#dunno exactly what it is but i hope it's not depression
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in my annual 'christmas mood came in september' phase and this one is soooo good 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
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hooved · 1 year
i know everyone's told me to rest because i'm sick but i just can't. it doesn't feel right. i need to do everything i can rn because i'm scared that any second we'll be told to get out NOW
#there's a lot of legal shit going on so i'm really unsure when exactly we'll have to leave#my mom keeps telling me to pack an overnight bag just in case and i know she's right but there's other things i need to do first#plus i'm not leaving my computer here. i'm just not. i can't. it's my most important possession. it keeps me sane if you can call it that#i need to get everything else ready before finishing getting my ''i need these with me at all times'' stuff ready#because so much shit is in the way like i still need to take out trash and do more laundry#and get more things that have already been in boxes forever out of here. also the closet door is stuck so that's a problem#i don't even care about most of the shit in my closet like i know there's stuff from my childhood in there but i don't remember what#other than that it's junk. and decorations i bought for an eventual apartment but when the fuck is that even gonna happen#i know i'm sitting here doing nothing rn as i'm typing this but i'm like mentally stuck on what to do next without my mom's help#and she's not here rn. plus there's some dude that her shitty ex is letting stay downstairs rn ? for some reason ?#and i just don't feel comfortable leaving the room to get food or take out trash or change out the laundry. it's just weird#plus i'm sick and he has a weak immune system and like. i dunno i don't wanna be responsible for that#anyway sorry i'm rambling. i know it's understandable at a time like this but i just feel bad that this is all i'm talking about rn#i'm just so fucking depressed and stressed and tired and i've barely eaten anything for the past few days#i can't even have fun or talk to any friends like i normally do. my brain won't let me and it just doesn't feel right. i can't be happy rn#for even a second. it's just not the right time. there's nothing to be happy about. i have no hope at this point that things will work out
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defiant-firefly · 1 year
In terms of what I've been up to lately, I'm planning on massively overhauling my bedroom (I still live with my parents and with the way the economy is going, I seriously doubt that's gonna change any time soon) because these meds have made me more aware of just how badly I need a space that suits me. I have big ideas, and hopefully this treatment stuff will help me realise them, even if it takes for fucking ever. Like, the skills I'd need to learn for this would be quite numerous I would say so yeah it's a difficult project, but a big one I can gradually work on over time with other stuff I wanna do so maybe I'll get somewhere with it. Literally, after we moved here years ago, we put wall paper on one wall and I had plans to paint the rest of the room but I did one wall, and an unfinished pegasus onto it and we did nothing else to it. Same with the rest of the house honesly. Only room that got finished was the paint in the kitchen. After all this time, the exact same off-white walls everywhere and the grey carpets have kinda killed it for all of us I think, but now that I have an actual emotional requirement for a room that's comfy, cosy, and very much me, I'm gonna see if I can change that.
Dad also says if I actually go ahead with my little dream project of putting a train track high up on the wall that goes all around the room, and it actually looks good (cause I don't do things by halves okay I will take the idea and run marathons with it), he'll let me put another one in the living room themed on the ocean. It pissed mum off because it's not something you're supposed to have in a living room, and she doesn't want any guests assuming the worst, but she's wrong. An ocean themed model railway around the room would be unique, interesting, fun, and loved by everyone worth the time of day, in my humble, totally unbiased opinion.
Speaking of mum, she's gained an interest in making the garden look nice. We were gonna work on a pond and stuff together but she's kinda just doing her own thing so I'm gonna get a bunch of Diglett and Dugtrio garden ornaments and gradually hide them around the place until she notices. She won't stop me! She's used to my shit! But I'm wondering how much I can get away with before she notices the Diglett takeover lmao
#firefly life#i just felt like making a little post#no one is outside talking to me so I dunno#a little post for anyone actually interest in what I'm up to now#I haven't actually done anything to be clear#this is why I'm on meds I have chronically awful executive dysfunction and have been unable to do basically ANYTHING in YEARS#and that's depressing you know?#but now I'm getting ideas and there's actually HOPE that I'll be able to do them!!!#so I'm feeling much more optimistic about everything now!!#it's not a cure or anything but I'm hoping this just makes it EASIER#I just want a life man and this is pretty much my only chance at that#is that an unhealthy mindset? probably.#but the NHS just send me around in circles diagnosing me with 'curable' depression and anxiety#and then having the audacity to claim they've CURED me when NOTHING has changed!!#sick of it man#you know dad decided to pay for me to go private for this? that's how sick and tired he was???#literally giving me his life savings so I have a chance at a life of my own#can you believe that?#he's a grumpy old man that's almost retired that blames every technical issue on me switching him to Firefox#and is a master of showing up exactly when you don't need him and for avoiding making decisions to an infuriating level sometimes#but fuck man#there's a lot of people in the world that WOULDN'T do that if even if they could#I'm looking into trying to do something special for his birthday and christmas and stuff cause I just#don't know how to tell him how important him doing this for me is#sure he doesn't get it like at all and has a hard time remembering anything I tell him about it unless it's the thirty fifth time#but he's doing it anyway and that's so amazing of him#I don't want him to regret this#we've already seen improvements for me but if I can have some semblance of a life again#the three of us would be overjoyed#and his hard earned money wouldn't have gone to waste
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
Steve got the tattoo the day they held the very small, very secret service for Eddie.
He knew he had to get it somewhere hidden, didn’t wanna answer questions, not even from Robin.
The E+S on his upper thigh was precious to him, all he had left of the promises they made to each other as children and again as teenagers.
Eddie was Steve’s, even if he wasn’t here, and Steve would always be Eddie’s, even if Eddie no longer knew.
But eventually, the end of summer came, and the kids wanted to have something normal. Normal for them was a pool party that ended in a sleepover, and Steve didn’t have much choice about making it happen.
He wanted them to have something normal.
So he got his bathing suit on, forgetting the tattoo was in a spot that might show in it, and tried to have fun with them.
Robin noticed and then Max noticed, and once he’d tried getting out of the explanation twice in a row, Dustin and Will noticed.
So he just explained that he lost a dare with Tommy years ago and that got them to stop asking.
But he found himself crying in the shower that evening, trying his best not to make any noise as sobs wracked his body and it got harder and harder to breathe.
The only thing that snapped him out of it was the knowledge that Eddie would want him to go back downstairs to be with the kids. He wouldn’t want to see Steve like this.
He kissed his fingertips and pressed them to his tattoo, just like he’d done every single day since he got it.
And then he went downstairs to be with the kids.
His one rule during sleepovers at his house was he still go to sleep in his own bed. Sometimes Robin would join him, but most of the time, he slept alone.
He couldn’t sleep.
He could feel the exhaustion deep in his bones, but every time he closed his eyes and tried to drift, he’d get an overwhelming feeling of being watched.
His eyes would open and he’d look around, confused and frustrated.
And nothing would be there.
Which was good, great even. He didn’t want there to be anyone or anything there. But he did want an explanation for this feeling.
He sat up in his bed and sighed.
Maybe he could-
Something was definitely in his bathroom. The door had been closed earlier, like it always was, and now it was halfway open.
The light was off.
Steve stood from his bed silently, crept to the bathroom with his nail bat raised, and considered what would happen if he died up here.
“That’s a depressing thought even for your melodramatics, sweetheart.”
Steve barely resisted screaming at Eddie’s voice.
“Oh god. I’ve finally fuckin’ lost it,” he said as he turned the bathroom light on.
“I dunno. You still got it, baby. Even if you lost some weight in your ass.”
Eddie, or something that looked and talked like Eddie, was sitting on the sink in the bathroom.
“I did like those little swim trunks, though. Hope you wear those again for me.”
“What the fuck.”
“You know, that’s exactly what I said when I woke up alive. Kinda thought I was dying. Imagine my surprise when I didn’t.”
Steve held his bat tighter.
“Eddie? How?”
Eddie hopped off the sink and stepped closer, slowly, so he wouldn’t scare Steve.
“Not sure. But it’s not the craziest thing that’s happened.” Eddie wanted to touch him, Steve could tell. His hands were clenching into fists to resist. “I know I’m not human, but I’m close enough, I think.”
“Close enough for what?”
“To love you.”
Steve dropped the bat and fell against Eddie, burying his face in his neck and breathing him in, not caring about the dirt or sweat or grime clinging to his skin.
It was Eddie, and he’d take him any way he could have him.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’ve been trying to get back here for so long.” Eddie’s arms held him tight enough to bruise. “Won’t happen again, won’t leave you again.”
Steve’s sobs were loud, but trying to contain them physically pained him. He’d been in enough pain for months. He had to let these out.
He felt Eddie waving his hands behind him, but then heard Robin’s rambling and decided to turn.
“-and he’s been distraught for months but didn’t tell me anything and then I saw his tattoo earlier and I thought, well, must just be a joke you guys had. And then I was like, no, can’t be, because you barely spoke. Or at least I thought you did. Clearly I’m wrong. I’m super wrong. Wrongest I’ve ever been maybe.”
“Robs.” Steve’s choked voice silenced her. “You know how I told you to go for it with Nancy because I really didn’t have feelings for her?”
“I don’t see how this is relevant, but yeah.”
“She protected me, both of us, really, so we could be together. Offered to pretend to date me so no one would get suspicious.”
“Steve. Steve Harrington. You had a beard?”
Eddie snorted. “I know you said she was funny, but I’m pretty she’s my second favorite human now.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I’ve been with Eddie for forever. I mean, since we were kids practically.”
Robin was silent. A rare thing for her.
“Sorry, just taking this in.”
“Yeah, Eddie being alive is a lot-“
“Not that. That is gonna come a lot later once I stop and think about the fact that he’s some kind of zombie.” Robin leaned against the doorway. “The fact that I came out to my best friend and he didn’t return the favor. That is queer code, Steve.”
Eddie laughed, and Steve let out another sob. He’d missed him so much, missed his laugh, his arms around him, his heartbeat-
“Eds. Eddie.” Steve lifted his head and pressed both hands to his chest. “You-“
“Ah. So I don’t seem to have a heartbeat anymore. As far as I can tell, I did actually die.” Eddie shrugged as if this news wasn’t absolutely insane. “So my best guess is vampire since I prefer blood to brains. But I can get by without it for a pretty long time.”
“How long?”
“Well, I haven’t had any since the day I woke up. Which is a few months according to your calendar.”
Robin held her hands up. “I’m going. Good luck. The kids are gonna flip.”
“Do not tell them. Not yet.”
Steve needed tonight, needed to have Eddie to himself before everyone else stole it for a while. He wanted to be selfish for the first time in a very long time. He knew Robin would understand.
“Sure thing. But you’re gonna have to be quiet. You’re lucky none of them heard you crying.”
Steve nodded and curled back into Eddie, placing a kiss against his neck.
“Glad you’re back Eddie,” she said as she left.
“I need a shower,” Eddie said. “Think it’ll wake the kids?”
“Nah. They slept through a tree falling in the yard last month during a storm. Just need to be quick,” Steve pulled away to start grabbing what he’d need for a shower, but Eddie pulled him back on, running his nose along his neck and sending chills down his spine.
“You wanna join me?” He asked.
“Of course I do. But we won’t be quick if I join you,” Steve smiled.
A real smile. One he realized he hadn’t had on his face since spring break.
“You wanna wait in bed for me, then?” Eddie beamed back at him.
“Can I stay in here? I don’t-“ Steve sighed. “I don’t wanna leave you.”
Eddie’s smile softened into something endeared. “Yeah, sweetheart. You can stay. Talk to me. Tell me what I missed.”
Steve told him about everything he could while he showered away the Upside Down grime, watching his shadow behind the glass door of the shower to make sure it never disappeared.
They made sure the bedroom door was locked before crawling into bed together, Steve laying on top of Eddie like he always did before.
He was heavier, but Eddie never cared.
Steve slept so long, Eddie had no choice but to go downstairs in the morning so no one would wake him up.
The chaos that ensued was nothing short of overwhelming, but Eddie didn’t mind.
He was happy to back with all the kids, even if they asked incredibly inappropriate questions about his body to find out what he was.
When Steve finally came down, he was still half asleep and barely registered the open-mouth stares of everyone as he came up to Eddie and rested his head on his chest, wrapped his arms around his waist.
Eddie smiled down at him and kissed the top of his head.
“Morning, sunshine.”
“Morning, baby.”
“Sunshine?!” Dustin yelled.
“Baby?!” Mike yelled louder.
“Make them go away,” Steve sighed against his neck.
“You don’t wanna explain?” Eddie asked him, half joking.
“Not today. Scare them or something.”
“You think Eddie can scare us? We’ve all almost died!” Lucas said.
“Fine. Eddie and I are together, have been forever. The tattoo on me is our initials. Get out of my house.”
The kids just stared at them in silence until Steve finally turned from Eddie and put his hands on his hips.
“I wasn’t asking. Get out.”
The kids scrambled to leave, making promises (threats) to come back soon.
Robin waved as she walked out with them, throwing them both a wink and knowing smile.
“So how long do you think we have until they come back?” Eddie asked, rocking them back and forth gently.
“Few hours maybe.”
“I can do a lot in a few hours,” Eddie nipped at Steve’s ear, making him shiver and laugh.
“You got super strength with your new life?” Steve grinned at him.
“I wouldn’t call it super, but I could definitely carry you back to bed.”
Steve jumped up and wrapped his legs around Eddie’s waist, arms around his neck.
“Carry me to bed, then, Eds.”
“Anything your heart desires, Stevie.”
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lizthewriter · 11 months
i'll take care of you, that's true / poly!billy loomis & stu macher
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PAIRING  billy loomis x stu macher x fem!reader
SUMMARY  it's been plainly obvious to your group of friends (and probably everyone in the entire school at this point) that you, stu, and billy harbored a heaping amount of feelings towards one another. see, the problem was that while billy and stu were completely aware of their feelings for each other and for you, you had made no efforts to be as obvious with your feelings as they did. stu was always launching some flirty line at you that made your heart stumble and insisted on paying for anything you wanted when you went out - billy offered to carry your book bag from class to class and you always caught him staring at you with this hungry look in his eye. you hadn't expected to spill your feelings towards them in the oddest way - when your depression claws it's way back from the dead.
TAGS  billy loomis x stu macher x fem!reader, fluff, angst, no hurt just comfort, happy ending, idiots in love, soft!romantic!stu, billy is a lil' inexperienced with those things called emotions, but we ball, reader is quite feminine, reader loves pink, reader has depression, no ghostface we die like men, implied stalking
QUOTE  "stand beside it, we can't hide the way you make us glow . . . i'd take care of you if you asked me to," - take care by beach house
WRITTEN  10.25.2023
Stu thought back to the previous morning - you had walked into school in one of those cute pink numbers of yours that he knew Billy secretly loved. He watched you approach your locker from across the hall and open the door. Hoping to suprise you, he snuck up and hid behind the door, waiting for the inevitable moment when you would slam the door close and jump in suprise at his sudden appearance. It happened exactly as Stu predicted - you placed one last book in your locker and closed it shut, suddenly jolting when you noticed Stu, and clutching your heart through your chest.
"Geez, Stu, you scared the crap out of me," you said breathlessly, your mind on a heightened alert from the adrenaline of the jump scare. You noticed he was holding something behind his back and furrowed your brows, a questioning smile spreading across your face. "What's that?"
"Suprise!" Stu exclaimed loudly, revealing what he was hiding behind his back. You ignored the stares from your other classmates in the hall and bit back a grin as you graciously received his gift. Filled iside a plastic box were shortbread cookies filled with strawberry jam, powdered sugar covering the top.
"Aw Stu, you really shouldn't have," you said, unable to stop the flush from rushing to your cheeks. "Thank you, these look amazing! How did you know I liked shortbread?"
Stu shrugged as though he just happened to select the right cookies. But really, he had seen you buy something similar when he followed you out into town once. He also knew of many other foods you were paticularly fond of, which lead you to joke around that he had some sort of superpower, always knowing what food you liked. "Dunno, just reminded me of you, babe."
This morning, however, a very different aura surrounded you. You came in wearing one of your usual outfits, offering what seemed to be sweet smiles to classmates who greeted you in passing. But something was utterly wrong and Stu could definitely sense it.
This morning, he stood by Billy's locker, which was a little down the hall from yours. Stu had been so preoccupied in his own thoughts about you, wondering what was wrong and how he could fix it, that he hadn't been paying attention to Billy. He felt someone rap him sharply on the head and let out a yelp, turning to face Billy.
"Hey, that hurt, man!" He exclaimed, rubbing the back of his now stinging head.
"Well don't ignore me next time." Billy slammed close his locker and glanced back towards Stu. Curious about what had his friend so preoccupied, he followed Stu's line of sight to you. The edge of his lips curled up slightly. "Oh, I see what it is. That pretty little minx has you all wrapped around her finger, huh?"
"No - well, that too, but something's wrong with her," Stu said, worry etched into his expression. He watched as you slowly filled your locker with textbooks, your arms shaking weakly.
"Are you sure? I mean, now that you say that, she does look a little . . . pale." Billy went silent as the both of them watched you, mentally debating what to do. "I'm not really good at all that 'emotions' stuff. I think it would be better if you talked to her."
"All right, but at least come with me." Billy huffed, pretending as though it was all an inconvenience, but immediately followed Stu as he cautiously approached you. Today, there was no jumpscare when you closed the door to your locker. You offered yet another fake smile to the boys, but Stu couldn't help but notice the bags under your eyes.
"Hey boys," you said. "Look, I have a class soon, so I really think I should -"
"Are you okay?" Stu asked softly, bringing a hand up to caress against your cheek gently. You cringed away from him, causing a pang of hurt to echo through his heart.
"I'm fine."
"You don't look fine." You couldn't meet his eyes anymore, much more focused on your feet now. What were you supposed to tell him? That you cried yourself to sleep last night? That there was some sort of gaping hole in your chest? And you couldn't even figure out why it was there? That, what, you barely enjoyed any of your old hobbies, that everyday chores were beginning to turn into difficult tasks?
"Please, Stu, just -"
"Don't push us away." Both of you glanced towards Billy - the two of you were surprised to hear him speak. "We just care about your well-being, that's all."
"Yeah, come on, just talk to us? We just want to help you, make you feel better."
You bit your bottom lip and the gears in your head turned - the boys could see the internal debate going on in your head. You grabbed both of their wrists, leading them to a nearby janitor's closet. Although it was only a few steps away, it felt like forever walking there, especially when you felt as though you were about to cry again.
Billy shut the door behind both of you, causing you to dissolve into a blubbering mess as soon as he did so. "I feel - so terrible all the time and . . . don't know why - can't talk to anyone." Your words were interrupted by sniffles, hiccups, and sobs.
"Babe . . ." Stu said with a frown, sitting you down on the janitor's small desk chair. Your gaze was directed towards the ground, so he got on both knees just so you would meet his eyes. "It's okay. I get like that too sometimes . . ."
"You . . . do?" Even Billy tilted his head, glancing towards Stu with an arched brow. Funnily enough, in their relationship, Billy had always been the one to talk about their problems, but never Stu.
"That's right babe. And most of the time I don't get it either - I just get sad and hopeless. And sometimes nothing can make it better. But I feel less shitty when I'm with my friends." He grabbed both of your hands and held them in his own, offering you a kind smile. "Hm? You can talk to us, pretty."
All your thoughts came out faster than intended and soon enough you were ranting quite vivaciously to the two of them, who both listened patiently and waited for you to finish before saying anything. You felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off of your chest with each and every word that spilled from your lips. You wanted to say more, to get it all out. Suddenly, one paticularly heavy secret came to mind and you found guilt seeping through every vein in your body. You glanced between the two boys with trepidation. While Atu was watching you in admiration and understanding, Billy seemed lost in his own world, almost like he was in longing.
You had to admit that you were attracted to both of them, something that made you feel incredibly guilty. They were both your friends and you always felt as though you were hurting the other when you were paying paticular attention to only one of them.
"What is it, baby? Is there something else you want to get off your chest?" Stu asked.
You withdrew your hands from him, causing him to furrow his brows. "Well . . . there's something I need to tell the both of you. I owe it to you, to tell you . . . So, uh . . ." Your voice trailed off as you met Stu's puppy eyes once again. "I like you, both of you."
Stu grinned. "We like you too!"
You shook your head, standing up. Stu rose from the floor with you, a confused grin on his face. "No, you don't get it. I like like both of you and it's obvious the two of you feel the same way, but . . . I don't want to have to choose."
"No, I don't think you're getting it," Billy said, pushing himself off the wall he'd been leaning against and approaching you. "We like you too. We want you."
Stu grabbed your shoulders and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Don't you see, we both love ya!" He exclaimed excitedly. A small bit of hope leaked into your expression and you looked up at them with those adorable, innocent eyes that had the both of them reeling.
"Really," said Billy.
"We'll always be here for you -" Stu boomed your nose, wrinkling his with affection. "- whenever and however you need us. So . . . let's play hooky! The two of us will take you out and we'll have a blast! Turn that frown upside down! What do you say?"
You bit back a shy smile and nodded. "That actually sounds . . . really nice."
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stillnotyourmusebitch · 7 months
I can’t stop thinking of demon! Adam going through development and reaching the point of like,, doing something nice without anyone telling him to do it, purely for the sake of doing it. Something he never would have done before. Even if it’s something as small as sitting down with you while you’re watching your favorite movie or show and not shitting on it the whole time, just to keep you company. Or something like that. I dunno. I’m just a sucker for slow burn subtextual romance.
THAT, and the reader seeing his face beneath the mask, looking him the eyes, and smiling a little. Even if they say nothing. I feel like that would stick with him.
Exactly. Demon!Adam lives in my head rent free now. I know this weren't a request of sorts but I kinda wrote something for this
random ficlet below
Demon!Adam x GN!reader (Fluff)
DemonSinner!Adam is something that plays on my mind a lot. He still doesn’t believe in the whole redemption shit that Charlie is laying down but if it gets him a glimpse of seeing heaven again he is willing to try.
Adam was bored and needed something to do that would put off the inevitable “therapy” session with Lucifer’s brat later. So that must be why he finds himself outside your room. He knocks lightly on your door. You didn’t answer, he knocked again louder this time. Still no answer. So he opens the door and peers in.
“Hey errr (Y/n) Charlie asked me to check on you.” A blatant lie but he won’t tell you that.
He sees you’re watching TV.
“Huh? What no shitty nickname this time?” You mumbled around a mouthful of popcorn. Adam walks over and flops down on the couch next to you.
“Oh yeah, nah I didn’t really feel like it.” He grabs a handful of your popcorn.
You quirk a brow.
“Also Charlie said nooo giving nicknames to people that demean them and also who don’t want it and people were given names to be used blah blah blah.” He shoves the popcorn into his mouth. “So what are we watchin?”
“I'm watching a movie I really like so if you're staying either shut up or fuck off.” You sink back into your blanket cocoon.
*10 minutes later*
“What the fuck! This guy clearly likes her but she goes for the other bozo. Is she blind . . . . as well as ya know hot.”
You choke on your drink. You didn’t think that this would be his kinda thing but here he was emotionally invested in the film you had picked. You had really wanted to just wallow in your depression by binge watching trashy romcoms but what was really making you feel better was watching the ‘dickmaster’ himself rooting for the underdog to open up about his feelings to the lead woman.
You go to grab some popcorn but see the bowl is empty.
“Gotta pause.” You go to stand but he stops you.
“I got this.” He hides the good deed by quickly saying “And I need to piss anyway.” You pass him the bowl.
“Not in the popcorn I hope.” You rearrange yourself back in your blanket burrito.
“HAA, You nasty but don’t watch without me. Coz that is a dick move.”
“You know all about those.” You mutter into the blanket. But Adam had gone to the hotel kitchen to make popcorn.
You chose to scroll on your phone until he got back. There were a few messages but you didn’t really feel like answering them. You flop on your side. You can always move when he came back.
While you waited in silence for Adam. You think back on how he really was getting better. After seeing him slowly open up to Charlie’s ideas and seeing that he can be a good guy when it suits him. You smile to yourself.
Your door slams open.
“Okay I’m back bitch.”
Nevermind looks like he has thrown up his walls again.
He lays out the armful of snacks and the bowl of popcorn that looks way bigger than the bowl he left with. He sees you on your side.
“You comfy down there?”
You groan and slowly sit up again. He sits back down but wraps an arm around you and hugs you into his side and nothing more.
“Okay we can continue now.” He grabs the popcorn and rests it on his lap.
You set the movie going again and snuggle just a little bit closer. For popcorn reasons of course not that Adam was nice and warm and you felt safe next to him.
“Clearly she don’t know a good thing when she sees it.” You pipe up after about three minutes into the film again. You had seen this film so many times but there was one scene that always brought out annoyance in you.
“Right!! She needs to open her eyes this guy clearly loves her for who they are and not some fake ass bs that other . . . what?” Adam stops mid-sentence looking down at you resting against his chest.
You blink a few times before realising you are staring “Huh oh nothing.”
You focus back on the screen in front of you.
The climatic end of the film was approaching and the main lead were confessing their love and as the credits role you can here someone crying. You glance up and see Adam wiping away tears.
“You okay.” You sit up and reach for the tissues on the table to hand them to him.
“What!!! I’m fine. Of course I’m fiiiine. Shut up bitch.” He grabs the tissue box from you.
“If it helps I cried the first time I watched this movie.” You wrap the blankets tighter around yourself.
“I . . . ah . . shit.” He saw you curling further in on yourself. He feels guilt crawling into his stomach. “Sorry, I’m . . .Ugh. Look I’m bad at these feel your feelings crap that Charlie spouts. But it was a good film and yeah I cried but . . .”
“It don’t make you any less of a man.”
“Yeeeah I know. Of course I know. I’m the first man.”
“Huh back to that are we.” You bump shoulders with him, making him laugh.
He pulls you back into his side “So what are we watching now?”
I really didn't mean for this to be as long as it was. I'm sorry
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dollgxtz · 11 days
Idk if it’s just me but I hope reader doesn’t get Stockholm Syndrome-d into liking Sylus. Dunno why but I really like the idea of Sylus perhaps getting what he wants but just, not exactly. She could become more docile, accepting of her fate but the light in her eyes could have fully gone out essentially being a shell of the person he had (allegedly) fallen in love with. Kinda obsessed with the idea of getting something you’ve taken by force but having broken it in the process. It being your own personal punishment to suffer through forever for having taken what was not given to you. Looking forward to see what you come up with!
This is certainly an interesting spin on things. Yan!Sylus definitely wouldn’t take an emotionally broken Reader lightly. At least when she’s feisty, he just thinks she needs more time. A depressed or mentally unstable reader would create such an interesting contrast because, like you said, the idea of him getting what he wants but realizing that the light in her eyes is gone adds layers to the narrative.
I can totally see Sylus obsessing over trying to “fix” her but never being able to reverse the damage. It would be less about gifts or physical affection and more about him trying to break through this emotional wall that he unknowingly built.
I can picture him spiraling a bit, unable to cope with the fact that what he took by force is now so damaged that even his obsession feels hollow. It’s his punishment, and it creates this powerful sense of consequence for his actions 😗
He anticipates her hating him, but not herself or life so much so that she becomes emotionally broken and becomes a shell of a person. In his mind, he can give her everything and that would never happen 🙂‍↕️
Ty for sharing! I’m excited to show you all what I have planned ^^
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kyojurismo · 1 year
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. +18 nsfw, 1.9k words, age difference (reader is in her 20s, satoru is in his 30s), top!satoru, dub-con, fingering, nipple play, degradation, not proofread + pls notify me if there’s something else to tag, i’ll fix it asap.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. hello dear readers. i know it took me a whole month to start posting something for my kinktober event, but life (and my depression) got in the way, so i wasn’t able to fully dedicate myself to writing (i take this opportunity to also remind y’all that 1. i do it as a hobby and 2. eng is not my first language). starting w day 6 bc i suddenly got the desire to write for satoru lol. well, that’s all from me now, i hope you guys will enjoy and please be sure to read the tags carefully !! ♡
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satoru gojo was a close friend to your father, they worked together and sometimes he would invite satoru for dinner. he was charming and funny, so of course it never disturbed you. he also looked incredibly handsome, with those beautiful light blue eyes and white hair.
he looked so sad when you mentioned you were gonna move out for college, saying that he liked your young presence and your sense of humour, especially how you two often ended up talking about scary movies — a passion you two had in common.
you recently got back home, your father’s birthday was getting closer and you wanted to organise something to celebrate it, as long as help him decorate the house for halloween.
you weren’t exactly a fan of halloween costumes, more like you enjoyed the atmosphere and watching others dressing up as something.
you finished preparing yourself a snack when your phone started ringing, your father’s name appeared on screen.
“hey dad!”
“i’m gonna get home late tonight, i’m sorry baby. gotta catch up to some work, but we can watch the movie once i’m back if you’re not sleeping already. how does it sound?”
you took a couple of seconds to reply, because well — you’ve been looking forward to it for days, but you also knew that his job was important and that he couldn’t really left early because ‘he has some movie to watch’.
“yeah, sounds good. i’ll try my best to stay awake.”
“great! i asked satoru to pass by and check on you. i think he’ll bring something to eat too.”
“dad… i’m not fourteen, i don’t need a babysitter.”
“i know, i know. he just offered since it’s his day off.”
“whatever. see ya later.”
you hung up the phone and rolled your eyes. it was obvious your dad asked him to come over and check on you, but you didn’t mind it that much. he would leave quickly and you would end up having the rest of the evening all for yourself.
at least, that what you thought.
“i’m so surprised to see you,” you opened the door, sarcasm clear in your voice. you didn’t expect to see satoru dressed up as none other than the slender man. you chuckled, checking the mask a bit closer. “wow. you really got into it, huh?” satoru didn’t answer at first, playing the part before you rolled your eyes and walked back into the kitchen, leaving him there.
you heard the door closing a couple of seconds later, while grabbing your sandwich. satoru took off the mask and sighed deeply, glancing around the place. “what if it wasn’t me?” he sounded serious, concerned about your careless behaviour. “my father told me you were coming over to check on me, mr. babysitter.”
he rolled his eyes and put the bag with your food on the kitchen island, before looking at you. “what are you up to tonight?” he casually asked, watching you eating your sandwich in silence. you shrugged before meeting his eyes. “i’m gonna read or watch something, waiting for my dad to come home. what about you?” you smiled innocently, as if you didn’t have in plan to do a marathon of your favourite horror movies.
“dunno. my friend ditched me, so i’m all alone in this frightening night,” he pouted before smirking at your change of expression. “i’m talking about suguru, not your father.”
you rolled your eyes and pretended to be offended. you finished eating your sandwich and put the plate away. “well? are you leaving?” you asked him, making him gasp dramatically. “kids today are so poorly mannered! is this the right way to treat an old man?”
“you’re not that old, that’s also why i don’t get it how you became my father’s best friend in the first place,” satoru was around thirty years old, like ten years younger than your father. “i’m everyone’s favorite person,” he winked and you shook your head, chuckling. “you’re not, really.”
satoru looked offended and followed you into the living room, waiting for an apology. he got none. “whatever. can i stay over? maybe we can watch something together,” he asked you, genuinely interested in doing so. you thought about his offer, knowing that it wouldn’t hurt to have some company. “hm, okay. but i’m choosing,” you glanced at him while sitting down on the couch. “yeah, sure. just pick something scary.”
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halfway through the movie, satoru started shifting towards you, making it look casual. you bit your inner cheek as your leg touched his, stiffening a little.
“scared?” he murmured during a moment of silence, you shook your head. “hm,” he licked his lips before looking at you, noticing how you were growing nervous.
in reality, he had been looking at you differently since earlier. you felt strange about it, but you tried to ignore it for your own good. maybe he just wanted to mess with you a little like he would usually do.
one of his hand reached your leg and started caressing your clothed thigh, you shivered and quickly glanced down at it as your heart skipped a beat. your attention was caught by the size of his hand, before you slowly looked at his face. satoru’s eyes were glued to the tv, causing you to turn towards it a bit too quickly.
were you misreading the whole situation or … ?
“satoru,” you gathered some courage to call him. “what is it?” his voice sounded deeper and you gulped louder than expected, causing a smirk to appear on his face. “what—” you gasped as his hand tightened its grip on your thigh before moving closer to your center. “hmm?” satoru finally turned to look at you, your heart pounding rapidly into your chest as he casually cupped your sex. you unconsciously clenched your thighs, trapping it between your legs.
“i’m sorry, this movie is becoming more and more boring,” he spoke casually, looking unbothered by the whole situation. he acted like he wasn’t touching your body at all.
your cheeks grew warmer, you tried to find the right words and ignore how it all was affecting your poor body. it was wrong, he was your father’s best friend and he was older than you. it was very wrong… right?
the way his hand was grinding on you caught your attention and you snapped out of it, grabbing his wrist to stop him. “we-we can’t do this… it’s wrong,” you murmured, pushing it away. “is it though? your body is telling me something else,” he chuckled and finally met your face. his gaze felt much more intimidating now, as he hungrily stared down at you.
you felt slick gathering in your underwear and you shifted uncomfortably on the couch, causing a low laugh to escape satoru’s lips. “now now, why lying?” he suddenly pulled you closer, sitting you on his lap. you could feel his erection right against your lower back, which caused your whole face to grow warmer.
“satoru, wait–” you tried to say something else before his hands pushed your legs apart, then his hands reached your chest and he grabbed your breasts, groping you experimentally. you bit back a moan, squirming under his touch. “sensitive, hm?” he went to pinch your nipples, playing with your boobs as he liked.
a sparkle of excitement filled your guts, even though a part of you knew it wasn’t right, some other was trying to convince you to give in and let him touch you. he was an experienced man for sure, different from other college students. a part of you was also craving some well deserved release. you tilted your head back, closing your eyes. you jumped as his hands slapped your thighs, making you shiver and moan softly.
“i wanna hear every sound coming from your little mouth, you got that little slut?” satoru spoke right into your ear as one of his hands slipped under your shirt while the other sneaked into your leggings, starting to caress your clothed clit. his hands were cold compared to your actual body temperature, and that caused another shiver to run down your body.
“this is wrong,” you whispered, more for yourself. he smirked and rubbed your clit faster, his hand finding a way to slip under your bra and finally touch your hardened nipple. your will to fight the moans caused by the pleasure provided by his skilled hands left your body and you finally gave in.
you moaned as satoru pushed two fingers into your wet channel, taking advantage of how much wet you were already. his long fingers were able to reach spots you couldn’t, which made your stomach turn as whimpers escaped your parted lips. “you’re this wet for your father’s friend, hm? and those sounds, that some real slutty behaviour,” satoru’s tone was completely different from before, he kept speaking — degrading, you while his fingers worked inside your cunt, thrusting deeply and hitting the perfect spot to make your toes curl and cause your back to arch, unconsciously pushing your chest into his hand. “what are you, some college whore now?” his lips kissed right under your ear, biting your neck softly before licking your shivering skin.
“n-no,” you tried to argue back, your hand grabbed his wrist desperately as you grew close to your climax. “no? then why are you this wet? you enjoy getting manhandled and fucked, huh?” satoru’s movements never faltered. “the way you’re clenching on my fingers tells me you like being degraded too.”
you were too embarrassed to reply to any of his accusations, but also too focused on the incoming orgasm. you tried to clench your thighs together as your pussy spasmed around his fingers, gushing hard as you finally came while crying his name.
you sobbed when his thumb massaged your pulsing clit, making you jolt in his lap and almost hitting his chin with your head. he chuckled at your reaction, deciding to play with you for a couple of seconds more before finally leaving your poor pussy alone.
as his hands finally resurfaced from inside your clothes, you clearly saw him licking his fingers clean, groaning softly at the taste. he seemed satisfied even though you were the only one who had the privilege to have an orgasm that night.
“well, little star,” satoru moved your body off of him and placed you back in your previous position, you were still a bit dizzy from what just happened. “time to go,” he got up and stretched, before turning to look at you. “you should change yourself, hm?” he glanced at your ruined leggings before cupping your cheek with his large palm, caressing your warm skin. “i’m proud of my little slut,” he murmured before tracing your lips with his thumb, smirking at you. “goodnight,” he then patted your head and walked towards the main door, opening and closing it in a swift motion. he left as if nothing happened, he didn’t asked if you enjoyed it or not — your cunt sure did. your head was filled with too many thoughts at once. it was alright, it was wrong, it felt good, he knows how to treat a woman, he’s an asshole, it was so hot.
then one single thought filled your mind, causing you to fall back against the cushion of the couch. you found yourself staring at some random point in front of you.
satoru gojo, one of your father’s best friends, made you cum with his fingers… and it felt a bit too good.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. @naomi-nana @euphiroo @eynnwwyjth @titantears @plast3c @katsuslover
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Best Friend - R. B. x gn!Reader
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A/N: This is the second part of Best Friend, first part here. Just like the first part, this fic is dedicated to @blackenedalley 💛 Sorry if Reggie is ooc or too cheesy. Also, I am fully in support of Barty calling his friends ‘babe’ no matter their gender. Fic is unedited with no use of Y/N
CW: Angst at the beginning, jealousy, insecurity, Barty Crouch Jr, Barty’s plots, soft fluff, hand-holding, kissing, little bit of jealousy from Reggie, lots of kissing at the end, soft fluffy ending, Reggie calls the reader ‘love’, reader is in deep love
910 words
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The more Regulus hangs out with Lily, the worse your jealousy gets. You hide it as best you can, of course. But the others are starting to pick up on it.
“Pining much?” Barty comments during class, as you sear your gaze into the back of Regulus and Lily’s heads.
He’d chosen to sit with her today. Her! Instead of you!
You slump into your seat and shrug, “I dunno, Barty,” you mumble. “Maybe there’s no hope for me anymore.”
Barty gives you a look. “Babe, this is Reg we’re talking about.”
“Exactly,” you reply morosely. “Which means it’s hopeless. I’m his best friend. Not his… whatever we’d be. Partner or something.”
Barty sighs and shakes his head. He reaches over and flicks your forehead. “I’ll talk to him. I can’t have you all down like this. It’s depressing.”
“Talk to him?” you ask suspiciously, rubbing your forehead.
He grins a bit. “Don’t worry about it, babe. I’ll get him back on track.”
You eye him warily and nod slowly. There’s no stopping him either way. Once Barty puts his mind to something, he’s unstoppable.
Might as well go along for the ride.
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It’s three in the morning and you’re on top of the astronomy tower, studying star charts. It’s the first time you’ve truly hung out with Regulus since he befriended Lily.
And it’s the first time you’ve talked to him since Barty’s promise of talking to him.
“I missed you,” Regulus says softly, marking a star’s placement on the map.
You stay quiet, working on your own map. “Really?”
He pauses and looks up at you. “Yeah. You know I love hanging out with you.”
You stay silent for a moment before whispering, “I missed you too.”
Regulus’ gaze softens. He reaches out and takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. You give his hand a squeeze back before letting go, expecting him to do the same.
Instead, he entwines his fingers with yours. He doesn’t say anything, just goes back to working on his star map with your hand held securely in his.
Your cheeks warm. You look down at your star map, so acutely aware of the way his thumb is gently rubbing against yours.
Maybe there is hope after all.
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Your hope comes to fruition after a hangout with Barty.
You’re out by the greenhouses, enjoying the sunshine. Barty’s laughing at one of your dumb jokes when he nods his head towards the castle.
“Your lover boy’s coming this way.”
“My…” You turn to look.
Regulus is walking towards you, looking oddly hopeful. You’re about to call out to him when Barty moves.
In one swift action, he stands up and presses a kiss to your cheek. You’re too stunned to pull away.
You gape up at Barty, utterly confused. “Wha—?”
He pats your shoulder, winks, and grins. “Just helping the cause along.”
Regulus’ voice is frigid, the coldest you’ve ever heard. His face is stony, his wand gripped in his hand.
“Reg!” Barty steps away from you and raises his hands. “I was just leaving.”
“Good.” Regulus’ gaze doesn’t leave Barty until he’s made his way round a corner and out of sight.
Then he turns his gaze to you. “He kissed you.”
Your cheeks flush. You feel uncomfortable under his unreadable stare. “I don’t know why…”
“Maybe he likes you.”
You fidget with your hands. “I don’t think so. He said he was ‘helping the cause along’?”
Regulus’ expression changes. Softens a little. “Oh.”
“You know what that means?”
Regulus studies you for a moment, then reaches out. He cups your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your cheek as if wiping the kiss away. Your breath stutters in your chest.
“He kissed you,” he murmurs. “Just like that.”
Your eyes must be wide open, because all you can see is Regulus’ gaze as it drops down to your lips.
For a moment, time stands still. And then you both move.
Your lips meet in a soft press of warmth. The kiss is slow, chaste; and yet it sends tingles spiraling throughout your body.
You pull back a bit, savoring the moment. Regulus’ breath puffs across your mouth.
“You kissed me,” you whisper.
A slight smile tugs at his lips. “I did. And I’m going to do it again.”
He kisses you again, less chastely this time. You revel in it, melting into the kiss.
When he pulls back, you’re breathless. Your mind feels like it’s working on overdrive, trying to process the moment.
“What about Lily?” you ask.
Regulus blinks and tilts his head. “What about her?”
“I thought…”
He strokes your cheek again, making you lose track of your words. “I thought I told you. She’s just a friend. You’re irreplaceable.”
A smile spreads across your face. Irreplaceable?
“I am?” you ask softly.
Regulus leans in and kisses you again. “You’re everything to me, love.”
Your heart thrills at his words. Love… He’d called you love… “You’re my everything too.”
He smiles and lowers his hand from your face. He takes your hand in his, giving it a light squeeze. “Come on. Let’s go somewhere less open.”
You follow him in a daze, lost in the swell of happiness and love that overtakes you. He called you love…
You almost blurt it out right then and there. I love you, Reggie…
But you manage to keep it to yourself for now. Soon. Soon you’ll tell him.
Just not yet.
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niftykin · 8 months
hii! dunno if you accept 2 prompts at a time but i'll shoot my shot!
can i request friends to lovers (from first link) and prompt 4 and 7 with sunny from omori? thank youu!!
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' Promise you'll remember that you're mine '
Starring: Sunny | OMORI.
Sypnosis: Sunny had been realizing that real life can become a daydram simply by your presence, how is that possible?
Prompts: "The realization that the hugs they share will never be something that they can reciprocate with someone else" & "Anytime they sit next to one another, they find themselves touching. Shoulders, thighs, knees, their honestly never entirely sure how it happens but have accepted it’s unavoidable."
A/N: I do not take request anymore, yet i would find intresting if you have an idea and you can share it with me. Im sorry this took so long, i have been working a lot. Im also sorry if this turns out to be kind of depressive in some parts, have in mind you will be seeing this mostly from sunny's point of view and i think it would be kind of normal that he would have this kind of thoughts, by the way this is too short and i know, sorry.
Warnings: kind of angst in some parts, very light.
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Whenever they sit next to one another, the inevitable brush of their fingertips, the undeniable caress of their shoulders, that feeling of comfort when their thighs touch, and the subtle heat that spreads through their bodies when all contact becomes inevitable, are all as familiar to them as breathing - familiar, and yet unrequited, as a soul tie - Despite the familiarity of these sensations, they remain unrequited due to fear. However, ¿what exactly is fear? ¿How do you explain the feeling that prevents you two from reciprocating each other's embrace?
¿Is it his fault? ¿Is there another factor that becomes a burden when he wants to hold you? He is at the very epitome of human feeling in this moment, he didn't feel that before; Despair and hope at the same time by the same person, yet all you make him feel is hope, in everything. Yet Omori still holds his darkest feelings, desires and thoughts.
Even if he knows that he craves a human tie he finds himself retracting in any way he can from you. ¿what if he does it again? he can't stop thinking about it, but you are just so ethereal that he can't help but be drawn towards you. He is a monster, an assassin, ¿what would you like about him? He loves you, and he hates himself for that. He will corrupt you one way or another, but being with you, oh what a dream when he's with you he finds himself in a fairytale, it's better than the headspace, he can breathe.
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Sunny was zoned out, but then he realizes that you were talking, he quickly apologized and asked you nicely to repeat youself as he tilted his head to the side. He was genuelly intrested in what you were saying.
"Im sorry, could you repeat that please?"
He was shaking slightly, ¿what could he do now? He doesnt even know how it really began, he can't tell anything about it else than the burning feeling on his chest and the suddent need to hold you in his arms for days, than the suddent need to protect you, for Omori is a waste of time, for Sunny love is something natual and real, something you make him feel.
He loves your voice, he loves it when its dedicated to him, he loves when he is the person you are looking at, Omori said it was egoistical yet Sunny only finds comfort on the sun that reflects on your eyes, its the only way he doesnt feel the soild falling on his feet, the only way he doesn't feel lost.
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Sunny loves you, nobody is going to ever deny that, but oh how wonderfull it would be to tell you just how he loved you, if you only knew what he would do for you. He would do near everything, he just needs a chance, he doesn't ask for much, ¿does he?
He is desperated, clinging to his only ray of hope: You, if you knew you would stay or you would leave? What if you leaved him, what would he do after?... No, you won't leave, he will do whatever you want if you dont leave, he will beg on his knees for you to stay if it is necessary, he won't loose you.
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© Cheshiseriko 2024, all rights reserved ONLY ON TUMBLR
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novathehumanperson · 1 year
I DUNNO IF YOU DO READER WITH LIKE A PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP WITH A CHARACTER OR WHATEVER- you can just delete this if you don’t do any of that :)
Anyway~ I shall take the honers of being your first request person thing!!!
Fandom your one and only~ “MHA”. Could you do a Brother Shoto Todoroki x Hated Sister Reader???
Anyway~ idk if your those kind of writers who need a tinsie winsie of plot before doing the request so~
Maybe Reader resembles Enji which makes the whole family hate her? Rei just straight up scared of us? But then on night one night Shoto catches us doing self harm? He may “hate” us but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care :)
If you don’t like sensitive topics it’s completely fine!!! Just delete this if you don’t want to 🙃
The way I put this is also kinda cringe so I apologize 😓
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𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
TW: Self-harm, some talk of depression, and child abuse.
Note: It's not cringe, I like the idea. I needed some motivation anyway. I hope this is okay. :)
Living in the Todoroki family was rough. Y/n looks almost exactly like Enji with her medium-length, wavy, red hair and turquoise eyes. Her appearance led her siblings to subconsciously hate her. However, her parents were a lot more open about it. Enji hated y/n because she was just another failure. She had gotten a fire quirk, but it's weak. It's not something that Enji wanted. He only wanted the best. Rei didn't necessarily hate y/n. She was more scared of her. But it still felt like she hated her.
The days got harder and harder, and y/n was so lonely. She longed for affection from her siblings or her parents. It got harder to do basic things like brush her teeth or even just get dressed. Many nights, she would lay on the ground and think about how much better life could have been if she had just looked like Rei. Despite all of this, she coped well. Y/n was very good at pretending.
One day, y/n found herself in the bathroom. In her hand was a razor. She figured that maybe just a few cuts would help. She desperately needed a release. Y/n looked around before starting to make a cut. But before she even could think to hide it, she heard a familiar voice.
"What are you doing?"
Shoto said while standing in the doorway. He looked worried. Y/n couldn't remember a time when he looked worried for her wellbeing like this. In fact, she couldn't remember a time when any of her family was worried about her.
Y/n quickly exclaimed, trying to hide the wounds. Shoto just sighed and walked forward. He then, surprisingly enough, started helping her fix up her wounds. This was the first time she felt cared for. She felt happy in the moment.
"You know, you shouldn't hurt yourself like this."
Y/N looked at the ground in shame, she's was embarrassed. Suddenly, Shoto hugged her. He resented her, yes, but he couldn't let his sister get hurt. He still cared about her, and deep down, he knew that it wasn't her fault. He would have to just push those feelings aside for right now.
"Y/n, I do care about you. I don't want to see you like this. I love you, sister. You can talk to me when you start feeling down again, I'll listen."
Shoto hugged her, and you could see a tiny smile on his face.
"Let's go eat some dinner, okay. Fuyumi always makes good food."
Shoto said, and y/n smiled a bit. She felt better than before. Maybe things would start to get better?
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luvstruckmutt · 1 year
saw people complaining about shane today and saying he is a bad and awful husband and they divorced him after seeing his room and that he becomes boring after he starts getting therapy because the interesting thing about him is his struggle with addiction and after you "fix him" what's the point of being with him And just?? Why?? Did you even marry him?? Like?? I dunno, people are allowed to have opinions on characters but so many peoples' opinions are just?? Really bad and rooted deeply in ableism and misconceptions about mental health/addiction and are super saviory??
I have said this a thousand times but you can't fix people. That's literally not how people work. You can, however, be there for people and try and create a safe environment for them to be able to help themselves!! AND THATS EXACTLY EHAT FUCKING HAPPEMS IN STARDEW!! Shane gets help ON HIS OWN because he is being supported by both his family and the farmer. And to see that just fucking fly over peoples heads makes me so mad because DID WE PLAY THE SAME FUCLING GAME?? YOU DONT FIX SHIT!! YOU ACT AS PART OF A SUPPORT SYSTEM!! (Which is very important but like) YOU AS A SINGULAR PERSON CANT FIX PEOPLE!!
I also just hate the "I can fix them" attitude because, at least in this specific situation, the people saying this are the same people who divorce him because his room is ugly or because he is implied to relapse and still is depressed??? It feels like the same thing as when someone has "spread kindness!" or "love each other!" in their bio and then is the most rancid hateful person ever? The room thing in particular makes me mad because LIKE WHAT DID YUOU THINK IT WAS GOING TO LOOK LIKE?? YOU SAW HIS ROOM AT MARNIE'S, WHAT MADE YOU THINK HIS ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE WAS GOING TO BE ORGANIZED AND SPOTLESS???
Idk like, again, you can dislike Shane and even regret marrying him. He's not very nice to you until you really get his hearts up there so he comes off as rude and abrasive. You don't HAVE TO LIKE HIM!! But so many people just spout hateful shit and it's like god, I hope you never have anyone in your life who suffers from mental illness because even though Shane is a video game character, the stuff you're saying and the ideas you have surrounding addiction and mental health are super toxic and weird and I hope no real person ever has to be subjected to them.
edit (put this in the tags but then wanted to add it to the main post):
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soulfulazrael · 7 months
Who am I and what I write. The tale of a weird as all Hell fanfic I put too much time into about an odd ship.
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So... If anyone here cares I am a Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss fanfic writer (and I am 23/24 year old. Depressing isn't it?). Although I can't exactly call myself the biggest fan anymore. I do love the potential those series have and the ideas in them, but I am not a nut over the execution. In fact I say it is pretty bad in many respects and I think Viv and her writing team do not utilize the full potential of what they have on their hands.
What I want to do is well... Do something I would prefer this world they created to be. So I make several odd as hell Fics. Or at least one now. As you can see from the image about Stella and Moxxie (art btw is made by talented @Caffe1neW1tch on twitter). Now I know, I KNOW how she is in the show... I can explain my case. I do change her character quite significantly from what she is in canon show (as I do so with MANY other things). To something I would prefer her to be. Something while still deeply flawed being more dignified than what she is in Helluva Boss season 2 as I think the direction they took her character was severely disappointing. I can't say they retconned her, but I have to say they went overboard with the direction she was taken. Way too far into just pure Hate Sink. Something I would prefer if it wasn't done at all with a character tied to such a potentially interesting conflict.
Not to mention the direction Vivienne took the world of Hell and it's characters... I must say. I do not enjoy how easy it is to say who is good and bad in both of her shows and how similar Hell is to Earth. It honestly robs the setting of it's potential as it is perfect place to explore some deeply disturbing characters with interesting alien mindsets and their own unique conflicts as it is hard to grasp who are you supposed to root for in the end. But both Hazbin and Helluva greatly miss the mark on that front as every character is either without a shadow of a doubt a good guy (that at most cries, swears and likes to tell sex jokes because I guess that's enough to say character has depth these days) or are so cartoonishly evil and stupid they make Team Rocket look competent and make Micah from RDR2 and Erebus from 40k say "THAT'S NOT SUBTLE ENOUGH!". Not to mention how similar so many of her characters are and how limited their interactions are, the treatment of Heaven, the confusing character arcs... You know what. Issues with both Hazbin and Helluva are too many to count, too many for this post, but I also say they are not TERRIBLE shows, they are just shows that disappoint me at every step for the last few years.
And now I get to the crux of this elongated point. Again. I'm writing fics and one of them is Song for the Quiet Bird. A fic I say is best to read on a site AO3 (but it is also on Fanfic site if it's up to your speed) where I try to explore hell in more meaningful ways and make their culture more unique while telling a story of a very strange ship which is Stella and Moxxie. And do not worry, I am not going on any "Millie is dead" kind of cop out. I am into doing things in an easy way. And here is the link to it:
I also make another fic called Torments of Sinners and Imps which you may find on my profile as well which delves more into Angel and Moxxie, but that one for now is on a break. In a way Song is too, but I do hope I'll post a chapter for that one soon (personal issues and family issues).
Alright, if anyone is interested or sees this post I hope that you will enjoy my take on this series. Will post something more here? I dunno. Maybe? But anyway I just want more people to see it and maybe give their opinion on it which is what I always want to hear.
And I may post more things about what I do not enjoy in those shows and how I think they could be fixed. Talking about several things in both shows that irk me the wrong way.
Also given how deeply I go into the worldbuilding in my fics I may also post some stuff about how I made some things work there and things about culture of Hell I came up with and mythology there... Or maybe just talk about some philosophical mumbo jumbo that I sometimes think of. But whether or not I do it, especially consistently will be another story. If anyone sees this, thanks for sticking around. If anyone is interested in my works or opinions share your thoughts. If anyone hates my guts for the things I write about and my opinions of these series... Can't say I am surprised some people do hate those. You are free to share your discontent too. I welcome all voices. At least until they make my head hurt, then I just take a nap.
Anyway. I rambled for long enough. Again check out the fic if you are interested. Wont force you. If you do so leave a comment which is the most important thing for me when I write something. Hearing what people like and don't like. Have a good one and I hope you enjoy yourself. If not with my story then in your life whoever you are (as long as you are not a total POS).
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casper-the-rose · 2 years
I LOVE THAT SONG SO MUCH RGUTHIFK the remix is literally my ringtone 😭
Teenage Dirtbag
Gareth x fem!reader
918 words, no warnings im pretty sure, she/they pronouns used throughout
Cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby…
“Gareth! Emerson! Earth to Emerson helloooo?” Jeff was smirking while waving his hand in front of the fluffy haired boy's face. 
“Huh? Yeah I’m paying attention.” The boy in question muttered, his cheeks now tinted red. 
Gareth was once again caught staring at the popular table, full of people who shoot balls into laundry baskets as Eddie called it. 
Well not at the table specifically. More like someone sitting at the table. With their dickhead boyfriend. Who just had to play the previously mentioned shoot balls into laundry baskets game. 
“Uh-huh. Sure you were. Anyway, I was talking about how Y/N and Andy were caught arguing behind the school yesterday and-”
“What?!” Gareth whisper screamed, now clearly invested in the story. 
“Ha! Knew you were looking over at Y/N’s table again.” Jeff chuckled. 
“You need to get over your little crush Gareth, not to be the reality fairy but there's no way they even know you exist.” Eddie said, before rolling his eyes. 
Gareth ignored Eddie and turned to Jeff. “So were you lying about Y/N and Andy having relationship issues?” Gareth frowned, secretly hoping the relationship would turn to shit so he could swoop in and act as a knight in shining armor. Maybe just in time for prom.
“No actually. Apparently they were arguing in that alleyway outside during basketball practice. Y/N seemed pissed. Apparently they were arguing about how Andy never wants to do shit they want too, how they have completely different interests, etc.” 
“Gareth, If you care so much why don’t you just talk to Y/N and, I dunno save them from the evil force that is highschool jocks?” Eddie questioned. 
Fuck, it was a very good question. 
“Well even if I was on Andy's radar he’d kick my ass. Simple as that.”
“And he won’t after you quote unquote get the girl?” Eddie tilted his head, poking holes in Gareth’s very flimsy logic. 
And on that note, lunch was over. 
Oh well, it didn’t exactly help Gareth’s mood. But he did catch himself smiling while you and Andy were screaming at each other in the gym. 
“Look Chrissy, really nothing against you, you're amazing, but sitting at the basketball and cheerleader table makes me want to vomit.” You sighed, turning to the one cheerleader who even bothered acknowledging your existence ever since you started sitting with Andy.
You and Chrissy often joked Andy could win the worst boyfriend of the year award, although you had doubts he wouldn't lose to Jason. You kept those to yourself though. 
“No offense taken.” Chrissy smiled. “If you hate it so much, why don’t you just sit somewhere else?” She asked. 
You sighed again. “Andy.” You muttered. 
It was the week before prom, and you were thanking the heavens Andy decided to skip today. 
“You don’t like him that much either.” Chrissy chuckled. “Why don’t you just call it quits? Don’t you have your heart set on another boy anyway?” 
“Well yeah, but I doubt he even knows who I am, unless you count ‘Andy’s new girlfriend who won't even last a month’. After all, I’m just a teenage dirtbag, and he’s Gareth the great.” 
“Wouldn’t he qualify as more of a teenage dirtbag than you?” 
“Well- I don’t even know anymore.”
“I have an idea.” Chrissy smiled. 
“Does it involve breaking up with Andy and getting the boy of my dreams?”
“Yep.” She giggled. 
“I’m in.” 
“There's no way I’m going to prom. First off it’d be depressing as hell to show up without a date, and second off I'd probably end up watching Andy and Y/N be all coupley and shit.” Gareth groaned. 
Eddie looked taken aback. 
“You’re telling me you don’t know?”
“Know what?” Gareth looked at the dungeon master confused. 
“Y/N broke up with Andy this morning. He’s pissed, apparently he stormed out of the school.” Eddie chuckled. 
“Yeah, Nancy said she heard him fuming about how he has no date to prom now.” Dustin chimed in. 
“Maybe prom night’ll be your chance?” Jeff questioned
“I mean, can we be too sure though? Y/N still doesn’t even know I exist-” Gareth stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse to not go. 
“Well either way I’m making you go with me, if my mom finds out I’m going alone or all my friends have dates she’ll probably try to set me up with the neighbor. “ Jeff groaned. 
Great. Now there was no way for Gareth to get out of this. 
“Are you sure about this Chrissy?” You nervously asked, standing outside the gym doors on prom night. 
“Yes. And if he says no, we can always leave and eat ice cream at my place.” Chrissy smiled. 
“Remember, you got this okay? Confidence is key.” 
“Yep, I got this. “ You said, before walking into the gym. 
Now or never you figured. 
Welp, here he was. 
Prom night, alone by the punch table. 
Just before he was about to find Jeff and tell him he was leaving, he saw something that made his lip start to shake. 
You. Walking towards him. 
This has to be fake, a dream or a cruel prank or something- how do you even know who he is?
“Gareth, right?” 
The boy nodded frantically.
“I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby. Come with me Friday, don't say maybe. I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you.” You smiled, a genuine, real smile. 
“What time?”
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novelconcepts · 4 months
84 for platonic vannat
84 - Falling Asleep On Their Shoulder
"You ever think about what our moms are doing?" Natalie asks one afternoon. Late summer has come up faster than any of them were hoping, and the forest has gone hazy with heat. She and Van are sitting by the creek, shoes off, feet in the water. If Natalie closes her eyes, she can almost imagine they're seated in shitty lawn chairs, up to the ankle in buckets of cold water.
"Probably making friendship bracelets." Van kicks her feet, watching the water swirl. "And charitable donations in our name. The usual."
Natalie dips her fingers into the creek, tracing a particularly attractive stone. She considers plucking it out, pocketing it. Discards the idea half a second later. The appeal of the stone is, after all, in being exactly where it is.
"Do you think they're okay?" she asks. It's all too easy to imagine her mother--already something of a trainwreck since the accident--fading away in the trailer. She wonders if anyone has thought to check in. Come knocking with a six-pack and a smile. She doubts it.
"Dunno." Van doesn't look at her. Her voice is perfectly neutral. She looks so little like the gleeful person Natalie's known since elementary school. So much more adult than she ought to.
So much more adult when she says, "Do we care?" She isn't joking. She says it idly, her eyes distant. They don't shine like they used to.
"I care," Natalie answers. She doesn't know how to shut it off. She wishes she could.
Van hums an indistinct response. She lays her head on Natalie's shoulder. "I know you do."
Van cares, too, Natalie is sure. If she didn't, she wouldn't have spent her childhood pulling Mrs. Palmer from the depths of whatever alcohol-soaked depression has that woman by the throat. Van cares, like she cares about the team out here--but that caring is colored by a certain kind of narrative. A certain kind of awareness as to how the story will go.
Van cares about that story most of all. She acts her part well, playing Lottie's games, but Natalie suspects she doesn't really believe in the religion they've constructed out here. Van's religion is stories. Always has been. Always will be. Van believes in the narrative, in arranging the plot points she can control and predicting the ones she can't.
She can't control her mother's narrative out here. Can't even see the shades of the genre in which Mrs. Palmer has trapped herself. So, Natalie figures she's thinking: what point is there in caring?
Van does care, but she doesn't care the way Natalie does. The way Natalie can't stop. She cares about it all: the team, and the dead, and her father's blown-apart face, and her mother's surrender to grief. She cares about every little thing so much, she sometimes thinks it's going to be the thing that kills her.
Van's head grows heavy on her shoulder. Natalie reaches up, trailing her fingers through tangled red hair. Van cares, but she can't care the way Natalie does. Maybe that's why Natalie's stuck wearing the crown, and Van's behind the scenes. Pulling the strings. Predicting the plot twists.
"I hope they're okay," she whispers to the creek, and the stones, and Van's gentle doze. If Van can't spare the energy, Natalie will hope it hard enough for both of them.
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
Devil May Halloween 2022 - The Horror Amusement Park, Vergil's Path
It took me a little longer, but here is Vergil's! Hope you're all still in a spooky season mood ;)
Pairing: Vergil x Reader
Summary: After Nico solved the puzzle box, you were sent to complete darkness. In an abandoned castle leading to a cemetery, you both might have to face more horrors than you thought that night would bring.
(a longer one too, 'cause I don't know what limit means)
TRIGGER WARNING: There's a lot of violence, even towards the reader, and PTSD/episodes regarding Vergil's trauma and discussion of him wanting to be dead or not. It gets very dark and, if you're struggling with something along these lines and think this might trigger you or be too much to handle right now, I do suggest NOT reading it.
Author's notes: I have a hard time not making Vergil's ones darker, but it's a little difficult considering his history. Not that Dante isn't traumatized and depressed as well, but I dunno. Vergil just got back from Hell after being enslaved for almost 20 I think. There's still a lot of healing to happen to him.
I hope you guys like it, though! It took me some time 'cause I was still trying to figure out what I wanted from his - frenzied Verge, kinda succubus kissing him, angst... It's a party indeed "^^
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Devil May Halloween 2022 - Vergil's Path
You couldn’t really understand what was going on, but you could see darkness and a thick white fog tangling around your knees – you could barely see your feet and it was hard to distinguish where you were.
Extending your hands in the darkness, you tried to find the edge of whatever room you were in – given the rough floor under you, your feet were stepping in stones. You were clearly inside a room, but in what kind of building… That was still a mystery.
Soon, your fingers touched the cold, rough pattern of a stone wall. Smiling to yourself, you kept walking, running your hands on the walls until you found a door – or, at least, a way to get out.
It didn’t take long, really. When your fingers found wood, you searched for a handle – finding a cold, heavy iron one, carefully opening the wooden door. It made a faint strangled noise, but you were already proficient in demons to know it was loud enough for unnatural creatures.
Soon, you found yourself in an old, abandoned stone corridor, adorned with high, bluish mosaic windows, as far as your eyes could see. The sky was dark outside, only the ghoulish glimmer of the moon as a little bit of light for you to be able to move around with at least some knowledge of what lied ahead. The mist still danced around your knees and feet, apparently covering the whole place.
Wherever that was.
The sounds of footsteps, though, caught your attention. You tried to keep yourself in the darkest corner of that lonely corridor, damning the moment you thought Vergil had too many traumas when insisting on taking Yamato with him.
Traumatized or not, at least he was prepared.
You cleared your ears when the slow, calculated footsteps seemed to get closer. They had a cadence, a way of moving you knew like the sound of your own heartbeat.
“Vergil?” You whispered without leaving your hiding spot, noticing the footsteps coming to a halt.
For the longest seconds in your life, everything was drenched in silence and tension.
Until you finally heard the distinct sound of Yamato being unleashed.
“Vergil, it’s me. Y/n.” You were careful. You knew Vergil would never hurt you but taking him by surprise when he was in a high vigilant state like that one could cause an accident – you had to go easy on him.
“Show yourself.” His voice was low and serious, you could almost see as he barely moved his lips.
“Ok. Don’t be startled, dear. It is me.” With those words, you slowly left your hiding spot, finally seeing your lover under the pale moonlight shine.
Vergil was in position to attack, with Yamato half unsheathed and bended knees, looking exactly at the direction you were hidden. He had a very good sense of hearing – that was how he was training you to fight with your eyes closed, blindfolding you in order to enhance other senses in cases ‘you couldn’t trust your eyes’, as per his own words.
Vergil could fight with his eyes closed. And he was deadly.
“Y/n…” He finally sheathed the Yamato, immediately walking towards you. “I am glad to see you are fine.”
“Same goes for you, blue devil.” You smiled back, holding one of his hands and slowly caressing his skin. It was a simple touch, but it always seemed to calm Vergil whenever he needed it – and the tension between his fingers made you believe he did need it. “Is there anyone else with you?”
“No. I was sent here alone.” Unconsciously, Vergil started to caress patterns back in your hand as well. That made you smile. “And you?”
“Alone as well. I just got out of the dark room of doom over there.” You pointed the door behind you, giving way to a room filled with darkness.
“Hmmm. Our training has been paying off, I see.”
If there was something you loved and hated at the same time was that smug smile of pure pride in Vergil’s lips. When he wore it, the son of Sparda looked even taller, moving his head slightly up. You absolutely adored when he did that, but you also wanted to tear it off his face – especially when you were sparring, and he taunted you after defeating one of your moves.
Pride was the greatest sin of both you and Vergil.
“It has indeed, Dark Slayer.” But of course, you would banter back. As you sighed internally, you had to admit you loved playfully bantering with him. “Do you have any idea what that box in Nico’s hand was?”
“I read once of puzzle boxes being used as portals for other dimensions, but I have never seen it during my lifetime.” He started walking towards the end of the corridor with you, having his eyebrows furrowed in his usual pensive demeanor. Vergil always looked like that whenever he was reading something that sparked his interest or trying to make sense of some obscure meme.
“It was probably Hellraiser.” The certainty in your voice made Vergil stare down at you with annoyance. As soon as you noticed his look, you had to answer. “What? That’s exactly what the Lament Configuration does. Sometimes people get ideas for horror movies from real life.”
“I have to agree with you on that.” Vergil nodded, turning his head back to the path ahead. “But Hellraiser was a poor representation of what summoning demons would look like.”
“Oh, you’ve watched it?” You had a small smile hidden in your lips, but Vergil’s eyes were too smart not to notice.
If there was something he infinitely appreciated in you was how discrete you could be. Even if you had a somewhat sassy tone laced in your words, you never seemed to be making fun of him or actually trying to piss him off. It always looked like you were quite proud of his human part, really.
“I have watched it once. Perhaps it is time to see it again and refresh my memory.” He had the same smile hidden in his words, making your heart warmer. If there was one thing you loved, that was watching movies with Vergil.
You would’ve kept the conversation going if the corridor hadn’t got to its end: soon, a great, broken passage stood before you, hauntingly giving a view of what was outside. A long field of gray-bluish grass adorned with dried, rotten trees continued for miles and miles, while stone crosses, tombstones and weeping angels rose from the ground.
“Well…” You sighed, staring at that phantasmagorical view, still inside the castle. “It’s quite fitting for a necromancer, really.”
“Also fitting for Eric Draven as well…” Vergil murmured under his breath, his hand ready to unsheathe Yamato in the blink of an eye. “What do you feel, love?”
As soon as he asked, you turned your attention to the energy surrounding the cemetery. Vergil didn’t ask those kinds of questions for nothing: it was the type of thing he would say while you were training.
Quieting your mind, you remained in silence, walking carefully by his side. Your steps were almost inaudible, as if you were gliding through the mist entangling around your ankles. Lowering your eyes to your feet, it was easier to sense something when you didn’t rely on your sight to warn you if there was danger lurking in the shadows.
And, indeed, after a while, you sensed something. But it wasn’t just one thing.
“Two opposing energies…?” You furrowed your eyebrows, turning your head towards him. Even though Vergil remained serious, you could sense the pride in his voice.
“Two distinct energies. One much stronger than the other.” He analyzed, keeping Yamato by his waist and grabbing its hilt with the other hand. Vergil was more than ready to attack – and you just dreaded your decision of not carrying any sort of weapon with you that night. “If they are opposing, complimentary or feeding of each other, I do not know.”
“My, my… He is handsome and intelligent, isn’t he…?” A female voice echoed around you, making Vergil instinctively step a little bit in front of you and unsheathe his blade. You weren’t completely defenseless, though: around your head, a crown of white summoned swords was ready to attack. “It is indeed a pleasure to welcome you in my garden.”
The demon had the form of a voluptuous woman, breasts covered by long hair that dragged on the ground. You just couldn’t see more of her flesh because of the shadows playing around her legs, as if they were the only form of clothing she wore. You couldn’t deny it: she was beautiful. Deadly beautiful.
“I thought your kind was doomed to imprisonment for a thousand years.” Vergil regained his regal pose, head slightly shifted upwards, his hand still tightly around the Yamato. Curiously enough, he seemed to try to get between you and the demon even more – slowly, almost unnoticeable, but he definitely moved.
“Hmmm. You do know my kind, wolf eyes?” She asked back, as if the words dripped from her mouth. You’d guess she was a succubus, but Vergil’s reaction told you she was a little more than that – or a lot more.
“I do know all of you pitiful creatures should be dead.” His eyes got colder, making her finally shift her gaze to you.
“He is a harsh one, huh? You like that on him.” A devilish smile appeared on her lips, revealing a mouth filled with sharp fangs. “I can see it in your mind, my dear.”
“I tend to like everything about him. Even the most unlikeable of aspects.” You decided not to show you had no clue what kind of demon she was. Also, demons lied: you wouldn’t be scared of her just saying she could read your mind – most of them couldn’t. “That’s usually what humans call love.”
Strangely enough, you could feel Vergil’s free hand slightly touching your nearest thigh – as if telling you to stop the taunting and leave it to him.
That was the biggest red flag you ever had with Vergil: he never told you to step aside in a fight. He reveled in your power, watching you decimating hordes of demons and proudly calling you his mate, his lover. Vergil would only tell you to step down when there was something too dangerous about a fight – unfortunately, with the demon already there, you couldn’t ask him what it was.
After all, it was a power play. And as soon as she noticed you didn’t know what she was, you both would be in a disadvantage and Vergil would lose whatever power he had on that conversation over that demon.
“And isn’t that true…?” She answered with a sparkle of devilish pleasure in her dark eyes. “You truly adore him. Even his dirty aspects – and oh, there are so many in this one.” Shifting her gaze back to Vergil, that mouth filled with sharp teeth smiled again. “Your mind is a bottomless pit of suffering. I’ll enjoy playing with you both.”
“That wasn’t the deal!” Soon, your attentions were caught by a witchy figure in a flowy black long dress, holding an old book in one of her hands and having the other pointed at the demon. “I command you to stop! You cannot disobey me!”
“I am simply doing what you have asked of me, little witch.” The demon had a fake accent of innocence. Vergil just didn’t attack the witch because you held his hand: she was nothing but a teenager – and something was very wrong. “You did ask me to terrorize your guests.”
“They are not my guests!” The girl pointed back at you. “I don’t know how they got here, but they shouldn’t be harmed. I’ll send them back until the proper ones appear and you should not touch them!”
The earth beneath you started trembling – and you could finally see the she-devil’s eyes turning red.
“I played your game until now for freedom, little witch. You do not control me, and you will not deny me blood. Stop being a nuisance.” With those words and a gesture from her hand, corpses raised from the ground – demons coming up from the earth, raising from the depths of Hell – grabbing the girl and her book.
“I’ll deal with her later. You are more interesting right now…” As her newly distorted voice started speaking in an alluring song, none of you were quick enough to react to what happened – or better, you were certain Vergil didn’t move so she wouldn’t accidentally hit you while targeting him. In the blink of an eye, the demon was standing in front of Vergil, holding his face with both hands. “Show me that head of yours, handsome.”
Planting her lips in a deep kiss on Vergil’s own lips, everything turned black to you and him.
Vergil woke up startled, suddenly sitting on the bed.
Furrowing his eyebrows, he looked around, trying to understand what was going on. That house… It seemed familiar. The opulent decoration, the blue sheets on a big, couple’s bed... It was different, as if to accommodate his now adult self, but… It was home.
You weren’t laying by his side – but he did see your clothes tossed on his working chair. Vergil hummed a quick laugh: it was typical of you when you were tired. He usually just followed your trail of mess, putting things where they belonged. It was something that got on his nerves at first, but soon Vergil started seeing it as a way he complemented you – just like you complemented so many flaws of his.
With his bare feet on the wooden floor, Vergil put on one of his stay-at-home shirts he found in the closet – organized, your clothes carefully placed alongside his – and tried a few steps outside of the bedroom.
The house remained the same as he remembered – but, as he observed before, there was something different. Something of warm, something of happy. It wasn’t drenched in blood, ashes and sorrow as he remembered, but a new beginning. Going down the stairs, Vergil followed your humming voice until he got to the kitchen.
You were standing by the oven, wearing one of his pajama shirts – too big, too baggy for you, but something he adored seeing – while warming your hands over the pan you used to brew some tea. There were toasts from older bread fresh out of the oven, filling the kitchen with their warm smell, and some jam and butter next to both of your plates on the table.
For a few seconds, Vergil was certain he had finally died and achieved the peace his soul longed for his entire life. And he got to live that peace with you.
His eyes suddenly filled with tears as you still quietly hummed, the golden sun lazily filling the kitchen with a dreamy light. He could see his mother’s garden through the windows in the backyard, as if the flowers wanted to play with your hair in the morning sun.
The tears escaped his eyes and Vergil was able to smile as he felt a weight lifting from his heart.
“Good morning, love.” Your voice echoed as soon as you noticed him inside the kitchen. Vergil just smiled more, walking lazily towards you in that golden drenched morning.
“Good morning, fairest of flowers.” His voice was like dark chocolate, melting around you as his arms embraced you from behind – Vergil’s hands coming to play with yours, warming themselves over the steam of the brewing tea.
“Hmmm. Someone’s terribly romantic today.” You couldn’t hide the smile on your lips, closing your eyes as your fingers played alongside his. Vergil’s hands always looked so much bigger and calloused, but, despite everything, he managed to touch you with so much gentleness one would think he didn’t have inside himself.
“I am always hopelessly romantic when I’m around you.” He murmured near your ear – and you could hear the satisfied smile he had in his lips. It was the first time you ever saw Vergil so… Relaxed. He never had his guard down – but, that moment, he wasn’t tensing or in a state of alertness. He was just… Himself. “I love you.”
For some reason, your feelings decided to overflow from your eyes – quite a shock to you. Maybe that was what he felt to be crying before you talked to him that morning, but there was a peace inside your chest that couldn’t be felt anywhere else. Vergil had said he loved you before, but not like that. Not like just Vergil. Not completely vulnerable like he was at that moment.
“I love you too.”
His arms wrapped around you tighter, his hands coming to hold yours – entangling your fingers with his – slowly rocking you from side to side with him. Time didn’t matter. Nothing mattered – nothing but you and him.
Unfortunately, good things never seemed to last in Vergil’s life. Breaking that moment of peace both of you thought would be eternal, he felt various hands grabbing his legs. Looking down, Vergil noticed you were both standing in a pit of glossy darkness – with claw-like hands raising to grab both of you… And drag you down.
“No… No.” Vergil’s voice was nothing but a breath in the wind, completely disoriented as he started back into your eyes, trying to hold you with both of his hands. “No. Don’t let go.”
“I won’t. I’ll never let go of you. Vergil…!” You tried, but the hands pulled your arms back, surrounding you and dragging you apart.
That was when he noticed: You were being held away from him, as the hands were dragging him down – slowly taking Vergil where he knew he belonged.
The realization made his heart sink inside his chest. As he slowly descended, Vergil closed his eyes and sighed, allowing tears to fall down his face. It was a path of his own making – and it was foolish of him to think he deserved any kind of paradise after all he had done. You were able to accept him, you were his paradise. And now, it was time for him to atone for his sins.
Opening his eyes once more, Vergil saw as you struggled and tried to reach out, crying while saying his name. You were an angel indeed, to fall in love with a devil. Just like his mother.
“I love you.” Those were his last words before being completely taken away from you – and all he could hear were your desperate cries of losing him.
He should be forever condemned to Hell for breaking your heart.
“I would have never expected you to be such a romantic soul!”
The voice of the she-devil who kissed him earlier echoed once again, and Vergil found himself kneeling on the grass of the cemetery – eyes glossy with tears, gasping for air. Taking a look around, he saw the witch girl being held hostage by decrepit, skeletal demons, unable to move and staring at him with agony in her eyes. She would be speaking if they didn’t cover her mouth – but her look clearly asked Vergil for forgiveness.
You, in the other hand, were nowhere to be found – at least at a first glance.
“You know what they say… The best way to kill a man is through his heart.” The demon smiled devilishly, walking around the cemetery while seeming to conjure something with her hands. Vergil was too weak to attack her right away – that kiss stole some of his energy, that now he was working on harnessing again. But it was hard to harness energy after such a strong emotional unbalance. He had to ground – even if there wasn’t enough time for that. “You know what a kiss from me does, right…?”
“It shows nothing but lies.”
“Oh, it doesn’t. It shows me the deepest parts of your soul.” She glanced wickedly at Vergil, finally stopping at some point of the cemetery, making the earth shake again. He got up slowly, getting back to his proud pose – Yamato firmly in his hands. “What heaven looks like – with your beloved human. And what Hell looks like.”
Vergil immediately started screaming as he was suddenly assaulted by memories of his tortured times in the hands of Mundus. The girl struggled, wanting to help him, scared of seeing that man in such pain. Vergil’s heart was burning, his mind freezing, his eyes about to cry blood. He wanted to die – as he did everyday when his torture seemed to have no end.
“But your heart does not belong to you, does it…?” With those words, everything started warping and both Vergil and the girl felt the warmth of wild flames.
The pain stopped and he looked around: the castle was on fire, burning to ashes, as the cemetery filled with demons wanting blood. In the distance, he finally saw you running – scared, powerless, being chased by a horde of demons. Vergil’s eyes widened as he recognized that scene, his heart filled with despair: you weren’t like him. You wouldn’t trigger as he did as a child. You would die.
“The best way to kill a man…” The she-devil started speaking, slowly mutating into one of the demons that attacked him that night – voice getting distorted and grotesque. “Is through his heart.”
As she set her hunt towards you, Vergil took a deep breath to think. He had to do something – and acting out of his emotions would be the worst something he could do at the moment. Thinking about it, he unsheathed Yamato, using his lightning speed to attack the demons surrounding the witch responsible for all that.
She remained frozen in fear as he slayed every single one of his adversaries in the blink of an eye. Vergil moved faster than she could think – with a look in his eyes that could only belong to a skillful and calculating killer.
As the demons dopped to their feet, she stood there, staring at him, without moving a single limb from her body. The girl didn’t know if she should thank him or beg for her life.
Vergil pointed the Yamato to her, inches away from the girl’s neck. Her eyes widened, crying as she questioned how it all spiraled out of control like that.
“You…” His words were cold as ice, running like a cube down her spine. “My brother is the soft hearted one with a rule of not killing undeserving humans. I started doing it his way, but be warned that if any harm comes to y/n, there will be nothing stopping me of ending your miserable life.”
The girl was a crying mess. She wanted to kneel at his feet and beg for forgiveness, explaining she never wanted any of that. She wanted to run away before he could say something else. She wanted to scream. She wanted him to understand she was not a bad person.
But inside those silvery eyes, there was no space for understanding – only murderous rage.
“Walk.” Vergil signaled the way with Yamato, setting a quick pace so they would get to you in time. In the distance, he could see white summoned swords as you ran, knowing that, for now, you could keep yourself alive. “Who are you and what happened?”
“I don’t know! I didn’t want this! She was supposed to answer to me, they were all supposed to obey me…!” The girl started stumbling over her words, while Vergil’s unrelenting eyes kept on your form.
“You didn’t answer my questions.”
“I’m, I’m, I’m Blaire! My name is Blaire!” The teen witch blurted out, stuttering as she tried to explain herself. “We found a spell, me and my friends, we just wanted to scare some people at school who bully us every day! We got tired of it, we just… They were supposed to see how powerful we are and leave us alone! You ended up here by mistake, she had to obey me and let you go…!”
“Only a heavily inexperienced witch would make such mistake…” Vergil sighed, pointing at the demons in front of them. “She is a species condemned to forgetfulness, dangerous even to her own kind. Not a succubus, but still alluring and deadly: they prey on their victims’ minds to use their worst nightmares to break and kill them. Suffering only makes them more powerful. A weak arcane thing like you would never be able to control such a demon. You better pray she doesn’t decide to use all my memories.”
Before Blaire could say anything else, the girl screamed instead: Vergil triggered in an explosion of blue light, running towards the demons even faster than before – slaying them relentlessly in his own demon form.
Blaire protected herself behind a tombstone, watching it all in awe: she would have never guessed he was a demon himself, even though she was scared by him before. Watching you summon your swords for a little protection, she couldn’t stop thinking you were a powerful witch – wishing, someday, she could be just like you.
“Die, scum!” Vergil’s distorted voice echoed in front of you, making you sigh in relief.
You had been running for quite a while, completely out of breath. Summoning swords required a lot of energy and doing both could leave one completely exhausted.
“Thank you, love.” As soon as he felt your hand brushing on his arm, Vergil was able to come back to his human form – the rage in his heart calming slightly. It didn’t last long, though: soon Vergil was back to fighting and you had only a few moments to rest until a demon tried to approach you from behind and take you by surprise. “Vergil isn’t the only one who can use his father’s sword.”
With those words, you decided to use whatever energy you had left to defend yourself. Concentrating it on your hands, you were soon holding a white Mirror Edge, something you could only summon once in your life – and it left you extremely tired after fighting with it for a few seconds.
But you wouldn’t give in. You would fight by his side until all your energies gave out if you had to – and that was something Vergil admired endlessly in your soul. With all your differences and similarities, your will matched his own.
“I guess it’s time to make your heart bleed a little more.” The demon’s distorted voice suddenly started to change, as the scenery around you morphed into a place of darkness and desolation.
No one knew of that place, not even you. Feeling your feet sticking in the blood red ground, you kept fighting with whatever strength you had left, realizing the demons now resembled Angelos.
“Vergil! Don’t let her get hurt!” You screamed as soon as you saw Blaire being attacked by two demons much stronger than her.
He would never argue with you regarding protecting another soul. Vergil immediately ran by Blaire’s side, killing the Angelos with one swift move.
“Where… Where are we?!” The girl was horrified. It seemed like a church – out of the deepest corners of Hell, covered in demon corpses and blood. Vergil knew very well where they were.
“Inside my worst nightmare.” It was the only thing he managed to murmur before slaying another demon who tried to grab her.
Until he heard you scream.
“Silence, little one. It is time.” And that voice. The voice he knew very well. The voice that echoed inside his head and made Vergil lose every single drop of free will he had in his life.
Turning around in shock, he saw something even worse than the traumatic memories engrained in his mind: Mundus held your suddenly fragile body, the Mirror Edge buried on the ground. You tried to set yourself free, but it was to no avail. The demons followed their master in a procession towards a broken cross – the cross where Vergil had once his soul broken and his coronation as Nelo Angelo.
“What are they doing…?” Blaire could only whisper, now hiding herself behind Vergil. She had no possibility of fighting against those demons, of stopping whatever they wanted to do to you.
That was what Vergil feared most – and he didn’t even know that prior to seeing the possibility of you suffering the same fate as his.
A fate not of your own making, not carved by your choices – but by his. A damnation from loving him so much.
Blaire screamed once again as Vergil triggered – but, this time, his wings spread in the sky like an angel of death ready to take on his enemies. There was nothing but the desire to kill, to end every single living thing in that godforsaken place until there were just the two of you standing – and you safely held in his embrace.
Vergil was in a frenzy, you could see that. Even if he was a lot more ruthless than his twin brother, it was very rare for him to be taken by his emotions like that. With the Yamato slashing through the procession of demons, Vergil got covered in blood – gracefully performing his dance of death among his enemies.
The Yamato crossed Mundus’ chest as he was about to nail your hands in the cross.
You fell on the ground, trying to breathe once more. Mundus’ stumbled back, slowly becoming the she-devil who taunted Vergil in his own nightmare. With her eyes widened, she tried to claw herself away from the slowly approaching blue devil covered in blood – terrified of those fiery blue eyes.
You loved his harshness – the she-devil looked at you for a while, unable to comprehend. That version of him didn’t scare you and she couldn’t understand how you could love him even like that.
“It was her… She was the one who did all this.” The demon tried, pointing at Blaire, who just stared at her in shock. “She is the one to blame!”
“You expect mercy?” Vergil’s distorted voice felt like the purest ice. “You have been inside my head. You know who I am. All I did. I do not believe in mercy.”
Watching the Yamato glistening one last time, the demon died in horror as she realized – he was indeed the son of Sparda. Vergil, the one enslaved by Mundus’, the Dark Slayer who broke free from Hell with his body crumbling and nothing but the will to live. There was no mercy. If there was, he wouldn’t have survived for so long.
Her head rolled on the floor until stopping at Blaire’s feet. The girl screamed once more, before looking back at the demon who now approached her, menacingly.
“It was a mistake! You shouldn’t listen to her! I can get you out of here…!”
“It was a binding spell. I know how to reverse it.” There was no space left for warmth in his voice – no heart left inside Vergil. He was taken by his demon and the frenzy to desperately protect you from living the same thing he did. “We do not need you. This was your doing – it is time to face the consequences.”
Blaire walked back, fear taking ahold of her heart. She never thought a simple spell, that looked like they would have everything under control, could be the cause of her death – and such a horrible kind of death.
Before Vergil could continue, though, he suddenly felt soft hands on his wrist – the one with the hand holding Yamato. Stopping on his tracks and slowly looking back, he found you – bloody, bruised, scraped, but with a gentle smile on your lips. You slowly caressed his harsh skin, moving one of your hands up his arm to turn him around to you.
“Love… I’m alright. There’s no need for this.” Your voice was kind and Blaire just stared with her heart on her hands. Just like the demon before, she couldn’t wrap her mind around how you seemed to not be scared and even call him love. “She is just a child. Bullied, tired, making mistakes. Just like I did… And just like you did. It’s over, I’m alright. She’s a child, Vergil. You can stop now.”
You remained like that for a while, with Vergil just breathing harshly through his teeth. After a few moments, you caressed his face, pulling him to a kiss – and, before your lips could land on his fangs, your Vergil was back, and his soft lips kissed yours back. You remained with eyes closed, as you stroked his now soft cheek, his forehead resting on yours. You could feel him slowly relaxing under your fingers, his breath coming back to normal.
“I was afraid to lose you.” He suddenly whispered; voice coarse. “That I would not have enough power to protect you.”
“But you do, love. You are the most powerful being I’ve ever met.” You whispered back, a half-smile in your lips. “King of Hell.”
And Blaire suddenly froze up. Did she just almost kill the love of the life of the King of Hell himself? Despair took her over and she questioned every action she took since the day she found that freaking spell with her friends.
“Then you are part of royalty as well.” His answer was quick and silent, wrapped with a kiss on your forehead. Turning back to Blaire, the girl was more than ready to beg Vergil for mercy – even if he had said before he did not know mercy. “Where is the binding spell?”
With trembling hands, she gave it to Vergil – who left you for a while to undo the spell. You sat on a tall tombstone, right by Blaire’s side and the girl seemed frozen – obviously scared of both of you.
“Hey. I know he can be a little intense.” You tried to start a conversation, making her terrified eyes turn to you. “But there is a human heart beating in his chest. Vergil’s been through a lot and when he, or someone he loves, is in danger, he tends to go berserk.”
“He… Is the King of Hell…?” As she chose her words carefully you laughed it off. Somehow, that managed to relax her – even if just a little.
“It’s an inside joke. For a while, yes.” You shrugged, watching your lovely blue devil working his arcane arts, ignoring how Blaire stared at you with widened eyes. “Indeed, the most powerful being I’ve ever met.”
“You…” The girl almost whispered, admiring how your eyes stared at Vergil with care and longing. She couldn’t understand it: there was so much love inside of you for him, even though he seemed ruthless and without mercy. She always played tough alongside her friends, saying how badass it would be to date a demon, but seeing it for real for the first time made her speechless. “You really love him.”
“I do.” You sighed back, completely hopeless. With a little smile on your lips, you smartly stared back at her. “I know it seems like it makes no sense. But I can see the human he is under all that armor of harshness… And honestly, between you and me, he just wants to be loved back. Not having that terrifies him more than fighting the most powerful demons of Hell.”
You winked back at Blaire, making the girl smile. The box in Vergil’s hands started to glow and he finally looked back at you – it was time to go back home.
“Let me remind you it was your wicked idea to have me scare a group of teenagers.”
Vergil was a little done with haunted houses that night – and you couldn’t really blame him. After all that happened, you met Blaire’s friends and had the brilliant idea of asking the Dark Slayer to play a trick on their bullies – with Vergil half-triggered, he scared the kids until the witches pretended to exorcise him out of his demon.
It worked. Nothing you would have believed, but it was effective. The teens seemed to believe in the power of the group of witches and were positively scared of them – probably respecting the girls so they would never be bullied again.
The rest of the night, though, Vergil simply walked around the haunted houses as if nothing could shake him. It took him just a few seconds to cross an entire attraction – while the rest of the crew got scared, laughed and enjoyed the moment.
Only a few things could scare him more than what happened at that cemetery – therefore, Vergil was as expressive as a white wall.
“Oh, c’mon. I bet you loved the idea as well, my dear necromancer.” You had your arm entangled with his, walking casually near the exit of one of the haunts.
Of course, Vergil just strode through it and you followed, apologizing to the performers and assuring them they were indeed scary. So, there you were, killing time together while the crew was still crossing it.
“It was a smart one, I will not deny it.” Vergil had a little smile hidden in his lips, acquiescing with his head. He never ceased to act as if he was born in another time. “I wanted to ask you something, love. That… Vision. In the house, together… Was it conjunct or did you see something else?”
“I saw myself in your family’s house, with you. Brewing tea and making toast during a lazy morning.” You smiled back, remembering how warm you felt in his arms. How vulnerable Vergil was. “I dare to say it was conjunct.”
It seemed like Vergil would say something else, but there were no words following his hum. You waited a little bit, remembering how he asked you not to let go but simply accepted his fate when he realized only him was doomed to Hell.
“You thought you were dead, right…?”
And if there was something Vergil admired endlessly in you was your direct words, never going around subjects like a dance before actually asking what you wanted to. He needed that kind of honesty, that kind of objectiveness. After years dealing with demons and unnatural creatures, Vergil came to get used to their ways of speaking through half-words, but not the ways of humans – your clear words were more than welcome to him.
“Hmmm.” Once again, he only hummed, but slightly nodded in confirmation. Vergil didn’t want you to think he didn’t want to live with you and that he was unsatisfied, but he did long for peace – a kind of peace he thought he would only achieve in death. “But I was delighted to think you would be in my eternal rest with me.”
“Hmmm.” It was your turn to hum just like him, caressing Vergil’s arm with your free hand. “I was delighted to have you by my side as well. It wouldn’t be paradise to me if you weren’t in it.”
Vergil’s lips curved up in a slight smile, while he tried to hide how those words took the breath out of his chest. To think he would be part of someone’s paradise… Vergil never thought of himself as someone so important. As someone deserving of something more than hatred.
Stopping with you in the middle of the park, Vergil put both of his hands inside his pockets, having you face him with intrigued eyes. He had his nose slightly up in the sky, with that convinced tinge on his lips you loved so much.
“Trick or treat.”
You smiled back, narrowing your eyes a little bit. That was odd – Vergil never seemed to enjoy trick or treating before, even if Dante said they were enthusiastic about it as kids.
His eyes encouraged you, though. After some seconds, you tapped one of his arms, expecting him to take something out of his pockets.
But then, Vergil leaned down and kissed you.
“You are my peace.”
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