caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
hi...it's me and um i just want anything...anything at all for lobo, theres like no content for him💀
sorry this is awkward for me, this is the first time im requesting something while not anonymous, and i just feel weird😭😭😭😭
Whoooo sorry it took so long to get to this I have been incredibly depressed and unmedicated but hey. I got to it. Merry Shitscram <3
Content warning: alcohol, smoking, swearing, mosh pit violence, shitty exes, vauge mentions of abuse, vauge mentions of mental health issues
The metal scene on stations is not for anyone. Lobo, however, wasn't just anyone. Since he was semi-dating you, he thought you weren't just anyone too. That's why he'd brought you to this surprisingly nice bar, to watch one of his favorite bands play a show.
You weren't exactly big into metal. Sure, you listened to Metallica every once in a while, but Lobo was constantly touting the musical skill of bands with names like Aborted Second Coming and Spider Vomit. Sure, the technical skill these guys had was impressive, but it was intimidating too.
Still, you loved him, so you'd agreed, and now you were sitting at the bar with earplugs in, sipping on a beer. The cold was nice on your tongue contrasted with the heat of the packed bodies, and you considered ordering another once you were finished, but decided against it. Lobo would probably be in no state to drive at the end of the night, and he couldn't well sleep at the bar. One beer was probably good enough.
Lobo, meanwhile, was barely in your sight, since he had jumped into the middle of a mosh. From what you could see, he was having a hell of a time, bodyslamming people and getting his nose broken. His mouth and chin were covered in his blue blood, and it was getting on his shirt, too. He caught your eye then, and flashed you a grin and a thumbs up. You smiled and gave him a thumbs up back. It was good to see him have fun.
After a few more minutes, he managed to extract himself from the mass of sweaty, girating bodies to make his way over to you.
"Babe, hey! How's th' beer?"
"It's good, Bo, you should probably- ah- here let me just get that."
You grabbed a couple of napkins and gently wiped at his bloodied face, much to his disappointment.
"Babe, baby, c- noooo, c'mon, lemme alone, 's fine! I'll clean it off later!"
"Lobo, angel, sugar, if you bleed too much on their floors the owner is gonna kick us out."
He sighed, finally ending his struggle and letting you wipe his face off. Once you'd finished, you kissed his nose, which made him much less sulky. He kissed you back, and the next thing you knew you were making out.
At this point, the previous band had moved on and the band that Lobo had come to see had finished setup. The moment the frontman announced "We are Bloodfuck!" Lobo pulled back excitedly.
"Sorry, hon, they're on, I gotta go!"
"Ok, ok, have fun!"
"Yer so cool I love ya."
Once he left, you ordered some water and went back to chilling. If you were being honest, the guitar in this band was pretty cool, very technical. You could see why he liked it, since Lobo was an avid lover of technical guitar skill.
And then you saw him.
You didn't notice him at first, since his hair was blonde now, not blue, but there he was. Your ex. The one who'd... god you could barely remember. You'd dated him in a really bad patch of your life, and he'd taken advantage of that to totally isolate you.
Then came that feeling. Rage? Hurt? Nausea? The feeling that came when you thought of him. So you took your water and sped to the bathroom.
Once you spent afew minutes of deep breathing and pacing around, you started to feel better, and went to go back to the bar, but were stopped by the door opening.
"There y' are..."
Lobo stepped in, leaning back on the door to give you both some privacy. He looked... worried. You were still getting used to that. He never seemed to get worried over anything else, except for maybe dolphins. And now you.
"Ya dissapeared, sugar, don't do that."
"Sorry, sorry, I just saw... just had some bad memories stirred up. I'm better now."
"... I saw my ex. You know, the one I told you about."
"Oh! Jackass!"
"Yeah, Jackass."
"D'you... need anythin'? A hug, a murder, break his kneecaps a lil?"
"A hug would be nice. Don't do the other two things please."
"Awwwww, y' never lemme have any fun."
He did oblige though, pulling you into his arms. He was damp with sweat and smelled like salt and spilled beer and BO, but it was comforting.
"Y'wanna leave? Just so ya don't hafta see him."
"Babe, no, that band you like isn't done playing."
"And? I got th' CD and th' hoodie n junk. I can jus' catch em next time."
You pulled back and looked at him. He LOVED going to live shows. He got excited whenever he heard one was coming in. And he was going to leave in the middle of a set for you?
... That felt... nice. Like he cared about you. You weren't sure about exactly how he felt about you, but him offering that? It was nice.
"Lobo, I promise. We can stay."
He smiled at you, and then you both left the shitty bar bathroom. He stayed with you at the bar for a good while, but when the band announced their final encore, he made his way back to the pit.
And so did your ex.
Lobo noticed at the same time you did, and immediately shot you a look. You saw the question in that look, and nodded a yes as an answer. He smiled, then jumped on the stage, looking back to time his leap juuuuuust right...
His drop coincided with the last note of the song, and he quickly got up and rushed over to you.
"C'mon c'mon we gotta go now 'fore the cops get here."
You took his hand, tossed the bartender a tip, and then sprinted to the door.
You knew he cared now.
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
a little embarrassed to ask for this one but can i get some more comfort lobo?? maybe him trying to calm you down after you start thinking hes cheating cause he stopped seeing you as much as he did before?? and if you do decide to do this one could you just copy paste the ask i have too many ppl that know me on this account 😭 tysm still love how you write lobo
I have got you you don't even have to trip.
Content warnings: It's like pg-15 the whole fic, references to cheating, domestic disturbance ig? You yell at him
That. Son. Of. A. Bastich. You hated him. You really did. Oh yeah, sure, it would be a SUPER great idea to catch feelings for possibly the most well known flake in the universe. It would be a FANTASTIC idea to actually believe him when he said he had feelings for you, too. And it would just take the proverbial CAKE if he was cheating on you.
Sure you didn't have concrete proof, but the long bounty trips, the vauge air of coldness, and his very NATURE were the giveaways you needed. So you were leaving. If he cared enough to go after you, you'd chew him out and turn him in. If he didn't, it was whatever.
There was a "Dear John" letter to consider, however. You still cared about him enough to tell him WHY you were gone. But the words just wouldn't come to you. That was probably what gave him the time to come inside before you left and sneak up behind you.
"Whatcha writin'?"
You jumped, dropping your pen on the desk and standing to get up. Your surprise in turn surprised him, and he raised his arms in a gesture of peace.
"Woah, babe, didn't mean ta spook ya. Thought you heard me come in."
Still shocked, your mouth twitched to form words, but none came. That amused him.
"What, writin' a letter ta yer secret side piece? How come ya never do that romantic crap ta me?"
That was the kicker. He accused YOU of cheating? While he was the one actually DOING IT? It didn't even register to you as a joke, and you lost it.
"Oh you WOULD. GOD I cannot believe I ever- you- you-"
"Hey, what's-"
"Answer me!"
He furrowed his brow, and you saw his pupils dilate as he thought. So it was multiple people.
"The girl!"
"The huh?"
"The girl or guy or whoever it is you're fragging cheating on me with!"
"What- babe."
"Ok, ok, no babe. But will ya listen ta me?"
"Oh, yeah, listen to you weasel out of any consequences I might give you, I hate you so MUCH."
"Listen. Ta. Me."
Clenching your fists, gritting your teeth, you tried to push past him.
"Let me by."
"I can't."
"Let me BY."
He opened his mouth and looked like he wanted to say something, but then seemed to shrink back from the thought. Instead, he took your hand. Surprising yourself, you let him.
"Just... I can show ya paystubs, tickets, whatever. Just let me tell ya why I'm out so much."
You could hear the slight shake in his breath, but what you couldn't hear was the mantra running through his head:
"Please don't leave me. Please."
You could feel it though, subconsciously but you could feel it. So you let him sit you both down on the couch and continue holding your hand.
"Ok, so, uh. Ya know my kid, yeah? Crush?"
You nodded, remembering his estranged daughter.
"Well, she uh. She got inta some trouble with th' Darcan mob. She's in on the bounty huntin' shit too, jus' goes after live targets, but one'a the guys she grabbed was th' Capo's son."
"So she-"
"Lemme finish. I got wind a their... plans fer her afore she did. She still doesn't know. I made a couple deals with em. Work for em, take down a couple'a their rivals, that kinda shit. Trouble is, they don't pay union rates, so my cashflow decreased. I had ta go after more bounties, outside'a theirs. It's been... 'sbeen a long couple months."
"Why didn't you tell her?"
"We ain't exactly on speakin' terms."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You'd worry."
"Of course I would! You're a hitman for the fragging Darcan mob!"
"Was. I paid off th' debt."
"Bout six hours ago."
"Bo... you could've told me."
He looked away from you. He looked... ashamed? Worried? You couldn't exactly tell.
"Lobo, I'm so sorry I yelled at you. I must have sounded totally crazy and-"
"Woah, hey, nah. Y'sounded pretty reasonable. From where yer standin', at least."
He just sighed and leaned back onto the couch.
"Can we... not talk right now? 'M tired."
You nodded, then leaned into him, resting your head on his chest. You could actually feel him relax under you.
"Sorry I made ya worry."
"Tell me next time. I promise the worry I feel while knowing will be less bad than the worry I feel while not knowing."
"Ok. Promise."
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
Ok preface I know that possessive behavior is a red flag but uh. I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if I could please get some Lobo being a lil jealous and possessive over the reader.
Lobo x Reader
tw: swearing, alcohol, smoking, suggestive implications
a/n: love this prompt so i might be a walking red flag myself lol
“God, you cannot be serious.” you groan with disdain.
Before you was a run-of-the-mill bar, brimmed with noise and an odor that was downright foul. The large burly mass behind you places his hands on your shoulders, “Aw, c’mon, you’ve never been to this one.” Lobo takes a drag of his cigar before haphazardly flicking it out of sight and blowing a cloud of smoke into the air. Just as those words left his mouth a crash emits from the entrance of a bar. One of the drunks had stumbled out to pour his guts out onto the pavement.
You groan once more in protest, “Is that really supposed to convince me? I think the stench alone is a safety hazard.” you whine softly before covering your mouth and nose in your hands.
Lobo cackles, “You get used to it.” he begins to confidently stride past you, “Plus, has the Main Man ever steered you wrong?”
Begrudgingly you catch up to his heel and huff in response. “I could fill a room with how many terrible ideas you’ve had.” With a glint in his daring red eyes and wide grin, he reaches behind himself to pull you in front of him. Lobo then proceeds to throw you over his shoulder to sit, perched; a well practiced habit that you grew accustomed to.
“Argue all y’want, sugar. Y’know what that usually leads to
His mischievous chuckle earns a frustrated sound and a tug of his hair, “Lobo!”
“Relax, babes, at least I’m payin’.” the large man is completely unfazed by your halfhearted attempts to hurt him as he continues to wear his wide grin.
You only grumble to yourself when you finally reach the bar. As crowded as it was Lobo manages to squeeze you two into seats furthest from the bathroom. The barstool was so worn out it groaned beneath the added weight. You made a mental note to burn these clothes later. In the corner of your eyes you spot a sea of creeps. However, you were quick to find comfort in the fact that they were clearly wary of who was in your company. Returning your focus to the barkeep you hear Lobo ordering himself something you assumed was whiskey. He turns to you and nudges your arm. You usually got something light, but tonight was different. Lobo only brought you out here for drinks because you had a terribly rough day at work.
You pick something that is sure to boost your confidence and get this party started. This doesn’t go unnoticed by your loud mouth boy toy. “That bad, huh?” 
The bartender is quick to return with your orders. “You have no idea. I am so calling in tomorrow. I’m doing way more than what I’m paid for and they know it! I mean this morning,” you begin retelling your horrible day to Lobo who was uncharacteristically listening without a word. If anything, he was watching you transition from a bundle of stress to a rather friendly little thing. It was somehow relieving to him to see you loosen up so much more than usual. Not that he would ever admit it, but he hated it when you would be so full of burden and barely allow him a windows view of your problems. Now you were suddenly telling him anything without much shame or thought for that matter.
“And that was the worst party I had ever gone to.” you take a swig of your drink, hardly tasting it anymore. Lobo throws his head back to laugh, “Haw! No wonder you quit tequila!”
A few stories and a few drinks later, you notice that you were well passed tipsy. Not that you minded at the time. Just as you were about to start another story, something catches your attention. It was a familiar rythme. The second it hits you, you gasp and turn to Lobo. “Holy shit I love this song!” Although you were slurring your words, you jumped right in. With caution to the wind you even leap onto the bar. It was much to his surprise, but he enjoyed your enthusiasm.
Your choreography was incredibly improvised and frankly, embarrassing. Regardless, everyone in the bar loved it and some even began to cheer for you. Involuntarily, Lobo mentally catalogs this song for later. For now he decides to enjoy the show and cheer you on as well. At some point the fun begins to end when a drunk pulls on your arm by your wrist and into his lap. Red eyes widen at your playful attitude as you respond by caressing their cheek and continuing to sing and laugh. As the song ends the bar erupts in laughter and euphoria. 
“And what’s your name, mister.” 
“You can call me daddy.” he winks at you, “How’s about you and I get outta here, sugar lips.”
You dizzily giggle at him, “Where’re we goin’?”
“A fraggin’ morgue if you don’t get yer paws off my things.” there was a noticeable path between the crowd that led to you both.
Lobo stood in front of you two, not the least bit impressed. In fact, his brows furrowed and he held a disgusted snarl. “Ha ha awkward.” you giggled despite the tension. Perhaps next time he'll just bring the drinks to your place. “Listen, ass-face, if I gotta repeat myself, I’m gonna mess you up so bad I’m gonna be scrapin’ yer veins from my fingernails for a week.”
The bar is silent as Lobo uses his size to loom over the drunk who began to visually shake. “Woah-!” you have to catch yourself on the floor as you are quickly pushed off of your cushion-y seat. The drunk nervously laughs, “My bad, man, didn’t know you had dibs.” he holds his hands up defensively. This did nothing to please the main man as his blood was still boiling. He probably wouldn’t be so upset had you been in your right mind. He knows you would have socked this scumbag in the face before calling to him if you were sober. Thankfully he knew he couldn’t really blame you for any of this no matter how much he wanted to. Didn’t stop him from taking his anger out on this dweeb however.
That said, Lobo uppercuts the guy through the ceiling. His ears twitch at the sickening crack upon impact. Nobody complains and nobody bats an eye. Like a hivemind, they go about their business, even as blood drips from the ceiling.
That was somewhat satisfying, he decided. Returning his sights back on you he's quick to lift you to your feet and into his arms. Considering you were still struggling to get up he figured this would be easier than waiting for you to sober up enough to walk. He was glad he could help you relax, but whatever had happened just then was not ideal. You two may not have been dating but in his eyes you were exclusive. He made sure you knew that with how many secret admirers he had to scare off these past few months. 
Lobo grumbles as he looks down at your flushed gaze. “Th-thanks, Big Guy.” you gently pat his bicep, exhausted, “Tonight was really fun.”
It relaxes him to see the tired smile on your face. His playful bad boy attitude returns, “Yer gonna pay for that lil show back there. Don’t go thinkin’ yer off the hook yet, sweetie bits.” He pays the tab and begins to head towards the door.
You snort at him, “Don’t tell me yer jealous.”
“I don’t like anyone touchin’ my stuff.” he retorts before throwing you over his shoulder and smacking your backside, as is tradition when you give him a headache. “Hm, dunno if I like bein’ called “stuff”.” 
“You’ll get over it.” You chuckle in agreement to that.
On the way home you manage to fall asleep before you even get to your street. Lobo puts you to bed and before his commitment issues make him leave, he takes a second to look at you. Only you would have the courage to fall asleep on the most dangerous bounty hunter in the cosmos. Something about that made him smirk to himself. Lobo leaves with a mental note to bother you in the morning.
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
If you ever get the time could you write some lobo comfort stuff but he’s actually kinda bad at it but it works out
I can 100% do that. Our boyfriend who is so bad at emotions. I'm also so sorry this took so long I am currently in a slight depression (AND ALSO GOT GROUNDED IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS OOPS) but YOUR fic finally showed me where I wanted to go creatively with this so thank you.
Warnings: some language, angst adjacent, suggestive content (it's pg-15), nicotine use
Shit was fragged. That's what you thought to yourself as you ran into the bathroom of the bar to throw up.
Today was just one damn thing after the other. First, your boss had sent you an email about "downsizing", and from what you read, you were out of a job. Next, you found that the plumbing in your shitty station apartment was all messed up and your landlord was out on Dasin-99, no doubt blowing your rent money on coke and hookers, and FINALLY, the CHERRY on top, your (ex)coworker had sent you an invitation to her wedding, just rubbing in your own loneliness.
So now you were here, in some dive bar you'd dropped into to stop from crashing your ride, and you'd just cried so hard you'd thrown up into the bar toilet, and now you probably had mouth crabs or something.
After dry heaving a few more times, you got up and went to wash your mouth out. You could taste the bitter acid clinging to your teeth. As the water ran, you heard another stall open, but you didn't look up. It was a bathroom, there was bound to be other people. But then you felt his shadow fall on you.
"Y'know this bathroom ain't the one ya puke in."
Whipping around at the unexpectedly gruff voice, you found yourself staring into a rockin' pair of pecs. Once you realized you needed to look up, you did.
"Wh- what does that mean...?"
"This's the only functionin' bathroom in the bar. First on the left's fer drugs, second on the left's fer pukin' n' cryin', and the one next ta this one is fer screwin'."
At that last one, he shot you a grin, and you couldn't help but blush. This guy was scary looking, sure, with his imposing height, dark facial markings, and leathery biker aesthetic, but his roughly chiseled face and impressive figure made him kind of easy on the eyes.
Still, a stranger coming onto you in a bathroom wasn't exactly helping you not feel awful. So instead of humoring him, you just rolled your eyes and went back to splashing water on your face to un-puff your eyes.
"Awwww, c'mon, did I say somethin' wrong?"
"You didn't have to say it"
"Hey, c'mon-"
"I don't feel like being eye-fragged by a stranger."
"Ok, so we gotta get our introductions in order. I'm Lobo."
"I'm not talking to you."
"Cool. I like it when a babe plays hard to get."
"Ooooh my god you are so- so-"
"Annoyin'? Infuriatin'? Sexy?"
He grinned again, and you realized what you'd just said. Fragging frag it all. You grabbed your bag and went to storm out.
"Ya still sad, sugar?"
...No. You weren't. You were irritated and prickly, but... not sad anymore. He was still there, leaning on the wall now, and he raised his brows.
"...You are... something. Certainly something."
"Not th' worst thing I've been called. You wanna hop a bathroom over?"
"Buy me a drink, first"
"Can do."
The next morning, you stood on the fire escape of a shoddy apartment, smoking a cigarette. Lobo stood next to you, leaning out and puffing on a cigar. You felt his red eyes flick to you.
"Got any plans fer anything?"
"... you got anything against weddings?"
"Damn, didn't think I was-"
"It's my coworker's. I need a date."
"'S there a bar?"
"Count me in."
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
Feel free to request somethin
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
God everything sucks so indulgent comfort from recent hyper fixations
Scenario is you’re sad n drunk on the floor somewhere idk
Gabe from overwatch
It’s not like he hasn’t seen this behavior from Jesse before so he is kind of disappointed to even see you like this
But he’s mature and would probably just want to talk to you about it when you’re sober
But right now he sees you on the floor and emotion so he joins you and rests an arm over your shoulder
If you’re a horny drunk and you try to come onto him he’ll diffuse the situation by pinning you however he can in his position and whisper absolutely fucking heart-wrenching words of support and care into your ear
“I’m here for you, I’d never leave you” “I know what you’ve suffered and you shouldn’t worry about me” “I love you” “I need you”
Nothing of which he would casually slip into a conversation with you
He holds back his words when you’re sober but he unfortunately knows how much you need to hear it from him
He stays with you as long as it takes to sober you up before disappearing until you find yourself needing him again
Grand highblood from homestuckïżŒ
When he approaches you you’re on the floor crying with an empty bottle in hand
He’s bloodied and fresh from an execution
His once mirthful mood sours into one that’s more uncomfortable
He can’t quite tell why he’s uncomfortable but unbeknownst to the both of you he just really cares
He unintelligently pokes a little fun at your misery but when you’re just a little too unresponsive he huddled in close the best he can before giving you a small sigh
He holds you and although he can’t find any words to comfort you verbally he just keeps you close
He can tell you’ve been on the floor too long and gathers you up into a bath
He keeps you close to the edge in case you need to puke but he does continue to hold you regardless
Afterwards you cuddle on the bed as he tries everything in his power to make you feel secure
After that he decides to keep a closer eye on you
Lobo dc
This guy does not give a fuck he might as well join you
When he can tell you’re not having any fun though he kind of complains
But you’re unresponsive and he can see a few tears streaming
Your whole body must be numb because you don’t try to hide it from him
He’s not good with his words either of course but he does think it’s easier to distract you rather than talk about what’s bothering you
He tries to be funny but ends up coming off as gross
But it’s nice and almost familiar so you give into it lazily and cling to him
You guys obviously fuck for comfort at this point but I promise it’s not as sketchy as it sounds
Zuke from NSR
He comes back from a jam session with may and has to tell her to leave immediately
Not because he’s embarrassed by you or trying to hide anything but because he knows you would rather not have anyone else see you like this or it would eat at your for literally months on end
He’s not good when it comes to you crying but he does get soft at seeing that hurt look in your eyes
He rests his forehead onto yours and lets you audibly cry for hours
You don’t even notice the amount of time that goes by but it’s such an explosive release of emotions that you never realize that you needed
You wake up on top of him completely hungover but you can’t help but notice the dark circles under his eyes as he sleeps
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
Lobo x Reader
Comfort fic
Tw: swearing, suggestive, sorta toxic ig
A/n: once again am i drunk and crave comfort from big long haired aliens. I’ve been very dissatisfied with the lobo x reader content and lack thereof so here’s my piece.
Summary: somethings bugging you lobo tries to comfort you and he sucks at it but it works out in the end
You can feel him smiling as he kisses sloppily down your neck. You should have given it more thought when you accepted his little booty call but you figured this would have helped lighten your mood. If anything it made it worse as he was quick to disrobe you as soon as he arrived. He was fresh from collecting a bounty as well; you could smell some of the blood still on him.
Your hands decide to move quicker than your head at this point, “Get out.” He lets you push him away before looking at you, shocked.
Lobo furrows his brows, “I just got here-“
With your hand raised, you stop him mid sentence. You’ve been fighting a lot of demons lately and you didn’t want to fight this one. “I’m just not in the mood anymore.”
He only inches closer with that gruff lowered tone of his that he knows you like, “C’mon, babes, let the main man take care of you tonight.” Although his eyes were animated it did nothing to change your mind. You simply point him to the door.
Despite the fact that you both had a wordless agreement to a lack of a relationship, Lobo knew enough to pick up on a few things. You were lacking in energy as well as your room was beginning to look a lot like his. Dirty plates and laundry cluttered the place. He couldn’t not notice it as the room usually smelt pretty nice the last couple of times he came over and you made such a big deal when he took you over to his at one time.
He decides to bite the bullet on this one, “Alright is something the matter?”
“You’re pushing it, Lobo.” You move to pick up your shirt, but he stops you with an irritated response of his own, “And you ain’t? Just tell me what’s wrong! I came all this way anyways.”
“Like you could give a shit! Just get out already I shouldn’t have to tell you twice!” You shout lightly as he was getting on your last nerve.
Regardless of your rage you still flinch when Lobo stood up all too quickly. He gave you a hurt look, not that you would register it as such as he had a better read on you than you did on him.
Now that he thought about it he had plenty of places to go if he wanted to get his dick wet. Although you were pretty good in bed, that wasn’t all that drew him to you. He grew somewhat attached. You both got on like a house fire and something in him stirred at that. He initially stood to leave, but now he was going to get an answer whether either of you liked it or not.
Lobo finds it in himself to level his tone, “I’m not leavin’ until you start talkin’, sweetie bits.” Unfortunately he did have a habit of resorting to intimidation. This did not sit well with you, “If you don’t get on your stupid bike and leave right now this little game of yours will be over.” You retorted.
“You’re bluffin’.”
“Try me.”
There is a bone chilling silence that follows with air so thick you could cut it. It hit you suddenly that this was very odd behavior, even for him. This time you interrogate, “What does it matter to you anyways? I’m sure there’s a strip joint a few blocks from here.” You roll your eyes to mask your anticipation.
Much to your displeasure he dodged the question, “You’re actin’ real funny yourself. Except it ain’t funny at all–you’re just given’ me a headache.”
If looks could kill his insides would have been on the outside. “You’re a piece of work.” You snatch the clothes on your nearby dresser.
“Call me a passion project.” Lobo grins at you with sharp teeth poking at his bottom lip.
You groan loudly out of frustration as you leave the room to your living room after you finished aggressively putting your clothes on. The heavy footsteps behind you tell you that he has begun to follow you like a puppy. “You got a nice place-“
You interrupt him with a vice, “it’d be nicer if you left.”
“I get that a lot.” You turn to see him leaning against your door frame with crossed arms. God, you would be lying if you said that didn’t do it for you.
“Can’t we just pick up where we left off some other day?” You bargained.
“Perhaps. Or you could just tell me what’s your problem.”
“You really wanna know?” He fails to hide his celebratory smile at his success. “You’re my problem.”
His smile fades into an awkward one as you waltz over to your kitchen. Clearly not the answer he was looking for, he refuses to back down, “Go on
” he eggs you on with a chalky tone. In response, you groan, “You’re loud, annoying, and invasive. Now can you please leave or do I have to call that weird blocked number that keeps asking about your whereabouts so they can throw you in space jail?” You’ve managed to start brewing yourself some late night coffee in that breath.
When you turn back to look at him he is no longer at the door frame, instead he is in front of you, his face, unimpressed. Lobo stares at you for a brief moment before sneering, “Frag this.” He steps around you towards your front door.
You couldn’t stop the ache in your heart that suddenly set it. He was actually trying and you were treating him like you were some cornered animal when he was just trying to talk to you the only way he knew. Granted he fucking sucked at it, but you’ve never known Lobo to care about anything quite like this.
“Lobo wait-“
“This is what I get for tryin to do something nice.”
“I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean any of that!”
“Pick up when you actually wanna piece.” He grumbles loudly as he approaches his exit. Of course he still cared about sex

Your hands, once again, move faster than your head as you grab a mug off the shelf and throw it right over his head. The shattering of the mug spikes something in you. Your voice is breaking when you shout next, “If you leave I’ll block your fucking number.”
What follows is a deafening silence that is only broken by the beep of your coffee maker. You hadn’t noticed that you were holding your breath as you let out a shaky sigh.
Unbeknownst to you hearing your voice like that for the first time managed to soften him up enough to toss you a line, “Are you gonna talk?” You hesitate. You weren’t quite ready to tell him what you’ve been going through considering you wouldn’t even know how to properly explain it.
When you don’t answer he turns to you, impatient. However when he sees your face he holds his tongue. You were holding onto yourself, clearly upset. When you find the words he finds himself feeling weak for the first time in a long time, “Can we just
 sit down. I’m just not ready for that yet
Reluctantly, he accepts this. Lobo walks over to the couch to remove whatever hard piece of clothing he had on. Once he looks back into the kitchen your back is turned. You were looking into the coffee pot, frozen. You really hated being so vulnerable. Both of you had that in common, among other things. He takes a deep breath and puts on a soft look as he makes his way towards you.
You don’t even flinch when he rests a hand on your shoulder. His other hand comes up to your chin to gently turn you to him. It was almost impossible to stop the tears that streamed down your face. The Scourge of the Cosmos was standing before you, his heart laid bare.
The large man pulls you toward him and you follow. He hugs you deeply and for a moment things finally begin to mellow out. That is before he hoists you up and tosses over his shoulder with a hard slap to your ass. You playfully yell his name in false frustration as he cackles, “C’mon, sweetie bits, I’m entitled to some snuggle time!”
“Ugh! At least shower first!” With that you knew you weren’t going to get off that couch for a long time.
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
hello <33 could i get a fic with the signless with a human s/o
hope you like
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
Body and Soul
Signless x human s\o
A\n: I didn’t know if you wanted poly with Disciple or something in the bubbles, but this is what I could come up with hope you enjoy.
Exhaling through his nose, he sighs, as he presses his forehead against your own. You both sat at the edge of the cave, enveloped in his cloak. As you sit on his lap you think back to when you found each other. The kindness in his eyes and the softness of his voice. He was so delicate with you at that time as you were wary of his intentions despite how his reputation already preceded him. You were so different, it was hard to believe anyone could be so accepting of you.
Now you sit, mutants to troll kind, but bonded to each other body and soul. You can hear the others from the group roam around in the back of the cave to give you privacy. Normally Disciple would be spending this time with you both, but instead was helping Dolorosa prepare for the day. So much has happened since you've both met, you can’t help but ask, “Remember when you came to me about being your matesprit?” 
A nervous laugh is quick to follow, “How could I forget? You almost knocked me unconscious in your excitement.” You turn to him with a stern look that is extinguished by a forehead kiss. “I said I was sorry like a million times.” you complain to him.
His arms tighten around you as he chuckles, “I’m only teasing, my flush. Now why do you ask?”
“I just wanted to know
 Why me? I mean don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be happier, but
 You know.” He understood what you were hinting at and was rather unimpressed. Nonetheless he smiles upon you.
Signless gently raises your chin with his thumb and index finger before choosing his words carefully, “It wasn’t a tough decision to make. When I close my eyes I can see a clear vision of us. It’s what used to keep me up at night before I courted you,” he strokes your bottom lip with his thumb as mutant red pierces your bashful gaze,”you match my passion like no other,” your name is like silk on his tongue,”since the start of it, I saw you at my side, as I yours.” Signless steals a chaste kiss before he rests his head against yours as he did previously. 
If you didn’t stop him now, you were sure he’d be going on all night, “Alright alright
 good answer, Sign.” you were left flustered as you failed to remember that he was a troll of both words and actions. He only laughs at how you burn up in his arms ,”I aim to please~”
“Noted.” you grumble in his neck with your arms clinging to him.
This time, Signless was the one who couldn’t help himself. He grabs your waist with both hands to pull you from him so he could begin his assault of affection, kissing every inch of your face in a rapid fire. Despite moving your hands to weakly push at his face you both dissolve in a fit of giggling and laughter. As fun as it was, a loud clearing of somebody’s throat had you both pause to look over at the back of the cave. There stood the others with varying degrees of annoyed reactions; Psiioniic being the highest. 
“Are you almost done over there?” His lisp is prominent as is his irritation.
With a more polite tone, Disciple voices her concern, “Come on mew two, it's going to be daylight soon.”
You can hear Dolorosa giggle softly as you groan before rising to your feet. Holding your hand out to him, Signless hoists himself up as well. Hand in hand you both join the others; unable to hide the lovestruck look on your faces. Psiioniic makes a bit of a show of rolling his eyes before retiring to his side of the cave along with the others. As you and Signless lay in your pathetic makeshift nest you share soft whispers of endearment and cuddle into each other. All relationships had a fair share of ups and downs, but with Signless he held such patience with you and possessed a heart full of fiery passion. Despite being human he loved you all the same and more. Like it made no difference to him in the slightest. He eventually falls asleep before you, snoring lightly. You take in his features for just a moment before cuddling deeper into him. Being with him like this made you feel safe. Never feeling the need to compare yourself to him or others. He loved you with his body and soul and you reflected from that. You shut your eyes and fall asleep to the powerful beat of his heart.
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
I really like your dualscar fic! do you think you could write something for the psiioniic? perhaps about going from strangers to great friends? I am mspa at heart
Thank you for your patience 💜
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caffeinatedmoth · 2 years
Strangers to Friends
Psiioniic x (gn)Reader (Platonic)
Tw: some swearing
A/n: this was tricky cause I haven’t written for psiioniic in so long but this was rlly nice and fun ty
Your feet pounded the ground with as much force as you could muster. Having had just stolen a few fruits and some grubloafs from a random merchant, you were currently looking to make an escape to a crawl space that you had to call home. In all honesty, you weren’t expecting to put this much effort into your getaway as the merchant looked lazy and was practically sleeping when you even got to his table. Regardless, here you were, your heart pounding and your feet throbbing.
You quickly round a corner after ducking through the busy crowd of the villages Main Street hopefully losing the angry merchant. Unfortunately you made the mistake of looking back instead of in front of you as you immediately slam into what felt like a wall. You groan softly cradling your nose before gasping at what had happened. Your spoils of the night scattered the dirty floor and what was in front of you wasn’t even a wall, but a cloaked troll. Four of them, to be exact. His red eyes scanned you, concerned, not that you were able to pick up on it. Not only was your food ruined, but you also managed to misjudge exactly how far away the merchant was from you. He had practically been at your heel this whole time. You didn’t get the chance to react as you were yanked up into your feet by the collar of your shirt. All you could hear in your ears were utter obscenities and the merchant practically mocking you for not only being a thief, but a lousy thief at that.
You go to yell and thrash around to wiggle free but the red eyed troll thrusts his hand forth to capture both of your attention, “Excuse me, what are the costs of these goods; whatever it is I’ll cover it.” It was clearly in exchange for your release, but your eyes still shifted between the two looking for a way out.
His voice naturally carried throughout the alley and was enough to quell the merchant. He had to grumble to himself in thought before ultimately deciding to toss you towards the troll. Once costs were discussed the red eyed troll hands him a pouch of coins, thus allowing the angry merchant to leave in a huff, although not before shout at you from over his shoulder, “If I catch you near my store again I’ll gut ya, vermin!”
You could only gulp as now you needed a new target and you were sure everybody was now hyper aware of you. You groan having had skinned your knee from the fall. The hooded troll offers a hand to you before speaking more gently this time.
“And what is your name, my child?”
You only blink at him before giving him your name. Huffing lightly, you state in a neutral tone, “You have my thanks, but I’m off to-“ as you take his hand his eyes soften at you whilst he gently hoists you up. The others seemed to pick that up as it was lost on you quite easily. Dual colors eyes glare at you as a weak hiss crawls up his throat, “Come on you cannot be serious.” His lisp is prominent.
“Truly, my son, do you think it wise to-“ A much gentler voice tries to reason with the red eyed troll as well, but their efforts are fruitless as he interrupts.
“Hush the both of you. There’s potential in this one; I can feel it
” his eyes almost literally sparkle at you as he says this, much to the dismay of others. The yellow one groans before adding, “You say that about everybody you meet!” He bares his fangs to you as he goes on, “They’re just trouble, still a criminal and a thief. They might even expose us to loyalists of the empire! You can’t seriously be thinking about taking them with us, I won’t allow it.” The red one released your hand to calm his friend but before you could bolt towards the busy street an olive blood is quick to hold onto you before giving you and apologetic smile, “A-paw-logies haha
 but mew’re stuck here until we settle this.” Her grip is vice, but you’re sure it’s more or less to secure you in place rather than to hurt you. Despite the pain you keep your mouth shut and look on.
“Please, my kin, just trust me in this one I know it will be different.”
“They’ll get us all culled!” The yellow blood continues to freak out until, what appeared to be a jade blood, stepped in to caress his arm. “Please, Psii, you know as well as I do that he would never want to put any of us in danger.”
“Just give them a chance
Dual eyes shifted to you before he huffs, looking towards the ground. “Do whatever you want
They seemed to take that as a positive response as the red eyed one finally spun back around towards you to properly welcome you, however it was your turn to thrust your hand up defensively.
“Uhh, many thanks, seriously! But I like my chances of survival here more than joining the cause.” Each of them perked up at that, not realizing that a bit of their reputation had proceeded them. They didn’t seem to give you enough credit as it didn’t take too much to connect the dots.
You expected him to scramble, to make an attempt to further sell his point, but his eyes only softened once more. He was clearly disappointed, despite this he just nods to the oliveblood, signaling her to release your hand.
She does so with a bit of a disheartened look. Maybe she was looking forward to you joining; you couldn’t be sure. You turn on your heel and begin treading towards the loud streets.
Although something stops you. A gut feeling that pulls you back into staying in place. ‘Is this a mistake?’
You were second guessing yourself which wasn’t good. You were having such a good streak of hard and fast decisions too. With a mental groan and a bashful look over your shoulder, you humor them, “What exactly would you have me do?”
The red eyed troll beams at you with a solid wide grin before trotting up to you, “Oh you wouldn’t regret it! We are going to save this world,” the way he says your name lights a fire in your eyes, “We can talk more once we head back to the inn. It isn’t necessarily safe to talk here, we were really only just here to stock up before heading to the next village.”
You hummed lightly as that seemed to make sense. You shrug your shoulders, giving him a lazy smile and agreeing to come along. The weak snarl behind the three of them doesn’t go unheard by you yet you elect to ignore it as you all begin to head out. Your first impression was already pretty messy.
From what you had gathered, the red eyed one went by The Signless, the oliveblood, The Disciple, the jade, Dolorosa, and finally the stubborn yellow one went by Psiioniic. They were all on a mission to collect followers for their cause and had many pledge their alliance already. They still had a long ways to go unfortunately, but they’re proud of the progress so far. His message is one of peace, a vision he has for this crumbling world. One where everyone gets along and works together. It was a little too soft for your liking, but every time he preached it to you, you could see it to. So you might as well fight for it too.
Signless, Dolorosa, and Disciple were happy to answer many of your questions, however there were one too many instances where Psiioniic would scoff or comment on your lack of school feedings. He was quick to reach your boiling point as you already had enough of him. You bite back at him the second you hear him begin to scoff again, “Just choke already! If you don’t settle down you won’t last long here
” in your professional opinion that didn’t have nearly enough bite to it but it seemed to do the trick by the look he was giving you. The other three gasp lightly.
You prepare yourself to be scolded from all sides, but Psiioniics voice dips into a growl as he sizes you up, “Is that supposed to be a threat?”
Being all too quick-witted, you fail to hold back a snide, “So what if it is?”
“Oh bring it on, vermin!” He eyes spark as if to emphasize.
“Enough the both of you!” Dolorosa is swift in mediating both sides. You don’t notice Disciple already appearing behind you to pull you away. You really liked Disciple so you don’t find it in yourself to fight her. Psiioniic on the other hand was giving Signless quite a hard time. He refused to be dragged away from you and still managed to growl despite Dolorosa’s booming voice.
“Fighting solves absolutely nothing, so for the love of Gog, behave yourselves! Psiioniic, I understand you’re upset, but they’re part of the team and no amount of whining is going to change that. So please calm y-“
Psiioniic retorts with a strangles sound, ”No, Rosa! I’m not going to calm down! They’re going to get us all culled I just know it! What security do we have that they won’t just sell us out!”
“Hey!” You were really tired of being pushed around. Not that she needed to, but Disciple tightens her hold on you and calls out your name in a quiet whine almost pleading that you don’t say something stupid. “I don’t have to prove my loyalty to you, asshole! I don’t actually like running around scared of dying all the time so whether you like it or not I’m here now
He seems to have run out of things to say as he simply throws his hands up before leaving the room, possibly to the nearby washroom. Nobody was too worried as they would be expecting him to come back in time to sleep. Disciple is the first to break the ice with a relieved sigh; glad that things didn’t escalate further. She settles on holding your hand to help you relax. Dolorosa moves to the seating arrangement on the other side of the room, pinching the bridge of her nose in a stressful gesture. Signless however is quick to lecture you on picking your battles. “Please, have more patience. Psiioniic may be stubborn but he comes from a dark place! Be more civil is all I ask of you
” you scan the faces around the room and notice all eyes are on you, somehow riddled with guilt

“Alright. I’ll try to be more considerate.” You said this more or less to appease them as you were sure Psiioniic was going to continue to make this very difficult for you no matter what. Nevertheless this seemed to work out as each simultaneously relaxed upon hearing your answer.
It was going to be a long couple of nights

True to your word there was much less chaos between you two, but more backhanded remarks. This clearly irritated everyone, nonetheless after Signless managed to take care of business in the village it was time to restock and do a bit of scouting. Just to check on whether or not it was safe to travel to the next village. Dolorosa was tasked with the shopping with what little money they had while Signless and Disciple, out of habit, mindlessly wondered off together in search of any information they could get their hands on. You could hear Psiioniic grumble and curse under his breath once he noticed he was left with the task of taking care of you. This happened to include showing you the ropes on how to get information without exposing who they were affiliated with. He grabs you by the back of the shirt to get you to follow.
You can’t stop the growl that bubbles up your throat but it dies down rapidly in response to Psiioniic snarling in return. Without much thought he easily states that he does not like you. Unfortunately before he can elaborate you’re swift in your rebuttal, “Oh, you wound me so. Look, I’m crying.” You pull at your bottom eyelid with your middle finger to drive your sarcastic point home. He seems shocked at first until it settles back into his usual scowl. He growls lowly and returns his focus to the task at hand.
After looking around for some time he finally huddles close to you and reluctantly gives you a basic rundown of code words, signals, and things to look out for before approaching anybody. He makes one demonstration with a merchant but you hardly pay attention as you eyed the food stands. You’re snapped back into reality when Psiioniic lightly snaps at you, “Did you get all that?”
You pause for a minute, “Sure did
” you were too embarrassed to admit the truth. However he already gave you the rundown, truly how hard could it be. By his expression you could tell he didn’t really buy it, “Alright, go talk to someone then.” He challenged.
You gulp and take a moment before sizing up a merchant that was honestly just a carbon copy of who Psiioniic chose. You pointed to him quizzically, but didn’t really get an answer. The only thing he offered was a raised brow and crossed arms. You huff and march over to the nearby food stands, pretending to look for something to buy. This felt rather dangerous to you somehow, but Psiioniic hasn’t come to correct you on anything yet so you proceed with clearing your throat before tossing up whatever you could.
However you seemed all too nervous and kept forgetting actual terms that Psiioniic had taught you. You resorted to asking about a specific item that would have the merchant reply with a narrowed look, “Aye, come inside. It’s in the back.” His voice was deep and menacing. You pressed on regardless, however you failed to notice Psiioniic trying to push through the crowd to get to you.
Once you ended up inside the small tent-like shop you heard the unsheathing of a thick knife. It had you whirl around this a wide eyed glance. “Woah woah-“
“Ya think you can get passed me with all that fancy talk? Yer part of the empire forces aintcha? Well the heretic group is long gone and I’m not about to letcha leave
“No wait I am a follower! Look!” You flash the hand sign Psiioniic told you about but no dice.
As the merchant charges at you, you duck and roll past him and try to leave. Unfortunately he pulls you back in and you can’t help but scuttle before actually getting free and ducking out of the tent. Suddenly this was all too familiar as your feet were once again pounding and you were once again running from another merchant. Out of habit you turn another corner and reached a dead end. You knew this because of the wall you smacked into; except it was actually still just a wall. You really needed to stop doing this. You regain your wits and press your back to the wall to face your attacker. Might as well try and fight your way out. As you raise your fists something practically squawks from behind the merchant.
In rushed Psiioniic, sweating, panting, and holding up the hand sign he had taught you. “T-that ones with us
” his lisp was unmistakable as you sigh in relief.
It took the merchant just a moment before howling in laughter at the situation. “Aye good thing ya came! Was about to make a stew outta this one.” You shudder at that.
Psiioniic and the merchant exchange a few words before you finally peeled yourself off of the wall once the merchant began to head back to his shop. You approach him with a bashful look on your face. He gives you a very stern look before scoffing and ruffling your hair, “You better have learned something from this.”
You only laugh and bat his hand away, “Yeah, I have actually!”
He didn’t seem to expect that answer as he waits for you to continue, “Enlighten me.”
“That you do like me.”
He takes a moment to choke on his spit before he whirls his head back at you to object. The face you make at his is full of jest; he can’t help but comment, “Ha! Please, Sign would cull me if I let something happen to you.”
You could only chuckle at his reaction, “Yeah yeah, tough guy! I’m sure I would have made a great stew.” You joked.
It was Psiioniic’s turn to laugh “At least you didn’t pick a loyalist, Gog help us if you screwed up that bad!” You both continued to poke fun at each other as you head back to the group. It seemed a friendship blossomed that was sure to last

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caffeinatedmoth · 3 years
Dualscar x Reader Comfort
The very moment you can tell you look disgusting and embarrassingly psycho you feel the cold embrace of someone
“Shh, settle dowvn will ya,” Dualscar rests his face against the top of your head “I’m here for ya nowv
” you can feel a peck on your head
The way he wraps his arms around you is intended to pin your arms to your chest to keep you from hitting yourself again
Never have you felt so pathetic to be caught in one of your own self loathing spats
But deep in your being youre relieved that anyone cared enough to stop you
“What ails ya
” his voice is deep and for once sympathetic
Suddenly all the times he’s hurt you is forgotten as you cling to him and bury your face to keep from seeing that pitiful look in his eyes
Your voice hitches involuntarily as you fight yourself to tell him what you’ve been going through
What thoughts surface every second of everyday
You don’t know what compelled you to cave in and spill but regardless his reaction surprises you
Years of rejection kept you unprepared for the way he picks you up to carry you to his nest to coddle you
A part of you spikes in uproar at the thought but it’s quieted by his rugged purr; accompanied by the gentle strokes of his hand on your back
“Aye,” he whispers a pet name to you before he continues, “go on
 I’ll be here all day
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caffeinatedmoth · 3 years
Homestuck writing blog
I’ll mostly be writing for the ancestors but on occasion I’ll write for whatever character I feel the need to
Reader will generally be gender neutral but also depends on what I’m feeling or if you request something specifically
You can request headcanons or scenarios if you want but this blog is mostly a stress reliever more than anything
Just know I mostly write when I drink so I might not get to it idk
I don’t write for everyone but I’ll write for most
I do write nsfw so minors dont interact thnx
I’ll mostly write for comfort tho so idk
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