#drowning ment cw
toydrill · 2 years
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beach trip
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beeteal · 7 months
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a morning conversation
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rippedangelwings · 5 months
[Instead of an OC original oneshot drable y'all can have this shitty poetry I made based on him from the POV of his victim.]
Cw:Necro, Drowning, Mutilation, Rape.
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Sinful dead lake
Rip my heart out of my chest.
Eat it as you sin in between my legs.
Brutalize my corpse.
Satisfy your faults.
Your warm hands on my cold hips.
Bite into my rotting flesh.
Infest my body in excess.
Just like the maggots.
Mutilate my body beyond recognition.
My case is on display for the exhibition.
A transition from preposition to seduction.
That unfaithful night we met.
Our wet mouths intertwined together in the siscowet.
That haunting image of your silhouette.
Holding me down.
As I drowned.
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askdoeleaf · 1 year
A list of things doeleaf is afraid of
-drowning/suffocation (ie smoke)
-small spaces
- hurting people
- the thunder path.
- thunder.
-sleeping (he has nightmares)
- posion
-monsters (cars)
Things doeleaf isn’t afraid of
-owls and other birds of prey.
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fates-theysband · 1 year
💕 for any S/I you want!
woe, unsleeping city s/i be upon ye because i think if i say one more thing about my more developed s/is unprompted you guys will murder me and because i wanna flesh out some of the s/is i made and then proceeded to never talk much about
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buckle up, this turned out longer than i thought
their name is riot perkins (riot is a chosen name, their parents were not that cool), they're a burned out Customer Service Bastard from flyover country who went to new york city a year prior to the events of canon. originally they were traveling there to see their significant other, but they broke up too late to refund the tickets so they were like "eh fuck it i already got the time off approved" and went alone.
during their visit to the new york aquarium, they saw the tank for the giant pacific octopus and had an abrupt (magically induced) flashback to when they were a kid out with their family on the lake back in oklahoma, and they fell off the boat. their dad pulled them out quickly enough that they were okay, but they never stopped believing that they felt something grab their ankle and try to pull them down, nor did they ever stop believing that they saw a shape moving beneath the surface that didn't look like it belonged in a freshwater lake.
they came out of the flashback shaken, inexplicably soaked with seawater, and with an understanding that the thing that tried to take them all those years ago--or something like it--was trying to reach them even now. they finished their vacation, went home, and spent the next year plagued by voices in their dreams asking, pleading, demanding that they "return to the sea". they finally couldn't sate the desperation with local aquariums, and staying awake just delayed the inevitable. they took a leave of absence from their job citing mental health concerns and went back to new york.
i've said this before but the moment they set foot back into the aquarium, they blinked and found themself kneeling in front of the octopus tank, once again drenched in seawater, surrounded by broken glass and cradling the octopus itself in their arms. but the tank was intact, there still appeared to be an octopus inside, and nobody asked any questions. they rushed back to the hotel, put their new companion in a full bathtub, and immediately passed out. they slept like a fucking rock that night.
anyway they're a fathomless warlock and the octopus is their pact of the chain familiar. her name is whisper. they uprooted, moved to new york officially, got a crappy apartment. still keep odd hours, still pretty tired all the time. i feel like they first meet pete in a bodega at 3 AM like...shortly after santacon; both of them are up way too late and super out of it, they don't see each other, they bump into each other, they drop all their stuff...but none of it hits the floor. pete probably falls completely over and almost doesn't notice the person standing over him apologizing profusely and offering a hand to help him up because is that a fucking floating octopus that caught his peace tea and gummy worms?
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zenobomber · 2 years
@zenokiller​ // down you go starter ! ( cw for drowning mention / panic attacks under the cut ! )
Well. The last thing he expected out of everything, was this. 
When they made an announcement about the large hole in the middle of the city being open for exploration - it was only natural, that he jumped on the opportunity to explore it right away. If nothing else, Maeno Aki was always curious, and always excited to learn.
Plus, any knowledge he could gather on this place would be useful. Maybe he could find a way back, or at least find a way to let Tsugino and Kochi know they were alright. Check on them, somehow. Make sure Kanrai wasn’t breaking the deal he had made with Fuyu, while the two of them were gone. The last thing he wanted to do was go home and find out they had lost, and that ZENO was being spread around the world.
And of course, it was only natural he’d ask Fuyu to come along with him.
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“It’ll be a fun adventure! Right?” He remembered saying, after he managed to drag the other out of his house. 
Honestly, now that they were down here, he was glad it was Fuyu next to him, opposed to anyone else. 
Because once their lift got to where they were supposed to be going, he realized there was a small lapse in his memory, and next thing he knew...
He was drowning.
Not actually - not again, but it felt like he was. Maybe it shouldn’t have been any different with the way he could breathe and move around perfectly fine, that he could feel he had tails instead of a legs - which would help him greatly if he calmed down, considering he couldn’t swim - but he knew they were underwater. Deep, underwater. 
And it terrified him.
Aki could rationalize as many things as he wanted like this, but none of them would change how shaky he was. How it did feel like he was drowning all over again, like he almost did twenty years ago, with how hard it was to breathe. To keep breathing steadily. 
He had gotten much, much better at handling this phobia of his over the years, but even that and rationally knowing that he was perfectly fine, couldn’t stop the anxiety that spiked rapidly throughout his whole body. 
So instead, he closes his eyes and tries as hard as he can to refocus himself, not stopping his good arm from reaching out and grabbing onto the sleeve Fuyu’s shirt. Tight. It’d probably wrinkle the fabric. Maybe he’d be upset about it.
But he just needed to make sure, the other would stay. Just for a moment. Just until he could calm himself down enough to keep going. Because even if their relationship wasn’t really good right now, Fuyu was the one person he had ever let see him like this. Fuyu was the person that used to help him ride out things like this, and stay close just to comfort. 
He didn’t deserve it. But he needed it. 
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kidfur · 1 year
tags i use!
under a readmore cuz loooong post! feel free to block any tag you dont like, but if you block my original posts tag then i hope u lose a sock in the dryer
#wishy speaks - my original posts!
#others art - other ppls art that i really really like!!
media / brand tags
#bab - build a bears
#animal crossing
#renamon - my guardian angel!
#arven - the guy from pokemon that im normal about
general tags
#tech - also contains webcore type stuff
#bed - i like beds!
#play - generally for playgrounds / play structures and the like
#food - usually sweets like cake
#clean - cleancore
#school - nostalgic elementary school stuff
#kandi - i put any cute bead jewelry here x) even if its not 'technically' kandi
#boyfriend - stuff that reminds me of my boyfriend seth or stuff i want it to see :]
warning tags
#sharp object
#death ment / death cw
#drowning ment
#flashing / #fast gif
feel free to dm / ask if u need something tagged!
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maelemonium · 2 years
CW: Bullying, Near Drowning
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Wrestling in a Kiddie-Pool, what a stupid idea in hindsight. It was Molly’s idea wasn’t it? She loves games like this. She’s realized she’s won hasn’t she? Why isn’t she letting me get back up?
Fable gets up and is okay I just haven’t finished the pages after this.
Another Khimera scene, featuring Fable (three eyes) and MollyCoddle (cat ears). In the Khimera Time line this happens in elementary school, around 2nd Grade.
This one one of the older ones, I want to re-do the first page, and continue this, this was ment to be the first three pages of an actually longer series. This was part of my senior project for Purchase.
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scr-ppup · 1 year
Okay making whump-related genders bc the creature feels like it and has not seen any such genders or terms done yet(please do correct the lovely if he is mistaken!), so if anycreature feels uncomfortable with them the drowning one advices to filter the following tags(/srs/not forced); #whump ment, #tw whump, #cw whump
Within the whumpgenders we never go in detail but mention some tropes, fandoms, quotes, prompts and even stories & characters with them. But the brightest one wished to inform everycreature here about it before vei queues anything. (Some fandoms / characters / tropes mentioned may seem problematic as well.)
Pt start. Making whump-related genders bc i feel like it and have not seen any such genders or terms done yet(please do correct me if i'm mistaken!), so if anybody feels uncomfortable with them i advice you to filter some tags(/serious/not forced); #whump ment, #tw whump, #cw whump
Within the whumpgenders i never go in detail but mention some tropes, fandoms, quotes, prompts and even stories and characters with them. But i wished to inform everybody here about it before i queue anything. (Some fandoms / characters / tropes mentioned may seem problematic as well.) Pt end
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ohkraken-a · 4 years
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you’re choking on how much you have to try
you have tried. you have carried the weight of the world on your shoulders and accepted more responsibilities than you have ever wanted, even intended to gain. it isn’t crushing - you are strong enough to hold it - but you are choking. you don’t know what to do with it. you don’t know where it goes, how to move this weight everyone knows you can hold onto, and do you even want to get rid of it? Never. You would not give this to - force this on - anyone else. but you can’t. but you are choking on it. your body will hold it up even when you lose all the air in your lungs, and your footing, and your courage. it does not mind choking you. it seems almost designed to do so. if you weren’t wrung out you wouldn’t be doing this thing properly.
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because you have made mistakes you cannot swallow
mistakes come back to you like echoes in an empty cave. you have been trying since you started but does trying count? is trying good enough? every night it visits you, the pain that you have caused with your clumsy hands and venom-tongue. life careens onward, onward, with the moon hung in the sky and the sun the day after, but you walk backwards on this path so you can keep sight of what you did. the destruction still feels fresh. it still feels like fire, where you burned them. fire is supposed to be warm. it burned them, and it will swallow you. blow out the candle. let it rest. some things are better left behind in the dark.
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you swallow pain & fold around it
you have always hurt. you hold it carefully, and twisted in such a way that other people don't have to see it. you don't choke on it. you don't drown. you just have it, the way some people have freckles, this is a thing that lives in your bones. you fold instead of fighting because you know how to make yourself small, tuck away the places where they have clawed at, swallow the bruises so you seem clean. nobody needs to see it. you will live through this on your own. you know what you need, and relief isn't it. this doesn't mean you cannot reach out - it means it is not in your nature to do so. you should. hiding does not mean you won't be seen.
TAGGED BY : @soulcluster​ ( thank you!! ) TAGGING : whoever wants to!!
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diazblo · 5 years
                  what shape does your pain take?
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                  You're drowning. A sea of emotions, responsibilities, people, things, everything. You just can't handle it all, you need to escape, but you can't. Even talking to someone and being told it's okay, compliments, nice things people say, it all adds up to drown you further. Guilt, for feeling this way when everyone's being nice and you're not enough. 
                    Will you sink or swim?
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pyreshegone · 3 years
why did a tiktok remind me of the time my neighbor accidentally lit me on fire at a pool party 🧍‍♂️
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enby-freeman · 4 years
The au helped you??
Ah! Sorry I meant to answer this the other day. But! in a way, yes, the Xen '98 AU has sorta helped me. See my family lost a family member in an awful accident...eight years ago as of this month? And as of this month I still havent really...moved on from it...
And sorta having an AU to explain that feeling? The feeling of losing someone and taking your time to mourn and not really move on but still let yourself be happy and enjoy life? Thats kinda really important to me. Knowing that person wouldn't want you to hold yourself back from enjoying life and new things and things you love, but also not having it in your heart to let go of them just yet.
Knowing its okay to continue holding them close but...also knowing its healthiest for you to keep going?
I don't...fully know how to explain it but! Having a chance to re-work the au and talk about it and so fourth has been nice. It helps.
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aamoreena · 5 years
mothers b like.... honey what are your interests why dont you talk to me why dont you diet with me why dont you share with me what are you into what can i get you we dont have money for that just let me buy you things wash the fucking dishes why cant you do anything for yourself i come home from work to this shit honey let me see what youre working on its good i guess a little strange baby i love you tell me goodnight ill stay up with you tomorrow i do everything for you i gave up so much for you your dad is a piece of shit i love you sometimes i wish you were dead i love you i cant keep walking on eggshells i love you we need to work on communication you cant go out of state you cant get that scholarship why dont you ask me for help your dad wants to keep us apart i love you dont be mad at me i love you youre so fucking lazy i love you why dont you talk to me?
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madmaddyenby · 3 years
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art based off a probably canon line c!tommy said when c!quackity visited him thumbsup
(rbs r cool n quote underneath the cut, cw for drowning and blood ments ☝️☝️)
' i always wake up in the middle of the deep sea, drowning. with with- with blood and water at the top of my throat screaming, but I never wake up- I never wake up big q, I never wake up from the nightmare that is life'
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hopepetal · 3 years
Just a collection of whump snippets I wrote!
cw- nonsexual nudity ment, ask to tag
Janet was scared.
So, so scared.
She curled up in a ball, trembling in fear. The chains that held her rattled and clinked gently, ringing throughout the room. They burned into her skin, causing her more pain than she had ever known in her life. It was so cold; she was so scared...
Footsteps echoed down the hallway, and Janet shot up. Well, as much as she could while chained up. The door opened, and in came the demon she had accidentally summoned... holding a knife.
"Hello, dear," he cooed, his voice smooth, his words coated in false affection, as he knelt and caressed her face gently.
Janet tried to pull away, fear and anger in her eyes. "Please let me go," she whimpered softly. "Please, I'm scared, I want to go home. Please.”
Oscar laughed, though there was no humor behind it. “Really? You think I’m going to let you go? Oh, no, darling.” He brought the knife up to her face, pressing the tip against her cheek. Her blue blood trickled down her skin and the knife’s blade as he slowly cut her skin.
“The fun is just beginning.”
Janet’s screams tore her throat as she kicked wildly, trying to escape from the demon pinning her against the wall. “NO! No no no no, stop it, please! It hurts, it hurts!”
Oscar laughed, cutting another shallow, burning slice into her chest, cutting right beneath her collar bone. “Stop struggling, darling. You’re ruining my lovely art piece. Never get in an artist’s way, hm?” Another cut, another scream. “Please, it’s as if you’ve never experienced pain in your life, pet.”
Janet wailed, tears streaming down her face, collecting at her chin, and dripping down onto her chest, stinging her wounds and forming trails of blue tainted tears flowing down her body. Her body, which had been stripped of her clothing so the fabric wouldn’t get in the way of Oscar’s magnum opus. She let out another wordless scream as the demon continued, his tail flicking against her legs.
Kicking out, her foot connected with his shin just as he was making another cut. He jerked back, his knife tearing through her skin in just the direction he didn’t want it to go. Instantly, his gaze darkened, and he stepped back. “You… how dare you!” He pulled his arm back and stabbed the knife deep into her shoulder.
Janet screamed in agony, gasping as the silver knife burned her from the inside. She could do nothing but scream as the pain tore through her, tears streaming down her face. Black spots littered her vision as she wailed, the demon in front of her becoming blurrier. As he yanked the knife out, Janet went limp, eyes slowly sliding shut.
“You… have made a terrible mistake.”
He had given up on making his canvas look beautiful. She didn't deserve it, after all. Didn't deserve the time and effort he could put into her- the time and effort he was putting into making her look beautiful until she ruined it.
Oscar's grip around Janet's wrist tightened as she thrashed wildly, screaming as he stabbed another thin blade into her. Her body was littered with stab wounds, knives pushed into any space he could get them in. The silver burned him, but satisfaction drowned out the pain as he knew she was suffering from the burning that silver brought.
He slammed her against the wall, leaning in close. "You could've been beautiful," he hissed, warm breath on her neck, "my pride and joy. My perfect. Little. Pet." A sinister chuckle. "But you just had to ruin it, didn't you? I fucking warned you, didn't I? I warned you, you little bitch!" He slammed her against the wall again, delighting in the cracking sound her ribs made from the sharp blow.
Janet sobbed, trying desperately to grasp at his arms, to push him away, but any movement sent pain shooting through her. The knives, buried deep in her body, burned like a fire that only grew whenever she moved. She wailed, a wordless plea in her cry. "I-I'm sorry!" she screamed, "please! Please! I'm sorry!"
Oscar roared with laughter now, beginning to yank the blades out. Blue blood spilled from the wounds and pooled on the floor, staining her skin as it streaked down in rivulets. "Oh, no no no! I told you! I gave you plenty of warning! I was so nice, so generous, and you haven't even thanked me! Just pitiful little wails and pleas to stop! How-" He stabbed a knife back in, pushing it deep into her shoulder- "fucking-" Another knife, buried into her arm- "UNGRATEFUL!" The last knife, buried deep in her stomach.
A soft gasp escaped Janet, tears forming anew and streaking down her face as she gasped and panted. It hurt. It hurt.
And then she screamed.
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