#dugtrio day au
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Looking through your prior posts and uh
Idk if you did it and I just didn't se it but can we get a doodle of MortalityExchange!Echo ?
Would a full-on illustration be okay?
Bonus goof:
Echo would handle her transformation much better than Twig.
#dugtrio day au#mortality exchange au#PMD oc#PMD OCs#pmd cresselia#pokémon mystery dungeon#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers of sky#pmd explorers#pmd sky#pmd eos#pmd2#pmd#stuff by sofie#queued
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What if Phoebe opened up a Pokémon themed cafe and served food from Pokémon remix? Sorry if this was asked before, I thought it was cute idea
Oh, that would have to take place at Mostro Lounge and it would be perfect timing when Phoebe had a lot of free time that day to try and make bentos but they featured the recipes from Cafe Remix.
Of course she made some for her and Grimm. Scorbunny Berry Sandwich and Whimsicott Meatloaf cause Grimm likes to eat a lot so meat would make him full easily. He also gets dessert in the form of a sandwich too.
She also prepared something for her first year friends of course.
Ace and Deuce gets Combee Waffles (For Ace) and Torchic Rice over Omelet(for Deuce), they thought it was kinda cute that it was almost too cute to eat. But they enjoyed the bento at lunch, Deuce let out his delinquent mode when someone asked to try some.
No touchy, his food! That also applies to Ace, keep to your portion!
Jack was given Dugtrio Sandwiches and Sneasle Burger, since he likes meat but also exercises she gave him something hearty and required no utensils after practice. His tail was wagging as he ate, Jack made sure Ruggie didn't sniff out the food.
Sorry senpai but he wasnt to be selfish just this once.
Epel got Gratin a la Pumpkaboo, something that wasn't small portion fancy food for once. There were too little portions for his stomach, this was a welcome change.
He makes sure to keep it a secret from Vil and Rook because they'd tell Phoebe to give him salads instead, he says NO!
Sebek wanted to refuse at first but with how good the other first years thought the food was, he relents in a tsundere manner.
Not like I wanted you to make me a bento, I just happened to be hungry and I don't want Lilia making me a bento as guilty as I am for saying such blasphemy!
Sure Sebek...
Chikorita Bruschetta and Eiscue Caprese Salad since he moves around a lot so maybe something small but also pletiful and filling would be good for him.
Sebek ate them at the dorm and he cried from the flavor, for once his taste buds taste something other than burnt or incomprehensible.
Of course, Azul catches wind of this from the tweels who just saw the whole thing. He proposes Phoebe teach him the recipes for his lounge and he'll pay her fairly.
Phoebe agreed cause hey, smart to save up madols for the future right?
But she mostly gave him drinks recipes cause those were better to serve while the food would take too long to prepare because the details on them were time consuming.
Of course she suggested making the Furret Roasted Tea Latte the main star, in honor of her partner.
Followed by Liligant Floral Tea for tea lovers, Riddle and Vil might pop by to try some.
Miltank Mix au Lait for those who like something sweet, maybe Trey and Idia if he has Ortho orders it and takes it to his room.
And a Poppin Pachirisu Float for those who want something fizzy, Floyd would make this for himself because soda makes his tongue go brr. Malleus would order the float because ice cream on a drink? Fascinating!
This would most likely be a seasonal thing because the berry supply was almost gone due to how popular it was.
Phoebe stashing her madols in a heavily guarded safe at Ramshackle for future fund use.
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Pokemon au even though Crocea Mors does not listen to Jaune does he still protect him if he even needed protection sense he is still an Arc
"Crocea Mors, use, uh..." Jaune flipped through his cue cards, "Swords Dance?"
The Aegislash scowled with it's one eye down at Jaune. For the past week since leaving home, the boy had been trying to order him around. The audacity! Crocea Mors was a blade of kings, gifted to the Arc family centuries ago as a sign of acknowledging their strength! And now this whelp who only just now decided to become a Pokémon trainer believes he can tell him what to do? Crocea Mors did what he did best when Jaune ordered him around.
He started loafing around.
"Hello, Jaune!" Pyrrha greeted, carrying Miló in her arms. "How's the training going?"
"Well, he's not attacking me, so there's that, I guess?" Jaune lazily waved with his hand.
"Hm, let me try something." Pyrrha set Miló on the ground and approached Crocea Mors. She glanced around the ancient weapon, then nodded. She then waved an arm and called out, "Crocea Mors, use Swords Dance!"
Crocea Mors spun in the air, swaying two and fro in it's sheath, then dove downward with a final spin. Dust flew from beneath, and he seemed to glow with a menacing aura of strength.
"That should do it." Pyrrha nodded. "Try to say it with more confidence, Jaune. Your Pokémon needs to believe in you as much as you believe in your Pokémon."
"Got it!" Jaune marched with a refreshed spirit, and declared proudly. "Crocea Mors, use Head Smash!"
Crocea Mors switched his stance from defense to offense, unsheathing his body from his shield. He raised his shield high, the faded bronze gleaming in the sunlight. Before Jaune could blink, Crocea Mors sent the shield crashing down!
...right into Jaune's head! The boy crumpled to ground, rolling as he squeezed his head. "OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!"
"Maybe the issue isn't confidence after all." Pyrrha scratched her cheek. "Are you okay, Jaune?"
Blinking as the pain began to fade, he groaned. "I feel like I was hit by a truck."
"I suppose that's not inaccurate, considering his attack was boosted before using the move."
"Right." Jaune groaned. "Could this day get any worse?"
Jaune was launched skyward with a yelp. As he fell, he saw a brown mound turning this way and that. It was a Dugtrio!
Pyrrha caught him and helped him to his feet. He stood next to Crocea Mors, getting serious. The Dugtrio seemed to be snorting, and had a bump on it's tallest head. Jaune must have woken it up. "Let's do this, Crocea Mors!" The blade grunted, acknowledging. This was it! Jaune would finally battle with Crocea Mors!
Jaune stepped forward, then tripped as a Diglett popped up under him. Once on the ground, more Diglett and Dugtrio arrived. They swarmed over to Jaune, knocking him off the ground and tossing him this way and that.
Crocea Mors was so embarrased, but then noticed the malicious delight the little diggers held in their eyes bullying Jaune. Then a raindrop stained the ground. No, not a raindrop. A tear. Jaune was crying.
Jaune was always a crybaby, surprisingly moreso than when he was an actual baby. He seldom studied, quit every sports team he joined, and only decided what he wanted to do with his life just a few months ago. Jaune Arc was a pathetic excuse for a man, but he was still an Arc.
Crocea Mors began to glow white and his shield seemed to get smaller and smaller. Then, swaying more vigorously than before, his menacing aura was twice as intimidating. He then sank to the ground in a black shadow.
Jaune bounced back and forth, repeatedly hit over and over, being bruised in a different area. He didn't want to cry, but it was a reflex he couldn't hold back. He opened his eyes quickly in mid-air to see Crocea Mors disappeared. Jaune began to tear up a little harder.
He noticed the bouncing lessened in both frequency and force. When he stopped bouncing, he saw all the Diglett and Dugtrio were gone, leaving behind dozens of holes. Crocea Mors floated behind him.
"Oh, there you are, Crocea Mors." Jaune sniffed, standing up as he rubbed his eyes. "Did you you get rid of those Pokémon for me?" Crocea Mors switched to his defense and turned away. Jaune chuckled. "Thanks, buddy."
Pyrrha smiled as she watched Jaune move his hand to pat Crocea Mors on the back. He then fell through, and Crocea Mors floated away. She looked down at Miló.
"Did you see that, Miló?" She asked. "That's what you're going to be when you become a Champion." It squealed in joy, and Pyrrha looked to the boy chasing after his Pokémon.
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📖 pokemon AU?
"...Guess we're really in it now, ain't we?"
Debbie "Dee" Generare mumbled as she watched the fire pit crackle and pop, sending shimmering flecks of red swirling up into the chilly night air, casting deep and wavering shadows over the clearing. Her walking shoes were propped up by the fireside, alongside the rack where she was attempting to grill sausages on. They... weren't cooperating, but despite the charred outside of the first batch, which she was still munching away at, she was confident they would remain edible.
Dee knew she'd planned this for months - years, even! She had read every survival book possible, had spent pocket money on a tent, had mock-camped away in the woods several times too! She had every hotline number needed on speed-dial, had read extensively about everything from how to tie a rope to first aid to everything to know about wild plants, and even checked thrice her type table! Every preparation she could think about, she'd taken.
...So, why then, did she feel so small and unprepared, sitting by the firepit in the middle of the forest, as far away from home as she could have walked in a day? No matter how prepared she knew she was, it was as though she was staring at a gaping abyss.
Well... maybe not something that dramatic, but it was still anxiety-inducing. She knew where she was going, but at the same time, she didn't know where she was going. And the feeling was anchored at the back of her mind, writhing against her thoughts as if threatening to strangle them.
She must've been making quite the face, staring at the flickering light of the fire, arms crossed over her knees and face buried between said knees as if trying to curl up into a tiny ball. Probably the whole reason why Dee felt a familiar nudge against her leg, prompting her vision to focus back on her surroundings, and more specifically at her Dugtrio, whom was giving her a triple dose of concerned stares.
"Sorry bud'. It's just weird finally going through with the big plan. Ah' just didn't expect it ta' feel that way." Dee chuffed softly, reaching over to give each separate head a little pat that sent them bobbing up and down, dark button eyes fixated on her as if asking her to go on. Emboldened, she puffed up her chest, flashing her friend a brave grin. "Ahhh! Don'tya' worry none! Ah'm not goin' back on me' word! Ah' promised ya' we'd go through the gym journey, and ah'm stickin' ta' it!" She proclaimed proudly, her grin widening a smidge as Dugtrio replied with a motivated chirp!
Which, of course, was echoed by a soft snore. Looking to the side, Dee bit back a laugh at the sight of her Drillbur, his back propped up against the log she'd been sitting on, one meaty paw resting over his gut as he snoozed away contentedly. She had to admit, he had a particularly outrageously contented look on his face, enjoying his food coma immensely judging by the presence of little scraps of wild berries scattered about.
"...Y'know, ah' don't think he knows we ran away from home ta' pursue our dreams. He's just havin' a good time smellin' the flowers."
Dugtrio made a noise Dee could only intepret as a vaguely agreeing shrug.
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In honour of Helen Magnus's 277th(?) birthday (yesterday... whoops), have an AU. Pokémon trainer Helen/Gym Leader Tesla pre-ship. It's super rough, but only meant as a bit of fun. Mostly for @xbleeple because she mentioned Helen's birthday on the Discord chat and why hadn't we done anything?!, but also for everyone else. I hope you enjoy (and cause I'm on the phone, no cut. Sorry!).
The sun shone over Old City that day, the air hot and stifling, Helen's hair nudging towards frizzy as she strode along the pavements. There was a gym here she needed to defeat before she could head off to the League. No-one knew much about the leader, only that he liked to battle in the dark. Helen laughed off the rumours he was a vampire, but recently her dreams had been odd. What if he was a vampire?
Over her shoulder, in her open backpack, Vulpix gave a small cry. Had Helen been younger she would've had to have carried the fire pokémon in her arms, but age had given her strength. "What's that, Vulpix? I missed the turn?" Looking around and wishing she had a revive for her Gardevoir, she realised that yes, she had indeed missed her turning in thinking about the mysterious leader. What kind of trainer was he?
Asking in the Pokécentre yielded nothing but a few odd looks from the patrons (one even going so far as to ask if she wasn't maybe a little too old to be on her first Pokémon adventure. She'd smiled and asked the same of him, and was given a TM as a gift), whilst Nurse Joy merely sighed and looked wistfully out the doors.
The same happened in the Pokémart. No TMs were given there. Sighing, Helen pulled down her hat and marched over to the gym. Reading the signage, all she gleaned was the leader's name.
Nikola Tesla, the child of lightning.
Her fingers instinctively ran over the balls on her belt, each carrying a different pokémom. Child of lightning didn't sound so bad, definitely a step away from vampiric. But did that mean he was an Electric type user? If so, Dugtrio would need to be used first. Unless he used an Emolga, or a Magneton. But she had Vulpix if he used anything Steel type.
Opening the doors, she tried getting her eyes to adjust, but to no avail. Cursing her lack of foresight, she decided against trying to teach Flash to any of her party, praying that her path to the leader was clear of obstacles. Stepping past the stone guardians the room vibrates, gentle and insistent, as lights flood the battle field. Where were the other trainers?
"Well, if he thinks he's good enough to train alone, he hasn't met Helen Magnus," she told her Gardevoir, floating nearby.
"But I have met Helen Magnus," a voice called from the inky darkness surrounding the field. "If she hadn't been so stubborn about her choice in career, she'd be a Gym Leader too."
Oh. Her cheeks burned just a touch. That Nikola Tesla. Her next door neighbour in her home village, her self-designated rival in all aspects of life, including Pokémon, her one time best friend until--
"Why are you here, Helen?"
"I need the badge," she yelled.
She heard the smirk in his voice. "So you've finally come to your senses."
It was as if he hadn't heard her. He just carried on regardless. "A badge, from me?"
"A badge from the Old City's gym leader, Niko."
He tutted. Tutted! As if she was the insolent child. The swirling, churning anger in her stomach boiled over. "That's just like you Nikola, not listening to a word I say. You know why I didn't come with you, but you just play pretend that it's all my fault we didn't travel together. We were ten!"
"The same age as all other trainers," he argued, never stepping into the light. "Now look at you, playing catch up. I thought Helen Magnus hated that?"
"I thought Nikola Tesla couldn't be contained to one place, but here we are." Helen paced her half of the field. "Please, battle me." She shrugged, looking vaguely into the darkness where she thought his voice originated, "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."
The lights went out.
When they came back, Nikola stood before her, wearing a suit and tie in the manner befitting the gym. His eyes glittered, and for a moment Helen didn't breathe. When did they become so blue? And that annoying smirk, perpetually playing on his lips, looked almost handsome up close like this. The only thing separating them was the white line of the playing field. Moments passed, and Helen thought she saw his eyes widen a fraction when she licked her lips. "Well?" she finally asked. Her voice was a shadow of the yell she'd used mere minutes earlier.
"I accept your challenge."
#sanctuary#pokémon#fusion#fanfic#rachel writes fanfic#helen magnus#nikola tesla#teslen#(kinda)#i wrote this#happy birthday helen#i made this#pre-ship
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Hello, everyone! Now, I know I generally write Supercorp fanfic, but I decided to try my hand at writing some Bechloe fanfic, and what better way to start than a Pokemon!AU? I’ve noticed that it’s not a very popular (or, really, ever written) AU, and after all the goddamn research I did for it, I can see why.
The fic itself is long as hell, by the way, but I hope you enjoy it!
Read on AO3.
Chloe Beale had known Beca Mitchell since they were little. They had both grown up in Pallet Town, and Chloe remembers the first time she met the other girl. They were little, around five-years-old, and some of the older kids were picking on Beca about her size. Chloe had tried to intervene but Beca had lashed out at her, saying she didn’t need anyone’s help, and Chloe had left the playground crying.
Ever since, Chloe had kept her distance. She made friends with the other kids in the neighborhood and tried to forget the anger Beca Mitchell had thrown at her that day.
She still saw Beca around, of course. Pallet Town was small, and everyone knew everyone else. They had classes together, and sometimes their friend group even bled into one another. Chloe didn’t ever talk to Beca, though.
Not until they were ten.
Not until it was finally time for Chloe to receive her first Pokemon from Professor Oak.
Chloe had been looking forward to this day for a year, ever since her best friend, Aubrey, had received her first Pokemon the year before. Chloe waited for Aubrey outside of the laboratory, and Aubrey had introduced her Squirtle to Chloe excitedly.
So, Chloe Beale was excited to receive her first Pokemon. She did all her research and even got to the lab early (she had heard a story about a trainer who was late and ended up getting a stubborn and hard-to-train Pikachu and decided that that would not happen to her).
Other ten-year-olds started to show up too. Stacey showed up not long after, and she buzzed with excitement as her and Chloe talked. Jesse showed up with his best friend Benji, and lastly, Beca Mitchell walked in looking like she would rather be anywhere else. She stood off to the side by herself, staring at her shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the room.
Chloe couldn’t help but notice her, and while she wanted to go over to the girl and hopefully make her feel more comfortable, Chloe remembered Beca’s anger when they were five and decided to stay with Stacey instead.
“Alright, everyone,” Professor Oak stepped out of a room with a big smile on his face, “I hope you’re all ready to meet your new Pokemon.”
And just like that, Professor Oak gave them a speech before bringing Chloe in to choose her Pokemon first.
Chloe thought about it long and hard, thought of the type advantages and trainability before choosing the ball that held Bulbasaur inside. She was eager to let her Pokemon out of its ball, to meet it and become best friends with it, but she decided to wait until everyone else chose theirs.
Stacey chose Eevee. Jesse chose Squirtle. Benji chose Pikachu, and lastly, Beca chose Charmander.
Everyone but Beca started talking about their new adventure and what they planned to do, but Beca left without another word.
Chloe followed her.
“Hey, Beca!” Chloe ran after her, “Hey, wait!”
“What, Beale?” Beca was small for being ten, but she had already mastered a glare that could impress a Gengar, and it made Chloe want to shrink in on herself.
“I just, uh,” Chloe looked around the hallway they were in, “I wanted to wish you luck. You know, with whatever your plan is.”
“Whatever, Beale,” Beca turned to leave, “Have fun with that Bulbasaur. It won’t beat anything.”
Chloe ended up traveling with Stacey and Aubrey throughout Kanto. Aubrey had already beaten all eight gym leaders, had already competed in the Indigo league, but she wanted to help her two friends train and grow stronger before going to the next region.
Chloe had defeated Brock easily, her Bulbasaur, newly-caught Seel, and quickly-evolved Butterfree all strong against the rock-type Pokemon. Misty was a bit trickier, but Chloe caught an Oddish that helped even the playing field.
Chloe loved the adventure of capturing new Pokemon and expanding her Pokedex, and with each new badge and new friend made, she was feeling very confident.
Chloe saw Beca again right before the last gym in Viridian City. She wanted to pretend like she didn’t, but Beca was already looking at her with a smirk, ready to say something cutting.
“You can’t possibly think you’re going to win against Giovanni.”
“I actually think I might,” Chloe defended herself, her Cubone held tightly against her. She had recently found him all by himself in the rain, and she couldn’t bear the thought of just leaving him there, so she coaxed him into a Pokeball. He didn’t like that much, though, so Chloe tended to leave him out of the ball, held against her.
Beca smirked, “With that weak Pokemon you’re holding, you’ll be lucky if you survive his Dugtrio.”
Chloe held onto Cubone tighter and Cubone waved his club at Beca, “Cubone is just as strong as any other Pokemon.”
“Not nearly as strong as Marowak.”
“Evolution means nothing when it comes to strength.”
“Wanna test that theory?” Beca was already pulling a Pokeball off her belt, ready for a fight.
“Yeah,” Chloe set Cubone down and reached for one of her own Pokeballs, “I definitely do.”
So, Chloe and Beca battled in Viridian Forest. Dewgong held up well against Charizard, defeating it quicker than Chloe thinks Beca expected, and Beca sent out Pinsir, angry and ready to win.
The battle itself was relatively equal. All of Chloe’s Pokemon were strong and loved and fought hard, but Beca’s Pokemon were just as strong, and Chloe could see the devotion to their trainer in each of their eyes.
After Venusaur defeated Beca’s Gyarados, she sent in Marowak, who used Venusaur’s exhaustion to win, and then there was only Cubone and Marowak, and Chloe was ready to prove her point.
“You could just give up now,” Beca said from her side of the battle, “You’re not going to win.”
Chloe was a lot of things. She was bubbly, energetic, affectionate, and especially stubborn, but a quitter was not one of those things. “There’s no way I’m giving up now.”
The battle was close, but Marowak just barely defeated Cubone, who collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.
Chloe scooped Cubone up as Beca returned Marowak to its Pokeball.
“Evolution matters,” was all Beca said before she left, and Chloe rushed to the Pokemon center.
It took work, but Chloe defeated Giovanni by a hair. She registered for the Indigo League tournament, and she did well, up until she had to battle Beca Mitchell in the semi finals, who smirked at Chloe, arms crossed cockily as she barely won.
Chloe was fifteen now, still traveling with her Pokemon but working towards becoming a Pokemon professor. Her team didn’t change much, though now she had a Ditto that she caught from Cerulean Cave. Her Ditto was cute and strange, and it enjoyed the company of Cubone, who preferred to ride on Chloe’s shoulders now.
Many of Chloe’s friends were now in other regions, catching and training new species of Pokemon and working towards different leagues. Stacey and Aubrey were traveling Johto currently, and they had just defeated Morty, the Ghost gym leader, with Stacey using her Umbreon and Aubrey using her Houndoom. They kept trying to get Chloe to come with them, but Choe was happy to stay in Kanto, though she did use Pidgeot to visit them every now and then.
She sometimes wondered where Beca was. Last she heard, Beca had came first in the Johto League and was on her way to Hoenn.
Chloe didn’t actually see Beca again until she was sixteen.
She was at her house in Pallet Town with her mom and dad, and she was in the backyard, Venusaur laid out next to her enjoying the sun, Cubone running around after Ditto.
Chloe was on her back looking up at the sky when she saw a Charizard flying over her, and it landed a few houses down. Chloe knew that that meant Beca was home, probably to visit her dad and stepmom.
Venusaur made a noise of complaint at the sky as Charizard cast a shadow down on them, and Chloe giggled, running a hand over Venusaur’s rough skin. “Don’t worry, sweets,” Chloe pulled herself up to sit leaning up against the large Pokemon, “Charizard was only in the way of the sun for a moment.” Venusaur turned her head to nudge Chloe gently and then put her head back down on the grass.
A few days later, Chloe ran into Beca at Professor Oak’s lab, almost literally, but Cubone made a small noise so that she looked up before knocking them all over.
Beca Mitchell stood before her with a smirk that wasn’t as cutting as the last time Chloe had seen her.
“I see you still haven’t evolved that Cubone.”
There was something different about Beca Mitchell now, Chloe thought. She didn’t seem as harsh or angry.
Chloe pulled Cubone off of her shoulder and held him against her chest protectively, “Well, Cubone doesn’t really want to evolve quite yet.”
Beca smiled then, and it was small but almost certainly there. “Well, he might be too cute to evolve.”
Chloe was confused. This Beca, the one that stood in front of her awkward and unsure, didn’t match the Beca that Chloe knew. The Beca that Chloe knew was angry and mean and she didn’t care who she hurt.
“Um,” Chloe smiled slightly, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
Chloe smirked, “You kind of just did.”
Beca rolled her eyes, but that small smile was still there, “I meant another question.”
Chloe readjusted Cubone in her arms so that they were both more comfortable, “Go ahead.”
Beca ran a hand through her hair nervously, and Chloe caught a glimpse of a row of piercings running up her ear.
“Why is Cubone always out of his Pokeball? Isn’t that unusual?”
“Oh,” Chloe smiled and scratched Cubone under his chin, “Some Pokemon don’t like being in the Pokeball. So, even though I coaxed this cutie to join me,” Chloe tickled one of Cubone’s feet and the Pokemon giggled in response, “He sort of grew an attachment, so he never wanted to stay in his Pokeball for very long.”
Beca nodded and then her eyebrows came together in confusion, “You didn’t catch Cubone?”
“Not in the traditional sense,” Chloe explained, putting Cubone back on her shoulders, “Stacey, Aubrey, and I were on our way to Vermillion City, and it was raining, and we had just set up camp when we start to hear this pitiful crying sound. Stacey and Aubrey were too freaked out to go look into it, but I took Venusaur, well, actually, she was still Bulbasaur then, but I took her to investigate, and there was this tiny little Cubone shivering and crying. It was obvious that a trainer had left him behind, because the only place to find wild Cubone is in Pokemon Tower, so I got him into a Pokeball and to a Pokemon Center and the rest is history.”
Beca’s smile grew as Chloe rambled through the explanation of how she got Cubone, and Chloe wondered what could’ve changed Beca so much.
“He’s really lucky to have you.”
“Uh,” Chloe didn’t know what to say, so she just said an awkward, “Thanks.”
They stood in an awkward silence until Beca finally said, “I, uh, have to go meet the professor. I asked him if it was okay if I came to check up on all my Pokemon.”
“Oh, yeah,” Chloe got out of Beca’s way, “Of course. Have fun.”
Beca smiled and waved awkwardly as she left. Chloe stood frozen in the hall before she turned around quickly and called, “Hey, Beca?”
Beca turned too, “Yeah?”
“If you’re, um, if you’re going to be in Pallet Town for a little while, we should hang out.”
Beca smiled again, and Chloe was sure she had seen Beca Mitchell smile more in the past conversation than every other time they talked put together, “Yeah, I would like that.”
Aubrey was not excited to hear about the fact that Chloe befriended Beca.
“Do you remember how she treated you for sixteen years, Chloe?” Aubrey said into the video call, the excitement from her latest gym win wearing off quickly, “She treated you like dirt, not to mention all the horrible things she said about Cubone.”
Cubone perked up at the mention of his name, and he dropped his treat to crawl into Chloe’s lap so that he could see Aubrey.
“She’s different, Bree,” Chloe tried to explain, “I don’t know what happened, but she’s,” Chloe paused to think of the adjective she wanted, “She’s softer and warmer and far less angry.”
“So, you decided to become friends with her,” Aubrey said as if she just couldn’t get why Chloe would do such a thing.
“People deserve second chances, Bree.”
It was then that Stacey came onscreen and she nudged Aubrey out of the way, “Let’s let Chloe make her own decisions so that I can tell her about how my Magcargo destroyed Jasmine’s Steelix.”
Chloe sighed as Stacey took the conversation away, praising her Pokemon and finally, Aubrey started to tell Chloe about her own battle.
A knock on the door pulled Chloe’s attention away from the television so that she could get up and answer it.
Beca was on the other side, looking around nervously.
“Hey,” Chloe leaned against the doorframe with a smile, “What’s up?”
“I, uh,” Beca ran a hand through her hair, and Chloe was beginning to see that that was a nervous habit for her, something she must not even notice that she does, “I was wondering if you wanted to come to Saffron City with me. I need to do some shopping, and I heard there are some pretty good restaurants there, and if you don’t have a flying type, Charizard could probably take both of us-”
Beca looked up at Chloe with wide eyes.
“I can take Pidgeot,” Chloe smiled, “He’s used to me flying on his back anyway.”
“Oh,” Beca smiled too, finally seeming to calm down, “Yeah, that would probably work best.”
“Here, come on in,” Chloe moved out of the way of the door, “I just have to grab some stuff and leave a note for my parents.”
Beca came inside awkwardly and stood in the entryway, looking around.
Chloe realized that Beca didn’t follow her into the living room as she turned around and saw Beca looking at her shoes. “You could come in more, you know.”
“I didn’t want to impose.”
“Beca, please actually come in.”
Beca smiled as she moved further into the house, reaching the living room with some hesitation. Cubone was sat on the couch where Chloe left him, and a Meowth looked up from the back of the sofa, giving Beca a very disinterested look.
“Oh, don’t mind her,” Chloe scratched behind the Meowth’s ears, “Buns is just an old softie.”
Beca laughed a little bit, “Buns?”
“My mom’s nickname for her,” Chloe said while looking for something on the coffee table, “My dad’s Growlithe is probably lurking around here ready to pounce too.”
Cubone looked up and noticed Beca, immediately scrambling off the couch to run up to her and hold his arms up for her to pick him up.
“Um, Chloe?”
Chloe looked up from the coffee table having found her wallet and smiled, “It means he wants you to pick him up, Becs.”
Beca looked freaked out, “Why?”
“I don’t know,” Chloe threw her wallet and keys into her backpack, “Maybe because he likes you.”
Beca looked down at Cubone again and he looked insistent, waving his bone club around. Beca watched as Chloe moved around the room gathering the things she’ll need and then back down to Cubone before finally picking him up. Beca felt awkward holding him until he snuggled into her, and she couldn’t help but smile softly.
Chloe looked up from pulling on her shoes and took in the moment before standing and saying, “I’ll be back in a second. Some of my Pokemon are out in the backyard and I need to put them back into their Pokeballs before we leave.”
Beca only nodded, and she followed Chloe to the sliding door, curious what other Pokemon Chloe might have caught since their battle six years ago. Chloe’s Venusaur didn’t surprise her, though the Pokemon was huge and a bit threatening, but Beca was particularly interested by one Pokemon.
“You caught a Ditto?” Beca asked as soon as Chloe came back in, her Pokeballs on her belt.
“Oh yeah,” Chloe laughed a bit, “Tricky little thing to catch. Chansey did not appreciate that battle. She refused to battle for weeks.”
“You have a Chansey?” Beca couldn’t help how shocked she was, “I thought only the nurses at the Pokemon Centers had Chanseys.”
“I spent forever in the Safari Zone trying to catch her,” Chloe took Cubone from Beca and put him on her shoulders and Beca could see him smile despite his face being hidden by the skull helmet, “Now come on. We need to stop by the lab so that I can trade out one of my Pokemon for Pidgeot.”
Chloe grabbed Beca’s hand and pulled her out of the house, and even though Beca didn’t like physical contact, she didn’t pull away.
After Chloe had Pidgeot in her team, Beca let Charizard out of his Pokeball, and they all flew to Saffron City.
Beca loved flying, and Charizard loved it even more, doing barrel rolls and flips as Beca held on tightly. When Beca looked over at Chloe, she was smiling, holding Cubone in front of her and petting Pidgeot’s soft feathers. Beca felt something she didn’t quite understand, a feeling she never really had before, but she brushed it aside, instead coaxing Charizard into another flip.
In no time at all, they were in Saffron City, landing in front of the Pokemon Center.
Charizard nudged Beca softly as she rubbed over his wings before she put him back in his Pokeball, and Chloe did the same with Pidgeot.
“So,” Chloe said, “Where to first?”
They went to a few shops that Beca needed to go to, and Chloe pulled a reluctant Beca into a few others before they sat down at a café for coffee.
Cubone was under the table eating a treat while Chloe and Beca talked, starting with their day and moving on to other topics.
Even though they had only hung out a few times since Chloe ran into Beca at Professor Oak’s lab, Chloe was starting to learn a lot about the girl across from her. Like how she was so happy when Charmander was the last Pokemon left for her to take, or how she grew up reading book after book about proper training techniques and the best way to get the most out of a Pokemon team. Chloe thought it was cute how Beca would get a little sparkly in her eyes whenever she talked about her Pokemon.
They were on the topic of traveling when Beca asked, “How come you didn’t go to any of the other regions?”
“I guess I was just happy to stay in Kanto,” Chloe said while breaking off a piece of her pastry and giving it to Cubone, who took it happily, “Everyone else left as soon as they participated in the league, but they hadn’t caught every Pokemon in Kanto or even encountered them. I wanted to know more about the Pokemon here before moving onto somewhere else.”
Beca rested her head in her hand, “That makes sense.”
“Weren’t you in Hoenn?”
“Yeah,” Beca sighed, “I had actually just defeated Wallace.”
“Why did you come home then? Weren’t you qualified to compete in their league?”
“I was,” Beca looked down at her lap, and Chloe noticed that she looked a little sad, “It’s just, the battling, it used to be fun. I was good, and I made it through three leagues without any issue. My Pokemon were strong and so loyal, but it just wasn’t fun anymore.”
Cubone’s head perked up, and he climbed into Beca’s lap without hesitation. Chloe smiled at Beca’s shocked expression before grabbing Beca’s hand across the table, “Maybe you just need to find the fun in battling again.”
Beca gave Chloe a small smile, “Maybe.”
Chloe let them sit in their comfortable silence before saying, “You’re very different, Beca Mitchell.”
“I know I used to be a jerk,” Beca said, “Especially to you, and I’m really sorry. I’m trying really hard to be different.”
Cubone took Beca’s pastry and handed it to her, causing Beca to start laughing and Chloe joined in.
“I think you’re not doing half bad, Beca.”
Beca and Chloe started to hang out every day. Some days they just sat around watching old reruns of league battles, placing small bets on who would win. One time, Beca lost her last eggroll because she bet on that kid with the Pikachu, and the battle was close, but he lost, and Chloe took Beca’s eggroll and ate it, telling Beca just how good it was.
Other days, Chloe took Beca out on different adventures.
On this particular day, Chloe drug Beca out to the beach south of Pallet Town.
“Chloe, it’s early,” Beca whined from behind her, “What are we doing out here?”
“Come on, grumpy,” Chloe grabbed Beca’s hand and continued to drag her across the sand, “I have to do something for Professor Oak, and I’m taking you with me.”
“This hour is ungodly,” Beca complained yet she still let Chloe pull her to the waves.
“It’ll be fun,” Chloe pulled a Pokeball off of her belt, “I promise.”
Beca smiled, “Okay.”
“Alright.” Chloe threw the Pokeball and a Lapras came out, making a happy noise from the water.
Beca rushed forward, eyes wide with excitement, “Oh my god, you have a Lapras!”
Chloe smiled and thought about how cute Beca was when she was excited. Beca was running her hands over Lapras’ long head, talking about the different moves Lapras can use. Cubone poked Chloe’s cheek, pointing at Beca and Chloe could see the smile in Cubone’s eyes.
“I know, bud,” Chloe whispered to him, “It’s really cute.”
Beca turned around, “Where did you find a Lapras? I spent so long on Gyarados trying to find one.”
Chloe came up next to Beca and scratched under Lapras’ chin, “She and I met on my way to Cinnabar Island. She and Dewgong helped me defeat Blaine.”
“Dude, that is so cool.”
Lapras turned so that Chloe could climb onto her shell. Beca stayed on shore shocked.
Chloe offered Beca her hand, “Are you coming?”
Beca took Chloe’s hand with a huge grin, “This is so cool.”
Lapras set off, and Beca sat as close to the edge as possible without falling into the water, excitedly looking around her and into the deep water. Chloe watched from her spot, holding onto Cubone tightly so that he didn’t fall into the water.
“Hey, Chlo?”
“What did Professor Oak send you out here for?”
“Oh,” Chloe smiled and took out another Pokeball, “Do you have a water type, or do you need to borrow one?”
Beca took a Pokeball off of her belt, “I’ve got Poliwrath.”
Lapras came to a stop slowly.
“That’s perfect.” Chloe threw her ball to let Slowpoke out, and Beca followed suit with Poliwrath.
Beca was smirking at Chloe as her Pokeball returned to her hand, “You really have a thing for Pokemon who aren’t fully evolved, don’t you?”
“I just don’t think that evolving Pokemon should be the sole purpose of training them. Sometimes they’re happy to stay the way they are.”
Slowpoke nodded at Beca slowly, and Beca smiled at him, “I’m starting to learn that.”
Chloe set Cubone down on Lapras’ shell by her backpack and pulled her clothes off so that she was just in her bathing suit. She slid into the water and used Slowpoke to stay afloat, “Are you coming?”
“Oh,” Beca’s cheeks went pink, “Yeah. One sec.” Beca turned around and pulled her clothes off too, feeling naked despite the fact that she had a bathing suit on. She looked up and Cubone was looking at her with a curious expression, his head tilted to the side. Beca gave him a thumbs-up, and Cubone returned it excitedly.
“Beca, come on!” Chloe splashed some water up on Beca.
“God, Beale,” Beca slid into the water, “Give a girl a moment.” Poliwrath swam up to Beca and let her hold him to stay above water, “You never told me what Professor Oak wanted us to do.”
“Right!” Chloe looked up at Cubone, “Hey, bud. Can you get the breathers out of my bag?”
Beca was impressed as Cubone dug around in Chloe’s backpack and threw something into the water. Chloe handed one to Beca and then said, “Now, remember to stay on Lapras, got it? Water is not good for you.”
Cubone nodded.
Then Chloe turned to her Lapras, “Make sure he stays on, okay girl?”
Lapras made a happy noise and nodded, and Beca couldn’t help but admire the relationship that Chloe had with her Pokemon.
“So, Professor Oak needs us to assess the amount of Tentacool in the area,” Chloe said to Beca.
“Because they were starting to over-populate the ecosystem, so Professor Oak wants to see if the issue has figured itself out.”
Beca nodded, “Are we doing this in any official sense?”
“Trust me, you’ll know if they’re still in excess,” Chloe held up her own breather, “Ready to go?”
“I think so.”
“Alright. Follow my lead. Slowpoke and I have done this before.”
Chloe put the breather in her mouth and held onto Slowpoke as he dove under the surface. Beca followed suit, holding onto Poliwrath as he followed.
A few Pokemon swam by them. Beca watched a school of Horsea and Seadra pass beside them and the school of Pokemon barely even glanced their way. There were a few Krabby and Kingler on the ocean floor, and Poliwag were bobbing near the surface.
Chloe kept going until they were met with a wall of Tentacool, looking vicious and ready for a fight. Chloe stopped Slowpoke and put her hand out to stop Beca, and when Beca looked over, it looked like Chloe was trying to assess the situation. She then looked at Beca and pointed to the surface, swimming up with Slowpoke following her.
When they broke the surface, Beca took the breather out of her mouth, “You weren’t kidding when you said over-populated.”
“Nope,” Chloe waved her hand at Lapras in the distance, “And as far as we can tell, they’re growing more and more violent towards the other Pokemon in the ecosystem.”
Lapras started to make her way over to them.
“What do we do about it?” Beca asked.
“Nothing,” Chloe smiled at Slowpoke and rubbed a hand over his back, “We keep monitoring the area to see if the ecosystem naturally evens itself back out again.”
“Because it was a natural over-population,” Chloe said while climbing back onto Lapras’ back, “If it happened unnaturally, like if someone dropped a foreign species into the area or something like that, then we’d have to do something about it, but populations fluctuate, and nature has a way of figuring itself out. Plus, I know it might look like it, but the number of Tentacool hasn’t reach dangerous levels, and the other Pokemon have adapted to the situation.” Chloe reached out and helped Beca back up too.
Cubone was munching on a sandwich as Chloe and Beca pulled towels out of their bags.
“Cubone,” Chloe said, “You know those sandwiches were for Beca and me.”
Cubone looked down as he offered the half-eaten sandwich back to Chloe, but she giggled instead of becoming angry. “No, bud. That one is yours now.” Cubone still looked down, his eyes downcast, and Chloe ran a hand over his skull helmet. “Just ask next time, okay?” Cubone nodded and then happily took another bite.
Beca laughed, “You’re so nice to him.”
“He was just hungry,” Chloe said as she toweled herself off, and Beca averted her eyes, not knowing why looking at Chloe in her bathing suit made her cheeks warm and butterflies flutter in her stomach, “And I made plenty, since I knew that Cubone would steal one.”
“Smart move.”
“Thank you,” Chloe threw Beca a sandwich, “Now eat so that we can enjoy ourselves.”
“Won’t Professor Oak be expecting us back soon?”
“I told him we would be back late.”
Beca smiled and took a bite.
The two girls spent the rest of their time alternating between swimming and sunbathing. At one point, they were lying on their backs, and Chloe took Beca’s hand, pointing out different shapes in the clouds, and Beca wished that they could stay on Lapras’ shell forever.
Chloe was eighteen when Beca showed up at her doorstep looking sheepish. The two had grown closer and closer since they started hanging out, and they spent almost all of their time together. They had a lot of adventures over the past two years, like Beca joining Chloe on her different assignments for Professor Oak and discovering new places and new Pokemon around Kanto.
Chloe looked Beca over, wondering why Beca seemed so nervous, “Hey Becs, what’s up?”
“I think I’m going to go back to Hoenn and compete in their upcoming league competition.” Beca spat out the words, and she looked worried.
Chloe smiled, and she was sad that Beca would be leaving Pallet Town indefinitely but more excited that Beca finally found enjoyment in battling again.
Chloe pulled Beca against her and Beca sunk into the contact.
“I’ll be sure to watch your matches,” Chloe said into Beca’s shoulder, “And you better call, Mitchell, because I’m going to be very angry if you don’t.”
“I will,” Beca wrapped her arms tightly around Chloe, “I promise.”
“Good,” Chloe pulled away and smiled at Beca, “You’re going to do amazing, Becs.”
Suddenly, Cubone pushed between the two and raised his arms up to Beca, who picked him up with a smile. She nuzzled against the skull Cubone wears, “I’ll miss you too, buddy.”
Watching Beca with Cubone made Chloe feel warm. Now would be the perfect time to tell her, Chloe thought, but she decided against it. Instead, she hugged Beca again before she left, throwing her bag over her shoulder and hopping on Charizard’s back.
Chloe watched every single one of Beca’s matches in the Hoenn League, and for each one, Chloe cheered loudly every time Beca won.
Beca and Chloe talked frequently as Beca continued traveling. Beca called Chloe from every Pokemon Center that she could, talking excitedly about defeating gym leaders in Sinnoh and the new friends she made from battling and traveling. She told Chloe about all of the Pokemon she caught, and sometimes the Pokemon pushed their way into the video chat, nudging Beca aside curiously.
While Beca went on new adventures in the new region, Chloe had moved to Cerulean City to be near Mt. Moon for her research after finally becoming an official Pokemon professor. Each day she took Clefable and Cubone and studied the prayer patterns and strange rituals of the Pokemon thought to be from outer space.
Chloe enjoyed the work, and she could see how much Clefable liked helping her. Cubone took to chasing the mountain’s Clefairy until Clefable caught his tail and gave him a glare. Since then, Cubone stayed close to Chloe as she sat and observed.
Chloe had had a hard day. The rain from the night before carried into the morning, so she couldn’t ride her bike to Mt. Moon, and she had to walk the entire distance with an umbrella over her and Cubone, the wind whipping and pulling at her raincoat. Then, when she actually got to the mountain, all of the Clefairy and Clefable were hiding. They didn’t even emerge when Chloe let Clefable out of her Pokeball, so she didn’t get any work done. And on top of it all, her umbrella broke on the way home.
Chloe was soaking wet, tired, and disappointed, and all she wanted to do was mope around her apartment in pajamas and watch crappy television. She felt like she had earned it.
After a call to the local pizza place and a long, hot shower, Chloe heard knocking at her door, and Cubone ran to it, looking up at her expectantly.
“You know it’s just my take-out, bud,” she picked him up and grabbed her wallet, “I don’t know why you’re so excited.”
Chloe opened the door, and it wasn’t the delivery boy. Beca Mitchell was on the other side smiling.
“Becs!” Chloe set Cubone down so that she could hug Beca tightly, “Oh my god, what are you doing here?”
Beca laughed as she returned the hug, “You talked so much about this apartment. I just had to see it.”
Chloe pulled Beca in the apartment and closed the door, “I thought you were in Sinnoh.”
“That’s the nice thing about having a large flying-type Pokemon,” Beca picked Cubone up and hugged him to her tightly, “It means that I can come see my friend who I haven’t seen in two years.”
“That’s so sweet of you, Becs.”
Beca looked at Cubone as she said, “Chloe knows I was talking to you, right, bud?”
Cubone kicked his feet excitedly.
“Alright, now you’re just a jerk,” someone knocked on the door, and this time Chloe was sure that it was the delivery boy, “And jerks don’t get any pizza.”
“Chlo, come on,” Beca ran after her laughing, “Wait, did you get Hawaiian?”
The two caught up over dinner with Beca sneaking Cubone some of her crust and Chloe pretending not to notice. Beca talked about her recent win against Fantina, releasing the Gengar she used for her win so that she could pet him. Gengar preened under the attention, and despite the fact that Chloe didn’t understand ghost Pokemon, had never raised one of her own, she loved the way Beca doted on and praised Gengar.
Cubone was also fascinated by Gengar, chasing his tail and looking up at Gengar with his head tilted to the side. Chloe thought Gengar would find the attention annoying, but he didn’t. He just pat Cubone’s head, and Cubone responded with happy chirps.
“That’s enough about me, though,” Beca watched the two Pokemon interact, “I want to hear all about your research. How’s it going?”
Chloe deflated with the reminder of her horrible day.
“Hey,” Beca moved closer to Chloe on the couch and grabbed her hand, “Is everything okay?”
Chloe looked down at their joined hands and thought about how Beca never initiated contact before. It was always Chloe hugging Beca, Chloe pulling Beca by her hand, or Chloe cuddling into Beca.
This was the first time that Beca took her hand first, and every emotion that Chloe thought that she had packed away in the two-year separation bubbled back up again in full force.
It was easy to ignore the crush Chloe had on Beca when she was in a whole other region. Now that she was there, in Chloe’s apartment, holding Chloe’s hand, it was really hard to ignore it.
“Yeah,” Chloe breathed out with a laugh, hoping Beca didn’t notice the blush rising to her cheeks, “You just asked on a bad day. Any other day and I would ramble about my work for hours.”
Beca dropped Chloe’s hand to wrap an arm around Chloe’s shoulders and pull Chloe to her, “Well, I guess I’ll just have to ask again tomorrow.”
“How long are you staying?”
Beca smiled, “However long you’ll let me use up your hospitality.”
Beca ended up staying for a week.
On days that Chloe had to work, Beca tagged along, happy to sit and watch Chloe write down observations and interact with the Clefairy and Clefable. Cubone would generally find his way into Beca’s lap, happy to sit there and stay out of trouble.
On all the other days, Chloe and Beca filled their time walking around Cerulean City or lazing around Chloe’s apartment. Chloe introduced Beca to some of the other professors she shared a lab with (when she was actually in her lab), and Beca joked about going to the gym to win another Cascade Badge, but Chloe pulled her away.
Chloe hugged Beca tight on her last day, her bag already packed and ready to go.
“You should visit more often,” Chloe said into Beca’s shoulder, trying hard not to let the tears spill over.
“How about I visit after I win my next badge?” Beca suggested, “Instead of calling, like we normally do.”
“That would be perfect.” Chloe pulled away from the hug and kissed Beca’s cheek, smiling at the blush that rose from the contact, “Fly safe, Becs.”
Beca threw her bag over her shoulder, “See you soon, Chlo.”
Beca kept her promise. Chloe came home from her lab one day to find Beca leaned up against her door, Byron’s Mine Badge held in her hand for Chloe to see.
Chloe handed Cubone to Beca so that she could easily open the door, and as she prepared dinner, she insisted Beca tell her every detail about her win.
Beca’s visits became more and more frequent after that. Instead of only visiting after winning a badge, Beca started visiting Chloe in Cerulean City randomly, giving new reasons every time Chloe came home to find Beca waiting at her door.
“You make the best spaghetti.” Said with a shrug and a smile.
“Gengar started to miss Cubone. It would be a tragedy not to let them play together.” Said as she let Gengar out of his Pokeball.
“One more night in a sleeping bag and I’m going to throw myself off Mt. Coronet.” Said as she flopped onto Chloe’s couch where she usually slept since Chloe didn’t have a guest bedroom.
Well, until recently.
Chloe didn’t know what shifted, but a few visits ago, she was woken up in the middle of the night by a sleepy Beca climbing into her bed and snuggling up beside her. Chloe was so tired, she didn’t even notice until she woke up with her back pressed to Beca’s front and an arm thrown around her waist.
When Beca woke up, she apologized, stating that the couch was starting to hurt her back, but it became a routine from then on.
Beca would fall asleep on the couch, Chloe in her bed, and the two would wake up tangled around one another.
Chloe should mind the contact, should mind being in this situation with Beca, but it was nice. Chloe was a cuddler, and her regular cuddle buddy was a boney Pokemon with rough skin. Cuddling Beca was nice. Beca was soft and warm, and she smelled like grass and campfire smoke.
The cuddling did nothing to help Chloe’s crush though. Chloe just found herself falling harder and deeper, with all the “likes” associated with Beca slowly turning to “loves.”
One morning, Chloe woke up with Beca’s head on her chest, and as if Beca could sense that Chloe was awake, she said, “You should take some time off and come to Sinnoh with me.”
“Yeah?” Chloe started running her fingers through Beca’s tangled hair.
“Yeah,” Beca shifted slightly to become more comfortable, “I’m going to be competing in Sinnoh’s league tournament soon, and I, uh,” Beca’s fingers messed with the hem of Chloe’s shirt nervously, “I would really like it if you’d come.”
“Of course I’ll come,” Chloe said simply, because for her, it wasn’t even a question.
The next week, after Beca had left to register for the competition and do some extra training, Chloe packed a bag and flew Pidgeot all the way to Sinnoh, only stopping in Hoenn for a quick break before arriving in front of the Pokemon Center near where the stadium was.
Beca met her there with a smile and a quick hug before showing Chloe around the town.
Beca sat with Chloe and Cubone in the stands for the other battles, and Chloe smiled every time someone came up to Beca asking for an autograph or advice. Chloe didn’t even know Beca had become so famous, though placing first in three leagues (almost four, because Chloe is sure Beca will win this one too) must have gotten Beca some attention.
Each time someone came up, Beca would blush and smile and push some hair out of her face as she took the pen offered to her, and Chloe couldn’t help but think that it was the cutest thing she had ever seen.
When it was finally Beca’s turn to battle, Chloe yelled and cheered from the stands and Cubone waved a small flag Chloe made for him that read, “Go Beca!” Every now and then, Chloe would notice that Beca would look up at her from the field with a smile, and Chloe would smile and cheer even harder.
Beca barely won the final round, but her opponent’s Milotic couldn’t stand up to Beca’s Cacturne. Chloe jumped up from her seat as she cheered, and when she finally could, when Beca came to find her after, she hugged Beca as tightly as possible.
Beca took some time off between finishing the Sinnoh League and heading out to Unova, and instead of staying in Pallet Town with her dad, Beca asked if she could stay in Cerulean City with Chloe.
Chloe couldn’t say yes quickly enough.
Having Beca in her apartment all the time was interesting for Chloe. Chloe expected Beca to be messy, but she was actually fairly tidy and organized. Because Beca didn’t have much to do during the day, Chloe would come home from the lab to find Beca cleaning or cooking dinner, and she always greeted Chloe with a soft smile.
All of their Pokemon would be out and interacting with one another. Chloe was surprised to come home one day to see Venusaur completely okay with Beca’s Persian cuddled up to her, and Beca’s Primeape loved teaching Chloe’s Sandshrew new moves. Beca’s Flareon would be asleep on the couch next to Chloe’s Vileplume, and Charizard would be curled up in the corner fast asleep, flaming tail twitching slightly as Chloe’s Eevee chased it.
Chloe came into her apartment one day to see a large Muk waiting for her at the door, and since then insisted that Beca keep him in the Pokeball, if only to keep her apartment clean of poisonous goo.
As soon as Chloe came into the apartment, Cubone would wiggle in her arms to be put down so that he could chase after Gengar’s tail, and Clefable would follow to try and keep Cubone in line.
Chloe loved it, loved that it felt domestic and warm, even if Beca would never see her as anything other than a friend.
But Beca would look up from cooking and smile that smile that she saved just for Chloe, and Chloe would feel the deep whisper of hope tug at her heart.
On her twenty-third birthday, Chloe came home to a suspiciously empty apartment. She didn’t even have Cubone with her, because Beca insisted that she keep him that morning, holding Cubone against her chest as they drifted back to sleep. Chloe had been a bit unwilling to leave Cubone, but she couldn’t say no when he snuggled into Beca and fisted his tiny claws into her shirt.
So, Chloe was mostly alone as she entered her apartment, save for Clefable and Abra, the newest addition to her party since Professor Oak found him abandoned and decided Chloe was the best trainer to help him feel comfortable and grow stronger.
“Beca?” Chloe called into the apartment, and she got nothing in response.
Still nothing.
“Eevee?” Chloe tried, kicking her shoes off, “Vileplume?”
Chloe moved into her kitchen to find a note in Beca’s curly handwriting on the fridge. “Went out for a bit,” it read, “I put all of your Pokemon back in their balls except for Venusaur because she kind of scares me. She’s asleep in your room.”
Chloe giggled at that. She never understood how a girl who was so close to Charizard on a daily basis could be afraid of her lazy Venusaur.
“P.S.~,” it continued, “I have commandeered your Cubone. Love, Beca.”
Chloe pulled the note off of the fridge and took it into her room. Sure enough, Venusaur was taking up most of the floor, and she didn’t even wake up as Chloe moved around her to change out of her work clothes.
After changing, Chloe let the rest of her Pokemon out of their Pokeballs and sat down on the couch, getting comfortable before Eevee jumped up and bumped her head against Chloe’s hand so that Chloe would pet her.
It was an hour before Beca came home with Cubone on her shoulders and quite a few bags in hand.
Beca smiled when she saw Chloe on the couch, “Happy birthday.”
Chloe smiled back, “Thanks. Do you need any help with those bags?”
“Nope,” Beca struggled to put them on the kitchen counter, and Cubone giggled at Beca’s antics.
Chloe got up from the couch and pulled Cubone off Beca’s shoulders so that she could hold him against her chest, having missed him all day, “What did you get?”
Beca smirked, “When did you get so nosy, Beale?”
“That’s Professor Beale,” Chloe hit Beca’s nose gently, “And I’ve always been nosy. So, what did you get?”
Beca moved the bags out of Chloe’s reach, “Nope.”
“Please?” Chloe gave her best pout, and Cubone looked up at Chloe and then did the same, and Chloe could see Beca breaking, watched her almost give in, but Beca closed her eyes and shook her head with a laugh.
“Nice try,” she nudged Chloe out of the kitchen, “But I’m going to have to kick you out.”
“It’s my apartment, Becs.”
“It is,” Beca started pulling things out and hiding them from view, “And I am taking control.”
Chloe smiled and allowed herself to get pushed out of the kitchen. As she left, she heard Beca let Gengar out of his Pokeball to help her with whatever she had planned.
Chloe sat in the living room half paying attention to her television, but mostly, she was listening to Beca in the kitchen. Every now and then she would hear Beca whisper instructions to Gengar, and on a few occasions, she heard Beca’s laugh as Gengar tried to help but ultimately made something worse.
Vileplume got bored of sitting in the living room, so she joined Beca too, and slowly but surely, Chloe lost all of her Pokemon due to curiosity.
Chloe turned around and there was a little bit of flour on Beca’s nose and on Gengar’s spikes on his head.
“Are you almost done? I’ve been abandoned by my Pokemon and I’m bored.”
“Almost,” Beca looked up, and Chloe thinks she’s never seen someone look so attractive, “Stop peaking.”
“But I’m bored,” Chloe whined and fell back on the couch.
“You mentioned.”
“Ten minutes, Chlo.”
“Beca.” Chloe held out the last syllable.
“You’re impatient.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“How did you become a Pokemon professor again?”
“The Clefairy at Mt. Moon don’t greet me with bags full of mystery and then refuse to let me know what’s in them.”
Beca laughed, “There’s hardly anything mysterious about the bags.”
“There is when you won’t tell me what’s inside.”
Something dinged and Chloe sat up, looking at Beca with a wide smile.
“Just another minute,” Beca said before Chloe could ask whether she could come in the kitchen.
Chloe fell back down on the couch and heard Beca hand stuff off to all the Pokemon capable of carrying things without dropping them.
“Okay,” Beca said, “You can come into the kitchen now.”
Chloe got up from the couch and saw that the table was set with food filling the small surface.
“I know you were a bit bummed that you have to wait until the weekend to go see your parents,” Beca explained while taking a seat, “and I know Aubrey and Stacey can’t make it back from Unova until next week, so I wanted to do a little something for you for your birthday.”
“You cooked?” Chloe took a seat across from Beca, who threw her apron over Gengar and smiled as he waved his claws around to get the fabric off his face.
“I made your favorite,” Beca started to fill Chloe’s plate, “And I baked a cake.”
“You did?”
“Of course,” Beca smiled, “It wouldn’t be your birthday without a cake. You prefer chocolate, right?”
Chloe couldn’t remember when Beca learned all of these small details about her, and she couldn’t remember even mentioning to Beca that chocolate was her favorite kind of cake, and it made more of those “likes” turn to “loves” with that big, special smile Beca saved just for her.
“Yeah,” Chloe smiled back, “Chocolate is my favorite.”
“Good. The icing might be a little strange, because Gengar tried helping and then got a little carried away.” Beca shot a half-hearted glare at her Pokemon, and he only gave her a small shrug in response.
“I’m sure it’ll be perfect, Becs.”
And it was. The food was delicious, and the cake was so good that Chloe had another slice (though she let her Pokemon have a few bites). Chloe couldn’t remember the last time she felt this content and warm as she and Beca talked.
She wanted to blurt out all of her feelings, and she almost did until Beca gave Cubone a pointed look and jabbed her head in the direction of the bedroom. Cubone jumped off of Chloe’s lap and ran in, narrowly avoiding Venusaur, still asleep on Chloe’s bedroom floor.
Cubone returned to Chloe with a wrapped box in hand.
“What’s this?” Chloe took the box from Cubone and played with the little bow on top.
“It wouldn’t be your birthday without a present,” Beca said before leaning across the table and stage-whispering, “Cubone’s gonna say it was all him, but I did the choosing and the paying.”
Beca was so close to Chloe now, and she could barely think about the present in her hand until Beca leaned back in her chair and said, “Well, are you going to open it?”
“Right, that’s what people generally do with presents, isn’t it?” Chloe joked to try and cover her distraction.
“Apparently not you,” Beca said with a wink, and Chloe was confident. She flirted with ease and was never lost for words, but something about Beca Mitchell made every word in the English language leave her brain in an instant.
“I’m getting there. I just like to build suspense.”
“You’re just getting me back for all the mystery.”
Chloe smiled, “That’s also true.”
Chloe finally ripped the wrapping off of the box and found a framed picture of her and Beca from her visit to Sinnoh, Cubone waving excitedly at the camera, and underneath the frame was a nice leather-bound notebook and a pack of new pens.
“I figure you go through a ton of notebooks with all of your research, and a new notebook needed new pens to go with it.”
“And the picture?” Chloe ran her fingers over the glass protecting the picture inside.
Beca smiled, “You have pictures of Aubrey, Stacey, and you and pictures of you and your parents. I figured it’d be nice to have a picture of the two of us, too.”
Chloe felt tears sting her eyes, because everything about the present and the dinner was thoughtful and perfect, and all the “likes,” every single on of them, disappeared, being replaced with “loves,” because without question, Chloe Beale loved Beca Mitchell.
“Thank you, Beca,” Chloe whispered as she held the frame against her chest, “It’s perfect.”
Beca’s smile grew softer, “I’m glad you liked it.”
“But Cubone chose it, right?” Chloe laughed as she wiped a stray tear from under her eye.
Cubone looked up at her with his head tilted to the side at the mention of his name.
“Like I said. He’s going to claim he did, but just know that I’m the one who did a majority of the work. He just pointed.”
“Well, thank you, bud,” Chloe pat Cubone on the head, “I loved it.”
Cubone smiled at her and then ran off to play with Eevee and Vileplume in the living room.
“Hey, Chloe?”
Chloe was about to get up to help clear the table, but stopped and sat back down, “Yeah?”
“There’s something I want to tell you.”
Chloe set her present off to the side and gave Beca a confused look, “Okay.”
“It’s just,” Beca ran a hand through her hair, and Chloe wondered what she was so nervous about, “I really want to tell you this, but I’m horrible at feelings, so I’m probably going to mess this up.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m,” Beca sighed and smiled, “I’m more than okay.”
“Are you sure?”
“I promise,” Beca looked at Chloe as she paused, then said, “Did you know that you have the warmest smile of anyone I’ve ever met? I mean, I just look at you and it’s like sunshine and clear days, even when it’s actually storming outside.”
Chloe smiled but didn’t interrupt. She didn’t know where Beca was going with this, but she figured she just had to let Beca ramble to get to her point.
“And I used to be so jealous of you when we were kids,” Beca continued, “You were so happy just to take your time and get through the gyms whenever your Pokemon were ready, and all I could think about was being the best and winning every badge I could so that I could prove to everyone that I was better than they thought I was. I thought I had to make fun of you and demean you, but really, you understood this whole thing a lot better than I did. While I was focused on winning, you were focused on your Pokemon and they’re all so amazing, Chlo. You’re so amazing, far more amazing than I will ever be.”
Beca paused to take a deep breath and she smiled like she wasn’t nervous anymore. It was the same smile she got during a battle when she knew she was going to win, confident and self-assured.
“I don’t know when I started to fall for you, Chloe. I just know that when I did, I fell hard, and I could pretend like it’s this horrible thing, but I know it’s not, because liking you, falling for you, could never be horrible.”
Chloe froze, because there’s no way Beca just said what she thought she said. There’s no way Beca just confessed her feelings to Chloe after that perfect dinner and thoughtful gift.
That would be almost too perfect.
“You like me?” Chloe breathed out.
“I really do.”
Chloe didn’t know what to do. There were too many words swimming in her head for her to say anything coherent, so she got up from her seat and rounded the table to pull Beca against her, kissing her just like she’s wanted to since she was seventeen and she realized what the warmth in her chest meant whenever she was around Beca.
Beca stood and wrapped her arms around Chloe’s waist, grabbing onto Chloe’s shirt tightly to steady herself. Chloe moved her fingers into Beca’s hair, and she had run her fingers through Beca’s hair before, but this was different. This time she heard Beca hum into the kiss whenever Chloe ran her nails over Beca’s scalp and Beca gasped against Chloe’s lips when she pulled gently.
Chloe pulled away to catch her breath, and Beca continued to trail kisses over Chloe’s cheek and jaw.
“Seventeen,” Chloe breathed out, and Beca pulled away from kissing just below Chloe’s ears with her brows pulled together in confusion.
“You said you didn’t know when you started to fall for me,” Chloe said, breathing heavily, “But I know exactly when I started to fall for you. We were seventeen, and we were at a Pokemon sanctuary watching how the Oddish interacted with one another, and you were sitting in the grass, covered in Pokemon and laughing as each of them tried to get your attention. That’s when I fell for you.”
Beca smiled that just-for-Chloe smile, “That long ago?”
“I never thought you would like me back.”
“I would be stupid if I didn’t,” Beca said before leaning in to kiss Chloe again, and Chloe could feel Beca nudging them across the living room into the bedroom, opening the door clumsily and falling onto the bed in a heap.
All of the Pokemon were locked out of the room except for-
“What?” Beca came up from kissing along Chloe’s collarbone.
Chloe pointed to Venusaur giving them a disinterested look as they interrupted her nap.
Beca dropped her head into the crook of Chloe’s neck and breathed out a laugh, “Do you have her Pokeball?”
Chloe was already fumbling around with everything on her bedside table, “I know it’s around here somewhere.” It took a few more moments of blindly grabbing, but Chloe finally found Venusaur’s Pokeball and the red beam reached out and returned Venusaur inside of it.
“There,” Chloe set the ball back on the nightstand, “Now it’s just us.”
Beca kissed Chloe right in front of her ear and breathed out, “I like the sound of that.”
Later, as Chloe held Beca and pressed kisses along her shoulder and against the back of her neck, Chloe thought about their future.
Eventually, Chloe and Beca would officially move in together, after Beca came in first in the Unova League and decided against continuing on to Kalos or Alola.
Eventually, Beca would replace Giovanni as Vermillion City’s gym leader. She would be hard to beat, but she would smile as she gave the winners their new Earth Badge, telling Chloe all about the battles when she got home.
Eventually, Chloe would become well known across many regions for her research, accepting awards and writing papers that gave a deeper look into the habits of different species of Pokemon.
Eventually, Chloe and Beca would get married in a small ceremony in Pallet Town, and they would have a daughter who would start her own Pokemon journey when she turned ten. (Their daughter would choose Bulbasaur as her starter, and Chloe would never let Beca hear the end of it.)
Eventually, they would have a life together full of traveling and adventures. They would tell and show each other how much they love the other during fights and over breakfasts on Sundays spent lazing around, but right then, Chloe was happy to have Beca against her now at the beginning of it all.
#pitch perfect#fanfiction#bechloe#bechloe fanfiction#Pokemon!AU#beca mitchell#chloe beale#aubrey posen#stacey conrad#pitch perfect fanfiction#my fanfiction#fanfic o'clock
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Working on some stuff for a variant of the Dugtrio Day AU…
#‘dadnoir but with Celebi powers’? more like FATHER TIME EYYYYYY#EDIT: THANKS FOR GLITCHING OUT TUMBLR QUEUE#GRRRRRRRR#Dugtrio day au#mortality exchange au#pmd grovyle#pmd dusknoir#pokémon mystery dungeon#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers of sky#pmd explorers#pmd sky#pmd eos#pmd2#pmd#stuff by sofie#queued
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but yeah anyways I’ve already got the teams and such down so look out here it comes....under the cut
David’s team consists mostly of Pokemon that either take care of people or spread overall joy. His partner is an Espeon he’s had since he was a kid. Espeon, Togekiss, Blissey, and Audino
Gwen’s team is small but powerful. I can see her being a fan of Cat Pokemon tbh. Delcatty and Persian
QM doesn’t exactly have a team per se, more like some Pokemon just started following him around and hey, he’s not complaining. Absol and Klefki(it keeps all the camp keys so helpful)
Jasper had an Eevee like David’s when he was alive, which evolved into an Umbreon soon after his death.(Yes we’re doing it that way, sue me) Other than that his team is full of ghost types. Umbreon, Phantump and Yamask
Now the kids obviously have very small teams. They came to the camp in order to find their calling when it came to Pokemon.(For example, Neil is studying to be a Professor, Nikki is studying to become a Breeder, etc.) Certain kids came to camp already owning Pokemon, whether they came from family or they somehow caught them in their own time. Most of the kids end up catching their partners at camp though.
Max already had his partner when he came to Camp Campbell, though he does end up catching a Cubone on Spooky Island. Cubchoo and Cubone
Nikki was given a Torchic by her parents as a birthday present one day. By the time she comes to camp it’s already evolved and she even manages to catch a Bagon on her first day. Combusken and Bagon
Neil’s team is, you guessed it, very nerdy. He finds an Abra during the mascot hunt, which quickly became his partner. Abra
Preston’s team consists of lot’s of singing/preforming Pokemon. He aims to find a Meloetta someday.(though that day will probably never come) Swablu and Popplio
Nerris would study Pokemon when she was bored, and quickly found a fondness for Gardevior and Gallade. She refused to go after any other Pokemon unless it would evolve into one of them. She eventually catches a Ralts during the Camporee. Ralts
Harrison is a big fan of psychic types.(they’re like the original mind-freakers!) Drowzee and Solosis
Erid only goes after the cool looking Pokemon. Her team consists of dragon types mostly. Vibrava and Gible
Nurf was given a Pawniard by his mother.(as a reminder) He keeps it by his side at all times. Pawniard
Dolph came to camp with a Smeargle, calling it his partner and muse. Smeargle
SK has all the Space Pokemon™. Elgyem, Minior and Cleffa
The Flower Scouts have all the Flower Pokemon obviously
Sasha is the leader so she gets the most. Florges, Sunflora and Lilligant
Erin gets my fave bc I love her. Roserade
Tabii gets my third fave bc I also love her. Bellossom
I can see the Woodscouts having all the ‘evil/cool’ looking Pokemon.
Edward gets the Team Rocket Treatment. Arbok and Koffing
Billy gets the the most honorable one. Braviary
Petrol gets a Dugtrio because I wanna give him one. Dugtrio
Now onto the town characters.
Daniel in my opinion would get Pokemon that are known for manipulation and trickery. Malamar and Ninetales(Ninetales casts a sinister light from its bright red eyes to gain total control over its foe's mind. -Pokemon Ruby Pokedex entry)
Jen was on for such a short time I honestly don’t know what kind of Pokemon to give her. Sorry ://
Bonquisha would have two different Pokemon to match her personality. Lopunny and Conkeldurr
As for Campbell himself, think of him as the Professor in this AU.(He’d probably have a Weavile despite it)
But yeah anyways that’s just the teams I haven’t really started on how it could all fit into the story. That’s all for now. :P
#camp camp#cc david#cc gwen#cc max#cc nikki#cc neil#cc preston#preston goodplay#cc nerris#cc harrison#cc jasper#i am not tagging everyone#camp camp pokemon au
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WOE. Concept reference for character design upon you.

#to that one anon who asked about a Mortality Exchange AU Echo:#it’s slowly cooking behind the scenes.#anyhoo#eepy time for sofie. ‘Night everyone#Dugtrio day au#mortality exchange au#PMD oc#PMD OCs#pokémon mystery dungeon#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers of sky#pmd explorers#pmd sky#pmd eos#pmd2#pmd#pokémon fusion#pokemon fusion#pokemon crossbreeds#sylveon#darkrai#pokemon darkrai#pokemon sylveon#stuff by sofie
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A snippet of a scene from when Legend!Grovyle enters the Dugtrio Day timeline:
#dugtrio day au#mortality exchange au#pokémon mystery dungeon#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers of sky#pmd explorers#pmd eos#pmd sky#pmd2#pmd#pmd ocs#pmd oc#pmd au#stuff by sofie#queued
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“Betrayal hurts the second time. It just doesn’t hurt the same. It’s the disbelief that gets you the first time around— it’s the understanding that gets you the second.”
Echo has some mixed feelings about Dusknoir. It only gets worse with every iteration of the time loop.
#Dugtrio day au#pmd oc#pmd ocs#pmd dusknoir#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokémon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers of sky#pmd explorers#pmd sky#pmd eos#pmd2#pmd#stuff by sofie#queued
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Have we seen any interactions between tpiag cast and dugtrio day cast? How would that go?
We haven’t seen any before! Here’s how that would go.
#the present is a gift au#dugtrio day au#pmd celebi#pmd dusknoir#pmd darkrai#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers of sky#pmd explorers#pmd sky#pmd eos#pmd2#pmd#sofie answers asks#stuff by sofie#queued
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Alright, you may want to sit down for this because I imagine that this is going to take a while. Just know that you asked for this!
So first of all when I read that you thought that Gliscor was a glass cannon... Just... HAH! lol no. Even though sand may be burned into glass, funnily enough the ground type doesn't do glass cannons. Overall ground types tend to be pretty bulky, especially when it comes to physical defense. Between that and the immunity to electric, ground types are just solid defensively speaking and anyone running a monotype ground team really doesn't need to worry about finding defensive Pokemon for their team. And hey! Gliscor has an immunity to ground too which is a nice bonus! When trying to think of what would be a glass cannon within the ground type... The only thing that comes to mind is Dugtrio, honestly.
In any case, the biggest threats to ground Pokemon as a whole are just water types and grass types. Ice types don't tend to be much of a problem because just about every ground type Pokemon has access to good rock type moves, namely Stone Edge and Rock Blast (depending on what you're wanting from said moves). Between that and how ice types tend to be glass cannons, ice isn't as much of a threat as you might think. So when it comes to Gliscor, honestly the biggest threats are actually water typed Pokemon because they tend to be pretty bulky and therefore you can't reliably OHKO them like you can many other types. (Albeit this is sort of assuming that Gliscor is supported by other Pokemon in its party that can handle ice.)
Fun fact. Within the competitive battling community (I'm primarily referencing Smogon here by the by) Gliscor started in the OU teir and has stayed there to this very day for good reason! For the uninitiated, the OU teir is the most competitive tier of Pokemon battling, only below Ubers which entirely consists of outright overpowered and god Pokemon. And it's definitely earned! Poison Heal is just a fantastic special ability! It's pretty good defensively speaking, is pretty fast, can hit decently hard, and its versatility cannot be understated! Need a psychical attacker? Need a tank? Need a staller? Need a stallbreaker? Need something to set up entry hazards? Need someone to clear out entry hazards? Need a trapper? Gliscor can be effectively used to do any of those! It's an incredibly useful utility Pokemon and it has a very wide and varied movepool! There are even Ubers strategies on Smogon for Gliscor which means that Gliscor can go toe to toe with legendaries and come out on top!
As for Gliscor's stats, it's physical defense is pretty good, and its special defense is lacking only a little in comparison. For a comparison, you would think that Excadrill would be a pretty bulky Pokemon, right? Well, Gliscor has better defensive stats than it. Gliscor is faster too! Within the OU tier overall, Gliscor's speed is in the middle of the road. And Gliscor is definitely a physical attacker. Its Special Attack is pretty dismal and it needs to avoid learning and using special attacks at all costs! But honestly, that's pretty par for the course for ground types. :p A bit of EV training can easily make up for some of these areas that are lacking a little, and given that within the Pokerus AU that Ingo would be pretty much the only person aware of EVs and EV training... Yeah, you better be scared! Assuming that everyone else either has no EVs, or their EVs would be distributed randomly, Ingo could easily become the most terrifying one out of everyone going through these changes! Because you KNOW that this man would try to EV train himself if given the chance! (Now I'm wondering what his nature would be... Though out of Lonely, Modest, Careful, and Serious, Modest is the ACTUAL worst Nature for him to have! Even Serious would be better than Modest tbh! Lonely isn't great, but it sure as hell isn't modest. Careful would be pretty good though. Means that Ingo would have more balanced defensive stats.)
In any case, Gliscor is a good mid to late battle Pokemon. You don't really want to send it out first as it really shines in it's utility! It can definitely change the pace of a battle and turn the tide into your favor. I haven't actually been competitive within the Pokemon community for quite a while now, and the meta has changed quite a lot in my time away. But back when I was competitive in gen 6, Gliscor was an absolute menace because TONS of people were using Poison Healing/Substitute Gliscor. You wanna make your opponent rage quit? This is a good Pokemon to run for that! Poison Heal + Toxic Orb, Toxic, Substitute, Protect, Earthquake. The Toxic Orb poisons it's holder and therefore would heal Gliscor every turn meaning that any damage done to it will heal in time and that it's pretty safe to use Substitute multiple times if needed (Also Gliscor is now immune to getting any other status effect). Toxic Badly Poisons its opponent meaning that the poison damage goes up exponentially, and then you just wait for your opponent to die as you sit behind Substitute and rotate between Protect and Earthquake. And honestly, that's more terrifying to me than apex predator behavior. So Ingo could do both! Kill you quickly with a good punch to the face, or sting you and just watch you slowly die like an ambush predator! I ran this Gliscor on my monotype team. Still feels like one of the more evil things I've ever done. :p Also given that you can get Toxic Orbs in the Battle Subway, it is entirely likely that Ingo would be aware of this strategy. Another thing that could be very scary about this strategy is that while there are some very simple ways to counter it (taunt primarily) I don't imagine that anyone else would be able to figure it out and therefore he couldn't be easily stopped! You know. If he chose to use this strategy which he very well may not!
And let's be honest with ourselves. Ingo wouldn't run that! He'd want to invent Earthquake and then Earthquake everyone to death! I've actually been analyzing Ingo and Emmet's teams lately to see what they can tell us about them as characters, and let me tell you, Ingo is not very big on strategy. The strategies he primarily uses are to just boost his stats and then attack. Pretty basic level stuff that you could expect. So for the kind of build that I would go for with a feral Gliscor Ingo would probably be either Swords Dance Gliscor, or Trapper Gliscor. Trapper if you want to go more in the direction of Ingo becoming a vindictive predator that doesn't want his prey to get away, or Swords Dance because that really just seems like a Pokemon he'd actually run tbh... Even though he could in Legends Arceus, but doesn't. All of this, of course is assuming that Ingo would somehow have access to the wider movepools of the mainline Pokemon games. :p
So I think that's about all I have to say about that. I hope you enjoyed my Gliscor rant. Took a while to build and compile. And I will admit, when I first realized that Ingo was using Gliscor as his ace in Legends Arceus I was just like... Yeah, leave it to Ingo to decide to use one of the most competitively viable Pokemon in this entire franchise from this region be his ace. Stop accidentally trying to charm me specifically, my guy! And yeah... I really wish that I could help you with possibly throwing some ideas at you for other Pokemon, but I am just a ground specialist and to my knowledge no one else in your Pokerus AU is turning into something ground typed. I don't want to contribute to people making all of this about Ingo, but I mean... He just happened to pick one of the best ground type Pokemon out there as his ace. >.< After losing another excellent ground Pokemon as well! But yes. In short Gliscor good. Very useful. Muchly strong.
@maniac-reboggles please do go on *(takes out notes)*
#I mean my sister is a steel type specialist? Maybe she could have some things to toss your way about Bronzong and Lucario...? I dunno.#Many of my friends used to have a type specialty but it's been a while and so I don't know if they've kept those specialties. Shrug.#long post#pokemon#reblogged#reblogged stuff#monsoon-of-art#pokerus au#pokemon au#gliscor#ground#ground type#competitive pokemon#monotype#smogon#ingo#subway master ingo#warden ingo#subway boss ingo#ingo pkmn#ingo pokemon#ingo pla#legends arceus ingo#legends arceus#pokemon legends arceus#pokemon legends#pla
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You're scared you'll never care about someone. You're scared you never have. You don't know how much love is held in your chest. You never will.
#thinking about how Echo notices that she's stopped evolving into umbreon/espeon#and feels horrible that she no longer cares about Pinna enough to evolve for her through that bond.#thinking about how as the time loop is breaking down and decaying into irreparable disarray Echo gives up on a fruitless try to save it#because Pinna (whose memories are restored by the entropy of the loop's decay) is scared to die alone#and Echo refuses to abandon her partner ever again.#Echo evolves into a sylveon as she stays in the ruins of the timeline to comfort Pinna as they shatter into nothingness together#and it's ultimately that act of love— that gesture of “It doesn't matter how scared I am myself. I won't let you face this alone”—#that gives the timeline's celebi Snowdrop the hope she needs to mend the timeline and break the loop herself#after centuries uncounted of depression and resignation and nihilism.#Thinking about how love was the answer to hopelessness.#Dying.#dugtrio day au#pmd ocs#pmd oc#pokémon mystery dungeon#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers of sky#pmd explorers#pmd sky#pmd eos#pmd2#pmd#eevee#espeon#umbreon#Sylveon
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I'd love to see Echo, Celebi and Ark all debate over they cope with immortality.
Echo didn't show up to the meeting and I think that's very telling of how she copes with immortality.
#the present is a gift au#dugtrio day au#pmd darkrai#pmd celebi#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokémon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers#pmd sky#pmd eos#pmd2#pmd#sofie answers asks#stuff by sofie
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If Celebi got the a jirachi wish what would it be?
She’d wish for the ability to break time loops. So many of her sisters from alternate timelines have been lost to timelines that doubled over on themselves until they decayed into nothingness, and she’s worried about one of them in particular who was recently lost inside a loop.
#the present is a gift au#Dugtrio day au#pmd celebi#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers of sky#pmd explorers#pmd eos#pmd sky#pmd2#pmd#sofie answers asks
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