#drunk kuea is so cute
wuxian-vs-wangji · 2 months
Tell me something cute about Cutie Pie novel~
This may not seem specifically cute, but think big picture.
In the show, Kuea has a breakdown at the birthday party because Lian doesn't know all his secrets yet.
I was interested in reading the novel mainly for this bit, because Kuea realized in Ep6 that Lian kissed him at Jay's bar, so like, that's all the secrets. Secret house, Kirin, all that. It really makes no sense for him to have the breakdown.
In the novel, Kuea comes clean not long after he and Lian have sex. That main conflict is resolved almost instantly, and the main conflict of Cutie Pie is Lian saying he didn't love Kuea in Episode/Chapter 1.
So therefore the cute thing about the novel is... there really isn't much conflict.
It's just about Lian and Kuea being in love.
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ohanny · 2 years
my thoughts while watching the first episode of cutie pie 2:
is it just me or is max looking extra dilfy?
in comparison zee is looking extra baby? i need this man to explain his beauty routine because he has the skin of a newborn
"oh for fucks sake just say yes! then again, you can't or this show would have been 5 minutes long."
lian is a stalker, what else is new chapter 1
kon diao, my slutty lil gremlin, you are now competitively kicking people's asses? where is the footage? we were robbed
a man: *exists in kuea's vicinity* lian: *has a stroke*
nuer has transformed into a full on bro who understands the bro-code. i am so proud.
seriously, who is this flirty hoe with the farrah fawcett blow out and why is he lowkey cute
and why is this boss giving us every single creepy 30 something man who hangs out and parties with high schoolers. there is one in every town.
syn my baby! no! i do not accept any drama between these two. nuer loves you the most. he is just busy being a good bro right now.
oh farrah fawcett is getting bold, ew.
yes, kuea drag his ass. how do you have the audacity to flirt with me when i am a very thoroughly pleased taken man
somewhere (probably in a car with binoculars) lian is experiencing a wave of smugness for no particular reason
"i am not that drunk, i can go by myself" - why do these feel like the famous last words in a bl?
lian beng a stalker, what else is new chapter 2
lian: why are the plushies kissing kuea: definitely not because i have a very niche furry kink
i do understand lian's hand thing 100%
lian: i am a responsible adult kuea: ... still wanna fuck tho?
yi must have some sort of a denial kink because at this point he is emotionally and physically edging himself for funsies
is the kitty hungover, awww
lian is a stalker what else is new chapter 3
farrah fawcett sipping his tea, refusing to touch romantic rival congee
... has lian just been sitting in the lobby the whole day?!?! doesn't he have a job?
lian: i hope yi didn't scold you kon diao thinking about car sex: ah yes
yi is tackling life tits first and i appreciate it.
syn asking the real questions at the temple, turning a "why is he not texting me" into a philosophical monologue on eternal suffering
farrah fawcett: hey boy nuer: bro (derogatory) kuea: i got this nuer: bro (affectionate) *proceeds to bro at the minimum distance*
the gays were too stunned to speak
"i am not mad at you" says syn, mad-ly.
seriously. no one will ever beat nuer in the brolympics. you could not have paid me to do this.
lian about to assert his dominance like any mature, secure adult on this planet.
what do you mean you didn't notice him? kuea, sweetie, maybe visit an optometrist because how did you not spot lian's sparkly, feathered ass in the sea of like eight people
farrah fawcett is saaaaaltyyyy
yi deserves all the car sex for suffering through these shenanigans
lian, listing life events while gently twirling the engagement ring: it's time. kuea: what could you possibly be talking about o.o
the saga of kuea's communication and commitment issues continues. just taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalk *suddenly remembers why i almost rage quit this show in the first place*
oh thank fuck
but he's definitely hiding something korea related and i know he won't say anything until it will be a PROBLEM
wait wait wait THEY WILL ALREADY TALK IN THE NEXT EPISODE. wow our boy is moving fast for the cutie pie universe
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
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“...are you Lian?”
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thebroccolination · 2 years
Hi yes I’m still here collecting crumbs from BounPrem's cameo on Cutie Pie the Series welcome to the party.
I posted a version of this on a Twitter thread a couple of days ago, but Twitter swallows posts so quickly, I wanted to clean it up and add it here too in case anyone else wants to join me in making fanworks about them. 😌 (Especially fic, please, I'm on my knees in a $900 suit.)
Now! Celebrate with me the six-minute appearance of my new hyperfixation comfort couple:
Age-wise, Top and Lian seem to be the same age. I've seen varying information on how old Lian is, but I saw twenty-seven mentioned most recently. Top's cheerleading story and the reactions it gets from Yi and Black seem to imply that all of Lian's friends went to university together and were likely in the same year. So let's say Lian, Top, Yi, and Black are all about twenty-seven.
We hear Win use the "phi" honorific with Top, Lian, and Yi, so he's definitely younger than them. But Win also tells Kuea he has photos and videos of the cheerleading story on his own Facebook page, so he probably went to university with them as well, just in a lower year. I'd say that means he's only a year or two younger, about twenty-five or twenty-six.
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And even though Win's younger than his friends, he's not especially deferential to any of them.
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He freely teases Lian and Yi, confidently calls out Black on his "love is enough" nonsense, and he's comfortable with openly scowling at Top when Top calls Kuea cute. (Of Note: Top seems to enjoy Win's insouciant personality and even actively joins in with his recreational disrespect. I'm going to assume that's part of why they make a good match for each other. Associates in chaos. <3)
While getting to know Kuea, Win asks if Kuea wants to try dating someone other than Lian since he's still so young. Win, as the only other person there younger than the others, might want to know because he and Top have both dated others before they decided on each other, therefore Win can't imagine marrying your first boyfriend.
(I'd say there's a possibility that Win's asking for himself because he's only ever dated Top and he's curious what it'd be like to date other people, but I think if that were the case, Top's expression would be more concerned. As it is, Top seems just as curious as Win.)
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Win's obviously annoyed when Top calls Kuea cute, which implies some level of jealousy. But I wonder if Win's particularly annoyed because this is his older boyfriend complimenting 1) a younger guy, and 2) a guy even younger than Win.
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From Win's glare and Top's sheepish grin, flirtatiousness might be an established subject of discussion—or at least tension—between them.
That said, I'd also guess that Win and Top are the most settled couple in their friend group since Black uses them as an example by default to contrast Lian keeping Kuea away from them for so many years.
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I love that neither Win nor Top objects to the "inseparable" comment. Top seems pleased by it, Win vaguely smug. I think that says a lot about them right there.
During the Never Have I Ever game, we learn that they've both kissed strangers, but interestingly, apparently neither of them knew before the game, and they do NOT seem to appreciate the history lesson. Top insists to Win that he was drunk and single at the time, but Win still looks annoyed, so this'll probably be revisited later.
Personally, I don't think either of them cheated, but given the "inseparable" thing, it's interesting that this is new information for them. I'd guess it happened years ago, probably in university before they started dating.
(Top's devastated little <:O face is super endearing.)
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When Black makes a casual suggestion that marriage isn't necessary and love on its own is enough, Win is quick to present his perspective on the lack of queer rights in their country and the necessity of marriage equality. Given the probability that he and Top have been together for years by this point, marriage might be something Win wants, and he might be especially touchy about anyone casually dismissing how important it is.
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(Before we move on, please note Top's proud smile, for I may never recover. This man doesn't just love his boyfriend, he admires him.)
(Also, Black's casual dismissal of same-sex relationships while surrounded by five queer men makes his presence there a little strange, so I'm assuming he's known them since they were in university together and he has some additional familial or business connection that explains why he's still hanging out with them. I would be willing to bet one of the things Top complained about to Win on the way home was, "Who keeps inviting Black?")
The way they touch also implies that they've been together for a long time. It's not clingy and passionate like a new couple might be; it's much more casually affectionate. At twenty-seven and twenty-five/six, it's very possible they've been dating for up to five years or even longer.
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We also find out during the game that their first date was apparently somewhere in Africa. The fact that Top forgot that first date was on another continent could mean a lot of things: general forgetfulness, they were only there for a short while, he travels a lot, etc. (Just imagine where their other dates have been. Lots of potential for fanwork there. Y'know. Just saying.)
When they all drink for Who Has a Superbike, Top seems a little cagey and glances at Win before he sips. I'm not as sure what this was supposed to mean, but I read it as Top knowing about Lian's gift for Kuea and seeing if Win's picked up on it. I can't think of another reason why he'd hide having one from Win, unless he's not supposed to have one for some reason. (Broke one once? Almost crashed one? Etc.?)
Later, when Lian says Kuea wants to break their engagement, Top's quick to ask Kuea if Lian's not good enough for him. I thought this was sweet because if Top's been friends with Lian since at least university, he's probably seen evidence of Lian trying to lead a double life in the hope of being good enough for Kuea's family name.
Top asking Kuea if Lian's not good enough for him is sweetly loyal to Lian; maybe even protective of him.
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Win's solemn, supportive silence was also sweet to me because it implied that while he'll tease Lian and be cheeky to his seniors in general, he won't allow any real cruelty to them, especially from people he perceives to be outsiders.
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Ultimately, the impression I got from their six minutes of screentime is that Top and Win have a comfortable and fond relationship with some spice. They're also visibly and publicly proud to be with each other, which seems important for both of them. And based on Win's speech, it's probably not wild to assume that they'd want more if it were legal for them. 🏳️‍🌈
I enthusiastically encourage everyone to join me in making many fanworks featuring TopWin. Include them in LianKuea fic! YiDiao fic! Win has an archive of photos and videos of both of them, I'm sure. ;D
[The original thread is here. Tumblr limits photos to 10 per post, but the Twitter thread has a lot more.]
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floraermina · 3 years
Cutie Pie novel is actually so different from Cutie Pie The Series, ain't it?
I mean, it's the same story but the tone is kind of different. I'm on Chapter 10 currently and it catches up with the latest episode (Ep 5) and there are several key differences between novel and series. Also some things are explained better in the novel. In no particular order:
Novel Kuea is much more vulgar lol. I mean my boy really seem soooo different from Nu-Kuea. He curses a lot. His friends isn't very well mannered. And he even smokes. But I get it. You can't really show that in a BL series. I mean, you can, but the tone would have to change for a more mature and serious story if there's smoking involved. Unlike the series where Kuea is a version of himself who��s freer but still have the same cuteness and charm as Nu-Kuea.
The reason why Lian has cameras all over his house is to have surveillance when he's not home, not necessarily to spy on Kuea. He needs it since there's no servants to watch over the house. And in the novel, he actually orders to shut them all off after seeing Kuea wander around his house, because, and I quote, "he won't invade Nu Kuea's privacy."
Kuea hasn't revealed he is Kirin in public... yet. At Ep 2 of Cutie Pie The Series, Kuea revealed he is Kirin by singing in front of a whole crowd while Lian watches in the audience. Any of this hasn't happened in the novel yet. But Lian did take Kuea home when he's passed out drunk.
The car scene with drunk Kuea begging for Lian's love is much more heartfelt and sad in the series. The novel portrayed this scene to be kind of cute because Kuea, while still crying, was saying that he'll punch Lian's lovers. And Lian actually said the exact words, "I've never had anyone else." And then proceeds to kiss him. It was kind of important in the novel because it was made clear that this was Kuea's first kiss and his lips were so swollen the whole day because of it.
The reason why Lian didn’t know where Kuea’s secret house is because it’s a townhouse on a narrow street and Lian’s henchmen can’t follow Kuea (wo’s riding a superbike) because they have cars and it was traffic lol. But he does know that he has a secret house since he knows Kuea isn’t at his home most of the time.
Lian’s driver/assistant isn’t a very animated person like it’s portrayed in the series. Honestly, I was expecting it but still kinda sad for me because I like Poppy’s role very much and he adds that audience perception in the story. But I get it. It’s a very minor thing. 
Novel Kuea hates the dolls. In the novel, it’s a Toothless and Light Fury (from How To Train Your Dragon) plushie. But in actuality, Kuea hates the movie LMAOOOO he hates animation movies in general. Lian first gifted him the Toothless plushie for his birthday and Kuea pretended to be excited over it because Lian bought it for him. So Kuea strived to finish the movies. When Valentine’s day rolled around, Lian gifted him the Light Fury plush because he said, and I quote, “Toothless and Light Fury. They’re together just like us.” AND KUEA HATES IT SO MUCH HAHAHAHAH
Kuea’s father is actually against Lian’s and Kuea’s engagement. He’s also the one funding Kuea’s secret life. This actually makes a lot of sense and provided the insight to an important question of mine, how the fck is Kuea supposed to buy a house and a superbike? Now the novel made it clear early on that his father knew and funded most of it (if not all). And the only reason why the engagement isn’t called off is because Kuea’s dad can’t oppose (meaning he’s very weak for her) his wife. Novel Kuea actually debated the thought of having his father take him away when Lian forced him to live with him but decided against it since that would just look like he’s running away.
Lian doesn’t actually know any of Kuea’s preferences when he forced him to live with him. Unlike in the series where Lian knows how Kuea likes his interior because he went inside his secret house, it isn’t actually clear in the novel if he went inside Kuea’s house but by the looks of it he only dropped him off at the entrance, I think. He’s just kinda delighted that his house style and décor pleased Kuea and they have similar tastes. What he does know well is Kuea’s preferences when he was a child. Hence he recreated the congee from his childhood memory and gifted him plushies.
Novel Kuea is more serious about his music career as Kirin. He even has his YouTube where he became popular. It’s even mentioned that when he plays the good Nu-Kuea, the only thing he can’t hide is his rough hands from playing drums for so long to the point that he has calluses and bruises over it. He’s very serious about his YouTube channel as well, like there are scenes in the novel where he records a cover and sends it to a freelance sound engineer to get edited before he posts it. He even received offers to create tracks for fashion and commercial industries and even F1′s soundtrack. He left all that to come back to Thailand. And Jay got to know him because he has been a fan of Kirin for years and could recognize his gestures even if he is fully masked and with a cap on. And of course, Lian also knows about it. He even has Kirin’s business card.
Novel Lian not-so-innocently teases Kuea. This man literally makes suggestive quips left and right (like “my closet is full of clothes for Nu-Kuea to pick... or he can just wear nothing,” and “for our first date of the week, Nu-Kuea wants it to be in the bathroom, on the bed, or on the balcony?” or how about “Nu-Kuea bought me. And I agreed to be bought by you. I have so many functions for Nu-Kuea to try”) and he even kisses Kuea on his cheek and lips in occasion. Kuea is panicked gay and convinced Lian is up to something.
Novel Lian doesn’t understand why Kuea is so mad at him. This one makes me want to pull my hair out. How can this guy have no idea??? Dude literally said he doesn’t love him and proceeds to wonder why his Kuea is rebelling against him. The series improves on this a little bit because Series Lian went inside Kuea’s secret house and got to see what he’s really like and Kuea’s also poured out his heart for him while sleep talking (which is kinda cheesy but we get it).
Lian is a Gemini regular for more than 5 years. I’m not sure if this comes as a surprise since we all know that Jay and Lian knew each other, we’re just not sure how long. Novel stated that Lian was a Gemini regular even before he built The Pentagon. And Gemini’s rooftop counter bar is his favorite place to drink because it has an excellent view overlooking The Pentagon. He also discovered Kirin’s identity because he was particularly looking to recruit this drummer to perform at his Pentagon. And when he saw Kirin play for the first time on Gemini, he immediately recognized that it was his fiancé who he just said goodnight to awhile ago. He was so shocked and angry that Kuea was keeping it a sccret from him. He thought Kuea is privately laughing on him from the inside and called him stupid behind his appreciative eyes.
Lian forcing Kuea to live with him is because he wants Kuea to fall in love with the real him as well. This is implied in the series but not directly mentioned yet. But they might be going to different direction since Series Lian mentioned he will “straighten up” Kuea and “never lead him astray”. Since Lian knew that Kuea was leading a secret life, he became determined to show Kuea his real life as well. The novel made sure to emphasize how there’s a difference between Hia Lian and Lian as himself (he also has a secret life). We’ll see more of that in the coming episodes so I’m gonna stop myself before I spoil more things.
There’s much more niche details that the novel provided but mentioning them here might be misleading since I’m not sure if they’re going a slightly different direction for the series. Overall, I’m having fun with this novel. Author portrayed the difference between the main characters’ façade and secret life so well. I’m just so in love with the series and everything about it. Please hit me up if you also share the same interest because I would love to rant to someone about Cutie Pie The Series!!!
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ep 2 did not dissapoint, already counting down the days for ep 3 😩😩😩
First of, I am so enamored with Diao and Kuea's friendship, they are so cute!! Their first meeting was so funny lmao, poor boy couldn't even cook instant ramen XD also nice subtele way to show just how rich his family is..
Loved the interactions with Auntie as well. As much as he was born into old money, his family has clearly raised him to be a kind soul. Home girl was so worried tho! Love her o3o
Diao is such a great friend, supporting his bestir through his troubles, following along his crazy claims; while still knowing well enough to know its all a process: Kuea hasnt stoped loving Lian, even when claiming otherwise.
Obligatory Jay/Perth simping, he is so fine y'all im-😫😫 also I feel like Lian knew Smth, I have a feeling Jay knew Lian somehow, and that table reservation was for Gemini which explains his giving him the go to take drunk AF Kuea.
Side note - I'm so intrigued by Hi Yian and Diao's relationship. I think their not engaged like the other two; by the way Kuea talks about it when Diao leaves.
I do wonder why he lies in the first place, I would assume because he doesn't approve of such things maybe? In their fight outside of the bar, he says he's not allowed to go to the bar Lian owns (wether its just Kuea or both of them idk)
(lian u snitch for telling him he eas there mans was just leaving😤😤)
Also diao bby dont cry!!!😭😭🤧i wanna protecc him so bad...#relatable bc I also cry when confronted - very exited to see how this dynamic exist between them.
Now, let's talk about Lian this episode...omg..when he told that dude touching Kuea to fuck off...I died...
FIRTY LIAN? HELLO? Zee smirk is actually lethal - That whole convo against the wall was both smexy (with a tease kiss) and funny as hell since Kuea is so UNBELIEVABLY drunk😂mans was like "u smell like Hia Lian" Yeah genius its him *face palm*
That car scene broke me tho... Drunk Kuea just spilling his heart out, clearly insecure he just wants Lian by his side even if he is unlovable by Lian's standards - I was so close to crying y'all
AND A KISS? EP2?? WHAT DIMENSION IS THIS? I do guess the mystery of them kissing will be revealed in ep 3 since the whole Kirin mystery was solved relatively quick - shenanigans to get Kuea to rember what he did drunk are gonna kill me with laughter XD
Also Kirin name meanings coming from Lian is ultimate Simp™ move next to THE FUCKING SHIRNE?? the badly photoshoped couples pained me XD
Tldr; I am in love with this show, Lian just needs to flirt more and I WILL KILL FOR DIAO, thankyew
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luvvwins · 3 years
okay i am ready!!!
FIRST, foei please 😂
Second, wHY IS KUEA SO CUTE?!?? Hia's ID numbers please 😭
Why is drunk kuea the cutest thing in the world. I love it so much?!!
I---- the photoshopped pictures 😭😭😭 NOOOO I have the worst secondhand embarrassment 😭😭😭
"the real hia will never kiss me" (we all just broke a little bit)
DIAO 😂😂😂😂
I would DIE FOR KueaDiao friendship. Please they are so cute and funny?!!
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rei-the-head-shaker · 3 years
Cutie pie (S01E06)
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For fucks sake... This episode tried so hard to unalive me, I think it actually succeeded for a few seconds here and there... DAMN!
Let's just talk about it following a "chronological" (?!) order, because if I start screaming about the last scene now, I'll never be able to talk about anything other than that!
The episode starts exactly where the previous one left us, and Kuea make it pretty clear to Nuer that he is not really interested in his flirt attempt.
But little nuisance apparently exists to create problems on purpose, so he just insert himself in his work group!
He is making Syn loose his shit and I'm enjoying it so much, I know I shouldn't but I really want to witness the moment things between Nuer and Syn will start! 👀
I think they will try to kill each other before that moment happens, so it is going to be an experience!
It was fun to watch Kuea getting "abducted" by his friends to go talk about Nuer somewhere else. They are all such good friends, the moment in which they tried to help Kuea with Lian was so funny I had to stop multiple times not to die of laughter, nearly lost a lung! PUHAHAHAHA
They are such a mess, but they all love each other ao dearly it is cute! Lian and Foei were so damn amused.
Well... Speaking of those two... That scene were Lian is in office and remembered the kiss he gave to Kuea and touched his lips and generally being in such a good mood, was so sweet! Foei adding his craziness to the moment made it even more special, I couldn't stop laughing and experience tender feelings!
Another thing that made me feel so tender was the scene between Diao and Yi! That's the only scene we see of them together in this episode, but it was so sweet. Diao is ok with not cutting Yi out of his life, but he wants something in return. He wants Yi to be more present in his life, he wants a little of his time, which seems pretty reasonable.
Yi does not take it so well, considering the fact that next time we see him, he is drunk at Pentagon... We see a little more of his and Lian's friendship. I really loved to see that! I'm scared to know all the true about what happened between him and Diao, but I also want to know so bad, it has been inted a few times now, but I don't know how much it will take them to reveal it!
Between Lian and Kuea things started going a little better every time they see them together, it was a crescendo!
An amazing crescendo, that found its climax in the final scene.
I watched that scene 3 times now and I think I will watch it at least another time before going to sleep!
It starts so lovely with Lian's preparing breakfast and Kuea wanting to help him, so domestic and cute and then Kuea messes up which, as a person who doesn't know how to cook, understandable! And Lian's being the mess that he is yells at him out of preoccupations alone, no anger or anything. He is just part of that percentage of the population of the world that yells at you when they are scared for your safety which, (again) as part of that percentage too, understandable!
Kuea obviously read it wrongly because he doesn't have the right information to read Lian's behavior, as it is clear from the start of the story, and think he messed up and that he is not perfect enough and shows all his insecurities and vulnerability, using Diao's technique. He start crying and sais that now he gets why Lian does not love him, which we perfectly know is not the true, not at all.
Lian panic! He is the one who thinks he messed up now, and react in the way we've already seen him react once when Kuea sais he doesn't love him, which is kiss him.
He has no idea how to properly express himself with words, so he lets actions speak for him. I've seen that kiss scene 3 times amd for 3 times I cried, I will probably cry every time I'll watch it. It is just too perfect. I've seen many analysis on Tumblr that explains how important it is much better than I feel I would be able to express right now, so I will leave you to them until I get enough rational to talk about it with the right eyes and words!
I'm so excited for next episode to air!
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 years
Kinky Pie Episode 8 Review
I'm genuinely surprised that I forgot to review this episode, because I honestly loved it.
I'm just gonna go ahead and blame La Cuisine for dumping a super intense D/s dynamic on me out of fucking nowhere as well as a hint of a GL couple. Yep. It's La Cuisine's fault.
Anyways, I very, very much loved this episode.
I really appreciated the open and honest conversation that Lian and Kuea had at the beginning. Granted, there were a lot of things left unsaid, but the important things were communicated.
Lian's intense softness for Kuea was absolutely lovely to witness, and Kuea's tentative delight at getting what he always wanted was as well.
I'll reiterate what I said in one of my liveblog posts: Their sex scene is the most beautiful one I've ever witnessed. The song was excellent, as was the way it was filmed, but, most of all, New and Zee were fucking perfect. The wonder and joy on Lian and Kuea's faces as they got to experience sex for the first time was expertly done. As was the softness and love in their eyes as they looked at each other.
And the CONSENT.
After Lian kissed Kuea in the car while Kuea was drunk, I was very concerned that I'd have to deal with a sex scene that begins with assault.
But no.
Aside from the fact that Lian verbally checked in with Kuea twice, he also checked in with his eyes multiple times, making sure that Kuea was okay every time he did something new. It filled my heart with joy.
I am so, so glad that we were able to witness it. Because it was clearly SUCH a profound experience for the two of them, and I think seeing it allowed the audience to feel that connection. That joy and wonder.
Well, well fucking done, Kinky Pie.
The morning after was also very charming. I loved the snuggles and kisses and love and Lian for once not giving a shit about work.
It was sad that Kuea felt so uncertain, and I did find myself feeling frustrated that Lian hadn't been entirely honest with him, because, if he had been, Kuea wouldn't be tying himself up in knots about whether or not Lian will love him when he finds out.
Though admittedly, I'm not sure what Kuea thinks Lian doesn't know. He knows that Lian was the one who kissed him the night that he came out as being Kirin. Does he think that Lian just missed that part? I hope it gets explained.
I absolutely adored the end of the episode. Lian comes home to Kuea, who's set up a dinner for them, and, when Kuea asks if he wants to eat or shower first, Lian suggests doing both at the same time and then they start making out. It made me laugh and clutch at my heart simultaneously. They were precious this episode.
Did other things happen? I'm pretty sure other things happened.
Oh, that's right.
Nuer and Syn are cute and the actors have good chemistry. I hope they get a series of their own.
I have about as much patience for Yi's inability to communicate as Lian does. At this point I'm feeling like Diao deserves better.
Foie is still the best character and I'm very happy we got to see him this episode. Honestly I kind of love his relationship with Lian. I feel like Lian likes him a lot more than he pretends to.
I'm not going to say anything about the whole thing with the documents and properties being in Lian's name because someone spoiled me(side note, can book readers please stop doing that?? Not just about this show, but all of them) so there's nothing for me to speculate about there.
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reservethesun · 2 years
ok got lunch eaten, now to watch cutie pie's new episode!
i love the communication and understanding between them - kuea stating that he wants to stop and lian not getting upset about it. he just wants to make sure that kuea is comfortable and i love that.
i love love love that kuea is using more of his regular tone instead of that soft sweet tone that he uses when he's pretending to be that perfect person - it slips through sometimes like when he was flustered in the kitchen but for most of this part so far he's spoken to lian more normally and i love to see it. i also love to see them talking to each other about their likes and dislikes while lian continues to give opportunities for kuea to open up instead of just outright confronting him - he already has even though kuea doesn't seem to realize that is what lian was saying so now it's in kuea's hands.
lmao kuea trying to act all uncomfortable in the racing suit my dude pls. and lian's smug smirk after he opens the door for kuea when he made kuea think he wasn't going to let him drive. afdlakfj my dude he's there for you in the first place lmao
"aren't i here to find out his true motives" 🤦‍♀️kuea sweetheart darling i love you but pls use your engineering mind and put the pieces together. but i love his post about their "real first date" pls that's so dang cute. and of course lian saw it afdjalkj
omggggggg i can't with the singing into the drink bottle scene (a+ product placement though). my secondhand embarrassment levels skyrocket with this kind of thing ajfdaljlfja but i do love the comment about dancing together yes pls
wait wait wait wasn't he wearing a suit before? did he have an entire change of clothes with him or there at the racetrack? i'm hella amused by this. yes kuea tease the hell out of him for that lmao
diao is cute and i love him talking to himself. i'm kind of glad that yi is reaffirming him that none of those. but his answer "i was drunk last night because i drank too much" ........ i mean it's not a lie but aflajflkja
cheering on diao right now for making it clear what he wants and going for what he wants. sad for him that yi is running away again but still - i'm proud of diao for initiating conversation and for going all in on that kiss and just yes. good for him
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Close Friend Season 2 Live Blogging
Now why am I watching this despite not having watched season 1 (and not planning on doing so) and the show getting meh reception?
I saw a few clips of Fluke and was like he’s so cute, let me look more into him. -> saw a few OhmFluke clips and was like aw, they’re so cute. Wanna watch something with them but uhh not UWMA right now, I’m not prepared for that.
This show has established relationships! One of my top tropes truly
Two out queer actors playing main characters (Fluke is gay and Copter is nonbinary), I definitely want to give them my 1 view to show support lol
So here we goooo, hope I like it. I saw a few tiktok clips of it and it looked cute enough.
Episode 1 (June 17)
A little recap of Typhoon and Pierce: Ohm’s character is busy focusing on work and neglecting the relationship and Fluke’s character is like ;-; can you still act like you love me? (Also, this wasn’t in the recap but I heard something about an emotional affair one of them had <- the reason I’m not watching their S1 episode)
Recap of Jedi and Ray: something something VR headset but Jedi became real. 
Watching it on Viki and the subs are including the Khun/P’/-krub used by the characters and a small explanation the first time it appears. Loveee that, I just finished watching Secret Crush On You and it had Really Great subs but I wish they had included the P and Nongs 
the burnt ass food lmfao
After all the casual affection of SCOY, the reluctance to kiss here is like lmfao what, y’all are in a committed relationship and even living together
lmfao snuck in a butt pinch though
I think they’re retroactively trying to make the Jedi and Ray relationship be real and not VR sci-fi, which I guess fair enough 
Ayo, Jedi and Ray are sooo cute wtf the “am I dreaming?�� thing all the way to the “heh, no cheek kiss or anything” *Jedi cheek kisses him* “Huh, so you knew”
Aw, Ray speaking about all of Jedi’s quirks that he knows
I guess Ray and Jedi’s conflict will be keeping the relationship a secret
Just read some people’s thoughts on r/boyslove on Pierce and Typhoon’s season 1 episode and seems like people wanted them to break up and Pierce was a shitty boyfriend. From the little glimpses we’ve been getting, I agree
Going from Jedi and Ray being freaking cute to the tension between Typhoon and Pierce is a rip
lmfao oh yeahh I saw clips of this Jedi and Ray scene where Jedi finds Ray at his workplace and Ray stumbles over himself trying to explain why he’s there it’s so aklsdfj >.< cute
Why is Ray’s mask there sometimes and sometimes not. Someone in the Viki comments pointed it out and I wish they didn’t lol
Bruh, the show is like 23 mins and then 6 minutes BTS + next ep preview?!
Episode 2 (June 17)
Phoon is so bad with secrets T.T the Pierce working w Jedi secret spilled in 1 second to Ray and Ray dating Jedi secret spilled in 1 sec to Pierce if not for Ray
girl why is Phoon asking why they can’t be like their couply selves at work like aklsdfj be professional wtf
The 2 meter rule took 2 seconds to break lmfao straight up making out at work and in a room other people can go to + with a see through door
Oh yeah the conflict isn’t just gonna be just that Ray has to be a secret but also that Jedi’s gonna fake-date Milin
rip Ray looking at the Milin and Jedi photos and fan dating speculation like “how can I not overthink” but also not going overboard
Bruh I already know like everything that happens in this story like I think Jedi’s fans stir up some real shit and also Pierce doesn’t wanna tell his parents he’s dating Phoon/a man and so that’s </3 since they’ve been dating for 3+ years already (and in the end Jedi forgives his fans and Pierce’s mom is accepting + possibly knew already?)
naurr Phoon being :D -> ? -> :( as Pierce introduces him as a housemate and colleague to his mom
Nah, why does the mom look judgey 
Oh these bitches still are wearing their rings lmfao
lmfao rip Phoon
The parents are just... here? Planning on staying? No heads up about coming and just deciding to stay over by themselves? Bruh. Like I... get it but also don’t. As a South Asian person, if my parents wanted to randomly come over and stay at my house without warning, I would let them because they’re my parents and saying no is impolite and rude but my parents are unlikely to do that because of the man-shamman (respect-honour) of it all. They have too much honour and pride to do something like that (unless they’re specifically wanting to catch me off gurad)
They’ve been together 4 years, so they definitely should’ve discussed this earlier. Some Viki comments saying it’s the same issue as season 1 so why aren’t they both on the same page? If one party wants to be in the closet, that’s their right but it’s either you break up if the other party wants to be out or they also have to be okay with being in the closet
Rip, stalker/paps photographed Milin coming out of Jedi’s car. I hope Milin’s fine and nice though lol
the Ray and Phoon discussion reminds me of a calmer, less drunk version of Kuea and Diao’s meetup in episode 2 Cutie Pie
Phoon is so ??, like how did the boss punish you + how would you not know that you’re not allowed act like lovers at work tf
Nah all the top kpop idols date in secret, I’m sure Ray and Jedi could go somewhere that’s not in broad daylight at a busy restaurant lmfao. 
Aw Ray </3 worried about the relationship ending soon and comparing himself to an indoor cat. Ray’s cute and endearing
Well, they too got drunk like Kuea and Diao
Episode 3 (June 17)
Trying to figure out whether it’s Jedi the character or his actor Kimmon that has me slightly on alert lol mans seems good at talking but somehow... calculated. Ray and Jedi still freaking cute tho
Pierce grabbing Phoon by the waist and sitting him on his lap is hoho
Naurrr work place conflict (a lit bit for Pierce but not too bad, just challenging) and work place inadequacy (for Phoon) is so aklsdfj I hate it, makes me nervous. Phoon just be good at your job. 
Fah our saviour, whew
Dang, my guy Ray is bored as hell
lmfao people on the comments being “I... do not like Milin, she’s trying too hard to make the relationship real” which I kinda agree with but also all the other higher ups and managers are also the ones pushing Milin and Jedi together, she’s just happy to go along with it 
lmfao it’s just kinda awkward to watch because this is how the BL actors promote  💀 with all these staged close/comfortable/intimate photos and the higher ups/surrounding staff (+ fans) egging them on
I liked Pierce and Jedi’s little heart to heart. It’d be great if Pierce could be that considerate to his boyfriend too lol
lmfao strange ass interaction. As soon as Pierce and Phoon come in, the mom’s like “Pierce, Phoon, have a seat” all grim and Pierce is immediately like “Mom, dad, you haven’t left yet?” I don’t get it, don’t the parents feel a bit of shame?
Naurr, not the starting a family talk. Even dad tried to talk the mom out of mentioning it. There’s no way they don’t know Pierce and Phoon are a thing right, the dumbasses have been wearing matching rings the whole time and clearly were living in the same room
omg... “or are you two in a relationship?”
klajdfs this Silence. I know Pierce isn’t gonna freaking come out right now but I wish he would. Like the parents clearly know... and aren’t being angry about it... 
Rip I guess the Ray/Jedi conflict will also involve them being outed?
Episode 4 (June 17)
Idkkk I can’t be super mad at Pierce because like lmfao I’m not ever coming out to my parents, so I get why he’s hesitant and scared. However, this is something you have to be on the same page about with your partner
Jedi so true “the person who infringed on my privacy should be punished”
Bruh, not the stupid ass ~staying single as part of the contract~ esp when they’re setting him up with a fake gf
Damn, the contrast between Pierce not wanting to talk about his relationship of 3-4 years to his parents even when they gave him an opening vs Jedi going to bat for his relationship with Ray
rip Tina isn’t... wrong, like... just be better at keeping secrets <3 I wanna know how much of this is just the dating thing (kpop idols get caught dating all the time and if you’re big the way Jedi seems to be, you bounce back unless your company’s stupid) and how much of this is the gay thing (i don’t even have precedence for this in Korea barring Holland but his situation isn’t the same as Jedi’s).
True about the “our fake relationship” strategy isn’t gonna work, so your secret getting out is affecting everybody’s work
O.O ? Not Milin saying “you can tell the journalists I’m P’Jedi’s real lover” without consulting anybody, esp Jedi, first ?!
Dang, Jedi’s really touching my heart, talking about sacrificing in this line of work but having a limit. Also how much he loves and stands up for Ray, who’s not even here to see it
rip they really going for the bitchy/bf-stealing girl archetype huh rip. I wonder if they’re even gonna make her be behind the leaks but that wouldn’t make sense since it’s sabotaging her career too
lmfao Aw Ray. His whining is so cute and understandable too
Phoon tell Ray how Jedi stood up for him at work!! He thinks Jedi’s angry with him
Naurr not all this talk about sadness and breaking up </3
How much did Jedi hear
T.T Jedi and Ray are freaking cute
Oh lol did Jedi not know Phoon and Pierce are dating? I guess that little conversation happened before Jedi was in the room. So Jedi just called a random person into his house ?! T.T
I wish it wasn’t freaking A-Okay to send Phoon home with Pierce when Phoon clearly keeps saying he doesn’t wanna go. Just let the man spend the night
I freaking liked this episode. The contrast between Jedi and Pierce, the way the entertainment industry was rolling, Phoon and Ray’s friendship, the way Phoon and Pierce are wobbling under pressure while Jedi and Ray still are cute through these tumultuous times (despite all the breakup talk). 
Episode 5 (June 18)
Jedi and Ray are actually so cute but then they kiss and it’s like ? the stiffest thing ever considering they’re soo casual and comfortable otherwise
lol Pierce knows how to take care of Phoon and is fond of him, just this  not telling parents thing is a whole rip
The Pierce/Phoon kiss is slightly better but dampened by the fact that Phoon’s mad at him + was just retching ?! I liked it when I was clips of it but wish it was like... at a better place in the story and in their relationship
not the suggestive speaking exercising that the mother overhears?! And she WALKS IN thinking they’re having sex?!
his dad does nothing but is funny
bruh I’m annoyed, I wrote stuff but now it’s gone. Gist of it was: Parents should make their environment be welcoming so that their children feel okay to come out, I wish the writers came up with a better conflict at work because this just makes the company look incompetent because obviously it’s not Phoon’s fault for drinking at his friend’s house or they should’ve explained more why it would be an issue among the fans
Jedi as the teddy bear cute as hell only to come home to an empty house and a note T.T
Nahhhhh, this goodbye sad as hell </3333 Fuckkk. Plus, Ray signed it and had a fucking smiley >.< beside it i’m so alkdsfj T.T
Nah, this is fucked up why am I attached to Jedi and Ray who I’ve known for like 5 25-min episodes and they’ve had like 30 minutes screen time together total (most of it has been seperate). They’re just too freaking cute and I like how they seem to freaking like each other and Jedi stood up for Ray and their relationship </3
Episode 6 (June 18)
Thus far, I’ve gathered Copter isn’t a very good crier
I guess this improptu VR thing to the fandom is supposed to be grand and romantic? It’s uhh cringe as well
I don’t know how I feel about what’s going on in the company. Are they gonna be good guys who are kind and great suddenly?
lmao I was like Jedi will probably just come to his house, no? Well, took him 13 minutes but he’s here. Fucking weirdo for live streaming it though, why are you doxxing your bf
Okay, I’m making the executive decision to stop thinking while watching. Just: Jedi and Ray cute! That’s it!
Ray scolding Jedi for finding to his house and doing a livestream etc is so true and so cute
Bruh Jedi has got to stop broadcasting everything! Especially without permission! It’s uncomfortable and unsafe
Aak, so cheesy but so cute >.<
Aww, mom brings out Ray’s baby pictures
Bruh, Pai is an evil man. I feel bad for Milin and if they end up making her the villain, I’ll just think the writers are even worse than I expected.
Sigh, I don’t know how I feel about them being a celebrity duo couple now
Oh, okay Milin and Marc can be cute, I’m glad they’re not just setting her aside
Why does poor Ray not have any input laksdfj everyone just deciding he’ll be promoting with Jedi and doing this and that in public 
Oh is that a little tease at season 3 with a different couple (from S1?)?
This was fairly fun. I came here for Fluke (and OhmFluke) but really like the Jedi and Ray storyline! I loved how cute they were as a couple and how Jedi was willing to do anything to protect his relationship and stand up for Ray. I wish we got to see a bit more of them being casual and domestic (their first scene in episode 1 after waking up was adorable).
Pierce and Phoon were... alright. Angsty but I was just like “rip, y’all should’ve been in the same page since before” the whole time. 
I wish the writing was stronger and had more nuance, especially regarding the celebrity and idol culture, because I have lots of experience in it and it’s a great trope and I would’ve loved to see a more nuanced and realistic depiction (without any doxxing involved lol). Wish they just delved deeper into actually seeing fan reactions, the motivation of the stalkers, writing up apologies and announcement rather than random ass lives, how it affects Ray, etc but we’d need more time and better writers for that.
Rating: 6/10
The Pierce/Phoon kiss from when the episode came out (before I was watching it obvs) because I thought it was cute 
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cutestnams · 3 years
cutiepie ep 2 thoughts
kuea drumming!! love it
also annabelle. still can’t believe lian went there
full offense but why are the parents putting such responsibility on lian ? kuea’s not a child ?
i’m so confused i thought kuea was in england? but i don’t remember for what now? (also side note but kuea in the pigtails is so cute)
bestie!! i think they’ll make my top five of besties. i adore them already
see they were in the uk!!! also. that brand of ramen is actually really good. taste
yeah yi is def scary. what is his deal
oh no he has a shrine. kuea. i expected better
okay but them just talking about their boyfriends or whatever they are is actually really endearing to me
trip and fall!! classic
okay but kuea and diao are the cutest besties. period
idk who this lady is but bless her for worrying. auntie ja is a cutie.
it’s so interesting to think about kuea feeling he has to be someone he’s not to be loved. when all lian wants him to be is himself.
diao my babie !!!!!!!!!! i adore him so so much.
my god these two really just need to talk. and they probably won’t. love that for me.
another side note but i really like the intro song
PERTH MY LOVE. HE HE HE ‘what!!’ yeah same tbh
i very much support kuea in just saying fuck it all. want him to have his ‘this is me’ moment
is this him actually singing? also sad he’s not playing the drums. voice is very pretty though. really. but also this song is so sad what ??? oh no he’s actually crying my babie :(
i just realized. lian’s not wearing a suit!!!!!
back to crying about the song though. my god why is it this sad ???? i’m so upset for him
seriously what is yi’s deal???? leave diao alone pls. also are they a thing? because i honestly can’t tell.
lian just drinking the sadness away. that’s me.
he said. this is me. and i love that for him. my cutie!!! thinking about it. the title of this show fits really well.
oh no yi is mad. sighs.
perth better just stay a nice dude. it is what he deserves.
yi is going to make my babie cry and god do i just. not like this dude. dude he needs to relax like? it is not that big a deal ?? oh no he’s crying so hard. yi you piece of shit
kuea getting drunk. oh no.
the way lian didn’t even have to say a word. his power. i respect that ngl
I DIE. jay said. not my business. bye. AHAHAHAHA
also. kuea just being ‘not you’ because of his clothes is so valid my god
annabelle. piece of shit. love him.
he really said. ‘you smell like him’. and the way lian is just fond fond fond. boy is gone
oh god we have reached the state of drunk crying. oh my bean.
oh god lian full offense but in what world do you go ‘yeah he so drunk let’s make out with him’ i mean bub. seriously ?
another side note but the music ??? i die. surprisingly painful
this was fun i high key enjoyed this ep :))))
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ep 2 did not dissapoint, already counting down the days for ep 3 😩😩😩
First of, I am so enamored with Diao and Kuea's friendship, they are so cute!! Their first meeting was so funny lmao, poor boy couldn't even cook instant ramen XD also nice subtele way to show just how rich his family is..
Loved the interactions with Auntie as well. As much as he was born into old money, his family has clearly raised him to be a kind soul. Home girl was so worried tho! Love her o3o
Diao is such a great friend, supporting his bestir through his troubles, following along his crazy claims; while still knowing well enough to know its all a process: Kuea hasnt stoped loving Lian, even when claiming otherwise.
Obligatory Jay/Perth simping, he is so fine y'all im-😫😫 also I feel like Lian knew Smth, I have a feeling Jay knew Lian somehow, and that table reservation was for Gemini which explains his giving him the go to take drunk AF Kuea.
Side note - I'm so intrigued by Hi Yian and Diao's relationship. I think their not engaged like the other two; by the way Kuea talks about it when Diao leaves.
I do wonder why he lies in the first place, I would assume because he doesn't approve of such things maybe? In their fight outside of the bar, he says he's not allowed to go to the bar Lian owns (wether its just Kuea or both of them idk)
(lian u snitch for telling him he eas there mans was just leaving😤😤)
Also diao bby dont cry!!!😭😭🤧i wanna protecc him so bad...#relatable bc I also cry when confronted - very exited to see how this dynamic exist between them.
Now, let's talk about Lian this episode...omg..when he told that dude touching Kuea to fuck off...I died...
FIRTY LIAN? HELLO? Zee smirk is actually lethal - That whole convo against the wall was both smexy (with a tease kiss) and funny as hell since Kuea is so UNBELIEVABLY drunk😂mans was like "u smell like Hia Lian" Yeah genius its him *face palm*
That car scene broke me tho... Drunk Kuea just spilling his heart out, clearly insecure he just wants Lian by his side even if he is unlovable by Lian's standards - I was so close to crying y'all
AND A KISS? EP2?? WHAT DIMENSION IS THIS? I do guess the mystery of them kissing will be revealed in ep 3 since the whole Kirin mystery was solved relatively quick - shenanigans to get Kuea to rember what he did drunk are gonna kill me with laughter XD
Also Kirin name meanings coming from Lian is ultimate Simp™ move next to THE FUCKING SHIRNE?? the badly photoshoped couples pained me XD
Tldr; I am in love with this show, Lian just needs to flirt more and I WILL KILL FOR DIAO, thankyew
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more brainrot - Lian edition
Zee this entire episode ? Give this man an award.
The way he holds on to Kuea throught the entire encounter (both physically and like thought the conversation) is just - I have no words. Except I do here they are:
The beginning is territorial, when he looks over at Kuea talking to Jay and when he shoos off the random guy (which ties into another thing), then he gets flirty, following along Kuea's drunken antics - the boy is adorable and even stone cold Lian can't resist, and so he is very close to kissing him, its teased and ends in cute and funny as Kuea begins to realise it is actually Lian.
And in yeah car it all falls into place - Kuea and Lian are strangers to each others real personalities because Kuea doesn't believe Lian would even set foot in Gemini, let alone wear casual clothes, let alone go find him - he doesn't belive Lian truly cares about him at all.
He even calls for Jay in his drunken state as if Lian was the rando that was so trying to take advantage of him bc he was drunk - Lian must be hurt being mistaken for that type of guy.
And then the flirting, Kuea continues not to believe it's actually Lian; bc lian does love or like him enough to flirt with him (or show it).
And then the car scene - Kuea begins to comprehend he is in fact talking to Lian (somewhat) and just cries out for what should be considered less than a bareminimun from Lian.
That's when Lian relises the pain he has caused Kuea, similar to the pain Kuea has caused him for hiding his own life - expect he relizes Kuea his beacuse of him, the twisted notion that Kuea has of Lian shaped a twisted self hating view of himself and Lian probably can't even begin to form words on how that is so untrue.
So in the moment, in soft touches and tender silence, he kisses him. And that, for me at least truly shows that he deeply loves for Kuea, he must to truly disregard everything he has done and belives up to now.
I can only assume he may feel unworthy of Kuea's love or in a domino effect, saw how Kuea changed and belived to not be loved by him - or even because of social apperance of the family.
But seeing Kuea's tears and pained words - coupled with the events of the night and the song -the fucking song man just punched both me and Lian in the face- Lian pushed aside everything that was ever in his way and kissed Kuea.
And that was like one of the greatest buildups to a kiss ever. Lian's entire range of expressions through out Kuea's whole self deprecating speach? Zee is a actually magical my god
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rei-the-head-shaker · 3 years
Cutie pie (S01E04)
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WOW! So many things happened in this episode and niw I don't even know where to start...
When I started watching this drama a knew nothing about, so I wasn't really expecting anything, but after watching the first episode my mind started creating expectations and with every episode it surpasses my expectations a little bit more, and it creates new ones! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
It has so many heartbreaking and cute moments at the same episode! Kuea's scene in the car where he start crying, kinda made me cry too... The flashbacks about the early birthday were cute and a little sad, but it got funny when I realized that when in episode 1 drunk Kuea was having that dream about Lian's going to his safe house (foreshadowing?!) he was hugging the one puppet that symbolizes Lian! It is cute to know the meaning now!
Lian and Kuea are both having fun at each other expanses without fully realizing it and it is fun! Also... why is there always a secret room?!
Going on, I really want to know what's Yi's deal, we've been said so little, but I think when everything will be out, under the light of the sun, it could potentially break me...
Nice! 🙃
My boy Diao is so cute and unexpectedly proficient in martial arts and apparently teaching them to kids, which make me love him even more...
An interesting couple is the one with new boy Nuea and protective friends/jealous idiot who doesn't know he is in love Syn!
They seem interesting! 👀
Their friends and Lian's assistant are best characters! 👌🏻
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