#due south goes to the movies
famwhy · 1 year
Hobie Brown's Slang
Okay, here is a bit of criticism and advise for how to write Hobie Brown's (from Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse) speech patterns.
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When I read fics on Hobie Brown, the slang that he uses is not AT ALL the type of slang he uses in the movie. Fics like to use stereotypical British slang like 'wanker' or 'gheezer' and while it is sometimes said, it's not used often by youth in the UK nowadays.
Instead, the type of slang he uses is called 'Road' slang or 'Roadman' slang. I believe it's a mixture of Jamaican and British terms (please do correct me if I'm wrong, I may be British myself but I don't know everything).
For example, in the movie, Hobie says 'man like Miles, my guy!' after Miles goes against the Canon event. He's basically hyping Miles up - the term 'man like' is often followed up by a name to (as said before) hype that person up and praise them, in a way.
Another example of him using road slang is when he calls Miles a 'youngen' - it's quite obvious what he means by it, he's basically calling him a kid. This term is usually used by people who are quite a bit older than the recipient. In fact, it was his use of this term that solidified my theory of him being quite a few years older than Miles and thus, of him not being as much of a potential love interest for Gwen as an older brother figure for her.
Now, how do you write road slang? By learning it through watching people who use it often and understanding the context.
Some real people you can watch and learn the speech patterns of Hobie Brown through include:
KSI (the youtuber)
Mo Gilligan (the comedian)
Babatunde Aléshé (also a comedian)
And a series on Netflix that I highly recommend you watch in order to really understand the way he talks (though the above examples are good ways too) is the series 'Top Boy'. Though, a fair warning that it's quite the violent series due to it being about UK gangs.
Please keep in mind that this post is NOT AT ALL made to attack writers or put them down for the way they write Hobie, it is only here to inform and teach you how to write his speech patterns properly because he 100% deserves the accurate representation.
Hobie Brown is an amazing character that made me so happy to see on screen because he actually seems like a guy I would know and be friends with in real life rather than a stereotypical depiction of a British person that you see often in media nowadays. I feel the same way about Pavitr and the way the movie didn't stereotypically depict South Asians.
To see both my ethnicity and nationality being accurately depicted in western media is just an amazing feeling that I wish to convey to you all.
Love, a very happy spiderman fan.
(Update: I now have a post where I write Hobie's speech patterns myself so you can also use that as an example if you wish. But again, the examples listed above are much better to learn from since my one post can only teach you so much.)
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
A few days ago I had a dream, and from that dream I got an idea! The Cullens in their mortal life had a daughter, whom they left when she was about 8 years old due to her transformation, they took care of her and watched her grow from afar, but a few years later she disappears without a trace and although they looked for her they didn't find her, until the Cullen vs Volturi battle happened, they saw her again after many years after giving her up for dead, but on the enemy side. This dream was actually the other way around, Aro had a daughter who disappeared and when he found her it turned out that she had run away with Carlisle 😅 but I know you don't write about the Volturi, so I did it the other way around!!!
The Cullens with their Daughter! Reader
Thank you so much for changing this from the Volturi lol. I’m still in the middle of my Twilight rewatch, but it’s gotten sidetracked with me watching every movie that Hugh Jackman’s ever been in so
And I love this idea it’s so cute!
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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Honestly I cannot imagine a scenario where this prude of a man has a kid
Especially from so long ago when he was still human
So we’re just gonna use our imaginations for this one
Just insert whatever backstory makes sense to you here cause I got nothing
With that out of the way
It’s the day of the fight for Renesmee
He’s standing next to his daughter and Bella, rigid as he waits for the fight to start
Carlisle’s in the middle of the field talking to Aro
Across the field, his eyes lock onto yours
Bright red, but familiar, somehow
Not to mention the reddish hair, the sharp jaw, the nose shape, everything
You have to be related somehow
After the fight diffuses and tension’s resolved, he goes up to you
This close now, he can smell the similarities too
And your mind is instantly filled with memories of him
You remember him too
You decide to go with Edward and the Cullens
You and Renesmee quickly become besties
And Edward does his best to help you acclimate
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Her past is very fuzzy
She can’t see anything from back then, so it’s very possible that she had a daughter that she just doesn’t remember having
Over the years, she’s caught glimpses of you, but never understood why
They’ve always been quick flashes, never enough to actually give her an idea of who you are
So when she sees you next to the Volturi on that fated day, she recognizes you instantly
And all of the pieces click together
She cheerfully goes up to you after the tension dissolves, chatting like you two aren’t supposed to be enemies
Despite not remembering her, something in your mind clicks with Alice too
You trust her immediately
She takes you home with the Cullens, not caring that the Volturi aren’t too keen on letting you go
She’s so upset that she can’t remember you, that she never tried to find you earlier
But then you tell her that you can’t remember your past either
Your memories start with the Volturi
You got turned because of your relation to Alice, Aro had been hoping that you would manifest the same power that she had
And you did
You both bond over your hazy pasts and love for fashion
And the fact that the Volturi would do anything to get their hands on either of you again
Like mother like daughter I suppose
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Unlike some of the others, he knew he had a daughter
Only, he never got to meet her
During his days wandering the south as a soldier, he came across a young woman who he had a one night stand with
He was in town just long enough for her to tell him that she was pregnant
He promised that as soon as the war was over, he would come back to her and help her raise the baby
Only he never got to see the end of the war as a human
Maria got to him first
So he had to watch his daughter grow up from afar
He always felt bad about not being there for her, but he felt worse when he would go for stretches of time without seeing her
One day, you went missing and he never saw you again
Just like that, the last piece of happiness that he had was gone
So imagine his surprise when he pulls up to the scene with Alice, ready to plead Renesmee’s innocence, and he sees you
You look just like how he remembered, only paler and with red eyes
At once, he felt every emotion
Anger at you being turned, happiness at seeing you again, and sadness at seeing you hidden under a Volturi cloak
After the fight, he approaches you and introduces himself
To his surprise, you grab him in the tightest hug he’s ever felt
You go with him willingly
He’s so happy to finally get to know you
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Half of her unhappiness would be gone if she had a kid
Only, she did at one point
She had gotten pregnant when she was 16, and her parents were not happy
They made her hide it, and eventually give it up for adoption
She was devastated
She was young, yes, but she wanted her daughter more than anything
Now, years have gone by, and she still has no clue what happened to her baby girl
She doesn’t know who her parents gave her to, where she ended up moving, or what her name was
She thinks about her all the time and mourns the loss of her baby
But then, she sees her again
A vampire with the Volturi
Blonde hair, red eyes, beauty mark, rbf
It can’t be, but it is
Her beautiful baby girl, subjected to the same torture Rosalie herself lives every day
At this revelation, Rosalie could rip off every single Volturi head in that field, but she holds herself back
When the fight is over and everyone begins to leave, she stops you before you can
And from the look on your face, you can feel the resemblance too
She’s so happy she could start crying
No ifs, ands, or buts, you’re coming home with her
She can’t leave you now that she’s just found you again
Very happy reunion
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Pretty simple one here
He got a girl pregnant when he was in high school
He was unsure, but the girl wanted to keep the baby, so he prepared himself to become a father
And then he got mauled by a bear
For the first couple of years, he was so delirious with bloodlust, that he couldn’t even think about the daughter he was leaving behind
It was only when talking with Rosalie one day years down the line that he remembered you
Rosalie was so excited, she immediately started trying to hunt you down
But she couldn’t find you
There were records of you being born, of you attending a local high school, of you beating Emmett’s previous records, but then after you graduated, there was nothing
He felt defeated
And Rosalie was so upset and disappointed
He kept a picture of you that he clipped from an old newspaper article in his wallet
Just in case he started to forget you, he could refresh his mind
So when he sees you across the field, he almost can’t believe it
He talks to you after it’s all over
He doesn’t want to scare you or be overbearing
But you are so excited to meet him after all these years
And especially since you know the truth now about what happened
You two instantly become best friends
Two peas in a pod
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I also can’t see a world where she has a baby
She did have a baby, but we know that it died, and I’m not sure how else it would fit in story-wise
So we’ll make up something and say that her baby lived and it was actually a girl 🤗
I love changing the canon
When she got turned, she had to leave you behind
She didn’t want to turn you as well, and she was afraid she would hurt you
So Carlisle helped Esme find a nice family to place you with
She kept tabs on you pretty regularly, even coming around to visit you every once in a while
Until one day you just vanished
She went crazy looking for you, but she never found you
She fell into a depression after that
It was like losing you all over again
So when she sees you with the Volturi, she’s so excited she almost forgets the fire situation that they’re in
When all’s over and resolved, she comes up to you immediately
You recognize her too as your mom’s friend that would come over once in a while
And you don’t hesitate to come home with her
You never liked the Volturi anyway
Too strict
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I’m a firm believer in the Carlisle hoe era
He might not have been drinking human blood but he might have been having human relations if you catch my drift
Only he never stuck around for long enough to see the effects of it
He only ever got one girl pregnant, because even when he was doing the do he still wrapped it cause he’s a doctor
But he never thought it was possible to get a human pregnant, so he never worried about it
But he starts thinking about his past when Renesmee comes to be, wondering if there’s a chance he did that at one point
His questions are answered when he sees you across the field
He can hear your heart beating
And why the Volturi still doubt Renesmee despite you being right there is a mystery to him
But the conflict gets resolved quickly, and he instantly goes to you
He’s so curious about how you came to be, who your mother was, if you have any abilities, all of that
He asks if you want to go with him, and of course you say yes
He never felt a strong desire to be the biological father of someone, but you might have just changed his mind
He’s always felt a paternal instinct over the Cullen kids, but with you it’s especially strong
Carlisle Dad Supremacy
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Vampire! Bella:
I cannot think of a scenario where this could be possible
I mean, we follow her for her whole human life, she does not have a kid
So I’m just gonna go with a niece for her ❤️
She was never too close with the rest of her family, but her little baby niece who had been born just a few years before she moved to Forks always captured her attention
She was always super sad that she never got to be around her a lot
Bella kept in touch with her aunt and uncle through Facebook, following along with their posts
But one day, they posted a missing poster, asking for help finding their daughter
Her niece
Bella was in hysterics, frantically asking Edward and Alice and anyone to help her find you
But it was a lot cause
And besides, they had bigger things to worry about
Namely, the Volturi
She tried her best to push you to the back of her mind
Only to see you standing across the field with bright red eyes
She was so angry she could have snapped Aro’s neck
After everything dissipated, she ran up to you and tackled you with a hug
It took you a moment to realize who she was, but once you did you reciprocated, wrapping your arms around her
Bella did not take no for an answer after that, you were coming with her no matter what
Family reunion am I right
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sailrvnus · 1 month
Was Cho’s massacre a homage to Oldboy?
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— ‘Oldboy’, a South Korean movie directed by Park Chanwook which follows the story of a man named Oh Daesu who mysteriously gets kidnapped and confined in a cell-like hotel room. After 15 years of imprisonment, he finally gets released and goes on a bloody rampage and seeks vengeance against his captors.
Among the photos and videos mailed by Cho to NBC, there’s one photo of him with a chilling grin on his face, brandishing a hammer which strikingly resembles a scene from the movie ‘Old Boy’, where the protagonist is seen holding up a hammer right when he is about to engage in a physical altercation with a group of people. This conspiracy of Cho supposedly paying homage to the famous violence packed scene from the movie was made by Professor Paul Harris of Virginia tech who informed the authorities about it. However during the investigation it was simply ruled out as a speculation due to a lack of concrete evidence.
To further debunk the theory, Cho never used a hammer during the shooting besides his two hand guns.
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mochinomnoms · 7 months
I’m not sure but I thought I might as well ask
is Yev based on Yzma from Emperors New Groove? Some of the reasons I thought this was due to his hairstyle (high ponytail) looking similar to one of Yzmas hairstyles where her black hair is pointed out or represents the lavender feather(?)/accessory , the purple makeup suiting her equally purple color scheme, and the mention of the “secret” lab which is like Yzmas lab in the palace. Also (this might be wrong) I think Quispe (his last name) is Quechua which is a language spoken in different South American countries such as Peru (which Emperors New Groove is based/set in).
Even if not I think Pomefiore is a great dorm for Yzma since she has been known to be stylish in the movie changing into several different outfits + the original concept of the movie was going to make her hate the sun since she blames it on making her age faster (snuff out the light was going to be her villains solo I recommend searching it on YouTube)
sorry for the rant I just really love Emperors New Groove, one of my favorite Disney movies
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Yev Quispe
“The new Housewarden of Pomefiore. A remarkably beautiful young man with skills rivaling the most experienced apothecaries. He demands attention and respect from all due to his status as a young heir, lest you become an unwilling subject in his experiments.”
Birthday: December 24th (Capricorn)
Age: 20
Height: 180 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Kusco Mountains
Family: Unnamed younger brother
Other Names(s): Bluebottle (Floyd)
Grade: Junior
Class: C (No. 18)
Club: Science Club
Best Subject: Potions
Hobbies: Experiments
Pet Peeves: Mislabeling
Favorite Food: Ceviche
Least Favorite Food: Spinach Empanadas
Talent: Transformation spells
Yev is a tall, lean man with tanned skin and dark brown eyes. He has dark purple layered hair that goes below his shoulders, with long side swept bangs framing his face. His usual hairstyle has him wearing his hair in a French braid, with his bangs and two pieces of hair curled below his chin. His hair is tied with a thick blue hair tie. 
He wears blue, turquoise earrings and is always seen wearing purple eyeshadow, dark eyeliner, and wine colored lipstick. He is often wearing a polite smile and critical gaze.
Yev is a confident, haughty young man who is self-assured in his looks and skills. He is well known to dislike being questioned by his underclassmen, holding very few in either equal standing or high-regards. Because of this, he is quick to point out others’ flaws when others point out his own shortcomings, known to be overly harsh when doing so. Over the years, this has made him overly critical of others to the point that he is condescending to most, especially to those that aren’t of his same social status.
Despite this, he is renowned for his skills as an upcoming potionologist, sought out by both cosmetic and pharmaceutical scientists for his unique skills in transformation potions and spells. Surprisingly, when compared to his predecessor, Yev has no issue getting dirty and cluttered when experimenting in his makeshift laboratory and enjoys making new discoveries, sharing them with others. He also has no qualms in involving others in his tests, allowing other students to take his potions and note down their reactions rather than testing them himself.
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silliestgal · 2 months
Heathers Headcanons !
Heather Chandler
She used to be ginger but bleached and dyed her hair blonde because people made fun of her hair color, she has to redye her roots frequently.
Her hair is a wavy-curly but not too curly.
She's around 5'5 or 5'6' but wears heels to make herself taller and she wears shoulder pads to appear much bigger than she really is
I think she is tannish-pale not too pale but pale to an extent, she has freckles on her face and arms but covers them up with long sleeves and make up.
She's an only child and even though she was rich was always bored or lonely due to other kids being scared to approach her.
She isn't a gym rat but does diet on and off and workouts out via cardio (things like jogging for 45 minutes or going the treadmill) and some light ab exercises with light weight training to maintain slim and fit.
She's only slightly above average in academic's but usually makes the nerds do her work because she doesn't like studying or doing homework + she'd think people would call her a nerd if she tried doing better
She has hunters eyes / hj
Heather Duke
She has black hair and straight naturally due to her genetics and she has brown eyes (and mono lids of course). She is 5'4 not that tall, her mary janes make her barely 5'5'.
She was born in South Korea but her parents immigrated to America when she was really young and couldn't remember anything. But her parents made sure she learned how to speak Korean fluently and about her cultural.
She is really smart, loves to read but keeps most of reading time private because people would think she's a nerd and Chandler would tease her for it.
She smokes but not too often due to it's health risks and such, same with drinking she only does it at parties or when she really has hit rock bottom in her life.
She either owns a pet reptile like a snake or a arachnid (I.G. a tarantula.)
Her favorite color is red but she can't have anything that's red or has red on it because it's Heather Chandler's color. I feel like she secretly likes pinks too.
She over-exercises due to her bulimia and her need for control over something (in this scenario her body). She overexercises to purge, sometimes takes laxatives but usually uses the old sticking the finger in your mouth trick to kick in her gag reflex. She doesn't use her jeep to get to school if the other girls don't need a ride to school to be able to exercise even more (via walking).
Heather McNamara
She is 5'8 and her heels make her a bit taller (she is the tallest heather), she has a sleeper build, and dirty blonde curly-wavy hair.
She's chipped her tooth after an accident during cheer practice.
She has pet parrots! Budgies, she wanted a white dog like a maltese or bichon frise but she still loves her budgies nonetheless
She jogs around the neighborhood every morning (she doesn't like waking up early but does it to continue her daily jogs) and goes to the gym 5 out of 7 times a week, and obviously has cheer practice on top of that.
She loves going to the beach or anything that requires physical activity really, basketball, soccer, skateboarding, swimming etc
She's scared of spiders and 'creepy' looking animals.
She tries to always eat protein filled foods and good carbs/fats but she loves junkfood too much and cheats on her 'diet' everyday atleast once!
She binge watches romance movies like The Notebook and other cheesy movies
Not that smart but not stupid either she's just your average joe in academics and trying her best to maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher as a student-athelete.
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hils79 · 3 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 5
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I love that he can't outright lie to her about renting a video from her store but he can pretend to be tired and fall asleep
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Aww she made a rainbow for him. That is so damn cute!
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I knew there would end up being a love triangle
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You can see the exact moment his brain goes offline because the girl he likes has asked him to go and see a movie with her
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She's trying so hard to shield him from any news about the olympic swimming events so he won't be sad and honestly I think he's so deep into I'm On A Date mode I don't think he'd have noticed anyway
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Aww she tried so hard! And then the fire alarm went off before the movie even started and of course there's a giant TV screen outside the cinema that's showing the olympics
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Wait, was that sus taxi from the previous episode a serial killer??? How many genres are they cramming into this drama?
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I was half thinking Im Sol's mum was going to end up dating Sunjae's dad with all the shenanigans they keep having. Can step-siblings marry each other? They're not biologically related.
I just went down a rabbit hole. So obv I don't know what South Korean marriage laws are like but here in the UK it is legal to marry your step-sibling providing you are not biologically related but you cannot marry your step-child which makes sense.
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Love Im Geum and Sunjae holding hands while they watch a Korean woman set a weightlifting world record on the TV
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Haha! Well, that bromance was very shortlived
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How have they managed as a band this far when their singer can't sing. Oh, if only there was someone handsome and with nothing to do now that he can no longer swim
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I don't know if it's the right way to do it or not but when me and my sister both learned how to ride a bike we did it on grass so it wouldn't hurt as much when we fell off
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Aww of course he's going to teach her
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Oh no Sunjae wants to start dressing like Taesung because he thinks that's what Im Sol likes
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Oh no! Taesung is wearing the exact same outfit. This is about to get incredibly awkward
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Yep, there it is
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Oh no they're due to perform any moment and they have no singer. Who can they get to full in? Wait I'm trying to remember now. Was Taesung part of Sunjae's idol group in 2022? I don't remember seeing him but then I didn't know to look for him either. I know Hyunjoo said he dropped out of school after Im Sol's accident. Maybe he dropped out of the band too.
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I'm getting all emotional because he looks so happy on stage but we know how unhappy he's going to wind up
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Still suspicious of him btw
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It's funny that in the last episode he got mad at her because he couldn't deal with his own feelings, and this time he did something nice for her and she got mad because she's worried about him.
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I was at the Ateez fanmeet livestream this morning and Jongho sang a bit of this song. Even for me as a fan I get all excited when someone I 'know' is singing on the OST of a drama I'm watching. I wonder what it's like for Seonghwa, who watches a lot of dramas, to have someone he works with every day on the OST of something he watches. Jongho has done a lot of OST work this year.
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Oh no last time she listened to this she ended up back in 2023. Is it going to happen again?
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
Triple Frontier with Mom
The movie frustrated her at first. She was talking to me and the screen A LOT. We had to pause and re-wind quite a bit. Mom was surprised that it came out in 2019, for some reason she didn't think it was recent. She hopes that they make a second one and get all the money they lost. Mom...was not a big fan a Benny 🥸 found him to be too loud and called him a douche. He grew on her a bit by the end. "He's less douche, just more airhead." She wants to watch more of Oscar's movies and work and may be convinced to watch more Pedro later. Mom is always up for more Charlie Hunnam.
Her unfiltered thoughts are below:
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Mom's unfiltered thoughts during the movie:
Those look like the same steps from 'Man on Fire' (When Pope is first in Columbia.)
Oh! I've seen him in different things (pointed out who Oscar Issac is). He's cute, we should watch him more too.
(During the shootout with the cartel) Damn, did the only bring three bullets? Why aren't they shooting back?
Look at all that money! (This will be said several times.)
(When Santiago was chasing his informant) Damn, he's got an ass. I thought he just had a strong chin and curls. He's out of breath though - that's rough.
There's my man! (Charlie/Will has appeared on the screen) Look at those eyes. He might be able to sell them some snake oil.
(When Pope offered Tom the job initially) $17,000?! I'll take the job, I'll tell them what to do, for a week?!
Why do you need him? He can't even sell a condo (refers to Tom).
(When Benny comes into the locker room) Who's this douche?! (I explain he's Will's brother.) No, he can't be, Will is so cool. He is? Still a douche.
There's Pedro girl! Oh good, he isn't shaved. But coke? Well it's in review. Should be fine.
(Laughed way too hard when Benny got punched and reminded her that she's seen him before. From the movie 'Four Brothers') Oh! He died in that one - that doesn't repeat does it? He seems the mostly likely because he's the loudest.
This goes kinda south right? (When asking when they get to Columbia. I told her yes, but nothing else.)
Why didn't they use a wire to slit their throats? All the choking is too much effort and wasting time.
(When Tom doesn't want to leave and everyone keeps getting more money) They greedy! They need to go!
(Will is shot) He doesn't die does he? Not behind this foolishness? He can't! (Explains that he doesn't so she calms down) Whew, I was gonna fight you and ask you why you'd been bugging me about this movie if he died.
Why don't they have any flack jackets (bullet proof cummerbunds pretty much)? Why didn't Pope get them some of those? I thought he planned well.
(When they guys are arguing with Tom about leaving due to the hard out) Damn greedy ass man.
(When Lorea's men come back and they exchange fire) Should have built in a 30 minute cushion messing with that drunkard. Can't even sell a condo. He should have been shot.
(When they finally get out of the house and meet up with Pope's informant and her brother.) That man, asking her those questions. Toss him under the chopper. That kinda money you can change your face and everything. No one's gonna know. Tom is a sow.
Why are they not listening to the pilot about the weight? How greedy can you be? Is he trying to die?
(When the chopper is smoking over the Andes) I thought you said they didn't die?!
(After the crash and shooting the villagers) Should have given that old man the whole bag. Greedy ass. And why is he wearing bright orange?
(After Tom gets shot) Ya'll too sentimental. Leave his ass to be crow food - ya'll gotta move. Why are you crying? (At Benny) I was kinda liking him but now he's crying and fighting. Leave him too.
(When they pack up Tom's body) These guys are supposed to be the best of the best, why are they so soft? Drop his body. He could be worth two or three bags. That body has to be stinking.
(When Benny gets to the boat and comes back) Eh, I was wrong about him. He does need to calm down though.
(They're driving and fighting through the remnants of Lorea's crew) I don't care if they are teens, you point a gun at me and I'm shooting. Again, why are you not listening to the pilot? He's made several points.
How are you gonna be a solider with such a big heart? His ass is already big, his heart can't be too. And they still carrying that damn stinky body!
(When signing the money over to Tom's family) They are all so stupid. Do they even have money to get home? Ain't no way, that they did all that and didn't get anything thing.
You can count on Will (when Will gave Pope the coordinates). Between him and Fish, they're the two smartest people here.
Tags: @maggiemayhemnj @rhoorl @magpiepillsjunior @laurfilijames @musings-of-a-rose @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @legendary-pink-dot @for-a-longlongtime
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I just watched the second Dune movie since it's been out of theaters for a bit and wow it was. Bad. The first one was unnecessarily long and showy but it at least stuck to the plot of the book. This one felt like someone read summaries of the main plot points and just made up a bunch of stuff to go in between, and the editing was really really bad. It's actually entirely possible it might have been a decent movie in script form, but whoever pieced it together did it like a total amateur. There was no sense of time or pacing, scenes happened almost at random with no explanation, and on many occasions someone says or does something that clearly is supposed to go somewhere important or add to the scene and then it just. Doesn't.
I need to vent so, things I can remember off the top of my head:
- There is almost no suspense in the (very large number of) fight scenes simply because it is not entirely clear what is happening, why it's happening, and what we are supposed to be rooting for.
- The acting is mostly bad. Nobody sounds genuine, except when they are suddenly so genuine it's jarring.
- The choice to have half the Fremen not really believe in their culture's religion immediately undermines the entire core of the tensions in the plot and adds a really weird inconsistency to the tone to the film.
- At one point the camera briefly shows a wholeass eclipse occurring in the middle of an otherwise normal scene of people talking. It does not affect the lighting or dialogue in any way.
- The scene where Jessica becomes a reverend mother is just sad. It was probably the most profound, gripping scene in the book and instead she's behind a random rock surrounded by people who think the ceremony is bullshit and then just foams at the mouth a little and goes "ok I know things now and also my baby is a little fucked up"
- There is not, at any point, a drug-induced orgy or even a reference to one, which is just cowardice on the part of the writers
- Actually, aside from the foaming at the mouth nobody really does drugs at all. In Dune.
- Despite the enormous CGI and costuming budgets, they decided to make people's eyes blue by just adding a (highly inconsistent and sometimes barely noticeable) tint to them in post. I'm sure this was done for Acting reasons (fully blue eyes can't convey emotion as well) but it looks really cheap.
- It is never mentioned that all of the protagonists (and some of the most necessary people in the empire) are physically dependent on spice to stay alive. This feels like a ridiculous oversight given how important it is.
- At one point we pan across the hold of a harkonnen ship before a battle (not during!) and one of the soldiers is projectile vomiting across the whole screen for absolutely no reason. I did audibly laugh at this one.
- They barely explain any of the politics behind what's happening, despite that being necessary to understand half the scenes they included. I am assuming this is because CGI explosions get better ratings than making sense.
- Stilgar's only function in the entire film is to act religious and yell "lisan al gaib" every time Paul does anything. He's also the only major character with an accent, which is supposedly due to him being from the overly-religious south. That's not even subtle racism, guys, because you purposely drew attention to it.
- We are never shown anything that explains why the Fremen believe in Paul so much, other than that he can fight ok. The concept of strategy is mentioned only for the final battle, and even then barely
- Merit points for removing the homophobia from baron harkonnen's character, but docked again because they kept him as the only fat person. Not surprised here, just disappointed.
- Paul mentioning that people close to him died is treated like a "gotcha!" that makes some Fremen feel bad for him. At this point I'm pretty sure the writers did not read Dune at all.
- Most of the exposition about the water of life is done as Desert Voices Paul is hearing, except they just plainly state what he has to do in English. If you're going to have him hear magic voices at least make them slightly mysterious, this just felt lazy especially considering how vague and non-literal all of his visions are.
- The camera regularly lingers on completely unimportant things for way longer than needed. Whoever did the editing probably thought it made the film more ~artistic~. It did not. It just made things even more bumpy.
- Alia stays a fetus for the whole film and communicates with Jessica telepathically from the womb? I'm assuming they didn't want to CGI a talking baby and they're going to use her in a future film so they couldn't leave her out. It's probably less weird for people who haven't read the book, but it also speeds up the entire timeline by multiple years which is its own host of issues.
- They have a perfect opportunity to explain what the water storage is for and the Fremen's end goal (sustainable ecology), but just leave it at "the water is needed for our salvation"?? So people who haven't read the books have no idea what the goal is?? I swear they did this because they didn't want Stilgar to say anything that sounded smart
- As far as I could tell there is not a single chrysknife in the whole film.
- During the final feyd rautha fight, we clearly see Paul get stabbed in the abdomen. When he removes the knife after we wins, it's in his shoulder. Unless he got stabbed with two knives and I didn't notice because the editing was so bad.
There is way more but I am tired. Not even going to touch on all the other unnecessary changes to basic plot points. A few of them made sense, but not most.
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jinnaizaemon · 3 months
Happy movie trailer day! In the meantime I'm making myself busy translating the second movie, and because I have a stupid amount of notes about that scene introducing the special Kisanta rescue team (the kids who didn't complete their homework), I thought I'd share them here. It's a bit long, so it's under the cut!
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"1st year ha-class, Settsu no Kirimaru. Assigned with a book report. Planned to copy someone else’s homework. I was too busy working part time jobs!"
In the background there's a seigaiha wave pattern, which has been used since the Heian period, and so is well established already during Muromachi where Nintama takes place. Because of the unending motion of waves, it's an auspicious pattern that evokes resilience.
Then, there's of course the little coins Kirimaru loves so much ("kozeni!"). They are called eiraku-tsuho after the japanese reading of the characters 永樂通寳 on it, but back then they were commonly called eiraku-sen. They are copper coins worth 1 mon (the currency of the time) each, and they have a square hole in the middle so they can be tied to a string.
The text scrolling across the screen goes like this: 人も歩けば銭を拾う. "Even people can pick up coins if they keep walking." Looks like Kirimaru's own take on the japanese proverb "Even a dog can pick up a stick if it keeps walking.", meaning that good things are bound to happen if you keep going. 成るも成らぬも銭次第. "When there's money, there's a way." Literally "Success depends on money.", but is a spin on "when there's a will, there's a way". 銭は天下の落とし物 "Coins are what heavens dropped and left behind", literally. So something like "Coins fell from heavens' pocket." If it's a spin on a proverb, I don't know about it, sorry!
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"1st year ha-class, Fukutomi Shinbei. Assigned with kanji exercises. Planned to copy someone else’s homework. Instead I ate a lot of yummy food!"
In the background are konpeitou, a type of candy introduced in Japan by Portuguese traders by the end of Muromachi.
At the time, it was an exotic and expensive product, but surely it's something Shinbei would be able to enjoy back at his family home in Sakai, whose port became a hub for foreign trade at the time due to Oda Nobunaga forming friendly relationships with the Portuguese (a missionary even gifted him konpeitou to earn his favors). So if there's one character who could afford konpeitou, it would probably be Shinbei! (I'm sure Tasogare Jinbei would love it too.)
The scrolling text reads: 地上の子の最大の幸福は満腹なれ "In a full belly lies a child of earth's chief happiness." Shinbei's own take on these verses part of Goethe's West-Eastern Divan: In sense of personal being lies A child of earth's chief happiness. 衣食足りて宿題忘るる "The poor can't afford homewowork." It comes from the japanese proverb "once fed and clothed, one learns manners", which I think in English would be "the poor can't afford manners". Literally translates to "Once fed and clothed, you forgeget about homework". Yes, Shinbei added an extra character, so the last word gets an extra vowel lol.
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"3rd year ro-class, Kanzaki Samon. Assigned with farm work practice. Somehow never found the way to the assigned farm. That was homework for a 2nd year? So stupid!"
Behind him are mah-jong tiles with the characters for the fourth cardinal points on them: 北 (north), 南 (south), 東 (east), 西 (west). Obviously relating to his sense of direction.
The text reads: 進退は疑うなかれ "Don't doubt your actions." 敵を見て謀るなかれ "Do not scheme just by watching the enemy." Sadly I don't know where these lines come from. 迷わず行けよ行けば判る "Just go without hesitation; if you go, you will understand." This is taken from a quote by pro-wrestler Antonio Inoki.
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"4th year i-class, Tairano Takiyashamaru. I tore the social science work I was given since it was for 1st years! I boast the best grades in my year, don’t make a fool of me!"
The rose frame evokes early shoujo manga, most notably The Rose of Versailles by Riyoko Ikeda, where roses are a recurring symbol in the story of the main characters' enduring beauty and dignity even in the hardest times. That idea of beauty, utsukushisa, is something Takiyashamaru mentions a lot, insisting on doing things beautifully always.
The scrolling text reads: 選ばれし者の恍惚と不満ふたつ我有り "I have both the ecstasy and displeasure of being the chosen one." Taken from Dazai Osamu's short story Leaves. 天才を天才たらしめるのは私の本能 My instinct makes me a genius among geniuses. His own take on a quote by Bob Dylan:  "I believe that instinct is what makes a genius a genius.". He made it about himself... classic Taki...
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"5th year ro-class, Fuwa Raizou. Got overwhelmed with apprehension over the science exercises aimed at 3rd years that I received. How come that homework is so easy?"
In the background are lined up onigawara. Oni is often translated as "ogre" or "demon", but originally the figure of the oni symbolizes everything that is out of human's power and influence, making them not necessarily malicious ; all events that amount to luck, fate, force of natures like earthquakes, storms, etc, Which is why you find onigawara, roof tiles made in the shape of oni, placed there in order to ward off evil and misfortune. Fuwa Raizou's name sounds similar to the yojijukugo (four kanji compound expression) 付和雷同 "fu wa rai dou" meaning "to follow others blindly". That's not very sympathetic towards ever hesitant Raizou, but the characters used to spell his name are different : 不(un-) 破(breakable) 雷(thunder) 蔵(warehouse, ownership) The unbreakable mind who puts thunder in a box, who made thunder his own. Under his indecisiveness there's a reliable senpai and protector, just like the onigawara!
Raizou has only one sentence scrolling across the screen:
お前の実力はこの程度ということなのだろうか "Could this be the extent of your ability?" I don't know if this refers to something else, the sentence being very... anime fight-speech like it makes it difficult to research haha.
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"You never change, Raizou. Gave up on homework to follow Raizou. 5th year ro-class, Hachiya Saburou."
I love this transition! His introduction mirrors Raizou: He comments first, gives his reason for not doing his homework second, and shares his name last. Excuse my sloppy edit in the picture above, I wanted to include all the mask in one picture. The striped background evokes a theater curtains, and all of Raizou's onigawara are swapped with masks from Noh theater - they all represent different characters, of different archetypes, gender, etc. Some are humans, some are spirits, some are good or evil... conveying of course Saburou's mastery of disguise! I tried to name all the masks on the picture above, but I'm really no expert so I might have made mistakes. Incidentally, Ayakashimaru from 1st year ro-class is named after the "Ayakashi" Noh mask. Although they aren't pictured here, there exist masks named Fushikizou, Heita, and Magojirou.
As for the scrolling text... take a deep breath everyone because it's a lot:
比翼の鳥 連理の枝一膳の箸 把手共行 碎啄同時 "Lovebirds flying together, intertwined branches of a tree, A pair of chopsticks, walking hand in hand, a chance opportunity."
There's.. a LOT going on here, yojijukugo and poetic imagery, so let's break it down:
比翼の鳥 連理の枝 hiyoko no tori, literally birds in flight, is an expression meaning "a happily married couple". renri no eda means intertwined branches, the "renri" part refering to trees growing to become cojointed. In Japanese, such trees are seen as an auspicious symbol of marriage, and "renri" is an expression to refer to an intimate relationship.
This specific imagery is found in the Chinese poem, the Song of Everlasting Regret, telling the story of star-crossed lovers:
“In the heavens, we vow to be as two birds flying wingtip to wingtip, On earth, we vow to be as two intertwined branches of a tree.”
一膳の箸 ichizen no hashi is literally "a pair of chopsticks".
把手共行 hashukyouko means "to go together, hand in hand".
碎啄同時 sottaku douji means an once in a life time chance, a golden opportunity. It evokes two people learning and working in sync, and in Buddhism, it refers to a teacher helping a disciple attain enlightenment.
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"6th year ha-class, Zenpouji Isaku. Got an assignment for 4th years, “Steal the flag of the Tasogaredoki army”. But it didn’t count since I ripped the flag I got to make bandages out of it. It was in pieces, but I did bring back a whole flag…"
I'm not sure of what is in the background haha. The designs and the brown side remind me a lot of the matchboxes sold in the Taisho era and until mid Showa. They're known by the word for "matchbox label", 燐票, rinpyou. These matchboxes were used for advertising, notably by drugstores for selling medicine. This is at least what the designs of the boxes on the screenshot reminds me of, especially the blue Junko (the snake being associated with traditional medicine too).
The text reads: ちちんぷいぷい いたいのいたいのむこうのおやまへとんでゆけ "There, there, ouchies fly away, to the mountain over there." The whole sentence is written in the easy to read, phonetic hiragana alphabet, to match the "baby speech" tone of the sentence. The first part, chichin puipui, is used as a "spell" by parents, nurses, etc to comfort small children in pain. Then, the ouchies are sent flying away with a motion of the hand to make them feel better.
That's it for today! I hope it wasn't too long to read! Thank you for reading this far! If you have extra info, please let me know!
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ Saving Superhero Team Stan! [Headcanons] ✧.*
✧.* tags: comedy, superhero au, college au
✧.* Charactions: stan marsh, kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, butters stotch
a/n: you KNOW human kite is getting caught a lot. it's just how it would be. you're on speeddial at this point lmao.
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Let’s be honest
Human kite is really only good for escaping when there’s a long stretch to run down to gain enough momentum to fly
He’s kind of useless in a closed room
Which is what led him to being captured by professor chaos and general disarray
And you have a statistics assignment due tomorrow that is kicking your ass
So you decide to save his so he can help you figure it out
Being really not in the mood to fight professor chaos 
But having to or else you’ll definitely fail this assignment
“Oh? It seems the heroes have completely given up by sending a civilian-”
“Shut up. I’ll give you $50 to let him go.”
“-into the clutches of South Park’s greatest villain- wait what?”
“I’m noting giving up my hostage for $75-”
“$100 and I’ll bring him back afterwards.”
“Don’t I get a say in this?”
“No. You got caught so now you’ve got to suck it up and deal with it. After helping me with my stats homework.”
And you keep your word. 
Of course, you beat up Professor Chaos after and save kyle
But you’re nothing if not someone who keeps their word
Kyle’s lowkey pissed for making him think you’d just take him back
But you get him ice cream and he’s fine
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You’re usually mysterion’s tech person
Watching the police radios and security cams for any suspicious activity and sending him that way
But this time while he was running away from a group of thugs, he lost his earpiece and got cut off by the thugs in an alley
The other heroes were busy or off duty so you could only watch as he slowly got cornered
So you did the only thing you could do
Strapped yourself to a drone and pretended to be a police helicopter 
Playing helicopter noises while you hover over the alley
Shining flashlights in their eyes so they can’t tell that it’s just a person strapped to a drone
“Holy fuck it’s the FBI!”
They run away and of course mysterion is all “I could’ve taken care of it.” 
Like okay dude 
He appreciates the ride back home though
Nothing beats walking like getting a lift from a person strapped to a drone
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You’d called him to ask if he wanted to get McDonalds and play video games
But he goes “No sorry, I’m locked in jail right now so I’ll have to take a raincheck” 
Who tf is throwing him into jail AGAIN
Then you remember, obviously cartman
So you do the only thing you can: suit up to for a jail break
Bursting into the coon and friends base while they’re in the middle of a team meeting
Cartman is PISSED bc they’re working on their franchise plan and now you’ve seen their secrets
When you see they’ve got Butters in a fucking cell in the CORNER 
“Oh hey, yn!”
“Dude what- don’t ‘oh hey’ me when you’re sitting in the timeout zone of a mcdonalds play place”
“HEY! You can’t be here! Get the fuck out of our headquarters!”
“Shut the fuck up Fartman. People only care about the spider verse now. Large ensemble movie plans end up with more successful spin offs anyway. You’ll be forgotten after the third film.”
Everyone kind of just lets you take him back
Mainly because they don’t care 
And what’s butters going to do? Petty crime? 
Honestly Cartman is more of a threat
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You’d think being a superhero who literally controls power tools would keep him from getting caught in sticky situations
But when there no electric tools around he’s kind of useless
Throw a hammer at him and he’s down for the count
Thankfully, you are amazing with a hammer. 
When you find Chaos’ lair, you notice stan strapped up to an elaborate rube goldberg machine that has a bowling ball slowly rolling to crush him
And chaos is monologuing the whole time 
“Soon…SOON you heroes will know the extent of my CHAOS POWERS!”
“Okay, but like when? I’ve been sitting here for 30 minutes.”
“...well you got to give it a few minutes, alright? I set this whole thing up last night for like 3 hours.”
“It just seems like you didn’t really think this whole thing through.”
You throw a hammer at one of the support beams, causing the entire thing to start to crumble
While Chaos is trying to hold the machine together, you untie stan and make your escape
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So regarding A-Town, how do the people working on it feel about it? Everyone has to make a living, but are any of them uncomfortable making a low budget show that somewhat trivializes the people who save the human race?
I think they would say that the history of comedy has always been the history of mocking the unacceptable and exposing the taboo. All in the Family responded to the Civil Rights era by creating the world's most bigoted bigot and then inviting everyone to laugh at him, even knowing a nonzero percent of viewers were going to agree with him. The Chair and Abbott Elementary are 2020s efforts to point and laugh and cry at terrible current events. There's specifically a tradition of "war is absurd" as a comedy premise: Catch-22 for World War II, Blackadder Goes Forth for World War I, Dr. Strangelove for the Cold War, so on.
So part of why Marco appears on A-Town, why Tom doesn't mind the show, why some Santa Barbara residents watch it, is that it's letting you laugh at something that would otherwise make you scream in horror. Blackadder Goes Forth has a scene where a WWI general sets a 12"x12" square of sod on a table and says "took a lot of turf today"; the conversation reveals that the square foot of grass on the table is the entirety of the ground taken that day. It's mocking a horrific reality — that the British regularly sacrificed 1000s of lives for a few yards of battlefield, and that "winners" of WWI battles often had to be determined with a yardstick — but it's making a sharp critique of the powerful, and it's a solid bit of shock comedy.
Most people watching A-Town know that Daisy A. fixing her manicure in line to be reinfested, only to be sent home due to a paperwork error, is not an accurate depiction of being a controller. But its point, about the yeerks' kidnappings being arbitrary and their leadership being incompetent, would land well with a lot of ex-hosts. And the fact that the show takes the time to distinguish that Daisy and Zeptron 420 are two completely different people — something that I suspect some other postwar movies would neglect — is at least part of the reason for Tom's tolerance for the show. It's not great that the show chooses to convey that point with the Girly = Evil; Goth = Good trope, but at least the dramatic costume changes convey that Daisy's personality is not Zeptron's.
That said, Jean and Jake and everyone else who hates the show also has a point. Jean especially finds it so upsetting because half the jokes rest on an enthymeme of "Obviously Jake Berenson's parents are the most clueless idiots ever to breathe air." A-Town aspires to, like The Americans, show the hollowness of the suburban American ideal — that's why its sets look straight out of Leave It to Beaver — but that leaves Dr. and Mr. A mostly being the butt of the joke for their negligent and incompetent parenting. For Jean, that hits a little too close to home, in a way it wouldn't for Marco watching his fake-self fight taxxon puppets by holding up a stuffed skunk, or Tom watching his fake-self swap lipstick colors every time someone new controls her body.
So if A-Town aspires to be Blackadder Goes Forth, it lands closer to being South Park: sometimes funny and pointed, sometimes lending support to the bigoted views it tries to critique. Like South Park, the conversation about it will probably acknowledge its real social contributions (exposing Scientology, excoriating nationalism) while also showing the real harms to vulnerable people from the show's brand of comedy (turning "gay" into a catchall insult, resurrecting antisemetic myths). Like South Park, A-Town tries to mock things that need mocking, but it also spends almost as much time punching down as it does punching up.
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billyboyblue · 4 months
Hiii! 💛
I'm back on duty and I'm here to tickle the collective fandom brain.
With Presumed Innocent coming out soon (aaaah), I would just like to hear all your thoughts on Rusty. 
Is he guilty? If so, would we still do unholy things with him (duh, obviously)? Or is he just an innocent little guy and only guilty of cheating and murdering pussy? He obviously likes being choked and I'm not complaining. What else might he like? Is he a pancakes or bacon/scrambled egg breakfast kinda guy? He does need his protein tho, for several reasons... 👀
Please let me/us know all your thoughts and hopes for the new show and the character we're blessed with this summer, thank youuuu.
Paying my Rusty tax for inspiration ✨
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Hi there hi!! Thank you so much for asking dude that's so considerate of you, I'm smiling like a loon whenever I see a little ditty about Jake going around 😊.
Oh yeah, so Rustholomew Jones Sabich the third is a full on useless man. And he expressed it multiple times in so many ways. The first thing we see is him looking for his phone first thing in the morning. What a dumb thing for a cheating man to do, lose his phone even in his own home. And then he asks someone to call it and it's his daughter that does so. Even for a little joke all I saw was chekovs gun.
Okay so I got insanely curious about the original after Jake's recent interview and watched it tonight and gosh yeah I'd recommend if you haven't seen it for Harrison's voice of nothing else, but in the movie there's a segment where he, Sabich, spells out the prosecutor's theory on himself and it's exactly what everyone sees in the new version. A jealous man driven mad with love and obsession pushed too far when left for another man. It's basically what's teased in the new trailer.
But what's different is the circumstances of the wife's role. I have 3 very specific moments I want to focus in on, this one:
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The two times Rusty and Barbara look to each other with smiles on their faces and in the worst circumstances. One while on trial in front of the family and the other while presumably blowing up his mistress' phone on family night. One thing that immediately came to mind was huh. That's weird. Then this
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Here she's saying that He and Her will fight to save their family. And he's puppydogging along as culpable as all hell doing his due repentance to save his family. As he should but also as he has no other choice because I believe that the murderer is his daughter or son. I'm leaning towards daughter as she didn't exist in the movie, she's an added layer to the plot directly drawn attention to 3 separate times in the trailer.
So what I think happens is this. Carolyn and Rusty begin their affair and it goes south, my instinct is something happens between Rusty's phone, his daughter and Carolyn to cause the strife. On the night Rusty texts her 30 times the daughter is there confronting Carolyn and struggle maybe?
Either way Carolyn is dead the daughter is responsible and now Rusty and Barbara have to close ranks. Rusty poses her in like a victim in a prior case to throw the cops off the trail.
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To shine a bright suspicious spotlight on Rusty. To make it look like a multitude of things. It could be a prior killer seeking to mess with authorities and Rusty; it could be someone framing Him with the case they began their affair during; it could be rusty himself messing with the crime scene to mess with motive, (something the prosecution accuses him of doing in the movie). But really it's all a red herring to cover for his daughter and falling on the sword one way or the other. Either covering up a murder he's responsible for to protect his daughter or go to jail for a crime he didn't commit for his daughter.
I won't spoil the movie or who the killer is in it but hoo boy does it hit hard with an ending monologue and epilogue. I definitely wouldn't be surprised if the modernizing done was from the murderers standpoint. Either way I'm hoping for a good mystery over audience subversions.
There's something about pathetic men and the power trips they go on when they think they've found a space they can lose all the tie ups and inhibitions and insecurities. The euphoric rushes that come with secrets and taboo midnight confessions, panted and whined and gasped into a lovers mouth. The stinging ache of shame that splatters across his chest and cheeks as he's tied up and torn into like a present for a greedy hand make him feel that same warmth he used to get from being a good man and husband.
The sharp hatred and ragged words he fucks into Carolyn's more than accepting places feel like a balm on his soul. Not just the filthy things he says to her, or the shapes he folds her into, or the marks only he can leave are enough for men like him. They eat their obsession whole. Consume them to fill up all the hollow places they themselves carved into their life.
And that's what some men do. Use up the women in their lives in every way, stealing their life force ala Gone Girl like @ Stephendorff mentioned. It'd be beautiful poetry if after discarding his wife for Carolyn, and Carolyn for his daughter, that he pays that price.
But that's just a theory a game- no, no it's too soon. Sorry matpat it's too raw. Thanks you again Daphne! Hope I didn't let ya down and you liked the theory lolol😅
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bonni · 9 months
Sometimes I'll be sitting around and I'll just randomly remember what a shockingly good movie The Suicide Squad (2021) was. I'll put my discussion under the cut because I truly believe it is best to go into this movie blind. If you haven't seen it, you should go watch it right now.
The entire concept behind the suicide squad (not the movie, just the general franchise) is that a bunch of villains become antiheros because they're working for the government, and this movie completely deconstructs that by making the American government the main villain. The moment in which the suicide squad become the heroes is the moment they decide they'd rather die than be complicit in government atrocities. Considering the boot-licking of the MCU (and previous DC films as well), I never expected a big-budget superhero movie with a theatrical release to go that far. They fully indict US foreign policy and government interference in South America, as well as drawing direct parallels to Operation Paperclip in portraying the American government as complicit in post-WW2 Nazi experimentation. And they drive all of this home with some incredibly stylish cinematography that goes out of its way to draw parallels between the overly-patriotic (and white) Peacemaker and the jaded-by-incarceration (and Black) Bloodsport, ultimately condemning Peacemaker's mindless devotion to the US government and having Bloodsport, a man representative of everything the government hates and tries to repress, step up and become the true hero of the movie. And let's look at our other heroes: an impoverished street urchin, a victim of parental abuse, a psychiatrized victim of ipv, and a hybrid who is forced to live on the fringes of society due to his appearance. This entire movie is about people who have been done wrong by the government in some way turning against it to fight for the lives of innocent people in the "developing world," people who the government has deemed disposable. I really need to rewatch this movie soon, it is eating my brain.
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rosellerivers19 · 7 days
I do not like Pushpa (the character and story kinda. . . .)
Pushpa is a movie that was released during the pandemic and became a massive hit Bollywood stars also commented on the movie the songs were memorable and it got around 100 million views for the song Sooseki.
It seems South indian Cinema is getting more appreciated with films like RRR and KGF Chapter 1 and 2 and Devara might even gain more attention due to Jr. Ntr's presence. (Which I'm super excited about I loved him ever since I was young, him and Ram charan so RRR was a pleasant surprise)
I'm just disappointed that Pushpa's story is the one thats getting this attention.
Pushpa has good BGM, the setting is cool and cinematography can be appreciated and Allu Arjun is always appreciated but the story is where it lacks.
Can I understand it? Yes, I've been watching TollyWood movies ever since I was 1. I was singing Gabbar Singh songs when I was a toddler. I understand what logic Tollywood tries portraying is it always right? No but its enjoyable and times were different we're evolving we want more complex and meaningful stories now Bahubali and RRR gaining attraction are examples of that South Indian movie industry is evolving finally!
So imagine my disappointment when I see Pushpa the next great Tollywood film.
"Pushpa Raj is a self respecting young man who takes pride in his work. He works at a mill, but leaves it when his owner doesn't like his attitude outside of work. Pushpa goes for Red sanders cutting in the forest. Pushpa lives in a village with his mother Parvatamma, and is the illegitimate son of a local rich man." That is the story according to imbd.
You'd think the movie gives more context about Pushpa nope. IMBD really summed it all up and thats the problem. Pushpa's character can be summed up in a few words and there's not depth beyond those words in the movie itself.
The thing that makes this film detestable is the main character Pushpa he is not enjoyable whatsoever. It's like one of those Dark Romance ML's but they tried mixing in a few funny liners and tried making him a sunshine character as well but failed?
He's not funny I feel bad for his sidekick Kesava actually no. I like Kesava better than Pushpa Himself. He looks like he has actually meaning and depth he has relatable goals and is actually funny or seems to have some sort of personality. I wholeheartedly ship him and Srivalli's friend actually go Side characters!
Now lets compare 2 films Maari 2 and Pushpa which might seem random but let me explain
Maari in both the first one and the sequel was a gangster however do you know why i like him better than Pushpa? He has redeeming qualities he has morals like he kills bad people but doesn't want to sell drugs because he knows that can make innocent people succumb to horrible diseases like his best friend their situations are very different however Maari is seen as a morally gray character just like Pushpa is portrayed as. Maari also has morals when he kills beeja's brother for attempting to assault Anandhi's sister. He's doing something 'bad' killing a person but he essentially redeems it because of why he does it. He also gives good advice when she talks about no one wanting to marry her because she's ruined maari says she isn't an object to be ruined and its not wrong to wait how long to find a guy that understands that.
He's a troubled guy with not normal values but I can sympathize with him and actually root for him because he's a good person.
A more accurate example KGF Rocky is on a very similar path to Pushpa he only relied on his mother his whole life until she died while in Pushpa his mother and himself suffered humiliation. Pushpa was often beat up Rocky was also beat possiblly even more. They both started at the streets and slowly climbed up wanting money and power. Pushpa only smuggled and framed and fought. Rocky outright killed but I still like him better than Pushpa do you know why?
Because he has character Rocky's backstory is more compelling wanting to fulfill his dying mother's wishes of not wanting her son to die miserably without money like her even if it meant becoming a bad person? Hell yeah. Also similar to maari he has limits he has certain morals, clear cut morals. in the first KGF movie he outright stops traffic for a mother and her son who wanted to get some food but were unable to because of the traffic and gave her hard advice. That the world isn't gonna stop for you its harsh and not lenient that we need to MAKE it stop. We have to put in the work and not just hope someone will always come along. This gives us insight into his views further developing his character.
Pushpa's story is he was an outcast because he was an illegitimate son and was unable to have his father's last name? So he makes his name Pushpa Raj. He disrespects his mother despite her being the only one there for him and just usually disregards her. He has too much Pride. He doesn't have much regard for women as we see when he gives his shirt to Jaali's victim.
And the thing is all of these problems could be fixed if we saw more into his character which we're only given bits and pieces of.
Pushpa isn't close to his mother? Maybe its because he blames her for all the prejudice but still cares for her somewhere in his heart which is seen through the light interactions between the two in the movie. He has too much Pride? well he feels like thats his right because he was denied everything else his father's name, money, and even necklace. He doesn't have regard for women much? Even that can be fixed like in the movie 'temper' where Jr Ntr's character first doesn't care much for other women ends up willing to give his life for them he gets character development. Pushpa could not really see a big deal in Jaali's activities until he's confronted with one of the victims himself and is reminded of the women in his life and starts to detest Jalli which ultimately bursts when Jaali sets his eyes on Srivalli.
Everything I said you can mostly think about the movie but its like a real stretch you have to really put your mind on it to see it happening in the canon of the Pushpa universe its nots showed to us the viewers like in other movies. Its what makes these movies lively or entertaining in my opinion because they had depth which is enhanced due to the main character himself.
So see this from my perspective a MAN is able to outsmart the police and insult them, illegally get sandal wood, Act like and arrogant bastard through most of this move, have so much intelligence out of nowhere and still gets a girl?
Reena has more personality than Srivalli I'm actually gonna begin stanning her after this.
And when I say a MAN I mean a MAN because the person Pushpa on my screen is a stranger to me I don't get a clear feel of his character or any connection to him.
I really hope these issues are rectified in the second movie but I have my doubts. Pushpa as a movie feels like a regression for Tollywood and I don't want that for my cinema industry which I know has flaws but I also know that its healing and has really good stories.
Anyways to all Indian movie lovers out hope you're excited for Devara because I sure am. Jr. Ntr in double roles? Its like Adhurs all over again. And one of his roles seems really cute too, I've wanted to see Jr Ntr in action again for a long time.
But thats all for now
Yours truly
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acy-art · 7 months
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(REUPLOAD) My MHA oc lol more under the cut!
Alicia (Alice) Carroll is a Mexican-British Hero-in-Training. Her parents, her, and her little brother moved to Japan from the South-Western USA after the retirement of Allmight to try and help fill in his large absence, and to aid in the rescue efforts happening on the site of the battle.
Alice transferred into UA into class 1-B through the foreign exchange student program, though with some difficulty due to the language and time-zone differences, and thankfully has made friends. Her little brother was transferred to a local elementary school and quickly gained a reputation for being a trouble-maker, due to his quirk allowing him to slip through walls, smell and hear better than his classmates, and have a powerful bite. In addition, because his big sister is making her way towards being a hero, he's already started crafting a hero persona; El Chupacabra.
Her parents are having lots of success integrating into the local hero scene, especially with rescue teams. Her mom's (hero name La Llorona) quirk activated after she disappeared in a flash flood. She is functionally a ghost, being able to walk through solid objects, move completely silently, and phase in and out of corporeality, though she has the ability to interact and touch the living. She also has a slight silver tongue, where she can influence people to stop or freeze in their place when she cries, but that may just be because she's literally a ghost and that's terrifying to encounter unexpectedly. Physical weapons don't tend to hurt her unless they are blessed. Otherwise, she can only be hurt by attacks made directly from living flesh (such as a punch or kick). Her dad's (hero name Barghest) quirk gives him a monstrous appearance, similar to that of an anthropomorphic black dog or werewolf. Along with this he has a heightened sense of smell and hearing, a powerful bite, a high stamina, and twice the strength of a normal man. He's also massive and eats enough for two people. He sometimes enjoys eating stuff from the trash because of course he does he's a gigantic dogman. Yes he does dig holes in the yard and you can get him to fetch. Also, he's related to Lewis Carroll. Just straight up actually related to him. Together, they are able to scout, track, and take down opponents. They also make an amazing rescue team, as La Llorona's non-corporeality and Barghest's senses combine to make quick work of locating and often rescuing people trapped in buildings or rubble.
Back to Alice! Alice's quirk, which she calls Cheshire Cat, allows her to make some or all parts of herself invisible. In addition, she has the ability to enthrall people when she goes only partially invisible, but this power is relatively weak, and she doesn't use it often. With training, she can become completely incorporeal. The invisibility extends to anything that contains her DNA, but the further the item is from her, the less control she has over it. Because of this, her hero costume is made out of fiber spun from her fur. Her fighting style is stealthy and cat-like, prioritizing speed and misdirection over brute force. She's trained in hand-to-hand combat by her dad and uses her invisibility to gain the upper hand in fights.
Alice is a huge horror movie buff. She especially loves slasher horror from the 80's and 90's, but is always a sucker for new stuff, especially if it's weird and a little goofy. She loves to customize her clothes and customize things for her friends too. She initially designed her hero costume with blue and white stripes, but realized it looked like the Argentine flag and switched it out for the more blatantly Disney pink and purple, which she initially didn't love, but it's been growing on her.
Back in Mexico, her Tia (hero name La Catrina) is actually super famous. She has the ability to rapidly grow and wilt plants and is basically one of the top heroes there due to her skill and professionalism. She uses her abilities in a sort of AOE swarm, ensnaring anyone who might cause trouble.
uhh thats all for now i'll add more when i think of it
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lactating · 5 days
Twenty-two, twenty-one, twenty, the seconds tick down at their oppressive rate of 2^14 quartz vibrations; the efflorenscia and physica movements involved run you at about three point two seconds per table. Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, and down goes another tribute to the dragon. The crowd, following behind you, can't do anything but stare. They are awe-struck and dumb-struck by the unfolding spectacle; movements so far outside of the range of the hegemonic-ideal that simply executing them looks far and away like black magic; if pressed, later, you're sure the crowd will say "It looked like something out of a movie." You don't see the reaction of the vendors, the people paid at whatever cost-optimization model will get them to sit out here and be a giant walking ad. Spending any time at all seeing their reactions would have negative consequences twofold. One, you'd be looking at them, and they at you, which would shift the power relations from "I am a crazy mystic" to "I hate you in particular." Not conducive to myth making. You're not trying to be a person, you're trying to be a force, a hurricane, a logical consequence of the many dragons flapping their wings here and now, a living embodiment of the words NO MORE! Two, it'd waste valuable time and processing power to use your eyes to look at anything but the straightest line between two tables easiest points to grab and flip. Thirteen, twelve, eleven, meaningless plastic swag is flying everywhere, the crowd behind is (as far as you can guess without looking) growing, gawking, if they had coins to put in your hat after this you'd be able to sleep comfortably in your pillow made of pentacles.
Nine, eight, seven, this particular booth has seen the oncoming hurricane and had the presence of mind to make a show of holding down their table. Whatever, you see this before they realize you do and march past, six, five, four, and this time the force of your rage actually blows the two working stiffs out of their chair and onto the ground; hail eris, hail gravity, nine point eight meters per second per second will come for us all, three, two, and you upend the last moneylender with impunity, one and zero and the magic spell snaps.
You keep moving, but the crowd doesn't. The crowd no longer becomes a crowd, and the most fascistic leaning among them shouts, "Hey!" and it becomes a mob, feeding off of your rage and turning first into itself, people becoming things, becoming crystals that resonate with that frequency of pure malice that has ended stories for good with rocks and ropes, and in this moment of their inwards reflection you GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. Equipping your wand (e.g., physcia)to propel yourself across the ground with a downwards facing wand-dash to skip off and up the ground, gaining horizontal momentum enough to briefly fly over the heads of the dogs who materialize out of the wretched corners of the earth they spring from when violence becomes acceptable, you still have the fourth octant, due perfectly south, to upend. Getting away with the second part of your trick will be the prestige. Anyone can do anything with a crowd, very few people can do anything against a mob. You start using your physica as fast as you can queue it. Now the countdown starts again, you wager you have about sixty one seconds of true full bore physcia sprint before the odds of a delicate tendon, pulley, or lever in your arms, hands, fingers, or feet failing you at speed raises to about sixty one percent, and you both crash and then skip into the awaiting arms of the mob. #99: >Tick, tock.
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