#dry fruit tray set
rahultistabene · 5 months
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Elevate Your Dining Experience with Stylish Tray Sets
Explore our exquisite collection of wooden, decorative, and serving trays. Perfect for any occasion. Find the ideal tray set for your home today
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navybrat817 · 6 months
Can lumberjack Bucky take care of me?
Yes, nonnie.
To-Do List
Pairing: Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky shares a list of things to do with you when you wake up. Word Count: Over 600 Warnings: Fluff, pet names, talk of sex, light humor, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: More Burly and Bambi . @tavners, can we manifest this? ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky’s spot on the bed beside you is cool when you wake up and reach for him, seeking out his warmth. You don’t want to start the day cold.
But he’s back in the bedroom before you can get up to look for him, a tray in his hands and a smile on his face as you yawn.
The shirtless sight of your burly man is enough to chase any lingering tiredness away.
“Wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed, Bambi,” he says as he sets the tray over you and lets you look over the feast he prepared. “You drooling over the food or me?” he teases.
You wipe at your chin, thinking for a moment that you did drool. “Both,” you smile, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear once he gets back in bed. “What’s the occasion?”
It isn't your birthday and or anniversary. No reason to celebrate anything.
“No reason at all, darling,” he answers, sincerity in his bright eyes before he presses a kiss to your forehead. “Just want to take care of you.”
Your heart flutters because no other guy had ever done anything for you just because they wanted to. “You take very good care of me,” you promise, feeding him a bite.
You watch him lick his lips after his bite, your heart fluttering for an entirely different reason. “This is just a start,” he says, feeding you a bite in return.
You would never turn down his cooking or him feeding you.
“What else could you possibly have planned? You have to work.”
“No work today,” he replies, nodding to a small piece of paper beside the plate.
A smile spreads across your face due to the impromptu day off before you pick up the sheet and scan it, recognizing his handwriting. “‘Burly and Bambi’s To Do List’,” you announce as he chuckles. “Breakfast in bed.”
“Check,” he smiles, feeding you another bite.
“Cuddle in bed,” you continue.
“After breakfast.”
A giggle bubbles up when you read the next thing on the list. “This just says ‘Each other’,” you state, which you would happily help him cross off.
He puts a hand on his chest when you laugh more. “Are you making fun of my list? You wound me.”
“I’m not,” you promise. Any excuse to do your lumberjack, you’ll take it.
“Good. Because I have us doing each other as number 6,” he smirks, your throat dry when his gaze falls to your chest. “And 9.”
You laugh all over again, careful not to shake the tray. “6 and 9? 69? Really?”
“It’s a good number,” he says nonchalantly. “And as your personal lumberjack, I’ll also be happy to split you in half.”
It’s a tempting offer and you’ll take him up on it. “After we eat.”
“Good idea,” he agrees, popping a bite of fruit into his sinful mouth. “You need your strength.”
“Cocky,” you whisper, but he’s right. You do need your strength because he’s insatiable. “You also have watch a movie together and snuggle with a blanket under the stars.”
“I’ll keep you nice and warm,” he promises, gesturing to the sheet. “Flip it over.”
You’re not sure how you manage to hold back tears as you read it, falling more in love with Bucky as you read out loud, “Tell Bambi how much I love her every day.”
He grasps your chin so you can’t hide your face. “I love you, Bambi,” he whispers, pressing his soft lips against yours.
You ask yourself how you’re lucky enough to be his girl as you kiss him back. “I love you, too, Burly.”
And you would tell him every day, too.
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These two. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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boxofbonesfic · 19 days
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Title: 𝙳𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚐ä𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 [8]
Pairing: Dark!Ransom x Reader, Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Summary: Your husband’s twin brother has always made you uncomfortable, and after two years of marriage, you finally find out why. 
Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Stalking, Kidnapping, Basement-wife, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Breeding kink, Smut, Darkfic, Dead Dove: Do not eat!
Word Count: 3,572
A/N: poor reader. things are not going as well as she’d hoped. we’re honestly in the home stretch, i anticipate another 2-3 chapters before we’ve arrived at our conclusion! (i also have some plans for a short prequel, so stay tuned!) bottom divider by @firefly-graphics
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You stare at your husband, open mouthed as he shuts the door behind him. On the tray in his hands is breakfast, and most of all—coffee. Real coffee, swirling gently in the fancy drip . You can’t think of a single thing to say as he moves past you to set the tray down on the table. 
The scent of his cologne makes your knees tremble, it’s so familiar, so him. You haven’t seen Ransom in person in so long it feels like some sort of trick. You look down at his hands as he arranges the plates, looking for the indents left by Lloyd’s signature rings—but there is only his wedding band, sitting on his ring finger. He looks up at you. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Sweetheart.” 
Your tongue is sticky in your dry mouth. “I did.” 
Ransom isn’t as good at pretending he’s unaffected—not as good as Lloyd. Brief upset flashes across his features before it’s replaced by determined placidity. It makes the rage simmering in your belly flare up even hotter at the sight of him. You’re angrier at him than you are at Lloyd. It isn’t logical, you know, to feel somehow more betrayed by your husband than his twin, but you do. You suppose Lloyd owed you less than the man with whom you had shared every hope, every dream for your future. 
“Let’s eat something, at least,” he replies at last. “You can hate me on a full stomach.” Reluctantly, you sit down at the table. You wonder if all your meals will be taken like this now, now that contact has been re-established, like some sort of strange exposure therapy. Ransom pours himself a mug of dark coffee and then a matching one for you. You don’t reach for it, though, not until you see him drink from his own cup. 
The plate before you is loaded up with fresh fruits—your favorites: cut grapes, melons, slices of kiwi—and beneath that is a fully loaded waffle, topped with fluffy whipped cream. You spear a forkful of eggs and chew as you stare pointedly at the mug in front of you instead of at him. 
Ransom isn’t like Lloyd, he doesn’t force conversation. He simply sits there across from you, eating breakfast in your prison like it’s the most ordinary thing in the entire world. 
“How could you do this?” You vomit up the question as you tremble, unable to swallow another bite. “How?” 
“We love you so much,” he begins, and you have to resist the urge to throw the plate at his head, food and all. “So fucking much.” Ransom reaches across the table to grasp your hand. “This is the only way this works, Sweetheart.” He lifts his hand to your cheek. You hate that his reassurance feels good, that you’re tempted to press your face into the palm of his hand the way you used to. A sob tears free from your throat. 
“If you loved me, you wouldn’t—”
“Do you even know what love is?” There is a cold edge to Ransom’s voice that’s unfamiliar to you, not because you haven’t heard it before, but because he never adopts that tone with you—never. “Love is doing for others what they cannot do for themselves.” You almost want to cringe away from his gaze. “You taught me that.” As his words increase in intensity you actually try to, only to have Ransom grip your chin with his free hand.“Even if it hurts.”
He sits back in his chair, and sips his coffee. “Now finish your breakfast, Sweetheart. I have a surprise.” The word surprise immediately gets your hackles up, and you can feel your stomach churning. 
“A surprise? What is it?” Ransom winks at you. 
“Eat up.” 
You force your way through the fruit—it’s sweet and ripe but it tastes like mush now as you anxiously chew and swallow. Ransom had always been a good gift-giver. It’s one of the things you’d valued about your husband, his attention to detail, his heart. That little piece of him he’d let you see, the part of him he guarded, held like a wounded bird in his cupped hands. The part of him that memorized your birthday three months in and threw a half-birthday party because he couldn’t wait that long to give you the present he’d gotten for you—a trip to Paris, to see the Louvre. Which one of these people is your husband, you wonder, watching him watch you. Which one of them is real, which is created? 
Or had you ever really known him at all?
When you’re done eating, Ransom hands you a little plastic baggie, containing an assortment of pills. A few you recognize—your pre-natal vitamins, one of your prescribed supplements—but there are some you don’t. You glare down at his offered hand with narrowed eyes before crossing your arms. 
“I’m not taking those.” You’re expecting Ransom to fight you—hell, you’re half expecting him to pin you down and force them down your throat. But he doesn’t. All he does is purse his lips, and place them down on the table. 
“We’ll revisit that.”
“We’re not revisiting anything!” You hiss. “I am not. Taking those.” Ransom steeples his fingers beneath his chin and raises an eyebrow. 
“You had no problem taking them when you couldn’t see them, Sweetheart.” Your stomach rolls. “It was my suggestion,” he sighs, fingering the little packet. “I thought you would appreciate the agency.”
“You’re still drugging me.” 
“Sweetheart they’re not roofies.” His flippancy somehow makes you angrier. “It’s all the things you were taking—perhaps a little altered for your condition, but nothing untoward. Your Celexa for your anxiety. Prenatal supplements, vitamins.” 
“I’m not taking them.” 
“Fine.” He picks the little baggie back up and places it in his pocket. Instead of tacit, clever threats like Lloyd, Ransom simply gets up. You look up at him in surprise, almost forgetting to be angry. 
“Y-you’re not going to force me?” You ask, shocked. Your husband pushes his chair back against the table. He looks sad. Really sad, like he recognizes the weight of what has changed between you. 
“No, baby. I’m not.” He turns towards the door. “But I’m not going to stay, either.” Your eyes go wide with fear.
“W-wait, why? I—”
“You’re upset. I understand, I do.” For his part, Ransom looks realistically disappointed, like he wanted things to turn out differently than they have. A sad smile flits across his face. “But baby if we’re going to build back what we had, build it stronger, you’re going to have to think about more than just yourself.”
You feel a pang of hurt in your chest at his accusation. “I’m not selfish! If any
“Threatening to leave me? To take the baby?” Ransom shoots you a cold, disappointed look. “What did you tell me, Sweetheart? The baby will never know my name? What would you call that if not selfish?” You swallow thickly. 
That day feels so long ago now, though in truth you suppose it’s been nearly a month since you’d figured it out and everything had broken open and fallen all to pieces. It’s strange to think that that was reality in the same way that this is—that your physical body no longer occupies a world that exists only in your memories, when everything was perfect. 
“I’m going to give you some time to relax. Maybe It’s too soon.” Ransom shakes his head. “I’ll be back when you’re ready.” Your chest feels tight at his declaration. Alone? Again? You curl your fists into tight balls beneath the table, nails digging into your palms. 
“Oh? And why should I stay? You hate me, you won’t take your medicine—”
“I’ll take it.” You mumble, and Ransom turns back around, a soft, surprised look on his face. You don’t want to go back to being alone, back to the endless hours of silence, your food delivered while you slept or bathed, to reciting movie lines just to have something to listen to—
“I—I’ll take them. Please—you don’t…” You close your eyes.. “You don’t know what it’s like to be in here alone, day after day.”  It’s torture. The words hang unspoken from the tails of the ones you’re brave enough to voice. Tears press against your closed lids as you try unsuccessfully to keep them back. He sighs. 
“Oh Baby.” 
You hate him —you hate both of them, so much it seems to fill up every inch of you. So why do you want him to stay? Why does it feel familiar and right and good when he tucks you beneath his chin as you sob? You’d managed to hold them in with Lloyd, but you can’t with Ransom. He’s too familiar, your body knows him, thinks it’s safe with him, even when it’s not. But it’s hard not to feel that same security when he sweeps you into his arms and sits against the window with you as you whimper and cry, pressing your face into his chest. 
Ransom rocks you back and forth, rubbing circles on your back through the cotton dress. You aren’t sure what he says to you as he does so, mumbling muddy praise and promises into your hair. It’s almost worse than that day at the villa—you hadn’t been this hopeless then, this trapped. You’d thought you could leave then, that you could simply walk away from the snare they had set for you, though you never really could.
What other end could there have been?
You aren’t sure how long you sit there with Ransom, your heaving, hysterical sobs becoming hiccoughs. Listlessly you stare out at the waves, dragging the back of your hand across your puffy eyes. Wordlessly, he hands you the little plastic bag of pills. You take it from him without a fuss, tear open the corner and dump them into the palm of your hand. You consider them for a moment before lifting them to your mouth and swallowing them dry. 
The surprise, as it turns out, is books. 
Ransom brings in a brightly colored bag from the hallway as you sit sniffling on the bed, still wiping at your puffy eyes. It almost brings you to tears again as you pull out the tissue paper to reveal the prizes inside. They’re all books you’ve never read before but had been meaning to, even going so far as to put a list of them on the fridge in the apartment you shared with Ransom. Frankenstein. Hound of the Baskervilles. The Shining.
“You read my list.” 
“Of course I did,” Ransom says, pressing a kiss to your temple before sitting beside you on the edge of the bed. “It’s been up there for months.” He teases. “I thought we could read them together, like we did in college. Since you’ve been so lonely.” Something goes tight and achy in your chest at the memory of it, you and Ransom cuddled together on your narrow dorm room bed as you read him passages of Wuthering Heights and Catcher in the Rye. It’s so easy to picture it now, though you had not thought of them for months—maybe years. Your husband just a few years younger, draping his own sweater over your shoulders. 
I like when it smells like you, he’d say when you’d stammer about lotion or perfume, pressing it into your hands anyway. 
“I’d like that.” 
It’s almost like being home again, wrapping yourself in the soft comforter on the bed as Ransom begins to read. Is it so wrong, you wonder, to want to go back to when things were ordinary and perfect? Before you knew your husband and his brother felt something deeper than love, deeper than obsession for you—ownership, perhaps. You don’t want this new knowledge, as insane as that seems. You don’t want to know that your family is dependent on them, that their lives rely on your marriage in ways you never could have foreseen. Your father’s business, Nathalie’s school—all things they would lose the instant your relationship dissolved. 
And as Ransom reads, it’s almost easy to pretend you don’t have it, to close your eyes and just… listen. You’re half asleep when he shifts you into his arms, pressing soft kisses to the top of your head. You begin to stir, pushing at his chest, but he hums softly. 
“Just let me have this, Sweetheart. You can still hate me when I’m done.” Your husband holds you to his chest, stroking your hair until you fall asleep. He holds you like that for a long time, listening to the sound of your breathing. With a sigh, Ransom lowers you down to the mattress. He’s arranging your books on the bedside table when the sound of the keypad draws his attention.
“You’re bringing her presents already?” Lloyd drawls from the threshold. “I thought you said she wasn’t ready.” Ransom rolls his eyes. He knows what jealousy looks like well enough on his own face to know it on his brother’s. 
“I said that a week ago,” he says softly. “And keep your voice down. You know we had to lower the dose on the sedative.” Lloyd leans against the bedpost, watching as Ransom fusses over you. “Besides. You got to see her yesterday.” He shoots a glare at his older brother. “You took a fucking bath with her. You always have to be fucking first, don’t you?” 
It’s Lloyd’s turn to roll his eyes. “I don’t interfere in your relationship, you don’t talk shit about mine.” He smooths a hand down your cheek. “I called the doctor. He said he’ll be here Monday.” 
Ransom nods. “Good.” A small smile crosses his lips. “I think she’ll be excited to see the baby.” He rests a hand on the ever-so-slight curve of your belly, and Lloyd snorts. “With our luck, it’ll be twins.” You shift, mumbling something in your sleep as your face twitches. Lloyd kisses your forehead. 
“Shh, baby. M’right here.” His hand replaces Ransom’s on your belly. “We’re not going anywhere.”
“A doctor?” You stare at the two of them incredulously. “Here?” Lloyd scoffs at your shock. 
“Come on, Princess. It’s not like we’re in space.” He pats you affectionately on your hip. “Besides, you’re due for a checkup. Don’t you want to see your little nugget?” His words twist your stomach. You had scheduled an ultrasound for when you returned from Mykonos—not knowing, foolishly, perhaps, that you never would. I wonder what they told Dr. Pashik. 
Ransom and Lloyd are wrapped around you like snakes; your husband curled around you from behind, while Lloyd has draped himself across your lap, tracing circles on the exposed skin of your thigh where the dress has ridden up. They’d come into your room sometime early that morning while you’d still been mostly asleep, taking up residence on either side of you while you mumbled groggily. Of course Ransom and Lloyd had not come empty handed, bringing with them more gifts; books, card games, even a portable device they told you you were allowed to watch movies on. Of course, upon discreet investigation there were only streaming apps installed on it, no browser, nor any way to reach the outside world. It was password locked for extra security, which neither one of your lover-turned-captors had yet supplied you. 
You rest a hand on your tummy. “I am excited,” you say finally. “I guess… I’m surprised.” Until now, they had not allowed you to see a single person other than them—in fact you wouldn’t have known there were more people here than the three of you had Lloyd not pointedly told you. “What kind of doctor treats a prisoner?”
“You’re a patient, Princess.” Lloyd corrects you. “Not a prisoner.” He kisses your thigh. One who enjoys a discreet, hefty payout. 
“Someone you know from work?” You ask snidely, and Lloyd laughs. 
“Maybe when I can trust you, I can tell you.” He winks at you. You know your brother-in-law does work for “the government” but you aren’t really sure which government. You get the feeling he has no loyalty in that regard, though all you have to go on is your own baseless assumption. Your thoughts turn to the doctor, and you wonder if they might be sympathetic, despite Lloyd’s money. If you’re even allowed to be alone with them—in all likelihood you probably won’t. If Ransom and Lloyd have been anything they’ve been careful, you doubt they’d make such a rookie mistake this far into the game. Not now. 
You smile sadly. “I don’t think you’ll ever be able to trust me.”
“Oh Princess, I don’t know about that. After all, look at us now.” A lump forms in your throat. “All cozy like. I think you feel a lot more comfortable than you want to admit.” You swallow against the lump that’s formed, thick and sticky in your throat. 
“I just know there’s no use trying to push you off.” 
“Okay, Princess.” Lloyd blows you a kiss. “Whatever you say.” 
It is warm and comfortable between them, and as much as you hate it, Lloyd’s hands do feel familiar and right on your skin, though you don’t want them to. It occurs to you once again that you don’t know what’s in those neat little pre-packaged pill bags that they’re giving you, and as much as you don’t want to bask in the sudden intensity of their affection after weeks of stark purposeful isolation, you still can’t help yourself. It doesn’t help to know the rules of the game when they’re still playing it so effectively. All you can do is watch as Ransom and Lloyd move you around the board, to ends you can only imagine. 
“When is the doctor coming?”
“Tomorrow,” Ransom says, squeezing your hand. “I think we’ll hear the heartbeat, you’re far enough along, you know.” He sounds excited. You know he is—Ransom has always been excited at the prospect of fatherhood. He’d been downright encouraging when you had brought up going off your birth control, if the things he’d been growling into your ear as he rutted into you in your bed were any indicator, and they were. 
“We still haven’t talked about names.” 
“I had a list going but it was on my phone.” 
“Maybe we’ll take a look at it together soon.” Ransom’s hands drift to your shoulders, rubbing at the tense muscle knotted underneath your skin. 
“Will we get pictures?” You ask. “Of the ultrasound?” 
“Of course.”
“Then… will you send them to my parents?” His hands falter, and you turn to look at him. Your husband’s expression is unreadable as he glances down at his brother, an entire conversation passing between them wordlessly. You feel that same pang of old jealousy creep up into your chest, and you swallow it down. “I just—they… they would want to see.” 
“Maybe.” He says at last. 
“Where do they think I am?”
“I don’t—”
“I’ve been good, haven’t I?” You ask, shifting away from him, from the both of them. “Please. Tell me something. Anything.” Lloyd shakes his head with a frown, but Ransom sighs. 
“You’re in a very expensive hospital in Austria.” 
“My father wouldn’t believe that,” you say, shaking your head. You know your family—they wouldn’t just swallow some paper thin excuse just to get back to their lives. Would they? “He-he would want to see me.” 
“Your father is very busy with his business, Princess,” Lloyd cuts in effortlessly. “He has so much to worry about, and then there’s Nathalie’s classes…” he shrugs. “They trust us to take good care of you.” 
“So let us take care of you.” 
You’d suspected you had no tears left to cry, that perhaps you’d cried them all already. But as always, you manage to surprise yourself with more from the seemingly unending supply inside you. You want to push away their hands as they pat and comfort you, hushing you and wiping at their tears with the pads of their thumbs. It’s the only comfort you have, especially knowing your family isn’t looking for you. Why would they? You remember the bitter, bitter arguments you’d had with your own father when you had decided to move out. They relied on you, needed you—you contributed to more than a third of the bills, there was simply no way around it. You were hurting the family, damning them with your independence. 
“Have you ever thought about anyone but your goddamn self?” Your father had never apologized for that night, and like a dutiful daughter you never brought it up again because how could you? You were the oldest, junior mom, de-facto parent. Something shatters inside you at the thought, and you feel it almost like physical pain. I wonder if they can hear it. 
You don’t know when the arms around you begin to feel like solace instead of suffocation as you weep against someone’s warm chest—you cannot be sure, not through your blurry, red-rimmed eyes. But as your fingers curl into his shirt, and another warm set of lips presses against your hair, you wonder if perhaps this is why they chose you. 
Because who didn’t love to tinker with a broken doll?
to be continued…
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Thank you for reading! Please check out my masterlist for other, similar works, and follow my library blog, @box-of-bones-library for updates. ❤️
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ldysmfrst · 3 months
American Mate (10) - A Date in the Right Direction
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 10 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 11,976
Work count for Story: 65,512
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs, and the other loves everyone. I am currently not working because of a broken foot. I started a Patreon, and I would be grateful if you donated to help me make ends meet while I am out of work.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have mentions of lost pregnancy, pack dynamics, comfort, Alpha/Luna vibes, and close proximity, but mainly, it is just Fluff.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit
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The next morning is a complete departure from your usual routine. You had meticulously set your alarm for 7:30 am, anticipating a quick shower would suffice before your medical appointment. But fate had other plans in store for you.
Shuffling, giggling, and the hushed “Quiet Kookie” woke you. Wait… is that water running? What time… what?
Stretching as you blink your eyes, you end up face to face with Jungkook, “Ah! Jungkook! What are you doing?”
“Good morning, my sweets,” the bunny smiled brightly with his big eyes. No care in the world that he just spooked you await.
Still hearing movement, you take a look around. Jungkook is kneeling on the bed but not inside your fort. Yoongi has popped his head out of your bathroom, and Seokjin stands at the entry door with a tray.
“Good morning, Jungkook, Seokjin, Yoongi. What time is it?’ rubbing your eyes and stretching again. Man, that was the deepest sleep you have gotten in a long time. 
Each Alpha wants to coo at your cute little stretches, which are maddeningly hidden by Taehyung’s blanket. 
Seokjin is the first to snap out of watching you, “It’s almost 7 am, dear. I have a light breakfast, and Yoongi is drawing a bath for you. We want to make sure you're comfortable and ready for your day."
Looking at Seokjin with a bit of a question furrowing your brow. Yoongi retreats into the bathroom now that he sees you are not upset at the intrusion.
 “Sweets, we heard your doctor’s appointment was this morning. I hate doctor’s appointments, and we thought it might be uncomfortable for you, too.” Jungkook says while he giggles at your expression.
“Thank you, Alphas. I was going to try a shower today, but a bath sounds good,” you say. A smile blooms on your face at the knowledge of the Alphas trying to make your day good.
“Princess, the bath is ready. I used the Cassia and Cherry scented bath bomb for you today. I set a towel to the side for you like last time. When you are done, please call for any of us to help dry your hair, okay?” asks Yoongi as he heads toward the door.
“Sure thing, Yoongi. Thank you again.” With another smile, Yoongi looks pointedly at the youngest packmate before leaving to get ready, presumably.
“Jin, is breakfast something that will get cold, or can I eat it after the bath?” you ask. Meanwhile, you note that Jungkook has scooted closer to you but still not close enough to touch you or your fort. 
“It’s a simple breakfast: just some fruits and a bagel with cream cheese,” his eyes widened. He looked at the tray and then back at you. “You do like fruit, bagels, and cream cheese, right?”
Giggling, you kick out of the blankets and start scooting toward him. “Who doesn’t like those? They would be crazy not to like those!” 
You look at the array of foods on the tray, “Thank you, Jin. It looks good. Oh, you got mangos, my favorite!” 
You happily take a large bite of the slice and close your eyes to enjoy the burst of flavor. Seokjin watches you eat intensely, and Jungkook approaches your side.
Opening your eyes, you look back at the bunny, asking, “Can you have mangos?” At his nodding, you offer him to take the rest of the mango in your hand. 
Leaning forward, Jungkook eats the mango from your hand. His lips barely touch your fingertips, temporarily short-circuiting you. 
You immediately drop your hand and look back at Seokjin, only to notice he is watching Jungkook eat. You feel like you are getting too warm over witnessing something that should be between mates only.
“Umm... I am gonna go take that bath now,” you say softly. 
Bolting into the walk-in closet, you look for something comfortable and yours to wear today. You pull out a pair of leggings, a sports bra, a crisscross tank, and a non-thousand-dollar sweater.
When you leave the closet, you notice that the tray has been left at the end of the bed, and the two remaining Alphas have left the room. 
Softly, you bang your head on the door frame and mumble, “Good job, y/n. Way to keep professionalism.”
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You could ask someone to take you to a salon to wash it. 
Your mind didn’t focus on any one thing as you dried off and dressed. That seems to be your mode right now. 
Your mind is like a laptop with 20 tabs open, and you cannot figure out where the music is coming from or what language it is even in.
Walking out of the bathroom, you towel off your hair and head to the door to ask Yoongi for help, as instructed. 
At the sound of your name being called from inside the bedroom, you jump and spin around to see Seokjin sitting down with a brush and cordless hair dryer.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but it sounded like you were almost done with your bath. I wanted to help you with your hair,” Seokjin says, holding up the tools. “That and I wanted to talk to you while you ate.”
“It’s okay, Jin. I had joked with Yoongi earlier about getting him and Taehyung a bell, but now I think it’s not them being sneaky.” You shake your head and make your way to sit on the bed in front of the eldest Alphas.
You smile as you relish the feeling of someone else brushing your hair. Reaching out with your good hand, you pull the food tray closer and start munching. The mango, strawberries, and grapes are so fresh. The bagel and cream cheese also taste like they were made this morning.
Behind you, Seokjin noticed how tangled your hair was still. This prompted him to go into the bathroom and get some leave-in conditioner. Just like Yoonig, Soekjin brushes your hair gently.
When he goes to blow dry your hair, you turn around, stopping him from continuing, and ask, “Jin, umm… I wasn’t able to wash my hair as well as I would like to have. Can someone take me to a salon to wash it?”
“You could have asked one of us to help, dear.”Soekjin says, then quickly adds, “Like to wash it over the sink or something.”
“I didn’t think of that. Not used to having people willing to help me,” you respond, looking down shyly. 
Putting a finger under your chin, Seokjin tilts your head back to look at him. “I understand. It will take time to depend on the seven of us, but we are all here for you. I will see what I can do about getting your hair done. For now, what would you like me to do, dear?”
“I would normally braid it, but that won’t work. Maybe a bun?”
“I can do a bun, or I can see if Tae is still here. He has sisters, so I am sure he knows how to braid,” he offers.
“A bun is fine. We don’t have much time, and you said you wanted to talk to me,” you say, turning around and resuming your munching.
“I did… wanna talk to you.” Finishing up the bun, he puts the brushes in your bathroom and asks, “Namjoon talked to you about the outings that the pack wants to do with you right?” 
“Oh yes. I think it is nice of the pack to want to do that. I thought this would be more of a group activity kind of pack since you are all bonded. Goes to show you cannot make assumptions,” you giggle.
“Right, I may love my mates together, but sometimes you just need some alone or one-on-one time.” 
Sitting on the other side of the food tray, his eyes take in that you have avoided all of the melons on the plate. “You don’t like melons?”
“Not really. I mean, I will eat watermelon and cantaloupe if that is the only fruit, but I am not much of a honeydew fan,” seeing his shoulders drop at your response. 
You take a grape, eat it, and smile, “It was a great breakfast for not knowing me that well, Alpha.”
Smiling softly, he notes that he will tell the rest of the pack to avoid melons at all costs and stock up on strawberries, grapes, and mangoes.
“So the umm… outings. It will be interesting to fit them into your guys’ schedules soon. This first week is practically shot since it’s almost over, and the contract hasn’t even been finalized yet. So they will start next week if all goes well?”
“Actually, that is what I wanted to talk to you about,” Seokjin takes your hands in his. “Y/n, I know the contract isn’t finished, but it really doesn’t matter. It’s more like a formality than anything at this point.”
You think of how everything has not followed standard operational procedures. You can hear Derek yelling at you about legalities. You nod slowly in hesitant agreement, waiting for him to continue.
“With that being said, Miss Y/n, Soekjin looks into your eyes, allowing his confidence and childlike anticipation to show. “Would you do me the honor of going out with me tonight?”
You automatically feel your face burst into a blush at his question. For some reason, you thought they would just tell you who would take you and where. 
But no. Kim Seokjin, the talented singer of the world-famous K-pop group, is asking you to join him… tonight. The contract is not set; you haven’t passed anything yet, and he is still asking.
Knowing that the pack planned and agreed upon this, you smile, “Tonight sounds great, Jin.”
Why does it feel like you just agreed to go on a date with the eldest member of the Bangtan pack?
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Yoongi and Jungkook were the only ones left in the packhouse, Seokjin having left after your conversation. 
At 9:30 a.m., Dr. Blackwell arrives with her bag and a smaller suitcase. The doctor has taken you into your room and done the physical exam, wanting to get that out of the way as quickly as possible.
Something about it makes the Alphas feel uneasy, given its vulnerability. 
Now, you are all sitting in the dining room, an alpha on each side, with the focus laser-focused on Dr. Blackwell, who seems not to be affected at all.
“Miss Y/n, these questions are personal in nature, and you can deny the presence of the Alphas at your side. They would be required to leave the packhouse and be out of earshot so that you can answer comfortably.”
“Do you want them to stay or leave?” the Doctor asks.
Feeling the hybrids at your side shift at the notion of having to leave you, you answer, “They can stay, Dr. Blackwell. Everything you ask will be in a report for them all to see anyway.”
“Very well,” she finally glances at the two men. “If either of you think you may hear things you do not want to hear then please take your leave now.”
“We are good,” Yoongi replies, and Jungkook nods in agreement.
“Alright. Well, Miss Y/n, can you tell me of your family history, any health conditions, addictions, or genetic background?” the doctor asks.
“Sure. My brother is healthy as a horse and backpacking around the Blue Ridge Mountain range right now. My mother is relatively healthy but does drink heavily in social situations. My grandparents were healthy too and drank socially also.”
“Are those your mother’s parents?”
“Oh yes, this is all my mom’s side. I don’t know anything about my father’s side. He was only in my life until I was about 10 or 11. He and my mother divorced, and mom took away all contact with him and that side of the family.”
“You don’t know your dad?” Jungkook asks with a frown. Bunny hybrids live in large family colonies, so it doesn’t make sense to him.
“No, I don’t. I tried to find him when I turned 18, but my mother threatened to disown me and stuff, so … yeah. I had tried for almost a year before she found out. I figured he would have contacted me by now, if he wanted to.”
Placing your hand on Jungkook’s, you smile softly at him, “It’s been years, Thumper. I am okay.”
“What about your personal history, Miss Y/n?” the doctor says, getting everyone back on track.
“Well, besides my being considered obese by medical standards,” you hear a soft growl from the jaguar but continue, “I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. The main symptoms are tiredness, inability to lose weight, some food sensitivities and I am pretty much cold 24/7.”
“Can you list your food sensitivities, please? This is imperative for the contract, as all dietary restrictions must be factored in, Miss Y/n.”
“Umm... yeah. I can’t typically find my way around it, so they really are not restrictions,” you hurriedly say, trying to find a way to avoid the question.
“Princess, Hyung is going to want to know the specifics. His love language is food; remember his promise to keep you well-fed. This will help ensure he doesn’t hurt you in the process,” encourages Yoongi.
“Yeah, sweets. Even Jin-hyung is allergic to garlic, Tae Tae cannot eat spicy foods, and Joonie and Jiminnie-hyung don’t eat seafood. I don’t think it's an allergy for them, but it might as well be,” Jungkook adds, trying to help you feel comfortable.
“Okay,” you nod at both of them and turn to the doctor. I am allergic to chocolate. Citrus and spices give me blisters in my mouth. Sometimes, bananas and avocados make my mouth itchy because of my latex allergy, but I love them. I don’t have a gallbladder, so I avoid red meat for the most part.”
You glance at the jaguar hybrid beside you, expecting a negative response. 
However, you are met with a gummy smile and a tail wrapping your thigh, “thank you for sharing, Princess. You and Joonie can share all the surf and turf meals.”
This causes everyone to laugh, effectively making the mood lighter than before. 
You continue to answer a series of questions, and then you come to the questions that you hate: the social history, a.k.a. ‘how lame your sex life is’ questions.
“Miss Y/n, since the Bangtan Pack has requested not to include the rut clause. We do have to ask you about things that will affect that. It's best to rapid-fire these to avoid any awkwardness,” the doctor suggests while giving the two Alphas stern looks.
“Sure, rapid-fire works Dr. Blackwell.”
“Gender at birth?”
“Identify as?”
“The same.”
“Heterosexual and sapiosexual.” Piquing the interest of the Alphas at your side, but the doctor presses on.
“Ever had intercourse?’
“Yes, one that failed. I had a miscarriage.” Jungkook’s hand squeezes yours as Yoogni’s tail softly brushes your forearm.
“Last sexual encounter?
“Th… three years ago. I.. I stopped when I had the miscarriage.”
“Birth Control?”
“IUD implanted shortly after the miscarriage.”
“Well, I think that is all. Your IUD is still usable for another 2 years and the bloodwork will tell us if there is anything else to worry about.”
“Thank you, Dr. Blackwell. I will walk you out and… I think I will take a walk around the property to get some fresh air.” 
Both you and the doctor go outside, chatting about random things. 
When she goes to get into the car, she stops you from walking off, “Miss Y/n, I didn’t ask with the pack there, but do you want any information on a therapist?”
“Oh no, Thank you, Dr. Blackwell. I can give you Ryan’s number if you need it for the report. He is the Licensed Social Worker that I was seeing until about a year ago.”
“Yes, unfortunately, without his report, I would need to do a psych assessment for the contract.” With that, you gave her all the information for Ryan. 
You also decided to call him on your walk and to make sure to get the proper forms to release the sensitive information. Being a good therapist, he questions how you are doing, if you are having any complications with all the questions, and the change in your situation. 
You don’t hold back. You let your former therapist know everything. At the end of it all, you realize you have no issues with what has happened. 
You are playing your future with caution, and today’s visit wasn’t as terrifying or problematic as you thought it might be.
Inside the packhouse, however, Yoongi and Jungkook were very much dealing with how worrisome the doctor’s visit had become for them. 
Once you and the doctor left, they went to Yoongi’s den and chatted with Namjoon and Seokjin. Yoongi went over everything that had happened during the doctor’s visit. 
Seokjin was the calmest of the four. He was happy to learn about the dietary restrictions now and not during your date with him tonight. Being the eldest, he figured you had had an entire life before them. 
Your reactions to their advantages, the level of panic in certain situations, and your negative self-image have already told him more than enough.
Namjoon remained primarily silent throughout the conversation. With every new bit of information, his resolve to talk with your family pack without you present solidified. 
Not to mention, his Alpha now wants to ensure that your experiences with the pack are top-notch. He smiles, knowing Jin’s plans for tonight will hopefully start things off on the right track.
Ending the call, Yoongi and Jungkook head back downstairs and outside. They can hear you walking around the yard, but you are talking to someone about Dr. Blackwell and records. 
Considering that you chose to make this call without them around, they sit on the back patio. This allows them to watch over you but respect your privacy. 
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Bangtan Pack Group Chat
Prime: Hey guys, I want to ask you all something. Hob-ah already knows about this because we talked about it last night. 
Prime: After Y/n’s appointment today, which revealed a few new things, I think this idea is really our best bet.
Mochi: What is it, Hyung?
V: What happened at her appointment? Is she okay?
WWH: She is fine, but there were some concerns, which we will discuss later. Namjoon, what is your idea?
Prime: I want to go and talk to the Y/l/n Pack.
Bun: You did that already, though, with Jimin and Yoongi-hyung.  You wanna go again?
Seokie: Let him talk Kookie!
Bun: Sorry.
Prime: It’s OK, Kookie. Thank you, Hobi-hyung. I want to go but I want to go without Y/n.
Yoons: You better have a good reason to see a pack without their Luna, Namjoon.
Prime: I want to tell them Y/n is our mate. 
Bun: So we are okay with lying to her but not to her pack?
Seokie: No, Bunny. We are not lying to her. We are waiting til the right time to tell her. 
Bun: Same difference.
Prime: Talking with her pack and letting them know might get them to tell us more about her and how to tell without her running from us. 
WWH: I agree with Yoongi. This is playing with fire. But it may be our best chance. They could help open her mind to the idea.
Prime: Does anyone want to go with me?
Bun: Nope. Not even. She will be the next person I tell about the mate bond.
Yoons: I am with Jungkook on this one. I will stay out of this. 
V: I will go with you, hyung. I would like to meet her family pack to start with.
Seokie: I will go, too.
WWH: When is this happening?
Prime: I don’t know yet. I was hoping for tonight.
Prime: but maybe this weekend would be better?
Mochi: Sorry, but Manager Sejin asked what was happening.
Mochi: He thinks this is a good idea. The weekend would work best.
Mochi: also, Seokjin and Namjoon should go, but no more than 4
Mochi: So I am out. I saw them, and I still have other stuff.
WWH: If you schedule it this weekend, I will go. Tonight, I am taking Y/n out on a date.
Prime: Okay, Jin and Hobi-hyung plus TaeTae and I. Got it.
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The rest of the morning was quiet. Neither of the Alphas present sought you out, but you would see them skirt around wherever you were. You finally had enough of it and went back to your room.
Looking through the preliminary contract, you found Manager Sejin’s cell number. You decide to call him to ensure he is updated with everything. 
“Hello, this is Sejin.”
“Manager Sejin, it’s Y/n. How are you today?”
“Oh Y/n! Hi. I am doing well. Thank you for asking. Yourself?”
“I am doing, umm… well, I’m ok,” you hesitate to ask why the two Alphas are avoiding you.
“Yeah, should I pretend to believe you?” asks the BTS manager. Of course, he isn’t going to notice, but at least he is giving you an out.
“Can we put a pin in it for now? I want to go over a few things with you first.”
“Sure thing. What did you want to discuss? Actually, how did you get my number?”
“Your number is the only number listed on the preliminary contract, Manager Sejin,” you giggle slightly.
“Oh yeah, sorry, most Playmates don’t get a preliminary contract. Anyways, is there something I can help you with?”
“Yes, but first– Dr. Blackwell has come and gone. She did the full physical exam, blood sample, and full history. I also gave Dr. Blackwell my prior therapist's phone number. After she left, I contacted him and he will send me the ROI.”
“Wonderful news. You can tell this isn’t your first rodeo, even if you haven't been a Playmate before. Aside from the mental health report, everything else should be done by tomorrow afternoon.”
“Ryan is already working on a mental health summary report and will have it ready by tonight. He is really quick with that. He is a PMS contracted therapist, Manager Sejin.”
“That is even more perfect. Nothing seems concerning on our end, or the doctor would have already called me.”
“Well, one would think that nothing is concerning,” you say, clearing your throat. 
Glancing at your door and deciding you are unsure where the Alphas are now in the house, you move to the bathroom. Closing the door and turning on the sink.
“Miss Y/n are... Are you in the kitchen?”
“No, I am hiding in the bathroom. I don’t know where Yoongi and Jungkook are, but they have been… umm, well… they have been observing me from afar.”
“Observing from afar? Like, what do you mean?”
“After the doctor left, I took a walk outside because some of the information at the end was intense but not unpleasant... for me.” 
You nibble on your bottom lip, “But maybe they aren’t okay with it.”
“Okay. I agree that their behavior indicates that something is off. Have you tried going to them? Maybe they are giving you some space.”
“No, I got nervous. I guess I got used to them always coming to me,” you contemplate. “Oh! Can you possibly have someone take me to the salon?”
“Umm, I take it you have no idea what you are doing for your date tonight?”
Your breath catches in your throat when he calls tonight a date. You turn off the sink and walk back to the bedroom. 
Is that what this is? 
Is that what he called it? 
Does the pack know?
“Well, yes, to all of that.  Jin said you accepted going out tonight with him. Is he supposed to call it something else?”
“Shit! I said that all out loud?”
Manager Sejin chuckles, “Miss Y/n. It is okay. All of them know about your date with Jin tonight. Actually, I think that may explain the distance.”
“They do? It does?” You sit on the edge of your bed. The revelation that everyone is calling this a date has you reeling.
“They do and don’t tell them I told you, but everyone is nervous about it. Seokjin may not be the Prime Alpha, but he is the oldest mate. There is a lot of pressure for him to make sure tonight goes well.”
“Oh, he could do a movie night in, and I would be happy.”
“Well, this is Kim Seokjin. I doubt you'll be having a movie night at the Pack House. I suspect he has more things planned for you than what you realize.”
“Oh boy, I really need to get my hair done then, ah… Where are we going? Do I need to go shopping? Do I have the right thing to wear?”
“Miss Y/n, now is not the time to spiral. He will let you know what is happening soon. Just be ready. Since it’s already lunchtime, I suggest snacking on something.”
“Wait, you still haven’t explained why tonight Jin has to do with Thumper and Yoongi staying away.”
“I'm going to try not to laugh at you calling Jungkook Thumper,” he says, clearing his throat and trying to mask his laughter. “I am sure you have heard that Alphas are territorial, right?”
“Riiiiight, but Namjoon said they weren’t territorial like that, and he didn’t think they would be with these… ah these dates.”
“They won’t. What Yoongi and Jungkook are doing right now is the reason why they won’t.”
“Oh, but we sat next to each other when I spoke to the doctor.”
“Well, if you want to have a super happy Alpha tonight, you might want to change clothes and wash your hands, but know that you really don’t have to. He isn’t the possessive one of the group.”
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After the call, you followed Manager Sejin’s advice by changing your pants, which Yoongi’s tail touched, and washing your hands up to your elbows just to be safe.
You were too nervous to eat now, so you looked around for the other two Alphas, which you knew had to be nearby. 
Only to realize that you, a human, were trying to hunt down two adult male Alpha hybrids. 
One of them could turn into a bunny that could fit who knows where and has the prey instinct to hide.
The other was an apex-like predator hybrid. You have already threatened to get a bell for him because of his sneakiness.
Giving up, you returned to your room and wasted time scrolling through Tumblr and Insta.
It has just hit 1 pm when you get a knock on your door. When you answer it, you are met with a woman in a pantsuit who doesn’t say anything and hands you a phone. Looking at the screen, you see that there is an active call.
“Umm… Hello? This is Y/n,” you speak into the phone.
“Hello, my dearest,” replies the voice on the other end of the line.
“Jin! You had to send a bodyguard to call me?”
“How else would I contact you? I haven’t been allowed to get your phone number. Her name is Jen, and she will be your driver today.”
“Ah yeah, I should get that to everyone, but why do I need a driver?” Smiling at the now-named woman, you cover the mic on the phone, “Hello Jen, I am y/n.”
“Yes, you do. Are you ready for tonight?”
“No, not even close. I don’t know where we are going, so I don’t know what to wear. My hair is still in the bun. Yoongi and Thumper have been nowhere to be found in the last hour.”
You hear a low chuckle from the phone line and look at the phone with irritated confusion: “You’re laughing?”
“From now on, the only Alpha you need to worry your pretty little head with is… Me.”
His voice has taken a lower tone than other times he has spoken to you, and there is something so stimulating about it.
“Now, my dearest, please go with Jen. She will take you to Mare Salon in West Hollywood, and you will join me for an early dinner. Ready?”
“Yes, Alpha,” you respond quickly, not wanting to upset the Alpha, who controls the rest of your day. While you are not a pushover, you want to be open to tonight and figure you might as well go with the flow.
“Good. Please hand the phone back to Jen and get ready to leave.”
Following his instructions, you hand the phone over. Then grab your purse, phone, and jacket. When you return to the door, Jen is no longer on the phone. “Ready when you are.”
(NOTE: If you would like to see what is being described, please go to American Mate - Date with Jin Pinterest Board)
She leads you to a sleek, all-black Town Car and opens the back door for you. Taking your seat, you find an envelope with your name next to you. Inside is a handwritten letter which reads:
My dearest Y/n, I want you to know that I am in awe of your grace throughout this past week. Even in the ups and downs, you held your ground, spoke your mind, and brought a life to the pack that none of us knew was missing.  Tonight, let us celebrate our paths crossing and our lives intertwining.  Our first stop of the night is Mare Salon, and this is my first chance to show you that I can treat you as you should be.  They will only show you options that can be completed in time to make our dinner reservation.  Feel free to pick any of the packages offered. Enjoy yourself right now. See you soon, Kim Seokjin
You read the letter multiple times. He calls you his dearest as if you are something important to him, and he is treating you to a top-tier salon experience. 
Seokjin may be known as World Wide Handsome, but he is a World Wide Charmer.
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The experience at Mare Salon was something new and something you swear only the 1% would typically experience.
First, you had a personal attendant, probably because you were their only customer for the rest of the day. 
Secondly, they offered you a smoothie of your choice, and you got a Peanut Butter Bananrama, which was so good. 
Finally, you had so many spa packages to choose from. Ultimately, you picked a Tea Tree treatment and a hydration facial.
About halfway through your experience, you received a delivery with a large black box, a medium purple box, and a black bag.
Automatically, a smile blooms on your face, and around you, the sounds of the staff cooing at the gesture have your face tinting pink.
Attached to the large box is another envelope with your name on it. The letter inside reads:
Are you relaxing, my dearest? Let me know if they are treating you like the Luna you are. Do not hesitate to ask Jen or the salon staff for anything. Once you have completed your pampering, Jen will drive you to meet me at the restaurant.  I know you were concerned about what to wear tonight. I hope you do not mind, but I took care of that. Just as I promised, I will take care of you. Please let the one who delivered these to you know if any alterations are needed, and they will make the adjustments per your request.  It shouldn’t be much longer, my dearest. See you soon, Seokjin
You really shouldn’t feel an emotional response from a mated man, but his words are so sweet anyone would swoon. Over your shoulder, you hear the staff mention something about being committed to a fan service.
It’s like ice buckets get thrown over you—fan service. You have seen videos of Idols treating their fans to a day of fun with them. Just recently, you saw NCT 127 make dinner for a super fan.
You were becoming a playmate. This wasn’t much different. They would be paying you to be their friend, their companion. It’s nothing more. 
You continued the services you had requested. The delivered goods are still sitting untouched after you read the letter.
You had been excited, but now the thrill of the letters and the day's excitement seemed dull.
“Miss Y/n, you have a phone call,” your driver, Jen, said while handing you the same phone from before. 
Taking the phone, you smiled and nodded at Jen, then waited for her to move away.
“Thank you for call… wait, no. Sorry, Hello?”
You heard a soft sigh, “You didn’t open the gifts.”
Hearing the statement, you didn’t feel the need to say anything, but there was a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“Dearest, why haven’t you opened them? Did I overstep a boundary?”
You didn’t know what was worse: the sinking feeling that you had disappointed him by not opening his gifts or the feeling that you were making him feel guilty.
“Seokjin,” pausing to take a breath, you were interrupted.
“Seokjin? I am Seokjin again. What did… Y/n, please tell me where I went wrong?” His voice sounds weak, but somehow, he is still in control.
“You haven’t done anything wrong, nor have you overstepped any boundaries,” you respond. Muttering to yourself, “Your service is top-notch.”
“My what?”
“Shit. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I am sorry, Jin.”
“Explain,” he states, his voice a new tone you haven’t heard before.
“Fan service. The staff here is all giggly about how well you are treating me. Then, one mentioned something about how this was a committed fan service.”
Another sigh comes over the phone. “My dear, my dearest Y/n. This is not fan service. I have not, nor will I ever treat a fan in this way.  All of this is for you.”
“You don’t have to do all this for me. I am just me.”
“Yes, you are just you. My promise to you and only you was to make sure you are eating well, so I am taking you to dinner.”
“Jin…” you breathed out.
“No, let me continue. I had promised to keep you happy and healthy, and spoiling you with this spa hair trip and the gifts was my attempt to follow through on that promise.”
“All this is so much. It’s more than I ever have been given,” you try to keep going.
“I want to impress you, Y/n. Not as World Wide Handsome or as Kim Seokjin of BTS but as Jin, the eldest Prey Alpha of the Bangtan pack. Can you allow me to do that for us?”
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After Jin’s phone call, you finished your time at the salon. With the help of the delivery person, you dress in the outfit he sent you for tonight’s dinner. Surprisingly, no alterations were needed.
Now, Jen was pulling the car up to a very green door with a lovely painted woman’s face and the word Amore in green fluorescent lights. 
The first room has vine-covered brick walls with glass ceilings, giving the feel of being outside. The booths out here are beautifully set with candles, and the room's center hangs a lovely chandelier. 
Continuing inside, you are greeted by large wooden panels along the main wall with built-in wine racks, highly decorative green and white walls, and a classic bar in the corner to your left. 
There stands the first person you have seen since you arrived. She smiles softly at you and tilts her head, indicating that you should turn in the other direction. 
Following her subtle hint, you turn only to be greeted with a sight that steals your breath.
He is all in black.
Your eyes drop as you take in Seokjin’s appearance.
Classy wingtip dress shoes.
Dress slacks that are loose but accentuate the length of his legs.
The dress shirt with the top two buttons is undone, allowing you to glance at his collarbones.
Finally, you catch his eyes, which seem darker than usual. However, he doesn’t hold your gaze. Instead, his eyes travel along your body.
 It’s like he was waiting for you to watch him as he assesses his gifts on you.
He has also dressed you in all black.
Your dress is made of tulle, and various parts have a dark silver metallic lining. 
Your neck was a halter with a deep V-neck, which stopped with a cinched high waist and bellowed out into an asymmetrical high-low skirt. You had found this in the large black box.
Out of the purple box, you discovered shoes that allowed you to show off your newly pedicured feet, colored with a deep blue polish. They were silver chain-buckled sandals with box heels that matched the lining of your dress.
Finally, the small bag contained a lovely pair of silver and sapphire earrings and a matching bracelet. The silver parts looked like a flower made of hearts, with gems lying between them.
As his eyes traveled back up your body, he found his voice, “You look stunning.”
“Thank you, Jin,” you say with a shy smile. “You are quite handsome as well.”
He holds his hand out to you, beckoning you forward and sliding your hand in his felt natural. His warmth even pulls you in. It relaxes the tension you didn’t realize you were holding. 
“Thank you for my gifts, Alpha.”
“I am sorry about your experience at the salon. Please don’t ever feel like we are just going through the motions with you. Everything that I do and that the pack does is for you.”
“Jen said something about the staff being jealous Army and that I needed to get used to them if I stuck around.”
“Ah, yes,” he says while guiding you into a small half-circle booth. His Alpha growled in his head, still wanting to fire the one who made you doubt the night's intentions.
When you sat down, you had thought he would go to sit on the other side, but instead, he sat down on the same side, scooting you over to make enough room and draping his arm across the back of the couch.
“In Korea, the crazy ones are called sasaeng. Anyone with fame has to deal with them,” he comments with his eyes focused on you. 
“Sadly, you will also have to deal with them. You may even get your own, but we do our best to protect you from them.”
“I have heard of them. Probably more often than you think. They would sometimes show up to the office either trying to apply to be a Playmate or trying to catch an Idol coming through the halls.”
Looking around the restaurant, “Jin, are we the only ones here?”
“Yes, I booked the whole restaurant. I wanted to make sure we had time to talk without getting bothered.” He gestures to the waitress that you saw when you came in.
“Jin, this is amazing. Have you ever been here?”
“Nope. It had excellent reviews online, and the chef was willing to accommodate our diets without complaint,” he said with a playfully bright smile. 
He looks at the waitress and says, “Please let the chef know we are ready for the first course. For now, I will stick with water, but my lady can have whatever she wants.”
“Miss, would you like to see the drink selection?” she asks. Both of them looked to me for my decision.
“Water. Ice water would be perfect, please, and thank you.”
“Make sure the water does not have a garnish. She is allergic to citrus,” he tells the waitress. Your jaw drops at the fact that he already knows this information. 
“Oh, and please make sure the chef has read the restrictions. I do not want my lady to get sick while eating here.” From your angle, you cannot fully see his face. 
If the waitress's reaction was any indication, it was not the happy face from a moment ago. Soon, his attention was back on you, and the waitress was gone. 
He must have caught your reaction somehow because he gave you a sly smile, “Yoon and Kook let me know of the food concerns right after Dr. Blackwell left, in case you were wondering.”
“Well, that makes sense. At least they talked to someone after the appointment,” you say bitterly.
“Did they do something wrong or make you uncomfortable with your appointment?” Jin asked, his face crunching with concern.
“Oh no! They were great and supportive during the visit. They actually helped me,” you quickly said. Looking down, you focus on the bracelet that he has gifted you. Jin waits patiently for you to continue.
“I spoke with Manager Sejin about their behavior. He said I shouldn’t worry.”
“Y/n,” he says. "What did the boys do to make you call someone outside the pack for advice?” Looking back at Jin, the seriousness of his face takes you back a bit. 
“I don’t want to sound like a child, but” sigh. “they ignored me after the appointment. I don’t think they were comfortable with what they learned about me.”
You go to scoot back, wanting a bit of room between you and Jin. “Manager Sejin said that it was more of a courtesy thing for you.”
That information was like a light bulb turned on over his head. The stern face melted away to a warm smile, “Do you know about Alpha bonding time and possession?”
“The only thing I know is what Derek, my beta, said, but that included imprinting and territory domains.” Your words pulled a soft chuckle from Jin.
The waitress took that moment to bring your drinks and a lovely plate called a Caledonia Blue Prawn Carpaccio. It looks incredible with the thinly sliced prawns, some small piles of what looks like foam, and a yellow gastrique. 
“Here, my dear.” While you had taken a sip of water, Jin had gathered some of the carpaccio and was now offering it to you. “I want to give you the first bite as a show of following through with my promise to always keep you well-fed.”
Blushing slightly, you lean forward and say, “Thank you, Alpha.” The bite offered is unlike anything you have eaten before. The play of textures and flavors sings. 
Humming in delight, you watch as Jin tastes it as well. His instant smile shows he agrees with your reaction.
“Now, back to our jaguar and bunny. I think your Beta is pretty spot on. However, it’s called territorial dominance and not domain. You’re not a website,” Jin says as he continues to feed you bites of food while he talks. 
“Oh. I knew it was something like that, but still, Namjoon said there were never any issues before. So what gives?”
“Oh gosh, how do I explain this to a non-hybrid?” He goes quiet as he contemplates. 
Internally, what he is trying to tell you would require you to know you are his mate. Whenever one bonded Alpha claims a day or period of time with their mate, the rest of the pack will avoid that mate to ensure several things:
1- The called mate(s) is aware that bonding time is needed
2- The calling mate(s) makes preparations for the bonding time for themselves as well as the called mate(s)
3- The remaining mate(s) keep their distance from all mates involved for temporary scent fading
4- The one or more of the remaining mate(s) are put in charge to guard the involved mate(s) until it is time for the bonding
It is an older version of the bonding time rituals. Having all Alphas in the Bangtan Pack, this version allows the called to fall into a following-like state of mind while the calling falls into a leading-like mindset. 
Sipping your water and watching Jin figure out how to tell you whatever it is, you take a note to ask Derek or Evie where you can find some reputable online courses to learn more about the Alpha sub-gender.
At the lull in conversation, the waitress brings out a tray with new dishes. The first is a Perigord Truffle Chawanmushi, Uni, and Trout Roe. 
After looking at it closely, you determine it is something like a flan made with fish and something else on a plate. Next to it is this soup puree topped with sea urchin and fish eggs. 
The second is known as a Comte Cloud, and that is when you have to try not to laugh because it is just a poached egg with shavings on toast: those 1% folks and their fancy-schmancy names for things.
You are 90% sure the soupy thing is raw and smells strongly of fish. The speckled flan looks interesting— until the server dumps it into the soup. 
So, the only safe thing is the poached egg on toast. You quickly pull that dish closer to you and hope it shows you want that and not the other concoction.
“I guess the easiest way to say this is…” Jin watches you pull the plate to you with a raised eyebrow.
“I love eggs. May I eat this one, Alpha?” you say sweetly, attempting to get your way and not being forced to eat something raw. 
“Of course, but here, try this too,” he agrees while he gathers a fair sample of the raw fishy flan dish. Bringing it up to your mouth to have you try it, you keep your mouth shut. 
Looking at him with pleading eyes, you ask, “Can I skip the Chawanmush… chawamjush. That,” you say, pointing to the spoon. “Can I please skip that?”
Laughing. That was his answer to you. He laughed to the point where he had to put the spoon down or risk dropping it.
“Alpha, it looks raw and smells fishy. We just ate that prawn dish, it was nearly raw, and I am not much of a raw or smelly fish eater.” You continue to pout at the thought of the Alpha making you eat it. 
“Alright, you don’t have to eat the Chawanmushi. I quite enjoy things in the natural raw state, even if it’s a bit fishy.” He watches you intently while saying those words, then takes a bite.
Why does it sound like he isn’t… wait nope. You are not gonna go there. You are going to eat your poached egg. Cutting into it, the yolk runs out just as it should, and you scoop it up and take a bite. Yum.
“Oh, good. It’s dripping nicely. It must be creamy and rich, too,” comments the Alpha, slightly causing you to choke on your bite.
Jin casually pats your back and reminds you of the water to help you swallow it.
You have got to get your mind out of the gutter. 
You tell the doctor today that you have been on a three-year re-virginity plan, and now that you are at a high-end dinner with World Wide Handsome, everything is becoming an innuendo. 
Get a grip!
“As with any hybrid, scents are very important to us. It allows us to identify many things. Pack bonds, mating seasons, emotions, and such.”
“When one of the individuals joining in the bonding time carries the scent of another pack member, no matter the sub-gender, it can block or alter the purity of the individual’s scent.”
Jin further explains, “Territorial dominance is not a bad thing. Since you are going to be with Bangtan now, we all want to bond with you properly. As an all-Alpha male pack, our individual Alphas can become quite controlling.”
“Wait,” you remember something from the scenting session. “The night you guys brought me the extra bedding, Jungkook wanted to scent before bed, right?”
Jin simply nods while continuing to eat the fishy soup.
“Yoongi said that Jungkook wanted to go last because he was my Alpha right now. Was your youngest mate controlling you and Yoongi?”
Jin's soft smile confirms it. He says, “In a way, yes. That wasn’t due to bonding; that was situational.”
“What do you mean? Do you guys switch who is in charge? Is there an Alpha of the Day or something?"
“No, no… The Alpha who found you in need of something was Jungkook, and therefore, he became the Alpha in charge of your bedding requirements. Yoongi and I supported him with that.”
“Okay. Okay, and I know that Yoongi is responsible for my wrist, I assume for similar reasons, but for how long is Jungkook going to be in charge of my bed?”
Seokjin, who has been fighting his laughter, finally loses the battle, and you look at him with a baffled expression.  
“That is actually a question for you to ask Alpha Kook. You see, as the youngest Alpha in the pack, Alpha Kook has never had someone to take care of.”
“What about the other playmates? Most of them were his age or younger. Didn’t he take care of them like a proper Alpha?”
“Be careful with that,” warns Jin, his serious face falling into place. 
“Not every playmate is the same. You are, by far, not the same. You are someone special to have gotten not only Alpha Kook and Alpha Yoon but also Alpha Tae to greet you.”
“What’s so special about that?”
“Since we are a mate-bonded pack, our Alpha’s tend to stay away from others unless there is a threat. You have never been a threat to us. What really is impressive is the fact that you met so many of our Alphas.”
“Topping it off with the fact that some of us don’t typically scent except for calming nerves, getting one of us out of Alpha Space, or during times of pleasure.”
Here comes the waitress again. Duuuddee… How many courses are there in fancy restaurants? 
In front of Seokjin, she places a Colorado Lamb Saddle with a Cacao-Miso sauce, white truffle, and roasted Brussels sprouts on a bed of chimichurri. 
The colors on his plate are vibrant. The lamb doesn't look dry, and the chimichurri is such a bright green, but the dark brown sauce stops you from wanting to ask for a taste.
“Did you say Cacao-Miso sauce? Did you not verify the restrictions?” Seokjin’s voice becomes dry and monotone.
“We did get it, and the chef and the rest of the staff reviewed the list several times.” Glancing onto the tray, she reads over what is written on paper.
“Ah, here. This Cacao-Miso sauce is made with carob. I suppose I could have called it a Carob-Miso sauce instead,” says the waitress, looking down to avoid Seokjin's piercing look.
“That is so considerate of the Chef to make that change, Miss. Since the dish is for him, he could have still made it with its original ingredients,” you comment, trying to ease the tension that now fills the space. 
“Please give the Chef and the staff our gratitude for their consideration and follow through,” you smile brightly.
Glancing over at you, a softness blooms on his face. “If they did that, then I wouldn’t be able to share it with you, dearest.”
The endearment causes you to blush. The fondness in his eyes only increases it, but the silent coo from the waitress causes you to look away and fiddle with the napkin in your lap. 
The waitress then places a Lavender Duck Breast with Carrot Puree in front of you and Endives finished tableside with a Romesco sauce. The smell was divine, and you couldn’t wait to try it.
Duck wasn’t something you had ever had before, but it was poultry, right? You were used to eating a lot of chicken, and, of course, you had turkey for most big holidays. Duck is just another one of the bigger birds that you could eat. 
You wonder what Yoongi or Taehyung would think of your all-poultry-tastes similar thought process. You giggled at the thought. The sound fills the room like chimes, drawing the waitress's and Seokjin's attention. 
In the silence of the room, you looked up from poking at the duck with your fork.
“Does your food normally quack you up?” Seokjin asked with an exaggerated serious face, to which you could only giggle more.
Looking at the waitress, he asks, “Does she get any quackers with her Duck?” This caused both of you to start laughing.
“Should she be worried about quacking her teeth, or is it cooked to perfection?” he continued, but he couldn’t hold back this time and started laughing along with the two of you. 
After clearing the table and refilling your drinks, the waitress leaves you two alone again. You cut the delicious food she brought out, and the taste shocks you. 
Duck, in fact, is not like chicken because it is much richer and heartier. It is almost like eating a steak while still having that poultry gamey flavor.
Seokjin waits patiently, watching you take your first bite. Your moan of delight at the taste feeds right into this fixation. Quickly looking away, he cuts into his lamb and offers it to you.
Taking a sip of water to clean your pallet, you smile, “You trust them to make it without the cocoa, Alpha?”
Watching as a frown takes over his face, bringing the lamb up to smell. You wait for his reaction. 
You have heard that a hybrid’s sense of smell is higher when smelling other people or hybrids, but you never thought it would be related to food. 
“To be honest, it smells more like a lamb and has a musk scent. I am sorry for not checking first. I just wanted you to try it. I think you are safe, but if you would rather be cautious, then you don’t have to eat it.”
“I don’t have my Epi-pen on me. With past experiences, I would rather not risk anything. But I would love to try your Brussels sprouts, Alpha.”
“Ah yes, sorry again,” apologizes the Alpha. 
He eats the bit and seems to enjoy it, but less than if you had been the one to eat it. Scooping up your requested bite, he offers it to you. 
“Thank you for providing for me, Alpha,” you say before eating the bite. You watch as he opens his mouth along with yours. His eyes never actually look at the food offered. 
It is a burst of flavor with the char on the sprout and the hint of the chimichurri it was served on. You hum in delight, wanting nothing more but to have another bite.
Looking down at your plate, you also desire to share with him. He has provided for you as an Alpha should, but you also want to care for him. 
You know it’s part of your “job” that has yet to start, but it also seems more than that. 
Deciding to follow your intuition, you cut a piece of your duck coated in the sauce and offered it to him. “Alpha?”
“Hmm?” His eyes were still focused on his plate.
“Can I offer you some of my duck?” You ask as you move the fork closer to his sight. 
You watch as his eyes snap to the fork. There is a brief hesitation, which makes you second-guess him when offering him food. 
You are not an Alpha. 
You are not a hybrid. 
Unlike offering food to Evie or Derek, you are not his Luna or of his pack. 
Pulling back your offer, his hand shoots out and takes hold of your wrist. His eyes snap to you as he watches your face and eats the bite you have offered him. 
Your eyes, however, glance at your now empty fork to his lips as he licks up the sauce and then down to his adam’s apple as he swallows. Finally, your eyes land back on his face.
“It tastes lovely, but was it Miss Y/n who offered me the taste, or was it Luna Y/n?” he asks, pinning you in place with his intensity, but he still has not released his hold on your wrist.
You swallow, searching his face for the correct answer. You should have kept to yourself. Your mother always said dotting on others was a sign of bad breeding.
Why did you do it?
Your scent starts to waver, pulling onto the side of the perfume, which alerts the alpha. You feel his thumb rubbing your wrist, and then you feel like you can breathe again.
“I don’t… I just..” You close your eyes and take a breath. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I wasn’t trying to take your position, Alpha. I promise.”
“Y/n, look at me, please?” You listen and open your eyes, preparing for whatever he says next.
“Y/n, I am Alpha enough to know that you are not trying to take my position. I am asking because I would like to gauge how to respond to you properly.”
“It's just me, Jin. I just felt I needed to share with you and take care of you in a way. I know I am human but I had to follow my intuition. I am sorry.”
As you speak, he smiles and shakes his head, “My dear, you have nothing to be sorry for. Trust me. Remember this is us learning about each other. For you, this is also you learning a lot about Alphas.”
“Then why does it matter if it’s Miss me or Luna me?  I am me. I am not your Luna.”
“They are both you, this is true. I suppose I am trying to learn how much of a Luna you are.”
“You guys are the first to call me Luna outside of Evie and Derek. I mean, even Evie’s mate who is an Alpha doesn’t call me Luna.”
“How does it make you feel when we call you Luna? Is it the same feeling that you get when your family pack calls you that?”
“Ah, well, it’s not the same. Bangtan pack has only called me after I had to correct my Omega, but no one has used it since then. Well, until now, and even then, you weren’t calling me that. It was just a title.”
“But how did you feel when Yoongi and Jimin called you Luna? Did you hate it? Did you feel empowered, aroused, or silly?”
Your mind takes you back to the balcony at your pack house, Yoongi’s soft touch and hot breaths: “Your actions were a sight to see, Luna.” Next, you feel like you are back in Jimin’s arms as he holds you. Alpha Chim shines through with a playful smile: “Luna.”
As your body remembers the thrum of energy playing at their touches, at their words, a tang of arousal filters into your sweet pea scent. The change in your scent tells Seokjin more than enough.
You nibble on your bottom lip, debating what to tell the Alpha sitting next to you. “It was awkward to hear it from them. I felt a kindling, but I am sure it was just nerves.”
“A kindling? That is understandable. Thank you for telling me, dearest. Now, since you don’t seem to understand the difference between being human and Luna you, I will drop it, but that might be something to speak with Namjoon about.”
“Thank you, Jin.”
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The rest of the dinner was almost generic. It was a simple icebreaker, get-to-know-you, 21-question conversation. 
You learned about this family, including his older brother, who was … still... younger… than you. You also learned more about his and Bangtan's passion for bullying, which led them to become involved with UNICEF.
While you knew he had a fantastic voice because of the song Abyss, you still took the time to listen to his development and struggles as an artist and eldest member of Bangtan.
Dinner ended with a lovely traditional mille-feuille for the two of you to share. Jin had suggested a walk around the area, to which you agreed. You had eaten more than expected, and walking would do you good.
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As you suspected, the BTS classic disguise was donned before leaving the restaurant. This time, the black bucket hat was replaced with a black fedora, which fit his suit perfectly. 
He also offered you a black mask, which you obliged. Once outside the door, it was clear that the fall season had started to settle. When Seokjin requested that you walk to the side, away from the cars, you smiled and felt slightly giddy. 
So far, he was a gentleman. 
He had never interrupted you, never pushed too far with the conversation, and even though he was letting his flirtatious sideshow, it never made you uncomfortable. 
You took about five steps before the Alpha covered your shoulders in his suit jacket. His naturally broad shoulders make it easy to drape across yours, even though you weren’t a skinny minny.
The scent of cherries and vanilla permeated the air. The scent brought a sense of calm over you. “Hmm… interesting.”
“What’s interesting?” asks Seokjin, though his eyes still look around at the passing cars and people. 
“I think I am starting to determine your individual scents to a degree,” you say, smiling up at him as he stops.
“You can. Who have you figured out so far?” he asks, gesturing to a nearby bench.
Sitting down, you angle toward him, saying, “I am pretty sure I know Jungkook’s, Yoogni’s, and now your scent. Maybe even Jimins, but I am least sure about his. I haven’t a clue about the rest.”
Leaning back and bracing his arms along the back of the bench, he takes a moment to think about this. If you can smell the scents, do you also smell the mate scent?
“Let’s see how close you are. What’s our baby Alpha’s scent?”
“He smells like my favorite cookie, Snickerdoodles. Well, it may not be that specific, but it's sweet, like sugar, with a spice that reminds me of cinnamon and warm butter.”
“Very good. Cinnamon, sugar, and butter are his primary scents. He would love it if you told our Kookie he smelt like a cookie. How about Yoongi-ah?
“Now his… I swear his changes.” This comment causes the Alpha to sit up with attentiveness.
“What do you mean?” His Alpha is very curious to know what scents you have smelled when it comes to Alpha Yoon, especially since humans shouldn't be able to detect changes like that.
“Well, typically, he smells like Petrichor, my favorite scent that rain can have. But the other day, I swore I smelled like a stormy ocean-like scent.”
“Yoongi, smelled like a storming ocean?” You nod and look at him curiously while he tries not to look shocked. “Whenever he smells like the ocean, it means his Alpha is out in full force, and the storm is when he is mad.”
“Oh well, okay yeah, totally explains it.”
“Explains what?”
Your eyes widened a bit before you looked down and pulled the jacket closed more. “It was when Prime Alpha made the request before Yoongi took me upstairs.”
“Ah, yes. Not one of our finest moments. Alpha Yoon was not happy. Honestly, I don’t think any of us were. What about Jimin? You mentioned you might know what is his.”
“Well, I figured out his scent yesterday,” you start, trying not to remember his physical actions. “Jimin’s eyes. The darkness stole away the white and tinged red when Alpha Chim… came out?”
“Fronted. When our Alpha’s ‘come out’ as you said, it is called fronting. Our Alphas are always present in our minds but they only front when there is something they want.”
“Yeah, Alpha Chim called me Luna. He said I smelled of Alpha Yoon but that it was okay because he is a mate, but then he asked if it was okay to scent me, too."
Scooting forward, Seokjin took your hand and looked at you with a vulnerability you hadn’t seen before. “He asked; Alpha Chim asked to scent you. Did you let him?”
“Yes, of course I let him,” you smile. “I wasn’t about to turn him away after what he shared with me, and it felt like it was supposed to happen.”
“His oranges blended with Alpha Yoon’s, and it smelt like I was in an orange grove after a spring rain.”
Seokjin squeezes your hand with a soft smile, “Y/n, you don’t know how happy I am to hear that Chim scented you.”
“I am glad that your pack doesn’t get upset with everyone scenting me. Jimin’s was surprising to me because of how distant he has seemed from the beginning.”
“Jimin may be a bit more hesitant than his Alpha when it comes to you, not that it’s your fault.”
“I understand. He told me about what happened.” Looking down at your joined hands, you recall the story of Seul-ki. “He also said that everyone seemed to be okay with playmates aside from Hoseok and Yoongi.”
“I bet that is hard to imagine. I mean, with how Yoongi is acting around you.” 
Seokjin notices that the temperature has dropped a bit more, and though you have his jacket, you are starting to shiver. 
Using your jointed hands, he pulls you up and starts walking back to the can where Jen has been waiting and watching the two of you.
“I know it's been said many times, but things have been and will continue to be different with me for the pack. I haven’t been trained to be a playmate, and I don’t know much about Alphas.”
“Don’t worry too much about being a proper playmate. I, for one, don’t feel like that title sets well with you. You feel more important than that.” 
When you approach the car, he waives off Jen to open the door for you himself—still being the perfect gentleman. The action, though simple, sets your heart a flutter and causes the vanilla of your scent to bloom as you hand back his jacket and enter the car.
Once you are in, you revel in the warmth it brings. The cold from outside had penetrated you deeper than you thought—one of the side effects of having an autoimmune disorder. 
Seokjin joins you in the backseat but notices you still shivering, “Y/n, are you okay? Did you get too cold?”
“I will be fine. I am used to it. I have always run colder than the rest of the world it seems like. I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.”
Smoothing out your skirt, you continue, “I know you will get more information with the contract but just know, I have had it for a while and am used to it. So don’t worry.”
Next thing you know, an arm engulfs your shoulders, and you are being manhandled into the middle seat. You’re angled to have your back pressed against Seokjin’s chest, allowing his body heat to warm you up.
“Relax, dearest. As a hybrid, we run warmer than humans. As an Alpha, I run even hotter. Allow me to warm you up again, please?”
With every second that passes, you can already feel the tightness in your back release. The Alpha is almost like a heated blanket at your back. Nodding your head, you settle into his hold, “Thank you, Alpha.”
As you rest your head back, you take a slow breath. Smiling to yourself, you think about how safe and accepted Seokjin has made you feel all night. 
Your previous dates, boyfriends, and even your brother never took the time to treat you like a lady. Replaying the night in your mind, the Alpha’s scent surrounds you in the backseat, “Cherries.”
“What was that dear?”
“Cherries, your scent is subtle, but it's cherries, right?” you ask, moving your body enough to still lean against him but see his face. 
“Yes,” a shy smile tugs on his lips. “It’s not one of the stronger scents out of the pack.”
“Sometimes the best scents are not the powerful ones,” you notice the hint of sadness in his eyes. 
It stirs a desire to get the smile to reach his eyes and prompts you to say, “They are meant to comfort and not intimidate. Any Alpha can intimidate, but it takes an amazing Alpha to comfort.”
“Thank you.”
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The rest of the ride to the packhouse was held in comfortable silence.
Seokjin basks in the feel of your body relaxing against his, your scent seeping into his soul. Tonight was better than expected. 
Aside from you confirming the things he had already suspected, he learned a little from you. You may either need to learn to yourself better or need to trust him more.
He understands that trust takes time and can be built on transparency, so he was happy to answer your questions. This dinner had more riding on it than he thinks you will ever understand. 
Though he is not the Prime Alpha, being the eldest Alpha means he has been acting as the Pack Luna. His connection to you is just as crucial as Namjoons. 
While it is clear that you have a connection with Yoongi and Jungkook, the mate bond must be solidified by all the mates. 
It's an all-or-nothing kinda deal.
When the car comes to a stop, he gets out and then helps you as well. Ever the provider, he pulls you tightly to his side to keep you warm as you walk up the steps.
Shockingly, no one is waiting for the two of you to come home. While you look around, wondering where everyone has gone, Seokjin has hung his jacket and kneeled to help you remove your shoes.
“Thank you, Alpha,” you whisper, trying not to break the peace that seems to have settled over the packhouse. 
Retaking your hand, he leads you to your bedroom door, pausing briefly before he leans forward to rest his forehead on yours. 
“Dearest Y/n, taking you out tonight was a pleasure and an honor. I hope you see that I am more than just World Wide Handsome Jin.”
You nod and go to say something, only for him to continue, “Please think on tonight. How you felt going on a date with me, how it felt spending time with me, and how it may be with the rest of us.”
“I had a lovely time, Jin. I have never been treated like a lady of class before, and it made me feel special. Thank you for everything.”
“You are more than welcome. Thank you for giving us a chance.” 
With that, Seokjin pulls back just enough to kiss your forehead. His Alpha rejoices as you step forward and wrap an arm around his waist in a gentle hug. 
“Good Night, Alpha,” you say as Seokjin hugs back, rubbing his cheek on your hair in a small act of absent-minded scenting. 
“Good Night, my dearest,” says the eldest Alpha before opening your door and backing away as you close it with a tiny wave. 
Turning around, you lean against the door, your heart thumping faster than usual. Seokjin’s kiss still feels warm on your face.  
Stepping out of his hold felt more challenging than it should. You weren’t just stepping out of his arms but leaving some of yourself behind.
That’s when you realize you will be a mess at the end of six more dates.
At least you have several weeks to sort yourself out before your heart breaks eight times.
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vngelicc · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 “damn papa, you a rare breed, no comparing,” – jock!jk
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·˚ ༘ 💌 TAGS — soft smut, unprotected sex, creampies, riding cowgirl style, thank u anons for ideas, love making by the fireplace bruh, moonbyul being cute asf, reader is a happy bean, blowjobs (sorta?), slight somnophilia, some dirty talking, jk being a girl dad, oc is a good mommy, daddy kink n her cute potty mouth
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You’re in the kitchen at around six in the morning happily humming and swaying your hips to the low music you have playing in the background. You were making soft fluffy souffle pancakes in the shape of hearts. You had a plate of fruit already cut up in cute little shapes like stars, hearts, and flowers. Excitement filled your entire being with every pancake you stacked on the tray.
Orange juice? Check. Whipped cream? Check. You turned off the stove and pursed your lips in confusion, “What am I forgetting..” You trail off as you look around the kitchen. “Oh!” You cheekily tuck the syrup in the waistband of your thong under the silky pink robe you were wearing.
You hurriedly stack the stuff onto the large breakfast tray and hurry upstairs, tiptoeing into the room and setting the breakfast down on your vanity table. Jungkook was still sound asleep with his arm outstretched on your side of the bed. He looked so cute and handsome in his sleep you couldn’t help the tiny coo you let out as you crawled onto the bed slowly, hiding yourself under the blankets and making your way to him.
He was sporting his usual morning wood inside his Clavin Klein boxers that hung low on his hips, the mere outline of his thick cock hidden away had your mouth watering as you gently peeled his boxers down. Just enough to have his cock slipping out for you as you eagerly wrapped your pretty little manicured hand around it and gently pumped it.
His cock twitched in interest but it was a bit too dry for your liking, so you leaned down to wrap your lips around the tip. You tongued at the slit and softly moaned at the musky taste, he had you arching for no damn reason with your ass in the air, swaying side to side to cool that little ache you felt in your poor little pussy.
Jungkook stirred a tiny bit in his sleep with his face scrunching up in pleasure. You were a tiny bit worried he’d wake up so early into the surprise as you desperately wanted to wake him up right at the good part. Your eyes fluttered closed and you happily fell into a calm tempo, bobbing your head slowly as you coated every inch of his fat cock with your saliva.
He hit the back of your throat a few times making your eyes water occasionally. You noisily swallowed around his cock, causing him to moan in his sleep whenever your throat constricted around him. Your cunt ached to be filled with something and you were beginning to lose your patience, bobbing your head faster and sucking a bit more harsher.
Jungkook groaned low and started shifting, making you panic a little as you pulled off his cock with a wet pop and waited. Jungkook settled back into sleep and you let out a soft sigh of relief. “Mmm.. not fair.” You mumble out as you go back down, slobbering all over him as you slurped pretty loudly.
You pulled away after a few more seconds and started crawling up his body, tossing both thighs over him as you straddled him. Jungkook’s eyes fluttered open in confusion as he blinked, “y/n?” He rasps out as he slowly lifts the blanket off of him, a bit worried about the lump lingering over him.
“Hi.” You softly say as you pop out with glossy lips.
It takes him a few minutes to realize that a.) his cock is out, b.) it’s wet, and finally c.) he’s fucking rock hard. His eyes drop down to where your pretty tits hang before him, sitting in your silky pink robe threatening to spill out with a hint of nipple. Your eyes are glossed over and your lips are pouty as you rest your chin on his chest.
Oh you’re going to be the death of him.
Jungkook lets his head fall back on the pillow with a sigh, a tiny smile formed over his lips as he runs a hand through his hair. “So it wasn’t a dream then.” You give him a cute “mm-mm” in return, making him chuckle out loud, “Baby it’s like, six in the morning.”
“I know, I wanted to wish you a happy daddy’s day.” You reply softly as you sit up and smile down at him.
“You mean father?” Jungkook says in amusement as he runs his hands over your ass and plays with the waistband of your pretty thong, occasionally tugging upwards on the flimsy fabric, feeling how it accentuates your fat ass cheeks.
“No, you’re not my father, you’re my daddy.” You softly say and roll your hips against his, “Are you not?” You breathily ask as you lean down to gently kiss his lips and then trail light feathery pecks down his throat and neck.
Jungkook groans low and tightens his grip over your ass cheeks, groping them and then landing a hard slap and squeeze. “You’re out to kill a man aren’t you sweetheart?” He says as he looks up at you, “Waltzing in here in that slutty little robe callin’ me daddy and shit.”
You whine softly, “Does Daddy like it? I picked it out myself, all for you.” You softly say and grind down harder on his cock, “C’mon Daddy, don’t you wanna? Feel so empty without your cock in me.” You whisper and reach down between the two of you to rub his slick cock against your pussy covered slit, pressing the head against you and smearing his precum all over the fabric.
“Fuck, you know I do baby.” He adjusts you on his lap and licks his lips, “C’mon baby, turn around for Daddy. I wanna watch you bounce that ass on my cock baby.” He says as he lays back.
You eagerly scramble to face the opposite side of him, arching your back and getting into position for him, “Like this daddy?” You whisper, dipping low on the bed so your ass was perfectly presented to him.
“Just like that.” Jungkook whispers as he runs his hand over your smooth ass, “Ride me baby, it’s my day afterall.” He smirks.
You eagerly lift your hips up and pull your thong to the side so you can position the head over your pussy. You begin to sink down slowly with a low muffled moan, toes curling as his cock slowly pops inside filling you so deliciously he has you pushing down for more. Your ass meets his hips with a wet slap as you sit on his cock, panting quietly under your breath.
Jungkook slumps against the sheets and sighs in pleasure, “God you feel so good baby,” he runs his hands over your ass and shoves the robe up, “never gonna get enough of you.” He reaches over for his phone, immediately recording as he runs his ring covered hand over your ass and jiggles the cheek in his hold.
You slowly start bouncing in his lap, using his thighs for leverage as soft little moans slip past your lips. Jungkook captures every single little bounce, zooming in on the way your cheeks slap against his pelvis. He shivers whenever your thong brushes up against his shaft, it feels so fucking good he stops recording and throws his head back on the pillow.
“Shit.” He moans out.
The bed starts creaking as you pick up the pace, your pussy’s fucking drenched and starts making these lewd noises everytime your ass meet his hips. Your moans are breathy and high, head thrown back with your eyes closed in bliss as you use him to get off.
“Mmm, Daddy,” you whine, “ ‘s not enough.” You roll your hips in small figure of eights, panting quietly as his cock rubs up against your g-spot from this angle.
Jungkook bites his lip and smacks your ass harshly, “Fuck turn around for me.” You obey quickly, slipping his cock back inside your warm pussy as you both moan out loud. He grabs your waist tightly and uses it for leverage to fuck up into you.
Your mouth falls open in a silent cry as he plows into you from below. Jungkook’s cock drives in deeper, hitting your g-spot repeatedly over and over again. His balls slap against your taint, a creamy white ring forming around the base of his cock making a complete mess out of the two of you.
“J-Jungkook..!” You gasp out.
He slaps your ass hard with gritted teeth, “Wrong.” He replies.
“Daddy!” You squeal out and fall face first into his neck, moaning loudly as you struggle to get a good grip, “G-Gonna cum..!” You whimper, “Please, please, please,” you sob out as your clit tingles.
Jungkook spanks you repeatedly, the burn feels so good it has you keening, “Cum for me baby, make a mess for daddy.” He gasps out, pace never faltering as he pounds into your battered pussy from below.
You cry out loudly and tense up, pussy gushing around his cock as your slick squirts around him. Jungkook groans loudly at the heavenly feeling of your cunt wrapped around him so tightly. It’s merely impossible to keep going with how tight you’re gripping him.
“Oh fuck, fuck,” he whispers as his eyes fall closed in utter bliss. He cums hard and slams his hips up one last time to get every drop inside of you, cock throbbing intensely as his heart erratically beats. “Holy shit..” He sighs out, laying flat on the bed with his hands on your ass as he gulps, trying to catch his breath.
You turn your head a little and softly sigh, “I made pancakes.” You quietly say out of nowhere, “I cut up some fruit too.” You eagerly scramble out of bed and grab the breakfast tray, bringing it into bed as you smile, “See?”
Jungkook groans and lifts his head, “Happy Father’s day to me.” He tosses an arm over your waist and holds you close.
“We’re supposed to say that! Not you!” You pout in confusion.
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Moonbyul and Juno both screamed and squealed together as they made a run for it towards Jungkook. Jungkook smiled softly and crouched down with open arms, “Hi babies.” He coos out, grabbing both of his kids and wrapping them up in his arms.
“Happy father’s day daddy!” Moonbyul says as she digs in the pocket of her dress and takes out a crumpled up card she made, “I made this for you.” She smiles widely. “Do you like it daddy?” Juno babbled loudly as she messily smooched Jungkook's cheek and tried to get his attention.
Jungkook hums, “Hold on baby let daddy put you down and open the card.” He says as he sets both girls down, “Okay let’s see: ‘Happy Father’s day daddy, I love you very very much, have lots of good days and please buy me a unicorn’.” Jungkook reads as he chuckles, “Only a unicorn?” He teases, squeezing her cheek.
Moonbyul shyly smiles as she nods, “And lots of glitter too?” She pouts.
“Lots of it princess, I promise.” He gently kisses her cheek and hugs her tightly. Oh how he wishes she’ll never grow up, his precious little Moonie.. Juno whines and smacks him, “No I didn’t forget about you Juno, calm down.” He snorts and brings her in for a tight hug.
“Daddy, where is Mommy?” Moonbyul frowns.
“Oh, Mama went out to get some stuff because we’re all going down to the beach remember? Grandpa is even coming, are you excited baby?” He says as he brings both girls to the living room and has them sit down, “Also how was Grandpa’s? Did you guys enjoy the sleepover?” He comments as he plays a random Barbie movie and then does some light cleaning around the living room.
“It was super fun daddy, I got to see mommy as a baby and then we went out for ice cream and had pasta for dinner.” She says as he settles in to watch the movie, “Is it true you and mommy are going to make another baby?” She tilts her head.
“Where did you hear that from?” Jungkook nonchalantly says, trying not to sound awkward.
“Because my friend Mina from school said so, I told her we were going to stay at grandpas and then she said whenever her mom drops her off at her grandma's it’s because her mommy and daddy are making babies.” She innocently says.
Jungkook shakes his head, “Mommy and I were watching movies all night, we even played some board games too.” He softly says. Thankfully Moonbyul buys it as she ends up shrugging and just watching her movie without another hassle. He definitely needs to have a talk with this Mina girl and her parents. The audacity.
Jungkook couldn't keep his eyes off of you, you were sitting so pretty on top of a towel under an umbrella with Juno in your arms. Juno was pretty fussy because she hated the beach, she had spent the last five minutes whining and crying until you calmed her down. You stroked her little cheek gently and softly whispered ‘I love yous’ to the little one.
“Baby pass her here, your dad said he’s going inside the house to rest. Said it’s too hot for him out here.” Jungkook opens his arms for the little one.
“Make sure she’s tucked in bed okay? She needs her nap anyway.” You softly say and hand her over. Jungkook goes and comes back, making sure Moonbyul is still in front of you guys playing with the sand, his eyes are glued to your plush thighs and soft little tummy you have on display under that black bathing suit you got on. You look like the epitome of a milf/teenager’s wet dream wearing that tiny little bikini and black cat-eye sunglasses, holding a magazine in your hands.
“Baby.” He grumbles as he goes over and lays himself back on top of you, head sitting right on your soft tits as he lays between your legs.
Your manicured nails immediately come up to gently stroke his hair and scratch his scalp. He sinks in further and sighs in bliss, “Are you getting in the water baby?” He calmly asks with closed eyes.
“Maybe, Moonie said it was cold earlier when I got in there with her. Stupid waves almost took my top!” You whine softly, “My thingy untied and it started floating away.” You sadly pout.
Jungkook snorts softly as he stands up again, “C’mere,” he grins and wraps you up in his arms, “up you go.” He begins carrying you down to the water ignoring your squeals and cries as you try to wiggle out of his arms.
“Let me go!” You giggle out and throw your head back.
Jungkook laughs as he sets you down in the water with him, watching you hiss from the coldness as your arms come up to wrap around him. “Not even that cold you big baby.” He laughs and leans down to kiss you.
You happily stand on your tippy toes and wrap your arms around his neck, “Your baby.” You mumble softly as you kiss him back.
Jungkook hums as he slips his hands down to your ass, gripping both cheeks in his hands as he continues gently moving his lips against yours. Jungkook opens his eyes in confusion when he feels someone wrap their arms around his leg, “Moon?” He laughs.
“I love you mommy, daddy!” She smiles happily.
You smile softly at her and gently reach down to pull her into your arms, “I love you both baby.” You softly reply, smiling up at Jungkook as he pulls the both of you closer to him.
‘I love you too.’
The fireplace dimly lit the entire room, you had opted to keep the double doors open so that you could look out at the sea and watch the waves hit the shoreline. The night was so beautiful, everything was just so perfect.. You, Jungkook, everything.
Jungkook had you cradled in his arms, body pressed up against yours as he rocked his hips into yours at a slow gentle pace. You felt so safe and warm in his embrace, you hugged him close to you and whined softly against his lips as your cunt squeezed around his cock.
The sheets were wrapped around his waist making shuffling noises every so often. He was quietly moaning and whispering soft praises and gentle little remarks here and there. “Fuck you’re so perfect,” he whispers softly as he pulls away from the kiss to watch your face, “my perfect little baby, always so beautiful for me.” He cages you in and presses another kiss to your lips.
You softly whine at the praise and gently dig your nails into his back, “Mmm.. I love you,” you whimper out, “so, so much.”
Jungkook buries his face in your neck and pants softly, “Love you too baby, love every little thing ‘bout you.. Gave me two beautiful babies, all I could ever hope for.” He sucks some marks into your skin. Your heart skips a beat and you bite down on your lower lip.
Jungkook doesn’t stop there however, “My strong baby, did so well for us,” he says and gently cups your tummy, “I just love you so fucking much baby.” He kisses you passionately and rocks his hips a bit more forcefully, “Wanna spend the rest of my life with you.”
You grow teary eyed and wrap your arms tightly around him, soft little moans slip from your lips as you hold him. “M-Me too baby,” you quiver, “wanna always be with you.” You shakily cry out.
Jungkook brings you in for another kiss and sneaks a hand down between the two of you to thumb at your clit. He rubs it in gentle circles, groaning softly when he feels your cunt tighten around his cock. He slides in a bit faster, watching as your brows furrow in pleasure and your breath hitches. “J-Jungkook,” you whimper.
“That's it baby, doing so well for me. Go ahead and cum.” He whispers as he rubs your clit faster and faster. You weakly moan and arch your back, coming undone underneath your husband. Jungkook lets you rest as he continues thrusting inside of you until he’s coming too with a low moan.
“J-Jungkook,” you softly say as you bite your lip.
“Hm?” He slowly pulls out and lays by your side, arm immediately coming to wrap around you. “Are you okay baby? I didn’t hurt you did I?” You shake your head and point over to the nightstand, “What?” Jungkook looks in confusion and reaches over, “This?” He holds up a tiny gift box.
“Yeah, ‘s for you.” You smile sleepily, “Open it.”
Jungkook sits up in bed with his back to the headboard as he slowly unties the ribbon holding the box together. He slips the top off and sees a little card, he grins softly at you and leans down to smooch your cheek, “You’re too sweet baby.”
“No, no, look what’s under it Jungkookie.” You smile. Jungkook looks in confusion and lifts the card up, eyes widening when he sees what’s inside.
“Baby..” He lifts up a pair of white baby shoes, “Are you..?” He looks over at you with wide eyes. You tearfully smile and nod, “Oh my god,” he immediately brings you in for a tight hug as he laughs, “really?” He laughs.
“Yes really!” You giggle out and kiss his cheeks, “We made another baby bun!” You cheerfully yell.
Jungkook laughs and cups your tummy, “God I love you so much..”
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe @maddkitt @tvse @ohjeon @teteswtnr @jkslovey12 @kelsyx33 @milfpo1ice @sluttydidi @ztyur @beomgyuult @shescharlie @sweet-sourhotcoco @lalita-7
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cyxnidx · 3 months
character: kazuha
synopsis: kazuha taking care of you during a fever. fluff. nicknames “honey”, & “darling” are used for the reader.
a/n: its been two months since i genuinely wrote something, wtf? missed yall.
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you wake up to your throat hurting, and an irritating cough that sounds like an old man has been holding in since he was conceived.
turning over, you notice an absence in the sheets beside you, long gone cold. kazuha’s up and about, and judging from the lack of body heat, he as been for a while.
you were ready to hop out of bed and begin your day before hearing a bunch of “ah ah”’s put together with the clanging of glasses behind you.
“glad to see you’re awake,” kazuha begins, setting a tray down on the bedside table. “however, you seem to have caught a fever.”
you cock your head in confusion. disregarding that annoyingly dry cough, you felt fine. also disregarding the suffocating stuffy nose and headache. also, were you always this light headed before you got up?
ignoring the obvious signs your body attempted to give you, you shake your head and shrug. “thank you, kazuha, but i’m fine.”
“but you’re not?” he disagreed.
“if im not, i can assure you i will be fine.” you say confidently, letting out a choked cough. a smug smirk appeared on kazuhas face. you roll your eyes. “okay, but that doesn’t mean anything. i just need something to drink.”
he hums dismissively. “you can deny it all you want, darling. but, you’re sick. let me take care of you.” he insists, gentle hands pushing your shoulders to guide you back to sit on the bed. “i’m not gonna stop bothering you until you do.”
you huff, nose scrunched. “im not sick.”
“would you like me to check your temperature?” he asked, making his way to the bathroom for the thermometer.
“i don’t need a caretaker!” you deny.
“so you admit your sick?” he asks, poking his head from the corner of the door frame.
“no! im not sick, nor do i need a caretaker.”
he sniffs the air, pinching his nose playfully. “honey, i don’t know about you, but i smell bullshit and hyper independence?” he says, turning the thermometer on as he walked toward you. “open your mouth reaalll wide for me.”
you roll your eyes at his shenanigans, opening your mouth and lifting your tongue for the thermometer, expression getting slightly more worried when his smug expression begins to turn a bit worried. “what is it?”
“honey, your temperature is at 190. you need to rest.”
“190.” he assures.
you bite your inner cheek, upset at your bodies betrayal. you never really happened to get sick, and at the first sign of sickness, you practically buried yourself in vitamins and nutrients to demolish it the moment it showed itself. so how come you didn’t see this coming?
“now, will you please let your loving, doting and caring lover take care of you?” he asks, moving your body to go back under the sheets despite your spiking temperature, and placing the tray of food onto your lap. “besides, i made your favorite. i’m sure you’d hate to see such a delicious meal go to waste?”
you look down at the tray below you, which had a bowl of fruit, orange juice, assuming herbal tea, and your favorite breakfast. two gummies and two pills sat on the side of the tray in a small circle. presumably, its probably medication.
“fine. only this once though.” you agree reluctantly, picking up an utensil to begin eating. “im starving, anyway.”
he hums, sitting at the edge of the bed. “whatever you say honey. should i put on a show?”
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Birthday Girls Don’t Work
a/n: Make sure to check out to rest of Stars Birthday Special where you can see this same thing but for other characters
Paring(s): Finnick Odair x reader
Words: 399
Warnings: Flufffffff, I honestly don’t think I need any other warnings
Summary: Finnick spoils you during you’re birthday.
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Finnick Odair would wake you up with breakfast in bed. He would set the tray full of waffles, fruit and coffee on the bed in front of you which a big smile of his face. “Happy birthday honey” I would say before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
When you’re finally ready to get up you shower together. He washes your hair for you and gives you the best head massage while he does it. He leans down so you can wash his hair as well.
You got dressed into your bikini and threw on of Finnicks oversized shirts over your head and he put on his swim shorts and a t shirt for after. He brushed out your hair for you before carrying you downstairs as you laughed.
He would plan a picnic for you both down on the beach. He carried down a basket with snacks, drinks, a blanket and 2 towels for the both of you. He wouldn’t let you hold anything except for his hand because “birthday girls don’t work”
You both go swimming for a while before coming back and drying off before you eat the food that’s Finnick packed.
After you finish eating Finnick surprises you with a small box. When you open it you see a charm bracelet with a few random charms including a F charm.
Makes you your favourite dinner and insist on doing it himself “birthday girls don’t work”. He does cave though and let’s you help him a little because you insisted that cooking with him is one of your favourite things to do. When it’s finished he kicks you out to the living room so he can set everything up. When you return you find all the food on the table, two plates and candles.
Finnick secretly bought you your favourite pie from the market day day before and you both just ate it straight out of the tin because why not?
After you eat you both get ready for bed. He lets you do his skin care while he wears one of your pink headbands to hold his hair back. Then he watches as you do your skincare.
While you’re both in bed and cuddling you talk for a while and you said thank you a million times before you both finally fell asleep together.
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anticipatecrime · 1 year
Omg your witches forest Colby fic was SO GOOD you should write fluff for Sam 🙏
𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 | sam golbach x gender neutral reader
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summary: sleeping in + breakfast in bed from your boyfriend, after a party in the traphouse a/n: sorry this is pretty short, the request was vague so i tried my best :) words: 900
you wake up to a sudden noise, blaring across the room. sams phone jolted loudly on his bedside table, vibrating against the wood. holding your hands to your ears, you hear a groan, and feel a visible presence leaving the bed.
peeking your eyes open, you see your boyfriend standing up, on his phone attempting to turn of the alarm. you watched as he kept mis clicking the off button.
he let out a frustrated sigh of relief, before averting his eyes to you. sam frowns, upset he had awaken you so early, after a party. he climbs back into bed, his arms surrounding you. "i'm sorry baby, i had no idea i had an alarm set." he mumbled huskily into your neck.
yawning, you replied. "it's okay, m just tired."
in seconds, a pounding feeling attacks your head, causing you to wince. your hand flies to your forehead, holding it tightly. "fuck." you grumble.
sam looks at you, remorseful for letting you drink so much the night before. he should've been watching you more carefully. "hey, it's okay, we don't have to move at all." he smiles at you, getting into a more comfortable position so he's able to hold you against his chest.
you squint, your mouth dry, sticky with thick saliva. sam notices you swallowing a few times, before handing over his waterbottle to you.
the instant relief of cold water hits your throat, and you moan at the feeling, before passing it back to him. he gazed at you, seeing you curl up into his chest and holding onto him.
you felt his hand graze your cheek, you pulling up the comforter to cover both of you again. "you're so beautiful y/n." you hear, before you drift back to sleep, it overtaking you.
he looks at you in awe, wondering how he got so lucky. he thinks back to the first time he met you, almost two years ago.
colby had invited him to one of his friends parties, and you were there, upstairs sitting alone on a beanbag. that night you had lost all your energy within the first hour, deciding to distance yourself from the loud noise.
when he saw you from across the room, his jaw dropped, himself in awe at the person infront of him. he remembers how nervous he was approaching you. at first it was rocky, but once you truly began chatting and opening up to eachother, sam fell in love, realizing how amazing and genuine you were.
he sighs, reminiscing, still observing your sleeping presence.
sam felt horrible that you were dealing with a hangover, and wanted to make the experience the farthest from miserable for you, so he slowly retreated away, trying not to wake you once more before heading into the kitchen.
he had always dreamed of being a house husband, making food and taking care of the house, so having the opportunity to make you breakfast in bed made him so excited.
taking precautions, he slowly took out the pans, not wanting to have them clash and wake you up. sam wasn't too sure on exactly what to make, so he went with a classic traditional breakfast in bed.
he turned the knobs on the stove, and set the pans on the burners. waiting for them to heat up, he grabbed two champagne glasses, filling one with orange juice, and the other apple, knowing you enjoy both.
after about thirty minutes, sam had finished cooking, now plating all of the food aesthetically before taking a picture of it to post onto his instagram story. he wrote a caption for it. 'surprising my girlfriend with breakfast in bed :)'
he felt so proud of himself, and giddy to see your reaction. he made sure to include eggs, bacon, toast, crepes, a croissant and some fruits.
setting his phone back down, he carried the tray up the stairs and into your shared bedroom. he placed it carefully onto the bed, before slightly opening the curtains to let some sun in.
sam rubbed your shoulder, waking you up gently.
you yawned, seeing him sitting infront of you. he smiled happily then normal, and then you noticed the tray on the bed. it took a few seconds until you realized what that meant and why it was there, but when it clicked you launched into his arms, hugging him tight. "awh sammm."
he chuckles. "i thought you would like some breakfast in bed." you begin to tear up, never experiencing someone care about you as much as sam did. "babyy." he says to soothe you, still rubbing your back. "you have a whole platter to eat, it's going to cool down."
you giggled, sniffling slightly. you reached out to one of the glasses, drinking juice, before biting into a croissant. "thank you sam, really." you say, as he watches you. "you better eat some too."
sam beamed, immediately grabbing a fork and taking a few bites from the eggs. he sat you on his lap, and you continued to enjoy breakfast together, taking the rest of the day to relax, and love eachother.
and eventually, you yawned once more, in the arms of your boyfriend. "i love you y/n."
"i love you too sam."
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Tea at 9pm
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 4 100 Summary: You're not aware the cook had feelings for you. Tags: babygirl sanji / wholesome relationship / reader is a writer who keeps a journal with the crew's adventures / extremely fluffy ending
a/n: comfort fic once again lmao i had an existential crisis
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          If anyone asked what you did, it would feel like you were just a minor part of the crew, presumptuous, even, but things were different when they saw you actually get in action. In the first place, you wrote. You were a writer, author of some great novels that spreaded across the Grand Line, and secondly, you now were a Strawhat who kept a log of the crew’s adventures and fought when needed. The day Luffy recruited you was still fresh in your mind.
"So you’re a writer? You wrote all of this?" Luffy had asked thoughtfully with a hand on his chin as he eyed the piles of books. "Riiight... I need someone to write it down when I become the King of the Pirates! The news’ people always tell things wrong! Come with us!"
A smile traced your lips as you shook your head, now working on the illustration of the last island you'd been to, adding details and a little color. Sure wasn't the best drawing, but you still wanted to keep some sort of reminder from the lovely place.
The soft knock on the door came as it usually did, religiously, and there wasn't even the need for an answer before the door swung open. The click of shoes against the ground resonated through the small office-bedroom as he approached you and finally set the tray on the free space of the desk. Your and his cups were filled with hot tea as they were every night, the flavor declared by the strong smell that came along with the steam escaping from the drink.
"A lot of work today?" Sanji asked you as he took a seat on the armchair, crossing his legs.
"Not really." You shook your head. "We've been in the open sea for a couple of days already, so I'm just updating some old stuff." The drawing you showed him had been finished earlier, already properly inked and depicting part of the crew interacting at the island.
Sanji raised his eyebrows and slowly nodded, a smile decorating his face. "Does it still give you time to work on your personal stuff, though?" He took the unlit cigarette off between his lips and slipped it back into its case that belonged to the pocket on the inside of his blazer, which he ended up taking off and folding to leave it across the armchair’s arm.
“Sort of.” You shrugged a little. “I use a lot of my free time to work on it. It only gets difficult to manage when we’re down to things like when in Spypiea, Sabaody or Marineford. Even afterwards, I still need a couple of weeks to organize everything, interview you guys and stuff. We genuinely go through a lot of stuff, and you only realize it’s that much when you need to register it all down!” You chuckled a little, throwing your arms above yourself to stretch with a soft sigh. “My priority is to keep the crew’s log, though!”
“Oh? Not your career?”
“Of course not!” You shook your head. “You guys are wonderful people who once saved me and now we take care of each other. I can’t let you die—all of this die—without the story being properly told. It’s a great responsibility to keep a record of the adventures...” The words trailed off until you were lost in your thoughts instead, but you just shook your head and closed the few books you had opened after you marked all the pages, leaving untouched only the one that had the drying watercolor. Carefully, you took the still warm cup in hand, inhaling the sweet and rich smell of the tea. “Fruit?”
“Something from that island, but a fruit, indeed,” he justified, momentarily standing up so he could also get his tea. “I haven’t tried it yet, thought it would be best for the both of us to have it together. It’s important to me.”
“What if it’s bad?” You joked,  turning your chair so you could face him.
“Then we throw it out the window and you write down how terrible it was so we never try it again!” He clicks his tongue in a feigned annoyance that has both of you laughing until forced to fall quiet to finally try the drink. “Well, I actually like it! You?”
You took a sip of the tea, giving yourself a moment to analyze the taste. “Good! Still not better than my favorite, but it’s still something!” The comment brought a grin to Sanji’s face as both of you shared a look.
Silence filled the room again quite comfortably, allowing you to hear the waves crashing outside. You took a look out the window and then at the clock on the table. “Who’s on the night watch today?” It’d been a while since you last left your room, probably only having done so for dinner during the last hours because Sanji wouldn’t leave you alone otherwise.
“That’s me!” His voice didn’t carry the same excitement as his face did as he looked into the cup.
“Want some company?” You offered. “I’m always up until late messing with my things, either—”
“Don’t think about it!” Sanji shook his free hand as he took a sip of the tea. “You had to wake up early today and take care of your writing this whole time, so you better have a good night of sleep! I know how those can be tiring! Mentally tiring!”
“Sanji!” You furrowed your eyebrows with a pout, but ended up just rolling your eyes once he shot you a glare, compelling him to snicker. A sigh escaped your lips as you leaned back on the chair. “I just wanted to keep you company. I want to show you some story ideas along with some drawings! Your night watch wouldn’t be so boring.”
“As much as I like your company, your rest comes first. I promise I’ll come check out all of that stuff tomorrow, okay? Besides, keep that night energy for when it’s your turn for the night watch!” Sanji lectured you despite the unfazed look you shot him before rolling your eyes—it was almost as if you weren’t the one who would take care of him during the night, either telling him to go to bed already when he cooked until too late or throwing a blanket over his shoulders because he fell asleep in the galley.
You were the first one to finish the drink, putting your empty cup away and wetting the watercolor again until Sanji stood up and placed his cup back on the tray as well.
“Don’t forget to go to sleep,” Sanji said, his face a few inches away from yours as he bent down with a hand on the back of the chair. “I’ll come here and put you to sleep if I notice you’re awake!”
“It’s not happening,” you promised him with a smile.
“Great!” Sanji wrapped an arm around your shoulders in a hug you awkwardly returned as you could, with a hand on his shoulder whilst leaning into his touch. He took the tray in hand so he could leave, wishing you a good night. His blazer was still on the armchair; you shook your head with a chuckle.
The next day, Sanji was still awake when you had breakfast. You quietly observed him swooning over Robin and Nami despite how tired he was, but your attention was on catching up with Luffy, Chopper, Franky, Brook and Usopp. Most of the day, you were locked in your office, reading in the library or drawing one of the tables on the desk, so they wouldn’t lose the opportunity of talking with you during the meals to know what you’d done so far. They loved to see the drawings of themselves, no matter how they were, always bugging you to take a look at something even on days you took off to yourself, so it was easy to spent the morning with them and later talk with Robin and Nami as well, not forgetting to go up to the Crow’s Nest for at least a few minutes to spot Zoro on a rep or two while chatting.
A little after lunch, Sanji knocked on your room’s door. “Hell, I’m really tired!”
You glanced away from your papers to see him kick off his shoes before collapsing on your bed face-first, grabbing one of the pillows to rest his head on, sort of hugging it. “Did you take a nap? You left your blazer here last night, by the way!”
“Oh, so that’s where it was this whole time, thank you! And no! I ended up preparing breakfast during the night then prepared lunch after breakfast was served,” he explained, muffled by the pillow until he turned his head to face you.
“Should’ve tried to get some sleep.” You sighed, dipping your pen in ink again.
“It’s not like that,” he groaned. “I left some food ready just in case, though, just so I can rest now. I thought I’d come talk to you first since I promised.”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at the cook, pausing so you could ruffle his hair, which made him close his eyes for a moment. “Nonsense. You could’ve just gone to sleep, I’d understand it! You don’t need to sacrifice yourself.”
“Shhh, I promised.” Sanji narrowed his eyes a little. “Tell me, what did you want to show me?”
“Right... First of all, I had some retouches on the drawings I’d made for Sabaody, so I wanted you to take a look at them to make sure I’m not forgetting anything,” you mumbled while you flipped to the pages where the drawings were and handed the book to him. Through time, your chat grew slower, with sporadic and distant answers coming from Sanji until you looked at him and noticed he was actually asleep. The sight made a small smile stretch your lips before you went back to working quietly as always.
A knock on the door pulled you away from your thoughts and you looked back to see Nami’s head peeking him from the slightly-open door. “Hey, (y/n), have you seen—” She looked around for a little and fell silent.
“Seen what?”
“Actually, nevermind!” She shot you a smile. “Sorry for interrupting!”
“No worries!” You smiled, waving as she quietly closed the door once again.
          The new island was filled with casinos, clubs, markets and stores with the most peculiar things that had a great part of the crew voting to stay for longer than a day since there weren’t any worries that tied you down to dates or time. Usopp, Sanji, Nami and Robin seemed excited about a particular club after you took a look at it while getting to know the city, so they invited you and Brook and it was almost impossible to refuse; you easily found yourself getting ready in front of the mirror before you left to go wait for the others with Nami and Usopp. Sanji was the last to show up, covering Nami and Robin with compliments that they already learned not to give much attention to, instead already moving to leave the ship.
“You’re looking extra good today, (y/n)!” Nami smiled, hooking her arm with yours and discreetly distancing from the rest of the group with you. “Trying to catch someone’s attention?”
“Maybe?” You chuckled. “It’s been a while since we last stopped at such a nice island, so I thought a one-night thing isn’t gonna hurt!”
Nami blinked a couple of times. “One-night thing?”
“No new crewmates!” You shook your head, contributing more to Nami’s confused look, which you also didn’t quite understand.
She hummed, looking away for a long moment. “Um, and Sanji?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well...” She breathed and shrugged a little, about to say something when she was hit on the back of the head by something and it was enough for her mood to change completely. Her teeth were gritted and eyes practically white while a vein popped on her temple as she slowly looked back to see the three men stand there quietly, pale, ready for the shouting that promptly came from her along with hits. Robin brought a hand to her mouth as she chuckled, and you sweatdropped, continuing to walk.
The night was long. You’d drunk, not a lot to do things you regretted, but enough to rather easily accept hanging out with people you’d just met, exploring the city and talking bullshit.
“Just a little longer,” the girl said as she waved at you and the two other people that trailed behind, carefully walking through the woods until you made it to a rock on top of a mountain. “It’s gonna be there.” She pointed to a spot behind the mountains of another island in the distance, where it was already lighter and it did seem like the sun would start rising in a few minutes, just as she had promised.
Even with little to help, the four of you made yourselves comfortable on the cold rock; you used one of the guys’ sweatshirt as a makeshift pillow, observing the sky quietly while they talked with each other. Despite the alcohol still in your system, what made you groggy was mostly the lack of sleep.
“Hey,” the girl said as she lay down next to you, on her side, holding herself up with an elbow. “Do you... Okay, I won’t waste time. Can I kiss you?”
You almost choked on your spit, your cheeks immediately growing warm at the question that sent your thoughts racing. At first, all you could do was sputter half words, unable to connect thoughts, until she chuckled and you decided to take a deep breath. “Okay, so, um... I’m... Well, not right now. Actually, I like someone else, a lot. I can’t picture myself kissing another person.”
“Oh. That sucks,” she sighed. “You look really nice, but I don’t think you’re staying around for long, anyways. Say more, though. Tell me about who you like.”
The time your cheeks heated up again was for another reason, with a softer feeling stirring in your chest. “He’s... I think he doesn’t like me, y’know? He’s a real flirt, but not with me. I feel like we are just great friends and it ends there. We are really close, but not the sort of close I wish it were.”
“Did you even tell him you like him?” She raised an eyebrow and you shook your head. “You should!”
“I don’t want it to hurt.” You smiled a little, but without humor.
She furrowed her eyebrows a little as if she understood your situation. “Well, maybe hurting is not a bad thing. It makes you stronger, and it would make you free to kiss other people!” She started to chuckle at the same time you did so, shaking your head a little.
          You had a hand over your brow line to keep a shadow over your eyes while your shoes hung from your other hand when you returned to the ship later that same day, already tired and feeling like you’d never get back to Sunny, feeling as if you’d been run over a thousand times. All you could do once you arrived back to the ship was to sleep, only waking up again when it was already late in the afternoon, mumbling something about something being different in your bedroom before you could go for a shower.
“Whoa, look at who’s alive!” Usopp announced once you walked out to the deck, attracting a lot of pairs of eyes to you.
“Good night?” Zoro teased with a chuckle. “Even forgot you had a home!”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you took a seat at a table with Robin. “Shut up, Zoro, you don’t even know how to get home by yourself!”
Given how you’d practically slept all day long, you decided to change turns with Robin and take the night watch for the day. It was a nice, warm night, so you didn’t bother staying outside with your books, illustrating the island during the night. It felt like something was missing, still. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at the galley’s direction. There was no tea that night.
Brook took over the nightwatch halfway through the night, allowing you to sleep and wake up at a reasonable hour in the morning. Nami was the first person you ran into once you left your room, happy for finally feeling well after partying all night a day before. “Nami!”
“Oi, (y/n)!” She smiled as she approached you. “Good morning!”
“Morning!” You smiled in return. “Have you seen Sanji? He didn’t bring me tea yesterday. Actually, I didn’t see him at all, now that I think about it.”
Nami’s face fell in a way you didn’t really like, almost taking a step back as you watched her. “Hm, you see...” She sighed, with a hand on her hip. “You didn’t come back to the ship that night, so he was worried. He even tidied up your room so you didn’t need to do anything when you arrived.”
“Right...? Explains a lot.”
“And he thought you were with someone else. Like, hooking up.”
“I wasn’t but...” You shrugged. “What’s up with that?”
The expression across Nami’s face was the same as when she had seen Luffy let himself fall for Usopp’s lies for the first time. “That made him feel bad.”
“Sanji and I aren’t something, Nami.” You furrowed your eyebrows, reminded of the talk you had with the island’s residents that night.
Nami seemed as if she would explode. “Well, maybe he wishes there were?”
“(Y/n), Sanji likes you!” She just gave up with a sigh, taking a quick look around before she continued. “He adores you! He doesn’t flirt with people anymore, he just compliments and does things for them because he’s always believed he needed to, mainly to women! Still, he doesn’t make tea for everyone, every night! He doesn’t stay up until late for anyone or makes them company during the night! I’ve never seen Sanji leave his clothes anywhere else rather than in the male quarters! Besides, he keeps one of your novels and a picture with you under his pillow! I saw it!”
That was a lot to take in. You didn’t know Sanji treated you differently in that sense, in the first place, let alone know that he liked you. It made sense now that you thought about it, of course, because he wouldn’t be spending the same amount of time with the others as well if he was there making you company for most of the day. Some nights, he would be there asleep on your bed while you worked on your books.
“Sorry,” Nami exhaled. “I really didn’t want it all to fall upon you suddenly like this, but you needed to know it already! Sanji doesn’t deserve this! Either reject him already or take care of him. He deserves someone to love him.”
You quickly nodded. “I know.”
Not a lot needed to be said. There wasn’t a lot to be said. You looked at Nami a last time before you walked right back into your room, taking a deep sigh as her words still echoed through your mind, each of them connected to a memory you held and you couldn’t help but to feel a weight in your chest—Sanji must’ve felt terrible when he noticed you disappeared at the club after you refused to dance with him so you could leave with your new friends. It would be easy to fix, at least theoretically, because your stomach churned at the thought of facing Sanji right now.
Your morning wasn’t a lot different from the others, locked in your room and staring at a white page, but the purpose of your writing was different this time. Your feelings were going to be spilled, bleeded all over a page without any filter or restriction because they needed to be understood so no one would be hurt anymore. In the end, it was beautifully folded and with Sanji written in your gold ink while sealed with wax.
Sanji was serving breakfast and chatting around, out on the deck—you double checked—when you sneaked into the galley and left the paper in a safe place, where you knew he’d find it. Hell, it was pathetic. You needed to declare your feelings through a little letter because you didn’t have the guts to face the guy yourself after unintentionally hurting his feelings. In your defense, writing was the best thing you could do.
At the same time it was relieving, you could feel anxiety bubbling under your skin. The situation would slip away from your mind at times, but at others, you felt like Sanji would show up out of sudden saying that you were going crazy. Hopefully not.
When it was night, however, the knock finally came, as it always had done before, without missing a single day, for months straight. You tensed up this time, letting him walk in and watching the tray be placed on the free space of your desk—you didn’t even know when it became instinctive to leave that side clear for the tray. Aside from the mugs, this time, there was a bite-sized sweet as well, your favorite.
“I read it.” Sanji’s voice was small, practically vulnerable. His hand was shaking when it retreated from the tray.
“I’m sorry I just concluded things!” He cut in quickly.
You furrowed your eyebrows, turning on your chair, but he didn’t meet your eyes, instead looking at the ground. “No, you did nothing wrong! I should’ve paid more attention, I just... I wasn’t communicative enough as well...” You couldn’t find the right words, express the right things, so you took a pause, standing up. He didn’t take a step back when you approached. “I’m sorry, Sanji. Don’t leave me, please. Nami helped me realize things. Sorry for the time we lost.”
Sanji was almost in the same state, with thoughts roaming around his mind without order, but lacking the courage to be voiced, though he knew he couldn’t lose the opportunity—he couldn’t lose you. “(Y/n).”
“I love you, Sanji. I know I’ve told you this before, but now I mean it in another way.”
Sanji’s face was impossibly red. His hand twitched as he reached out to you; it was as if you two were sparkles searching for each other, looking for the right time to go off, which happened exactly when you took his hand in his and let him pull you closer in a tight hug.
“I love you,” he mumbled in response, and it almost felt as if you’d explode, with your heart skipping beats and fluttering in your chest, not even knowing what it does.
It was a relief, really. A relief and a sea of happiness simultaneously because your doubts and anguishes were extinguished at the same time you were finally able to do what you’ve longed for for so long. You let your nose brush against his before your lips met. The taste and smell of tobacco was undeniable, but it still didn’t erase the fact his lips were soft, returning the care and want that you felt for him.
Sanji seemed giddy, blushing and flustered, but also excited to the point he almost didn’t know what to do with himself. He pulled you with him to sit down on the bed and took a look at you, grinning wide before taking your hands in his; he left kisses all over your knuckles then did the same over your face, needing to pause to smile because of how you giggled, and your lips were pressed together again.
You had to place a hand on his chest so you were able to pull away, climbing on the bed properly to push him down and straddle his hips, taking a moment to observe him look at you with wide eyes. “You’re beautiful,” you whispered, still feeling your heart beat strongly in your chest. Sanji’s cheeks felt warm against your palms when you cupped his face, caressing his cheeks and carefully brushing his bangs away from his face; he swallowed dryly, but never stopped you, hands placed over yours softly. “I love you, Sanji!”
Sanji’s mouth opened and closed a couple of times without saying anything until he finally said it once again. “I love you.” There wasn’t a ‘too’ because his love was independent of yours, he loved you and would do it even if you didn’t love him back. He grinned as the excitement bubbled up in his chest, making him feel all giddy again, in a way it was even hard to contain himself when you leaned in for a kiss once more.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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klaprisun · 4 months
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley)(Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 28
As promised, I decided to stay for dinner at Haley's. Emily has taken off to a shift at the saloon so we have the house to ourselves.
"What do you want to have to eat?" Haley questions me as she skims through the fridge for something to make.
"I'm fine with anything. I'm not picky," I shrug while sitting at the kitchen table, particularly interested in looking at Haley bent over looking in the fridge.
"Really? I set you up for a perfect joke and nothing?" Haley had whipped around with her hands on her hips. I feel my face get hot and I just shrug again.
"I figured it's too soon for that..?" I sheepishly say while giving her a goofy grin. I have never been so nervous and tame with jokes like that around other girls before. I don't want to say the wrong thing and make her run for the hills.
"It's never too early to make a joke, silly," she sings as she searches around the kitchen for food. Haley has also never given me back my cowboy hat either. She is still strutting around wearing it.
"I'll keep that in mind," I reply while I follow Haley's pacing with my eyes. She is making me dizzy from watching her.
"I really don't know what to make for you," She whines as she covers her face with her hands. Standing up, I make my way over to her and rest my hand on her shoulder. With my other hand, I take the cowboy hat and tilt it up. She takes her hands away from her face and looks up at me with her sparkling eyes.
"You could make me Algae Soup and I'd still eat it. Make whatever your pretty heart desires," I gently shake the cowboy hat on her head, causing her to giggle.
"Sit tight. I have an idea," she says as she leads me back to the kitchen table and sits me down in my chair.
When she returns to the kitchen work space, she immediately gets to work. Pulling all sorts of things from the fridge, stirring in large bowls, measuring ingredients, she was putting in work.
She finally slows down with the cooking and takes whatever it is from the oven.
"Ta da! It's pepper poppers!" She exclaims, holding out the tray of them with oven mitts on. "I know it kind of clashes, but I also made a fruit salad to go with them. I just love fruit salad so much."
"I think it's wonderful, Haley. Thank you," I say with a huge smile. She gives me a smile back and sets the pepper poppers on the table. Next, she brings over the fruit salad bowl and places it down.
"Dig in!" she announces while taking a seat across from me.
"Oh I will," I mutter, already taking a huge bite. Uncivilly, I use my hands and fingers to eat the pepper poppers. I should've known better and tried to be more polite, but I just couldn't wait a second longer.
Before you know it, I cleared my plate entirely. Haley, who is only on her second pepper popper, stares at me in disbelief. I start sucking my fingers clean of grease and cheese instead of using a napkin like the hooligan I am. However, the gesture makes Haley start blushing. When I catch her gaze, she quickly looks down at her food and takes a bite.
"Sorry... I'm not very polite. I'm used to eating alone at home," I apologized to her.
"You're alright. I can tell you enjoyed it," she waves me off, still looking down at her plate with a blush.
"Am I disgusting you already?" I nervously laugh, unsure why she is looking away.
"Quite the opposite actually," she mumbles, finally looking back up at me. I feel my cheeks heat up now at the seductive look she is giving me.
She finishes her last bite of food and takes her plate into her arms. She reaches across the table to take mine, but I knock her hand away.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Let me help you. These are my dishes after all," I scolded her playfully. She backs up and goes to the sink to start the dishes. I follow after her.
"You don't have to help, you know? You are a guest here," she sighs while scrubbing one of the plates.
"Don't matter. I want to help you," I retort while grabbing a towel to start drying the dishes. Since it was only the two of us, washing the dishes was going to take no time at all.
"How'd you know you were into girls?" Haley blurts out after a few minutes of silently washing dishes.
"I absolutely despised the thought of being with a man," I answered with a chuckle. "Now women..." I bump her with my hip and wag my eyebrows at her. This causes her to chuckle with me and she shakes her head.
She suddenly puts down the dish she was washing and turns her whole body towards me. I realize she seems to be in a serious stance, so I finish drying the dish I had and turn to face her.
"You said you've had one night stands. Why did those not work out? Why did you never want to settle down with someone?" She asks me very forwardly.
"I just never liked them enough to be more than a one night stand. I couldn't see a future with anyone, and mostly was focused on having fun rather than settling down. I didn't care about anyone enough to continue a romantic relationship..." I sigh, thinking back to the city days. I look at her to see if she was satisfied with my response.
"What makes me different?" I notice her take a deep breath and kind of hold it.
"You had my attention the moment I got here. My brain and body knew what I wanted and it was you, Haley. You aren't like everyone back in the city, you are so much more. How I so desperately hoped you'd be into girls so I'd at least have somewhat of a chance with you," I rest my hand on her cheek. She leans into it as she listens to what I have to say. I slowly creep closer to her so that we are only inches apart. I gently tip her head back so I can see her beautiful face that was hidden by the brim of the cowboy hat.
Neither of us saying another word, the two of us start leaning in closer to each other. I start lowering my head down to her as she brings hers up closer to mine. I didn't dare close my eyes yet so I could watch as her lips got closer to mine. We both freeze for a moment, making sure we are both okay with it. I slide my arm around her waist and pull her in closer.
Just as our lips are about to connect, the front door bursts open startling us both. We both quickly back away from each other and go back to doing the dishes. Haley fumbles one of the dishes she tries to pick up and it falls back into the sink. I start drying an already dry dish.
"I hope y'all are decent," Emily shouts from the front door, dramatically covering her eyes. I hadn't even realized how late it had gotten. Somehow, the time slipped by and it's already 11 o'clock at night.
"Wow. Old married couple much? I give you guys the house to yourselves and you are playing house?" Emily judges teasingly.
"Can't you go back to the saloon and stay there permanently?" Haley rolls her eyes, annoyed.
"Ouch. Did I just cock block or something?" Emily bursts out laughing at her own joke, making Haley more annoyed.
"I should probably get going. It's pretty late," I bend down and plant a kiss on Haley's cheek, causing her face to flush pink at the sudden gesture. It calmed her down immediately, bringing her out of the annoyed state.
I set the dish towel on the counter and head towards the door.
"Thank you again for dinner. It's my turn to make dinner for us next time." I give Haley a quick wink. "See you later, Haley."
"Don't forget your hat!" she calls after me, taking it off her head.
"Keep it until next time. It'll give me an excuse to come back," I call back to her as I step through the front door.
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Hot day at the beach
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PAIRING | Tom Hiddleston x Wife!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tom go for a relaxing beach day whilst on vacation to celebrate your anniversary. The two of you are having a lot of fun and good conversations, enjoying each other's presents. At the end of the day, you top the day off with a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and some exploring of each other's bodies for the rest of the night.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning, do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Established relationship [ Tom & Reader are married ], smut [ Implied sex in the ocean, spanking, a little bit of nipple play, dry humping, panties used as a gag, oral F receiving, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), anal penetration, prostate orgasm, squirting, multiple orgasms, use of a vibrator, overstimulation, use of handcuffs, praise kink, daddy kink, Dom/Sub relationship ( Soft!Dom Tom & Sub Reader) ], swearing, aftercare in the form of cuddles (the rest of the aftercare is implied).
A/N | So, this is my first time writing a bit of a D/S-themed fic (the smut part at least) so I hope I did well! If not, I would love to get some constructive criticism, I'm not at all part of this lifestyle but I very much enjoy reading about it, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Thank you so much for reading it! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
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''Good morning, Mrs. Hiddleston,'' Tom said as he walked into the bedroom with a tray of breakfast foods. He prepared breakfast while you slept in, and you sure could use every minute of sleep after last night. The two of you spent most of the night making love, and you were still sore from it but you welcomed it nevertheless. ''Mornin' Mr. Hiddleston,'' you said with a lovesick grin on your face, God you were still head over heels in love with your amazing husband. He put the tray on his side of the bed before pulling you in for a kiss, softly sliding his tongue against yours as a token of his love for you. ''I hope you're hungry because I've made you breakfast,'' he said as he pulled away and put the tray over your lap.
The breakfast was an assortment of fruits, pancakes, waffles, and orange juice. He couldn't decide what to make so he ultimately just went for everything so you two could share. The breakfast was spent with light conversation, soft kisses, and feeding each other various kinds of fruit, and maybe a not-so-innocent touch here and there, but it was the best breakfast the both of you shared in a long time. Due to Tom's shooting schedules, it was hard for the both of you to spend time together, but seeing how it was your 7th wedding anniversary, the two of you booked a two-week vacation in Mexico to enjoy each other and each other's presence.
''What is the plan for today?'' Tom asks and you tell him about your plans for today. ''I was thinking we could spend the day at the beach since it's going to be a beautiful day, and I was hoping to spend the evening around a campfire with s'mores and maybe some cuddles,'' you said with a small smile, this was your idea of the perfect day and it was finally time to make it come true. ''Sounds like the perfect plan, my love. But first, I have a special present for you that you may or may not want to use today,'' he said as he got off the bed and walked to his suitcase. He picked up a relatively small box with a red ribbon around it and he handed it to you.
You took off the ribbon and when you took the lid off, you were greeted with something both of you have talked about to spice up your sex life for a while - a new vibrator that has a clit stimulator in it too. ''Hm, I think this would be perfect to try out tonight, darlin','' you said as you got it out of the box and tried out the different settings so you had an idea of what you could expect. ''Can't wait,'' he said as he pulled you closer for another kiss, which he deepens instantly. The two of you spent the next half hour in a lazy make-out session before getting ready to go to the beach. You got a new bikini as a special surprise and you couldn't wait to surprise your husband with it when you were at the beach.
The two of you got ready and you put a beach robe over your bikini so you could keep it a surprise for him to open later. It didn't take long for the both of you to arrive at the beach and find a bit of a secluded spot, it was a relatively slow day for the time of year and the both of you were more than grateful for that. Tom laid out both of your beach towels before helping you sit down. ''Now, my love, are you going to show me what special surprise is underneath this beautiful robe? Because I have a feeling what might be underneath is delicious,'' he purred as he went to untie the knot that held your robe closed.
When it was untied he let that fall to the sides before hooking his hands underneath the fabric at your shoulders, allowing it to fall open and slide off your shoulders to reveal the gorgeous red bikini you've got especially for this trip. He took it off and put it away in your beach bag to wear later, and he didn't try to hide the fact that he was checking out how gorgeous you look in the bikini. It always made you feel good to know you could still surprise Tom in ways like this, even after all these years together. ''I take it that you like what you see?'' you teased as he slowly roamed his hands over your thighs and up to your hips. ''Delicious...'' is all he said before he surged forward to kiss you with a burning passion.
The two of you had another little make-out session on the beach before you had to apply sunscreen on both yourself as well as Tom. ''Why don't you lay down for me, darlin', that way I can rub you with some sunscreen,'' you purred this time and he happily complied, laying on his stomach first. You straddle his legs to apply it to his back and neck first, taking your sweet time before moving down to both his legs after which he turned around. That time you straddle him right over his groin and act like you're doing nothing wrong, but you can feel him growing hard as you softly grind on him while rubbing the sunscreen on his chest and stomach. ''If you keep doin' that, my love, we might be sent off for public indecency,'' he said as he grabbed your hips to get you to still your movements.
''But I wasn't even doing anything, Daddy,'' you whispered in his ear before giving him a soft pat on his chest as you sat back up. ''If you keep being such a tease you won't be cumming tonight, my love,'' he said with a stern voice and you immediately stopped, that's not what you were aiming for here. ''Sorry,'' is all you said before climbing off of him and laying on your stomach this time so Tom can apply sunscreen on your back too. He slowly massages it in and makes sure to get every single spot before doing the same to your legs and your stomach when you're flipped over. ''Hm, you're being such a good girl for me right now,'' he said as he leaned in for a kiss, and you chased him for more when he pulled away.
When the two of you were done you both picked up your books that you brought with you and just laid there reading in a comfortable silence for a while. You started to have the strange feeling you were being watched, so you put down your book and noticed a few fans staring at both of you, not sure whether to approach you or not. ''Darlin', want to go for a swim with me?'' you asked and he happily agreed, getting up so he could help you get up too, interlacing his fingers with yours as you walked towards the ocean. When you were almost here the two of you were stopped by the fans, asking for a picture and an autograph. ''Do you want me to take the picture for you?'' you asked, they usually wanted one just with Tom and that is perfectly fine, you were only known as Tom's wife anyways since you had a 'regular' office job.
''Oh no, we would love for you to join us!'' one of the girls said and you were pleasantly surprised by that fact, but you agreed happily. When the pictures were taken and Tom gave them all an autograph you were thanked profusely and the lovely girls wished both of you a happy vacation together. Tom grabbed a hold of your hand again and pulled you closer to him. ''I don't think I'll ever get used to people wanting to meet you,'' you chuckled. It was a part of your daily life, but it was still a little strange that people stopped him on the streets - or the beach, in this case - to take photos with him. ''It's okay, my love, you don't have to get used to it, and if you don't feel comfortable with it you know we don't have to stay for the photos right?'' he reassured you and you nodded.
After that the two of you went into the ocean and may or may not have had sex there, nobody will ever know even though you most definitely did. You spent time reading your books after that before it was time to go back to your beach house and get ready for your anniversary dinner that you had thought out. You and Tom switched each year who would make the reservations for your anniversary dinner and this year, it was your turn again. You found a fancy restaurant with authentic Mexican cuisine so you could get a true taste of the culture. Tom chose to wear a burnt orange suit and you wore a burnt orange dress to match him perfectly. Your hair was loose and your make-up light to let the dress be the star of the outfit.
When the two of you arrived you were treated like true celebrities and it felt nice, they probably knew who Tom is, and for once you wouldn't mind it if they treated you like that because they know who he is. ''To the rest of our lives, my love,'' Tom said as he picked up the glass of red wine and you did the same. ''To the rest of our lives, darlin','' you said and the two of you clinked your glasses before taking a sip and tasting the wine. Not long after the food arrived and the two of you were wrapped up in conversation. By the time dessert arrived you had a little surprise planned for Tom, because they put sparklers in the dessert to make it just a little bit more fun. ''Happy 7th anniversary'' was written across the plate and Tom stood up to give you a kiss, which you happily reciprocated.
After dinner, the two of you went back to your beach house and changed into comfortable lounge clothing so you could sit around the campfire that was currently roaring in the small backyard attached to the house. You got all the stuff needed for s'mores and Tom already sat down, eagerly waiting for his wife to come sit next to him and enjoy the warmth coming from the campfire. ''Welcome back, my love,'' he said as you sat down, leaning into Tom's side as if you were enjoying the atmosphere of the campfire right now. ''I love you, so much, my darlin', and I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you,'' you said and you laid your head on his shoulder.
Making the s'mores was a pretty easy task and before the two of you knew it, they were all gone. Not much later you were straddling Tom and grinding your hips softly over his growing hardness as the two of you were wrapped up in yet another make-out session, you could never have enough of each other, and it was very noticeable with the everlasting honeymoon phase in your relationship. The passion was still there with a burning fire, and you two could be wrapped up in one another for days on end and still not have enough. But then again, that's why Tom got you the vibrator as a present, so the two of you could spice up your sex life in a different way.
You were letting out soft moans into Tom's mouth as he wrapped his arms around you and let his hands glide up and down your back, down to your ass where he have a gentle squeeze followed by a spanking on both cheeks which made you let out a little squeal. ''Oh Daddy, you make me feel so good,'' you moaned in between kisses, and Tom slowly lifted your shirt over your head as you continued your rolling motion on his lap, feeling the friction and the heat pooling there more and more. You decided not to wear a bra after dinner and you're glad you didn't, seeing the content look on your husband's face as he saw your bare breasts and perky nipples in front of him.
''Hm, already starting to get a little needy for me, my love?'' he asked as you let out a soft whine at the summer breeze blowing over your nipples, and all you could do is nod in response. He bends over to take one of your nipples in his mouth and starts suckling on it a little, as his hands wander over your hips and waist, rubbing circles on your back before moving to the front as he cups your breasts in his hands. He lets out a groan at the same time a deep moan leaves your lips as you grind harder onto his achingly hard cock. ''Fuck, love, just like that,'' he grits out through his teeth as he starts rubbing his thumbs over your nipples, making you writhe under his touch. When your orgasm is getting closer, Tom can tell by the way your moans get quicker and he takes one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking and slightly biting it until you become a complete mess and soak your panties and both your pants from your orgasm.
''Hm, someone's a little eager this evening,'' he says as he gives the same treatment to the other nipple, letting you ride out your orgasm and come down from your high which he manages to extend a little by playing with your nipples. He could do this for hours on end and never get sick of it, but now he wants to taste you after your orgasm, so he wraps his arms around your waist and he stands up. You instinctively wrap your legs around his hips and he walks both of you inside before gently placing you onto the bed. ''Such a good girl for me, my love,'' he says as he pushes your thighs apart, enjoying the wet spot your juices have created in your pants. ''So needy that you couldn't even wait to cum, huh?'' he asks and you nod, ''Yeah Daddy, need you so bad right now,'' you whimper and Tom just gets a big grin on his face, he loves having you like this.
''Now tell me, what is it that my baby wants? Does she want to cum like the good girl I know she is?'' Tom teases a little and you desperately nod, you want all the orgasms he's willing to give you, in whichever way he wants to give them to you. ''Yeah Daddy, please, need to cum again for you,'' you beg a little and Tom feels himself getting even harder, not that he thought that was even possible after the way he just made you cum. He kneels on the bed with his legs on the sides of yours and goes to take off your pants, leaving your panties on just a little longer, because he has a plan with those. When your pants are off he leans over to give you one more deep kiss before grabbing the handcuffs you brought your favorite red fluffy pair to match the new bikini you bought.
''I want you to be a good little slut for me tonight, so I can make you cum as many times as I want. That means you will have your hands cuffed together, so you won't be able to touch me, or yourself, is that okay with you?'' he asks and you tell him it's okay. ''Yes Daddy, please cuff me,'' you sigh a little and he gladly cuffs you to the top of the bed so you can't move your hands below your head. After that, he slowly litters your chest and stomach with kisses until the reaches the band of your panties, tugging them off with his teeth to make you go a little crazy and squirm under his touches. When he's pulled them off, he stuffs them in your mouth as a gag, to keep you a little more silent. ''As much as I love all the pretty noises you can make, I want you to be silent tonight, my love. You wouldn't want to disturb anyone else when you fall apart over and over, would you?'' he asked and you shook your head in response.
You relax a little as he rubs his hands over your stomach and hips, and he gets into position to eat you out like you deserve, he wants to drink every last drop of the juices that flow out of you and he can't wait any longer. He drags two fingers through your folds and he can feel you're soaking wet for him, making him go almost feral. ''God, such a wet slut for me, bet you're such a desperate, needy girl now,'' he smirks before slowly inserting two fingers in you at once, making you groan deeply as your back arches at the feeling, you're still sensitive from the orgasm you had earlier and Tom is well aware of this fact. Shortly after pumping his fingers in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace, he attaches his mouth to your clit and it feels like you would combust right then and there, your orgasm so close you can almost taste it.
You let out a few muffled moans from behind your gag and Tom just smirks a little as he licks and sucks on your clit, while picking up the pace of his fingers, making that impeding orgasm come closer at a quick pace. ''Want to cum for me, love? Need to cum for your Daddy?'' he asks and you nod frantically while letting out muffled whimpers, your hips bucking up involuntarily as your back arches too, and you fall apart not long after. He picks up the pace of his fingers and tongue even more as he starts licking through your folds, but keeping his attention mostly on your clit and before you know it, you squirt all over his face when he curls his fingers to find your perfect spot. ''Oh fuck, yes, squirt all over my face, cum for me love, you're doing perfect right now,'' he says and he rides out your orgasm on his fingers before he gives a trail of small kisses up your face.
''For this part, I need to loosen up those beautiful hands of yours, my love, because I'm going to need some help working the vibrator into myself,'' Tom said, as your eyes grew wide. Sure, you've done this before with him, but your new vibrator would be even better, and Tom grabs both the vibrator and some lube so you can help him get ready. You squirt some lube onto your fingers as Tom spreads his cheeks for you, his face laying on the pillows where your head just was. Then you proceed to squirt some on his tight hole before rubbing it softly, trying to get him to relax. ''You're doing so well for me, darlin', just relax and before you know it you will have all the pleasure,'' you said softly and you could feel him relax under your touch, and before you know it, you can slide one finger in, working him open slowly.
Not long after you can fit in 2 more fingers and when he's comfortable with that, you slowly pull your fingers out as Tom lets out a soft whine at the loss of your fingers. ''I know darlin', but you will feel something much better than my fingers soon,'' you cooed as you lubed the vibrator, before pushing it up to his now relaxed hole. It takes a bit for him to fully relax but before you know it you can slowly slide in the tip, and the more the takes, the noisier he becomes. He lets out soft whines and moans at the feeling of immense pleasure, and it isn't even turned on yet. You turned it in a way that the clit stimulator part would fit perfectly against his perineum, giving him even more intense pleasure as it would be turned on soon. ''It's in, darlin','' you whisper in his ear and he sits up, adjusting to the feeling.
''On your hands and knees in front of me, ass up in the air,'' he commands and you happily agree with it, as you do what he says, awaiting what will happen to you soon. He lands a few slaps on your ass before spreading your ass and looking at both your hole and your pussy looking back at him. ''Hm, such a perfect girl for me, sitting like this for your Daddy. Tell me, do you want Daddy's cock inside you? Are you needy for Daddy's thick cock?'' he asks and you whimper again, this time into the pillows where your head is buried. Tom grabbed the remote of the vibrator and turned it on, making sure it was not too high as he doesn't want to cum too soon, but the second he turns it on he already lets out a needy whine at the feeling of it against both his prostate and his perineum.
He grabbed your hips with a bit of force and pulled you towards him, so he can rub his cock through your folds, using your dripping juices as the lube he needs to sink into you. He doesn't wait long as he thrusts into you in one smooth motion, bottoming out immediately making you let out a very high shriek that turned into a long moan as you adjusted to his size again. ''F-fuck Daddy, feels good,'' you moan and he starts thrusting into you, which makes the vibrator thrust into his prostate so Tom knows he won't last long like this, but he didn't care. It felt too good to worry about that, all he cares about is making both you and himself cum. ''Pussy feels so tight, feels so good for me, god you're made for me, love,'' he groans as he chases both your highs, and you snake your arm underneath your body to play with your clit.
''Oh, D-daddy, gonna cum, need to cum!'' you moan out and with a few more thrusts you squirt all over, the stimulation becoming too much as you can feel the vibrator too. Not long after Tom squirts thick ropes of his warm cum deep inside your pussy as his orgasm takes him over completely, the vibrator stimulating his prostate more and more, prolonging both your orgasms until neither of you can take it anymore. Tom pulls out of you and you whine at the loss, and he quickly takes out the vibrator because he's overstimulated, and he turns it off before he lays down beside you. He pulls you close to him and cradles you into his arms as he rubs soothing circles over your back.
''You did so well for me tonight, my love. You were perfect for me, and I love you so much,'' he cooed in your ear along with other sweet nothings and you smiled a little bit before finally being able to lift your head a bit. ''Love you,'' you muttered and Tom bent down to give you a longing kiss on your lips, which he slowly deepened, but he still kept it soft as he explored your mouth with his tongue in a lacy pace. When he pulls apart he tucks a curl behind your ear as he looks loving into your eyes, he would never get enough of seeing those beautiful eyes of yours. The rest of the night was spent with cuddles, a nice bath, and even more cuddles before falling asleep in each other's arms, limbs tangled in a way that neither of you knows where one begins, and the other ends. Neither of you would ever want to have it any other way.
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rahultistabene · 4 months
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Elegant Tray Sets for Your Home Décor
Discover elegant tray sets that elevate your home décor. From modern to classic designs, find the perfect set for any room. Browse our collection today!
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 10 months
Wrapped Up in You - Echo x reader
Clone Life Day Fic Exchange 2023
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Summary: You invite the Batch to spend Life Day with you, and Echo is grateful for the opportunity. Prompt: "Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you."
Warnings: This work is SFW but my blog is 18+. fluff fluff fluff, TBB!Echo, pining, friends to lovers (implied), Crosshair being Crosshair, mentions of Fives.
Word Count: 3.1k
This fic is a Life Day gift for @ladysongmaster! I hope you enjoy! <3 Much thanks to @cloneficgiftexchange for hosting this event! Shout out to @stars-n-spice & @dystopicjumpsuit for the banners <3
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Echo sighs, cradling the warm cup of spiced hot chocolate to his chest. It’s not often that the squad gets shore leave, let alone during the holiday season, so he’s determined to enjoy this particular leave as much as possible. Leaning against the wall in your small apartment, Echo silently surveys the scene before him, the ghost of a smile touching his features. 
As soon as you’d found out your favorite squad would be on shore leave for Life Day, you made them promise to spend at least a few hours with you to celebrate. Echo’s heart swells at the memory of that holocall, the way you’d put your hands on your hips, head cocked to the side with that determined look in your eyes that could cow even Marshall Commander Cody. Of course the Batch had said yes, we’ll be there; of course Echo was the first to agree. 
And he was glad for the chance to spend some time with you, even in a group setting. You’d decorated your entire apartment: scented pinecones hanging from festive ribbon, garland of popped corn, gently twinkling string lights arched over windows and doorways. In the corner of the room, dominating the scene, a fresh fir sits wrapped in warm yellow lights and golden bows, bedecked with shiny baubles of varying designs. A few presents sit wrapped neatly beneath the trees lowest boughs. Crooning softly over the radio, instrumental music lilts through the air. Cooking meat and baked goods fill his nostrils. 
Tying it all together, though, is you. Dressed in an overly large knit sweater as red as the Batch’s armor, you’re a vision. Echo’s mouth runs dry when you glance across the room, your smile brightening when your gazes meet. Whatever Hunter’s saying to you seems to go in one ear and out the other as the two of you stare. 
And then the moment shatters as the oven beeps. Breaking away from both Echo’s gaze and Hunter’s conversation, you hurry to the kitchen, disappearing from view. 
“Stare any harder, and she just might catch fire, reg.” Crosshair’s voice is thick with sarcasm, the once-derogatory nickname now familiar and familial. He perches on the edge of the armchair nearby. 
Echo rolls his eyes, taking a sip of hot chocolate to compose his thoughts. He’s relatively certain all his squad knows about his feelings, but Crosshair is the only one who’s broached the subject with him before. 
“Dunno what you’re talking about,” Echo finally grumbles. 
Crosshair scoffs. “You really are a di’kut, you know that?” 
“Be that as it may.” With a pointed glare at his squadmate, Echo jabs his scomp in Crosshair’s direction. “I know that look, Crosshair. Don’t even think about it.” 
Raising one thin eyebrow, Crosshair merely regards Echo with a faint smirk, gnawing on an ever-present toothpick. “Just saying, reg.” 
“Just saying what?” you chime in. 
Echo glances up, startled. Your eyes sparkle with curiosity as you approach, having caught the tail end of their conversation. Tucked under one of your arms are oven mitts, decorated with little boughs of holly, and in your other hand you cradle a tray of cookies, crescent moons of dough filled with fruit jam. 
“How good you look in that sweater, dollface,” Crosshair drawls, smirk widening as Echo’s scomp whirs, his agitation bleeding into his neural interface. 
Your teeth catch your bottom lip as you duck your head. “I’ve had it for ages. One of my favorites.” 
“Well,” Cross says, standing to his full height, tugging the sleeves of his black turtleneck down, “it suits you. Isn’t that right, Ech’ika?” 
Emotions clash and war within Echo. Irritation flares hot and angry at Crosshair’s goading—but it is immediately soothed by the balm of curiosity and wonder as you turn your gaze on Echo, eyes wide and...hopeful? What irks him even more is that Cross isn’t wrong: the sweater may be oversized, but it still drapes over your form in a flattering way, the knit fabric soft and cozy. 
“Y-Yeah,” he says. Di’kut, he kicks himself mentally. “Uh, brings out your eyes.” 
“Thanks,” you say. Then, as if suddenly remembering you’re carrying a platter of baked goods, you hold out the tray. “Oh, um, cookie? This is my grandmother’s recipe. I’ve got apricot, cherry, and blueberry ones.” 
Crosshair plucks a blueberry crescent cookie from the tray, popping it in his mouth before slinking off, an entirely too smug look plastered to his face. Echo glances around for somewhere to set his mug; he’s shattered ceramic on his scomp arm before, the durasteel casing a smidge stronger than most mugs, and he doesn’t care to make too much of a fool of himself in front of you tonight. 
“Oh, here,” you mumble. Balancing the cookie tray on one hand, you hold out your other for the mug. 
With a small smile, Echo hands it over. He’s not sure he’s ever had apricot, but he knows he likes cherries, so he selects one of the morsels with dark red filling. He tries not to be self-conscious about the way you watch him expectantly, eyes trained on the movement of his hand as he brings the cookie to his mouth. The dough is surprisingly flaky, just sweet enough to really accentuate the deeper, woodier flavor of the cherry. Humming in delight, Echo smiles at you around his full mouth. 
“You like it?” you ask, smiling in return. 
He nods. Once his mouth is clear, he says, “Very good. Family recipe, you said?” 
Ducking your head again, you nod. “Yeah, my gramma. She, uh, made these every year for Life Day. I still haven’t quite mastered her chocolate chip recipe yet, though.” 
“I’m sure you’ll get it,” he says. “And I’m always happy to try out the experiments.” 
“Is that right?” you ask. 
A small quirk of your lips draws his eyes down to them for a fleeting heartbeat. He quickly looks away, catching sight of Tech building an accurate-to-scale gingerbread model of the Jedi Temple and Wrecker painting a new decal on his armor. Swallowing thickly, Echo takes a steadying breath. Maker, he went through ARC training; he can hold a conversation with his crush. Right? 
“If you want me to, that is,” he says quickly. 
Your gentle laugh stirs his heart, affection and cuteness aggression pulsing in him. “In that case,” you say, “I’ll be sure to hang on to some whenever you’re on leave.” 
“Good,” he says, then clears his throat. “I mean, right, thank you. I can take that back now.” 
With a smile you hand back his mug, the ceramic warm from more than just the liquid contents now. Echo forces himself to take several deep breaths, the comforting scents of cinnamon, fruit, and something else, something...sweeter, filling him and easing his embarrassment. 
“Dinner’ll be done soon,” you say as you scoot past the armchair towards the others. 
After dinner, Echo helps you clean up, though you insist on doing it all yourself. Not that you put up much resistance, not with how Wrecker praises your excellent cooking skills and even Tech is admiring the different flavor combinations, cataloging the recipes in his datapad. Hunter gives a knowing look as Echo scoops up what dishes he can; Echo studiously ignores his sergeant. 
“You can put those on the counter there,” you say as you point to an empty space next to you. “Thank the Maker for dishwashers, because if there’s one thing I loathe about cooking, it’s the dishes.” 
“And yet you wanted to do this on your own,” Echo teases. His belly is full, fuller than it’s been in a long time, and he feels warm. Fuzzy. Sated. Well, for the most part. 
“Force of habit,” you muse. 
He lingers in the kitchen, trying to fool himself into believing it’s so he can be nearby to help more, but in reality, he doesn’t want to leave your presence yet. Watching you bustle around the small kitchen, humming to yourself, entranced by the way the red sweater bunches at your elbows, Echo sighs. The war has been so far from his mind tonight, a fact he’s grateful for; but with the night’s activities beginning to wind down, his thoughts return to the incessant rhythm of hyperspace, fight droids, restock, hyperspace, fight droids...
“Echo?” Your soft voice startles him out of his reverie. 
“Sorry, what?” 
You gesture with wide arms at the now (mostly) clean kitchen. “We can go back to the others now.” 
“Oh, right.” He follows you out of the kitchen, back to the living room. Wrecker has Crosshair in a headlock, while Hunter looks on in silent amusement. Tech still sits at the dining table, typing away on his ’pad. 
When Hunter notices you return, he sits up straighter, clearing his throat. “Wrecker. Drop him.” 
“Aw, alright.” Releasing Crosshair, Wrecker shoves him to the edge of the couch, then beams up at you. “This has been a great Life Day, thank you so much.” 
“You’re most welcome,” you say with a warm smile. “I couldn’t not spoil my boys on a holiday like this.” 
Something stirs in Echo’s chest at the way you refer to them as your boys. Kriff, would you be willing to have him be yours, truly yours? 
“Speaking of spoiling!” You clap your hands together. “I have some gifts for you all.” 
“You didn’t have to do that,” Hunter says. 
“I wanted to,” you say simply. 
As you rifle through the wrapped presents beneath the decorated tree, Echo ushers Tech over to the couch, ignoring the man’s protests about needing to finish his notes. Gently pushing Tech down into the empty cushion between Wrecker and Crosshair, Echo remains standing near the arm of the couch. 
You pass out small boxes to each of them. “It’s not much, but...” 
Echo almost regrets that he has to rip through the paper to get to the gift inside, because you clearly took your time wrapping these, the folds crisp and precise, the black and red plaid design seeming to repeat seamlessly to infinity with how neatly you’d cut it. He savors the feel of the paper in his hand for a moment, and, out of curiosity, flips over the gift tag on top. 
His heart skips a beat. In your handwriting, the tag simply reads: “To Echo. From, your favorite nat-born ♥️”. A quick glance over his brothers’ shoulders reveals none of theirs have a heart drawn next to your signature. 
Carefully avoiding your gaze, he finally tears the paper off, then slips the lid off the box. Inside, nestled amongst tissue paper, rests a small charm: a domino. More than that, he realizes: five dark impressions mark the charm. Echo’s breath catches. 
“It’s...” He can’t find the words, or even the thoughts, to express the overwhelming rush of emotions crashing through him. Melancholy, affection, reminiscence, appreciation: it all blends together. When he looks up and meets your gaze, he finds your brow pinched in worry. 
“Do you like it?” you ask. 
He can only nod. 
“Oh! A li’l bomb!” Wrecker’s laugh booms through your small apartment. “This one’s goin’ on my blaster.” 
“Great idea, Wreck,” Hunter says, holding up a tiny skull charm, a genuine smile on his face. “Might attach this to my knife.” 
Tech has already secured his charm—a tiny datapad—to his actual datapad. “This is remarkably thoughtful. Thank you.” 
“I made them myself,” you admit. 
Even Crosshair’s eyebrows shoot up at that, and Echo watches as the prickly sniper carefully lifts the small bullseye charm to eye level. 
“Good work,” Crosshair says. 
Echo sighs. It’s as close to a ‘thank you’ as Crosshair can manage without combusting, he supposes. 
“What’s yours, Echo?” Hunter asks. 
“It’s a, uh, domino,” he says. He leaves it in the box; this is his gift, and he doesn’t want to share it just yet. “For my twin.” 
Hunter’s eyes soften in understanding before he looks back to you. “You really outdid yourself, meshl’a. I’m just sorry we didn’t bring anything for you.” 
You hum, finally looking away from Echo. “Spending time with you has been a gift enough.” 
He silently excuses himself to the ’fresher, head still swimming with emotions. Ensuring the door locks, he flips the light on, chuckling to himself at the Life Day tree soap dispenser you’ve invested in for the small space. Splashing some water onto his face, the cold shocks his brain into resetting. Emotions subsiding, Echo pats his face dry, then, meeting his reflection’s gaze, gives himself a silent nod of encouragement. 
The apartment is strangely quiet when he emerges. Peering around the corner into the living room, Echo is surprised to find it empty save for you. You’re curled up on the couch, cradling a mug between both hands, gazing at the tree. 
“Where’d the others go?” he asks. 
Your gaze flits to him without startling, a smile touching your features. “Back to the barracks.” 
“Without me,” he says, voice monotone. 
Humming noncommittally, you shrug with one shoulder. “Do you need to go, too?” 
“I...” He hesitates. Technically, being on leave, he doesn’t have to report in for another two standard rotations. He doesn’t want to intrude on your space any longer than he already has, but stars, you look so beautiful like this, calm, relaxed, comfortable. He can’t resist the desire to stay. “No.” 
“Good, because I have one more thing I want to give you,” you say. Setting your mug on the coffee table, you step around it with practiced ease, your gaze never leaving his. Echo can’t help the way his lips part in surprise as you wrap your arms around him. Your body heat seeps through the thin material of his shirt to envelope him like a blanket. For a moment, he stiffens, and you almost pull away. 
But his brain catches up with his body before you can. Arm sliding around your shoulders, he tugs you firmly against himself. You’re soft against his body, not to mention the sweater, and he sighs, eyes sliding shut. He buries his face into the crook of your neck. Inhaling your scent, he finally identifies what he’s been smelling whenever you’re near: spiced vanilla. Heady and warm, the scent fills his entire being, carrying him up into the stratosphere, floating on clouds. 
“Where’d this come from?” he mumbles, voice muffled against your skin.
“Maybe this is my selfish gift to myself,” you say with a light chuckle. “Realized I—we—haven’t hugged despite being friends for so long. And I suddenly couldn’t go another day without doing this.” 
Heart hammering in his ribcage, Echo gently pulls back to meet your gaze. Biting your lower lip, your eyelids flutter as you peer up at him. Stars, he could count your eyelashes from this proximity, get lost in the texture of your irises, marooned in the harbor of your sweet scent. When his eyes drop to your lips, a glint of gold catches his attention. Further down, around your throat on a delicate golden chain, a second domino tile rests just below the dip of your collarbone, resting on the scoop of the sweater’s neckline. A double blank domino. 
“I hope it’s okay,” you breathe. 
“Beautiful,” Echo murmurs. “Just like you.” 
You capture his lips in a soft, tentative kiss. Fingers trembling where he brushes them over your cheekbone, Echo meets your desire, your passion, with equal fervor. His heart plummets and soars simultaneously, every nerve alight. 
In the morning, after stretching out his muscles and eating a simple but delicious breakfast, he drops a kiss to the crown of your head. You recline on the armchair, holonovel in one hand, looking so at peace that he wishes he could stay. But Tech had comm’d him at first light, requesting his assistance with the ship, so he had to get back. 
“Will you come back before you ship out again?” you ask, standing to follow him to the door. 
He gives you a shy smile. “Only if you come see us off.” 
“Am I even allowed on base?” you ask, surprise in your voice. 
“Probably not,” he shrugs. “But we don’t exactly follow rules. I think an exception can be made this one time.” 
His stomach thrills with butterflies at the soft, pleasant sound of your laugh. Pressing his lips to yours once more, he reaches blindly for the coat rack he knows resides by the front door, where he stashed his jacket last night after arriving. 
His fingers close around empty air. 
With a frown, he pulls back, and sure enough, the coat rack is completely empty. Eyes narrowing in suspicion, he takes a deep, steadying breath and counts to five before turning back to you. Confusion paints your expression. 
“Didn’t you—”
“Yes.” He grinds his teeth. “Crosshair.” 
One hand pressing to your mouth, you stifle a smile but can’t keep it from scrunching your eyes. “It’s too cold for you to walk back without a jacket.” 
A thought occurs to him, and the words leave his mouth before he even has time to process them. “Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater?” 
The look of surprise that overtakes your features is adorable, which makes the burning embarrassment that settles in his stomach worthwhile. All he can do is watch as you rush back to your bedroom, and return a moment later carrying the thick, oversized sweater you wore last night. Eyes sparkling, you silently help Echo into the comfortable garment, making sure his scomp doesn’t pierce through the woven fabric. 
Looking down at himself, Echo finds that he quite likes the way that the sweater, so large and cozy-looking on you, fits him so perfectly. And, as he inhales to calm himself down fully, he’s greeted by the wonderful scent you wore last night. 
He hums. “It smells like you.” 
You duck your head, shuffling your feet, an abashed grin on your face. “Something to remember me by, then.” 
“Like I could forget you.” 
“You can’t say things like that when you have to leave,” you say with a teasing smile. Resting one hand on his chest, you lean up and kiss him sweetly. “Go, before I change my mind and keep you here.” 
Echo hums. “Oh no, what a threat.” 
“Go.” You gently push on him. “I expect that sweater back before you leave.” 
“Of course, cyar’ika.” He opens the door, giving you one last fond look. “See you soon.” 
And if, when Echo returns to the Marauder, he “accidentally” misplaces Crosshair’s pack of toothpicks, well, that’s his own business.
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anemicjellyfish · 2 months
Get Well Soon
A short, fluff-filled Stolitz fanfic.
Summary: Blitzø is sick & Stolas is a sweet caregiver.
Content warnings: illness, mentions of eating food and drinking water, medicine use (for illness), some sexual language.
Inspired by my current Covid situation. (I work in healthcare; it's inevitable for me. Please remember to wear a mask and be safe, everyone! 💖)
Blitzø shuffles himself onto his side, careful not to fall off his couch. Before he opens his eyes, the coughing resumes.
He didn't know where he'd picked up this bug, but like with most illnesses, he would bounce back in a few days. A few miserable days, full of coughing, fever, aching joints and muscles, and endless sneezing.
Blitzø reaches to move his blanket, only now noticing that it isn't his blanket. He's not on his couch, or even in his own apartment.
Groaning, Blitzø puts his head in his hands, remembering last night: he'd snuck through Stolas' window, as usual... and nearly collapsed from the effort. Despite Blitzø's insistence that he could live up to his part of the full moon arrangement they'd made, Stolas wouldn't allow him. And Blitzø ended up being placed in bed and falling asleep before he could protest further.
Blitzø glances at the bedside table. A beautiful crystal glass of water with two small tablets rests next to a piece of paper. In Stolas' too-perfect handwriting, it reads, "For Blitzy".
His throat too dry, Blitzø drinks most of the water before picking up the tablets. He considers sniffing them but knows he's unable to smell anything until the illness passes. Blitzø takes them with the rest of the water, shaking the glass a little to get every drop. Just as he sets it down, the door to the bedroom opens.
"Blitzy?" Stolas whispers, peeking in. "Oh, I hope I didn't wake you?"
"No, Stolas, I-" Blitzø's voice cracks a little, "I just woke up," he finished.
Stolas enters the bedroom, carrying a serving tray with fresh fruit, some type of bread, and a full pitcher of water. Blitzø's eyes widen, and he grabs the pitcher before Stolas can set the tray down. He doesn't care that Stolas should see him like this; his throat and body are screaming for water.
A look of concern on Stolas' face changes to amusement. "I'll call for more water," he says, sitting close to Blitzø on the side of the bed. "Are you feeling better?"
Blitzø pants and brushes away the water that had dripped down his chin. "I'm fine, Stols," he replied. "Or I will be in a few days, once this fuckin' bullshit is outta me. Don't you worry, when I'm better, I'll keep up my end of the deal. I'll show your feathered ass a real good time -"
"Easy, Blitzy," Stolas reached out, carefully removing the water pitcher with one hand and placing his other on Blitzø's cheek. "Not too much excitement, now. Why don't you rest here for a few days? Recover. Via and Stella will be gone for a while, visiting Stella's family. They never bother to invite me, anyway. Rest here."
Blitzø tries to protest, but when Stolas' hand slid down his back and settled between his spines - just where he liked it - his attempt turns into a weak cough.
"Fine," he finally says. Blitzø lets his eyes shut as he rests against Stolas' chest, letting the soft down feathers cover his face.
A small figure appears in the doorway, and Stolas uses his magic to bring over the new pitcher of water. The Goetia staff may talk amongst themselves about his affair, but Stolas can't bring himself to care now. The door shuts.
Letting Blitzø drink his fill of the water, Stolas set the pitcher aside and convinces him to eat. With the fever and cough now slightly better from the medicine, Stolas moves into the bed, pulling Blitzø onto his lap.
Without thinking too much about it, Blitzø wraps his tail around Stolas' leg and settles in once again. Stolas places his hand on Blitzø's back, letting his fingers slide in-between the spines.
"When I get better," Blitzø mumbles, almost asleep, "I swear I'm giving you the fucking of your life, Stols."
He feels Stolas laugh under him.
"I look forward to it, my darling Blitzy."
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ldysmfrst · 4 months
American Mate (10) - A Date in the Right Direction
In honor of Kim Seokjin's return from the military, my Jin-centric Chapter 10 is live for those with a Patreon Membership. This chapter is out sooner than I was expecting, but I wanted to make sure to honor the eldest member.
I hope you enjoy it, my dearest readers.
This chapter is a total of 11,976 words long. Read below for a little taste! 💜💜💜
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The next morning is a complete departure from your usual routine. You had meticulously set your alarm for 7:30 am, anticipating a quick shower would suffice before your medical appointment. But fate had other plans in store for you.
Shuffling, giggling, and the hushed “Quiet Kookie” woke you. Wait… is that water running? What time… what?
Stretching as you blink your eyes, you end up face to face with Jungkook, “Ah! Jungkook! What are you doing?”
“Good morning, my sweets,” the bunny smiled brightly with his big eyes. No care in the world that he just spooked you await.
Still hearing movement, you take a look around. Jungkook is kneeling on the bed but not inside your fort. Yoongi has popped his head out of your bathroom, and Seokjin stands at the entry door with a tray.
“Good morning, Jungkook, Seokjin, Yoongi. What time is it?’ rubbing your eyes and stretching again. Man, that was the deepest sleep you have gotten in a long time. 
Each Alpha wants to coo at your cute little stretches, which are maddeningly hidden by Taehyung’s blanket. 
Seokjin is the first to snap out of watching you, “It’s almost 7 am, dear. I have a light breakfast, and Yoongi is drawing a bath for you. We want to make sure you're comfortable and ready for your day.
Looking at Seokjin with a bit of a question furrowing your brow. Yoongi retreats into the bathroom now that he sees you are not upset at the intrusion
 “Sweets, we heard your doctor’s appointment was this morning. I hate doctor’s appointments, and we thought it might be uncomfortable for you, too.” Jungkook says while he giggles at your expression.
“Thank you, Alphas. I was going to try a shower today, but a bath sounds good,” you say. A smile blooms on your face at the knowledge of the Alphas trying to make your day good.
“Princess, the bath is ready. I used the Cassia and Cherry scented bath bomb for you today. I set a towel to the side for you like last time. When you are done, please call for any of us to help dry your hair, okay?” asks Yoongi as he heads toward the door.
“Sure thing, Yoongi. Thank you again.” With another smile, Yoongi looks pointedly at the youngest packmate before leaving to get ready, presumably.
“Jin, is breakfast something that will get cold, or can I eat it after the bath?” you ask. Meanwhile, you note that Jungkook has scooted closer to you but still not close enough to touch you or your fort. 
“It’s a simple breakfast: just some fruits and a bagel with cream cheese,” his eyes widened. He looked at the tray and then back at you. “You do like fruit, bagels, and cream cheese, right?”
Giggling, you kick out of the blankets and start scooting toward him. “Who doesn’t like those? They would be crazy not to like those!” 
You look at the array of foods on the tray, “Thank you, Jin. It looks good. Oh, you got mangos, my favorite!” 
You happily take a large bite of the slice and close your eyes to enjoy the burst of flavor. Seokjin watches you eat intensely, and Jungkook approaches your side.
Opening your eyes, you look back at the bunny, asking, “Can you have mangos?” At his nodding, you offer him to take the rest of the mango in your hand. 
Leaning forward, Jungkook eats the mango from your hand. His lips barely touch your fingertips, temporarily short-circuiting you. 
You immediately drop your hand and look back at Seokjin, only to notice he is watching Jungkook eat. You feel like you are getting too warm over witnessing something that should be between mates only.
“Umm... I am gonna go take that bath now,” you say softly. 
Bolting into the walk-in closet, you look for something comfortable and yours to wear today. You pull out a pair of leggings, a sports bra, a crisscross tank, and a non-thousand-dollar sweater.
When you leave the closet, you notice that the tray has been left at the end of the bed, and the two remaining Alphas have left the room. 
Softly, you bang your head on the door frame and mumble, “Good job, y/n. Way to keep professionalism.”
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mynameismckenziemae · 10 months
Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone-Chapter V
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Female Reader (no use of y/n)
You can’t keep your hands to yourself
(previous chapter here, next chapter here)
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Warnings: oral (m receiving), ass play, almost getting caught, etc
You yawn for the third time as you help Penny finish the last-minute dishes for the get-together she and Pete were hosting for the squad. Bob had dropped you late last night after mutually agreeing the temptation would be too much if you slept over— it was getting more and more difficult to keep your hands off each other.
The doorbell rings and you’re drying your hands, “Come on in!” Penny calls from the hallway.
You do a double take as Bob enters the kitchen, holding a tray of fresh fruit and Steve’s leash. He’s wearing his swim trunks and a cutoff tee, showcasing his defined biceps and thick forearms. Those veins you think, I could start an IV with a 16 gauge in there blindfolded.
He smiles, knowing you’re checking him out. “Hey Sunny girl”.
“Hey, you’re early. We’re just finishing the salads.” you smile.
“Yeah, I thought I’d come by to see if you needed help”. He says, kissing your cheek.
“That’s sweet of you. Let’s see what else Pen needs”. You reply.
“Steve! Bob! Can I take him to the beach? I’ll watch him! Pete’s down there too” Amelia asks, padding into the kitchen.
“Of course, just watch him by the seagulls, he’s a little traumatized by the last time we went” Bob replies, handing her the leash.
You all laugh as they squeeze through the sliding door together, Steve nearly tripping her.
“Hey Bob, thanks for coming,” Penny says as she walks into the kitchen next, pulling him in for a hug before rolling up her sleeves to watch her hands.
“Thanks for having me, do you need help with anything?” Bob asks.
“Yeah, actually. Would you two go and get the paddle boards from the rafters in the garage? I was gonna ask Pete but he’s still by the water setting up the chairs. I’ll finish up in here”.
“Sure, we can bring them down to the water too right away?” He asks, looking at you to confirm. You nod.
“Thanks a ton” Penny replies, already elbow-deep in pasta salad.
“Hey, where’s the light-oomph” Bob starts but you’ve got him pushed up against the garage door, kissing him hard.
“I, what are, I thought we…the paddleboards?”He asks against your lips, before kissing you back.
“They’re right there, it’ll only take a second to get them down. I just need to touch you.” You murmur back.
Your hands are everywhere, running through his hair, squeezing his biceps, palming him through his shorts. You drop to your knees, hurriedly untying his shorts and pulling him out.
“Wha-here? Are you sure?” He pants.
You nod as you suck him into your mouth, bobbing your head quickly, using your hands to stroke where you can’t reach. You look up at him through your lashes and moan around him. His face is flushed, his chest heaving, and his hands are clenched at his sides. That won’t do.
You take his hands and put them into your hair, trying to encourage him to use you, but he’s too much of a gentleman. You pull off and stroke him, “Bob, we only have a few minutes before someone comes looking for us. I want you to fuck my face. You won’t hurt me. I’ll squeeze your thigh twice if I need you to stop”. You pant out, putting your mouth back on him.
“Jesus, Sunny” he groans but obliges. He thrusts slowly a few times, giving you time to adjust before giving in. His fingers tighten in your hair, tugging slightly as he gives it to you. Tears are leaking as you breathe your nose, refusing to gag. Glad I didn’t put mascara on, you think.
Your left hand goes to fondle his balls, rolling and gently tugging while your right gathers some of the saliva dripping down your chin and joins the other, before dipping farther, a finger teasing his rim. He jolts, head falling back. “Fuck.” He grits out. You’re soaked, rubbing your thighs together for some friction.
You hear a car door slam in the driveway as you suck harder, and your finger presses a little more. He pulls tight on your hair and he cums with a quiet, broken groan. You swallow quickly and wipe your chin with the back of your hand as you rise to your feet, gently tucking him back in and tying his shorts. He pulls you in and kisses you deeply, moaning when he tastes himself in your mouth.
“Where’s Bob? His truck’s parked in the street.” You hear Natasha yell, way too close for comfort.
You startle and break apart. “Yeah, I’m the garage maybe? I sent him and Sunny in there a few minutes ago.” Penny replies.
“Yeah, in here!” You yell, then whisper “Do I look okay?” to Bob.
“You look beautiful as always Sunny,” he breathes, still in a daze, as Natasha and Jake walk through the door, flipping on the light.
“Whatcha guys doing in here?” Jake asks, looking between the both of you.
“Uhh, looking for the paddleboards?” You reply, a little flustered.
“Those paddleboards right there?” Natasha says, smirking as she nods above you.
“Oh…Yeah, haha. I couldn’t see them. ‘Cause you know. It was dark.” You laugh, a deep flush staining your cheeks.
“Don’t you live upstairs? You’d think you’d know where the light switch is…” Jake asks with a grin, looking pointedly at the red marks on your knees and Bob’s fucked out expression, catching on to what they almost walked into.
You cover your face with your hands and groan. “Oh my God. Just get them down and take them to the beach. Please? Nat, will you help me upstairs with something for a second?”
“Of course. You” she slaps Jake in the chest, “aren’t going to say anything to anyone about this, got it?”
“Yeah, yeah. I won’t” he leans over to kiss her, “It’s not like Sunny hasn’t walked in on us before”.
“Hey now, that wasn’t my fault. You were in Bradley’s bathroom and the door was unlocked. Actually, it wasn’t even fully closed!” You argue.
“You forget those kinds of things when the mood strikes ya...Kind of like forgetting where the light switch is in your own home” Jake winks, reaching up to grab the paddleboard.
“I hate you” you laugh, and kiss Bob’s burning cheek as you pass by him for the stairs.
You head into your bathroom, leaving the door open as you wash your hands, splash cool water on your cheeks, and try to fix your hair as Natasha leans in the open doorway. “So you and Bob, huh? I wondered when you two were cozied up together last Friday at the Hard Deck and then disappeared.”
“Yeah. Me and Bob,” you smile. “He’s funny, smart, so incredibly sweet, and actually listens when I talk. I…I just really like him.” You laugh, “God, I feel like I’m in high school again”.
She smiles. “You deserve some happiness, Sun. I didn’t know you well before Derek but I could tell something was going on. The way you’d stiffen when Roo would hug you, always checking your phone, leaving before 9,” she hesitates but continues, “I thought Jake was going to kill Derek the night he grabbed your arm and cornered you in the hall. He only didn’t because I told him it would make it worse for you. Jake, Rooster, and I talked that night and were planning on having an intervention, but we got called out before it happened. We didn’t have phone access and… I was just so worried about you. Then Bradley told me Friday what happened. I’m just so happy he’s gone.”
You turn and pull her in for a hug with a sniffle. “Me too. Thank God Pete didn’t deploy with you guys. If he hadn’t gotten home that day when he did…I think things would have gone a lot worse. I’m sorry I put you, all of you through that”.
“Don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault,” she releases you with a squeeze. “Now. Let’s get to the beach. Hey, and no more sneaking away for not-so-secret garage blow jobs”.
“Oh my God! You’re just as bad as Jake” you laugh as she walks away.
Bob rises to greet you as you walk up to the group, everyone there already except Bradley.
“Sorry for not coming to your aide in the garage with Nat and Jake. I think you sucked my brains out” he murmurs, kissing your cheek.
You smile, “It’s okay. Could’ve been worse. They could’ve walked in 30 seconds earlier”.
Bob flushes, remembering he was cumming down your throat at that point. “Hey, Steve! No!”
Steve sneaks up and steals Javy’s hat before running away proudly. Bob and Javy chase after him, making everyone laugh.
You feel a gentle tug on one of your curls. “Dickhead didn’t like your hair curly. That’s why you started straightening it all the time, isn’t it?” Bradley asks from beside you. Always so observant.
“Yep. God I was such an idiot, letting him control me like that,” You say with a sigh.
“It’s alright. He’s gone, that’s all that matters. Hey, I promise I won’t cut it again” he smiles, tugging the strand lightly again before releasing it.
“You better not, or I’ll come after you with the wooden spoon this time.” You laugh. You don’t remember since you were only 2 at the time, but Bradley had thought it would be funny to cut a few locks off while you napped. Carole hadn’t found it funny; hence the wooden spoon.
Bradley winces. “Yeah, I better not. I couldn’t sit for a while after that one.”
You laugh, shaking your head.
Everyone gets pulled to play a game of two-hand touch football. Jake and Bradley are team captains, and Jake wins the coin toss to pick first.
“Nat, my love,” Jake says. Mickey rolls his eyes and Javy pretends to gag.
“No brainer. Sunny.” Bradley says, pointing the football at you. You let out a whoop and chest bump him, while everyone looks at you both quizzically.
“Why wouldn’t I choose the leading scorer of the collegiate women's flag football league 3 years running?” Bradley says with a smirk.
“Would’ve been 4 but I tore my ACL 2 games into my senior year.” You sigh. The disappointment will never fade.
“Oh come on! Had I known that I would’ve picked her!” Jake says, earning a “Hey!” and a punch in the arm from Natasha.
The rest of the group gets divvied up and you and Bob end up on opposing teams. You catch a perfect throw from Bradley and score on the second down.
45 minutes later, your team is ahead by one touchdown. Bob’s team has possession, and it’s the last play of the game as everyone is hot, tired, and ready to eat.
Bob gulps as you whip off your shirt, leaving you in just your skimpy bikini top and shorts.
“You’re going down,” you tell him with a smirk as he gets into position to snap the ball to Jake.
“Hopefully I will later” he winks, snapping the ball and flying past you. You set chase and just miss the interception as Bob reaches over you to catch it. He’s within 5 yards of the goal line when you reach him. A golden blur takes him out at the knees, and you land on top of his back with an oomph. “Damn it. Steven. It's not tackle football” Bob laughs.
You give Steve a smooch and tell him what a good boy he is as you stand. You turn and land a sharp slap to Bob’s ass before pulling him to his feet. “Sorry, just getting the sand off” you explain cheekily.
“What is it with you and my butt?” He laughs, rubbing the sting out.
“It’s so cute….so squeezable, muscular, and spankable,” you list the reasons as you help him brush the sand off.
“There’s a lot of things I want to do to your ass eventually…if you’ll let me” you whisper as you lean in for a kiss. He groans and returns it, pulling you closer, making you feel what you do to him.
“Come on lovebirds, food’s ready!” You hear Pete yell.
You pull apart and block him from view as he adjusts himself in his shorts before walking back to the group.
He leans in as you’re pouring yourself a drink. “Yeah, by the way. I’ll let you.”
The afternoon quickly turns into evening, and the evening into night. Penny, Pete, and Amelia all went back up to the house 2 hours ago, with strict orders that no one is to drive as there’s plenty of room for everyone to crash.
“I’ve got a pullout couch and an air mattress if anyone wants to stay by me.” You offer, swaying a little as you stand.
Nat and Jake call dibs on the pullout, Mickey claims the air mattress.
“Give me 5… no, 10 minutes and I’ll have everything ready,” you say, turning to head back to the house.
“I’ll come with you,” Bob slurs slightly, rising to his feet and calling Steve over.
“Me too,” Bradley chimes in.
Bob clasps your fingers in his and you both laugh as Bradley races Steve in the sand, nearly falling more than once.
Bob and Bradley help you with the pullout, and you ask them to get extra blankets under your bed while you look for the air mattress pump in the garage below.
You find it and head back up the stairs. As you finish filling the mattress with air, you realize the pullout is still only covered by the sheet.
You check your room to find Steve, Bob, and Bradley fast asleep on your bed. Bradley’s head is on Bob’s chest, with Steve in between his legs. Good thing you have a king-size bed.
You snap a picture and throw some blankets on the pullout. They can fend for themselves you think before climbing in next to Bob, falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.
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