurt anyone before:  yes. ▌ever killed anyone before: yes.
▌animal that represents them: horse, cat.
▌worst habits: comforting others but neglecting to comfort herself. isolating herself instead of talking to others. similarly, failing to communicate when there’s a problem—a habit that she formed from her days spent as her own father’s servant. the same days that taught her that it was wiser to stay quiet.
▌role models: nereus, hestia, the telkhines.
▌sexual orientation: pansexual.
▌thoughts on marriage/kids: complicated for the former. she resisted marriage for much of her early rule out of fear that she would only get used by someone who seeks to rob her of her power. with regards to kids, though, she has always been fond of them—especially the disadvantaged. the ones who are abandoned or mistreated for things that they cannot help. the unfortunate souls who have done nothing wrong except be born to parents who can't love.
she, herself, was such a child—a lonely, sorrowful child. and, yet, as she soothed her newborn cousin, chiron, for the first time, anger became her—not sorrow. how? how could anyone do this to a child? how could anyone just abandon an innocent infant without a second thought? the unfairness of it all gave her the resolve to better the lives of as many children as she could—whether it'd be by mentoring them, nurturing them, or flat-out adopting them as her own.
a happy child, to her, represents a brighter future.
▌fears: being worthless. not being of use to anyone. being discarded.
▌style preferences: flowing fabrics that do not stifle her nor restrict her movement. clothes that she could hide in if necessary. a color palette that would seem fitting for a deep sea witch: black with darker shades of blue and purple. comfort above all else with little regard for what is currently popular or trending. lastly, a stubborn disdain for shoes—unless they're silly (like shark slippers).
▌someone they love: her wife, amphi.
their love did not start out as a fairytale. po was much too guarded—much too jaded—to offer anything more than pragmatism when she initially proposed the idea of marriage. a partnership is what she called it. a partnership.
amphi gets: the title of queen (and all the powers and privileges that come with it).
po gets: someone to help her bear the burden of leadership.
win-win all around—especially since po did not require that they spend time together outside of the throne room. while not exactly a romantic offer, po did not think that it was a terrible one either. in her eyes, she was making a high-reward, low-risk offer. she even sweetened the deal by saying that she was fine with an open relationship—that she was fine with amphi taking as many lovers as she pleases. the promise of freedom is what po thought she added—so, it surprised her (not to mention stung a little) when amphi fled.
however, they eventually came to an understanding—and, with understanding, came a friendship that slowly blossomed into a romance.
▌approach to friendships: po shies away from them like a hermit crab—but longs for them like a flower longs for the sun. because of her childhood trauma—which made her so accustomed to loneliness—she struggles to make friends (even more so to define what a friend is). she can count on one hand people that she would say she is close to—but she tends not to vocalize that because what if she had it all wrong?
▌thoughts on pie: comforting. not as fun to decorate as cakes but enjoyable to eat. ace with vanilla ice cream. ▌favourite drink: smoothies. ▌favourite place to spend time at: her workshop on olympus.   ▌swim in the lake or in the ocean: ocean. ▌their type: a kind heart. a heart that does not judge others for their appearance nor things that they cannot easily change. a heart that tries to understand rather than immediately judge. ▌camping or indoors: camping because nature always has a way of inspiring her.
tagged by: nobody  tagging: @singofus , @nectaric , @rheaeaseandflow , @storybounded , @takenamiss and you if you see this! can't tag any more people because tumblr is the WORST
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o-ddel · 1 month ago
HD Lace wigs
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HD lace wigs have emerged as a revolutionary innovation, offering a seamless and natural look for anyone looking to elevate their hairstyle game. At Oddel, we specialize in premium-quality HD lace wigs that cater to diverse needs and preferences. HD lace wigs, their benefits, how to choose the best one, and why Oddel is your go-to destination for these stunning hairpieces.
What Are HD Lace Wigs?
HD lace wigs are a type of wig constructed using high-definition lace. The lace is ultra-thin, virtually invisible, and designed to blend seamlessly with any skin tone. This ensures a natural-looking hairline and scalp appearance, making it almost impossible to detect that you're wearing a wig.
HD lace is made from a delicate, fine material that is lightweight and breathable, providing unparalleled comfort and a realistic appearance.
Hair Type
High-quality HD lace wigs typically use 100% human hair, although synthetic options are available for budget-conscious buyers.
These wigs are incredibly versatile, allowing wearers to part and style their hair freely, just as they would with natural hair.
Benefits of HD Lace Wigs
HD lace wigs have gained immense popularity due to their numerous advantages. Here are some key benefits:
Natural Appearance
The ultra-thin lace mimics the natural scalp, creating an undetectable hairline that looks authentic.
Lightweight and Comfortable
Unlike traditional wigs, HD lace wigs are lightweight and breathable, ensuring comfort even during long wear.
Customizable Fit
Many HD lace wigs come with adjustable straps and combs, allowing for a secure and personalized fit.
When made with high-quality materials, HD lace wigs are durable and can last for months with proper care.
Suitable for All Skin Tones
The transparent nature of HD lace makes it adaptable to any skin tone, eliminating the need for tinting or dyeing.
How to Choose the Best HD Lace Wig
Selecting the right HD lace wig involves several factors to ensure it meets your needs and preferences:
Hair Type
Human Hair: Offers the most natural look and feel, with the ability to style and dye the wig as desired.
Synthetic Hair: More affordable but less durable and versatile compared to human hair.
Lace Size
Full Lace Wigs: Feature lace across the entire cap, allowing for maximum styling flexibility.
Lace Front Wigs: Have lace only at the front, ideal for creating natural-looking hairlines.
Hair Density
Choose a density level that matches your natural hair or desired look. Common densities include 130%, 150%, and 180%.
Wig Length and Style
From short bobs to long, flowing locks, select a length and style that complements your face shape and personal style.
Cap Construction
Look for features like adjustable straps, combs, and elastic bands for a secure and comfortable fit.
Why Choose Oddel for HD Lace Wigs?
Oddel is a trusted name in the world of premium wigs, offering an extensive range of HD lace wigs designed to cater to every need. Here’s why Oddel stands out:
High-Quality Materials
We use 100% virgin human hair for our HD lace wigs, ensuring a natural look and long-lasting durability.
Diverse Options
Oddel provides a wide variety of styles, lengths, and densities to suit all preferences and occasions.
Expert Craftsmanship
Our wigs are meticulously crafted with attention to detail, delivering a flawless finish and realistic appearance.
Exceptional Customer Support
Our team of experts is always available to guide you in selecting the perfect wig and provide aftercare advice.
Competitive Pricing
We offer premium-quality wigs at affordable prices, making luxury accessible to everyone.
How to Apply and Maintain HD Lace Wigs
Proper application and maintenance are essential to maximize the lifespan and appearance of your HD lace wig. Here’s how to do it:
Application Tips
Prepare Your Hair: Ensure your natural hair is clean and flat against your scalp.
Trim the Lace: Carefully cut the lace to match your hairline for a seamless fit.
Apply Adhesive: Use wig glue or tape for a secure hold.
Style as Desired: Once the wig is applied, style it to your preference using heat tools or products.
Maintenance Tips
Washing: Wash your wig with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner every 1-2 weeks.
Brushing: Use a wide-tooth comb to prevent tangles and shedding.
Storage: Store your wig on a mannequin head or in a satin bag to maintain its shape.
Avoid Heat Damage: Use heat styling tools sparingly and always apply a heat protectant.
Reapply Adhesive: Reapply adhesive as needed to keep your wig secure.
Styling Ideas for HD Lace Wigs
With HD lace wigs, the styling possibilities are endless. Here are some ideas to inspire your next look:
Sleek Straight Look
Achieve a polished, professional look with silky straight hair.
Voluminous Curls
Create glamorous curls for a night out or special event.
High Ponytail
Show off the natural hairline with a chic and stylish ponytail.
Half-Up, Half-Down
Combine elegance and practicality with this versatile style.
Beach Waves
Opt for a casual, effortless look with loose, wavy locks.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do HD lace wigs last?
With proper care, HD lace wigs can last anywhere from 6 months to over a year.
Can I wear my HD lace wig every day?
Yes, but ensure proper maintenance to keep it in optimal condition.
Are HD lace wigs suitable for beginners?
Absolutely! HD lace wigs are user-friendly and easy to apply with minimal practice.
Can I dye my HD lace wig?
If it’s made from human hair, you can dye it. However, seek professional help for best results.
How do I know which density is right for me?
Choose a density that matches your natural hair or desired volume. For a natural look, opt for 130%-150%; for a fuller appearance, go for 180% or higher.
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peerlessscowl · 1 month ago
Once upon a time, they washed ashore on another, equally foreign continent...
Though the memory is hazy and incomplete—like a dream long awoken from, the remains preserved through sheer willpower—there is something to be said for the flicker of recognition that slows Alear’s pace to a halt in the midst of circling the bunker’s interior. Makes his gaze linger longer than it should on a head of rust red, the severity of the man’s expression. It’s the clearest view of this not-quite-a-stranger in many a month after all, the dragon relieved just to know he’s still around and not terribly worse for wear.
He gets caught staring though, stiffens like a deer in torchlight in response. Rooted to the spot because he knows his hair makes him unmistakable even in the most crowded of places. A beat passes, Alear exhaling a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding before he approaches sheepishly with the last of the steel swords from his supply run with Sophia in tow. “Hello. I thought you could use another weapon to fight with? We brought back a lot more this time.”
accept steel sword x1 (15/40 durability)?
In a room full of authoritative figures, the most distinctive was...less commanding by presence, but still captivating of the attentions of a solid amount of those about. Raven had noticed the respect the other commanded, gently and without pressure, and it was a conscious thought that, had it not been for the hair, Raven might not have noticed him at all.
The approach was friendly enough, if hesitant, and if Raven cast his mind back far enough, he might have recalled the grit of sand against his fingers, his cheeks, the faintness of overtaking black.
"Hello. Alear, isn't it?" They had been classmates, in passing, in periphery, once upon a time, even without the hazy shadow that loomed over them, the dream of what had not been Valentia.
At the extension of the proffered sword, Raven's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his own - not out of any degree of threat or caution, but in what might have been self-consciousness. He had not taken proper care of his own weapon, and it had nearly cost he and others dearly.
It almost stung, in a way he couldn't put his finger on, and if Alear was any less than the man Raven had observed him to be, he might not have accepted.
The hand slipped from the pommel of his own sword and reached, curling around the scabbard and drawing the steel sword. Heavier than his own, but in better straits.
A nod, flicking his gaze to meet the others. "I'll see that it's put to good use. My thanks."
yes omg yes a thousand times y-
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sinkorhair · 10 months ago
Crochet Twist Hair: Time to Revamp your Style
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Crochet twist hair is a popular protective hairstyle that has gained significant popularity in recent years. This innovative styling technique involves using a crochet needle to weave extensions into the natural hair, creating a seamless and natural-looking hairstyle. Crochet twist hair offers numerous benefits, such as versatility, low maintenance, and the ability to protect the natural hair from damage caused by daily styling. Additionally, this hairstyle allows for various creative and customizable looks, making it a favorite choice among individuals seeking a stylish and unique appearance.
Features of Crochet Twist Hair
Afro-American women choose to put on crochet twists hair because of many reasons. These include longevity, convenience, versatility, low maintenance, and protective styling. Here is a brief explanation of all these features:
Protective Styling
Low Maintenance
Surprise Yourself with The Charm of Crochet Twist Hair
Are you seeking the most outstanding Crochet Twist Hair extensions? Sinkor Hair is the right place. Explore a range of hair care products specially designed for black women. We have the perfect, elegantly finished Crochet Twist Hair extensions you can wear for a casual outing or formal event. The gorgeous texture, unmatched versatility, and durability make it the ultimate choice. So, wear it conveniently and express your elegant style. Immerse yourself in the charm of Crochet Twist Hair and take your hair game to the next level.
100% Kanekalon Hair
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3X Senegalese Twist
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2X New Butterfly Locs
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Deep Twist
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2X Beach Wave
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3X Natural Wavy Twist
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3X Passion Twist
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Bohemian Soft Curl
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100% Hand Tied Water Wave Crochet
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3X Passion Twist Wing Crochet
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Redefine grace and beauty with the most magnificent Crochet Twist Hair. Sprinkle the extraordinary from your distinct personality and indulge in the trendiest hairstyles. The best Crochet Twist Hair lets you flaunt your curls confidently everywhere. To buy the best Crochet Twist Hair extensions and want to know more about our products, visit our website or the link provided below.
Source: crochet twist hair
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months ago
File: Hulk
Code Name: Dr. Banner, the Hulk/ The Modern Dr. jekyll and Mr. hyde
Object Class: Archon
Universe of Origin: Υ-17: "Broken Masquerade"
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AKE is to not be contained or restrained in any way as doing so will very clearly activate his anomalous properties. Instead, SCP-AKE is to be monitored from a distance and never directly provoked. Should any hostels come close to engaging SCP-AKE they are to be dealt with Mobile Task Force Hades-11 “Anger Management”. MTF Hades-11 is also responsible for suppressing SCP-AKE should he enter a “Rage” state. 
Mobile Task Force Dionysus-1 “Fake News” is responsible for downplaying any destruction or anomalous activity SCP-AKE has caused. Foundation cyber agents are to keep in contact with SCP-AKE through online secure chats to assist him in his research for a cure. The Foundation is not to make direct contact with SCP-AKE unless in extremely desperate scenarios due to SCP-AKE’s rough history with PENTAGRAM.
Description: SCP-AKE is an old researcher of PENTAGRAM known as Doctor Bruce Banner who is of average height and weight with very light tan skin, black hair, and dark brown eyes. His line of research was involved with nuclear physics and biochemistry, mainly testing the possibilities of nano medication with radiation to see if there was any way to input natural regeneration into living beings without any side effects. Unfortunately, due to experimentation on him by his own father, as well as his accidental exposure to the radiation he suffered extremely violent side effects.
When under extreme anger, excitement, or stress SCP-AKE will enter an uncontrollable “Rage” stage. He will grow to be at least 2.5 meters tall and his skin will turn into a green texture with a much more muscular build. On the cellular level, each of his cells are mutating to grow bigger and much stronger than before making the body of SCP-AKE much stronger and more durable than before as well as having nearly limitless stamina. As implied when SCP-AKE entered this “Rage” stage he is blinded by said rage and will desire to destroy everything around him. 
Continental projectiles, melee, and even explosive weaponry only angers SCP-AKE even more and making SCP-AKE even angrier will only increase the power of his cells and by extension his entire being. He will grow slightly bigger each time he gets angrier but become much stronger as a result. Theoretically there is no limit to how angry or strong SCP-AKE can get, but testing to see if such limits exist is not only impossible but has been banned by order of the Ethics Committee. 
SCP-AKE is indestructible on all physical aspects and even if he does suffer damage is able to regenerate from any wound. Because of this, even if not under stress, if SCP-AKE suffers terrible or lethal damage he will be forced into his “rage” state. However, if SCP-AKE suffers overwhelming damage while in his “rage” state such as overwhelming forces of reality bending, an explosion so large even he can’t adapt to fast enough, or even an overwhelming force form a projectile or energy blast, he will be forced back into his normal state. Theoretically this is the opportune time to kill him, but the O5 Council has banned any such attempts form both the Foundation and outside forces.
SCP-AKE was discovered in 2003 when he was exposed to a faulty experiment by sacrificing himself to save a college. He was unfortunately mutated as a result and became imprisoned by his own organization in PENTAGRAM. Shockingly his father used his own son’s DNA to turn his pet dogs and himself into mutant monsters. He used his newfound power to become a monster that could absorb and collect properties of organic, inorganic material, and even energies. He was originally not labeled as an anomaly as he was neutralized the same day he was discovered. However, since the emergence of several other variants all made with SCP-AKE’s DNA he has since been re-labeled as SCP-AKE-Absorption. For more information on other variants discovered please see Addendum X-87 for details.
Since SCP-AKE has broken from PENTAGRAM containment, Foundation staff has been ordered not to repeat its mistakes by the O5 Council and the Ethics Committee. All recordings and data from PENTAGRAM's previous containment and neutralization attempts show that any attempt in general only makes SCP-AKE angrier and thus is counterproductive as a result. In addition, the GOC has shockingly made sure to not hunt down SCP-AKE as well and instead have him protected and his existence as well as his hazardous nature suppressed as much as possible. Due to the recent failures of PENTAGRAM Director Thaddeus Ross, he was forced to retire by the GOC who had enough with his failures.
As a result, his successor and arguably more levelheaded second in command, Nick Fury is taking over as the new Director of PENTAGRAM. His first order of Business is rebranding PENTAGRAM based on an old elite force known as the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division or S.H.I.E.L.D. for short. his second order was to have SCP-AKE placed as a potential candidate for the Avengers Initiative, a project created by founding members of PENTAGRAM Peggy Carter and Howard Stark, who also just so happened to be the ones who started the original S.H.I.E.L.D. program.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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notesfromnowhere · 4 months ago
From Curiosity to Craft: How i learned to do Nail Extensions at Home.💅
Mastering nail extensions at home has been one of the most fulfilling and transformative experiences in my beauty journey. It all began when I enrolled in a cosmetology course in my hometown. My focus was on makeup, hair, and skincare, but I often observed other students practicing nail extensions. One day, they asked me to be their model. They only applied extensions on one hand, but that was all it took to spark my interest – I loved how polished and sophisticated my nails looked, and I knew I wanted to learn this art myself.
However, the cost of professional nail extension classes was beyond my budget. Determined to learn anyway, I turned to online resources and discovered a wealth of information. YouTube quickly became my primary teacher, offering tutorials from skilled nail artists. Pinterest provided endless inspiration, while Instagram Reels showcased creative tips and trending designs. Although TikTok was not available in India, these platforms offered me all I needed to start learning the basics of nail extensions and nail art.
Starting with Nail Art Basics I began by focusing on nail art as my starting point. Not only did it require minimal materials, but it was also a great way to develop steady hands, creativity, and an eye for detail. From color combinations to pattern designs, nail art helped me practice brush control and become familiar with nail anatomy. I enjoyed experimenting with small designs, which provided the perfect foundation before moving on to more advanced techniques.
Investing in Extension Supplies After saving up for a while, I finally purchased a beginner’s nail extension kit, which included nail tips, gel polish, acrylic powder, and other essential tools. I started with stick-on and press-on nails, practicing the process of application, shaping, and finishing. Each attempt taught me more about the importance of precision and patience, as even the smallest adjustments could make a huge difference. Practicing these steps gave me confidence and helped me build a steady foundation before I moved on to more complex nail extensions.
Advanced Training: Seeking Professional Guidance While online resources were excellent, I realized that certain advanced techniques—like acrylic overlays, gel extensions, and sculpting—were difficult to perfect without hands-on guidance. To improve, I reached out to a family member who had professional experience in nail artistry. Although she lived far away, I arranged a weekend visit and spent three days under her instruction. During this time, she taught me key techniques like sculpting, creating durable extensions, and layering for strength and style. This experience was a game-changer, as it allowed me to correct mistakes I didn’t even realize I was making and enhanced my skill level tremendously.
Perfecting the Craft After returning home, I practiced diligently, dedicating time each week to improve. I started creating full sets, experimenting with techniques like ombré fades, encapsulated glitter, and 3D accents. I joined online communities, where fellow nail enthusiasts shared tips, and found that feedback from other learners greatly boosted my confidence and skill. Gradually, my creations became more polished, and I could see the difference my persistence made with each set.
Final Thoughts Learning nail extensions at home has not only been a creative outlet but also a testament to the power of self-directed learning. What started as a curiosity has become a rewarding skill that brings beauty and joy to others. If you’re passionate about nail artistry, remember that with dedication, patience, and the right resources, you can achieve stunning results without stepping into a professional classroom. Whether it’s a new design or perfecting a technique, the journey is as enjoyable as the destination.
Some sets i did when i started learning.😁
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Then i got a little better. 🤭
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And this the latest set i did for my cousin on her birthday.💟
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