#dude i am so exhausted
citrine-elephant · 7 months
pondering extremely dysfunctional leon and his addictions rn
considering claire trying to help him get clean, but you know she's a wine mom getting absolutely smashed herself
chris... tries.... fuck it, the boys are fightinnnnng
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introspectivememories · 8 months
okay so i know that dash baxter barely gets any character development in the show but like the idea that danny hates dash? boo, lame, overdone!!!! danny who can beat dash up and dash knows this and everyone knows this but by god danny needs something normal to cling on to so dash shoves him in a locker everyday?? yeah that's the good shit
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spxnglr · 1 month
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Hi there. I got married yesterday.
The ceremony was very intimate - eleven people in all, including my now-husband and I. My 14 y/o sister was my MOH and my 12 y/o brother (who turns 13 today, actually) walked me down the aisle.
These are a few slightly edited photographs from the photographer, as we had a much larger reception afterwards and wanted a couple of shots to show people, but it really was a fabulous day, and so many people celebrated with us. It really was incredible.
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nyxronomicon · 2 months
What do we think about a quirk where reader's breast milk has healing properties....
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strawglicks · 4 months
The people complaining abt the pride cape on the graham plushie, when theyre not just being outwardly homophobic, are saying its not part of his design in-game so it shouldn’t be there
The pride flag is a symbol for the rights we’ve fought for because, idk if you knew this, but members of the lgbt community have been uh. Murdered? Outlawed? Hate crimed? Theyre oppressed? Idk if you knew that lol
Pride flags are not just a silly thing, they represent years of fighting for our rights, to not be scrutinized. And just because we can legally get married in the U.S doesnt suddenly erase all the, still, very rampant homophobia in the world. Please dont forget it still very much exists.
With pride month coming up and the flint/graham plushies being released around the same time, the flag comes with the plushies to celebrate said pride month. This is because Flint and Graham are a canon gay couple, and even if it’s not “part of their design” or “what the game is about”, it’s still a part of their characters. And trying to erase canon LGBT representation just because it’s “not what the game is about” can very easily come across as homophobic. Your focus is in the wrong place if your biggest concern is “its not design accurate” ESPECIALLY when you can remove the cape.
And its not even an argument because everything else is still design accurate. Its still graham. Its still flint. The plushies coming with REMOVABLE pride capes doesnt suddenly erase that.
I’m really tired of homophobia being disguised as some polite disagreement. You should not see a pride flag and immediately have an issue. You can say your concern is that it’s not design or game accurate, but it’s a canon part of their characters. It’s not taking away from their designs or the game, it’s representing a part of the characters. A part of their characters that is important to acknowledge as pride month approaches.
Remember why pride exists. Remember what pride flags actually represent. As much as its fun to celebrate how far we’ve come, never forget where we came from and how hard we had to fight, and STILL have to fight to be treated equally.
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honestly wally is stronger than atlas. if i had to constantly calibrate to the nature of my reality w/ full consciousness i would simply lose my fucking mind
#like babies dont Think while they learn how to exist#imagine straight up spawning fully aware and then everyone else is up to speed but youre standing there like#🧍‍♂️uh. hello. what is everything. what is this. huh????#LIKE???? i feel so bad for him. dude got dropped right into the middle of the ocean and was told 'learn to swim'#and hes trying. but he doesnt know what drowning is so he cant sink either#i mean i get it at least a little bit! its the Autism Experience but w/ him the dial is cranked up to a thousand#you dont know what you dont know but life goes on like you should. fuck#wally i am mentally beaming you a thousand apples grown in the shape of hearts#i believe in you dude you'll figure it out#well. im probably beaming apples into the past if the time discrepancy is real but yk yk#cause if it is then Current Wally probably has a solid handle on things. from a basic standpoint#in a wider lens i am led to believe that he is Scrabbling#is this speculation???#i think it counts.#wh speculation#homebogging#whenever i think about the tidbits we know - ex: wally learning about differences in size#internally i start howling. wally is just constantly dealing with things that would drive a person insane if they had to live it#how is he not Exhausted... it's all so much for someone who knows whats going on let alone someone scrambling to catch up#at least the other neighbors dont have to deal with memorizing physics and skills and behavior#and just Literally Everything That Comes With Being Alive#wally is a blank slate left to write itself.#ough. damn. fuck. i think i need to go stare into the woods for a bit...
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chi-ow-hua · 7 months
Medics are messy.
Or, well, the medics themselves probably shouldn't be too messy, considering they are sometimes the only thing standing between a gruesome wound and Thanatos himself. Although medics probably shouldn't perform surgery while wearing flip flops, either, so maybe that's not saying too much.
But regardless of appropriate footwear (or lack thereof), the profession itself is messy. Blood. Muscles. Organs. Bones. You name it - Will has seen and touched it all.
He can vaguely remember being a bit grossed out, in the beginning. He supposes that would be the natural human reaction when confronted with gore. Especially of the real variety. He's grown out of it, though. Plus the perks that come with his position are nothing to sneeze at.
Nico teases him for not liking horror movies, but the truth is that to Will they are just incredibly mind-numbingly boring. It doesn't matter how realistic the wounds or special effects look - hell, they could cut open a real human being and the injury still wouldn't faze him, no matter how gruesome. Because for Will, the worst part isn't the visual. That one he got used to pretty quickly, considering. It's everything else. It's the smell, putrid and overwhelming and always so horribly nauseating he swears he can taste it. It's the sound, failing organs frantically trying to fulfill their purpose in a desperate cacophany the movies can never get quite right (if they even remember to try.) It's the revolting knowledge that what you are feeling does not belong outside of a body, that it shouldn't be able to be felt like that.
They watch a bunch of horror movies anyway, because Nico knows how to press his buttons and manages to bait him into it every single fucking time.
("Please", Nico had whined in a tone he'd never dare use outside of his cabin. Maybe Will's shamelessness is contagious. Or maybe Nico knows that, without witnesses, nobody will ever believe him. "It's for the aesthetic".
Will had felt his lips contorting into a smile, even as he'd tried to keep on his mask of fake indignation. 'Aesthetic' is one of Nico's favorite words, along with 'vibe' and 'rancid'. Will kind of loves that he knows that. Nico can be as cool and badass as he wants, doesn't change the fact that he's an absolute dork as well.
"Come on, you know you're gonna give in anyways" And then, because the little shit knows what he is doing, he'd winked. And, well. Will is not too proud to admit that he is an absolute sucker for brown eyes. Especially these ones.)
He should probably be embarrassed about how easy he is, to be honest. But things like shame or propriety or even self-respect kind of go down the drain when you are perpetually exhausted and have seen basically the entirety of Camp in various states of undress. He used to think that that was the reason naked bodies didn't seem to have the same effect on him as on other people, but then the Michael-thing-that-shan't-be-mentioned happened and. Well. Let's just say Will is very aware that being a medic and having an active sex life are not mutually exclusive. Their father's slutty tendencies have been inherited by quite a lot of his half-siblings, as it turns out.
Besides, even if the movie itself is boring, Nico's reactions are hilarious. The jumpscares always get him, even if the fucker tries to deny it. And when a movie manages to really grip him, Nico will make sure to keep Will just slightly behind him. Will isn't sure whether that is a voluntary action or just instinct, but it always makes him swoon all the same. Nico is probably aware of it, freakishly observant as he is, but he never mentions it, so neither does Will. Gods forbid Nico stop doing it - that boy is jumpy even outside of shitty movies.
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tamagotchikgs · 1 month
my sister was craving adventure n asked me to go for a night drive w her in the dark and we drove for awhile until we got to this country club n then she wanted to go in to see what it was n peer at the rich ppl n so we drove in n around n we saw some fancy stuff n then she headed down this back road to a giant maintenance shed n i was like pleas no please leave i am so fear and while she was turning around she backed into the ditch and got us stuck o(-< she had me try n help push the car but i couldnt im weak as hell n the ground was all marshy and even i was sinking n it felt like the car was about 2 flip any second so i was just begging her 2 call our mom but she refused because she constantly gets her car stuck in precarious places n would get in trouble again but eventually this guy came driving down in a golf cart n i jumped in the back out of fear but he was like hey whatcha doin and she was like o i got stuck turning around n he was oddly chill about it BHJAJHB he was just like ok ill go see if i can find another guy 2 help but then, after some more waiting we see like an army of golf carts comin at us . im talkin like 6-7 and it was so scary in the night 2 see that coming at u but , it turned out one of them was just pulling the rest and there was in fact only 2 dudes and then they were like is there anyone else in the car so i had to get out n i went n hid behind the golf card while they literally PICKED UP THE CAR,,,,,, and got it up out of the ditch,,, ,, so we were finally free n i had 2 sprint back to the car. but i did get hit w a piece of gravel that cut my face when the wheels spun out ;'o
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sunnibits · 9 days
hey @ my body lowkey this whole “chronic fatigue” thing is getting really old 🙄🙄 like learn when to end a bit yknow jeez :// it’s kind of cringe
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bittsandpieces · 2 months
Tall boy is visiting. I have underestimated my ability to be a good host when I'm by myself, given that I've been around people since yesterday morning and did a lot of manual labor this morning for my dad.... I'm so fucking tired. I wanna be alone so bad but I can't bc nobody else can take over socializing duty
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blackkatmagic · 2 years
Ah yes, the only two possible types of writers: neurotypical or ADHD.
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
guys with bedhead and eyebags and deep morning voices >>>>>>>
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i find it so funny that my default reaction to not responding to stuff for days is just to draw the person i'm ghosting's oc as like an apology gift lmaoooo. its just like. so sorry. heres yuour little guy. pelase forgive me. so sorry again. heres another guy. please forgive me. so sorry again heres y
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mainfaggot · 15 days
oh my god i fell backwards onto this guy when i was on the bus. it was so humiliating but he was nice when i was busy apologising profusely. im shocked I didn't start crying from embarrassment. wow. I didn't panic... that's crazy maybe years of therapy and meds work..
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bl00d-1n-wat3r · 8 months
My review of Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White copied and pasted from Goodreads
I have never written a review before but I need to. This book, I have no words is just beautiful in its own fucked up way.
I am a trans 15 year old boy with autism and full of rage who hasn’t gotten a chance to express himself. I grew up in the church and when Covid hit I figured out myself. Im an atheist and unapologetically gay. But the guilt still weighs down on my shoulders like God is watching me disappointed in me. This book made me feel seen. Made me feel heard, I no longer feel alone in my anger or sadness that bares over me.
I see why this book isnt for everyone and anyone who decides they want this book read the trigger warnings, this book is gory and not for the faint of heart. But if you decide to read it I hope you experienced it the way I did. I couldnt put it down and finished it in one day. The characters felt real. And every time something happened I had to put the book down for a moment and pace and stim because I was so full of excitement thinking about what was going to happen.
TLDR: Be gay, make lizards, read the TW’S, and Andrew Joseph White is an amazing author who deserves more recognition than the world could give him
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blujayonthewing · 3 days
so in juniper's campaign we've just found ourselves in a high-stakes situation that I as a player do frankly find stressful and am anxious about, but hey hi also the DM was like 'okay here are the exact mechanics of how this is going to work because I don't want to surprise you with serious repercussions, also here are all the options you will have to try to do something about the situation-- [affected player] what do you think? honest feedback, I don't want it to feel unfair, I want to be clear that I am not just trying to kill your character, and if it ends up being badly balanced we can revisit it down the road' and oh my god I could COLLAPSE and WEEP with gratitude
#[tears in my fucking eyes] WHAT IF DND WAS GOOD!! WHAT IF A DM THAT'S GOOD!!!#LIKE I've said actually MOST of my DMs are good but because of the way this situation was presented specifically#where-- as NOT the affected player-- it does feel like the way it came up was a little unfair and I AM worried about the stakes--#I REALLY SPENT SO MUCH OF THAT ABOVE-TABLE TALK GOING OH WOW I FEEL LIKE OUR FRIEND ACTUALLY LOVES US AND WANTS THIS TO BE FUN!!#I DON'T KNOW THAT I AGREE WITH WHAT HE'S DOING HERE BUT I TRUST MY FRIEND AND IT'S SAFE FOR US TO TALK ABOUT THINGS LIKE THIS PLAYER TO DM!!#WOWIE THAT FEELS RELEVANT TO MY DND EXPERIENCE RIGHT NOW LMAO!!!#'I've looked at your stats and inventories to try to make this serious but balanced but if it doesn't work we can retool it'#'I want to be extremely clear that this situation could kill destal so I want to be extremely sure that you're comfortable with that--#-- and with how the mechanics are designed around it'#I am fucking. on my KNEES WEEPING. at the contrast with how punishing and DEEPLY unfun felix campaign has relentlessly been the whole time#and how little of a fuck it feels like THAT DM gives when he's like 'this random rolltable encounter was deadly :)'#'you guys didn't get hit last time and got all your spells back right?' uhhh wrong and wrong and we TALKED about that last time#are you gonna revisit the balance on your fifth in a row 'if you fail you'll TPK' scenario? no? yeah I figured lol#christ knows HE'S never invited feedback on his DMing. you KNOW I don't feel safe to say 'hey this doesn't feel fair or fun' with him#AND LIKE!! WITH A DM I TRUST I FEEL SAFE ENOUGH TO REALLY PLAY WITH SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENING!! YAY YIPPEE STAKES AND PATHOS!!!#I don't just want nothing bad to happen ever! but I don't want it to feel careless or heartless or just... Not Fun#anyway. grasping william's hands so tightly. my beloved friend. my wonderful friend. what a relief to have a DM that's good#after the shit we've been through in our now most-frequently-run campaign#the thing I'm mad about is that destal has been making a mystery saving throw every night-- but this was imperceptible to the characters#so we weren't acting on it#and now that he's failed it three times the situation is 'okay NOW you will be maming a con save every night and accumulating exhaustion'#'which can't be removed by sleeping' [six levels of exhaustion Kill You]#so like!! well okay I wish we had had ANY way of knowing how urgent this was before we got to 'now there's a deadly countdown' BUT OKAY#but like I said. he clearly put a lot of thought into the math for the mechanics#he made sure that we DO actually have ANYTHING we can do to mitigate the condition and outlined several options specifically and clearly#he checked in with justin about whether that seemed fair and opened it for future retooling if necessary#so I'm just at 'that was kind of a rugpull dude :/' instead of DESPAIRING lmao#this is a level of Oh Shit that's juicy! this is a level of Oh Shit that might force dramatic character choices out of desperation!#THIS IS AN OH SHIT WHERE WE STILL GET TO PLAY DND ABOUT IT AND HAVE ANY AGENCY WHATSOEVER. WHAT A CONCEPT.#ANYWAY!!! GOOD DND SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!
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