#dualscar x reader
Sometimes I don’t know what my brain will come up with.
One moment I’m deep in another fandom, the next I am stirring with wanting to write Psiioniic and Dualscar x reader (seperate)
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dancingbabya-notes · 2 years
Scarred Troubles
Dualscar x mermaid reader
I never got to really write what I wanted so you have full context, and since I don't take notes on what I want to write and just type the idea as I go there is missing information that I don't have sorry.
­­­The water burned in my lungs as it spewed up out of my mouth. The light of the moon burned as my eyes finally peeled open and the deafening crash of the waves caused me to pull tightly into a ball while accommodating my body to the noise. The subtle rocking motion was only making my want to force my eyes closed as my think pan buzzed with pain.
“Cap’n she’s awake,” calls a figure dangerously close to me.
Sitting up I glance around trying to say something, anything, but as I do nothing comes out. Grabbing my neck, I realize that my pendant is gone. With a glare, I feel the tears start to prick my eyes as I hear the sharp clicks of boots. Standing before me is a man donned in Violet, a royal blood color, sharp eyes match the robes he wore, and slicked black hair frames his face. But what caught my attention most was the double scars that raked across his face and seemed to damage his vision in the slightest way.
“That she be. What were you doing so far at sea, lass?” he asks a gruff voice with a slight wave to his words.
I try to speak and quickly reach to my throat again, trying my best to signal that speaking was impossible. He quirks a brow and looks me over.
“Can ye speak at all?” he sends me a pointed look.
I shake my head, but then remember that I can write. Signaling as best I can, I make it look like I’m writing.
“Ye can write?” he asks quite interested.
I nod violently, he pulls me up to my feet and I quickly become aware of the multiple pairs of eyes on me now. I'm on a fucking ship, and to make matters worse I need my pendant to speak and I don't know where in Davy Jones it could be. He sits me in a chair and shoves a paper in my hand with a pen of some sort. I quickly and neatly scrawl on the parchment and show it to him.
‘ye believe me now? I don’t know how I got so far, but did I ‘ave a pendant on me?' looking up at him I wait for a reply.
“No ‘idn’t see one on ye. Might I ask what it’s for?”
‘Status and my mother gave it to me. Had it ever since she died?' I write sending him a shrug.
“Oh, sorry ta hear about ye mom, what status do you ‘ave?”
‘Not, important. If you could drop me off at next port I wouldn’t mind. Or keep me I’ll be of as much use as I can be,’ I offer.
“Sides writing, what can ye do?” he asks crossing his arms.
A sharp feeling in my sides forces me to curl, I quickly glance at my abdomen and lift the shirt inspecting the slivers that run from my waist up to my ribs, bright ivy was dripping from them sending my mind into a panic. He quickly moves over to me and inspects as well. All know the story of the beings that brought upon our world. As time went on some things digressed to a former planet's past. People enjoying the feeling of being at sea, since most of our home was the sea.
“Ye be a sea dweller as well?”
I send a curt nod. He begins cleaning my wounds and bandaging me up, he doesn’t explain a thing and locks me in a room that so happened to be next to his. I sit still for a long moment before inspecting my surroundings better. On the far wall sits a mirror as if a lady had resided here before, a trunk at the end of the bed containing robes and many dresses of jade, a desk with paper’s and beautiful scrawls spread across the parchment, a half empty ink bottle with the pen still inside. Sitting back in the bed I look carefully at the bandages. How had I been hurt? Where was my pendant? What even was my title? A voice suddenly intruded in my thoughts. "Do you swear to lie?" Swear to lie? I'm knocked from my thoughts when the handle on my door begins to shake. And in comes two whispering boys both bearing a striking match to the captain. They slowly come to a stop and stare at me, and I tilt my head in response.
“Are you the girl that they found drifting along sea?” asks the youngest one, he’s got a cape matching the captain and pushes up his glasses on his face like they’re too big on his small face.
“She can’t speak! Ya ninny, pa told you that even before he told us where to go!” shouts who I think is the older one, his hair is slicked back and he stands proudly without a cape to don his proud stature.
I slowly get up and walk over to the desk looking for a blank piece of parchment. Finding a whole stack in the drawer of the desk I quickly scribble a reply to the child.
‘Yes, I am. Is the captain your father?’ I show them the paper and I giggle silently as the younger one begins reading the note aloud slowly.
“He’s still learning to read,” states the older one.
‘What are your names?’ I show them the paper and as the shy wavy voice of the younger one asks me the same.
“We shouldn’t have to tell you ours if we don’t know yours,” the older one adds.
‘I don't have one, I have a title but that's hard to remember for some reason,' I sigh blowing my bangs from my eyes as I show them the note.
“Oh, then why don’t we give you a name?” offers the shy one.
“Really you wanna name everything that gets put on Pa’s ship don’t cha?” the proud one accuses.
"N-no, wouldn't it be hard to call her ‘you,' ‘girl,' or ‘sea dweller?" he counters with a frown.
‘I don’t mind the name, really. But I think my title has something to do with swearing to Lye,’ I think for a moment and scrawl a quick phrase ‘Lyeswear.’
“Hmm, cool title. If it is your real title, but let’s call you, (y/n)” states the proud one.
“Since you have a name now you can know ours, my name is Eridan,” smiles the young one bowing slightly.
“I’m Cronus, but you can call anytime,” winks the older one.
‘How about not, I’m old enough to be your ma. Besides you’re both so cute I wish you were my kids,” I chuckle.
“Pretty sure if Pa keeps you long enough you will be,” Cronus laughs.
I send him a pointed look and shake my head. ‘No, I asked him to keep me, as long as I am useful. I need to find my pendant so I can return to where I was.'
“What does it look like?” Eridan asks sitting next to me.
I quickly draw a gem wrapped in cord, ‘the gem is the same color as my blood.’
“Oh, I think I saw something like that in Dad’s room,” Eridan gasps running out of the room.
“Eridan, stop running away,” groans Cronus running after him.
I sit still and notice the captain leaning on the door frame, he walks over to me and looks me over again.
“Ta Lyeswear?” he quirks a brow and chuckles looking me up and down. “Pretty short to be that person, and lacking a lot of fins.”
‘Well, the boys wanna call me (y/n) so either way you address me I won’t really mind,’ I scribble. ‘Are they your boys?’
“Does it matter?” he sends me a narrow glare.
‘They’re beautiful. Remind me of you as a child. Eridan seems like he wants to be like you and Cronus is suave?’ I pause thinking for a moment. How would I know what this man was like as a child?
He raises a brow at me and shakes his head, “How would ye know what I was like as a child?” With another shake he pushes off the idea. “You’ll be with them for about an hour or two every day. Teaching them to write that is, and when we stop to port you will stay in here and not wander.”
I roll my eyes and quickly scribble a reply. ‘Aye, aye cap’n.’
He makes his leave and I continue to survey the room, two small desks sit up against the wall that is flush with the headboard of the bed. Quickly the small pairs of running feet return and I whip back to glance in their direction. Eridan falls trying to catch up with his brother and I quickly react by jumping from the bed and righting him. As he faces me I instantly notice the welling of translucent violet tears, wiping the tears I smile at him and pat his head gently to signal that everything is okay.
“I got the thing,” Cronus states proudly holding a gem wrapped in chord, but I know it isn’t my own.
I smile and accept the gift bending down for him to put the necklace on me.
“So, what are we learning today?” Eridan asks no trace of the sadness from before.
Grabbing the paper, I was writing on I quickly scribble a reply of ‘How about you both show me what you know so far, I’ll grab some paper for the both of you.’ I move over to the desk and then turn around to see them pulling paper form the other desks. I sit down on the bed and watch as they work away on the papers, it felt like almost a few second before Eridan was jumping from his seat to show me the scrawl that he had been working on. I take the paper and begin reading over it, so basic sentences and words maybe helping him with his reading too would be good. Cronus slowly slunk over to me with his paper, glancing over it I notice that he was having problems differentiating between certain words and writing some backward.
‘I’ll have something ready for you two tomorrow, if you want you can go now.’ I quickly write as I move over to the other desk and start writing on the paper what I will be doing.
“Would it be alright if we stay here?” asks the shyest of voices.
I nod knowing that I didn’t have anything for them to do now seeing as I was planning out what to do for tomorrow. Suddenly a shiver dances up my spine when I feel small hands in my hair, turning back slowly I realize that Eridan and Cronus are both playing with my hair. I ignore the unsettling shivers as I continue to write. For some reason, I remember the feeling of someone pulling on my hair and it bothering me to the point of cutting it.
“You have really long hair, (Y/n)” Cronus states catching me just the slightest bit off guard. (If you don’t just pretend you do)
I pause and turn back sending him a smile as a thank you. Not long after I realize they have both fallen asleep behind me and I smile again putting the pen back into its bottle. Knowing that I’m not going to be sleeping for some time, I carefully lay the boys out and placing a blanket on them. It was like a routine every day for weeks while at sea the boys would come into my room for their lessons and I would start working on the next day’s lesson as they played with my hair. Eventually falling to sleep for their father to take them out later. Two months I have been on this boat, and I refused to leave my cabin. Eridan and Cronus would take their meals with me and that was about it. So while I was writing waiting for Eridan to walk in with his twin brother in tow as a knock came to the door of my cabin.
“The cap’n told me to fetch ye,” shouts the voice.
I stare at the door making sure to grab a paper and pen to communicate with him. I walk out of the room looking around as I followed for the short walk to the Captain’s cabin. He didn’t seem excited or even like his mood changed ever, the tall man with the scars raking across his face watched as I walked in and stood by the door.
“So this is the little Ivy blood you’ve been keeping Duey?” smiles a woman dressed similarly to the Captain but with cerulean colors donning her.
“Shut up and figure out her name or where her wretched pendent resides so you can return to your boat and leave me alone to my business,” he demands with a sharp glare in her direction.
“Alright, fine. All you said was to find it out,” the woman remarks signaling for me to take a seat.
Hesitantly I make my way into the wooden chair, confusion etched lightly into my features. She walks closer taking care not to get too close that was out of the window when she decided to check my torso for any marks.
“What did your boys decide to call her?” the woman asks not looking at him and poking one of her long slender fingers against my gills that were all healed up.
I immediately react with slapping her hand away glaring, I hear a snicker from the captain while I push her away and push my top back to cover my body.
“(Y/N) is what they decided to call her,” he answers with an eye roll
“Well, she is indeed an Ivy blood. I’ll see if I can get her pendent for ye, but I’m going to have you lend her to me afterward for your payment to teach my wriggler to read or at least do numbers,” the woman smirks trailing a finger along my chin.
“We will see about that. You know better than I, that you will take whatever you want regardless of an agreement,” he spits as she leaves from the cabin.
I look over at the captain and scribble across the page with confusion, ‘Should I leave now?’
“No,” he shouts making me raise a brow and leer at him. “Where are you from?”
I glare scribbling. ‘If I knew I wouldn’t be in your hair, now would I?’
“I suppose you are correct,” he chuckles.
‘Why did you want me to stay?’ I write confused.
“To find out why the boys don’t wish to leave you alone,” he mumbles.
I roll my eyes and get off the chair walking to the desk. Placing a piece of paper in front of him and write. ‘I have to finish with the boy’s lesson. If you would like to sit in for the lesson, that is more than appreciated. Cronus said that he would like it a bit better if you spent more time with them.’
“Fine if it’s so important,” he grunts standing up.
I just roll my eyes and walk to the door waiting for him, the bags under his violet eyes seemed to have gotten deeper since I have gotten on the ship. With a stressed sigh I walk with him to my cabin where Cronus and Eridan are already starting their work. As soon as we walk in, Cronus frowns and pretends not to see his father as they both run over and embrace my waist. A silent laugh rumbles through my body as I pet their heads shooing them both back to their work.
“What are you doing here?” demands the small male crossing his arms.
“What’s it to you, go back to your work,” argues the older male.
With a heavy sigh, I quickly push Cronus into his chair instructing him to work. Then I grab paper scribing angrily and shoving the paper in his face. ‘If you are going to bother them, then I’m gonna have to ask you to stop, you are being childish.’
“He started it first,” he argues.
‘Cro is a child. Sit in my chair and you will be the one grading their arithmetic,’ I frown rubbing my temple slowly.
“You don’t tell me what to do,” he counters.
‘My class my rules.’ I furrow my brow.
He sits down without anymore grumbling, I share the small space that is left and start on the next plans I had. I learned very much about the woman who had resided here before and was writing a story with spelling errors for them to revise. The Captain watched me closely and that was staring to become quite aggravating. Eridan was finished with his work and when he attempted to hand it to me, I pointed toward his father. He reluctantly handed the stack of papers to the large man sitting back at his chair, I watched from the corner of my eye to see how he handled the assignment. Scrawled on a page close to him I had written that Eridan was working on determining which verb was correct and that Cro was still working on the difference between certain letters.
Duey examines the paper carefully taking my spare pen and writing corrections and little notes across the page. When he had finished with Eridan’s paper Cro had walked up with his paper. Eridan and Cro had found spots behind me plaiting my hair in odd ways, and I left Duey to the paper to edit.
“I suppose then that the lesson is over then,” the Captain inquires while brushing off invisible wrinkles in his clothing still sitting.
I send a small nod. ‘If you want to leave it’s fine by me, but I don’t think the small children sleepin on you would agree.’ I write showing him the paper.
He turns slightly and see that Cro had curled into his father’s cape like a babe, a calm look etched on his usually serious face while he slept. Somehow Eridan had nuzzled his head on his father’s leg, and I let lose a silent chuckle.
“Do they always fall asleep after their lesson?” he quirks a brow.
I nod slowly, ‘Yes, quite often they do. I don’t mind and usually keep myself busy somewhere in the room.’ I shrug showing him the paper.
“I am just dying for the moment we find your horrid pendant,” he grumbles.
‘Oh, and why’s that?’ I write raising a brow.
“So, I don’t have to wait for you to finish writing to see what you’re trying to say,” he grunts.
‘I suppose that might be a problem,’ I sigh leaning close and brushing some hair behind Eridan’s ear.
I smile and turn toward Cro, before I do anything I notice Captain Duey watching me with a close eye. Without hesitation I reach up and trace one of his long scars down his jaw and bite my lip before quickly going back to adjusting Cronus’ sleeping position. Looking back at the captain I see a troubled look scratched into his sleepy eyes.
“Do you like them?” he asks a bit like its being forced out of his mouth.
‘They’re your children, but I do enjoy their company,’ I write slowly and show him.
“Would you be willing to care for them if I left them to you?” he mutters.
‘Duey?’ I write confused.
“I can’t keep them running all over the ship, especially if we have to keep moving,” he sighs.
‘I’m only here as long as you need me to be,’ I write smiling.
“Will . . . Will you stay forever then?” he mumbles.
“Just look after them for me, I’ll give you everything you need. Just keep my guppies safe,” he looks at me with a frown.
‘No, look at me. Wait for a little bit longer please, sure they need a mother, but they need you more not me. I’m just a lusus if you look at it correctly. It’s what sea-dwellers call a guardian that isn’t blood related, how hard do you think it would be for them to live with me? I’m an Ivy blood not a fuchsia or violet blood,” I frown shoving the paper in his face.
“They need someone who can actually give them the attention that they need,” he counters.
‘You can give them that attention, you just have to choose the right time. You can’t just wait for work to finish to spend time with them. Hold on,” I write and hand him the paper before walking over to the boy’s desks.
Ruffling around in the drawer I find the papers that I’m looking for and walk over and hand it to him. I watch as he reads over my handwriting first.
“What is this?” he questions.
I point to the paper trying to get him to read it. Sitting on the bed and waiting for him to finish I look toward him, looking at him again so many months later it didn’t feel any different than if I had known him my whole life. He was relaxed, Eridan was still cuddled onto his lap and Cronus had managed to swing around to the other side and lay against Duey’s other leg.
“They wrote this,” he asks, and I answer with a nod.
I grab a paper and scrawl out a response, ‘They don’t wish any ill will toward you. And just by spending time with you I realize all they want is to spend some time with you. They want you and no one else.’
He nods and strokes both of their heads gently, it was slightly awkward cause here was with large angry looking man petting his two children as they slept. Suddenly I felt faint, but like I was underwater. So, it was no surprise to me when I had found that my gills were bleeding and that I was slowly crumbling to the ground. Duey watched in horror as I fell to the ground gasping for air, or more like water. Both boys shot up and tried with all their might to pick me up and lay me in the bed. Duey finally out of his trance called for the medic and some sea water after gracefully laying me on the bed and checking me over for any wounds. I could see everything that was happening as if in slow motion, Eridan and Cro fought against their father to get to me just to sit by my side as the medic of the ship looked over my body. And it hit me like a plate to the ground, that woman had put something on my gills before I smacked her hand away.
I lay there for a long time and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do when I finally regained consciousness. Eridan and Cronus had set up permanent residence in my cabin, and I noticed that the Captain had kept his distance. It felt like an eternity in my room, but I found that only a month had passed. When I climbed out of bed slowly, I noticed that Cronus had run from the room probably to retrieve his father.
“(Y/N) can you come outside with us?” Eridan asks grabbing my hand.
I nodded and stood as best I could following the small boy. No one stopped us, and I found that quite peculiar seeing as how I was often stopped when attempting to adventure around the ship before. Cronus followed after us and I smile as both boys help me down toward the sand. It felt foreign immediately, but I just followed both boys as they glanced at the water. I attempted to sit on the sand while they wished to play in the water, but I was stopped.
“Come in the water with us, it should make you feel better, that’s what the book told us,” Eridan urges.
I stare at the two violet bloods and let out a silent giggle before following them into the water. Since they were so small the water was only up to my thighs when it got close to their waist. I motioned for them to wait there and moved farther back into the water, my skin n longer dry and the gasping feeling my body had felt before was gone. With a grin on my face I swam back toward them and hugged them tightly.
“You look better than before,” Cronus comments with a giggle.
I nod and kiss his forehead, turning to kiss his brother on the forehead too. Before I could make the walk out of the water I felt two large arms around my waist, and my seaweed green eyes met with vibrant laughing purple eyes. I pushed away gently holding back a silent giggle as Duey held me and his children in his arms. After a few moments in the water we left it to take a rest, as soon as we set foot on the sand I sat down and closed my eyes taking in the suns rays. But suddenly there was a new familiar weight on my collar bone, opening my eyes I see the emerald pendant that I had lost more than three months ago. I looked up and launched myself into the Captains arms hugging him tightly.
“Thank you,” I whisper.
He went rigid under my touch when he heard my voice, ivy green tears dripped from my eyes.
“Thank you for this, I really appreciate it,” I smile.
“Not a problem,” he grumbles setting me down to be attacked by the boys.
Eridan tackles me to the ground in a giggling fit a huge smile plastered on his lips, “The man was right, You’re all better now (y/n) I’m so happy.”
“Yeah,” I giggle hugging him close and sitting up so Cronus would come and join us.
“Are you going to leave now that you have your pendent?” Cronus frowns.
I look up at the captain, “Am I leaving Cap’n?”
“No, she’s not done teaching you both, yet is she?” he asks raising a brow.
Cronus smirks and hugs his father tight. “Are you goin ta marry her?”
“Uh, that’s a question for a different time,” he chuckles ruffling Cronus’ hair.
“Before or after we get a new sibling?” Eridan asks.
I blush a deep ivy hiding my face as best I can.
“So that’s a yes,” Cro asks.
“Alright let’s get back on the ship there’s business to tend to and now that the person with the best reading skill can speak there is a lot more jobs we are able to take,” Duey shouts.
Both boys groan as I smother a giggle while we walk back in the boat, the days passed quickly and felt like they were bleeding together. We were doing well with work and Eridan was picking up reading quicker now that I could help him out more, Cronus was being sneaky as ever and would pull pranks on me to get me riled up. It felt like only a few weeks had gone by, but it was already a month after I had been given my pendent back, I was extremely happy and content with the way life was going. But there was a sickening feeling boiling slowly in the pit of my stomach and it was very unsettling when I would get in the ocean.
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?” asks the shaky voice of Eridan.
“I’m fine guppy. Do you need something?” I mutter as a slow burning pain started forcing its way under my think pan.
“Can I stay in here with you?” he mumbles.
“Of course. Fighting with Cronus?” I whisper ruffling his hair.
“No, father is worried about something and it’s hard to sleep with his pacing,” Eridan sighs as he climbs into my bed.
“Well sleep here for tonight. Your father told me that we are meeting two princesses tomorrow, and I hope you are excited,” I chuckle while pulling him close to my body, so he can rest easy.
It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep and even less time for him to be completely unconscious, just as I was getting ready to fall asleep the door slammed open. Duey’s usually pushed back hair was all over his face and he looked as if he had just woken up form a nightmare.
“Thank the moon he’s in here,” he gasps slumping to the ground next to my bed.
“He heard you pacing from his room, so he came here.” I smile reaching over to push his hair back in place.
“I’m not sure about the visit with the Empress tomorrow,” he sighs, his eyes were obviously lacking the proper amount of sleep.
I shift in my bed climbing out and sitting on the floor facing him.
“It will be fine.” I frown as he looks away. “Look at me, everything is going to work out fine. Do you understand me, King Ampora?”
“Call me anyfin but that,” he groans looking at me with a frown.
“Alright, but you can do it tomorrow understand?” I confirm.
He nods and places a chaste kiss on my forehead making my face fill with color. I smile standing up and turning to pick up the small boy sleeping on my bed, but instead am pulled down into a warm embrace. The sinking feeling in my stomach is burning now. When morning rolls around we are all rushing to finish getting ready. Cronus was nowhere to be found no matter where we looked, everyone was on deck searching for the boy.
“Duey, what could have happened?” I gasp, almost tripping on the garment that I was given. “He was there when we woke up. Why isn’t he here now?”
“(Y/n) calm down. He will be found, please just sit down and breathe.” Duey commands forcing me to sit on one of the crates sitting by the ships edge.
I wait patiently looking around worried as the time feels to drag on, when my eyes lock with small scared purple orbs.
“Cronus,” I shout jumping to grab the child bringing him to my chest.
“I just went for a swim before we had to go to the Palace. I saw some shells that I thought you might like and it took a little longer than I thought to persuade a grumpy crab for a trade,” he grumbles.
“I was still worried. Well, all’s well now that you are found,” I sigh as I push his hair back slightly.
“Geeze if I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re acting like a mom (Y/n),” he rolls his eyes.
“Would you like to get smacked?” Duey growls.
Cronus slips from my death grip and runs behind me, and I laugh shaking my head shooing the small boy away to get dressed.
“I will have to do something grand to make her forgive me for being late,” he groans.
“From what you have relayed to me about this Empress she is an appriciater of fine jewelry, correct?” I ask with a smile.
“What are you planning you little vixen?” he chortles.
“Something that should make her be accepting of your tardiness,” I smile running to the cabins.
As I fly down the stairs I quickly dig through the trunk laying at the wall of the room, and quickly pull out an intricate piece of jewelry covered with pinkish purple gems. Since being an ivy blood, this color didn’t suit my fancy, so I thought it be better if someone else have it.
“Come on mom,” calls a shaky voice.
I pause and whip my head around locking eyes with Eridan, and a smile walking over to the small boy. With a grin plastered on my lips while we walk back to the deck.
“Someone seems to be in a wonderful mood after almost losing their cool not too long ago,” Duey chuckles.
“Come on Father, Mother is only happy cause we have a great gift to apologize for being late,” Cronus chirps up grabbing both our hands.
We all board a carriage and make the silent ride to a wondrous palace. It was decorated in fuchsia and black with gold accents to brighten the rooms. While walking through the doors I kept a bit farther behind the children and almost ran into Duey’s back when he came to a stop.
“King Dualscar, you’re late. I will let it pass since we have more important matters to attend to,” bellows the tall woman. “Have your little tanked guppy look after the children.”
Duey turns to me and the boys with a weak smile, “Both of you know where to take her right?”
“O’ course we do dad, leave it to us,” Cronus chuckles.
Both boys grip my hand tightly and before I can get my bearings I’m being dragged quickly down a maze of halls. When we approach what I would consider a normal height for doors, I can hear laughing inside.
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ozuzo · 2 months
4, 12, 29, 36 for the ask game!!!
4. Favourite ♠ ship?
Back in the day I used to really like Snowman and Jack Noir in whatever the carapacian equivalent of kismesissitude is. Also: erisol! ♠️ (what can I say, they just look really good together!)
12. Favourite ancestors ship?
Gonna be honest, chief, when I first read Homestuck I might have missed a good chunk of ancestor lore because of its sheer thickness, so the ancestors aren't really all that present in my mind. But if we're talking aesthetics I guess I kinda dig Mindfang and Dualscar? Or the mother-son relationship between Dolorosa and the Signless? I've seen people do Signless x Disciple x Psiionic and that's honestly pretty good too, but yeah, nothing I actively think about!
29. Favourite fanfiction(s) of your ship(s)?
I haven't read all that many fics to begin with and I'm a picky reader, but if my 5 AO3 bookmarks are anything to go by:
- Roommate Support (davekat, comic!)
- In Which Dirk Strider Tries And Mostly Fails To Contain His Internal Dialogue, As Usual (dirkjake, but it's not really ship centered)
- shits definitely got a certain bouquet of jpeg artifact to it not to mention its strong as hell i think we invented something beautiful and terrible here today (davekat)
- calvariæ (dirkjake)
- Dirk, Jake, and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known (dirkjake)
36. A ship that you used to hate/not like so much but now you love/like?
I wouldn't say I like it because I still don't care for it, but I used to despise gamtav with the strength of a trillion suns and now it's just... there. Character growth, y'all!
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sludgewolf · 2 years
hello!! can you write cronus being friends with human eridan’s matesprit (m or gn)? ty!!
thanks for sending this ask this is such a different and cool idea, im so sry it took so long ;-;
Warning: none rly, just some sibling behavior between the Amporas/ maybe foul language
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
A Spy on the Inside - platonic Cronus x Eridan's human matesprit!reader
Despite how clingy Eridan is with you he's still very privy about his personal life
not with you, but with his "extended family"
it took him some perigees being with you before you to even met his lusus
in Eri’s defense his charge has a horrible temper and has hated everyone he met before meeting you
But Cronus is a whole different thing
Eridan told you multiple stories when you were meeting each other of his great ancestor, a troll legend that worked under )(er Imperious Condescension herself, the Orphaner Dualscar
and now that he met pre-scratch Dualscar and it was just bizarre to say the least, and to be honest, he didn't really like him at all
he actively avoided the older Ampora every chance he got
and he would do anything in his power to keep you as far away from the sea douche as possible
When you asked him about it he waved his hands around telling you that you're just to handsome and precious for Cronus to not flirt with you 
Eridan also told you of the not at all pleasant experience he had when he met Cronus
and with that you decided that you yourself didn't really want o meet the failed Orphaner 
Especially because of all descriptions you heard of him from the others, he sounded like a creep, a weirdo and someone you wouldn't aproach without at least bear spray and a taser
But as always, fate had other plans for you
Today you were going out to grab yourself some coffee, take a walk to get out of the house for a bit and have some time for yourself
Cronus, who just can't mind his damn business for the life of him, saw you for afar, he immediately recognised the scarf Eridan "lent you" and approached you
fortunately not with the intention to flirt or even bother you, but with a plan to piss his little dancestor off as much as possible
Cronus ended up actually being someone fun and easy to talk to and once he revealed to you his diabolical plan, you were immediately on board
Every time you saw each other you would tell some of the most embarrassing stories of Eridan that would come to your minds or coming up with various different pranks you could pull on the small troll
and next time you saw said troll you'd drop little hints that you knew of some stories he has too embarrased to tell you
But as time went on you started to hang out more and more just for the fun of it, to enjoy each other’s company 
And once the little violet found you out he was pissed
as well as worried for you
But when he found out you and cronus were just being little shits together, no second intentions, he went back to being pissed
for a whole ass week he didn't talk to neither of you
not until you showed up at his door with ice cream and some shitty fashion police episodes
Little Danny really missed you and jumped into your arms as soon as he opened the door
He knew he couldn't do much about your new friendship other than cutely pout at you while you laughed
Eridan loves your laugh and always tries to make you smile, but not when it is because youre laughing at his old wiggler photos Cronus got from Skyhorse Dad
Despite all the teasing and joking around you still loved him and didn't just want to make fun of him
so you and Cro started to work together, once more behind Danny’s back, but this time to craft him a surprise
Together you wrote him a short story of a prince who was prophesied by angels to use their magical powers to defeat a great evil, said destiny being passed down to them by their ancestor who failed to fulfill it 
ok, cronus came up with most of the plot and ofc, the self centered bitch had to insert himself in some way
but the idea was just so fun that you just needed to write it
besides, it didn't need to be super good, it just had to be readable and fun for Eri
Once you present the gift to him all the pouting and grumbling is gone and in it’s place you got an arm full of matesprit 
As much as your fish prince pretends that he doesn't like magic you can literally see how his eyes light up and how his ear fins flicker with curiosity when it comes to it
And while reading your story its no different 
the troll curls up on one of his softest piles, dragging you with him for cuddles, and reads it all in one day 
Eridan just absolutely loves it all, the overused plot, how the main character is “just so like him!”, the grammar mistakes you ended up overlooking 
by nightfall he’s purring to you until you fall asleep as a thanks, he will maybe talk to Cronus next night, right now he’d rather be spending some time with you
since cronus stole you away for some nights for this -3-
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Vrista stans are really testing my patience and making ME feel like a goddamn attorney or like Saul Goodman because my defendants are the fandom's most hated guys after Bro lol
mspa reader (me) x Signless, Summoner and Dualscar aka "Anon and the harem of pitsluts" is better than davekat. 'Cause goddamn, at least give me their hot versions instead as payment for reading their bullshit.
Tumblr media
MSPA Reader (Anon) x Signless, Summon and Dualscar aka Anon and the harem of pitsluts is better than Davekat.
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vikkirosko · 2 years
♊ Psiioniic x fuchsiablood!Reader Oneshot Runaway Princess 💛
You spent your whole life in your underwater hive, which was more like a palace. It was far from your choice. The Empress has been in space for a long time and captured planets, but you knew that when the time came, she would come back to fight you. You saw how the heiress who was before you died and you didn't want to die. You dreamed of living a full life. You wanted to travel, you wanted to make Alternia better, you wanted to meet other trolls. You wanted to meet your matesprite. But for this it was necessary to leave the hive. You took the time to prepare for this, but finally you could escape and go free. You left the ocean hiding yourself under a hooded cloak. You couldn't let anyone see you, especially you weren't supposed to be seen by Dualscar. He was a loyal servant of Condesce and if he found out that you had escaped, he would catch you and send you back to your hive. You walked barefoot through the streets, not afraid of difficulties. However, in the first city you got into trouble, though not through your fault. In this city, the rebels staged their performance in the square. You heard about them from Dualscar and according to him they were one of the main enemies of the empress, but looking at the troll who spoke, wanting to convey his thought to others, you could not see him as an enemy. But you were forced to hide when you saw the highbloods approaching, about to arrest them. That day you went unnoticed and were sure that you would not see them again. But at the market, when you were going to buy some food for yourself, you saw how goldblood troll tried to bargain and buy bread cheaper, but it didn't work out. You watched this for a few minutes, after which you approached him and the seller.
"I will pay for this bread and for a couple more loaves of bread separately"
They both looked at you in surprise. You were shorter than goldblood troll and neither he nor the merchant expected that you had money.
"1 d0n'7 kn0w wh0 y0u 4r3, 8u7 y0u d0n'7 n33d 7h15"
You smiled at him.
"I just want to help a little, you won't owe me anything"
You gave the money to the merchant and gave him a large bag of bread, taking a small one for yourself. The troll looked at you with a slight frown, and then spoke.
"7h4nk y0u"
You just smiled at him, intending to say goodbye and leave, but the screams made you freeze in fright.
"Grab them!"
You didn't have time to react as goldblood troll grabbed your hand and ran. You could barely keep up with him. You ran until you disappeared on the outskirts of the city, in a small alley. You were both trying to catch your breath. You felt like your legs were buzzing and your heart was pounding. You couldn't control your emotions and laughed. Troll looked at you and froze. It was only after a couple of seconds that you realized that the reason for this was that your hood was falling off, allowing him to see who you were. You hurried to put the hood back on, but he already managed to see what you were trying to hide.
"Wh0 4r3 y0u?.."
There was no threat in his voice, but you understood that how this troll would treat you depended on your answer.
"I am an heiress... But I don't want to hurt anyone, honestly! All I want is a peaceful and peaceful life... I ran away and I just want to get as far away as possible, to a place where they won't look for me..."
You lowered your eyes.
"50 7h3 run4w4y pr1nc355..."
He looked at you thoughtfully.
"C0m3 0n, pr1nc355, y0u h3lp3d m3 4nd 1'll h3lp y0u, 1n7r0duc3 y0u 70 50m30n3 wh0 can h3lp y0u"
"I have a name... I (Y/N)..."
"4nd 1'm M17un4, l37'5 g0 pr1nc355, w3 n33d 70 m4k3 17 83f0r3 5unr153"
He took you by the hand again, leading you further away from the city. You understood that maybe he was deceiving you, but you wanted to believe him. You wanted to believe that this meeting was not accidental.
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banned-for-horny · 1 year
I used to read sober Gamzee noncon fics, Banned. I used to do that. Ones where he'd chase reader down first.
And also Grand Highblood noncon fics where he'd keep reader as a pet.
I'm not blaming Homestuck for predisposing me to Eden Love. But I'm not not doing it also, y'know?
If it makes you feel any better, I used to read fics about Dualscar and Cronus. In fact, I have roleplayed with a random online friend I made in a now-defunct app ripoff of Pokemon using OCs x Cronus and more.
Also, I'm pretty sure MANiCRO changed me on a molecular level.
So I guess we really can't fight it, huh?
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yanyan-stuck · 2 years
Can you do more redrom Yandere Dualscar? But with a reader who is oblivious to his affections and just thinks he’s torturing them because he hates them?
Yandere Dualscar with an Oblivious S/O
-I feel like it would be a very bittersweet thing for him, he just wouldn't know how to feel or act, whether he wants you to realize or not.
-One half of him is hoping you'll stay in the dark forever, to preserve his own safety and insure that you won't use his feelings against him.
-The other half is hoping that you'll notice his feelings. If you can't notice them, then you'll probably never return them either.
-He would almost feel stuck in the situation, and his behavior would become increasingly erratic through the length of your captivity until you realized.
-He is lucid enough to realize that he's self-sabotaging, but he isn't lucid enough to stop himself from flipping between seemingly heartfelt sentiments and affections and scarring you both physically and mentally.
-You would feel more confused the longer you don't realize. How can the man hugging you, holding you so gently and whispering about how much he loves you even be the same troll as the one who comes in at seemingly random times to slash at your limbs with knives?
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caffeinatedmoth · 3 years
Dualscar x Reader Comfort
The very moment you can tell you look disgusting and embarrassingly psycho you feel the cold embrace of someone
“Shh, settle dowvn will ya,” Dualscar rests his face against the top of your head “I’m here for ya nowv…” you can feel a peck on your head
The way he wraps his arms around you is intended to pin your arms to your chest to keep you from hitting yourself again
Never have you felt so pathetic to be caught in one of your own self loathing spats
But deep in your being youre relieved that anyone cared enough to stop you
“What ails ya…” his voice is deep and for once sympathetic
Suddenly all the times he’s hurt you is forgotten as you cling to him and bury your face to keep from seeing that pitiful look in his eyes
Your voice hitches involuntarily as you fight yourself to tell him what you’ve been going through
What thoughts surface every second of everyday
You don’t know what compelled you to cave in and spill but regardless his reaction surprises you
Years of rejection kept you unprepared for the way he picks you up to carry you to his nest to coddle you
A part of you spikes in uproar at the thought but it’s quieted by his rugged purr; accompanied by the gentle strokes of his hand on your back
“Aye,” he whispers a pet name to you before he continues, “go on… I’ll be here all day…”
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yandere--stuck · 3 years
💛 and 🤖 for Dualscar?
 💛 How would they confess their love to their crush?
It's less of a confession, and more like him making you aware that you are his matesprit now. There's no choice in the matter, with no space for chance of rejection or refusal. Be and his men force you upon his ship, where you are to stay by him and keep to yourself within his quarters. If it's at all possible, he'd keep you complete isolated from even the other members of his crew.
You were all his now, and he'd make sure it stayed that way.
 🤖 What do they fear the most?
Dualscar knew he had gone too far, taking the life of the jade blood that the Marquise had kept to herself.
He had only done it to get back at Mindfang, but part of him knew that killing the jade was probably the most merciful thing he could do in such a situation. The jade's mind was not her own anymore, controlled by the Marquise to enact romantic fantasies. She was a passenger in her own life, trapped inside her mind as she was controlled like a puppet. What Dualscar did was merciful, especially for a seadweller, even if his intentions weren't pure.
But, with you... He's terrified of Mindfang doing the same to you. It near paralyzed him with fear. Made him hold you tighter in an embrace at the thought of losing you to her.
Never. Never. He'd never let her get the chance, would never let her hurt you. He promised.
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now from the top
make it drop
that's some wet,
that's some wet
get a bucket-
listen, you gotta love them ol' Big bara tiddies- and I bet on my life he does have 'em
in summary, you're a reckless child that decided to learn how to skate and now the big sea man has to take care of your wounds and maybe something else:
(implied NSFW)
♒"So ye just gon' sit in the middle of the hall, covvered in dirt n scrapes?" You shook your head with a sheepish smile as you placed your skate on the floor and let the man drag you to the bathroom.
🌊 After you got cleaned he made sure he attended to all your wounds while you told him about your day "you should have seen me! I did this cool trick- but I fell and scraped my elbow.. I'll get it right next time tho!"
🐟 How do you have so much energy? You're still grinning as you tell him about every failed attempt of properly using the skate as if it was nothing "ye gon break yer neck seashell"
♒ "you can't get rid of me that easily!" Your cheerful statement pulled a small smile out of the man as he slipped his satin purple night shirt on you. Some bruises were still visible but he didn't mind as long as you didn't.
🌊 With a soft murmur he leaned down and kissed the scarpe on your knee "Ye gon sleep wwith me in the recuperacoon tonight" It was somewhat of an order rather than statement but you didn't care "ay ay Capitan!" "stop sayin that"
🐟 His somewhat raspy hands rubbed at your sides, lifting the purple satin to reveal the edges of black cotton panties "stop distracting me, I want to eat. Go rub your trident" Came your annoyed and exasperated plea as you almost finished your sandwich.
♒ "It's pronounced 'su-shi' ok?" The sheer frustration could be visible in Dualscar's face as he tried to command food "fuck this, ye ain't veating!" He yelled before giving you the phone "ye do the talk I'll pay.."
🌊 You silently fed him pieces of sushi as he didn't know how to use chopsticks yet "thank ye seashell" Smiling, you just nodded before planting a kiss to his chapped lips. The kiss slowly turned more and more hungry as minutes passed.
🐟 "ye shore are sensitive after wwe pail" He chuckled, feeling your body shiver at his touch in the recuperacoon "shut up" You mumbled, massaging gently over his gills and ear fins.
it doesn't make the story any better that you went right back to skate the next day, coming bruised up AGAIN.
next headcanon with him will probably be when I talk about the characters with em big mommy milkers (aka. Marvus, Dualscar, Galekh, Mallek and GHB)
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luminousbravery · 4 years
I am begging please Dualscar forcing his s/o to go to bed/take care of themselves. That man may be a workaholic but he will refuse to watch his s/o be one as well
Oh he TOTALLY is. I love this idea!!! Here you go, hon.
♒ He works too much. But that’s normal.
♒You, on the other hand, will not be adopting these same habits.
♒He refuses to let you do so.
♒He makes sure you eat and hydrate through the day.
♒And if you refuse to go to bed? He’s gonna pick you up and carry you there.
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sludgewolf · 21 days
Hi, not sure if you’re still doing headcanon requests, but if you are, whumpee!Eridan Ampora headcanons?
So, this one created a life of its own and developed into a full oneshot of Eri facing the consequences of his actions. From what I understood it was just Eridan suffering and not an x reader
But I'll admit it wasn't my favorite thing to write so I might not do more like this in the future
Warnings: mentions of lusus hunting,Eridan is tortured, depriving of food, water and sleep, broken bones, scale pulling, kidnapping
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Whumpee Eridan Ampora - The Consequences of my Actions
Eridan's life sure was great, being the heiress' moirail certainly has its perks, he's able to spend time with such a sweet and kind troll like Fef and on top of that he's practically untouchable by any troll he might’ve, definitely did, wrong. But it also has its costs, that being, the blood he spares from her own hands, by killing other trolls lusi everyday to feed her owns insatiable appetite
Not that he minds it all that much, after a while it became routine, it's just what's expected from the descendant of the infamous Orphaner Dualscar, so the young troll justifies himself on it by claiming to having to keep the legacy alive by doing the same.
And do it he does, with the childish dream of one day surpassing his ancestor's legacy and becoming a legend himself
Thinking back on it, it was only a matter of time until he crossed one too many wrong people and it all came back to blow up in this face.
It was morning, Eridan was sure of it because of the burning bright light coming from between the wooden boards nailed to the windows of this strange small room he just woke up in
His think pan throbbed from what he assumed to be a blunt hit to the the head, the wire tying Eridan's wrists together painfully cuts between his exo reaching down to his flesh making him almost not want to move in fear of injuring himself even further, despite that he takes a deep breath and forces himself to, moving both arms in unison Eridan his elbow to help himself sit up, he hisses in pain feeling the wire move further into his soft royal flesh, but he doesn't allow himself to stop until he can hold himself up without the aid of his arms.
Eridan finds himself in a small concrete the room, with small boarded up broken windows and with random boxes piled up in the furthermost corner of the room, the air was still, not helping with the overwhelming heat the sun brought into it. But thankfully it also brought the humidity caracteristic of the days in alternia, giving Eridan something in such a dire situation
Trying to take things out of his sylladex proves to be futile, having him realize it has been taken from him while he was out cold, forcing the sea-dweller to look for other ways to get out of there
After some more struggling Eridan manages to get up and starts searching the room for anything he could use to cut himself free, which turns out to be futile, all the boxes he could reach were taped shut and his binds kept him from moving them around to search the rest
Defeated, Eridan slumps against the dirty wall furthest from the door and waits for whoever kidnapped him to show themself
The moons slowly rise up on the sky, his skin dries with the lack of humidity brought by the cold night. And soon enough noises can be heard from the other side of the door, this could be his chance, if he can just bolt out before those idiots can make up what happened he could make it back home tonight
Eridan moves quick, jumping to his feet and making a dash to the door, only to have the air knocked out of his lungs and having him flying back down the basement.
As he hits the ground Eridan feels the wire cut into his wrists and finally snap after painfully lodging into his flesh, the smell of his royal blood hangs in the air, before Eridan can even catch his breath he fells his feet leave the ground, his scarf tightening around his neck
A hot breath fans over his face, Eridan opens his eyes to glowing olive ones glaring daggers at him, their owner, a huge ruffian who was clearly the muscle of the team "GoinG soMewhere?" the older troll mocks him tightening the grip on Eridan's scarf
"Aww the little prince thOught he cOuld get Away frOm us using such A pAthetic And cheAp trick?" the tall scrawny looking one butts in laughing
Eridan is presented to Scrawny then shaken as if he was a plushie "twerp Must think he suddenly can get away frOM everything just because he filled a quad with the heiress" Ruffian jokes
They boom with laughter before just cutting themselves off and tossing Eridan back into the basement as if he was nothing
Scrawny then leisurely makes her way over to where he bounced off to, crouches besides him and lifts him by the hair to look at her "OOh, but yOu cOuld never be mOre mistAken yOur mAjesty. yOu're nOthing mOre thAn a puny little fish that messed with the wrOng peOple"
The sea dweller, reminded of his inherited position above them, swats her hand off as if it was dirt "howw dare you low bloods treat me this wway, wwhat do you think gives you this right?" he turns to them trying to appear bigger and braver than he is
All of that to just be laughed at, Ruffian approach him slowly, stalking him with a predatory gaze waiting for the smallest movent on his part to pounce
Eridan opens his mouth still trying to keep his composure, but before he even has the chance of saying anything Ruffian once again lifts him by the scarf almost chocking the sea dweller then they kneel him right in the stomach forcing bile up his food shoot down to the floor where he was thrown to once again
"what gives us the right? after what yOu've done yOu still asks us that?" they growl
This is the second night of peace Fef had in many perigees, suspiciously too peaceful, her moirail wasn't the best of all but if he was something it was clingy
It felt off when he hasnt pestered her in so long, Feferi tried brushing it off to him working on another horrible plan against land dwellers but as the hours dragged on and night became day with no signs of her moirail Fef knew something was wrong and she couldn't stay idle anymore
She didnt even try calling Eridan knowing it'd be futile, quickly shooting a message to one of the few trolls that she knew could help
Sollux answers her suspiciously as they rarely ever talked, once she explains herself about the lack of her ass of a moirail by her side Sol almost blocked her saying that she was better off without the dead weight
It took much coercing but eventually she convinced Sollux to track Eridan's palmhusk in exchange for buying him anything he asks on her trust fund
Three nights, that's how long the little Ampora has been trapped in the clutches of these vengeful trolls, maybe it really was a bad idea for him to go around killing lusi so openly
Even if it was a dignified, crucial job in favor of troll kind and those lowbloods should've felt honored that their lusi were even chosen for such noble sacrifice. Although at this point Eridan wasnt even sure if it really was all that
Three nights of being beaten by these teenager trolls that kept him captive, three days that they deprived him of food and water, only giving him enough to survive and three days of Eridan questioning if he could hold out any longer
The little violetblood's whole body ached in pain, his body painted black and blue from the bruises that littered across his thin exo, two of his ribs were probably broken making it difficult to do much more than lay on the ground struggling to take a breath for his gills dried up and closed shut from the lack of humidity, his scales flaking off painfully leaving holes across his body stinging from being dragged across the cold concrete floor of this basement
With not much to do eridan tries to conserve his energy by sleeping as much as they allowed him, which isn't much as he's woken up by one of said rests by Scrawny grabbing and dragging him across the dirty and stained floor by his horn, bending his neck in an odd angle, making it feel like the horn will just pop out from the weight of his body
The young troll grabs at his kidnapper's wrist in pain, Scrawny doesnt even spare him a glance before throwing him at Ruffian's feet, who laughs at the pitiful sight of the sea-dweller
His cheeks sunken in, eye bags so dark from sleep deprivation that it could be seen through his exoskeleton, his spine bent weirdly due to his aching ribs still pulsating in pain alongside his heartbeat, skin bone dry with pale grey scales flaking off
The ruffian smirks at the little prince, grabbing his face and forcing Eridan to look at him. a chill runs up Eri's spine as the ruffian's smile stretches wider "aye, hand Me those pliers" they ask Scrawny
Blood slides down the little violet's cheek, the dry air only serving to make it sting even more, Eridan's body shakes as he uses everything he has left to not cry, they already took everything from him but this satisfaction is something he'll not give to them
Just as his will is faltering and he feels like he can't hold it in anymore they all hear a loud clanking sound coming from the house
Scrawny immediately gets up from her spot next to the ruffian and her partner shortly follows her up the stairs leaving the young troll on the floor next to the pliers and all the scales they ripped off in this little game
Not even a tick after they leave through the basement door they're flung back in by a powerful energy blast
Eridan can only look up in surprise from where he's laying his muscles aching as he pushes himself up from the floor, locking eyes w the person he wanted to see the most
In comes Feferi, rushing to him without even sparing a glance to the older trolls, just like a ray of light cutting into the depths of murky waters she looked like an angel coming to save him from these monsters that tormented him for so long, following closely behind her comes Sollux, making Eridan crash right back to reality.
Sollux upon seeing Scrawny trying to get up nonchalantly uses his psyonics to fling a can at her head, sounding a sharp 'ding' and she's out cold on the ground, Ruffian growls at Sol and lunges at them in a failed attempt to avenge their partner. The young psyonic is not impressed, holding them in the air stopping his attack even before he could start.
Feferi holds Eridan's cheeks and makes him avert his gaze from the goldblood who's handing the kidnappers asses to them with practically no effort at all. despite his state Eridan feels a twinge of jeaousy creep up on him, on why fef went to that mutant cluster fuck, was it because Sol was just so much stronger than - " )(oly carp, )(ere drink! " Fef interrupts Eridan's jealousy spiral by practically shoving a water bottle in his face making Eridan finally have some water after so long, the scene besides them melting away as the little prince allows himself to relax and be taken care of by his moirail, he could deal with the nerdy lowblood on a later date. Once he's done Fef helps him to his feet promissing to take him back to his hive to rest, she picks him up bridal style carrying him out of the kidnappers hive
If you liked this pls reblog and comment so I know to write more like it
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stuckonscenarios · 3 years
Do you feel comfortable taking requests for Dualscar scenarios??? If so… how would he feel having a flushed crush on a human???
(so sorry if this is ooc; i’m not incredibly far into hs and have not gotten to the ancestors. i just read up on him and am doing my best. a lot of it is what i interpret might happen, so again, sorry-V)
Dualscar w a flushcrush on a human 💜♒️
-oh my. a flush crush on a human? he honestly feels a tad icky.
-don’t get me wrong; he think’s you’re incredible. you’re a work of art in his eyes, but a human
-he’s entirely confused on what to do. nothing like this has ever happened, not to mention to a highblood
-he’s shellshocked, if you will. (bad pun, i’m an egbert kin what do you expect)
-this is simultaneously the worst and best thing to happen to him.
-finally, he buckles and asks you out. for a high blood, he sure is nervous. he shouldn’t be, he knows. people bow at the sight of him, but it’s you for crying out loud!
-get ready for the pampering of a lifetime. this troll WILL spoil you rotten.
-and rip to anyone who even looks in your direction. mans. is. jealous.
-rip that 😺 ayy
-lovely pair, the two of you. congrats on your new boyfriend.
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dalishthunder · 3 years
wet dream anon here again but,,, dualscar edition 👁️👁️ he's woken up by reader rutting against him and to enhance their experience ™️ he just slides right in there (reader and dualscar have discussed this before so it's consentual even though they're asleep, consent is important homies 😌)
I want you to know that this ask made me feel some kind of way anyways here's a smutty little drabble. L00d under the cut
Rating: E Pairing: Dualscar/Reader Words: 703 consensual somnophilia
He couldn't sleep... it was like that most days but having you beside him always helped mitigate some of the more noxious thoughts that crept into his head from time to frequent time. Watching you sleep, so soft and warm next to him and so so trusting with your alien fragility. You knew he could tear you to shreds, break you without any real thought to it, Gl'bgolyb knew he'd done it to countless others, but you simply trusted him not to. And he wouldn't.
His swim bladder was filling with pity in his old age... Not that he was particularly old by seadweller standards, but by human standards he was ancient. And your life was so fleeting so transient and yet you chose to spend it with him instead of your own kind.
He always enjoyed your expression, your face relaxed and soft like your skin... unguarded, and he closed his eyes for a moment to bask in your human warmth.
You mumbled out his name and he almost thought he'd woken you, but your eyes were still closed. You breathed out his name again with a little more desperation and he trailed his fingers along your cheek. He felt you shift against him and let out a soft moan and he could smell the change in the air; the earthy tang of human arousal.
You ground against his leg, such a sweet thing you were as you whimpered out a "Dualscar, please." How could he not feel so flushed for you when even in your sleep you had nothing but desire for him.
He bounced his leg against you, and you let out a wanton moan. His bulge was already beginning to peak out of its sheath.
The two of you had discussed it at great length, whether or not it was copacetic lend a helping frond to each other in situations like this, and you had both come to the agreement that you both were comfortable taking care of each other. It was about trust.
He whispered out your name, his hand coming to stroke the inside of your thigh trailing up to rub against the moistening fabric of your underwear. You rutted shamelessly against him and he quickly adjusted, careful of his claws.
You called out his name again and he pulled your underwear aside so he could slip into you, cooing soft praises and trilling softly because you were a human; Blending quads was normal for you. You didn't mind his pale noises.
And vast glub you were so hot, searing against his bulge as he inched into you. You rocked your hips against him, driving him deeper as you panted out your needy little alien moans. He undulated inside of you and you absolutely keened as he pressed against that spongey spot on your front wall.
He let out a moan of his own as you squeezed down around him with your strange, crushing nook. "Come on sweetheart, I have you." He purred, groping your chest protrusions and tweaking their little nubs.
Your eyes fluttered open, panting out his name again. "Fuck...." You managed to get out, curling your fingers in his hair and pulling him down for a kiss and you clamped down around him again. "You really know how to wake someone up."
"And you really know how to get someone up." He said, hoping that he was using the human turn of phrase correctly. You rewarded him with a laugh and he grinned, kissing you again.
You were getting close, he could feel the desperation in your thrusts, and he reached down to rub your pleasure nub carefully with his knuckle.
You absolutely screamed out his name as you came, fluttering around him and dragging him with you before he could even begin to ask if you'd prefer a bucket or not. He spilled into you with a groan, throwing his head back and biting his bottom lip hard enough to draw out some of his noble violet.
You were both breathing hard, and you giggled a little bit again and his pump biscuit swelled a bit. You licked your lips, grinning mischievously before pushing him onto his back and climbing on top of him.
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imagine-a-game · 4 years
Cuddling scenario with each of the Amporas? I'm not feeling too great and want snuggles. :(
Aw man I hope you feel better Anon :) And I hope i did the Amporas justice
<3 Mod Lemon
The Amporas having a lil snuggle session
-This lil creature is so dramatic. He acts all high and mighty when in reality he’s just very touch starved and desperate for attention
-Since he is so high on the hemospectrum he is very cold. So you might want to get a space heater or have him lay under some blankets before you join him
-I know everyone and their grandma writes this headcanon but CAPE SNUGGLES
-His cape is probably made out of this very expensive silk. It feels so nice against skin mwah 10/10
-Eridan is like a cat he can and will lay on top of you or your desk for your attention
-Now Cronus is just like Eridan with being touch startved and desperate BUT he’s annoying about it
-He 100% will be so affectionate in public with you
-If the others don’t like it they can leave
-Also very cold but is a jerk about it. He will put his cold hands and feet on you
-Any body heat you have is his now. You signed up for this and this is what you have to deal with
-Attention starved and desperate but doesnt show it
-He’s a busy troll he doesn’t have time for silly things like cuddling...
-Just kidding get in his lap while he does his seadweller work
-Yes he is cold but that is not the worst part- He kinda smells
-Like blood and ocean which I feel like wouldn’t smell good at all. Go force him into the shower
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