#dry fruits shop near me
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shreejifoods · 4 months
Find Quality Dry Fruit Wholesalers Near Me | Shreeji Foods
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Dry fruit wholesalers near you for top-quality products. At Shreeji Foods, we offer a diverse range of nutritious dry fruits, providing convenience and freshness to enhance your business. Find us nearby and elevate your offerings today! https://shreejifoods.in
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bookmunchies · 7 months
Just spent an hour looking at diff sorts of nutcrackers on aliexpres instead of taking a nap like I want to do cause of? no rsn? ah w.e I wanted to nap bfr stuying and like I still will but the hours are really dripping away on meeeee. Also like, Serbia price is cheapest for this, Croatia is getting scammed out of like 3e and CG out of 4e plus the 1e u give to the post office/postman which is from what I hear, gon go uppp, also the only place that even pays for that?? Scammmm.
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Exquisite Heritage: Traditional Rajasthani Bags Embodied in Style
Step into the vibrant world of Rajasthani fashion with our exquisite collection of traditional Rajasthani bags. These unique creations are a perfect blend of artistry and functionality, designed to elevate your style quotient. Handcrafted with love by skilled artisans, each bag tells a story of Rajasthani heritage and craftsmanship.
Indulge in the rich colors, intricate embroidery, and mirror work that adorn these bags, making them a true reflection of Rajasthan's cultural heritage. From colorful potli bags to elegant jute handbags, our collection offers a wide range of options to suit your personal style. Whether you're attending a festive celebration or exploring the bustling streets of Jaipur, these traditional Rajasthani bags are the perfect companion to complete your ensemble.
Experience the charm of Rajasthani culture with our authentic and ethically sourced collection of traditional Rajasthani bags. Each bag is a work of art, meticulously crafted to showcase the beauty and craftsmanship of Rajasthan. Elevate your style and embrace the essence of Rajasthan with these timeless treasures.
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dagabrother · 1 year
Daga Brothers have been serving customers for more than 75 years now and we are grateful for the appreciation our customers show as they vouch for the quality. We are one of the premium dry-fruit shops in Pune. Our specialties are into different traditional dry fruits as well as the new contemporary flavored nuts and spices. We serve the motive of quality dry fruits for great health and our offerings for healthy gifting. We have a well-set online ordering service for convenience.
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sidekick-hero · 5 months
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(steddie | mature | wc: 1.1k | tags: spy au, spy boyfriends, established relationship | @steddielovemonth prompt: Love is sitting in comfortable silence together doing their own thing by @steddieasitgoes)
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The sun beats down on a sprawling city below. Eddie Munson, an unassuming young man with unruly black curls pulled back in a loose bun, crouches on a nondescript rooftop overlooking the maze of buildings. It's hot as Satan's breath and he's sweating like a pig in his heavy leather jacket. Knowing that Chrissy was right when she told him to leave the jacket behind doesn't help his rapidly souring mood. He adjusts the high-powered binoculars pressed to his eyes and scans the streets again for his mark, just as he's been doing for most of the afternoon.
Through the scope, Eddie finally spots Jason Carver strolling casually along the crowded sidewalk, talking on his phone. Carver's movements are mundane, and he seems engrossed in a conversation that Eddie is sure is as boring as everything else he's seen Carver do since being assigned to the case.
With a deep sigh, Eddie thinks he's seen more action watching paint dry. He leans back against the edge of the roof, his posture betraying his growing impatience. He idly wonders what Steve is doing right now and wishes he could be spending time with his boyfriend instead of being boiled alive in the scorching sun and bored out of his mind. Hell, even watching Carver do jack shit would be better with Steve at his side. At least Eddie would have something pretty to look at.
"Why can't these guys have a more exciting life?" Eddie grumbles in frustration. Just then, he almost loses sight of Carver and thinks it's time to leave his vantage point and get some action.
But no. Carver simply disappears into a shop, from which he reappears seconds later to continue his leisurely stroll until he stops near a street vendor to inspect a selection of fruit. Eddie lowers the binoculars as the building excitement dies down and shakes his head in disbelief.
"Wow, exciting selection of apples you got there, asshole," Eddie mumbles in annoyance.
As boredom sets in, Eddie pulls out a small notepad and starts scribbling, creating a caricature of Carver munching on an apple. Chuckling to himself, he is only made aware of the presence of another person with him on the roof when their shadow falls on him.
Before he can fully process what's happening, his gun is aimed at the head of whoever snuck up on him.
"Oh baby, is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?"
Scowling, Eddie slowly lowers the gun until it's no longer pointed at the pretty face of his grinning boyfriend.
"What the hell are you doing here, Stevie? Please don't tell me Carver's your mark, too? You know what happened last time we had the same job. This time it's you who gets to sleep on the couch if I have to give up sex for the foreseeable future."
Steve laughs at his words, like it's funny how Eddie had to go weeks with Eden's forbidden apple winking at him in Steve's tight boxers, but not allowed to touch it, until he gave up and let Steve bag the job Eddie was also signed up for.
Being spies for competing agencies was bad enough, but when they ended up on the same job, things got ugly pretty fast. Eddie is still surprised that their love survived. Some days he even thinks it made them stronger as a couple.
He still doesn't feel like a repeat performance.
"Nah, don't worry. I told Robbie to make sure it doesn't happen again. Despite what you might think, I would rather not have us fighting as well. Although you have to admit, the make-up sex was amazing. One of our top five fucks. But I don't get enough time with you as it is, I want to enjoy what little I get. That's why I'm here. I thought I could keep you company, y'know. If you want me to, that is."
Steve shrugs as if he doesn't care either way, but Eddie knows his boy. He knows him well enough to see right through him, and he gives Steve a soft smile as he pulls him in with an arm around his waist.
He misses Steve, too. Since he started the Carver job, Eddie's hardly ever home, and when he is, 9 times out of 10 Steve isn't. It's frustrating. It makes Eddie reconsider civilian life, no matter how mundane it might be.
"It's not really exciting. Carver's looking at apples."
"I don't mind, Robbie and I are playing words with friends. I just prefer to sit here with you while we do it."
Eddie finally holsters his gun again before leaning forward and capturing Steve's mouth in a deep kiss.
When he resumes his position on the edge of the roof to continue his surveillance, Steve sits down next to him, his shoulder leaning against Eddie's thigh and his head resting on Eddie's hip.
The distant hum of city life surrounds them as they both go about their business in comfortable silence. Eventually Eddie checks his watch and realizes that hours have passed without anything substantial happening.
"I signed up for espionage, not rooftop babysitting," he grumbles to Steve, and his boyfriend hums in agreement. They both know that being a spy is not like the movies. It's weeks, sometimes months of nothing but watching and waiting.
His attention fades and he stares at the skyline, daydreaming about the record store on Elizabeth Street he passed a few weeks ago. The one he offered to buy without telling Steve. The wind ruffles his hair as he contemplates the surprisingly mind-numbing monotony of his current job and wonders what Steve would say if he offered him a different life. If Steve would keep doing a job that could get him killed one day, maybe sooner than later. If Steve also wondered if it was worth the risk now that he had something - someone - to lose.
Suddenly, Carver looks up at the sky, bringing Eddie back to reality. He watches as Carver adjusts his suit and walks toward a sleek black car parked at the curb.
"And it's on," Eddie says, adrenaline surging through his body. He presses a firm kiss to Steve's lips and whispers, "I love you, don't wait up," against them.
"I love you too. Be careful and don't let me wait too long, Robbie's already complaining about me whining all the time."
Eddie readies himself, folding up the notepad he had been scribbling on and tucking it away. As Carver's car pulls away, Eddie quickly follows, eager for the mission to be over so he can go home to his beautiful boyfriend and let his clever hands take him apart. When he looks back, the rooftop is deserted, with only the echo of the city's pulse in the air.
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omgsuperstarg · 3 months
Market Day- Toto Wolff x Black! Caribbean Reader
Author's Note: This one shot is based on another function of Caribbean Life. Going to the Market or Farmer's Market to get fresh food for the household is a normal occurrence and Toto decides to tag along with you and assist.
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Saturday mornings are usually a staple of your household. That's the day when you head down to the local farmer's market and pick up the much-needed fruits, produce (ground provisions), & seasoning herbs for the meats and fish. Today, you wake at the crack of dawn to get ready. Toto was fast asleep during the summer shutdown taking the much-needed rest from flying for weeks at a time. This is usually a solo trip, so going out and returning in record times is an art form for you.
All that you needed was in your car, you proceed to leave a note so that he knew your whereabouts and with that, you're off for another fruitful Saturday morning.
Mini time skip..........
You're already halfway through your list when your phone begins ringing.
"Good Morning darling, I see you've left me all alone", your love speaks playfully.
"Morning to you as well Toto. I decided to let you sleep in because GOD KNOWS you need it and market trips have always been a solo task for me. Plus, I'm getting all the ingredients for SOUP SATURDAY!!", you state matter of factly.
"So where are you?", you inquire.
Turn around.
What!?!?", your voice
In doing what's instructed, you observe your boyfriend in some dry-fit shorts, a t-shirt with silver arrow logos, and some aviator shades with sneakers completing his relaxed outfit. Knowing Toto he always wore the love for his team on his sleeve in both figurative and literal senses. He jogs up to you with a bright smile on his face, one that you've come to love in your three years together.
"Im surprised to see you here, I thought you would be sleeping in since Saturdays' are usually my day", you profess as you hand him one of your market bags.
"Well, I couldn't let my darling do her shopping unaccompanied. Not only that it's a perfect way to catch up and spoil yourself with the florals you admire soo much", the statuesque man states with his accented speech seeping into your bones.
"Well, there's still a few more things that need to be purchased and since I already have meat seasoned for cooking, I say when we arrive home I can make us some soup. Judging the clouds it's going to be a heavy rain shower." you speak observing the bleak sky.
"Ahhh yes, soup is always comforting on a rainy day," he says smiling.
A fruitful trip was completed, you both were now home and cutting up vegetables for a hearty lunch. Dancehall and Soca music is blasting throughout the kitchen which is typical of a Saturday Morning. Toto observes you dancing along to the music and even finds himself nodding along to its infectious beat.
"So its always this noisy when you're back home?", he inquires as he sits near the granite countertop.
"Yes, this is a pretty normal vibe for a Caribbean household. Sometimes I would do my Saturday chores on a Friday so I wouldn't have to and the second Saturday or whenever the funds arrive would be market day. After coming home, I would assist my grandma in making soup, my favorite is Chicken foot and I would add ramen noodles to it as well. Early afternoon we would either bake homemade bread or coconut bake'', you profess wistfully as you think of your island home.
"I think that's quite sweet and I'm glad that you're able to share this part of your life with me,'' he confessed.
"I hope I can drag your butt for Trinidad & Tobago Carnival, get some seasoning in you as well as a little more colour, the fangirls I know would appreciate it, me being a major one," you say as you shut the stove off and begin to distribute the food.
The rain finally came down as you both began to eat, the warmness of the soup filling your soul, and the man sharing his love making you feel even more cozy.
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iconic-position · 8 days
Girlfriend got her ass fucked but didn't give me her pussy
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One of my friends Surendra, while chatting with his girlfriend Hema, asked her to set up a friend of hers for me.
My friend Surendra used to run his own shop in Jaipur.
He was friends with a girl studying in school who was studying in 12th class.
Surendra's girlfriend gave my number to her friend through whom Neha contacted me.
First of all she told me her name was 'Neha' and said- my friend i.e. Surendra's girlfriend has given me this number.
Slowly we started talking a lot on WhatsApp chat.
After some time, the conversation reached to kissing.
I started feeling that this girl Neha is taking too much interest in me!
Let me tell you all about Neha.
She is a thin average girl with dark complexion.
Her height is 5 feet and age is 19 years.
When someone sees her for the first time, especially in school dress, salwar kurta... then she doesn't look anything special.
But she was very fond of talking on the phone.
After a few days, I took a 5-day leave and came to the village.
We planned to meet after school hours.
Since she did not take her mobile to school, we had already decided the time and place.
We decided to meet at a cafe near the bus stand at 3:15 in the evening.
The next day, as per the plan, Surendra and I reached the bus stand and started waiting for her.
After a while, she came with her friends.
She was accompanied by Hema and Mala.
We went ahead and she followed us and reached the cafe with her group.
After reaching there, we all went to our respective cabins.
Surendra took Hema and entered a cabin.
Mala called her boyfriend.
Neha and I entered a separate cabin.
Neha and I were meeting face-to-face for the first time, so she was very shy.
I had also gone to a cafe cabin for the first time to romance with a girl, so I was also scared.
That is why my throat was getting dry, so I went to the counter and brought a bottle of water.
I drank water and asked Neha to drink water too, but she did not drink it.
Then slowly I took the conversation forward and asked her for her consent, she clearly refused to have sex but agreed to kiss.
I pressed my lips against her thin lips and started kissing her in a lip lock style.
Slowly I put my hand on her head and started combing her hair.
Then while moving my hand, I caught hold of her waist.
Her waist was so small that I could hold it completely in one hand.
Slowly she started getting hot and I started pressing her small breasts.
The size of her breasts was like seasonal fruits and the nipples were very small.
Perhaps no boy had pressed her breasts before me, due to which her chest had not yet become full and voluminous.
I guess her bra size would also be 26″.
While kissing her, I kept pressing her breasts with one hand, while moving the other hand on her stomach, I inserted it in her salwar.
When I put the other hand inside her panty from her salwar, I realized that the size of her pussy was as small as her breasts.
While moving my hand on her pussy, I tried to insert one of my fingers in her pussy, then she started squirming like a fish because her pussy was sealed.
When I tried to open the string of her salwar, she started refusing.
But now I was hot.
I wanted to insert my dick in her tender pussy, which was standing like a tent in my pants.
When Neha did not let me open her salwar, I started getting angry.
Then I said – When you did not want to do anything, then why did you call me here? Now I couldn't resist without having sex.
I wanted to have sex, but Neha was not agreeing.
I put Neha's hand on my penis and started pressing my penis with her hand.
Then I freed my penis from the pants and put it in her hand.
But Neha removed her hand.
Then I turned my penis towards her mouth and said- Kiss it!
On this Neha refused which made my mind go crazy, it stopped working.
Then in anger I fixed my clothes and came out of the cabin and sat on the chair.
After some time she also fixed her clothes and came out and sat in front of me.
My friend Surendra and his girlfriend Hema were still busy in the cabin and we started waiting for them outside.
After some time Surendra came out and asked- did any work get done or not, how come you came out so early?
Then I said- just came like this.
He understood that no work was done and the matter remained incomplete.
She told me – you don’t get everything on the first day, she is a new product, you will get it easily.
Then we all left from there and went to our respective homes.
After coming home, I got a message at night and we started talking again.
Since I work in Gujarat, I came back to Gujarat.
In a few days, we started talking on video calls.
So I asked her to do a nude video call.
She would refuse to do this.
Slowly, she started showing her boobs on video calls and also started agreeing to have sex.
Whenever we got time, we both would talk on calls.
Whenever she would ask me to meet, I would say ‘I want to have sex.’
She would refuse to get her pussy fucked.
Sometimes I would jokingly tell her ‘If not from the front, then do it from behind!’
When she would agree to this, I would also get happy that ‘If not from the front, then from the back. Fucking her little ass is a million times better than masturbating. And instead of hitting you from behind, I will insert my penis straight into your vagina, if you agree once then it will be fine.
She would also be happy that if she remains virgin from now on, it will be useful on the wedding night.
Some days passed like this.
One day I had to go to the village, so I went to meet her as per the decided time and location.
I had already kept a packet of condoms in my pocket.
We met in that small cabin of the cafe.
Since I reached a little late that day due to being stuck in household work, my friend Surendra brought Neha to the cafe and sat in the cabin.
Surendra made her angry by playing the jija sali game.
Surendra told me as soon as I arrived – I have done jija sali teasing!
I said – I will take care of it, don’t worry.
She seemed angry with me for not coming on time.
I asked her – did Surendra tease her?
She did not say anything on this.
I explained to her that I was stuck due to some important work at home, so I got late.
Then I brought a cold drink for her.
First I made her drink it, then I drank too.
She was sweating due to the heat.
I started kissing Neha.
Then I started pressing her breasts.
After some time, I freed her breasts from her shirt and started sucking her nipples.
This made her hot.
Slowly, I caressed her stomach with my hand and held her waist, which made her jump.
When I loosened my grip on her waist, the string of her salwar came in my hand.
Neha held the string of her salwar with both her hands and started refusing me.
But I forcefully opened the string of her salwar.
Then, I pulled her salwar down a little and started pressing her small pussy.
Which I had not even seen with my eyes till now.
The cabin of the cafe was smaller than Neha's pussy.
In which there were only two chairs and in front there was a half feet long wooden plank in the name of a small desk.
Due to my height and Neha's height not matching, I was not able to get any position in that cabin.
I said to Neha - Hold my dick!
So she held my dick and started moving it up and down.
As soon as her hand touched it, my dick was fully erect.
After some time I said to Neha - Are you ready to get fucked?
She again started refusing and said - Not from the front!
So I said - No problem, if not from the front, then we will do it from behind!
I am a real fucker, I thought that while doing it from behind, I will put my dick in her pussy!
I lowered my pants a little, made Neha stand and put a condom on my dick.
So that Neha feels that I will not fuck her pussy but her ass from behind.
I already knew that whether I fuck her pussy or ass, she will scream for sure!
So I started kissing her.
When she got a little more excited, I said – bend over the table!
Since it was her first time, she herself could not sit on the dick and I also wanted to fuck her pussy on the pretext of ass.
Neha bent down but due to the varying height, it was not comfortable to do anything.
Then I bent her a little more and inserted the dick between her hips and applied a little force, so the dick probably slipped over the pussy.
Then I aimed again, the dick got stuck a little.
And she was about to scream, but before that I pressed her mouth with one of my hands, due to which she remained mumbling.
With the other hand, I started pressing her breasts.
When she became a little normal, I gave another push, this time the dick got half stuck.
The dick getting stuck in the pussy in one push made me a little nervous, but I did not think it appropriate to confirm whether the dick was going in her pussy or ass!
After half the dick got stuck, in the next push, I put the whole dick in her pussy.
This time Neha started crying and begging me to take out the penis.
After remaining silent in this position for some time, when her pain reduced, I slowly started pushing in and out.
Due to the tightness and the high pressure of the penis, even the strong condom tore.
After some time she also started enjoying it, so I increased the speed of the thrusts and in five minutes I reached my peak.
Then in the same position, I put my semen inside her.
When I took out the penis, I saw that the condom had torn, so I got tensed.
We both fixed our clothes and after kissing each other, I asked my friend Surendra to bring Unwanted 72 from the medical store.
In some time Surendra brought the tablet, along with which I had also ordered pain tablets.
I told Neha - The condom had torn, the water is left inside! So take Unwanted 72!
But she started refusing and said – there is no such thing!
But I started pressurizing her because I did not want to take any risk.
On my pressure, she ate that Unwanted 72 tablet.
Today I was happy to fuck her for the first time and I dropped her near her house in my car and came back home.
At night I got a message from her – I am having a lot of pain, I can’t even sit! When I go to defecate, I am having pain and the water that was left inside came out during defecation!
Then I said – I had inserted my penis in the vagina?
Then Neha said – You had inserted it in the ass!
I could not believe myself that I could not see the difference between a girl’s vagina and ass.
Fucking Neha’s ass for the first time was full of surprise for me because I had mistaken the ass for the vagina.
At home, I checked my penis thoroughly but not even a little bit of dirt from her ass had got on my penis.
The penis was completely clean.
I did this because earlier I had sex with one of my girlfriends When I had fucked her, my dick had dirt from her ass stuck on it.
It took me a lot of effort to clean that dirt properly!
5 days after this ass fucking, I had to return to my job, so I asked her to meet me again because I wanted to fuck her pussy.
A day before going to Gujarat, we met in the cafe at the fixed time in the evening.
This time again we met in the same narrow cabin in which only one position was possible.
As soon as Neha came today, she told me- my period has come, that is why I will not be able to have sex. We will only kiss and talk!
But I am a fucker… I said- no problem, we will do it from behind!
I quickly warmed up Neha and put a condom on my already erect dick and today I did not fuck Neha while standing, but made her sit on my dick.
Then she sat down with the dick in her ass.
Today she felt less pain as compared to the first time.
Then I asked- did the dick go into the pussy?
She said- no, it is in the ass.
Then I took one hand forward and rubbed it on her pussy.
When I found my cock in her ass instead of her pussy, I regretted that today again my cock went in her ass instead of her pussy.
I put one finger in her pussy and found that there was no space for even one finger to enter her pussy.
Even that was sealed.
Due to periods, blood got on my finger which was stinking.
Due to this deception of fucking her ass on the basis of her pussy, after five to seven minutes my cock could not bear the heat and I got free by pushing from below while doing GF back sex.
We adjusted our clothes and returned to our respective homes.
The next day I left for Gujarat.
When we talked through messages, she told me that she had knowingly kept herself sealed. Both times she covered her pussy with one hand due to which my cock could not enter her pussy and due to applying more pressure, the cock entered her ass.
Now she was mocking me.
So I said – I will come back to Jaipur soon and will tear your pussy to pieces!
It has been almost two months since I did not get leave from my job.
But Neha was repeatedly asking me to come due to her lust.
She was desperate for cock.
Then Surendra said to me – You are not coming, so should I break her seal? I will prepare the material for you, come straight and fuck her!
I was hesitant, so Surendra said – If you don't do it, she will get it done by someone else. It is better that I break her seal.
After a few days, Surendra broke her seal.
I was cursing my friend in my mind!
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
PIRATES PIRATES PIRATES PIRATES! Are the meat pies Animal or non animal meat pies? Does he keep making his classic meat pies on board or does celbit do a different staple meal while he is considered the cook?
So Roier’s ship doesn’t have a ton of groceries on board, mostly because they were in the middle of shopping when the Navy tracked them down.
And also, fun fact, irl pirates didn’t really keep any fresh meat on board! It was all salted shit, think kinda like beef jerky but ten times worse. Other than that, they really only had very dry, shitty biscuits/hardtack and dried beans. They didn’t really even drink water, just ale. They tried to have fruit on board to help deal with scurvy, but sometimes that just couldn’t happen depending on your ship’s location and the season
So no meat pies, but that’s not a big deal. The pies back home here all animal meat, and it’s near impossible to keep fresh animals on a ship when it’s hard enough to feed a crew of people.
So Cellbit works with what he’s got. Hardtack, beans, and salted beef. Could make a sandwich out of that if you can cut the hardtack open, which would be pretty hard to do considering that shit has the consistency of a brick (trust me, I’ve eaten it.) But he has his big sharp fuck-off knife, and so he invents the world’s first attempt at a Sloppy Joe, pictured below in all its modern glory:
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And then some Actual Pirate Food for reference:
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(This one’s from the Civil War, but hardtack doesn’t really have a shelf life.)
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shreejifoods · 5 months
Premium Dry Fruits: Shop Near Me | Shreeji Foods
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Premium dry fruits at Shreeji Foods, your go-to shop nearby. Satisfy your cravings with our carefully curated selection. Visit us for a delightful shopping experience, bringing the goodness of wholesome and fresh dry fruits right to your doorstep!
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theretirementstory · 7 months
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Bonjour et bienvenue from a cloudy Bar-sur-Aube where the temperature is only 6c. It has been windy and yesterday did it pour with rain! It was wet inside and outside of my house, I really do wish that on one dry day the roofer will arrive and fix this problem. I can’t see it being done this side of Christmas but I have been wrong before 😉.
So what have I been doing this week? Well it has been week three of radiotherapy so that’s 15 sessions “under my belt” which means there are just two more sessions to go 😁. That gives me the opportunity to plan my Christmas and New Year meals. I think I have decided on the starter, Marinated Goats Cheese with Pears and Walnuts 😋, I think a light dessert too so thought pavlova or meringue with fruit and cream. I was going to have filet mignon (pork) but am contemplating a turkey breast with sage and onion stuffing, bread sauce, roast potatoes, roasted parsnips and sprouts.
The car went to the garage as it had been recalled. I waited the 45 minutes and everything was fine. That was really good news as at the moment I am out in the car every day.
With all the rain and frost we have been having the cyclamen were getting waterlogged and I really don’t want to lose them. I moved them under the laurel bush, thinking it may be a bit drier there for them. The chrysanthemums now have brown heads on the flowers but I have left them where they are.
The other afternoon I came out of the house and running up my driveway was something brown, aaargh I thought a rat then realised it was a hedgehog, what on earth was it doing out in the daylight and should it not have been curled up sleeping for the winter? I managed to get quite close to get a photo (but not close enough to see fleas etc). The next day, about lunchtime, I was going out in the car and saw the young hedgehog again walking along the grass verge, I decided if it was still out and about when I got back I would put it into a box. Well yes it was still pootling around, did I go and get a box, no I didn’t, he looked happy enough “grubbing along the verge” then he decided to cross the road, so standing downwind of him I was the “lollipop lady” I would have jumped in front of a car if it had approached (well maybe). He limboed under a neighbours gate and proceeded down his driveway. Now I had seen this neighbour walking home from the shop so I waited to tell him he had a hedgehog in his garden, he spoke to me as if to a child who had seen it’s first hedgehog 😂😂. My next door neighbour was telling me that they had had a rat in the garden (shiver) and it had come right up to their French doors and stood on its hind legs and looked inside the window (was he winding me up?). Anyway the next he knew there was a BIG hedgehog in the garden seeing off the rat (not into my garden thank goodness) was he “pulling my leg?”
I read “online” (so it must be true) that from 1 January 2024, here in France, food waste is not to be put in your dustbin, it must be composted. Well I will put my fruit and vegetable waste into my own composter but any other waste, bread, skin off meat and fish won’t be going anywhere near my own composter, I hope they have bins in town as, if that’s what they want, I will put it in there. I have been putting the sunflower heads (minus seeds) dead flowers and my vegetable peelings into the composter, not that I expect any grubs, snails etc to be in there to turn them into compost but I can just hope.
Last Sunday I went to the Marche de Noel in Bayel. What a surprise I got when I went into the Salle there were about 30 exhibitors selling all kinds of items, artists with their paintings, authors with their books, of course the association of which the knitting workshop is part, but there were stained glass items, woodworked items and the knitted, crocheted and sewn items. Although not a lot of sales on the knitted, crocheted items a lot of the stained glass items were sold. I found out afterwards that Marlene had been there but we never saw each other. What a shame, it would have been nice to catch up.
On Monday, I got a bit of a shock, according to the newspaper there was a fire at “La Pomme d’Or”hotel/bar, a woman and her daughter were taken to hospital. The fire broke out in the early hours of Sunday morning! On Friday I read that a man in his 50’s had been charged with attempted assassination and destruction of property by dangerous means. Then yesterday I read that the towns Mayor has filed a complaint for alleged theft against his deputy. Blimey it all happens in this town!
Anie is preparing for her trip to Indonesia, I have wrapped her presents and will deliver them when she returns. Monique tested positive for Covid so has not been to see me and she messages that she hopes to visit as soon as she can.
On Friday evening I met Pauline, we went to the travelling exhibition from the Centre Pompidou in Paris which had rolled up in town. I had seen it advertised weeks before and sent the piece from the journal to inform Pauline. What an exhibition! I am not big on art and to wander around a huge place looking at works is overload for me, so this grand camion with the display was perfect, a bite sized chunk not too much to overload the senses. I wanted to take photos of the lights in the street so I drove us back to town, parked by the river and we walked to opposite her grandmas house. I got one photo then we stood talking for goodness knows how long, my feet felt rooted to the spot! I had such a lovely evening that when I got home my mind was just so active and I was on a bit of a “high”.
Music slot puts in an appearance and again it’s two different songs, same title and these two were from the same year, 1979. The title is “Angel Eyes” by ABBA and Roxy Music.
“The Trainee Solicitor” and “The Ex-Graduate” have both felt a little unwell this week, is it a cold, ‘flu or Covid??? “The Trainee Solicitor�� waved goodbye to his motor vehicle it has gone to the car graveyard. Good news for “The Ex-Graduate” an interview is on the cards for this week for a “real” job, she is fed up of working this interim job now so fingers crossed.
“The Daddy” had one works Xmas “do” last night, at Sneaton Hall in Whitby. I asked what was on the menu and he had no idea! Blimey me shows where my thoughts lie all the time doesn’t it? Is it a mum thing or just the thoughts of someone who loves food 😂😂.
I had mentioned to Maud that in the New Year we will go to “La Belvedere” again and have already checked out the menu 😂😂.
The cinema in town posted their programme on social media, I noticed that Napoleon was on but not in VO so I emailed and asked if they would be showing it in the original version. They replied that they are showing the film through to 19 December hopefully with a few sessions in VO but they have to get approval for that from the films distributor. Fingers crossed folks!
Last night, I decided to stuff a few dates to put with some chocolates for my ladies at the knitting group on Friday. I also found a recipe for fudge made in the microwave, sounds easy, so I may give it a try this year.
Wow there has been a lot happening this week.
The photos are of the Chateau in Vendeuvre -sur-Barse and taken from the brochure, the painting that I found caught my eye at the exhibition.
Jusqu’à la semaine prochaine
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Revamp Your Home with These Chic Home Decor Items Online
Home is where the heart is and it's natural to want to decorate it in a way that reflects your style and personality. With the advent of e-commerce, shopping for home decor items online has become a breeze. From wall art to quirky showpieces, there's no shortage of options to choose from. Whether you're going for a modern or traditional look, the vast variety of products available online will leave you spoilt for choice.
Apart from the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home, online stores also offer great deals and discounts that make it easier to revamp your living space on a budget. With just a few clicks, you can browse through countless options, compare prices, and select the perfect pieces to transform your home into a sanctuary. So why wait? Start exploring the world of online home decor shopping today!
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dagabrother · 1 year
Daga Brothers have been serving customers for more than 75 years now and we are grateful for the appreciation our customers show as they vouch for the quality. We are one of the premium dry-fruit shops in Pune. Our specialties are into different traditional dry fruits as well as the new contemporary flavored nuts and spices. We serve the motive of quality dry fruits for great health and our offerings for healthy gifting. We have a well-set online ordering service for convenience.
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therecordchanger62279 · 7 months
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Twilight On Union Square
(Short Fiction)
     The company I work for, The New York Central Railroad had moved its offices to a building on East 14th near Irving Place. It was a cost-cutting move. Business had been off since the depression hit, but the move was convenient for me because I had a room in a boarding house two blocks over and it gave me a chance to walk Union Square to work. My parents use to take me to Union Square when I was a kid. There were all sorts of shops there. Street vendors sold newspapers. I remember a candy store, and a little shop where my father took his work shoes to be repaired. There was a dry cleaner, and a small grocery store my mother insisted had the best fruit. I hadn’t been on the street in ages because I rode the trolley to the office when it was in the other direction. I was anxious to see if any of the shops I remembered were still there.
     It was the second week in December, but it was unseasonably warm when I returned to Union Square on my way to work that Monday morning. I hadn’t gone a block when I heard a voice say, “Pots and pans. Kitchen utensils. Everything for the lady of the house who likes to cook. Pots and pans, right here.” I recognized the voice and I turned to see a makeshift storefront with an old woman there I’d not seen in years. Her name was Violet Detmer –“Vi” is what everybody called her. My mother use to buy potholders and kitchen towels and silverware from her when we’d come to town to shop. It had completely slipped my mind until I heard that croak of a voice.
     “Vi? Vi Detmer? I can’t believe it. I can’t believe you’re still here,” I said to her.
     “Do I know you, son?”
     “Oh, I don’t know that you’d remember me. I was just a boy when my parents use to bring me to Union Square to shop. My mother was one of your regulars.”
     “Is ‘sat so? What’s her name?”
     “Estelle –“
     “Estelle Jessup?”
     “Yes! How did you know?”
     “I may be old, but I remember my good customers and your mom was one of the best. You’d be her little boy, then. Not so little now. Peter is it?”
     “It’s Paul.”
     “Peter. Paul. I knew it was biblical. How is your mother?”
     “Oh, she passed away two years ago.”
     “I’m sorry to hear that. I was wonderin’ why she stopped comin’ around. Figured maybe the family left town to look for work. This depression ain’t been real good for business. Lotta my regulars don’t come around so much anymore.”
     “Yeah the street is kind of quiet. Is it always like this on Mondays?”
     “It’s like this most everyday now. Don’t matter, though. The mayor’s shuttin’ us down for the holidays. That’s what all these boxes is for. I’m packin’ up.”
     “Are you closing?”
     “Nah. Just a short holiday, you might say. This new mayor has got it in his head that he needs to sell the city to tourists and he don’t think it looks good to have street vendors down along here over the holidays when the big money comes to town to take in a show, or eat in them fancy restaurants. So he got the city council to pass an ord’nance to get us off the street till after New Year’s.”
     “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”
     “Don’t be. I could use a vacation. Ain’t had a proper one since my Benny left.”
     “My husband Benny. He hitched a ride four years ago on the Nickel Line to Chicago. He heard about a job there. He ain’t come back. Runnin’ this place by myself ain’t left me much vacation time.”
     “Have you heard from him?”
     “Well we didn’t exactly part on good terms. We had a big blowout when he said he wanted to leave town to look for work. I told him we’d get by with this place, but he said it wasn’t enough. One thing led to another, and – well, Benny is real sensitive and I said some things I shouldn’t of said. But he’ll be back. I know he will.”
     “I’m sure he-“
     “I’m expectin’ him on the 4:30 train tomorrow, as a matter of fact.”
     “But if you haven’t heard from him…?”
     “He won’t stay away forever. He just needed to be by hisself for a while and get straight in his head what he wanted to do. He’ll be back. I went down to the train station last year on the 13th ‘cause I thought he’d be back. That’s our anniversary. But he didn’t show. But this year he’ll be there. I know he will. And if he don’t make it then, he’ll be back by Christmas Eve. He wouldn’t want me spendin’ Christmas Eve alone again. He’ll be back.”
     “I’m sure he will.”
     “You married, son?”
     “Not yet. I’ve got a steady girl though. In fact her birthday is coming up next week and I wanted to do something special for her.”
     “There’s still a couple of nice restaurants near here. And there’s a new Loretta Young picture at the Acme. ‘Ramona’, it’s called. I love Loretta Young.”
     “That’s an idea. I was thinking about maybe taking her to see a big band. I heard Cab Calloway is at the Cotton Club.”
     “Is that open again? I thought they closed it down after the riots a few months ago?”
     “They did, but it’s open again. I just thought she might enjoy it. She loves to go dancing.”
     “Can she cook?”
     “She’s getting better at it. She needs some practice, but she seems to enjoy it. She lives with her parents, but I get invited over for dinner, and she does the cooking. Of course her mother helps out.”
     “Well you could maybe get her something for her kitchen – when you two get married, I mean. One less thing I’d have to pack.”
     “You know that’s not a bad idea. Do you have some nice potholders – maybe something with flowers on them?”
     “Honey, I got everything. Hang on a second, and let me look.”
     She went around the back for a couple of minutes and I heard a lot of clanging and banging, and the sound of boxes being shuffled around. She was back a few minutes later.
     “Here you go. Roses. What girl doesn’t like roses?”
     “How much?”
     “Ten cents apiece or two for 15.”
     “Sounds like a bargain.”
     I reached in my pocket and handed her two bits and told her to keep the change.
     “Well I guess I’d better hurry along. Don’t want to be late for work.”
     “Where do you work, son?”
     “I work at the New York Central Railroad office. We just moved to 14th.”
     “Well my Benny always takes the Nickel Line. That’s where I’ll be tomorrow when he gets in. I hope it’s on time.”
     “You can always call them and ask.”
     “I’ll do that. Busy day tomorrow. My landlord is supposed to stop by and fix my leaky faucet. Damn thing keeps me up nights it’s so loud. I never use to notice it before when Benny was home. He snored so loud you couldn’t hear the train comin’ let alone a faucet drippin’. Never thought I’d miss that…”
     Her voice trailed off and I thanked her and said my goodbyes and headed to work.
     When I reached the office, I started thinking about Vi and Benny and I decided to phone the Nickel Line to see if they had a passenger list for the 4:30 tomorrow.
     “Nickel Line Railroad,” said the voice on the phone.
     “I wonder if you could give me some information?”
     “Sure thing. What do you need to know?”
     “You have a train coming in tomorrow at 4:30?”
     “That’s right.”
     “I was wondering if you could check your passenger list for a Benny Detmer?”
     “Passenger list? There’s no passenger list. The 4:30 is a freight, not a passenger.”
     “Are you sure there isn’t some mistake?”
     “No mistake, buddy. It’s a freight.”
     “Ok. I’m sorry to have bothered you. Thanks for your help.”
     I decided to have lunch at Marinelli’s just a block from the office. On my way back to the office after lunch I had some time to kill so I stopped to get a shine. I was making small talk with a man sitting next to me waiting his turn, and I told him about my visit back to Union Square.
     “Yeah, that place has gone to hell. It won’t be around much longer.”
     “What do you mean,” I asked him?
     “I heard the city sold the entire block to some big developer that plans to raise the whole block and rebuild it from scratch. They want to modernize it.”
     “Well, what will happen to all the shops and businesses there?”
     “Who knows? I suppose most of them will go out of business. They’ll probably look for new tenants once they get everything built.”
     “That’s a shame.”
     “Yeah, it sure is. But the place is beginning to look run down. You know the mayor is on a crusade to modernize the city. He wants to bring in more tourist business. You got an interest down there or something?”
     “Oh there’s just a shop down there that sells pots & pans, and –“
     “You mean Vi’s place?”
     “Yeah. Do you know Vi?”
     “Sure. Everybody around here knows Vi. She’s been on that block for years. I don’t know how she’ll get along without that shop.”
     “I talked to her today. She said she’s expecting her husband Benny on the train tomorrow.”
     “That’s not going to happen.”
     “How do you know?”
     “I know. Benny use to work at the bicycle shop on 21st? You know the place?”
     “No. Never been there.”
     “Well when they went under after the crash, Benny lost his job. He started drinking, and he took to disappearing from time to time. Vi got use to him coming and going, and – “
     “Where did he go?”
     “Oh he’d get an itch and some booze in him and go down to the Nickel Line and hitch a freight. Sometimes he’d be gone a few weeks before he’d turn up again. Vi always took him back. Four years ago he decided to leave for Chicago because he heard they had work there at the stockyards. I heard he did work there for awhile, but his drinking got worse and he started missing shifts and they fired him.”
     “Where’d he go after that?”
     “Oh he came back here. He rode the Nickel back into town one night, and a security guard at the Nickel caught him getting off the train. There was a scuffle and Benny fell and cracked his skull on a piece of track. He didn’t have any identification on him so they got him to the hospital, and then took him to jail. One of his cellmates turned out to be a guy Benny knew from his years at the bicycle shop. Well, Benny didn’t survive the night. He had a bleed from the wound and the next morning they found him on his cot dead. The guy in the cell identified him to the police, but this guy knew Benny before he married Vi, so when they asked him about next of kin, the guy told them as far as he knew he didn’t have any.”
     “So how do you know what happened?”
     “I work for the newspaper. I write the obit columns, and I talk to the precinct captain whenever there’s a death notification, and they gave me Benny’s name.”
     “Didn’t you tell Vi?”
     “The obit was in the paper, and I figured there were plenty of people who knew her that saw it and she’d get the word. And I was right. The guy that has the candy store next to her place saw the notice and told her about it.”
     “What did she say?”
     “She didn’t believe it. And they couldn’t show her the body because they’d had it cremated because they couldn’t locate any family. So Vi just went about her business as if Benny would turn up again one day. Every year since she goes down to the Nickel Line in December to look for Benny. But he’s gone and he’s not coming back.”
     On my walk home that evening after my shift ended, I walked down Union Square. The lights were off at Vi’s place and the door was padlocked. I went back to the boarding house and changed clothes. I’d decided to take my girlfriend to dinner and then to the Loretta Young picture at the Acme. On the walk there, I started telling her all about Benny and Vi. By the time I finished, we were at the ticket window.
     “That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. What’ll that poor woman do now, “ she asked?
     “I imagine she’ll just keep doing what she’s been doing. She’ll just keep believing Benny will come back to her one day.”
     I turned to the ticket taker. “Two, please?”
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kiwibes · 10 months
Things that come in plastic for absolutely No Real Reason, which frustrate me everytime I do my shopping:
Shampoo and soap refills
Dry cat food
Fruits and vegs? Leave the celery and cauliflower alone!?
The Extra Package around the toothpast. Maybe they haven´t noticed but it is already inside a package
Toilet and kitchen paper
Juices and sodas. Any large drink bottles really
Small rice, pasta, couscous....cardboard or refillable is perfectly usable
Nuts and dried fruits
Cookies packaged seperately. Sometimes I want 4, sometimes 6. Now I gotta open 1and a half tiny cookie package.
Most of this is stuff I buy regularly and if they were just sold differently I would have so much less plastic. And I know about shampoo bars (but I need a specific type of shampoo no matter how nice the shea butter magnolia bar smells), no-packaging shops (but there are none nearby), farmer markets (mine is small and even there some produce is packaged), etc. I found one spot near my work that sells milk in glass bottles but I just think it shouldn´t be so hard.
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