#dt socialize holding
nathaslosthershit · 22 days
Coworkers?… Something like that (MV33)
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Summary: Working in media for a Formula 1 team, you had expected to be behind the scenes, unseen and unnoticed by fans. But catching the eye of one of the drivers and the very public flirting as a result has thrust you into the spotlight Part of my summer event! Warnings: A little suggestive hehe.
It was the perfect job for you. Part of the team you love, far from the spotlight. You were good at it too. Constantly complimented by your boss in meetings on how much engagement some of the content you came up with got. Even the two drivers, who were certainly not known for enjoying media making them do stupid games for the fans, had stopped complaining as much. One driver in particular seemed to really enjoy when you would work with him…
You’d never been a big fan of Max Verstappen. It wasn’t that you disliked him, he was extremely talented of course, and not too bad to look at, but as you had always rooted for the underdog, you couldn’t justify ever celebrating his many many wins. But as you got to know him, as he gave you the warmest of welcomes to the team, you changed your mind. 
You two had been keeping your budding relationship to yourselves. Despite how much you liked each other, until you both had figured out where the relationship was going, it didn’t seem wise to tell anyone, especially while you were just finishing your first year with Red Bull. Despite how much you helped improve the team’s social media presence, if something happened, if it came down to their world champion a few times over, or some girl in media who had only been there for a year…
Luckily, it did get more serious, very serious. After a long conversation, you both had come to the decision that you won’t say anything explicitly, as Red Bull didn’t have rules on dating coworkers that would warrant an official notice to HR, but you wouldn’t hide as much. 
Too bad this decision was made not long before the Drive to Survive team came to film extra content for the show.
It was only supposed to be filler clips. Extra video footage to use with a voiceover to give more time to explain things. ‘Just pretend we aren’t here’ they had told everyone in the office, and oh boy did you pretend. 
It was Max’s fault, 100%. The undisclosed but very apparent relationship between you two was known to everyone at Red Bull at this point, but not the new video crew coming in. And Drive to Survive lives for the dramatics. 
While it wasn’t explicit, a few clips of hand holding (initiated by Max), a kiss on the cheek (given to you by Max), and multiple clips of Max looking at you with nothing but heart eyes, it was hard for anyone watching to ignore. 
Once the new season came out, fans very quickly caught onto all of the content of the two of you that DTS was trying to be sneaky about putting in. That then led to ‘internet sleuths’ finding all of the behind the scenes content they could get of both of you, and then finding your account you had left public thinking no one would care about the random Red Bull media girl. How stupid you were.
“Max, what the fuck are we supposed to do? Do I delete my account and hope people forget?” You asked, stressed by the sudden spotlight.
“That would just make it worse and make them less likely to forget. We will just have to… be honest, give people enough content to keep them satisfied but not spoiled into needing more.”
He was right. It was almost laughable how he was the voice of reason in this situation when media presence was your job. That is how everything started.
There were no ‘official wag paddock walks’, you were too busy working to be Max’s arm candy before a race. But there were a few photos here and there, your team even posted a few BTS moments of the two of you.
“All you have to do is describe the food you are eating to Checo so he can guess.” You explained to Max for the fourth time, but he was still not listening as he was far too busy appreciating the view of the beautiful woman he got the privilege of calling his girlfriend. “Do you understand?”
As Sergio nudged Max, he responded with a quick, “Yes got it”
“Do not say the name of what you are eating.”
“Yes, yes we know.” He absentmindedly said as the two drivers put on their blindfolds. 
Everyone let out a breath of relief as Max went to lift the spoon to his mouth, the entire crew antsy to finish what was supposed to be a quick video before Max ruined it with his heart eyes and lack of comprehension to anything that came out of your mouth. 
“What the fuck! It’s ketchup!” Max exclaimed as everyone groaned.
“Max, you weren’t supposed to say that!”
“I thought I was guessing what it was! That's why I had the blindfold, no?”
They were in for a long day of shooting.
Max had started a stream, hoping to make it quick so he could join you in bed. Unfortunately, when viewers saw that you were walking through the background, they wouldn’t give up until you joined, so neither of you had much of a choice.
Despite how obvious it was that the two of you were together, neither of you had confirmed the status of your relationship. This led to having to ignore about three quarters of the comments you both were getting on the stream.
“Would you like a Red Bull?” Max asked, 45 minutes into what seemed to be a never ending stream.
“No it’s too late, I’ll go get a water-”
“Nope you stay there i'll get it.” Max said, antsy for an excuse to take a moment to himself. The amount of comments about the two of you were starting to piss him off.
He returned to the room to see you answering questions and, while still off camera, he set down the glass and waved to get your attention.
‘End it’ he mouthed, making prayer motions with his hands.
You simply shook your head, you had been having more fun talking to people than he had.
‘Please, I want to go to bed with you’ he mouthed back, wiggling his eyebrows in hopes of conveying he wanted to do much more than simply go to bed. You couldn’t stop the giggle that left your mouth at that.
Seeing all the viewers confused, you simply responded, “Sorry, my coworker was harassing me” which had you giggling again as you saw Max get visibly annoyed at his new title.
“Okay guys, bye.” Was all Max said as he quickly returned to the view of the camera and turned off the stream. He then turned to face you, saying nothing as he dragged you to the bedroom, holding you close as he pushed you down onto the bed with him, causing more giggles to leave your mouth/
Giggles which he quickly stopped with a kiss. And then another. And then another.
The makeout session was in full swing when Max finally remembered why he was annoyed.
Quickly pulling away from you, much to your chagrin, he asked, “Coworkers? Is that all we are now?” He teased.
Giving him a less passionate but more loving kiss this time, you responded with, “Something like that” as you both started to remove your clothes.
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literatemisfit · 3 months
Some things to remember on the DT media storm:
I admit I'm not happy he used the phrase "didn't exist" but here's the thing. He was making an acceptance speech, off the cuff. He wasn't making a public statement that had been rehearsed, he's human and sure, it can be argued that he misspoke.
The issue is that the right jumped on the chance to slam a trans supporter because they hate trans people and given the chance to (try to) silence one of their supporters, they'll do anything, twist any words, amending the part where he said he did not wish her ill. The woman herself is a complete monster and she should absolutely not exist (in her current state) in 2024, just like how we say racists, homophobes, transphobes etc. should no longer exist nowadays. It's a turn of phrase.
She should shut up. Had he not been filmed, it would have been fine. But since people started posting the video (especially on twitter 🙄 why the fuck would you do that) the right found it and weaponized it.
The nuance of the thing is: he's an angry dad who's fed up that his kids (and all trans/nb kids) are not being respected or cared for by the literal government. He's angry, he's frustrated, he was speaking to a room of like-minded, angry, frustrated individuals. He's human and he spoke as he did, but the internet and especially the right are not good at nuance. Actually, they openly reject it.
If the right can dish it out (to the point of openly endangering the safety of and mocking the deaths of trans people) they better be ready to take it.
Shutting up does not endanger this woman. He openly said he did not wish her ill, but they'll ignore that part because this is giving them the illusion of righteousness and control. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that 9 days before the election they're panicking, they've lost their platform, and they're going to hold onto what an actor said at an LGBT award ceremony because it seems it's the only thing they have left and that's pathetic.
He used "didn't exist" most likely without the knowledge of what the internet would do with something like that. He's not versed in social media. He probably didn't speak to a PR team before his speech and it's his humanness, his unfamiliarity with internet discourse and trigger-happy accusations that they're using against him because it's all they have left.
The beauty of it is, as long as it stays online, he doesn't hear any of it.
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alwaysonf1 · 11 months
lewis is doing what?
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Pairing: Charles LeClerc x Hamilton!OC
Genre: Slice of Life; Fluff
Word Count: 3k
Warning: Changes in the timeline for the sake of the story.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: This is my first F1 fic, which makes me nervous so why not start with a series.
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Many Drive to Survive haters like to pretend everything that comes from the show and what it’s about are beneath them. That they couldn’t possibly care, and that the only important thing is the race on Sunday. And yet the day after the latest season drops you can find them amongst the chaos trying to figure out what the hell were all those hints about a new form of content that F1 plans to release. 
Interwoven with the usual storylines and mild dramatics there was a lot of talk about how drivers show their families the support they’re given. How they show up for them in their careers and bits of their lives. It was weird at first, but then it sent off alarm bells when an almost fourth wall breaking moment happened where the Netflix team was blatantly dismissed. 
“I think we have this one Netflix, but thanks for the help.” Those were the exact words spoken by the head of marketing as she closed the door to a room where you get a glimpse of team paraphernalia but see no faces. 
Every social platform that you can find an F1 fan on has it trending and the conversations (and screams into the void) are fast paced. But Twitter is where the real unhinged and brain cell losing behavior is happening. 
And the most accurate guessing.
Almost everyone within the community is discussing what that snippet could mean. Is it the end of DTS as they know it? The end of it completely? Are F1 and Netflix severing ties? Will F1 be taking over? Is this some little game they're playing with their viewers to keep them tuned in? Is it something completely different? What the actual fuck is going on?
In the middle of those questions are those who think themselves a genius or are delusional enough that they can’t help but form some wild ideas of what’s to come.
Someone must be retiring. Multiple people are retiring. There’s going to be a reality show ala Keeping Up with the Verstappens, where everyone learns that Max’s little trauma dumpy memories with Jos are just the surface level of how insane that man is. Someone is getting married. Someone is getting married to another driver. A nepo baby is going to become the “voice of the fandom” and host a show about the drivers during race weekends and it’s going to be all the wrong things. A dating show for all the singles. A behind the scenes at the lives of drivers and their families, but like Family Feud. And the penultimate dude bro dream of them getting to spend the season hanging out with drivers and get confirmation that their toxic thoughts that alienate most of the fan base is true.
After about twenty-four hours it all dies down. Everyone is still wondering, but they don’t feel like they’re losing their minds while they try to be the one who can say they were right when they news drops.
As if timed, the second that F1 drops in trends the F1 admin drops a graphic with the faces of six people who are clearly positioned like the thinking face emoji on every platform that they use. In the captions it says: Week in the Life - Sibling Edition.
If Twitter was home to the first wave of screaming, it belongs to Tumblr the second go round. Everyone is so excited for the content that someone must have thrown up from how aggressively happy they feel. Everyone is talking about who they want it to be and what content they’d love to see from which sibling. Those who make gifs are especially excited to get everything they can, though they won’t be outdone by those whose brains and fingers will be entities on their own once they get hold of a singular moment that will inspire the fic of everyone’s dreams.
Those who always have something negative to say are there as usual, but they aren’t as loud or upset as they often are. Being nosy doesn’t stop just because you want to pretend that you only care about the race, as if someone doesn’t have a file of screenshots from all the times, they’ve attacked the character of a driver for something not race related at all.
The reaction to this is the kind that instills faith in what is being done. The kind of thing that tells all the upper management who didn’t like it that it was a good idea, but also puts a certain bit of weight on the content team. They need this to deliver. Need to keep the hype, especially since the first episode doesn’t drop until the start of December and they’ve already recorded half the series so a failure could stop the rest.
So once the Singapore GP ends, Daniel Ricciardo’s face is no longer gray. You get to see that goofy smile and wink. You’d think they told everyone he was getting a permanent seat with a three year contract with the reception to it.
It’s Charles Leclerc for Japan. 
Lance Stroll for Qatar.
Carlos Sainz for COTA.
Alex Albon for Mexico.
And coming off his first P1 of the season, Lewis Hamilton for Brazil.
For the next week or so if a tweet isn’t about excitement, disdain, or shock in regard to this new F1 exclusive content, it has a certain main character at its center.
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Unhinged Ranting about Zone 6
Major spoilers below, don't click if you wanna be unspoiled, this is just my personal opinion.
Alright. So I've been briefly glancing at social media now that I've cleared MSQ, and I've seen bits here and there that DT is basically repeating Endwalker (and to a degree Shadowbringers') plotline. But if I may offer my humble opinion...
They are, and they're not. Instead what Dawntrail gives us is so much fucking worse in terms of horror. I am going on the record right now that for me personally, Living Memory beats the hell out the city of Amaurot. Why do I think that?
Amaurot, we only experience at a *remove*. Yes we live through the city's destruction, but the version that's there in the First? That's Emet-Selch's creation, made out of grief/depression/rose-colored glasses view of Ancient Society. With the exception of *one* person, we do not see (as far as I know because I didn't really sidequest there so if there's anything otherwise, please let me know) actual physical legitimate people (I'll get to that in a minute hold on). Please take a look at the fucking wreckage that was Emet-Selch's thought process at that point and tell me that man had the capacity to think up an entire city of millions, each one with their own individual personality. All those people are chilling in Zodiark.
(yes yes I know gameplay mechanics and the like BEAR WITH ME HERE WE'RE GETTING TO THE POINT)
And when we do encounter those souls of the city? Those precious lives the Worst Ever Coworker trio wanted to save? They are a mess. They are a wreck. All they can do is mourn the life they had before and beg for it back. They have been steeping for millennia in guilt/regret/longing for the old days to the point that it's all they are. You could argue they're not even themselves anymore.
Living Memory is worse because we're not dealing with a 'one size fits all idealized memory of how I thought this random person of society should be'. Living Memory is you fucking staring at your beloved Aunt Remy who used to wear pink ribbons in her hair and always chugged that shitty store-brand beer at every sports game for her favorite team and couldn't pronounce your name just right so she gave your a nickname and you just rolled with it. Only it's not your Aunt Remy, it's a goddamn computer copy of her.
Even worse, it may not be the Aunt Remy you remember. Living Memory changed its inhabitants to reflect the happiest times of their lives. Aunt Remy may not be the adult you remember her as, she's probably going to be a damn sixteen year old experiencing the first time she met their favorite pop idol!!!
Pick your poison, which one is worse?
A. A rose-colored glasses one-size-fits-all construct version of your loved one.
B. The soul of your loved one so tainted by and warped by longing for the 'good times' that they're no longer who they once were.
C. A fucking exact copy of the person they used to be, who may be changed so that they reflect the happiest time of their life?
Shadowbringers and Endwalker were honestly the theory aspect. Dawntrail is the actual physical horror manifested.
┻━┻ ︵ \( °□° )/ ︵ ┻━┻
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maevemakt · 3 months
Ok, I have to write this down because it's like I have this pressure in my chest and I can't hold it anymore, it aches.
I'm very upset by the latest DT's video uploaded by GT on her stories, it's so obvious that he's not fine with all that. Let me explain with an example. A personal one.
My husband is a musician and when he's on stage he's like the most extrovert person in the world. SPOILER: he isn't. In private life he is very shy and hates being photographed or catched in a video. When we're on holiday and i'm taking a picture of a landscape or whatever, I tell him to move from the frame, and if I don't he always ask me if he was in it. I would never post a sneak pic or video because I know how pissed he would be.
Everytime GT post a video with DT it feels like he's been forced into it and I feel very unconfortable. And people all around social goes "oooh how cute, they're so nice" no guys, they aren't. And this time DT has pointed it out: "stop filming me" is a clear and unmistakable statement.
He could be an actor and as a public personality he surely is very accustomed by cameras, but that's his job. Private life is totally another story. What's worse is that GT is using him only for her own gain.
Let's think in another way, what if it's the other way around? What if it was DT sneaking video of his wife and post it without her consent? BIG RED FLAG, ARREST THIS MAN, HE'S HARASSING HER!
Really, it's making me sick to see all the reblog to that video.
David you are the kindest man in the world and you are so loved. I'd like to tell him in person one day.
Here's a photo of what LOVE looks like:
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That's it. Thank you for reading. Bye.
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neptunescore · 3 months
zak brown hater anon here and heheh. I can’t explain how happy I am seeing Zak Brown look of disappointment after the race. Literally giggling and kicking my feet. I think I’m thriving. McLauren and RedBull were pretty equal but of course McLauren had batter pace at the end. Honestly I’m not mad about this race but also not too happy because this is a triple header. As a McLaren hater I pray on their downfall but as an Oscar fan if they must be successful I hope he’s the one winning.
ANYWAY, while I’m here I guess I’ll talk about the recent drama with Mercedes. My personal opinion, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time but I think Mercedes wasn’t pushing Lewis aside. Did they make questionable decisions? Yes 100%. But at the same time I don’t think they’re purposefully disregarding him just because he’s moving to another team. He’s been with them for years and while I heard Mercedes didn’t offer a promising deal to him in the end it was up to him. Lewis is getting older and it’s his career. Like what he said in DTS to Toto that Toto can continue being in the sport but he can’t. That’s just not possible.
It’s great progress that Mercedes is finally picking up the pace but I do not think the reason the car “magically got better” is because of the recent drama. Some people may have been joking but to those being serious, improving a car does NOT take a weekend. It takes weeks- months- even until the end of the season- to improve the car. We have seen that over the past few races Mercedes have been increasingly faster and a better race pace but it is not because of Lewis and his fans saying he’s being sabotaged. They are still a team and they have their morals and competitiveness- they want to win- why would they push it all away just because their driver is moving to another team?
One thing to note, I do think the social media admin was feeling a bit goofy and was not paying attention to Lewis as much as George. In one way, it’s reasonable with their standings but in the last few races I think it became apparent that the admin is just not paying attention to what’s happening with Lewis. So I understand people’s a very towards that.
I think it’s important to factor in that most of this escalated mainly because of the fanbase. And it kinda disgusts me how everyone is joking (and agreeing with the person who wrote the email) about the email that proceeded to defame the crew in Mercedes (especially Toto and George). If there were any members that WERE against Lewis, I believe it still shouldn’t excuse putting it up against the entire team because then it’s punishing the entire team for a few people that might not even hold important positions to make a difference. (In this scenario I’m talking they aren’t on the same level as who’s on the pitwall). Everyone saying “oh, car is better and not f**ked because of the email” is kinda bs. I will say Mercedes is now making sure they equally support both Lewis and George on social media but on track, the car was always the same. Strategy made the difference and you can argue that George gets the better strategy than Lewis but in the end they are a team. Whoever is in a better position to gain more points will receive the better strategy.
Lewis will always be Mercedes champion but it also doesn’t mean Mercedes can’t win without him. I’ve seen some recent tweets defaming George and- hate him all you want- but he’s a competitive driver. He may not have the skills to make up for it like Nico, but he’s consistently gaining experience and has shown his growth. A good example being the amazing start in the Spanish GP. Yes, he complains a lot, but don’t all drivers? People forget George looks up to Lewis and even if their relationship may have changed over their years as teammates it does not change that Lewis was and still is his role model.
anyone can disagree with me on this ofc. You can think Lewis gets the short end which is totally fine (I can understand your points, don’t get me wrong) but at least do not praise the email for defaming multiple people that might not even be involved if there is anything happening behind the scenes. I love Lewis and I was giggling and kicking my feet seeing him on the podium. I’m super excited to see what else Mercedes can bring to the table and try to fight for wins in the upcoming races. I’m a max fan but Lewis is really close up there (funny, isn’t?) so I can’t wait to see them fighting on track again soon. I feel like I my lifespan extends whenever I see them together on podium and fighting on track.
thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫶
ZB❌️ ANON!!! I missed you pookie😔✋🏽
God, SAMEEE. Like after his comment on how lando could be winning championships if they had the best car, the visceral and pure need that arose in me to see him swallow his words, literally none of u will understand how deep it went😭. BUT LOOK AT MY MAXY FULLFILLING ALL MY DESIRES AND SHOWING THEM THERES A REASON HES CONSIDERED ONE OF THE BEST!!! I LOVE HIM!! And I agree on the oscar part as well, like I'm the biggest mclaren hater to exist (the TEAM, NOT the drivers, please don't come at me ppl😭), but if they're doing anything successful I'd love to watch oscar bring it, acc... ugh, I don't know, I never wanna see that ugly orange on the podium (this is NOT me hating on the drivers, if they're on the podium then they deserve to be there, I just hate mclaren alot guys😔✊🏽)
Moving on to the mercedes drama, I've already made so many posts abt it, but ur ask summarises my opinions perfectly (as always🫶🏼). The main thing pissing me off is the fact that some fans genuinely believe that email, or if they don't, they still joke abt the things that were being said in it. Like, do they not understand how VILE the whole email was?? It literally accuses george of SLEEPING WITH HIS BOSS, says they're plotting to KILL LEWIS, and then makes the most indirect threats against George's own wellbeing. That's absolutely batshit crazy. There's no way anyone should believe/ joke abt that.
As a young POC girl (and just as a fan in general), I literally adore lewis, but the fact that when he was asked abt the hate george was receiving, he just chose to brush it aside and say how 'he's never heard of it' rlly got me irritated. Like, at least tell ppl that any kind of hate, in general, towards any driver is just straight up wrong❌️ and should not✋🏽 be a thing they do.
Anyway, fans that r saying lewis ended up on the podium bc they finally stopped sabotaging his car after the email are just a new level of delulu. I won't even explain this because no f1 fan needs an explanation on how long cars take to be built/ adjusted🙂. Also, in the end these comments are just taking away from lewis' efforts, bc despite the shit car, he STILL managed to put it up on the podium (tho the car rlly did seem to suit this track)
Overall, I personally (none of u need to agree with me) think merc is NOT sabotaging lewis (why would they, the team needs points so bad😭) but they ARE acting shit towards him, especially the social media team.
I love ur Ted talks ZB❌️ anon, come by whenever u want❤️ (what's ur opinion on the carlos and charles situation btw)
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incorrect-pipravi · 1 year
Can you please please please do more headcanons? I’m obsessed
Hi! Sorry if you don’t like angst because this is going to be a dump of my angsty PipRavi headcanons!!!
Hope you enjoy it and sorry again for the pain I’m about to cause.
Angsty PipRavi headcanons
TW: depression, implied suicidal thoughts, use of drugs
Ravi cried himself to sleep each night after Pip and him broke up while Pip overworked herself so that she fell asleep the moment she hit the pillow from exhaustion.
On most days, Pip’s strategy doesn’t work and she stays up all night reliving everything that happened.
When Pip hugged Ravi after Stanley’s death, it was the first time Ravi’s presence failed to comfort her -definitely not the last too- and it scared Pip so much.
Ravi almost caved into the urge to fuck up their plan and call Pip many times, but he managed to control himself.
Though Pip had promised Ravi that she would stop taking any drugs/sleeping pills, she still takes some on her hardest times.
Pip often imagines the worst case scenario happening and thinks that if it happens then there’s no point in living anymore. Her life would technically end so why not actually end it.
The first few weeks of their breakup, Ravi could barely leave his room, eat or do anything. He lost so much weight and he looked physically older from how burdened and exhausted he had been.
Cara definitely had to hold and comfort a weeping Ravi countless of times. (And so did Connor and the rest of the squad, but it was mostly Cara.)
Pip and Ravi definitely looked at old pictures and videos of each other when they needed comfort the most.
Ravi never left Pip because she would talk to him every single day in her head. And yeah it wasn’t healthy or normal, but Pip knows she hasn’t been normal for a long long time.
Pip has many different nightmares, but the worst ones are the ones where DT kills her.
Sometimes she wished he had.
Ravi would definitely avoid Pip’s family (to make the plan more sensible) and each time he notices Josh looking at him when they encounter each other in town he turns around and it breaks him every single time.
Pip and Ravi had accidentally called someone else (could be a classmate or a coworker or anyone really) by each other’s name at least once.
Ravi’s parents, at first, always asked about Pip and Ravi would answer vaguely or shrug it off until one time he snapped at them and they stopped asking. (He apologized later of course, but Nisha and Mohan wanted to respect their son’s privacy.)
I have mentioned this before in a different post, but Pip would definitely buy the same perfume Ravi uses and wear it or use it to feel like he’s there with her.
Even after they get back together, Pip still struggles with morality and understanding the gray area which makes her feel unworthy of love and happiness, leading to many self-sabotage caused fights.
That night will always haunts Ravi, especially the fact that he had come so close to losing Pip forever.
Pip would silently watch Ravi’s and her friends’ social media updates and mourn all the time she lost and all the happiness she missed.
Even when she gets a therapist, Pip still at times feels like she’ll never be put back together.
“I will always be a shell of who I used to be, Ravi. Never the Pip you love. Just an illusion of who she is.”
“Then let me love this new Pip. The one you call a shell. Let me love her. You should’ve realized it by now, but I won’t let you go ever again.”
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dragonmarquise · 2 months
Rise & Devil Theory theories
ONCE MORE the BRC brain rot takes hold on this fine Thursday evening. This time thinking about the connection between Rise and Devil Theory!!
Why would there be a connection between her and them? Think about it: Devil Theory are known in-game for being aggressive assholes, even turning on their fellow writers by snitching on them to the cops. Not to mention the whole “were apparently working with/for Faux behind everyone’s backs” thing.
So then how the hell would Rise be able to apparently have free reign of Pyramid Island, Devil Theory’s own home turf, when DT themselves have been shown to be jerks to other writers? Especially other writers trying to move in on their turf, as seen in the game when the player starts going after them!
She was even blocking off most of the island until BRC got more REP. Ultimately trying to stop them like that would moreso benefit Devil Theory than Rise herself in the grand scheme of things.
AND SO, I present to you, a list of theories about the possible connections between Rise and Devil Theory, about how/why DT would make an exception for Rise! This is gonna be long, sorry, though at least it's not nearly as long as the two headcanon posts I did for Devil Theory and DOT EXE.
Also lot of fan fic material here, just saying, hee hee...
I have this in my headcanon tag just for ease of referencing it again later, but I’ll note which one of these is my own personal headcanon too. :>
Getting this out of the way, the possibility that Rise has no connection to Devil Theory at all. I still think they wouldn’t take too kindly to another writer moving around freely on their turf, even if she didn’t do any graffiti. So then in this case, maybe she somehow sneaks around and never gets noticed by them most of the time. But then that makes the gate guarding risky from her point of view. Though it’s also a bit funny with how she’s just out in the open after that, in a spot where one of the Devil Theory guys can challenge you anyways, so surely he would’ve seen her then, lol
Rise seems to make a big deal about social media, given she has you take pics of her for her missions. I imagine she’s likely a very big name online, so then maybe at least some of the Devil Theory members are fans of hers! They have an agreement, Rise can hang out on the island for “exclusive photos” and stuff, as long as she doesn’t do any graffiti herself. Of course, nothing about her getting other people to do graffiti for her (at least, in a way), given how she gets BRC to up their Rep before letting them into the rest of the island :P (This one is my personal headcanon btw!!)
The Devil Theory guys all have crushes on her (probably stemming from her social media status maybe??), and basically letting her on the island as a chance to ask her out. Resulting in them competing with each other over it. Rise is actually fully aware of this… and just messes with them, so she can still be on the island without having to commit to anything.
Alternatively, they are her simps and she basically pushes them around, which is how she’s “allowed” on the island, she outright bullied them for it. Maybe they’re into that too, don’t judge them for it, lmao
Maybe the most potential for drama? Kinda? But one of the Devil Theory guys could actually be dating her, which explains why she’s being made an exception for being allowed on the island without getting harassed by the others.
An extension to the previous point, it’s a polycule! All the Devil Theory guys are actually dating each other and Rise is in on it too.
Just plain friendship is also an option of course! Maybe Rise and the Devi Theory guys go way back, and they just let her on the island as a favor, as long as she stays out of their way in terms of writer stuff.
Another option: Rise kicked all of their asses in a 1 on 4 fight, so they let her on the island out of respect to her. Probably-maybe the coolest option, tbh :D
Sort of a small subsection that can be applied to all of these: How does Rise chose to deal with Devil Theory being assholes, especially the whole “snitching to the cops” thing? There’s a few possibilities to consider:
First option: She actually didn’t know it was for real. She knows their reputation and the rumors, but she didn’t think it was actually true. In the game, talking to Tryce just before going to the island, he mentions that it’s a “rumor” that they snitch to the cops. So that only gets proven once you try to go after them yourself. Then in this case she breaks off from (or breaks up with) them, after learning the truth. Big potential for dramatic fic writing here! And character development in the aftermath at least on Devil Theory’s side of things, but maybe that’s just my own preference...
Second option: She definitely knew the truth, but turned a blind eye because it at least wasn’t affecting her directly. “Not my monkeys, not my circus” as they say. Not to mention, she probably had it in the back of her mind that her trying to say anything or convincing them to quit it could risk them snitching on her to the cops. In this case I imagine there’s at least some guilt on Rise’s part for not doing something sooner herself.
Third option, and I think the most exciting for both dramatic fic writing and potential character development on both sides: She absolutely knew what was going on the whole time, and even had them call the cops to help her out more than once!! If the truth ever got out on that, you can imagine her social media status would take a BIG hit… but again, excellent potential for character development for both Rise and Devil Theory in this situation, both of them learning to be better from this, at least imo ;u;
I think that’s all I got on this topic! What do you think? Any particular idea you personally like? Or do you have another situation that I haven’t listed here that would be fun to think about? Reply or reblog this with your thoughts and opinions!
No, seriously, please interact with this post, I don’t want to be alone in the Rise + Devil Theory brainrot, ahhh ;o;
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erelavent · 6 months
P.S. I wrote this 3 weeks ago but was sitting on it. That being said, given the fact that someone took a video of George using the restroom, I thought that now was as good a time to publish it as ever.
I've arisen from the dead to write another think piece that not a single person asked for but that I think is important, and that is the trajectory of the F1 fandom.
I want to start off by saying that not everyone who is a fan of F1 is in fandom and vice versa. Not everyone who watches F1 is heavily involved with the drivers off track. Likewise, some people just read the fanfiction and watch the edits but aren't very aware of the racing (yes, they exist).
That being said, F1 was transitioning from fans to fandom for over a decade. That's due to multiple factors, F1 becoming more entertainment than sport, the lifting of social media restrictions placed on drivers by F1 and the teams. Drivers are now able to have their own social media accounts and independent ventures that help to differentiate and personify them. The transition of members of other fandoms (Justin Bieber, One Direction, Teen Wolf, etc) into F1 as the natural lifetimes of those fandoms end. Of course, this process was sped up exponentially and completed by DTS and the pandemic (this will be relevant later). Now I think we are reaching the inflection point of the fandom which is where my concern stems from.
Every fandom has that one moment where things reach the point of no return. I'm worried because as a 25-year-old veteran of the One Direction fandom whose brain has now fully developed (knock on wood), I know the pattern of how these things end.
Typically, it starts with a collective heightened interest in one or more individuals, people become fans, they give themselves a name, subcultures form (liking certain drivers over others is like picking your kpop bias or 1D fave), the infighting starts and some fights are worse than others (AD21 doesn't even hold a candle to the fights the Larry shippers and non-Larry shippers had in 2013), then comes the literal obliteration of privacy. This is usually done because members of the fandom use information as currency and the more you know, the more dedicated you are, the more you cement your position within this community or fandom that you've built. The side effect of this is the commodification of human beings.
We're seeing the invasion of privacy ramp up right now in a number of ways. It's people demanding insight into drivers' romantic relationships. It's people waiting outside drivers' hotels. It's the fanfiction writing and superimposing of characteristics and qualities onto drivers as a way to feel closer to them. It's full-blown stalking.
Typically, this fever breaks in some sort of peak event where people get hurt, usually socially and psychologically, but sometimes, physically. Then the celebrity has to pick up the pieces. When this happens, it can end in 3 ways. 2 are very common, and the third way is extremely rare.
The first way it can end is by the celebrity losing their mind. I mean this literally, as in a psychological break. It's happened with Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Justin Bieber, etc. The pressure and expectations overtake them, and they are unable to continue like they did before.
The second way it can end is seclusion. The more invasive people are, the more they pull back. Think of Dolly Parton, Dan and Phil, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, take your pick. There is a concerted effort to remove themselves from the narrative and return to a sense normalcy. Whether a celebrity falls into either of these first two categories is heavily dependent on their support system.
The last and very rare case is what I like to call the Niall Horan Anomaly. It's the case where you are somehow completely entrenched in fandom and yet manage to exit completely unscathed. Despite being a former member of One Direction, Niall is completely non-polarizing. He has no known enemies and appears to not have any social or psychological damage. He very skillfully navigated fame and fandom and is thriving as a result. This is really difficult to do and I think requires incredible mental strength.
The rise of DTS during a time period where people were socially isolated and turned to reality entertainment to feel connections with others made people latch on to drivers as if they knew them personally. Now that we are on the other side of quarantine, people are taking those online parasocial relationships and transforming them into real life and in-person.
As someone who grew up in an era where people hacked airport and hotel cameras to find out where member of One Direction were going and staying, I know that this is only going to get worse. I hate to put it on the drivers to change their behavior, but the drivers need to be incredibly conscientious about what they share, when, and with who. They also need to enforce hard boundaries and put safety measures in place to ensure that they and their loved ones are safe.
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lestappenforever · 7 months
I’m gonna have your back here. I love seeing how Max is so sweet around children and it’s beautiful that he has such a good relationship with P. /without/ trying to take the place of her father. He’s been as respectful as he could be regarding the father/daughter relationship she still rightfully have with her dad and I’ll forever cherish the fact that he has been so careful about it.
BUT. As much as I do find cute seeing P. hugging and kissing him as he is streaming, I still find very problematic to see kids constantly putted on social media. I censored a family friend’s kid that I was holding in a pic I sent /privately/ to a friend because I didn’t feel comfortable sharing their face without consent from the mother.
I get that most of the time the pic/video we get are from family gatherings/because P. suddenly get in frame as Max is streaming, and the goal is /not/ to show and parade her around as family vlogs do (it’s disgusting really how some people openly exploit their children like that) BUT still she cannot consent to have her face all over the internet.
Even if in the F1 fandom most of the comments are harmless (all kinda being about max being a positive figure for her or being such a girl “dad” and breaking the circle of violence is father started) there are still a lot of people online who WILL have inappropriate thoughts and reactions toward a /kid/.
I get that this sport has basically become a big media circus thanks (ironically) to DtS, but people still need to remember that drivers are athletes and they are allowed to have a private life, especially concerning their families and KIDS.
I myself am guilty to enjoy watching Charles holding a baby ever so kindly, cuz it makes my heart melt, but as much as I appreciate it in a pure way I DO KNOW that people are not all good hearted and without malice and I’d prefer to not see this things at all then bearing the guilt of giving pedo****s free content.
I am an adult and although I do understand the consequences of posting my face online I still sometimes feel disgusted if my mind lingers too long on what people might do with my pics.
Now imagine growing up and finding out your parents have posted your face everywhere without thinking about consequences and without your consent and you’ll never be able to delete those contents because what internet takes internet will never give back.
So yeah, ok, at least he didn’t show her face but should we really praise him for doing the f bare minimum to protect a child’s privacy? Maybe not.
Anon, this is so well put and I don't really have anything to add to this because you've hit the nail on the head here. And thank you so much for your support!
The only thing I will add is an example that has haunted me since it happened and will continue to haunt me forever: Not too long ago, David Beckham posted a picture on Instagram where his daughter is kissing him on the mouth. An innocent display of affection many children share with their parents. And the comments were flooded with people sexualizing it. I will never be able to unsee some of the comments I saw on that post. If that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about the fucked up people that lurk on social media and the absolute horror you can potentially subject your child to, then I don't know what does.
It really is true what you said, anon: What internet takes, internet will never give back. This is important for each and every person out there to remember and be mindful of, regardless of age. But it's especially important to remember that when content of children is being posted.
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starryhoonie · 1 year
the perfect pair pt. 2 | p. sunghoon
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part one.
w// angst,, ...just angst,, third person pov,, (lmk if i missed anything)
word count: 412
like and reblog!
Sunghoon rolls over at the sound of his alarm, indicating it’s time to get ready for his morning lecture. Rubbing the slumber from his eyes, he sits up, recalling the events of last night, realizing you’re not there. He shrugs it off as you going home and getting ready for class.
After grabbing some coffee he gets a strange feeling, it’s 8 and she hasn’t texted, I thought we were good now. Dramatic as always. In class Sunghoon watches as the prof writes on the board, he starts spacing out, his leg shakes in an anxious manner. Tapping his finger on the table repeatedly, instinctively he takes out his phone, deciding to break the silence and being the first to text. The tapping grows louder as his nervousness rises, looking for your contact but he can’t seem to find it, finding it strange he searches for your text but to no avail, he can’t find it, his heart sinks a bit but continues to try. 
The only thing he can focus on is the rhythmic beating of the pad of his finger touching the desk, looking for all your social media for some form of reassurance, clicking on your profile, he’s met with a unexpected fate, user not found, the all too recognizable indicator that he was in fact blocked. 
Senses overwhelmed he doesn't know what to do, his head is spinning, he can feel the bile rise in his throat. Quickly he grabs his things heading straight for the door, his feet carry him to god knows where. The only thing going through his head is a series of ‘why’s and pleas, he has no idea who he's pleading with or for what exactly. He finds himself at your dorm, he knocks but no answer, he calls out for you repeatedly, pounding more aggressively every time. People pass and give weird stares, whispering, and gossiping, but he can’t seem to care. Little does he know you sit on the other side of that door, silently watching with a blank stare no more, you repeat to yourself, you won’t allow him to control you anymore. 
The knocks die down slowly as you hear quiet sobs, his voice breaking as he lets out one last call of your name. A single tear rolls down your cheek, you hear footsteps walk away, once he’s far enough you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. 
No more. Park Sunghoon, no more. 
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dt those who asked for a pt.2 (i'm sorry): @syluvsn @wonwushu
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dtmsrpfcringe · 3 months
Hi! (To preface this, i dont mean to hate or offend!) I love going through your blog debunking RPF cringe but I do find it a bit hypocritical to praise GT and AL while hating on and saying MS that he’s a huge Zionist (standing with humanitarian values ≠ instant zionism, bc his values obv aligns with anti-genoice). I just think that they all hold the same values considering they're all best friends and like things that have popped up in this blog about GT zionism allegations which TwT blew up and bullied her for (and they turned out to be VERY wrong about her views) and how she obv does not allign with zionism (which is safe to assume her husband and her husband's close friend are also anti-zionism). DT also doesn't have social media and MS might as well not have any due to his inactivity and havent said anything even tho DT has been on a lot of events recently. Im not defending MS bc his tweet could really have been worded in a non-neutral way bc his message was that he’s obv against violence (which only one side is committing), and the fact that he hasnt been online (unlike GT) to be able to "spread awareness" (i.e., post links that doesn't even explicitly tell you its about Gaza). Again, no hate and I'm very genuine to wanna know, and I'd love further explanations in case I've missed anything :))!
when did I say he was a (much less a huge) Zionist? I didn't. Nor have I been hating on him. I said that for a man who is consistently touted as an activist and spokesman for humanitarian rights, blocking people for educating him and not speaking on the IMMINENT famine in Gaza and death toll in the tens of thousands, with absolutely no healthcare system because it's been destroyed, his silence is very specific on that. His reaction to that entire situation also did not help.
Georgia has posted very specific links before, but I'm not using her as a comparison to him directly, only when other people accuse her of "performative" activism for things like LGBTQ rights and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and then turn around and GUSH about how great and noble his activism is.
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lilas · 3 months
8, 14, and 22 from the wol questions for avi (and eko too if you want!)
Pre-DT Asks; thank you fren!! <3
8. how good is your wol at taking care of their armor/clothes? do they mend them themself? pay to gave it fixed? just change it when it gets old?
Generally Avi’li is very good at taking care of his belongings, but tears and wear happens for adventurers! He mends his own clothes if he can. He has some knowledge in basic weaving/sewing and how to care for leather and metal. For things he can’t do himself, he’ll take to an expert.
Eko can sew as well, so she’ll mend tears here and there, but for leatherwork and metalwork she’ll… not take it in but also won’t mend it herself. Her leather pieces tend to look worn and her armor is scratched and scuffed often. She’ll wear them until they’re uncomfortable, but as long as they serve her she won’t replace them.
14. for the physical fighters: how does it feel when they do those impossible moves? the twirls, the jumps? do they supplement with aether? dynamis? is it purely physical or is something else involved?
To Avi’li, fighting is like a lethal dance; every movement flows together in a continuous stream. He is quick and precise, graceful and powerful, each swing of a blade with purpose and control. Years of combat have honed his sense of body and space, and how he moved and holds himself reflects that.
Arcanimia is the basis of everything he does, and he regularly channels aether into his weapons, or augments available aether for powerful attacks like his go to raiton.
22. how good are your wol's table manners, based on their own culture? how does it compare to ishgardian table manners? eorzean? doman? steppe?
Avi’li and Eko are both polite when guests to someone’s table. Avi’li observes the table for customes he should follow, but doesn’t stress much about it. He’s not a slob and he’s confidant in that.
Eko will stress more about doing the wrong thing or chewing too loudly; it doesn’t matter how fancy the situation is, she’s going to be nervous regardless. Only after getting comfortable in Thavnair did she relax and feel confidant enough to be a good dinner guest.
As far as how they were raised, it was with manners brought with their grandparents from Corvos. Their Corvosi grandparents were keen on keeping traditions and meals alive, and Avi’li comes from a family of 7 + extended family and family friends so dinners were very social. He definitely talks with his mouth full, and the Fortemps had to Have A Nice Chat with him about that.
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vro0m · 6 months
Lee McKenzie I believe wrote in her book about seb. A lot of women, myself included had to grow and unlearn some internalized misogyny (I hate that this is even sounding like I’m defending a white man, I’m not even his fan lmao but I think it’s a very nuanced conversation) it’s a whole learning process. it’s another reason why I think a certain driver lost a portion of early dts fans. they fawned over the carefree personality. but that was a different time. many appearances on controversial podcasts and same carefree gimmick especially post covid just isn’t as appealing.
I’ve had my own personal judgements about the entire rebrand of Vettel but idk imo it’s a bit unfair to hold him to his actions of a different time (based on how Lee described him. and I say different time also because of course one person being okay with it doesn’t mean it’s okay for everyone ) and give grace to the forever ignorant (I’m not saying you in particular are). I hate how this is sounding lol. of course I’m not for having him as the poster boy of activism in f1 esp when he quite recently said some fucked up stuff about the Middle East but that’s besides that. 20 powerful men, atm 1 ally, and based on the reactions on social it seems like a lot of people are also tired of it always being him cuz he’s not a saint, he’s not supposed to be. I can understand why people are thirsty for seb to come back. Of course it’s not a fix to the inherent problem but everyone is just tired of the general silence and ignorance.
I agree it's a nuanced thing and I felt like I've been nuanced about it in my previous posts about the subject but maybe not enough?
So to clarify, like I said in my first post on the matter "I don't doubt he's changed since then". I just wouldn't use him as the poster child for women's inclusion in the sport, and like previous anon said it's a bit weird to be like "Seb, come save the women!" overall, but especially due to his past behaviors. I do think it's possible to both let people learn from their mistakes and still hold them accountable for them.
I also just felt it necessary to remind maybe specifically the newcomers that he's not a saint and he should be held to the same standard all the others are being held to (or at least should be held to) because I'm getting a bit tired of the sanctification of these men doing the bare minimum myself, just because the others are not even doing that.
The next nuance is the fact that I simultaneously don't think we can expect actual or radical activism from them because like I've sometimes said on this blog these are employees doing a job, first of all, so they can't just do and say whatever they want in what is essentially their workplace + as you say, and I fully agree, learning takes time. But again it really wasn't that long ago he was misbehaving in the paddock and if I was able to learn about this shit as a teenager then so can they. It's also not the same thing doing activism and. You know. Just not harassing people. Like there's doing good things (which is hard tbh) and there's not doing bad things (pretty easy).
Anyway if I'm gonna hold the others accountable despite all that or because of all that, which I do, I'm gonna hold him accountable as well. All in all I wasn't saying Seb is trash or more trash than any of the others. I'm just saying calling on him to come save the women of F1 is 1) weird 2) ill-suited 3) fucking weird.
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strawberry-pretzels · 5 months
i was looking at dt pics, saw a comment that said he's so babygirl and clicked on that profile
i saw the music freaks boards and was like hold on. that's familiar. then i looked at the other boards and thought yeah that has to be tumblr mutual strawberry-pretzels
OMG AHSJDHAJAHJGNG WHAT'S UR PINTEREST ACC,, i love that u lit found my acc cause of how much i post abt my interests across socials
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champagnepodiums · 2 years
Elkann spoke about Charles being the future of Ferrari this year. But it was also with the criticism Ferrari got when they did not prioritized him when he was still a championship contender and with the drama around Binotto and the way he spoke about Ferrari ambitions.
I think it is more as an answer to questions from the press that just a statement that he put out there. He also had great words on Carlos.
It's still Ferrari. If Carlos is miles ahead of Charles 10 races on they will put everything behind him. Their goals are title. Ferrari are pretty known for their Ferrari first approach. They are a really powerful and prolific brand they don't need those drivers the way drivers need them. That what differentiate them from every other team despite not having great results for so long.
That being said their SM approach changed in the past 2 to 3 years. More open, more forward. And maybe that has something to do with the fact that one of their driver is becoming very well known even outside being affiliated with Ferrari and despite not winning a WDC. That's a first for them. For now it's Ferrari that get criticized when they don't win, not so much the drivers.
Let's remember they were one of the team that did not want to participate in DTS at first ! They started to become outdated for newer fans. Now even with their TP communication I feel they can see that they need to change their approach for the general public.
OOH I appreciate the context! Context is really important and I think sometimes it gets lost in discussions and dissections.
I think what you said about Ferrari first because I hadn't really thought about it exactly like that but it's true and it's true that Ferrari doesn't really need any driver because Ferrari is Ferrari and they hold a lot of weight in the F1 world (like being able to add that you're a Ferrari driver to your career resume is a jewel for most drivers!)
But I agree, Ferrari has really changed their approach as far as social media and just generally loosening up (like imagine telling a Ferrari fan in 2019 that they'd be posting thirst traps like they would never believe us and probs be VERY offended lol). I was really interested to see if Ferrari would dig in their heels (which is exactly what most people expected them to do) but they haven't and I think that takes a lot of guts, you know? Hats off to Ferrari
(I'm sorry, this was very rambly but anon, thank you for your perspective because it was so interesting and well thought out)
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