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awthredestim · 4 months ago
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No Clop November created by Frist44
NCN2024 organised and created by 2Shy. Nothing better than hanging with your bros, getting drunk and playing a complicated game of O&O to forget all your troubles, right?
So what led all these guys to hang out together? Find out in today chapter!
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I didn't post last year's pictures here, mostly because they were NSFW, but I can post the SFW ones for this year!
Yeah, there's a few.
This is one of the busiest pictures I've done this year. Not the busiest, mind. That one is perhaps the FNAF NASCAR piece I did back in April.
But this one's up there alright. I apologise to anyone with OCD, but I had to make Zephyr's space incredibly messy and trashy. He is a trashy horse. Which one is your favourite? I'm a big fan of Gallus myself.
Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate every single one I receive.
You can check the Making Of post right here.
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simplegeneral · 6 months ago
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Status: Alive
Gender: Male
Race: Red Dragon
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality Traits:
- Ambitious: Launairk has as much ambition and greedy as any red dragon and he is ready to go above and beyond to reach his goals
- Merciful: He is a merciful dragon and does not believe spilling blood senselessly is the key to achieve any of his goals, for the value of the lesser races' work far outvalues their destruction
- Diplomatic: He is diplomatic and prefers to create deals and partnerships instead of the bloody subjulgation and conquest of the lesser races, such deals cause his reputation to split between a respectable dealer and a disgrace to the chromatic dragonkind.
- Protective: Launairk will fight to death to protect himself, his hoard and subjects and won't allow any danger to come to them in the first place
Launairk, once a hatchling from a clutch of a red dragoness in the southern mountains of Faerun, would come to see the actions of his kind as malicious and disgusting, thing the young dragon was later outcasted for, harder than his siblings after the fateful day their mother wouldn't take care of them anymore.
The young dragon moved north, to the Spine of the World mountains, where he came in contact of a local fishing village. After firstly cold steps, they warmed to him and vice-versa, Launairk become the defender of the village, as well as settling up his kobold followers in the base of the mountain, where they started mining to add to his hoard, eventually completely stopping his raids to trade caravans.
At this moment, he has big plans for the village, to turn into a trade empire, rich enough to fill his own hoard, and of course, with him at the top of it and a lesser member as the official ruler of it. Aside a few attacks here and there, orcs, goblins and white dragons, his plans are going on motion, his biggest troublemaker, however, is a peculiar copper dragon, as heroic and greedy as himself, Landishura.
Status: Alive
Gender: Female
Race: Copper Dragon
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Personality Traits:
- Greedy: Through her unquenchable greed, there's nothing she won't do to gain a very easy and quick coin, which includes the less heroic and noble stuff, of course
- Jokester: As a proud copper dragon, she is a jokester and loves to make jokes, puns and pranks over whoever she meets. Long ago, of course, those harmless funnies become something far darker and chaotic, to not laugh or enjoy her jokes brings death
- Nosy: Under her human disguise, there's very little Landishura can't uncover about anyone and everyone, these information she holds dearly just in case she needs to perform a less than overdramatic presentation of one's wrong doings
- Impulsive: Due to her rather hot-tempered nature, Landishura always jump to opportunities, regardless of how ready she is to deal with the situation, and will do anything to gain her precious treasures to add to the hoard
Landishura once begun as your typical copper dragon, she flew around and joked and pranked over traders and curious individuals around her, and was overall a joyful and sociable dragon to have around. Her slow descent into madness and evil begun one day a party of adventurers raided her lair and tried to steal her treasure; While they were defeated, Landishura grew overzealous of her treasure and the desire to expand and protect it.
Most of all, she realized the relationships she nurtured over the years mattered little, a quick coin could turn even the most loyal of friends into enemies. And so she desired to apply such logic to herself, the desire of increasing her wealth so she could buy everyone as her friends would make her obsessed with it. She would later perform many tasks, missions and adventures in name of royal houses and towns in order to gain her hard earned wealth.
All her effort however, would be in vain once her lair was discovered by a red dragon, whom she could barely scratch the scales in the fight, forced to abandon all her hoard to it, she become crazy mad and removed all barriers in order to create her new hoard. Her flight made her follow the caravans to the north, into a remote populated place, where she could make her new hoard very far from preying eyes.
Until the moment she found Launairk, the both of them would clash a few times, Landishura believing his town's project had opportunities for herself, at the same time, her more proud and heroic sense trying to befriend the villagers and free them from what she thought to be the beginning of tyranny.
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nataliesartprofile · 1 year ago
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DnD-Avankha Ramnet
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Gonna be playing this Lovely Lady in a 5e oneshot tomorrow; she is a Divine Soul sorcerer w/a Noble background, she was designed by Hadriae(Whom doesn't appear to be active on FA anymore, unfortch!)
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adndmonsteraday · 8 months ago
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Time dragons were a species of epic dragon, a group of exceedingly rare and powerful dragons. They were sometimes called chronology dragons, ageless dragons, or epoch dragons.
Even wyrmling time dragons were huge creatures, with silvery-white scales that lay close to the body; the lack of ridges made the epoch dragons look unusually smooth. They had a single spike that protruded from the back of the head, nearly doubling the length of the cranium, and two spikes that attached to the end of the tail, giving it a forked appearance. The wings were triangular in shape, with the narrowest points where they attached to the back; fully spread, it gave the wings an hourglass-like shape.
Epoch dragons were aloof and solitary individuals; they were typically neutral in regards to good or evil, law or chaos.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Time_dragon
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chertila-artworks · 1 year ago
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Comm Art for Ironrosh
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lonnyk · 11 months ago
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The group vibin in DnD! With Lani being a dumbass as always...
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bonkleton · 2 months ago
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G'uu Wuu, Runt Prince of Allaug
My current character for a Spelljammers campaign, the exiled Runt Prince of the Plasmoid Royal Line of Allaug, G'uu Wuu, and their Ooze Blade, J'erii! G'uu is a Runt Prince on their home planet - unusually small among their siblings, and therefore less valued for the royal line because their smaller body cannot produce as many offspring. Runt Princes usually get the smallest inheritances, by royal tradition, no matter their accomplishments or competence. Runts are also feared by their larger siblings because their desperation for prominence will often make them treacherous. After a few infamous Runt Princes became notorious warlords in the past, most royal families proactively ensure the Runt Princes are politically marginalized as much as possible. G'uu resisted this and challenged their siblings to combat, and despite defeating every one of them in succession, was still exiled by the royal guard. G'uu sees the promise of land and therefore influence on a fresh planet and sees this as a chance to start a new royal bloodline. G'uu carries their Royal Ooze Blade, J'erii, with them, both as a remnant of their royal standing, and as a loyal pet they have had since they were a neonate. G'uu will collect fancy rocks to feed to J'erii, and they have learned from experience that J'erii finds crystals and gemstones the most appetizing. I wanted to make my next DnD character a combat-focused Plasmoid for a while, but I didn't like the idea of relying on a weapon that would need to be sacrificed to slip through tight spaces, but when my friend Dr. River (the DM) offered the Ooze Blade as an option, I knew it had to be so! I struggled briefly with a backstory, but once I saw the "Heir to the Throne" option in the new Player's HandBook, I rode that train of thought through several stations, loving the idea of something as alien and "gross" as slimes doing something as poncy and pretentious as a ritualistic royal line, especially given their asexual reproduction. Once I had the idea, I whipped up a quick drawing while my friends were talking about changes to DnD 2024, and this was the result! The general color is described on my character sheet as "PS4 Blue", and River suggested that I add the swoosh from the home screen, I couldn't resist. Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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8re3yv8u97 · 5 months ago
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desiquest · 1 year ago
A ballad to unite us all!
Ft. Omar Najam, Rekha Shankar, Jasmine Bhullar, Sandeep Parikh
Watch Episode 1 “Big Uncle Energy” at YouTube.com/EffinFunny
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carlarzall · 5 months ago
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rough fennel ref !
Here's a rough wip for Fennel,  my newest D&D chara!!
✦ Commissions -;;  https://ko-fi.com/carlarzall/commissions Links -;; https://carlarzall.carrd.co/ ✦
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simplegeneral · 6 months ago
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Launairk hatched from a clutch of Throdigasyx, a particularly cruel red dragon from the southern mountains of the Sword Coast. So soon in his life, he showed signs of a pacifist behavior and lack of cruel impulses. While being taken care by his mother, she often would make her wyrmlings commit acts of cruelty around her territory, which the most destructive and deadly ones being reward a small piece of her treasure.
He failed immediately, for he couldn't thought of causing damage and death to individuals he didn't know. And returning home with no tales, his harsh punishment was at least receive no treasure, aside a mockery of him, of course. His behavior didn't please his mother, and she had no intention of leave his weakness pass by. The next day she brought young children from a nearby village previously destroyed, those orphans terrorized deeply impacted Launairk, even more by what his mother intended.
She wanted her wyrmlings to kill the children, another little game of hers. Launairk, deeply horrified refused to do so, while his siblings did with little care, for them, it was the possible reward that mattered. 
In a stroke of rage, Throdigasyx eat the last remaining child and roared at him. 
'Pathetic! I took good care of my eggs, yet, you come with your brain defective. You are not even one of us. I give you a simple choice. Die now in my jaws, or get out of my territory, and die.'
With only one choice, Launairk was expelled from her lair, condemned to wander in the forest, all alone. At first, it was hard, really hard, other creatures were bigger than him, but nothing his fire breath couldn't at least scare away, and when all else failed, his little claws had to back him up.
After days wondering in the shadows, for if his mother saw him, she would definitely kill him, Launairk ended up meeting a small group of kobolds, also hiding in the shadows of the bushes and trees. The little creatures appeared afraid of him and bowed to him as if he was a god, he remembered those kobold creatures worked for his mother in her lair and elsewhere, bringing her gifts in order appease her and survive one extra day without being smashed or roasted alive.
The kobolds explained their cave ran out of precious metals days ago, their clan was reduced to a little gang of apathetic individuals, including one sole hatchling on the grip of their mother (he would later become the kobold that announced his arrival to the village).
As Launairk observed them and the hatchling, he knew they had no chance. Should they send the little scraps of metals they have, his mother would have roasted them all alive... But lucky them, Throdigasyx's legions are too numerous and she too careless to notice, unless they brought less than she expects as bare minimum. Those kobolds had nothing to lose.
Launairk proposed for the kobolds to come with him, as he was banished, they could come with him, all he desired was respect from them, and the kobolds quickly obliged.
For the next few tendays, Launairk and his gang of kobolds travelled north, wandering the land, Launairk bravely defended them against the dangers of the forest, proving his status of legend for his followers. They would eventually reach a large swampy land, not an ideal place for a red dragon and a bunch of kobolds.
At the feeling that eyes were watching it, they pushed forward, soon to be surprised by the terror of the swamps, Mryrzindrax, who took them by surprise and like a good old grandpa, laughed heavily afterwards.
To their surprise, the ancient black dragon was more amused than murderous, they were welcome to stay in his swamp, if Launairk paid him in treasure for it and since he had none, it meant he would have to learn how to obtain it, fast.
And so for so long, Launairk passed time within the territory of Mryrzindrax, both of them worked together, almost to a father and son relationship, or at least Mryrzindrax preferred him over his despicable daughter and her love affairs with the House of Orogoth.
Launairk would one day leave with his kobolds, after many years, a clan bouncing back from decline and extinction into a thriving band who loyally followed him. He was ready to make up his own story in the north, far away from preying eyes...
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kennedyvietor1978blog · 5 months ago
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wanderlustwineblissblog · 6 months ago
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nataliesartprofile · 2 years ago
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DnD-Kagg'nash Shattergrim Character Update
Ayy!! Finally it's finished, the updated character art for my big, dorky archaeologist with a temper, Kagg'nash! I previously played her once before in a Lost Mines of Phandelvar game that wound up petering out in the middle, but she's back again! And even nerdier than ever!! (PS: Yes I absolutely just took her same warpick from her older ref image+copy-pasted it :B)
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awthredestim · 1 year ago
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Commission for Chelicera.
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This is Chelicera's character, Beastspeak.
He's a brutish, strong-willed, absolute cinnamon bun of a guy. Kind hearted, trying the diplomacy route until there's no other choice than to hammer someone into mulch. He's the kind who'd lose himself into talking with a forest critter for hours.
Don't ask him about Petunia, though.
Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate every single one I receive.
You can check the Making Of post right here.
Thank you!
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