#ducky’s mad
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Mad Scientist Convention 
Mad Scientist: So, how did all of you go mad?
Mad Psychologist: If you stare into the abyss (Freud) too long, it stares back!
Mad Quantum Physicist: I have witnessed cosmic horrors beyond human comprehension!
Mad Chemist: Too much heavy metal poisoning. Happy unbirthday, by the way!
Mad Geologist: Yeah, me too. Shouldn’t have licked all those rocks.
Mad Physician: This one time I didn't sleep for nine days straight because this one guy “fell” on a firework and blew up his butt and went to a chiropractor first who somehow made it worse. I just lost all faith in humanity after that.
Mad Computer Scientist: I forgot ONE semicolon! Isn't that right Dr. Rubber Ducky?
Mad Rubber Ducky: 
Mad Computer Scientist: Wilson? WILSON!?
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aggies-little-duck · 2 months ago
little!rio befrending all the woodland creatures that live around her cottage <3
"just like a princess," agatha jokes
"'m not a princess mama, 'm a witch!!"
it's actually how they met scratchy; he was a wild bunny whom rio grew particularly fond of and now has a permanent residency in the harkness-vidal household
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roboyomo · 10 days ago
years have gone by and i still adore the stranger sewers level. Like the dread duckies are still my beloved little thangs.
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like look at this one idling by. That is a polite little ducky.
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And then there's nightmare part of the level. We are not even mentioning Doom Ducky.
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doomduck · 3 months ago
It's the post nobody was waiting for!
Personal skating update!
Coach is largely pleased with most of my progress this year. The only things really letting me down are loop jump and back spin.
Chris and kat took a look at the loop today and came to the conclusion that I'm not pulling my shoulder through enough. I've (yet another) drill to help.
I've got measurements for wrap skirts and brought a body suit pattern so my 'make skating gear side hustle to pay for skating ' agenda is slowly slipping into place.
I only got to see the men's short programs of the grand pre final. May watch the exhibition later.
Yuzuru Hanyu's echoes of life was amazing! And I'm pissed i didn't get to watch al 3 days. Day 1 was on his birthday and he looked so happy during the encore my heart could burst.
Speaking of, my 'Yuzuru Hanyu propaganda in the classroom ' may have worked too well. My teacher turns out to be incredibly cheeky and I think she is plotting something.... she'll change the lesson to include him in grammar. Also there's be a lot of 'what do you like in a person' questions. Mildly concerned she's playing match maker. (Not with yuzuru. That would be ridiculous.)But I have no evidence beyond suspicion and her being a cheeky little shit (affectionate) (seriously she's my favourite teacher)
Anyway. Will get stuck into the skate gear after xmus. With annoying photos.
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hale-my-nathan · 7 months ago
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Trump Weird News - Donald Trump You're Now Donald Duck
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scienceroach · 1 year ago
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I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside of me. I cannot even explain it myself.
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everythingsinred · 8 months ago
lil tentative psa
shared a bit abt this in the ga discord server a bit ago but i lost track of it because i got very busy in the interim but i see the problem has not gone away (and in fact gotten a bit worse) so i am going to share some info here.
i see that "capsize" by Ducky-san on ffn has been crossposted onto ao3 under a different username (DarkFaerie0) and im suspicious bc the original notes on the chapters are gone and there is no mention of the original work or crossposting. i'm concerned that someone is stealing someone else's work and claiming credit for it. i have reached out to Ducky-san directly on ffn but since they haven't been active in a few years, i don't know if i will get a response.
the crossposted fic has a decent amount of interaction and comments for a ga fic, and if it isn't Ducky-san, then it makes me sick to see someone else get praise for hard work that isn't theirs.
if this is this is them crossposting their own work, then i'm happy they're still kicking! but if this is a fic thief, then i suggest ppl proceed with caution
i'm posting to spread caution but also if you know anything about who is posting that fic, please let me know. if it is Ducky-san under a new user, then i will happily delete this post! but if it isn't, then some interference will need to take place.
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galionne-speeding · 1 year ago
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Dr. Brandon Quark but his duckification is complete. Somehow, he seems happier like this.
He doesn't appear to be aware of his past as a human but still seems to recognize D.U.F.U.S. and drops by every year to see him, rest and stuff himself full of bread before migrating south.
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ducky-bah · 5 months ago
Don't follow/interact with us if we're on your DNI; this is common sense, but if you don't want people like us interacting with you then you can't interact with us either.
If you choose to open up interaction with us, that is you inviting us to interact with you whether or not we are on your DNI.
"Proship DNI", "RQ DNI", "Para DNI", "TransX/TransID DNI", "MDNI/Minors DNI", etc; you shouldn't be following or interacting with us. AT ALL.
We do not hide any of the things we fall under on common DNI lists, that stuff is all either clear through the kind of alterpacks we make or it's specifically mentioned in our BYI/IDI post which is linked on our pinned (and linked here for good measure).
We do not have a DNI; however there are groups we won't interact with for our comfort, as mentioned in our pinned post; our packs have NO DNI.
We block freely, and if you interact with us as a blog on our IDI list there is a chance you will be ignored or blocked.
If we realise we're on your DNI and you follow or interact with us, we will make fun of you to people we know IRL, and you will be blocked after that. This also applies to anyone who has "basic DNI" listed in their DNI without clarification immediately visible. [Sorry to folk who actually mean it when they say "basic DNI" because 99% of tumblr did in fact ruin that for you]
sorry lovely anons whom i cherish and care for (parasocial buddy & the other half of your duo and faggot anon too, and all the nice anons who are just. nice and kind and respectful and nice and stuff)
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irlvernon-moved · 1 year ago
i was tagged by @woozification ahhhhh this picrew is so cute 😭 catify yourself!
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this is me as a cat bc i take showers multiple times a day and always have my tumbler with me
tagging my cat moots @junranghae @wnjunhui @woozi (yes i have declared you have a cat persona but no pressure) and everyone else who wants to do this! pls its so cute
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stargazerdaisy · 1 year ago
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Muz has Covid. On the literal anniversary of having it last year. The older two kids are symptomatic and presumed positive, even though they tested negative. Tonight, Ducky has an orchestra concert. And I am once again flying solo just before Christmas. I DO NOT LIKE THIS REPEAT OF LAST YEAR, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
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jonathanrook · 1 year ago
can you all manifest me waking tomorrow w a fully formed plot for this new fic the way i had for my last ones thanks
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dark-twist-fairytales · 1 year ago
New fidget toy unlocked: Rubber duckie.
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medicaldoctordana · 29 days ago
Jethro loosing his memory going all the way back to ‘91 is such a bold narrative and I've got to hand it to NCIS writers. They're doing a really good job.
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doomduck · 5 months ago
In a mildly horrific reminder of how dangerous skating can be especially in a public session; one of the coaches was ran into by another skater and went down hard.
Thankfully she was able to get off the ice by herself, but she has on going back and hip injuries so she nearly had a panic attack thinking that she might never skate again.
Then when I was at the boards checking on her a small child ran into my legs.
Stay safe out there kids xx
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alienducky · 7 months ago
Wait. I can do this on casual?!?!?!?
Excuse me while I go restart my game and save myself from heartbreak
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Got my gold title screen :3 Here are the characters that helped me do it!!
This being my first Maddening Run (aside from two previously aborted Black Eagles runs), below the cut are are my thoughts and advice on how to beat it:
The requirements for a gold title screen are Maddening Mode with a new file. No NG+!. However, Casual is fine.
Equip everyone with Training Weapons immediately. This can prevent you from getting doubled by all but the speediest characters.
Training Weapons also last longer. Knowing this, spam Combat Arts to survive the first few battles.
Equip everyone with a bow early on. Curved Shot is your key to surviving the mock battle.
Equip everyone with a battalion as soon as you can. Gambits will save you in Conand Tower when you inevitably get hit by crowds.
Move and attack as a group during battles. Have majority of units nearby to help out when things get hairy. Note that tight formations will make use of links and supports, however you must be wary of enemy gambits.
Have all magic-users learn Heal. It's a Faith D spell you can pick up in no time at all. It gives easy exp and ensures that your mages can help your units survive the next turn.
Have danger zones visible at all times. Don't forget to check individual enemy danger zones.
Use the danger zone to plan your next move. The danger zone will show you where it is safe to retreat if your units are in danger. If you have a tank that can survive the danger zone, it can also be used to set up ambushes
Spend every weekend battling. You will need every bit of experience you can get. No seminars, no rest, no skip, explore only on the first week.
On a NG file, you will only have one activity point per weekend for battling. Work on getting your Professor Level up. Lots of fishing and lots of tournaments. I was able to get to Level A+ and 3 battle points per weekend by late game this way.
Use Tournaments to win money and free Silver Weapons+
Since you will be mainly using Training Weapons, buy Smithing Stones to upgrade them to Training Weapon+ and repair when needed.
Because you are spending less money on brand new weapons, you will actually have some extra money leftover - buy gifts to raise motivation and to recruit.
Unless you are doing Crimson Flower, prepare well for Hunting by Daybreak. Even on casual, you MUST have the majority of your original house members trained up.
Plant flowers for stat raising items and gifts. Everyone loves flowers!
Focus on a small group of units to train. By the end of the game, aim to have 12 units + 2-3 adjutants ready to take on the final map.
Overall, maddening on a new save file was super challenging but also a lot of fun for me that I can't wait to try it again with NG+. For NG only, it may seem impossible at times, but with luck and perseverance, you can do it! Hope that helps! Good luck!
The characters I used and their roles:
Barbarossa Claude: relied on him early on for Encloser to manage crowds, became a crit king late game.
Trickster Byleth/"Mousy": all-rounder who sadly doesn't excel in a whole lot late game, but was used for some key Foul Plays to help units flee to safety or reach their targets.
Sniper Petra: mid-to-long range crit, with the potential for Lethality, crit on Personal Ability and double crit on Hunter's Volley, which can trivialize certain monster fights.
Bow Knight Leonie: long-range crit, who can tank in an emergency if needed. Can break armor as an opener for other damage dealers.
Bishop Linhardt: dedicated healer who was a last minute recruit before the timeskip
Wyvern Lord Hilda: started out unremarkable early game but ended up becoming a nigh untouchable blink tank.
Great Knight Sylvain: defense tank. needed a lot of extra care and hand-holding mid game but eventually grew strong enough to be able to tank Nemesis of all things and lure him off the boss tile
Dark Knight Lorenz: used as an adjutant early-to-mid game, later brought on to the main group post time-skip to help fill the roster. Decent for tanking magical hits and cleaning up enemy survivors
War Master Felix: fragile frontliner early game, reliable boss-deleter mid-to-late game. since archers and mages can easily disrupt your plans in maddening, I relied on him to get rid of them quickly.
Dancer Marianne: was early game dedicated healer before that role got passed over to Linhardt. Aside from refreshing turns, she can do plenty of damage on her own. Her special Dance is useful for adding some extra punch and precision to Constance's Bolting.
Gremory Constance: had the absolute WORST luck with stats during each level up. However, she made it up with her frequent Crest procs - which means even more Bolting to go around.
Gremory Lysithea: as per usual a reliable Death Knight and boss killer. Aside from melting down mounted and armored knights, she can be relied on for extra heals.
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