#dunno what it’ll be
Sylvia lore. So much angst. I'm so sorry.
Sylvia does not wear a prom dress. It's glorified lingerie if anything, a short little dress found in the back of her closet; a relic of simpler times. Her revenge dress, as Dally always called it.
A thin cardigan tossed around her shoulders, a single silver button clasped in the middle across her brassiere.
Too-tall-heels that hurt her feet, and a single little purse held in both hands.
She tries a smile and a pathetic little twirl. Bleached, burned curls fall against her shoulders when she slows, carefully reaching to her eyes but smudging her makeup anyway.
Tim thinks she looks like a filly. Can't keep still, eyes moving back and forth too much. He tries to calm her, through the haze of cigarette smoke curling between them.
“Don't you have a dance to be at?”
“I can't believe we used to fit on that bed.”
The mattress sags. Sylvia pries open her clutch, hastily pulling out a small flask. It's done in a few gulps, rim stained red, and shoved back into her momma’s white clutch before she speaks again.
“I graduated today.”
“I know, I watched. Had to leave after your turn though—, business.”
She nods. “I wouldn't wanna stay the whole time either. Kinda had to though, bein’ in the middle ‘n’ all.” She scoffs. “Sylvia Jackson.”
Curls crumple when she lays her head on his shoulder. Neither move for a while. It's a warm evening, June of 1966. Tim tries not to get ash on her dress and Sylvia tries not to cry.
“I wish you didn't drop out. We could've done it together—, graduatin’. Hell, you coulda been my prom date… don't think they’ll let me drag you ‘long this time.”
Tim exhales, a careful arm around her frail shoulders. His chest rumbles when he speaks; sounding gruffer than he meant to.
“Do you even wanna go to this dance, doll?”
“I wanna get out, Tim.”
Out of Tulsa. Hell, maybe out of the fucking state. He can't blame her— he can barely get a word of common sense in before she’s off on a tangent, tounge that used to cut boys like him to ribbons in their youth.
They're not kids anymore.
“We could leave tonight, while everyone’s busy with the party. Wouldn't even have to tell anyone—, well, we could leave a note for the kids ‘n’ one for Buck. Hell, we could just bring Curls ‘n’ Ang with us—,”
Something in his chest tightens when he lays a scarred hand on her knee. “I can't leave, Sylv. You know that.”
“I know that,” she chuckles through quick tears spilling over her bottom lashes. “I was just-, just thinkin’. I've been doin’ a lot of that these days.”
Thinking of what she’ll do now. She was never an A+ student, college or anything after was out of the question. Not to mention the financial aspect of it all.
Thinking of that gymnasium. The walls done up in streamers, fruit punch and class cupcakes to be enjoyed by all.
She thinks of the Prom Court. King and Queen was no contest; who a better candidate than some dead Soc and his mourning girlfriend?
Sylvia wishes bitterly in her mind for them to move on as she imagines Sherri Valance dressed to the nines, twirling delicately with that plastic crown held to her chest, a match if tiara placed atop her bombshell hairdo.
She thinks of the warm black earth in front of his headstone. It's his birthday carved there. It's his name staring back at her. It doesn't seem real; it never does. She still thinks there’d been some kind of mistake. Some other hood torn apart by bullets under harsh street lamps that brutal night in August.
Dally could always out run the pigs. Always.
Dally never left her for this long.
“I dunno what to do.”
“You're gonna go to your prom, Sylvia. ‘N’ you're gonna be the best lookin’ girl there.” He tucks hair behind her ear, wipes the pad of his thumb under her eye where mascara had begun to run. “You're gonna call me in the mornin’, alright? We’ll go for coffee. Like old times.”
”I’ll call you tomorrow,” she parrots shaikily. Tim nods, Sylvia smiles. “I should get goin’… I don’t wanna miss my prom.”
“Go get ‘em, cowgirl,” Tim calls. He can hear her heels click against the floor the whole way through the hall and down the stairs, all the way to the front door. It slams back into place as quickly as it was thrown open. He stands. Just enough to watch his oldest friend teeter down the sidewalk in her too-tall-heels.
Sylvia will miss her prom. She’ll empty her change into the hand of the bus driver, taking her ticket and watching Tulsa pass by. The sun dips below rooftops, and she’ll make her way into a seedy little bar on the other end of greaser territory. She’ll meet a boy there; her age, another relic from years ago. William— Billy, as he always preferred, Dawson.
He’ll buy her a drink, she’ll repay him with a dance or two. He’ll buy as many drinks as it takes to keep her happy, clinging to his arms as she slides out of her heels and against his chest. She’ll thank him for the fun, planting a quick, deep kiss against his lips.
When he invites her to his car, she’ll follow.
His hair is brown rather than white-blonde. His eyes, every other colour than that pale, lifeless, blue. But tonight, he smells of tobacco and night. Her nails dig into his leather jacket just right, and the way he holds her.
So tightly, so warm, so possessively.
In a way so sickeningly familiar, Sylvia can only push herself closer against his bare chest the next morning, her sorry excuse of a prom dress pushed well past her thighs.
Tim will understand, she tells herself as she settles into his grip. Tim always understands.
i knew where we were going, i knew, and you still had me sucked into the story and gasping when she met up with billy. that’s the sign of a wonderful storyteller-
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
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Oh boi I am in far too deep already and I regret nothing I like it here actually
Anyway, I’m not giving Arti her original pups back but it’s ok! She gets to heal with funky pups of her own again! And there’s an eldest kid and two extra parents, and a whole found fam group that can keep the tiny beans safe this time
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transk0vsky · 2 months
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Care Bears X universal monsters wallpapers from their official instagram story!!
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phosphorus-noodles · 8 months
friends, it is late at night and I am once again considering redesigning my sona in this year of 2024,
I’m thinkin a funny bug fella, but I’m stuck on what kind, so I’m putting it out to my loyal fans and other various internet strangers:
(I am a very decisive person. as we can see, /silly)
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screampied · 2 months
idk if anyone had ever told you this before, but if Tumblr had awards i'd nominate you for having the best themes because omg??? I always look forward to you changing them because of how creative and cool they r
anyways I hope you're having (or had) a great day!!!
wow thank you 😞😞💗 you’re so sweet SMOOOCHH you too have a good day nonnie !!!
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ssreeder · 1 year
big sibling ssreeder i would like you to know your latest chapter had me literally kicking my feet when soka n zuko waved to each other at the end
i dropped everything to read this im so happy with each update i love your work sm <33333
I am obsessed that I have written such a depressing & dark fic that a small wave between the main ship & readers are like:
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Alright, so here’s this au idea I’ve been working on recently
So some time ago, I saw an au where Dark Choco Cookie and Whipped Cream Cookie were raising a young Princess Cookie (I don’t remember if they adopted her or she’s actually theirs, because their designs do make it plausible), and I guess it got me to wonder “well what if Dark Choco Cookie ended up raising Tiger Lily, the one who was left on her own, instead?” Then a couple days ago that idea resurfaced and I started doing some drawings and coming up with ideas
So as shown in the first picture, in this au, sometime after his banishment (but before he joined the CoD, as that seems to have been a relatively recent point in the timeline), Dark Choco ended up in the Hollyberry jungle, and there he found a young Tiger Lily Cookie (around 4-6) all by herself. Maybe she was like, trying to steal his food or something. Anyways, he was shocked to find a small child in the jungle all alone, and tried to help her find someone that knew her or could take care of her, and then upon realizing that she really was all by herself, save for her Butter Tiger, he decided that he couldn’t just leave her there and took her in
And then things just go from there, he raises her and things ensue, not much else to tell you there
I do have more notes about this au, I just don’t know whether I should put them before the design details or after
Screw it, I’ll just put ‘em here
So as stated, this is before Dark Choco joins the Cookies of Darkness, and as such, in this au he never actually ends up joining them. Everything up to Dark Choco getting banished is still the same though
Also as such, Dark Choco is not a villain; a neutral party at worst
The two basically just travel around Earthbread, never staying in one place too long. They don’t really have a set home, but they’re fine with that. The one place they don’t go is the Dark Cacao Kingdom, due to Dark Choco being banished from there and him holding to Dark Cacao’s wish to “never come back”. They do go to the other Ancients’ kingdoms, but they tend to steer clear of the capitals, due to both social awkwardness and Dark Choco feeling uncomfortable with the idea of seeing his dad’s old friends after everything that happened. This is why Dark Choco and Tiger Lily have not met the Hollyberry royal family yet
For now, Tiger Lily Cookie is staying with the name Tiger Lily Cookie, which is a tribute to her Butter Tiger. Also I’m not sure what Dark Choco would call her
Because she was raised by a Cookie, Tiger Lily speaks proper Cookie language. That does not mean to say she won’t hiss or growl at someone
As Dark Choco no longer has an active ticket to the plot, I’m not sure when they’d show up. I want to have them appear during the Hollyberry storyline (since it’s relevant to Tiger Lily, Dark Cacao’s storyline is next and would be good for his development, and also the sheer chaos), but I’m not sure how to fit them in, other than them just randomly showing up
Speaking of which, Dark Choco is aware Tiger Lily looks a lot like Jungleberry, and he knows Jungleberry and Royal Berry were dating and has wondered if they’re related, but he doesn’t do anything about it because it’s been years and he has no clue if Jungleberry even has kids, and even then, he doubted Jungleberry would leave her kid out in the wilderness, whether intentional or not, and if she were dead, then Dark Choco Cookie doesn’t know any family of hers
As shown, Dark Choco Cookie ended up eventually forfeiting the Strawberry Jam Sword years prior to when he did in canon, due to his time taking care of Tiger Lily and him realizing that following the sword is not a path he can take anymore with Tiger Lily. It’s a decision between the sword’s power and Tiger Lily, and he chose Tiger Lily, and he’s much happier for it. As for what happened to the Strawberry Jam Sword, I’m not sure, but I do want to bring it back in somehow
Also the Butter Tiger is still here. It met Dark Choco Cookie not long after Tiger Lily did, but the two ended up reaching some form of mutual respect, as each saw the other truly meant the girl no harm. Butter Tiger does not have a name (other than Butter Tiger) out of respect, and Dark Choco treats the cat like an equal, knowing he’s not some mindless beast and is very intelligent
The second picture was just me messing with concepts, and just me wanting to draw Dark Choco doing her hair
Then after that I tried to come up with some actual designs for them in this au
So for Tiger Lily, I based her look mostly off of her Snow Warrior outfit and some Dark Cacao soldier outfits, though as I say there, I think she looks a bit too much like a Dark Cacao warrior, despite her never actually going there. I also originally gave her a guandao, but I changed it to just a normal spear because I thought it was too similar. I decided to keep her stripe markings because Butter Tiger. As for the eyes, I wanted to make them more normal, since she’s not a feral child, but I wanted to keep in elements of her wild upbringing, so I gave her slit pupils like Crunchy Chip Cookie (another thing I want to mention, while her eyes usually stay like this, they can sometimes go back to her usual eyes, typically when she gets surprised or is being feral). I also gave her a braid like Hollyberry’s huntress outfit, because I liked it and I thought it would be a good way to keep her hair long and not have it drag on the ground
Next for Dark Choco, I mostly drew elements from his most recent design. I made his hair longe because (mini ramble warning) I had heard something about how back in old Korea (I heard China did it too), there was this thing about how you weren’t allowed to cut your hair because it was something given to you by your parents, and cutting it was essentially like cutting off ties with your family (and also it was sometimes a criminal punishment?), and this seemed to be something that Dark Choco and Dark Cacao followed with their hair. Given Dark Choco’s short hair in his Prince of a Lost Kingdom costume, it’s likely that his hair was cut after his betrayal, whether by him or his father (I like to assume it was him due to his guilt over what he did and him thinking there’s no going back for him now). Something else I’ve noticed is that with his short hair, it never looks like it’s naturally that length, rather it always looks like it’s cut, leading me to believe he regularly cuts it as a way of punishing himself and not allowing himself to let go of what he did. Here though, he’s gotten character development and has been letting himself heal and start over, finding a new purpose in life, and thus, he’s let his hair grow longer. It’s nowhere near what it used to be, but it’s a start. I also gave him lighter colored clothes to symbolize the fact that he’s more positive, and is also more on the good side here. Also he has a different sword because no SJS
Anyways yeah, I think that’s all I had. I know I had a few more ideas I wanted to sketch out for this but I didn’t. In any case I hope you enjoyed this!
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floral-hex · 2 months
One of my brothers is moving away to college today + I have to skip therapy, so it’s a lot of… a lot. a lot.
#he was just a baby! he was just a little kid I carried around and took care of!#no nope. not gonna get into it right now. I WILL cry. it’s not even 6am and I do not need that right now#and I don’t really know if therapy today would really help#if I got into it I’d just start crying in front of this nice dude for an hour#though yeah… might be nice to.. I dunno… just talk about it.#I am always simultaneously ‘therapy is good’ and ‘what’s the point in talking about it?’#so maybe I do need that person that’s like ‘this is your time. just fucking talk.’#but also right now it’s like… talking about it won’t take me back to when my brother was little and far off from leaving#blegh…#whatever. anyway. it’s gonna be a sad day. I’m gonna cry A LOT. I’m gonna be alone in this apartment and just sooooobbbbbbing#and then keep this inside for another week before I can go to therapy and talk about this bc god forbid I talk to a family member about it#ok now it’s 6am. I think he’s leaving in about 4 hours. it’s cool. it’ll be cool. 😎 I’ll just miss my bro so dang much#but maybe I’ll walk down to the dollar store and stock up on snacks and I’ll get blasted and fatter and try to stay positive#uggghhh#I’m too emotional#time just keeps moving for us all. to my dismay.#’time is the fire in which we burn’#you can ignore this#I don’t think I’ll ever have kids. I’ll never have kids. and being there. with him. with my brothers. that was the closest I’ll ever get.#and it’s over… so… 🤷🏻‍♂️… it’s just done… they’re grown. and I’m still here. I don’t know what else to say…#but that’s life. they’re doing their thing. I’m happy for them and I want them to be happy too. I’m just a big crybaby#IAN!… stop typing!#just making myself sad at this point#it’s fine. it’s fine. I’m fine. I’m cool. everything’s… cool 😎#this isn’t important#text
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
I dunno guys I’m sorry I’m always fucking up so spectacularly I wanna be okay but I don’t know how. I appreciate every one of you very much and I appreciate you sticking around I know it’s hard sometimes when I’m stupid and horny always but I dunno. I dunno. Thank you. Thank you all of you.
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stardust-sunset · 7 months
I feel like Cartman would end up ‘shipping’ Kyle and Baylie from the moment she moved to South Park. I mean, they’re both ‘melanin deficient freaks who need to avoid the sun not unlike vampires’ and they’re both jewish (well-baylie is half). so I feel like he would just keep trying to get them together and whenever anyone or anything gets in the way he throws a fit. Kinda based off the Tolkien and Nichole thing tbh. I dunno, it’s just something I can see him doing, even if the two wanna be just friends.
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lovelesslittleloser · 8 months
15,503 words of bullet points for a mash-up of too many varieties of the same subject
Five books planned, two prequels two sequels, the original story is the least interesting part
Twenty-five half-planned chapters of vaguely-connected casefic oneshots
And I’ll never finish writing any of them.
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g-mantopsurgery · 10 months
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i will do this at some point . maybe next week
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cypresstrees · 2 years
just had the thought that fuck, three books isn’t enough for this five day trip home and then realized that i definitely haven’t had a thought like that probably since i was 12
i really have returned to reading like i did as a kid and i genuinely am very much enjoying it
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lattesqueeze · 1 year
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lailuhhh · 2 years
Oh cool it is Wednesday
Jack always blamed himself for Mac getting injured. It was a thought that was lodged so deep in his head that there was no way of it ever leaving. If he was there when the injury took place it was his fault, because he was there and he should’ve been able to stop it from happening. When he wasn’t there it was his fault, because it wouldn’t have happened if he had been present.
Mac never blamed him for anything, even though there were things that were explicitly his fault, because in Jack’s head, everything was his fault.
There were instances where Mac had forgotten the injury because there was nothing to prove it happened; no scars, lingering pain, evidence of visits to med. Jack remembered nearly all of them; the time Mac broke his arm, time he got stabbed, time he got poisoned—
Then there were the instances where there were scars. The scar from the gunshot that just missed his heart. In Como. That was the day Jack was certain he was pulling Mac’s lifeless body out of the water. There was just so much blood, coming out too fast.
That was definitely Jack’s fault. He was there, hadn’t paid close enough attention to their surrounds and got knocked from behind, only waking up who knows how long later, to see Mac lying on the side of the bank unmoving.
And then was the time where his hands were useless to him after literally pulling Jack out of a fire. Mac’s hands were everything to him, and having him purposefully put them out of commission for Jack’s sake only made the guilt set in harder. His hands healed yes, but there were patches of smooth, almost callused skin where the burns had been so bad that it was unavoidable.
Jack saw those scars every day. He knew they’d get easier to look at with time, and the memories wouldn’t bring as much guilt as they currently did, but they would always serve as constant reminders. Two distinct failures that caused Mac pain. And Jack would never forgive himself for those.
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cetoddle-archive · 2 years
idk i’m kinda scared
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