Regulus Arcturus Black
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therealninazenik · 1 day ago
(All different universes)
Trans Remus who didn't come out until uni because he didn't want there to be just another thing wrong with him.
Trans Regulus who came out at 12, and then again at 17 because it was like everyone just ignored it once he had to be the heir. He came out for good at 24.
Non-binary James who came out to all their friends but never told their parents.
Trans Lily who boymoded at home until she was able to leave, who was bullied by her sister for being too girly until she said she was a girl.
Trans Pandora who always knew, but it wasn't the right time for her parents.
Genderfuid/flux Barty who came out as soon as he could to spite their dad, fuck the consequences, and never saw his father proud of him again.
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therealninazenik · 9 days ago
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therealninazenik · 23 days ago
BRO ME TOO!!!!!!
Wolfstar is literally Black Cat x Golden Retriever, except it's the opposite of what you expect. Remus is the black cat, and Sirius is the golden retriever.
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therealninazenik · 23 days ago
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therealninazenik · 23 days ago
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therealninazenik · 24 days ago
sirius thinking that remus is trans because regulus acts similarly when he gets his period before they find out he is a werewolf
sirius: hm, remus is always moody and in pain once a month... just like regulus is. guess he's trans! better make sure he knows i still care about him!
cue sirius giving him chocolate and healing potions around every full moon, not thinking much of it and just trying to support his friend
remus, internally panicking: holy fuck he knows now i have to run away from hogwarts and never come back my life is over what do i do
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therealninazenik · 26 days ago
This is how the dinosaurs went extinct
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therealninazenik · 1 month ago
Sirius: James we're here!! James, scrambling: Sirius! I- Sirius, entering: Oh! You have a cat?? Since when? James, looking behind him: I-er, yeah. James, fondly: He's adorable isn't he? Sirius: Yeah I suppose. Remus: Pads, I brought the-oh! Regulus, what are you doing here? Sirius, confused: R-Regulus? Remus: The cat. *pointing at it* *Regulus sighing and transforming back* James, panicking: Pads! I can explain, I-um- Sirius, sweetly: What is my brother doing in your apartment, James? James: I- Sirius, laughing: You're dead.
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therealninazenik · 2 months ago
ADHD $ Seeking Novelty
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Future ADHD
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therealninazenik · 2 months ago
To prove something to a friend, please
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therealninazenik · 2 months ago
No, y'all got it wrong. Regulus Black is not a cat person. He is the cat, and he's a dog person.
Sirius Black is not a dog person. He is the dog, and he's a cat person.
Jegulus adopts a dog and Wolfstar a cat. I ain't making the rules guys, this is canon.
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therealninazenik · 2 months ago
Not to go "if you have ADHD just go for a run" or anything, but I am so serious if you have ADHD you should regularly go outside, no headphones no phone no nothing and just stand and observe for a while until you've had enough. Not until you get bored, until you've had enough. Drink your coffee without watching tiktok. Have a bath without music. Turn down the volume in your headphones. I cannot overstate how much learning to be bored is cruicial with ADHD. Life is not just about pleasure, no matter what your dysregulated dopamine system thinks, and when you teach your brain to be okay with being bored, then boring tasks stop feeling like torture. By letting yourself be bored you are yoinking your system out of the high/low binary and allow for the highs to feel like actual highs and not just anything that isn't low. I am so serious go literally touch grass. Listen to the sounds in your flat. Stimulate your body the way it was designed. It lowers anxiety and makes you feel like you're real and best of all it's completely free
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therealninazenik · 2 months ago
kaz brekker: this madness (a crush on inej) has GOT to stop!!!
also kaz brekker, when speaking to inej: i would come for you. and if i couldn’t walk, i’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together.
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therealninazenik · 2 months ago
15-year-old Kaz: “So I’m assuming you don’t know how gangs work here in Ketterdam.”
15-year-old Jesper: “You know what they say about assumptions! Makes an ass out of you and me! 😁”
Kaz: “So you don’t know how gangs work in Ketterdam.”
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therealninazenik · 2 months ago
"Baby" - Jegulus microfic @into-the-jeggyverse - 396 words
Pet names, in Regulus’s opinion, were gross. Every time he heard his brother’s boyfriend call him ‘sweetheart’, he wanted to vomit. He had to leave the room whenever Evan and Barty were flirting because they did nothing but use disgusting pet names. 
James, on the other hand, loved pet names. He would call Regulus every pet name under the sun, not minding that Regulus only called him ‘James’ or ‘Jamie’ in return. Coming from anyone else, Regulus would have hated this. He would have been put off the entire relationship, really. 
“Morning, love,” James greets with a grin, kissing Regulus’s head and then sitting down next to him. 
It only takes two seconds for Barty to clock this and burst out laughing. “Sorry, did he just call you ‘love’?”
“Yes? What about it?” Regulus responded through gritted teeth and a glare. 
“Nothing, nothing, Mr. Pet-names-are-gross-and-I’ll-never-let-anyone-use-them-for-me,” Barty laughed.
James turned to Regulus, eyebrows furrowed and bottom lip jutting out. “You don’t like it when I call you ‘love’?”
“I-” Regulus looked between James and Barty, trying to decide if reassuring James was worth his humiliation. “It’s fine when it’s you,” he mumbled, hoping Barty couldn’t hear. 
James’s pout turned into a huge grin. He kissed Regulus’s jaw and nuzzled into his neck. And, yes, Regulus believed it was worth reassuring James, even though Barty was most definitely going to mock him for this later. 
Despite being okay with James calling him silly names (‘okay with’ is an understatement, to be honest), Regulus refused to do the same. He was Regulus Black, for Merlin’s sake. James was a perfectly acceptable name, and it was pushing it for Regulus to even call him ‘Jamie’. This is why it was a shock to both of them when, one morning:
“Baby, come back to bed,” Regulus whined tiredly.
James’s brain seemed to short-circuit for a moment, spinning around rapidly to look at Regulus. 
Regulus hid his face in the pillow, repeating, “I didn’t say that, I didn’t say that, I didn’t say that.”
James just tilted Regulus’s face towards his and kissed him, smiling so widely you’d think he’d won the Quidditch cup. This was worth the humiliation, too, Regulus thought, seeing James this happy.
If Regulus let the term slip out every now and then, most especially when he needed something or when James was angry, that could stay between them.
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therealninazenik · 2 months ago
i need a fic where Jegulus are so into each other but they don’t do anything in fear of Sirius not accepting it but their pining is so embarrassing that it makes Sirius speedrun the five stages of grief to manipulate them into a relationship just for his peace of mind
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therealninazenik · 2 months ago
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This scene
When Rotty (or was that Rotty I have no idea) was like "one of them Grisha witches" Kaz corrected "Fabrikator"
At this point he probably knew Jesper is Grisha-
And he isn't really the type to stand up for the Grisha like this-
So he corrected Rotty because he didn't want people to go around thinking that the Grisha, and in addition, Jesper, are witches-
Probably me grasping at straws but I still think this is really sweet
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