Requests: Open!
288 posts
A yandere multifandom X reader blog. Requests are open! Current Request Count: 25. Current Queue Count: 0. Current Commission Count: 1.
Last active 2 hours ago
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
Hiii, matchup anon here, I wanted to check if it was possible for me to commission you for the matchup but saw that both Cash App and Venmo are region locked for me and I don't have a VPN.
I wanted to ask if it is possible to find another method of payment, I personally have PayPal if this doesn't work I can try and find my old Buy me a coffee account.
I can't get PayPal because it registers my phone number as a VOIP number. I just made a Buy Me a Coffee account, it's under the same username as my others, "yandrren"
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
Hi I just wanted to ask if there is a word count limit for requesting a matchup because I'm worried that I would write waaayyy too much if I send one
The only word count limit there would be is if Tumblr has a technical limit for an ask. Go wild, man. Lay it on me
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
Yandere Matchup Commission of the Three Other Quadrants for: @certainwitchpoetry
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Kismesissitude: Sollux
-He would start to catch pitch feelings for you due to annoyance with you being silly, but he would still admire the way you're able to socialize better than him.
-His pitch "affection" would come in waves. It would switch frequently between pure violence, and pure loving acts, rather than being the intense blend of a standard kismesissitude.
-He would be a fairly physically violent kismesis when he's swinging particularly far into hatred. He would somewhat liberally use his psionics on you when he is actively fighting you; you would often come out of them more injured than he would.
-When he comes back around, he'll try to fix some of the excessive damage but sometimes there's not much he can do. Even if he can fix everything, it still won't be pleasant; he'd be insulting you the whole time for not being able to fight back enough, even if you have zero interest in fighting and just want him to leave you alone.
-When he's in a more loving mood, he's smotheringly affectionate. If you try to get away from him, you'll risk sending him into another violent swing so it would be in your best interest to just sit still and not fight back too hard.
-He wouldn't kidnap you unless someone else hurt you or made some kind of pitch move on you. If he kidnapped you, he would leave you untied in his hivestem, and use any escape attempt as justification for hurting you more than he truly should hurt his kismesis.
Moirallegience: Jade Harley
-She'll always be the first one to laugh at any silly things you do and say. When she's around, you'll never be able to think that you aren't funny and liked. She loves to see the things you're able to take joy in, and wants you to stay that way.
-If you come off as sensitive on a subject, Jade would defend you to the ends of the Earth. If you were coming across as sensitive while in conversation with someone else, Jade would jump to defend you, even if it were something illogical. She just wants the opportunity to defend your feelings. You trust her judgement on that, don't you?
-She would have difficulty attempting to help with any negative aspects of your personality and actions. She always defends what you do, even when doing so is a poor idea and would not help you. She tends to focus on immediate help, rather than long term changes in a positive direction.
-Though it is not frequent, she would sometimes come to you with any grievances she has with her friends, and expect you to comfort her or fix it. She would get a bit frustrated with you if you couldn't or refused to, even though you didn't do anything to indicate that you would ever want to do that.
-Generally though, she would enjoy telling you about everything that's been happening between her and her friends, and she would expect you to do the same. She wants to know everything about you; she wants to make sure that there's nothing in your life that she needs to help with.
Auspisticism: Eridan and Vriska
-They would generally want to choose you because of your general sociability, as well as your love of the outdoors. After all, most of their fights take place there, so they need to make sure you wouldn't enjoy being cooped up inside and alone more than outside helping them out.
-Eridan would be much more clear about his intentions than Vriska would be in this situation. As in, he'll be the one to explicitly ask you auspisticize. Vriska would just continuously pick fights with Eridan in your vicinity, threatening grave harm to him and occasionally to you until you need to step in.
-If you comply, they'll act more nicely to each other as they do generally want you to feel that you're fulfilling your role as the peacemaker. Of course, sometimes they'll want to make sure that you're still on board, and that means they need to stir up some trouble for you to solve.
-Even if you weren't on board with the relationship arrangement they had in mind, they wouldn't kidnap you. They would just continuously bring their fights to where you are, breaking down your psyche time after time as you're forced to watch them hurt each other and destroy the things around them in order to force you to step in.
-If either of them thinks that your ashen affections may be going to some other pair of trolls, they'll be certain to kick their violence up a notch, so that they're always the most pressing matter in your mind.
-In general, if Eridan and Vriska are going to take the violence outside of their relationship, it's likely because they believe you aren't fulfilling your duties as an auspistice. Eridan is more likely to hurt innocent bystanders than Vriska is, with the intention of forcing you to intervene and stop him.
-Vriska would be slightly more likely than Eridan to turn the violence on you. She wouldn't do too much damage, but it would be enough that you feel the need to try to calm her down and likely favor her in any negotiations you make. She'll make it hard to care about the strangers at Eridan's mercy more than you care about yourself.
-Of course, Eridan would despise this, thinking that Vriska is cheating the system in some way. And of course, it'll fall on you to comfort him while also trying to find some agreement that keeps you alive, even though you know you'll never be able to lead a safe or peaceful life with the two of them.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
hi!! can i please request a matchup for bnha, slasher, & marvel matchup? i’m bisexual & use she/her pronouns!
for my personality, id say im pretty bubbly and excitable. i’m an isfj & cancer, & i try to look on the bright side and try to listen to/help when they’re sad. im very affectionate with the people im close to, and i tend to cling onto my friends arms and hug them a lot. i love anything soft or cute, especially animals!! im kinda scared of bugs though, but i still always try to take them outside. i get distracted pretty easily, and have a hard time dealing with change. i tend to be a bit bossy and unreasonable when it comes to something i’m interested in. plus i get really moody and irrational sometimes when it comes to something i want (im very stubborn lol). i also really like going for walks, shopping, yoga, gardening, baking (even though i’m dreadfully awful at it), and reading. i try to see the best in everything & everyone, though i can’t really tolerate it if somebody is overly cruel or rude to the people i care about. i have a very “do no harm, take no shit” mentality :)
for my appearance, im 5’1 & have fairly long light brown hair. my eyes are hazel, im fairly pale with a few freckles sitting across my face, & my cheeks are perpetually rosy andjfjjek. my style ranges from pretty soft and girly to a wannabe skater boy (i love the style but alas, it does not love me </3). i really like dressing up even if i’m not going anywhere. i also really like to do makeup, both on myself and others. also since i’m on the shorter side, i like to wear platform shoes since being tall makes me feel cool!
please and thank you!!! (if these are closed just disregard this, sorry!!)
BNHA: Mina Ashido
-Shes would be an obsessive yandere. She would want to know everything about you, and engage in all of your hobbies with you. She wants to make herself a part of everything you do.
-I think Mina would fall in love with you because of how upbeat and cheerful you both can be. She wouldn't want to kidnap you and risk you losing that spark, but if her hand was forced by you not liking her, she would.
-She would try to approach you somewhat naturally at first, though she might come off a little strong trying to flirt with you. If you would fall in love with her, that would be the ideal and you likely would never learn about her more obsessive traits.
-She would love to be with someone who's affectionate with her, and if you were scared after she kidnaps you she wouldn't be afraid of forcing it out of you until you're comfortable with her.
-Even after she kidnaps you, she would want you to interact with your hobbies if you've been behaving well. She would love going on shopping sprees and letting you do her makeup. If you haven't been behaving well enough for her though, you'll be staying with her at her house and not doing much of anything but cuddling with her or waiting for her to get back from her job.
Slashers: Stu Macher
-Stu would be a possessive yandere. As such he would unfortunately limit some of your hobbies to keep you inside with him and away from everyone else.
-Honestly, the thought of courting you normally would likely not really occur to him. He would want to have you entirely, he wouldn't even be satisfied with just a normal relationship.
-He would love how affectionate you are if you ever showed him that side while in captivity. If he had seen you be clingy with others before taking you captive, he might try to scare you with a movie or something a little more real so that you'll cling to him, even if it's only in fear.
-He would be a little mocking of you and your situation, and he would only think it's cute when you try to tell him off or get mad at him. He would overall think that your sense of righteousness is cute, but in a demeaning way.
-If you were to try to rebel against him, he would punish you both physically and by insulting you. This would apply even if it was over something small like your stubbornness.
Marvel: Captain America
-He would initially be drawn to the way you stand up for your friends while still being trusting. He would be a protective yandere, not wanting you to be affected by others who could hurt you.
-He would also appreciate any affection and clinginess you'll give him. He isn't willing to scare you into it though, or even force it on you too much.
-He'd rather be patient with you and let you adjust on your own time once you're safe with him. He'll let you keep all of your hobbies as well; he wouldn't see any of them as a threat to your well being or captivity.
-He likely wouldn't engage in them with you, but he would almost always be in the room with you while you do, just to keep an eye on you. If it's one of your outdoor hobbies, he'll go with you, and he'll definitely stay a lot closer than he would if you were in his house.
-If you were giving him attitude about anything he would likely ignore it. He's keeping you here for your safety, and what he says goes. He won't care about your stubbornness, he can be just as stubborn about what he wants.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
hey hey! could i get a (romantic) homestuck matchup? my name’s solar, i use she/her pronouns, and i’m an enfp 4w5 !!! ^_^
i looove to yap, i’m a huge talker and i will nottt shut up if i’m involved in the conversation,,, however i do like listening to others as well because i’m nosy and i wanna know everything 😋! i love to be sarcastic/poke fun at my friends but i really do care for & love every bond that i have,, i think i can be too silly & sometimes come off as a bit sensitive but i really just want people 2 think i’m funny & like me.
i love the outdoors & i can’t stand being inside/sitting for too long!!! umm, my main hobbies consist of the artsy stuff, like writing or reading or making music or… yeah!! i’m big into movies & love comedies and romsad specially, i’m kind of a film & music nerd ;; i love collecting things from pocket knives to rubber ducks. i’m big into interior design and i looove decorating/organizing things and making them look pretty! honestly i like a little bit of everything. i’m always open to try new things but these are just my fav :]
i don’t care for the species, but i prefer men! thanks soooo much! >_<
Jake English
-I think he would attempt to use any shared hobbies or interests you have as a way to "prove" that you're meant for him in his own mind. Even interests that only tangentially relate to his would make him feel like you're soulmates and lock in your bond to him.
-He would love your desire to be in the outdoors, though he would always need to come with you and show you how charming he can be in how well he could protect you from any threats out there.
-I could see him wanting to have long movie nights with you, and I think moments like that are the only unreasonable time where he would try to force you to stay inside even if you didn't want to.
-He'd be interested in your collections and would let you keep them, even the dangerous ones like pocket knives so long as you don't attempt to hurt him with them. After all, his island is dangerous, so it's good for you to have something to protect yourself with, just in case he can't save you in time.
-I think he'd see your collections as extensions of his belongings. As in, he would see you continuing to collect objects as being at least partially a gift from you to him.
-He would definitely bring you things that he thinks you would enjoy though, even if they don't strictly fit into your collections. Maybe you'll make new collections from it, maybe you'll just expand the criteria of your collections in order to shimmy his gifts to fit in.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
hi! just wondering what matchups you currently have? wanting to see if mine went through, did you get one for homestuck with the name “cain”?
I only have two in the queue. Only one of them is for Homestuck and it's under a different name, so I don't think yours went through, unfortunately.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
Hi ! :33 how are you ? Sorry for bothering you ))):
But, please , can i request headcanons with Eridan/gamzee/dave from homestuck, where reader has auto aggression, they scratches their hands until they start to bleed or can hurt themselves in another ways, because they feel guilty for doing a little mistakes?
(sorry if there many grammar mistakes, i use translator)
I hope you have a nice day/night ! :D
I wasn't sure if this was supposed to be poly or separate so I did it separately just to be safe. Let me know if you wanted it the other way
Yandere Eridan, Gamzee, and Dave with an S/O with Autoagression
-I don't think he would fully understand what you're doing and what the implications of it are. Even if you tried to explain it, I think he would just use it as fuel for whatever he's trying to believe at that moment.
-I do think he would believe in physical punishments. So if you were to be acting out your urges as soon as you made an action because you felt guilty about something unloving you did towards Eridan, he would likely count you as excused for what you did and try to focus on getting you to stop and instead actually focus love on him.
-If you were doing it for another reason though, he might view it as you trying to guilt trip him and escape, even when that is clearly not the case. He would not put up with that well, and would likely either leave you to your own devices or punish you worse himself. He would also likely threaten you or try to guilt you even more in those situations, and only get more upset when that exacerbates the problem.
-If your autoagression ever manifests as you hurting him with the intention of having him hurt you though, he would not be able to understand that. He would fall into it every time and still not understand why you would act so idiotically.
-If you were to try to punish yourself using autoaggression while he was isolating you, he'd likely be a little confused about it, and thus annoyed. I think he would restrain you, so that you can't hurt yourself while you're in there, mostly just so that he doesn't have to think about it and what it might mean.
-On a more positive note, if you were to directly tell him that you want him to stop you from doing that if he notices, he definitely would even if he doesn't really get why you would do it in the first place.
-Chances are, he also wouldn't fully understand what you're doing unless you tell him. However, he would likely hold you tighter so that you can't reach anything to scratch.
-Even if you tell him, he likely wouldn't understand the deeper thought process, just that he needs to stop you whenever he sees it. You wouldn't even need to tell him to, he just wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.
-He would take care of the wounds you give yourself, even if they're fairly minor. He'd be gentle and caring about it, and would never act like it's truly your fault.
-He would view it fairly neutrally. He wouldn't see much reason or way to fix the deeper issue, but he also would want to stop you from acting on it.
-If you tried to hurt him in order to make him lash out at you, especially if it were out of character for how you usually are, he would likely just sit through it and ignore it. If it got to the point where he couldn't ignore it though, he would just force feed you sopor slime pies.
-Dave would probably be the only one out of these 3 who is able to actually understand your thought process. As such, he'd be the most sympathetic to it.
-He would also feel a bit guilty for not being able to instantly fix it for you though. He would see any time that you hurt yourself as a failure on his part.
-His guilt applies even more before he kidnaps you, and he'll likely kidnap you sooner just for having this condition. He doesn't want to see you hurt yourself, and he's convinced that if you're with him he can help you more than he could as just a friend or acquaintance.
-He would be nervous about getting you actual therapy though, because he knows how easily they could take you away from him if you told them the right things. He might get you an online therapist of some sort, but he would be in the room during each session. He also might just try simply researching strategies that could help and trying to teach you them so that he doesn't have to risk losing you while helping you improve.
-He would keep you restrained in a position where you can't do anything to yourself until he can find a more permanent solution to get you to stop.
-If you were to try to hurt him to get him to lash out at you, it would never happen. He would remain calm the whole time, because he'd be able to see why you were really doing it. He'd almost encourage you to hurt him instead of yourself, just because he'd rather bear the burden of your guilt than force you to.
-He'd be sure to take care of any wounds you give yourself though, and he'd be extra careful not to hurt you, lest you think it's him showing he's angry at you for something you've done.
-He might try to limit the amount of "mistakes" that you even have the potential to make. He would take over as many of your life functions as he can, so that all you have to do is sit still and be safe for him. It's not very easy to mess things up when your only task is to sit there until he takes you somewhere else.
-He'd also be very careful in how he treats you, sometimes to a patronizing level, to try to make you feel that you haven't done anything wrong. He would likely attach your guilt to his mentally, so it would help him too to have you feel good mentally.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
Can I request NSFW Grand Highblood with a clingy S/O who does whatever he says without trying to escape. (Probably been trapped with him long enough to think it's love.)
Yandere GHB N/S/F/W with a Clingy, Submissive S/O
-He would be very pleased with you starting to become clingier and more dependent on his love. He wouldn't need to go through his prior efforts to keep you with him and away from everyone else. As such, you likely wouldn't be restrained during sex anymore.
-Given your new taste of freedom, he'd feel the need to make you a more active participant, which you surely wouldn't mind. He would order you around more, just to watch you try to make him happy.
-He'd still be very rough and aggressive with you, mostly due to his size and strength. If you complain about it at all, he'll make it worse. If you're going to follow what he does, you need to follow everything and let him do whatever he wants to you.
-And of course, he makes sure you stay aware that if things change and you try to use this to run away, he'll hunt you down and kill you violently so that you can't try again. These aren't empty threats, so hopefully your clinginess is a permanent change and you don't get any ideas.
-He would choose positions which allow for more skin contact with you, rather than ones that are meant to just keep you in a state of pain and submission. After all, it's so much easier to do everything he wants when he knows you'll never genuinely fight back.
-If he's in a violent mood, he'll still take it out on you though. His change in behavior is more an acknowledgement of the fact that he's scared you into submission enough, he only needs to be as violent as he wants from now on. He doesn't need to use it to manipulate you, and it likely wouldn't work any better than just ordering you to do what he wants you to.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
need me some Cronus headcanons. nsfw or not, this jerk is on my mind for some unholy reason and there is not enough contest of him. thank you for your time and skills.
Yandere Cronus Headcanons (Part 2)
-He's more of a manipulative yandere than a violent yandere. He'd try his hardest to get you to stay with him of your own volition.
-His best plan to kidnap you would be to simply get you interested enough to go to his hive and look at whatever he wanted to show you.
-Once you get to his hive, he'll never let you leave without him. No matter what excuse you give, he'll either counter it with why he can come with you or, if he can't think of a somewhat understandable reason why he could come with, why you really shouldn't leave him alone.
-His hive is so lonely, and you're the first person who has ever cared this much about him. Everyone else just insults and hates and leaves him, please don't say you're just going to be the same. He needs you.
-If you really weren't willing to come back to his hive with him, he might carry you over. This would mostly be due to a fear that if he let it go you'd avoid him from then on, and he wouldn't get another opportunity to win you over.
-He's got a really high sex drive, even for a troll. He'll expect you to keep up with it. He would force himself upon you, but it wouldn't be violent. He'd be more likely to guilt you into doing things with you, or offer to give you something in return.
-Even though he knows full well what he's doing, he'll try to make himself seem harmless when asking. This is so that you'll feel pity for him, and be more willing to consent, even if it's only out of guilt and fear for hurting him.
-He's not afraid of lying to get you to have sex with him. He might make promises with no intention of keeping them. If he does and you call him out on it, he will either try telling you that it'll be different this time, or that he didn't even make that promise to begin with.
-He's very focused on your pleasure, and loves seeing you react to what he's doing to you. He will force you to pleasure him as well, especially if you were complaining about having to be there.
-If you ever beg for him to do something to you, he'll be very smug about it. He won't mock you for it, but he'll be overjoyed about it and will boast about it once you two are finished.
-If you try to beg him to stop though, he'll just try to hush you and promise to you that it'll be over soon. It'll almost never be the truth, he'll keep you there with him for hours at a time.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
could you write some headcannons for aranea? she's my favorite danscestor i love her sm
Yandere Aranea Headcanons
-She would be an obsessive yandere all the way. Her focus would be knowing everything she can about you and keeping you close to her so that she can see every trait of yours in action.
-It would be impossible to escape from someone with as much knowledge, foresight, and luck as Aranea. Any attempt you would make would be intercepted by her, every chance you take to escape will only work in her favor.
-Because of this, she wouldn't restrain you quite as much as most yanderes would. After all, if she knows everything you could do and knows how to intercept it, she might as well let you be comfortable in her hive with her.
-She could be cruel if you continuously disobey her and try to escape. It would only happen if you managed to annoy her with your resistance. At that point, she would likely punish you physically for attempting to resist her wishes.
-Ordinarily though, she'd be kind to you. She'd be very affectionate, and so long as you're willing to listen to her talk without getting annoyed at her, your captivity won't be horrible.
-She might mind control you if you were resisting her to a slight degree, but ultimately she wants to fully see and understand your reactions and she can't get that if you're under her complete control.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
Could I request a scenario or headcanons for queerplatonic yandere Alpha Dave and Rose who share the reader?
Yandere Queerplatonic Alpha Rose and Alpha Dave Headcanons
-Protecting you would be added to their long lists of obligations and tasks. They would prioritize you, even if it meant having part of the rest of their life slip a little.
-They would kidnap you, after all it's far safer for you to be in a house with them than it is for you to be on your own in such a harsh, cruel world.
-They would tell you about their day, and their most recent accomplishments. You'd be expected to congratulate them for what they've done. They just want your support, is that so much to ask?
-If you don't react how they want you to, they'll likely leave you isolated until you feel like you need social contact to be well. They'd never leave you somewhere where you could get hurt, but they wouldn't be against leaving you locked alone in a small room in the house.
-With Rose's foresight, you would never be able to get away from the two of them. She would let Dave know if she was expecting you to make an attempt, and the two of them would foil whatever plan you had.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
do u still do matchups?
Yeah! I updated my fandom list for it, bc it's a little different than my general fandom list. That's just because I realized matchups are much harder to do without full familiarity with the fandom. The matchup request that I got before I updated my fandom list is complete and in my queue, but I will not be using those fandoms for matchups in the future.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
something with the condesce and a tealblood reader whos a legislacerator? tyy i love your work :)
Yandere Condesce with a Legislacerator S/O
-She would still kidnap you. If you weren't a fan of your job, then that's good for you. If you were a fan of your job as a legislacerator, it does put you in a difficult position.
-If you were to attempt to fight with her on the fact that you need to keep working for some reason or another, she's simply command you to stop.
-If you don't listen, she would be a little pissed that you aren't willing to submit and obey her every command. She'd keep you locked up alone until you begged for her to come back, even if you could never look at an Alternian law again.
-If you were to drop it immediately though, she might go through a little bit of effort to get you some kind of simple task that's similar enough.
-She would not be above forming an on-ship mock courtblock. She would simply order you to work there, instead of your old courtblock in front of his honorable tyranny.
-Of course, all of the people here would already be known as guilty, but she would let you have your fun in trying to prove that they could not be innocent. However, she wouldn't let you be strictly professional, most of your trials will have to take place while she's cuddling you or holding you on her lap.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 months ago
Yandere NSFW headcanons with doc scratch if you dont mind?
Yandere N/S/F/W Doc Scratch Headcanons
-He wouldn't initiate anything sexual for his own gain. He doesn't have much interest in taking you without your consent or general interest in sex.
-This is because he does have access to your thoughts and if he were to see that you had been thinking about it, he would likely act on your thoughts. Even if you begged for him not to verbally, that likely would not stop him from giving you what he can so clearly see that you want.
-He can tell the difference between a genuinely held thought and an intrusive one, so that wouldn't be a concern. He would also likely wait until you've had the thought a couple of times, just to be certain.
-It would be entirely focused on you and your pleasure while he's having sex with you. There's nothing you could do for him, so he wouldn't ever let you even try.
-With his omniscience though, he can see an alarming amount of your thoughts and fantasies, to the point where every encounter will likely end up with you feeling a little invaded by how personalized he makes it even though you had never told him anything sexual.
-He would be heavy on aftercare and make sure that you were fully physically comfortable after everything, even if you're mentally disturbed by what has happened.
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yanyan-stuck · 3 months ago
hii!!!! i love your work so much!! }:)
if you're feeling up to it, could the john egbert fans get some food with trickster headcanons? sfw or nsfw, no preference,, tysm!! keep up the amazing work
How about both
Yandere Trickster John Egbert
-Being a trickster would make him even more delusional. If you tried to fight back against him, he would just ignore it and pretend it didn't happen.
-He would turn you into a trickster as well, as quickly as he could. After all, he feels so happy like this and he wants you to feel it too.
-He would almost certainly try to get you to agree to marry him as soon as you turn trickster. If you manage to keep your wits enough to refuse, he'll just keep asking until you give in.
-When in trickster mode, he'll be impossible to pull off of you. It doesn't matter what's happening, he's latched onto you like his life depends on it.
-If you hadn't already been kidnapped when he went into trickster mode, he would tell you all of the creepy things he knows about you, everything cute that he's seen you do. And, with your mind being as addled as it would be in trickster mode, you'd just giggle and find it adorable that he would find that much out about you.
-He gets just as much baby fever as every other person in trickster mode would. Luckily, that would include you too.
-Like how I said he can never be pulled off of you, if he's not cuddling you he's having sex with you. It doesn't matter what you would be saying if he hadn't forced you into trickster mode. It would work entirely in his favor that trickster mode lowers your inhibitions entirely.
-As soon as he gets you into trickster mode, he would want to be having sex with you. It's something entirely unavoidable in his eyes. It's meant to happen that he'll ask to have sex with you, and you'll enthusiastically agree.
-He would want to have a child with you to an insane degree, regardless of if that's feasible or easy for the two of you. Again, you'd be feeling much of the same way though, so you can't really blame him for anything he did while in trickster mode.
-If he manages to remember even an inkling of consent that you gave while in trickster mode, it would make your life a living hell when he's out of trickster mode. He'd either see it as permanent consent, or attempt to force you into trickster mode again in order to feed his delusions of you wanting and needing him.
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yanyan-stuck · 3 months ago
Ps if you still have the grimace troll I'm really sad I lost it. :(
Yandere Tavros N/S/F/W with a Darling with Stockholm Syndrome
-He'd be over the moon if you were to initiate something with him. He doesn't enjoy forcing himself on you, so having you ask on your own, even if it's only as a coping mechanism to put up with your captivity, puts a smile on his face.
-He would be fairly quick to trust you after you develop Stockholm Syndrome, and wouldn't feel the need to restrain you at all if you were the one who initiated, given you've been acting consistently in love with him. Even if he initiated, if you were enthusiastic about agreeing to it, he likely wouldn't restrain you for it.
-He would be really focused on your pleasure the whole time, he doesn't want you to regret letting him do this to you. As time goes on through your captivity, he'd let you do things that you would want to him.
-He would never use your Stockholm Syndrome to force you into anything he thinks you really wouldn't enjoy. If anything would require him to ask more than once, he wouldn't make you do it. He would still see it as more immoral than everything he's done to really take advantage of you.
-He'll easily ignore the fact that the only reason you act so desperately to appease him is that he's traumatized you nearly beyond repair though. He wouldn't want to face that truth and think about the fact that your submission isn't pure love.
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