#dungeon crawl shenanigans
artemistorm · 2 years
One word prompt: licked
This one is a fun one--it reminded me of a thing I used to do as a kid--lick my hand and hold it up to ward off my siblings.
(1301 words)
"Let go of the rupee," Legend urged. "You can't get your hand out of the hole unless you let go of the rupee. Your fist is too big."
"NO!" Wind hissed, his hand trapped in a hole in the wall, his fist wrapped around a glowing golden rupee. "My rupee!" His eyes were red and crazed and his entire arm was tensed and stiff as if electrified. It didn't take a genius to tell that the rupee-in-the-hole was clearly cursed and intended to be a trap, one that the strapped-for-cash little pirate fell for.
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"If you let go for just a second, I can use my whip to get it out of the hole for you," Sky pleaded.
"And take it for yourself? I don't think so!" Wind lashed out with his free hand, fingers bared like claws when Sky got too close for his liking. "This is my money. I found it first! Its all mine!"
"Don't touch him and don't let him touch you," Four warned.
"What can we do?" Twilight asked. "We can't reason with him in this state."
"You shouldn't have let him open that cursed chest full of rupoors earlier," Warriors nudged Legend. "Maybe he wouldn't have fallen for the trap if he still had any money."
"I warned him not to!" Legend spluttered. "Maybe you should have been quicker to stop him before he reached his hand into a random hole!"
"Wiiind!" Hyrule sang holding up a silver rupee just out of his reach. "Do you want more rupees?"
"Careful," Time put a hand on Hyrule's arm.
Wind surged forward as much as he could with his arm still trapped in the wall. Hyrule leapt back and dangling the rupee just out of reach.
"Give it to me! I want it now!" Wind made grabby hands and strained to reach the silver rupee. "More rupees!"
"Let go of the other rupee and you can have this rupee," Hyrule said.
"NO! I want both rupees! Gimme!"
"Wind! Let go! You're going to break your arm!" Twilight cried. "Hyrule! Give it to him so he doesn't hurt himself!"
"Yes! Give it to me!" Wind growled.
Hyrule panicked and flung it at Wind who caught it faster than the eye could follow with his free hand. He laughed maniacally and dropped the rupee in his pocket.
“Great that didn’t work. Now what do we do?” Warriors sighed.
“You look rich! Give me all your rupees!” Wind demanded of Warriors. “They belong to me!”
At the back of the group there was a sound of lips smacking and Twilight turned to find Wild idly licking off each of his fingers.
“Eww! Cub! What are you eating?” Twilight grabbed Wild’s hand. His hand and his mouth were covered in green gelatinous substance. “Ugh! Spit that out! How could you be eating at a time like this?! What even is that nasty—”
“Hmph. No’ bad.” Wild said then swallowed. “Tastes like cuckoo.”
“What even is this?” Twilight wiped some of the green gunk off his hand and on his pants. Wild shrugged.
“Dunno. I bought some off a guy in Wind’s Hyrule. He called it a jellyfish, said it was something you didn’t want to eat unless you were in a desperate situation—and we’ve been stuck in this dungeon for three hours and I’m pretty desperately hungry.”
“Do you have any more?” Time asked.
“Yeah! You want some?” Wild held up another green glob with long thin tentacles hanging down. Time made a face and accepted the disgusting offering.
“Old Man, what are you—” Twilight trailed off.
“Ahhh—” Time inhaled sharply. “Ahhh—!”
“You good, old man?” Four asked, turning away from Wind.
“AAAAHHH CHOOO!” Time sneezed mightily with such volume that the sound echoed down the stony corridor. Everyone flinched and jumped, even Wind, who had a fistful of Warriors’ scarf.
Time looked down at his hands where the crushed green remains of the jellyfish dripped from his hands.
“Augh!” Sky gagged and covered his eyes, trying not to heave.
“That’s disgusting!” Legend stepped away from their elder
“Did that just seriously come out of you?!” Four gasped.
“What the hell? Do you have the plague??” Warriors jumped back, yanking his scarf from a startled wide-eyed Wind’s grasp.
Time sniffed the green goop in his hands.
Time touched his tongue the green goop. He made a show of taking a long slow lick the length of his right hand.
“No! No! Don’t do that!” Sky squealed and waved his hands. “Ahhh!”
“OHH! That’s just gross!” Warriors looked away and covered his mouth with a gag.
“Is this really happening?” Four asked, unable to tear his eyes away from the spectacle.
Hyrule watched simultaneously appalled and perplexed and Wind stared in horrified silence.
“Mm. Salty,” Time said licking his lips.
In the back of the group, Wild stifled a laugh and Twilight covered his mouth with his hand his eyes wide with glee.
Time cocked his head at Wind.
“Are you stuck, young friend?” Time asked. He casually approached Wind, the others jumping out of his way.
Wind didn’t answer but bared his teeth.
“Let me help you!” Time reached out a green slimy hand toward Wind’s stuck arm. Wind squirmed and pulled away from Time.
“Don’t touch me!” Wind scowled. “You smell poor.” Wind strained to lean away from Time.
“It’ll just take a moment to get you unstuck!” Time’s hand stopped just short of grasping Wind’s arm. “Oh! There’s something on your face!” He reached for Wind’s face with his green gloopy hand.
Wind screeched and jerked backward, arm suddenly free of the trap. He fell onto his behind then scrabbled away on all fours hissing at Time, who watched him with cool amusement. Wind’s face went blank for a moment, then he blinked confused up at all the other staring heroes.
“What’s going on?” He said, then winced and curled around his arm. “Ow.”
“Here, let me see,” Legend pushed past the agape Hyrule and knelt by Wind.
Time held up his hands for the others to see.
“This is jellyfish,” he said. “It’s not snot.”
“Hehehe I get it. It’s-not snot.” Wild snorted.
“And you’re right. It does taste like cuckoo.”
“I can’t believe it. You really got me, Old Man!” Warriors laughed.
“Wow. I’m so glad that’s not real.” Four shivered.
“Wahaha that’s so funny!” Hyrule burst out in laughter. “I didn’t know you had it in you!”
“I know you said that it’s not real, but… I think I’m going to throw up anyways!” Sky pushed past Wild and Twilight and threw up on the ground at the edge of the corridor.
“Hey Wind, how’re you feeling?” Twilight called edging away from Sky.
“He’ll be fine,” Legend said helping Wind stand up. “His arm isn’t broken and there’s no residual damage from the curse.”
“It’s just bruised and sore,” Wind said, inspecting the red marks on his skin where it had rubbed on the rim of the hole.
“I hope you learned your lesson,” Legend crossed his arms.
“I bet you won’t go sticking your hand into any more holes, will you?” Warriors said.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Wind said patting his pocket. “I’m a hundred rupees richer!”
“Wait! No! That’s mine! Give it back!” Hyrule reached for Wind’s pocket.
“Buzz off, slacker. It’s mine! I deserve it for my troubles!”
“That’s not supposed to be the lesson that you took away from this little experience!” Twilight groaned.
“If I help you get it back, will you give me half the money?” Wild asked Hyrule.
Time stepped away up the hall a little ways and poured a trickle of water from his canteen to clean off his hands and he laughed and laughed quietly to himself.
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nellasbookplanet · 1 year
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lockhinge · 20 days
"I hate crypts. You know what's down there? Dust."
- Tek, tiefling noble
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hanakihan · 11 days
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highlight of funger au with edsali for me personally is the way dantes casually sprints off to chase some unfortunate dungeon monster to cook for dinner but before that he’s gotta argue with salieri and win rock-paper-scissors
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 10 months
the other night I dreamed that I was part of an adventuring party led by @prokopetz in this dark-fantasy dungeon, which was brightly lit from some unspecified source. Shadow the Hedgehog was also there, as well as some unspecified others. after a "particularly difficult" boss fight (the dream didn't actually depict anything about it, it just said by authorial fiat that it was "particularly difficult"), we went deeper into the dungeon to rescue a "hostage". possibly the "hostage" called out to us? anyway, the dream started making a bunch of unspecified jokes about Spell Cards from Touhou; Proko and Shadow jumped off a ledge into what turned out to be ankle-deep mud, and either they or the dream itself made a wisecrack about how the resulting displacement of water was itself a Spell Card called Bomb Sign "Splash".
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vivi-blue · 4 months
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God, this took me way too long...xD
After days of work I finally finished the challenge that I set for myself: Sending out props to a lot of artist here on tumblr that I really enjoy! (Actually there are way waaay more people, but I really had to set myself a limit, I'm sorry fellas ;w; I still love you!)
These people inspire me every day with their creative concepts, stories, humor and passion for art and give me the drive to continue drawing myself. With this little collection I wanted to say "thank you" for all that you do and create. You rock, guys!
(I really hope I didn't mess up any of the tags and I apologize if I might fu**ed up your designs/characters ;3; I know I'm not the best in proportions and all, but I really tried. <w<´´ Also I really hope Tumblr compresses the text by itself, so that you don't get smacked by this wall of text. I'm still a rookie on tumblr, so I don't know what to do ;w;)
Okay, heeere we go! THE TAGS!
@tv-tower / @uuberwachen - with PB aka Swap Pizzahead (I really love the idea of the au and adore the character designs. PB sure is one of my favorites -w- He is literally the most reasonable of them all XD)
@technically-a-kiwi - with Cosmic Peppino ( The design of Cosmic Peppino is simply beautiful and the idea that this chef has strong star powers and needs to take care of Cosmic Noises shenanigans is super funny to me XD )
@sirtotallynotatimetraveler - with Mel Sproutbloom / Sagebloom (I'm sorry, I wasn't sure which name is canon ;w;) ( I loooove Mel! He is such a gentle, colorful guy and looking at him makes me all happy <3 )
@alextydaisuda123 - with their version of Vigilante ( I can't repeat enough how much I adore their artstyle. I love Vigi's design the most. I don't know it's just...THAT'S Vigi for me, you know? Simply fitting, cool, but also stylish -w- )
@alice-the-demon - with Vittoria ( I was first thinking of drawing Archangel Peppino, since this guy is the softness itself, buuuut I have to admit that I love the lively and passionate personality of Vittoria. She is great -w- )
@misdreavusplush - with Eyelashes ( I can't help it. I saw that character and was in awe. How adorable can you be?? I was barely able to draw her eyes as pretty as they are xD <3 )
@creature-of-pizza - with Pepp ( Seriously, the idea to see a "Fake Peppino" with more cat dna is such a win for me. He is dynamic, sassy, derpy and so damn cool! >w< Also love how colorful their pictures are.)
@eskariolis-con-salsa - with Gnocchi (I was thinking about drawing their version of Fake Peppino first, but...*looks at picture* ...let's be honest, you can't get pass that little guy. ;w; He purifies my soul. Have some soap, little guy.)
@oddpizza - with Caramel Jam aka CJ (Such a creative and powerful character! I've seen so many artworks of them and I adore them. You need more joyful people like this ^^)
@pizza-tower-secrets - with Lycheecheechee ( A small, adorable bundle full of surprises and of course secrets! I love their drive and colorful design. Simply a delight! :3 )
@rhaytronik - with Red ( A dynamic and enjoyable character with their love for adventures! Not only a great character but also the Pizzasona of my best friend. Thanks to them I was brave enough to start a tumblr account myself. So thank you for being there for me <3 )
@cutechan555 - with Mage Gustavo (To be honest, I had a very hard time to pick a character here, since their account is full of stories and ideas. I chose mage Gustavo, since I love his design and story. I'm currently into "Delicious in Dungeon" and to imagine that he goes dungeon crawling with his bros to safe Peppino is such a cool idea XD)
@bigbeastcyruspt - with Trion (I have to be honest, at first I was very startled of Trion, since his design is very mighty and scary. I mean, it's his chase form after all. But the more I learned about him, the more I grew to like him. Very damn cool design! Also couldn't help to add dah baby ;w;)
@lunar-dal - with Pizza Cruise Peppino (Another au I simply adore! The design of the characters is colorful and bright, and to imagine Peppino as a singing gondolier brings me great joy. Also I'm a big fan of otter Brick ;w; )
@smalltimidbean - with Pea Pod, Sugar Snap Pea and Snow Pea (Believe me, I never before had such a hard time to pick ONE of so many wonderful Peppi clones! THAT was torture XD But in the end I guess I picked my favorite. Such a tired, but very cute one. Not to forget about the little ones <3 To draw a PT character with 4 fingers and 2 thumbs on one hand was quite a challenge lol )
@tinderboxofsillyideas - with Coffee Peppino (Probably one of the most adorable au versions of Peppino. Seriously, if I had the chance to get my coffee in his café, I totally would! Give that guy all the tips! <3 First thought of drawing their wizard Peppino version, but the adorable barista won lol)
@xbeih - with Metal Peppino (One of the first au's I started following. Seriously, how cool can one person be?? I mean, the whole au is amazing and I enjoy every person in it. But damn...Peppino takes the cake. ówo He is so badass, you can't imagine <w< Also I'm very sorry, it was my first time drawing a guitar and aaaaaaa )
.....*looks left and right* ...ok, we did it. Wow!
God, I'm exhausted now...XD
Well, thank you very much for reading and sorry for the wall of text ówq I can only recommend you to check these people out. They are all very talented and should be appreciated!
Have a pleasant morning / day / evening / night everyone. (Depending your timezone lul .w. )
See ya next time! Vivi out!~
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the jaidens on the can you hear it mini-event and we all know ab their chat shenanigans
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but like. how about this one. (after the dungeon crawl, when they're at the ordo discussing theories)
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they're so silly.... their friendship means so much to me
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alasse-earfalas · 3 months
Which Links I think should team up, tactically.
There's no telling whether the boys will be purely tactical in their decision-making or not (personal feelings could definitely get in the way of clear thinking here), but if I were in charge of splitting the group, here's how I'd do it:
Sky & Wild Yes yes they're my favorites, but I'm putting them together in spite of that. Both of them are right-handed, so this would avoid another elbow incident. Also, Sky's got dungeon experience, so he can cue Wild in on what to expect—and Sky wouldn't rub that experience in Wild's face or get exasperated at every turn like many of the other Links would. I could easily see Sky viewing it as a way to pay forward what Fi did for him.
Twilight & Four They can transform in front of each other no problem (less of an issue with Wolfie now, but still), and Four can ride on Wolfie's back to save space if need be. This could also open up some interesting traversal options, and give them an opportunity to talk about the shadow crystal.
Time & Warriors Warriors needs to be with someone who has plenty of dungeon experience and whose advice he can readily respect. Time is the only Link who fits the bill. After the stunt Legend pulled, Wars wouldn't really trust any of the younger Links, and he'd appreciate Time's no-nonsense approach to going through the dungeon.
Legend, Wind, & Hyrule Three smol lefty gremlins. I can easily see these three peppering their dungeon-crawl with pranks and shenanigans and laughing the whole time, because they're all young and have at least two adventures' worth of dungeons under their belts. Additionally, Wind has experience with different monsters and puzzles than the Downfall Duo does; having him along would broaden their collective skill-set considerably, which I'm sure the two classic Links would appreciate, and Wind would revel in getting to show off just how capable he is.
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cutechan555 · 4 months
Hello! Love your arts! If possible, may we request a masterpost of the AUs?
Aww thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I tried to gather as much as I can
Sorry that the blog is cluttered with ideas and random stories I just really draw anything that comes to my mind and goes with it
 PT AUs from oldest to newest
#The Body switch saga (on hiatus)
Peppino and Noise swap bodies and go through shenanigans as one learns about the other 
#Brain surgery AU (DISCONTINUED)
Peppino gets a brain surgery to take out a tumor and it's up to the bosses and Gustavo to take care of him but he's so damn stubborn 
And One day Gustavo had enough of Peppino's stubbornness and snapped at him hurting his feelings badly now him and the bosses has to gain his trust and forgiveness 
#The Werewolf caretaker au (Ongoing)
When Noah was returning home from work he found Peppino in middle of werewolf transformation and he couldn't leave him alone so it's now up to him to keep Wolfpino out of harm's way
Au inspired by @/frostinepac3 
#The Dungeon AU (Ongoing) (Doesn't have a proper tag I'm sorry)
When Gustavo and his brothers along with Peppino go dungeon crawling, they encounter a dragon but unfortunately that dragon devours Peppino now it's up to Gustavo and his brothers to find that dragon before it digest him 
It's a PT story Based off the Delicious in Dungeon Anime and doesn't 100% follow it 
#Unnamed AU (Has no tag)
(Ongoing I guess..?)
Peppino gets fatally injured at Crust Cove, Gerome finds him unconscious In Front of the level gate and takes him to his secret room to nurse him back to health 
Hope that helps 
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balanceoflightanddark · 4 months
I had a fun idea, an ATLA and DnD crossover where Azula becomes an adopted gremlin child of a DnD party
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I'm just going to go ahead and combine these two asks into one since they touch on the same subject.
I just want to emphasize before we begin that I have very little knowledge in the ways of Dungeons and Dragons. Don't get me wrong, I am familiar with some of the works derived from the game. I've watched Honor Among Thieves in theaters, I've seen a few play sessions online, I've read the At The Spine of the World comic set in Icewind Dale (shakes fist at Runa for being a huge, fur-wearing, female barbarian), and I have watched a few parody videos on YouTube (the old "I attack the Darkness short, the 4th edition vids where the presenters always gets killed and/or eaten, the exploits of Fargrim the Great). That being said, I've never actually played a session (I played by myself, but that's not a proper D&D experience) and I'm not familiar with every rule/monster/setting ever put out. At least not to the same extent as some other series.
So if I get something wrong with this, somebody feel free to let me know.
I do know that one of the appeals of D&D is that dungeonmasters and players are encouraged to get pretty creative with the setting. You can either play in an established setting, or just set off on your own setting from what I've heard. Really, the various monsters, gods, and races are there as pieces for you to play around with. So you can do a lot with an ATLA/D&D crossover.
As how I'd write one, I'd perhaps go for a multiverse shenanigans where the Gaang ends up in one of the settings that plays around with that sort of thing. You really don't have to work all that hard to make them a typical D&D party, so the fun would be seeing their reactions to all the various races and some of the shenanigans they might run into whilst dungeon crawling or encountering various monsters. You couldn't convince me otherwise that Aang wouldn't try to befriend every single monster they came across (ESPECIALLY the Owlbears).
I wager Zuko doesn't make it past the first room of the Tomb of Horrors.
It's here where I wouldn't adhere the various races to the morality alignment chart. You know how there are certain races that adhere to a single morality like Always Chaotic Evil or Always Lawful Good? I'd try to avoid that here, or at least give some explanation as to why they are like that instead of "born that way". ATLA does have "nobody is born evil" as one of the core themes, so I figure that would be a good fit here.
As for Azula being adopted by a party, I could see her being weirded out by the various different races. Made even make some snide racist remarks because...well the Fire Nation WAS an imperialistic racist society after all. Though once she actually spends time with them and sees they're NOT some barbarious monsters, she could warm up to them. And if we're going to have a plot involving Azula, I would have to have it involve Chromatic Dragons somehow. First off, they're dragons which Azula is associated with. Second, they're the "evil" dragons compared to the "good" Metallic Dragons. Like how Azula is the "evil" blue dragon to Zuko's "good" red dragon. I'd like to explore the morality of the Chromatics (what makes them evil and the potential for good) and see how that relates to Azula.
All in all, there would be a few things I'd like to explore with a D&D crossover. But, I'd need to do a bit more research since I'd like to know what I'm dealing with first before taking the plunge. Thanks for asking either way.
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thestuffedalligator · 2 years
I feel like urban explorer is an underused niche in modern AU fanfiction for fantasy settings.
“What is the modern equivalent of this character who regularly breaks into ancient temples” it’s urbex. Every swords and sorcery fantasy character is just doing ye olde urbex. It’s all the jackass shenanigans of dungeon crawling with a veneer of modern sensibilities, but not without the possibility of still getting murdered by ghosts.
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craigofinspiration · 5 months
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i love making my own 'random' tables for traveling or dungeon crawling. ill make tables of traps, hazards, obstacles, npcs, monsters, treasure, locations, and more. then i can either roll on them during exploration or just choose from them when I need to. all depending on what the players decide to do.
what do you think?
follow for more dnd shenanigans @craigofinspiration find my blog at pointsofinspiration.com support me on Ko-fi! Ko-fi.com/craigofinspiration
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Which CC permanent map has been your favourite so far?
Easily Mudrock and Big Bob's dungeon crawl. An incredibly simple map with a surprising amount of strategic depth, challenges were fun, Mudrock and Big Bob only subtracted -2 life so you could actually plan around letting one of them leak and still win, there was an originium tile you could do shenanigans on, and the map's challenge factor was simply asking you to deal with two hulking beasts of bosses along with Mudrock's colossi, rather than event gimmicks such as Manfred's cannon or Originium Dust's sandstorms.
My favorite fun fact about that map was that Bibeak was so busted in it, high risk clears for the map had a "No Bibeak" tag on their videos to let you know these dudes were hardcore.
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Sannoh´s Hoodlum Squad Shenanigans 3 aka Tetsu´s instagram
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Tetsu:Someone´s tipsy after a long night out!
Naomi:No this man´s wasted.
Chiharu:I love how he screamed wait!The grounds moving!Fuck!
Noboru:When you crawl home from a night out you´re totally fucked.
Dan:yeah because SOMEONE flirted with hot chicks and ended up taking shots out of her bra even though he was drunk already
Murayama:good old titty shots!Fuck yeah!Good for Cobra-chan!
Shiba:Showing Danny boy how its done!
Naomi:beautiful how all three of them loooved Cobra huh Dan?
Rocky:When Cobra ever parties in my club you better be sure I will upload the security footage on the internet.
Hyuga:Or hire him as a stripper!Ladies gonna love that.Your club is more boring then a libary.
Rocky:Fuck you firework boy.
Hyuga:At least I know how to party old man!Even Cobra that miserable fuck knows how to party
Smoky:And kill his liver,this guy is gonna vomit more blood then me
Tetsu:at least we then learned Cobra can pole dance
Murayama:I gotta see that shit!
Junko:Same.You  gotta upload that.
Oshiage:What in the liver failure did I just read?!
Smoky:Where´s Cobra now anyways?
Junko:Sleeping peacefully on the billiard table.
Murayama:Adorable like a drunk puppy.
Naomi:Yeah I brought him a blacket two hours ago.He looked kinda cold and Yamato´s jacket wasn´t enough.
Smoky:I´m scared to ask.Gonna do it anyway.Where´s Yamato?
Oshiage:Sleeping under the billiard table of course.
Hyuga:I will pay whatever you want if you hit two pans against each other repeatiatly to wake the two dumbasses up!
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Tetsu:Looking sweet and then comes Dan looking like a bouncer.
Naomi:At least this way woman talk to him in hope to get into whatever he´s the bouncer off.
Chiharu:Or crazy idea,try smiling grumpy pants.
Shiba:The only way a woman touches you when you look that grumpy is with a tazer
Dan:Cobra ain´t smiling either and get´s all the ladies!!!
Murayama:Cobra-chan looks like he escaped outta one of those romance books for lonely old woman.
Tetsu:That´s why he´s excluded from date nights!
Hyuga:To give yall losers a tiny chance with the ladies?That´s desperetation.
Dan:No dedication.
Smoky:Whatever makes you sleep at night man
Cobra:You will sleep alone at night anyways:)
Dan:I´m gonna choke you to death and not the way you like it you dick!
Yamato:Cobra´s to kinky to torture give it up....
Noboru:Can you imagine a serial killer tries to murder Cobra and he just moans?!
Murayama:Since when is it bully Cobra-chan hours?!
Cobra:It ain´t my fault you guys are all boring as fuck in bed man.
Naomi:Cobra not everyone needs to be beaten and chained to have a great time in bed....
Chiharu:That´s a great emergency plan tho!When Cobra get´s kidnapped again he can just say he´s into whatever they´re doing
Dan:Yeah!They will think he´s crazy and let him go cause they got scared
Rocky:No kinkshaming but you´re probably a sick freak Cobra
Junko:you think Cobra has a dungeon?
Cobra:Oi!Can we go back to when not if I get kidnapped?!What the fuck?!
Noboru:It will happen again.Clearly.
Yamato:Yeah cause you love to get into trouble.
Murayama:Don´t worry Cobra-chan we will come to the rescue!
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Tetsu:Dan has no idea what he is doing but there are some hot chicks down the street so he wants to look cool
Noboru:Dan´s brain just dropped down south
Chiharu:The motorcycle isn´t gonna help whatsoever
Naomi:You gotta figure out how to talk to woman
Cobra:Yeah this shit´s getting ridiculus
Shiba:Or you´re gonna be the creepy old guy down the street in the liquor store scaring everyone one day
Murayma:I would love that for him actually.
Hyuga:The thing with the liquor store is such a cliché i love it!
Yamato:Meanwhile Cobra with two new hot chicks or guys every week and he wildly waves his cane in the air.Damn it Cobra!
Chiharu:Until his teeth will fall out and someone slips on them
Rocky:I saw you with a girl....That ain´t gonna work.Give it up man.
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Tetsu:Hangover Cobra.
Chiharu:Moral of the story never play never have I ever with Cobra-san.
Noboru:Long story short this man has done it all
Naomi:yeah and than needed to drink it all.
Cobra:I`m not the one who laughed at my own joke until I puked.
Yamato:At least he´s not vomiting like crazy.
Noboru:Not anymore at least
Shiba:eww,that´s disgusting.
Junko:looks like he has regret and bad memories for breakfast
Murayama:you gotta ask if he wants any greasy food
Hyuga:or just another drink
Rocky:great then he pukes again
Yamato:he slept in a minute after vomiting if I didn´t catch him his head would´ve spend the night on the toilet seat
Tetsu:He even had his beauty sleep infront of the toilet to be sure to reach it in time 
Hyuga:I would´ve loved to see that.
Murayama:Leave Cobra-chan alone you sadistic weasel
Rocky:greatest hangover cure is never stop drinking
Naomi:greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray
Dan:you´re nasty woman.
Naomi:You love it
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Tetsu:Guess who they´re supposed to be!
Cobra:White Rascals?
Yamato:Noooo.That glowing red gotta be Daruma!
Murayama:I love this!
Hyuga:They wish they could party like Daruma
Smoky:Naomi would be a great Murayama.
Chiharu:A tear in the Matrix Universe thingy
Smoky:Would defenetly be a upgrade
Noboru:She´s less insane tho.
Murayama:I would call myself creative in the crazy department not insane.
Rocky:that´s even worse
Cobra:Oya would go down most of those crazed Hiyenas can´t even speak to woman
Murayama:Your precious Dan can´t either.
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Tetsu:Only happy when it´s about food
Murayama:or tequila and violence
Yamato:That was always like that Cobra loves candy
Noboru:He still can´t out-eat Yamato tho
Naomi:We tested that once.
Naomi:Kohaku told him no,so he needed to do it to prove him wrong
Noboru:He was miserable for two days after that
Yamato:Cobra did great for a while but gave up eventually.
Smoky:His blood is replaced with sirup by now
Naomi:Yeah like this one time he made a salad out of candy
Junko:explains the sweet personality
Dan:what sweet personality??????
Shiba:yeah he´s giving liquorice  
Oshiage:Old one.
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Tetsu:Wound treatment time!
Murayama:He still eating tho?!?!
Rocky:Than it ain´t that bad.
Smoky:He looks miserable.
Cobra:Naomi´s chamber of torture
Naomi:Shut your cakehole!I do what I can.
Hyuga:Dumbasses are accident prone.
Yamato:Crazy that nothing ever happens with your fireworks
Noboru:Luck is with dumbasses
Chiharu:Then why do we always end up hurt
Tetsu:We don´t always do
Chiharu:Cobra-san looks like he went through a meat grinder after most fights
Cobra:I´m just dedicated.
Yamato:Self sacrificing asshole
Cobra:Eat your food and shut up or I´ll shove it in there.
Noboru:Behave or Naomi get´s the wound cleaning ointment that hurts
Junko:We should replace the bandaids with Hello Kitty
Shiba:I´ll go buy some!
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Tetsu:Smoking break
Rocky:Why isn´t Cobra driving his own car?
Yamato:Cobra doesn´t drive cars
Noboru:I mean he can but he´s miserable at it.
Naomi:Cobra drives like a madman
Cobra:I fucking don´t
Yamato:Yeah,Chiharu the first time he drove with you,left claw marks at the seat screaming I don´t wanna die
Chiharu:That´s mean I didn´t!
Dan:You had tears streaming down your face
Tetsu:At least we´re never late this way.As long as he keeps the windows up
Tetsu:Cobra screams at other drivers when he drives.I learned soooo many insults over the years like that
Noboru:My favorite was when he screamed:Did someone shit in your brain and forgot to flush or what´s not clicking that the fucking light is green you pisshead!
Dan:Or when he screamed your mother shoul´ve swallowed instead.
Smoky:I don´t wanna rain on your rollercoaster parade but you do know Cobra´s last name and the name of the gas station is on that car
Cobra:Yeah,that´s why the window is shut and Yamato turns up the music when I start screaming 
Hyuga:The one car I wouldn´t drive on the hood of is when Corba drives even tho it could be fun....
Murayama:It would be like a rollercoaster on the street we gotta try that!
Junko:Then don´t do it in Sannoh!
Shiba:Yeah make that crazy shit around Oya
Oshiage:Then risk Cobra hitting your little brother and his Oya friends?!
Shiba:He will be sick that day if he knows what´s good for them some of those demons should get a hit with that car anyways might do some good.
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minimutty · 11 months
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Ok! I finally finished Fire Emblem Echoes! Gonna share my thoughts on the game and stuff below. Of course there might be spoilers, I played this game almost blind except the stuff spoiled to me by FEH.
Here we goooo
Art and Voice Acting: 10/10 absolutely beautiful. I particularly love Berkut's he did an absolutely great job. Fernand also. VA also gave Mae and Boey some great and funny lines, really fleshed em out.
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A lot different than I was used to. The previous game I played was FE10, which was much more similar to the other FE games I played (6, 7, 8, 9). Healing/spells use HP. One inventory slot. No durability. No item management. No rescuing. It was different but not unmanageable. I did miss rescuing though. You could heal by eating flour, though, which was neat.
I played on Normal/Classic bc I'm a filthy casual, I think I only got Mathilda killed (I legit didn't even notice. Maybe I autobattled through it? I normally rewind if some1 dies.) Most enemies do like 1dmg, biggest thing was being ganged up on.
Nothing groundbreaking but not terrible imo. Guys go north, beat up dragon, shenanigans along the way. The relationship b/n Alm & Celica felt forced, I don't think any 10yo (however old they were) act that lovey dovey, felt very fairytale predestined unrealistic. Plus the whole beginning part of "your station doesnt matter" but oh look Alm is secretly destined to be King and he has a magic mark that makes him the chosen one so yeah nvm your station totally matters, haha. If I suddenly found out I was to be king after like 17years of not, I'd be a lil more reluctant than he was. I know about the controversy of Celica giving her soul but I won't get into that. She felt pressured into it so it's whatever. The revival of Celica felt a bit contrived, but I guess they gotta get married somehow, huh.
Alm: kinda fell off mid game until I gave him the Blessed Bow. Bows felt better on him until he got the final Weapon(tm), but he wasn't very strong most game for me.
Celica: Pretty good early game for me, fell off around mid, used mostly as a healbot and Seraphim spammer for the zombie characters. Not bad but not notable imo. I didn't get her super special weapon apparently but she was just healbot and Seraphiming by end game.
Clerics/Mages/etc: Entirely healbots by the end for me, their magic wasn't strong enough (aside from Seraphim) to be useful and using HP to cast spells made them really not worth it for him.
Archers: Absolutely nuts. 5+ range on basic archers? And I thought Rolf was crazy. I had Kliff, Leon, Alm, and Python as my dedicated archers. Kliff was the best for me.
Mercenary/Myrmidons: Insane. Saber was insane. 47 consistent crit and always doubles? He could legit toe with the final boss for a bit. Crazy movement range too. I had he solo parts of the map he was so good.
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Armor: Actually not bad. I didn't use them previous games bc they had too lil move and still got nuked by mages. Here mages aren't as bad and they made good tanks. Lukas is legit the best character in the game in terms of character. Ace rep hype, haha.
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Uhh, anyway. I had a good time with the game. The dungeon crawling parts were a bit annoying and exhaustive, so I had to take breaks from those, but other than that it wasn't bad. I had a good time. The upgraded graphics and animations were definitely a step up from RD imo.
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toasted-valentine · 4 months
Expanding on the TAOPP X Dungeon Meshi AU
•Originally the party was dungeon crawling so Rowan could be king.
•Maddox wanted dark magic legalized, so went along with Rowan.
•Maya went with Maddox and Rowan out of obligation, also she has a crush on Maddox. She knows some magic from being taught by Maddox, but it’s mostly healing stuff.
•Jason went for his love of monsters and a sense of justice.
•Maya gets killed by the red dragon same way Falin does, teleporting everyone out before it happened.
•New issue, Maya is fucking dead, and everyone has to fix it.
•Jason and Maddox go back after her out of guilt, Rowan because their father will fucking kill him if he doesn’t get her back.
•Jason is autism about monsters, and they need food fast and don’t have any money, so dungeon meshi shenanigans.
•They find Maya, but whoops, Falin shenanigans again and she’s a chimera now.
•Between Maya getting turned into a Chimera and being revived she’s able to confess to Maddox and they get to be gay.
•Over the course of the adventure Rowan realizes he’s not fit to rule, that he actually cares about Maya, and wants to help her after the chimera thing.
•Louis joins the party at this point, he’s a healer, and he joins at the promise of a high position if they reach the bottom.
That’s all I’ve got lol
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