#drv3 x gn!reader
aritsukemo · 5 months
Chihiro and Kokichi with a crush on someone who acts like Kyoko Kirigiri
Warnings: Major spoilers to Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony! You have been warned!
A/N: Been rewatching playthroughs of the games while I was sick and got the itch to write something! There was so much more I wanted to do with Chihiro's part, but kind of backed myself into a corner when I decided to write this taking place during the killing game. No worries though, I plan to write a bunch more Chihiro x reader content in the future! ( Can you tell I love Chihiro? Lmao- )
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↪ Off rip, Chihiro was very intimidated by you. Your stone cold exterior and the general vibe you gave off was kinda scary to him.
↪ He didn't talk to you at all during the first couple of days, simply watching and observing you whenever you made your presence known/whenever you spoke.
↪ During the first class trial, you absolutely owned it. You constantly kept everyone on track and gave them clues to help them figure out the mystery themselves and diverted them from anything that led them to the incorrect truth. You helped everyone crack the case without flat out giving them the answers and he found that really cool of you.
↪ When Leon's execution came, Chihiro felt a swarm of negative emotions to the point he couldn't contain his tears. It was terrible, all of it was. Even if Leon killed Sayaka and even though Sayaka attempted to muder Leon, he couldn't help but feel bad for the both of them..
↪ That following day or two, he was in a rather gloomy mood. Everyone was. After the events of what happened, he couldn't really stomach much food. It was a small thing and Chihiro thought no one had cared to notice his lack of appetite, but he was surprised that someone did; you did. One morning, he was presented with a large portion of a simple meal by none other than the stone cold mystery themselves.
↪ "Eat it if you'd like. If you don't trust it, that's fine too," Was all you said to him, but it made his heart do a backflip regardless. He didn't understand it, but the scene kept playing in his mind the rest of the morning which kept him red in the face the entire time..
↪ After that, Chihiro started observing you even more and he started picking up on the small things about you. How, although most of the others misinterpret your intentions, you truly don't mean harm to anyone and just want to find the way out like everyone else. You're actually really sweet but your tight-lipped and mysterious nature just throws everyone in the wrong direction, he thinks.
↪ The more he watched you and the more he interacted with you, ( although interactions with you didn't happen often ) the more his heart fluttered until it eventually evolved into something bigger. At first, he thought what he was feeling for you was simply admiration until one of the others pointed it out to him one day. The way he speaks about you with such passion, the way he sometimes stares at you like a puppy wanting attention, the amount of times he's caught staring at you.. To them, it was painfully obvious that he was crushing on you!
↪ Even with the knowledge of his crush on you, Chihiro made no attempt to act on it. For one, you two are in a killing game and you're probably way more worried about figuring out the mastermind and getting out of here than getting a partner and two, he was too embarrassed to. The last thing he wanted was for you to laugh or berate or be disgusted by him for pretending to be a girl because of how weak and sensitive he was.. ( The last thing he wants is to confess under the rouse of a girl anyway. )
↪ This ( along with the embarrassing secret motive ) ultimately boosted his motivation to achieve his goal; to get stronger. Once he's strong enough to protect you and his friends from any danger, then he'll tell you how he feels!
↪ He was determined, and unfortunately, that determination ultimately led to his untimely demise. It was ironic, especially with that conversation you had with him that afternoon prior..
↪ "I've decided! I have no other choice but to get stronger. I'll try my hardest and..! And when I do, I would like to talk to you about something very important, okay?" He had told you, eyes burning with uncharacteristic fire. It was..certainly a look for him. ( One that may or may not have made your heart do a few tricks without your permission.. ) And you remembered briefly mutter something to him about staying safe and not overdoing it..
↪ If only you had offered to join him. Maybe things would've went differently..
↪ Huh, how odd. It's not like you to be sentimental like this. Actually, as of late, a lot of things you've been doing have been out of character for you.. Honestly, what has gotten into you lately?
↪ Well, there's no time to dawdle on it right now. You have to seek justice for Chihiro. With the clues you've gathered, you already have a sneaking suspicion of who the culprit is..
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↪ You immediately spiked Kokichi's interest. The fact that you didn't give him any information about yourself intrigued him. It was as if you had something to hide..
↪ When it came out that everyone would be participating in a killing game, Kokichi was surprised by how well you kept it together. Unlike everyone else who were in denial, you wholeheartedly believed the kubs and kept a levelhead about the whole ordeal. It was as if it didn't affect you at all..
↪ "You seem oddly calm about this. Don't tell me you're actually some psycho and was waiting on something like this." He said to you only to get silence in return as you outright ignored him.
↪ For the first day or two he observed you, but he quickly decided to take a more upfront approach and was all in your face. He was always trying to poke and prod and tease information out of you, but you never caved. He couldn't get under your skin at all.
↪ But he did, at least, get your name.
↪ When the first murder finally happened, you again, didn't panic. While everyone else were screaming their heads off, you talked to Monokuma, verifying things about the upcoming class trial before immediately starting your investigation.
↪ When the trial came about, you kept calm. As if you had done this a million times, you helped guide everyone. You gave hints and helped paint a clear picture of what happened. When everyone began to deny the truth, you, along with Kaede, helped everyone come to grips with reality.
↪ And then, when the killer was executed, you didn't freak out. He also noticed you saying something to Shuichi before swiftly leaving to go god knows where.
↪ And just like that his interest in you hit it's peak.
↪ He began speculating. What could you possibly be hiding? Why are you the way you are? How many times has something like this happened to you? Do you hold the key of getting out of here?
↪ Could you be the mastermind behind this? It's definitely a possibility..
↪ After the trial, Kokichi officially set his sights on you. He began to bug you even more.
↪ He would drag you around places and rope you into his shenanigans. To everyone else, it may have just looked like Kokichi was just doing it for the fun of it or to annoy you, but in actuality, he was doing it in an attempt to get a feel for your personality. He wanted to know what made you tick and what didn't. But alas, you were harder to crack than he expected.
↪ So, he began stalking you.
↪ Everytime you distanced yourself from the others and disappeared for long periods of time, he would try to follow after you, however..
↪ "Kokichi. I know you're there."
↪ ..he never got far before he was found out.
↪ Then the second murder rolled around and the cycle repeated. The body discovery announcement played, you gave no reaction to it, disappeared to start your own investigation, and carried the class trial.
↪ After the trial and execution, ( and after you saved his butt from Maki's wrath after he exposed a certain secret of hers ) he approached you with the supposed intention of wanting to be your friend. ( Although he worded it more as him wanting you to be his sidekick ) He didn't give you ang room to deny his friendship and before you knew it, he was shamelessly latched to you like some annoying pest.
↪ Almost everywhere you went, he attempted to tag along. Of course, if you were going on one of your little side investigations, you gave him the slip and he wouldn't be able to find you for a while.
↪ Other than that, you humored him. He talks your ear off and the conversations between you two are more or less one sided but he can tell you're listening to every little word he said and didn't mind his presence. Although he doesn't know much about you, he's gotten to know you enough to know that when you don't want to talk to someone, you'll make it very clear to them that you don't want to talk to them.
↪ And then something most bewildering happened. Shuichi gave you a gift.
↪ "How did you know I liked this?" Kokichi heard you say before you accepted the gift, "Uh..lucky guess? I honestly had no idea. It just seemed like something you'd like." He heard him say..
↪ "I see.. Well, thank you."
↪ Like the stalker he is, he watched the whole interaction and to Kokichi's surprise, he felt..odd watching you two interact. Although it wasn't the most intense feeling, it certainly wasn't a pleasant one..
↪ Anyways, the third murder rolls around and shortly after it happened, he stepped on a faulty floor board and..yeah y'all know what happened to him.
↪ When you and Shuichi found him, he was laid out on the floor and bleeding profusely from the head. Shuichi was startled at first, thinking he was dead, but upon him sitting up, the detective slowly stopped caring.
↪ Chuckling to himself, ( and feeling the very, very strong urge to vomit ) Kokichi stumbled to his feet. However, as soon as he did, you grabbed him by the arm..
↪ "You shouldn't move around so much. You likely have a concussion."
↪ "What..are you talking about? I'm..fine! Just..eheh.. Just peachy.." Another obvious lie. Honestly, what does he expect to gain from acting like this?
↪ After he let that ridiculous statement tumble from his lips, you forced him onto your back with ease. ( As expected, he's very light ) After telling Shuichi to continue his investigation, you left with Kokichi riding on your back.
↪ "Heyyyy, where are we going.. Do you plan to..to take me out while I'm like this..how..cruel, nishi..hi..heh.."
↪ You ended up taking him all the way back to your dorm because you remembered that you had some medical supplies lying around that you found while out on one of your side investigations. They weren't the best, but it was enough to make sure Kokichi wouldn't bleed out and die.
↪ With quick and kinda rough movements, you bandages up his head and the entire time you were supposed to spend investigating ended being spent in your room. After you finished bandaging his head, you dimmed the lights and applied a makeshift cold compress ( which you made by stuffing some ice in a bag and wrapping the bag in a thin towel ) to his head.
↪ Your eyes were completely on him the entire time and something about that made the displeasing feeling he felt before swell into something lighter and fluffier in his chest and around his heart. He didn't know what it was, but he's certain that he loved hated the feeling with a passion and hoped to never feel it again. Oh the lies he tells even himself
↪ The trial rolls around, and although you were kind of in the backseat for some time, you still managed to crack the case wide open. Well, with some help from Shuichi that is.
↪ Speaking of which, after the trial and execution, Kokichi began to notice the most bewildering thing; little Shuichi was getting oddly close to you.
↪ Like, a day or two after the trial, he saw you outside with Shuichi, Maki, and Kaito. You seemed to be working out with them but he took note of how you seemed the most responsive with Shuichi.
↪ An uncomfortable feeling bubbled in his chest, but even so, Kokichi, who had begun to slowly come to grips and realize his attraction towards you, pretended like he was fine. So what if you're hanging out with Shuichi? Lately, the detective has started to peak his interest and he plans to befriend him just like he did with you. Once he achieves that, he'll have you back and he'll have Shuichi to himself too!
↪ But alas, things didn't go as planned. Shuichi, untrusting of him, didn't want to be his friend. How sad..
↪ But he's not one to give up so easily. He'll find a way to rope him into this little game of his..one way or another.
↪ Fourth trial comes and the truth is revealed that Kokichi had a part in Miu's murder. Upon revealing the truth to everyone and completely ruining all the fun of the mystery, you seemed to be the one person to initially believe him. ( Although he noticed you seemed uncharacteristically bothered about the whole ordeal )
↪ Then Shuichi helped you further reveal what happened, forcing everyone to believe what really happened was the truth and that Gonta was the blackened. ( Gosh, it was agitating how in sync you two were )
↪ After the trial ended, things escalated. Kaito and Kokichi got into it and Kaito ended up lunging at Kokichi. However, it seemed the ultimate supreme leader was stronger than he let on ( or maybe something else is at play here.. ) and he ended up throwing his own punch which sent Kaito flying to the ground.
↪ That's when the others finally intervened.
↪ Shuichi, angered by everything that had happened, screamed at Kokichi. He yelled and fussed about how he was horrible and had no friends and how he had no one to turn to because he was horrible and blah blah blah.
↪ Kokichi didn't care much for his speech, ( it was nothing he hasn't been told already ) but his eyes seemed to drift to you. Unlike everyone else, you hadn't jumped to Kaito's defense nor were you screaming at him. In fact, you just stood in the back, watching with that iron expression of yours. How..like you..it was to do that, he thought.
↪ When he left, you followed after him.
↪ "That was quite the show you put on back there. Tell me, Kokichi. What are you planning?" You had asked him.
↪ "Heh, wellll since it's you I feel the sudden urge to spill everything, nishi~! ..Hm, fine then. I'll tell you for a kiss right here on the cheek, nishishishi~!" And then he saw it. For only a split second, he saw the surprise flash across your face. He saw your brows twitch and your eyes widen. He saw your cheeks flush.
↪ He finally saw you truly caught off guard and it was the cutest thing he's ever been able to witness. It's disgusting how much he's grown to like you, he thought. Not really.
↪ You didn't see him for a few days after the trial. You had no idea where he went, but you didn't bother wasting your time searching for him. Not that you could, with Kaito breathing down your neck wanting you to hang out with him, Shuichi, and Maki, you never found the reason or necessary time to go and look for him. ( But for some odd reason, you couldn't stop thinking about him. )
↪ And then he showed his face at last and when he did, he had weapons in tow.
↪ He claimed that he wanted to help end the killing game but of course no one believed him. Maki, who was at her wits end with the male, jumped to attack him and you, of course, jumped to his rescue.
↪ "Why do you always protect him? Are you two working together?" She questioned, her fiery crimson hues staring into you like sharpened blades.
↪ "..." Your silence gave nothing away as you stared back at her with your own icy gaze, gripping her by the arm as you awaited for her to release Kokichi.
↪ She let him go eventually.
↪ Kokichi then went on to explain what the weapons he persuaded Miu to make did ( the "electrohammers" as he put it ) before saying he'll no longer intervene with the others and their plans and leaving.
↪ And without a second thought, you followed after him which automatically labeled you a traitor in certain peoples' eyes. ( Cough cough Maki and Himiko cough cough )
↪ Alas, you quickly lost sight of him despite your tailing. But you couldn't give up now. He knows something and you're determined to find out what that something was.
↪ But all your efforts got you nowhere. You looked everywhere but couldn't find him, however when you finally reconvened with the others they all seemed oddly..depressed about something.
↪ You questioned each of them but only Shuichi would explain what happened while you were gone. Apparently, they used the electrohammers to cross that Death Road and found a large hatch that led outside. They got it opened but what they saw was simply despair-inducing..
↪ Everything was destroyed, there wasn't even air to breath out there. To put it simply, it was the end of the world.
↪ And the supposed mastermind behind the killing game had finally shown themselves and it was none other than the Ultimate Supreme Leader himself; Kokichi Ouma.
↪ But the whole story seemed..odd to you. Something about it simply didn't sit right ( especially with the evidence you had gathered while secretly investigating this place ) and in the end you incurred that at least some part of what went down was a lie. ( And you had a sneaking suspicion of which part it was )
↪ You ended up disappearing after that to do some more investigating. You spent the entire evening, night, and following morning digging up what you could. It was a shame it was cut short in one of the worst ways possible..
↪ "A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time that you can spend however you'd like, the class trial will begin!" You certainly wasn't expecting that. And at a time like this..
↪ You make it to the crime scene soon after that and waste no time investigating. Everyone is certain that Kaito was the one who was murdered, but until you gather the clues and come to a collective verdict at the class trial, nothing is certain. ( Although, there's this sense of dread that's beginning to bubble at the pit of your stomach. You're hoping—praying—that it's not because of what you think it is.. )
↪ And then the class trial comes and for the first time, you were uncertain. You had a possibility or two, but with the clues presented, you weren't sure of anything..
↪ And after a long time of going back forth and around in circles, Kokichi's plan was finally revealed. His true goal was to end the killing game by making an unsolvable case where you aren't able to figure out who was murdered and who was the culprit.
↪ But then new evidence came about. Maki's confession and the video tape along with Shuichi's deductions helped you make a vital connection and that connection helped crack the entire case wide open. ( Because of you, Kokichi's final efforts were in vain.. )
↪ After the trial, no one was happy. I mean, how could they be? The blackened was Kaito. Aside from that, for some reason, you just seemed a little too upset. Something about the entire situation, about Kokichi's entire plan to kill himself for the chance to end this killing game, to stop the suffering, it made your heart sting. It effected you more than you would've liked and Kaito seemed to notice that.
↪ "I know you really liked him, Y/n," He told you, "He really liked you too. He never outright admitted it, but I could tell.. He wouldn't stop talking about ya'! Even..even in his final moments.."
↪ Was that supposed to make you feel better? Because it didn't. All it did was make things worse. You wish he would've just kept that to himself. Kokichi was thinking of you until the very end? What was the point of putting that painful thought into your head? It was unnecessary.
↪ And so, as soon as Kaito's execution was over. You fled the scene, silently but hurriedly. You knew why, but you didn't want to accept it. To accept that you left in such a rush because you couldn't keep your emotions in check..
↪ Ugh, that damn Kokichi! Could he have been anymore selfish? Forcing his way into your life, making you feel such wonderful inconvenient emotions, only to snatch all of it away and leaving you with the miserable feeling of anguish..
↪ He was truly the worst, you thought.
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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frickingnerd · 5 months
kokichi breaking up with his s/o
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pairing: kokichi ouma x gn!reader
tags: angst, tons of lies, mean kokichi, crying (kokichi & reader)
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kokichi is the meanest he'll ever be when breaking up with you
he'll just tell you that you never meant anything to him to begin with and that he was just dating you because he thought it could be funny and give him some entertainment
but now that he has grown bored of you, he doesn't want someone like you anymore and he couldn't see why anyone else would want you now that you ruined your reputation by dating him
he'll even laugh at you once you start to cry, mocking you and telling you that you deserve to feel this way, for being dumb enough to actually fall in love with him
though as soon as you turn away, he's close to tears away, as his heart almost breaks seeing you like this
because anything he said prior was just a lie, as always, and he never truly wanted to break up with you
however, kokichi knows that he isn't a good person. but you are!
you are the kindest person he ever met, that's why he fell in love with you!
but someone as great as you shouldn't be wasting his time with someone like him…
kokichi knows that you could do better, find someone who treats you better!
but you might not find someone who loves you as much as he loves you…
because kokichi loves you enough to hurt you and make you hate him, just so you'll be able to easily forget about him and find someone better than him
ultimately, he's breaking up with you because he loves you and wants the best for you, which isn't him…
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cvpidsfablez · 7 months
╰┈➤Male! Danganronpa x s/o reader PT1
WARNINGS: Spoilers!!! (Character deaths, ect, ect.) is
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✰Nagito Komaeda:
•Never really paid attention to you until you accidently bumped into him
•Grew fond of your presence and occasionally just walked into your cottage as if it was his
•Found himself falling for you and eventually asked you on a date, when you said yes he blushed madly
•Took you on a date at the restaurant and talked about hope, hope, hope, ect.
•Listened to any comment you made and enjoyed hearing you talk about your interests
•Prolly a REALLY, REALLY kinky guy
•Prolly very clingy
•Wrote a whole apology directed towards you when he killed himself and framed Chiaki
•If you want to be a blackened or victim/your OC is a blackened or victim: prolly said sum about hope when he saw you die
✰Byakuya Togami:
•Never cared for you, prolly thought you were weird or sum
•Eventually started talking to you after you were framed for a murder in which he was your alibi since you were both in the library reaching for the same book
•Started hanging around you more and more, especially in the library
•Started falling for you but refused to admit it
•You had to be the one to initiate things
•When alone he will hold your hand and kiss you but when around others he is distant
•Listens to your rambles as he reads or does whatever
•If you want to be a blackened or victim/your OC is a blackened or victim: tried to seem unaffected but left to his room thinking about you after the trial/discovery of your body
✰Rantaro Amami:
•Enjoyed talking to you
•Always asked to paint your nails
•Did anything to make you smile or laugh because he always said: "you have a charming smile".
•Let you wear his jewelry if you begged him enough
•Never got to ask you out because he was, ofc, the first to die
•If you want to be a blackened or victim/your OC is a blackened or victim: hated when you died, hoped you'd survive
✰Kokichi Ouma:
•Didn't pay too much attention to you at first
•Thought you were pretty/handsome
•Loved your smile
•Was very obvious with his feelings but continued to lie saying he didn't like you and it was just an act
•Eventually confessed to you and became VERY clingy
•Absolutely loves PDA
•Will grab your hand and drag you around everywhere
•Hesitated on whether or not he should continue his plan
•Thought about you in his last moments
•If you want to be a blackened or victim/your OC is a blackened or victim: he's never felt so much pain on his life, he became set on continuing his plan after your death
✰Chihiro Fujisaki:
•Was very nervous around you
•Scared that you'd hate him because he was a crossdresser
•Eventually warmed up to you but still never told you his secret
•Became very flustered once you asked him out
•Hesitantly told you his secret because he didn't want to lie to you
•When you continued to feel the same towards him he gladly accepted your proposal
•Is alright with PDA, just gets very flustered, especially when others are watching
•Felt horrible when you broke down in tears when seeing his dead body
•If you want to be a blackened or victim/your OC is a blackened or victim: hugged you and grabbed your hands with tears in his eyes
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sockonaleash · 1 year
Can i ask for Hajime, Makoto, Nagito and K1-B0 x reader that’s the Ultimate Unlucky Student? If this isn’t too much ^^ take your time because four characters can be a lot sometimes
hajime, makoto, nagito and k1-b0 with an s/o who's the ultimate unlucky student
type : headcanon, gn!reader
note : i'm assuming this is supposed to be in a headcanon format (sorry if not,,), this is overall just cute stuff :} i got a lil carried away, hope you don't mind! i apologize for the wait, i've been getting into fnaf lately,,,, springtrap,,,
requested : yes! greetings simp :D
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Hajime Hinata
hajime would be very confused at first, he'd ask if it's similar to nagito's ultimate and if it's a cycle of good and bad luck. when you told him it wasn't and shit was just constantly hitting the fan, he got a little worried.
it's usually small things like you falling face first on the ground because you forgot to tie your shoes, every animal known to man constantly attacking you or the coins falling out of your wallet whenever you tried to buy anything from a vending machine to be never seen again. yet sometimes, it would ruin dates the two of you wanted to have.
one time - when the two of you started dating - you decided to go to the beach to have a date. it was the middle summer and there weren't any clouds in the sky, yet the moment the two of you finished setting everything up it started raining. the worst part is as soon as both of you went home the sky cleared. hajime would be the type to awkwardly show up at your doorstep right after the failed date, soaking wet, asking if "you had room for two in your house".
overall, i don't think he'd take it too hard. even if some hangouts fail there's always room for more. he'd worry, of course, but not to the point where he'd restrict your movement and choices (only if you have the risk of getting ran over or something).
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Makoto Naegi
he's definitely the type to be constantly worried. although he is the ultimate lucky student he can only hope that his ultimate is enough to balance yours out (which usually just ends up the two of you sharing lucky and unlucky experiences).
before going out he'd tie your shoes extra tight, make sure you have a jacket if it's cold out or an umbrella if it's raining - with a smaller, spare umbrella inside your backpack if the first one broke. bought by the man himself! he'd be the type to grab your hand before crossing the road but not let you cross unless everything was right. by this i mean, no cars in the street, shoes tied, hand held, nothing in the way.
at the start of your relationship makoto thought he was being a bit too much but when you almost got ran over as you crossed the seemingly empty road he decided he could never be too sure.
altogether, he's worrying a lot. not in an annoying way, more of a "you're my troublesome child and i'll never let you out of my sight" type of way.
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Nagito Komaeda
oh no. the good luck? still there. not a lot though. the bad luck? double. the cycle is still there, it's just that now whenever something bad happens it's two times worse.
nagito would be very nonchalant over both your talents and not let it get in the way of your dates. for example, if it started raining heavily during a walk and he noticed it was starting to flood the streets he'd try to convince you to go buy floaties to float down the street together. hopefully his good luck comes around quickly! you don't feel like getting stuck somewhere or drowning.
if you did get hurt he'd degrade himself - even if why or how you got hurt had nothing to do with him - and pay for your hospital bills. i feel like nagito would be the type to pamper his partner a lot with little gifts and try to carry you up the stairs if you broke your leg(s). And fail miserably at doing so.
he'd get into shit with you to just go "haha, my bad. how could i let this happen?"
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kiibo. my sweet baby. like hajime, he'd ask a lot of questions when first meeting you! throughout time he'd get used to it and do his best to help you out. your gloves got ripped up by unknown causes and it's snowing? he'll use his hairdryer function to "breathe" onto your hands to quickly warm them up and when the two of you get home he'll sew them back up.
if you get hurt he wouldn't be able to carry you or anything (he's not particularly the strongest and his back pain doesn't help) but he'd take care of you afterwards! be it cooking meals, or cleaning the house.
everytime you get home he'll stop you at the door while concentrating reallyyy hard to use his zooming function to see if you're alright. doesn't do much, but you let it slide if it helps calm his worry.
so even if he's not able to support you during your spikes of your bad luck, he'll gladly lend you a hand afterwards!
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kotton-kandy953 · 15 days
➛ various!yandere!male one-shots x fem!reader
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title page┆word count: 1.1k┆warnings: blood, death, kidnapping, obsessive behavior, violence, yandere themes┆a/n: I was lowkey bribed into writing this by my sister bc I don't really fw Danganronpa like that (that's a lie)
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DECEPTION ━ kokichi ouma x kidnapped ! reader
⤷ ❝ 𝕺𝕳,
Y/n!!" The boy shouted as he dragged the heavy object behind him. Leaving a long trail of magenta in his wake.
"Hey, don't run away!" He called out while wiping the pink splatter off his pale face.
"I think it'd be a good-fucking-idea to show yourself now..."
"...Y/n!!" He screamed while kicking open your bedroom door. It made a loud SLAM! when it hit the wall.
He looked around the room with crazy, purple eyes all while plastering that same playful smile on his pale face.
"Aw... you're not in here either?" He crouched down to look under your bed
"Y'know, I'm getting really tired of this game of hide-'n'-seek!" He grumbled quietly to himself as he opened the different doors and hiding places in your bedroom. Little did he know, you were standing right outside the room he was in.
Holding a kitchen knife.
It was the very first thing you saw so you grabbed it. Right now, you were beginning to regret not owning any bigger objects like a golf club.
You watched fearfully as Kokichi searched for you, occasionally rummaging through your more... personal items.
When his back was facing you, that's when you took your chance to attack.
Charging towards the purple haired psycho, you raised the knife to stab him.
But he saw right through you.
He quickly turned around and grabbed your wrist. "Found you!" He laughed while tightened his grip, making you to drop the weapon.
"It's not good to run around with sharp objects Y/n! You might end up hurting someone!" He yanked you closer by your hips and lightly pecked your nose with a smile.
A smile that irked you to your core.
How could he still be smiling after all of this!? You thought to yourself as you looked his bloodied figure up and down.
How could he still be smiling after murdering them in cold blood!!?
Tears pricked in the corners of your eyes as you thought back to the gruesome sight. He just bludgeoned my best friend to death with a baseball bat!! And now he's giggling about it!?
Kokichi's smile quickly disappeared as he stared deep into your fearful, (e/c) eyes. His arm tightly wrapped around your waist while the other firmly holding the bat.
"Why are you so scared? I won't hurt you... unless you want me to..." He smiled suggestively while slowly moving his face closer to yours.
"H- Help! Help me!!" You screamed while attempting to free yourself from his grip,
"He's fucking craz-!!"
Kokichi dropped the bat and quickly cupped his free hand over your mouth, "Who are you screaming for, Y/n?"
Tears pricked in your eyes as you desperately tried to pry his magenta-stained fingers off your face.
"What, you think your parents are alive too!?" He giggled, "they're dead!!"
His words froze you.
"Wh- Wha..." was all that left your mouth.
He removed his hand from your face and proceeded to laugh, "What, you thought I'd spare their dumbasses!? Of course I killed them!"
His laughs grew louder and louder as tears streaked down your (s/c) face.
His hand muffling your pitiful sobs, "no, no, no, no, no..." You kept repeating it over and over to yourself as you shook your head rapidly.
You couldn't believe it... you wouldn't believe it.
The purple haired boy lifted his hand to wipe the tears from your eyes.
"I know, I know, a dick move, I know," he smiled somewhat warmly at you, "But I had to, Y/n."
"N- no... no... you... you're lying... this is just another one of your... l- lies..." Kokichi slowly let go you of your figure as you panicked, breathing hard and sobbing loudly.
"Y/n," He reached down to the bat lying on the ground.
"I did all of this for you..."
He raised the bloodied weapon above his head.
"And I'd never fucking lie about that."
And after that, everything went black.
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Slowly opening your eyes, the first thing you noticed were most of your senses being cut off.
Your mouth was taped shut and your ankles and wrists firmly tied together with rope. Your back was pressed against a hard, cement wall. Are you in a basement?
What the hell is going on!?
You can barely remember anything from earlier. The last memory you can recall is being in your bedroom — and then Kokichi...
Kokichi... you thought.
A playful voice giggled out while quickly making their way over to you in the dim light.
When close enough, he crouched down, smiling crazily. "Don't worry too much about your whereabouts. You're safe with me, now..."
He reached out and caressed your head, the dried blood staining his figure becoming more and more visible as your eyes begin to clearly focus.
But you weren't dwelling on that at the moment, at least not yet. You were more focused on his strange words and that horrible headache you have. In contrast of responding to his statements, you looking around the place you've been brought to.
Where... am I...?
As you were thinking, the purple haired boy softly placed a hand on the back of your head. "Hm, you're still bleeding?" He retracted his hand then looked down at it.
"I couldn't have hit you that hard...!"
After wiping, or just smearing, your pink-colored blood on his white uniform, he yanked the silver duct tape off of your mouth.
You let out a noise of pain at the quick action, but he just giggled, "Nee-hee hee, I'm so sorry, dear... "
You couldn't tell if his tone was mocking or genuine, either way, you instinctively pressed your back against the wall as far as you could.
You wanted to call out for help, you really did. But you didn't know what Kokichi would do. Would he be mad or...?
Opening your suddenly dry mouth to scream, you were put to a stop by his soft lips roughly being pushed against yours. You struggled to breathe as he kissed you with such fervor, as if he was never going to pull away.
And when he did, you were panting with flushed lips and an even hotter face. Feeling both embarrassed and happy that you can breathe normally again.
His psychotic, purple, irises traced over your figure with a deranged smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"I'm surprised you haven't fought against me this whole time, Y/n!" He giggled, "Hee hee... you've probably decided to submit to me already..."
"P- please..." you swallowed hard, "just let me go..."
Kokichi shook his head, "I can't do that. You're finally safe with me..."
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ts4ritsa · 1 month
┊˚➶ 。˚ cold + unapproachable s/o who has a soft side for them
ft. aoi asahina, ibuki mioda, angie yonaga, & himiko yumeno from danganronpa * ˚ ✦
tags / cw ✎ gn!reader, established relationship, fluff, reader is easily angered and quick to defend s/o, headcanons, not proofread, requested
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well, there are definitely clear contrasts between you and aoi. you both are quite the pair, but it’s actually very cute. once again, a sun and moon!
of course , while aoi encourages you to be nicer and give other people a chance, she actually really loves that you give her, and only her, all your attention and affection
she can go on for hours and hours talking about anything, usually expecting people to be able to keep up. so aoi is very glad that you are always fully immersed in every word that she says
eating donuts together! it’s nothing new that aoi craves donuts on a daily basis, so she’ll drag you along with her. while you might get one or two, usually the same each time, she will always get half a dozen and somehow they’re all completely different flavors
when someone makes a snarky comment at aoi, she’s quick to defend herself and call them out on their rude behavior. however she is easily caught off guard when you butt in and defend her like your life depends on it, while spewing insults at the person. definitely left speechless, yeah she knows how… passionate you can be behind closed doors, but she didn’t know you had that in you!
ibuki is just the silliest honestly! and you are not. you’re usually just stone-faced, keeping to yourself, while she on the other hand is always laughing, smiling, her existence alone being the life of the party. your friends and classmates comment on this often, and when it comes around to ibuki, she’ll just laugh and playfully tease you about it, giggling as you roll your eyes and smirk
very chaotic girlfriend. occasionally finds herself in trouble because of how explosive she can be, both literally and figuratively. she’ll wind down with you at her dorm and every time she tells you about her day she somehow always has the craziest stories
absolutely adores when you get affectionate with her, and she isn't afraid in the slightest to comment on it either. ibuki eats up any gift you get her, praising it while peppering your cheek with with kisses
doesn’t particularly care that you come off as distant to others. when people try to come up to her to say something, she’ll just cross her arms and shake her head, asking why they care so much. she thinks they should just let you be, if you don’t want to talk to people then you shouldn’t have to
when ibuki finds herself getting ganged up on in an argument, she is equally shocked, irritated, and confused. to put it simply, overwhelmed. soo… she’s very thankful to have you defend her and put the other people in their place
angie is very pleased that you consider her the only person worthy of seeing your true self. you’re just the sweetest thing to her! she truly believes that she has been blessed, having such an amazing partner
can be just as affectionate as you, maybe even more, when you’re both alone together — angie actually prefers to not show much pda since you aren’t the type to be so open in public anyway and she’d rather be able to cherish and worship you without having worry about being interrupted or bothered by other people
every single item you gift to her means a lot to her, each and every one of them are precious. to her, it’s a representation of the love that you share — she too gifts you with art pieces that symbolize her feelings and love for you
also appreciates that you take the time to listen to what she has to say, since a lot of people tend to not take her seriously. bonus points if you’re willing to join her when she participates in her spiritual practices
angie is fully able to maintain her composure during high-stress situations so it’s no surprise that she remains calm when someone tries to provoke her into arguing with them. though you are a different story. yet when you insert yourself suddenly in order to defend her, she can’t help but find it very satisfying. she thanks you later for having her back and finds a healthy way for the two of you to get your minds off it and relax
initially, himiko was nervous around you. she had seen firsthand how you acted distant and unapologetically harshly towards others so often she tried not to make herself known to you. but as the two of you gradually got to know one another, she actually became very attached to you. especially since you showed her a much softer side of you.
poor himiko, you stole her heart, you know. her friends try to check up on her occasionally since they are curious how dating you is affecting her. well, himiko has nothing to say besides praise of your name. she tells them all about the little gifts you gave her during dates you’ve taken her on, the way you encourage and support her passion for magic, and how you’re just the best partner a girl could ask for
her friends would not have expected her to respond in the way that she did, considering how antagonistic and cold you come off as. despite their surprise and disbelief they’re relieved that himiko truly seems happy to be yours
and she is, really. she couldn’t have asked for a more perfect relationship
though no matter how much her newfound happiness may brighten her character, some people will eventually wake her up from her sweet little dream and try to criticize her for being with someone like you
himiko is not very good at defending herself from backlash, that’s nothing new. she isn’t sure how she can find a way to escape the harsh comments that get thrown at her — but then that’s when you come in. she stands off to the side speechless as you assert yourself out of nowhere, helping her in her time of need to tell those people off. despite her surprise, she’s more than thankful for your sudden appearance
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©2024 ts4ritsa | req by @the-ultimate-puppteer
a/n: thanks so much for requesting angie you’re the best I LOVE HER
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This is my new account since something is wrong with my other account :')
old: @yourofficalgrimreaper6060
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So, if you guys have any requests about danganronpa v1, 2, and 3, haikyuu, welcome home, and MAYBE blush-blush or Mha, then I will answer.
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windblume-star · 5 months
hii i got a random idea and decided to write it into a drabble so i'm just gonna post this and see how it goes :3
(p.s. i havent played v3 in a while so there might be some details off about the trial, super sorry!!)
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World's End Dance Hall — Kokichi Oma x reader
꒰ cw .ᐟ drv3 chapter 5 spoilers, lowercase intended, third person(if we don't count the internal dialogue which is in first), gn reader, wc 288 ꒱
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"i know what you're planning. i know you're dying tomorrow." they said as they looked him directly in the eye. they would've seemed completely stoic if it weren't for the way their voice shook.
"please, just... if you can find it in your heart, spare me once last dance."
he sighed wearily, then agreed.
the two of them swayed through the halls to the sound of their heartbeats, losing themselves in the comfort of each other and trying their hardest to forget the reality of their situation--if only for a bit. neither of the two lovers knew how much time they passed in the embrace before they seperated, looked at him with a bittersweet smile, muttered a soft "goodbye", and turned away to their dorm--not waiting to hear his response.
they woke up the next morning feeling something between contentment and dread. they tried their best to brush it away with a "what's done is done", getting up to head to the bathroom and going about their daily routine as though nothing was wrong.
when the body was found, they forced themselves to remain composed--to go through the same old song and dance they'd done the past four times. investigate, wait for the trial, go to the room, and keep the suspicion on kokichi.
they found out the truth. everything was going according to plan until shuichi pointed out the clothes in the toilet and from there it spiraled out of control and it would've been too suspicious if i'd tried to deny it by then. i think i can hear the rocket blasting off, but it sounds so faint. i can't tell.
two more people have died in vain. i failed you.
i'm *so* sorry.
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elithe31st · 2 years
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secret admirer
??? x gn!reader
req: me
desc: ??? finds out that reader loves sweets so he gives them to reader every day anonymously. reader is bestfriends with kokichi. non-despair au. tth, dr2 and v3 are all in hopes peak (no. no looking at tags)
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you found another small bag filled with those marshmallows you were talking about yesterday. it was badly wrapped, but you appreciated it nonetheless. there wasn't any note on it, it was just...there. on your desk. you put it in your pocket and headed over to where kokichi was.
'(name)! hiii there!' kokichi smiled at you, waving.
'hi kokichi. i keep getting these..sweets that i like on my desk. is it you?' you were eating the marshmallows as you talked, smiling slightly as they tasted REALLY good. like someone drugged them or something.
'...yup!, that was me! how'd you find out so quickly!?' kokichi pouted. you looked confused.
'neeheehee! that was a lie!' kokichi then laughed, putting a finger over his smiling mouth.
this was going to be hard.
'haah, i just wanna know who it is so i can thank 'em.' you sighed, throwing the bag in the trash. kokichi followed you.
'lets ask saihara-chan! he'll get to the bottom of this!' kokichi grabbed your hand, but you stopped him.
'that's...too embarrassing..' you looked away from kokichi. he let go of your hand.
'fine! be like that!' he huffed, crossing his arms.
'h-hey, don't be like that...if i get more sweets tomorrow, ill give you some..' you pat his back and he looked up at you, smiling.
'awwwh, really!? you're so sweet (name)!!' he laughed.
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the next day, you found more sweets on your desk. this time, they were mint chocolates. you looked around the room only to see nagito and some kid you didn't know the name of. you mentally face-palmed, wondering why you didn't know his name. he was in the same class as you! you sighed and took the mint chocolates, popping one in your mouth. you searched for kokichi, a few choclates in your hand.
'(naaaaaaame)!!!' kokichi ran up and hugged you.
'k-kokichi..!!' you gasped as some of the air was taken out of you from the force. you laughed a bit and hugged him back. you pulled back and handed him the chocolates, he smiled and put them in his pocket.
'you're the best (name)!' kokichi laughed. you two walked outside, away from everyone else. you two sat down on the grass and talked, laughed and joked around. suddenly, kokichi turned to you.
'hey, (name)?' kokichi crawled towards you.
'yes..?' your head backed up a bit as kokichi's face got closer and closer to yours.
'guess what, (name)?'
kokichi smiled slyly and threw back his head from yours. his hands were on your knees and they stayed there.
'nishishi! i forgot!' he stuck his tounge out. your face was bright red. kokichi crept up to your ear and cupped his hands around it.
'well...i didn't exactly forget...' he whispered, 'i just felt someone watching us, is all..i thought that if they were spying, we might as well give them a show. nishishi~' he backed away, sliding down the side of your body.
'ah..' you looked down and fiddled with your thumbs, face still bright red.
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you walked into class, finding another bag of sweets on your desk.
'again..?' you sighed, looking for a note, or something to show who was giving you these.
'is something troubling you, (name)?' nagito walked up to your desk, looking at the gummy candy.
'ah, no. it's just that someone keeps..giving me sweets. and im thankful for them! i just, wanna know who's giving them to me.' you smiled at nagito, and he smiled back.
'hm..i believe--' nagito kept speaking, but you couldn't hear him over students flooding the classroom.
'ah, better sit down before miss chisa gets mad!' nagito laughed as he returned to his seat.
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after class, kokichi rushed over to you.
'hiii (name)!! got any clues on that secret admirer yet?' kokichi questioned.
'hmm, no. but, i did get some more sweets.' you pulled out the bag and threw it to him. he caught it and his eyes lit up, but not for long as he bumped into someone, causing the bag to drop.
'hey- what are you doing with those!?' the guy who bumped into kokichi asked, rather harshly.
'why do you need to know, dragon? im sure ryoma won't be too happy if i tell him your actual ultimate, you--' kokichi threatened. you recognized him as the guy from your class. kokichi got caught off before he could finish his sentence, the boy handing him the sweets and walking away angrily.
'that was weird...who was that anyway?' you looked as the guy stomped away, but kokichi dragged your attention towards him again as he grabbed your tie.
'neeheehee! that's no one you need to worry about, sweet.~' kokichi put a finger under his chin mischievously. you heard squeaking shoes turn towards you.
'kokichi, ill start calling you by your last name again if you do--' you were cut off by kokichi letting go of your tie and spewing his crocodile tears.
'n-nooo! im- sniff im so~horryyyy!!!!!~' kokichi cried and latched onto you. you heard a loud grumbling sound as you two walked away to your usual spot.
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'kokichi! kokichi!' you ran up to him, waving a paper in your hand.
'(name)! is that a love note for me!? neeheehee!!' kokichi laughed, looking at the paper.
'no, but the person who keeps giving me candy wrote me a note! it says to meet them at the roof after school!' you handed kokichi the note, and he read it.
'ooh!, well i hope you get pushed off the roof.' kokichi said, a shadow covering his face. you punched his arm.
'shuddup! and if i do get pushed off the roof it's my fault for being stupid, anyways! im gonna get myself some cake from the cafeteria, want some?' you asked, placing an arm around kokichis shoulders. his face lit up.
'do i!?!' he broke out of your arm and raced you to the cafeteria.
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,finally! i can see who's giving me these sweets.' you smiled to yourself as you walked up to the roof, seeing the kid who's name you didn't know.
'hey, y-you're actually here..' he said, rubbing the back of his head.
'of course im here. listen, i just really-' you were cut off.
'no. you, listen to me.' he started. 'my name is fuyuhiko kuzuryuu, ultimate yakuza. got that? im the one giving you all these sweets because....because im- am i really saying this..!? -im a scared little bitch who can't even confess to his crush.' he looked down, his face red.
'o-oh!' you smiled, walking up to him.
'you know, i don't really know you. but im sure if we become friends first, ill date you if kokichi deems you worthy.' you laughed.
'...what?' he said, deadpanning.
'yahaha! im joking, im joking. but, why don't we start with being friends, hm? how does that sound?' you put your hand in his, smiling as he grew even redder.
'uh- yeah, sure, fuck. i don't even know why i confessed to you you don't even know me and-' you cut him off by kissing him on the hand.
'well, it's getting late, and i need to be doing that ultimate talent project, so see you tomorrow, friend.'
you left the roof, leaving kuzuryuu alone with his thoughts.
'oh my god, they're even better..'
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plutolauvs · 2 years
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📁 ─────── ★ KOKICHI OUMA ❕ ⌒ ⌒ ❛ meet me in the rain ❜ pregame!kokichi o. x gn!reader (( cw; 3rd POV. ))
where he meets with someone in the rain and that someone is who he longs for on ao3
( this is incredibly short since this was made for my writing club. just to note, the ao3 link contains a different version with she/her pronouns and another version replaces reader's name with my oc )
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the city’s colors were drowned in a dullish haze, as rain poured into the scenery. y/n’s head tilted upwards, viewing the sunny skies that were hidden behind gray colors, as the clouds loomed over the city. the gentle breezes of May that were once soothing became chilling against wet skin and clothing. 
a shivering exhale escaped from their chest, before their head dropped low. with narrowed eyes, they watched their legs attempting to tremble despite the efforts to fight the shivers. y/n’s eyebrows furrowed along with their eyes squinting harder, before they nibbled on their dry lips and tilted their head to the right. through their nose, a harsh breath was forced out, then another noise jumped out once they processed the sound other than rain becoming louder.
after the weak gasp, they turned their head to the left, to see a familiar boy speeding up his walking. an umbrella was held with his left hand, while the right hand gripped the paper bag beside his body.
with widened eyes, y/n adjusted their head to view the boy standing beside the bench they sat on. a shakened breath came out of him quickly, then he sat close to them to hover his umbrella over them both. 
“kichi…” y/n quietly called out to him, while observing the repetitive bites to his bottom lip, the strands of hair sticking to his neck and forehead, and his wide eyes that looked into theirs before straying away a few moments later. 
“i… got your calls! please , tell me how long you’ve been out here,” his pleas gave a light pained glint to their expression. feeling a tad impatient once the several seconds were filled with their silence and eyes looking away from him, he forcefully put the paper bag on their lap. “i brought food for you, and only you , okay?” his eyebrows furrowed while the stern tone of his voice left them confused with the emphasis, but more puzzled by the sudden determined voice. 
“hey… buddy, you sound worried, but—”
his fingers lightly went on their hand that was wet from heavy rain and relaxed from no energy. finally noticing his irises focused on their limp hand, their eyes traveled lower. his index finger caressed their skin, before he slid his hand to lay on top of theirs. with half-lidded eyes, a light glow to their eyes shimmered whilst they viewed and felt kichi’s thumb gently swaying back and forth.
their eyes met.
then he guided their hand into his; enveloping their palm with warmth.
  “please… let me worry,” his thumb, yet again, made gentle, swaying movements on their skin. he inhaled the cool air, and in sync, guided his eyes to look into theirs. 
  “ just this once .”
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oleander-limerence · 2 years
General Info
“Are you afraid, darling?”
Requests: Open
♡ Kit | ♊️ | Infp | requests: open | practicing horror and romance writing♡
The mc will mainly be gender neutral or female but I do take male requests
I will write as often as possible but I have to focus on school and work, therefore I’d rather not be rushed. A gentle reminder or question about your request is acceptable :)
I will NOT write inc3st, p3d0ph1l1a, v0re, or anything else I add to this list in the future
☆ Fandoms I will write for ☆
Genshin impact
The amazing digital circus
The coffin of Andy and Leyley
Original Characters
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I swear I'm a dude
Boundaries bc you and I deserve them
Nobody over 35 interact!! You will be blocked!
:read more:
Fandoms I will write for
Danganronpa(Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair and Killing Harmony)
Saiki k(iffy)
Ace attorney (I barely know any personalities, I just like the cases)
Genshin Impact (I don't know much about this one, I get info from ASMR at this point)
Detroit Become Human(iffy)
Omori. Give me the stinky rat fandom.
Demon slayer
The promised Neverland
Your turn to die/YTTD
This list WILL be updated!! I advise you check here every so often!!
Female readers, sorry ladies, but there's alot of content for you out there
I won't use she/her pronouns for readers. Again, sorry, but this is a gn/male/anything other than girls and stuff
Smut, I will write implied smut but not the actual thing, this MAY be changed later.
DNI list
Cishet men
Men with a fish as their PFP. Get out. Now. John I'm talking to you. I know your here John. Out.
John Gunner.
Again, John Gunner. This is personal.
My name on Tumblr is Katoki/Zion!
I use he/they but I don't care that much about what you use for me.
I'm gay. And also homiesexual/hj
I am 19 years old!
I write one shots, headcannons and maybe more stuff once I find stuff I'm comfy with!
Me mildly telling you to give me shun Kaidou and zenitsu requests right now/nf
I WILL write for feminine reader, but not for female reader, two different things!!
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frickingnerd · 29 days
dating korekiyo shinguji
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pairing: korekiyo shinguji x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, overly affectionate!korekiyo, overprotective + jealous!korekiyo, mention of korekiyo's past + sister
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korekiyo tends to fall in love hard and fast and struggles to let go of a crush
he really likes you and he wants to be with you, so there's nothing that can stop him
he just starts to spend more and more time with him, until you start to feel the same way about him
korekiyo doesn't have any dating experience, other than being manipulated into a relationship by his sister, which messed up how he approaches his future relationships
he has a lot of love to give, to the point where it can almost get overwhelming, since he doesn't hold back on being himself
you appreciate how unapologetically himself he is, but sometimes you drown in affection and need some alone time
korekiyo tends to be very jealous and has a hard time controlling his emotions
he gets upset when he sees someone flirt with you and it takes him everything he has not to start a fight, though sometimes he can't help himself
korekiyo is very protective of you, since you're so precious to him and he always wants to make everything right for you
he also adores any form of intimacy!
if it doesn't bother you, he'll always have his hands on you. holding hands, resting a hand on your back, having an arm wrapped around you and similar things are standard for korekiyo
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cvpidsfablez · 7 months
╰┈➤Male! Danganronpa x s/o reader PT2
NOTE: I've been spending more time playing DV3 so I'll probably do more characters from there. I might also start another one of these but with female characters
WARNINGS: Spoilers for character deaths, ect.
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✰Shuichi Saihara:
•Definitely noticed you first
•Was too shy to actually talk to you
•Kaede had to force him to talk to you
•Was prolly very awkward when interacting with you at first
•Eventually worked up the courage to ask you out but you beat him to it
•Doesn't mind PDA, just gets really flustered
•Doesn't get jealous easily nor is he necessarily clingy, but if you don't pay attention to him and spend more time with someone else then he'll get a tad bit jealous and will do anything to gain your attention
•Listens to you everytime you rant, even if it's something random
•Remembers your birthday and likes/dislikes
•Still somewhat quiet but talks way more than he usually does
•If you want to be a blackened or victim/your OC is a blackened or victim: he would ANYTHING to prove your innocence and would break down after your execution (if blackened), if victim, he would look at your motionless body and not say a word, would do anything to find your killer
•You noticed him and were very curious about him
•Prolly accidentally mistook one of your comments on him as robophobic
•Realized he felt a unusual way towards you when you defended him again Kokichi
•Because he doesn't necessarily understand the feeling of love, you had to be the one to initiate things
•Flustered easily
•Is fine with PDA
•Prolly loves when you hold his hand
•Gets jealous only when you're with Kokichi because of his obvious dislike towards him
•Remembers your birthday and likes/dislikes
•Listens to whatever you have to say
•If you want to be a blackened or victim/your OC is a blackened or victim: Couldn't believe it at first, wanted to be alone after your execution (if blackened), when he saw your body he couldn't even look at it, he refused to investigate near your body (if victim)
NOTE: I unfortunately only had the energy to write two characters this time because I wrote this at five in the morning and I am tired. I will try and write more characters next time
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sockonaleash · 1 year
Shuichi with a s/o who gets flustered every time shuichi compliments them?
shuichi with a s/o who gets flustered easily
type : headcanon ; fluff ; gn!reader
note : my first request!! so happy to be doing this, i hope you like it!! sorry for the delay :'}
requested : yes, hello anon.
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my personal hc is that shuichi doesn't compliment people often, he tries his hardest to though! and when he does you know he means it.
i. when giving him a gift
"I... You're amazing! Thank you, my love."
he was pretty surprised the first time you got him a gift! one of your first dates was window shopping and he didn't think much of it when you saw him oggling the elegant cufflinks that were on display. but surprise! of course you noticed, so you got them for him. he was so happy he couldn't stop the compliment from rolling off his tongue as he gushed over the gift.
ii. when going out
"I-I... Wow..."
i feel like shuichi would be the type to love how you're dressed even if you're in your pajamas. if the two of you decide to go out together, be it for grocery shopping, going on a walk or a small date he makes sure to tell you how pretty you look! albeit a bit shy at times, your boyfriend doesn't cut corners when it comes to making you feel stunning.
iii. when trying to fluster you
"It's just like I thought, you're... everything to me."
shuichi loves seeing you all blushy, even from his sappy comments! Some of the things he says makes him cringe right after but your reaction makes it worth it! If he's confident maybe he'll even caress your face or hold your waist with a small smile.
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kotton-kandy953 · 5 days
➛ yandere!male headcannons × fem/gn!reader
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title page┆word count: 0.2k┆warnings: second-person pronouns, kidnapping, murder, obsessive behavior, stalking, yandere themes┆a/n: I accidentally deleted the request I got for this post D: I’m so sorry!!
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general ! yandere ! shuichi saihara x g/n ! reader hc’s
❝ I don’t deserve you…❞
As a yandere, Shuichi Saihara would be too scared to admit his unwavering love for you… especially if you both were friends. What if his confession brought an awkward tension between your friendship? What if you rejected him?? With those thoughts plaguing his mind, he results to the most logical response in his mind. Stalking.
He'd follow you home/to the dormitory every night and wait for you outside of the building to wake up every morning. At night, he’d watch you from a window, soaking in the view of your sleeping form. And of course he wouldn’t dare glance away as you changed into your clothes every morning. You were just so perfect.
And of course, Shuichi feels horribly guilty while doing so. You’re a human being with emotions and feelings… but he’s already gotten into the habit of doing it. He’s just so addicted to you.
Even with his unhealthy obsession, Shuichi would never murder anyone. Or… that’s what he wants you to believe. Of course, their deaths wouldn’t be anything too brutal such as bludgeoning or being tortured. He doesn’t care for their suffering. He just wants them to disappear.
And as for kidnapping? I believe that Shuichi would keep you locked in his own home. In the deep fear that you’ll run away and report him to authorities, he’ll keep you chained up until you’ve completely gained his trust. Or better yet, if you return his love.
These are my Shuichi hc’s! I hope you enjoy them, anon asked for this! (Again, I am sorry D:)
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