#drosera anglica
nagaino · 1 year
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Plant signal transduction mechanisms may be relatively rapid or extremely slow (Figure 15.1)
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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thebotanicalarcade · 2 years
n178_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Nantucket wild flowers New York and London :G. P. Putnam's sons,1921. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1378309
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kadunudtarkus · 1 year
Ümaralehine huulhein
Drosera rotundifolia L., Droseraceae Huulhein, huulerogi, kõrvalusikas, kärbsepüüdja, mokahein, ohatserohi, päevalill, silmarohi, sooummur Roundleaf sundew
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Ümaralehine huulhein kasvab turbarabades, siirdesoodes mätastel, niiskel liivalsel pinnasel.
Ravimina kasutatakse taime ürti.
Huulheina kasutatakse läkaköha, palaviku ja vistrike vastu ning uriini erituse soodustamiseks.
Korjatakse juulis ja augustis.
Ümaralehine huulhein kasvab turbarabades, siirdesoodes mätastel, niiskel liivalsel pinnasel. Ta on mitmeaastane 5-25cm kõrgune taim niiditaoliste juurtega.
Vars (õieraag) püstine, lihtne, enamasti üksikuna, vahel mitmena ühel lehekodarikul. Lehed juurmise kodarikuna, lehelaba ümmargune või piklik, alt roheline, pealt kattunud hulga punakate näärmekarvadega, mille tipul on sagedasti tilgake vedelat eritist; kõik lehed on pikarootsulised, lamavad; õisik - pikk ühekülgne kobar; kroonlehti 4, valged, piklik-ümmargused, 4-6mm pikad, ulatuvad tömpidest tupplehtedest üle.
Esineb Eesti NSV-s kõikjal, aga hõredalt, peamiselt rabades tihedast taimkattest paljastunud kohtadel.
Õitseb juunist augustini. Tuntud lihasööja taim.
Praegu on lubatud ümaralehise huulheina asemel kasutada ka pikalehist huulheina (Drosera anglica Huds.) ja vahelmist huulheina (D. intermedia Hayne). Pikahelisel huulheinal on lehed talbjas-lineaalsed, ulatuvad keskmiselt poole varre kõrguseni. Esinev raba vesistel kohtadel - umblaugastel, älvestel. Vahelmisel huulheinal on lehed talbjad või äraspidimunajad, õisiku raag peaaegu niisama pikk kui lehed, alusel kaarjalt tõusnev. Esineb siirdesoodes ja kuivemates rabades, peamiselt Lääne-Eestis.
Praegu on lubatud ümaralehise huulheina asemel kasutada ka pikalehist huulheina (Drosera anglica Huds.) ja vahelmist huulheina (D. intermedia Hayne).
Pikahelisel huulheinal on lehed talbjas-lineaalsed, ulatuvad keskmiselt poole varre kõrguseni. Esinev raba vesistel kohtadel - umblaugastel, älvestel.
Vahelmisel huulheinal on lehed talbjad või äraspidimunajad, õisiku raag peaaegu niisama pikk kui lehed, alusel kaarjalt tõusnev. Esineb siirdesoodes ja kuivemates rabades, peamiselt Lääne-Eestis.
Ravimina kasutatakse taime maapealset osa, ürti - herba Droserae. Praegu tarvitatakse apteekides seda droogi vähe, kuid viimasel ajal on huvi huulheina vastu uuesti tõusnud.
Ürti kogutakse taime õitsemise ajal, juulist ja augustis. Taim tõmmatakse välja juurtega. Juured ühes eelmise aasta lehekodariku jäänustega eemaldatakse ja ürti kuivatatakse varjus tuuletõmbulises kohas.
Droogiks on terved taimed või purunenud taimeosad tumepunaste lehtedega, mis on kaetud pikkade pruunide näärmekarvadega. Lõhna ei ole, maitse on hapukasmõru. Niiskust võib droog sisaldada kuni 15%, peenikesi taimeosi, mis läbivad 1 mm2 suuruste avadega süela, kuni 5%; kõrvalisi lisandeid minimaalselt.
Droog sisaldab oksünaftokinooni derivaate, peamiselt plumbagiini (0,36-0,90%) ja droserooni, valku lõhustavat pepsiinitaolist ensüümi, õun-, sidrun-, äädik- ja sipelghapet.
Plumbagiin on veeauruga destilleeritav ja takistab juba lahjenduses 1:50 000 mõnede patogeensete mikroorganismide kasvu.
Eriti tugevat toimet avaldab plumbagiin läkaköha pisikutesse. Droog on spasmolüütilise toimega, millega seletub ta köhavaigistav toime.
Huulheina värsket mahla tarvitati välispidiselt vistrike ja koeranaelte raviks. Omal ajal kasutati huulheina kui palavikuvastast ja uriini eristumist soodustavat ravimit.
Läkaköha puhul tarvitatakse järgmist leotist: 25 grammi huulheina droogi kahe klaasi keeva vee kohta; võetakse 3 korda päevas, 1 supilusikatäis korraga. Läkaköha puhul kasutatakse ka alkoholleotist (tinktuuri), mida võetakse 3 korda päevas 10-20 tilka.
Taime levi
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Tammeorg, J., Kook, O. & Vilbaste, G. (1973). Eesti NSV Ravimtaimed. Tallinn: Valgus.
Eesti taimede levikuatlas 2020
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47015741 · 2 years
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Damselflies (Enallagma cyathigerum) ensnared by a sundew (Drosera anglica) [2048x1536]
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tommymacsblog · 3 years
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British Isles scarce Drosera anglica (Great Sundew) fruiting, Glen Derry, South Cairngorm mountains. Photo by Tom Macdonald, 4/8/2021. 
Internet link;- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drosera_anglica
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Request Plants Online - Surprise Your Dad on His Special Day
Fathers assume a huge part in the propagation of human existence. An existence without them would be unfilled and could sarracenia never be finished. Also, they go about as solid columns or structures, which could support just as secure the presence of family, which is viewed as the essential unit of society. Without a doubt, for days of yore all dads are essentially superb animals to be loved and loved for a lifetime. Indeed, they probably won't be amazing truth be told they may not go about as legends to help you for certain reasons, yet you Carnivorous Plants realize that you owe them a ton. Not a solitary penny could reimburse your lifetime obligation to them.
  In such case, it is simply yet right to give them unique presents as they praise their value as fathers. Gifts could be in any structures and styles, however you can give them plants as gifts, to cause them to feel more appreciated and cherished. Giving plants might sound extreme, yet with the approach of Internet, you can at long last request plants online by nearly couple of snaps away. It is drosera anglica a fundamental truth that purchasing presents for men are very precarious the reality, is they only from time to time need anything that they like as a gift. Some gift thoughts like socks, ties, books and men's magazines are somewhat normal, which may exhaust them. Lavish gifts are extraordinary ideas yet it may not be feasible for individuals who are on a limited financial plan, other than there are occasions that these couldn't be something they truly need. Picking plants drosera rotundifolia in any case, could be viewed as truly outstanding and reasonable choices.
  You will inquire as to why give plants as gifts, such countless inquiries might spring up at anybody's brain however as what I have realized plants pass on a brilliant embodiment in the hearts of each beneficiary. Maybe, it is the ideal opportunity to arrange plants online that could be a cape sundew valuable present for your dad on his huge day. It might look extremely straightforward yet it will surely make him more mindful of his incredible significance in your life. Moreover, it is consistently a smart thought to amaze your dad with invigorating or meat eating plant gifts. Bean stew plants are among the couple of kinds of energizing plants, which have alluring foliage and give a more noticeable allure. In addition, Carnivorous plants, for example, Venus fly snares or pitcher plants look more engaging as they influenced along the delicate hint of the breeze. Besides, these drosera capensis Carnivorous plants would make fundamental feature when shown at the passage of both private and business premises. Moreover, Lemon Grass, Coriander, Aloe Vera and orchids are among the well known plants that could be requested by means of Internet. To be sure, different destinations are accessible that would permit you to arrange plants online in an occurrence.
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tangledwing · 5 years
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The great sundew ( Drosera anglica) is a carnivorous plant with leaves covered in red tentacles that ooze sticky slime to kill and digest insects. It was nicknamed ‘wicked dear little Drosera’ by Charles Darwin in 1860. It was once common in England, but was almost wiped out as wetlands and peat bogs were drained or dug up. This year, the North West Rare Plant Initiative reintroduced the plant to the Manchester mosslands using cuttings from native plants, and there are hopes it will flourish once again.
Photograph: Matthijs Wetterauw/Alamy
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abyssalautistic · 4 years
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i focus more on animals but another subset of my nature special interest is carnivorous plants! here is a sundew i saw today, i'm guessing it's drosera anglica. sundews are very sticky; an insect will land on it and become trapped. the leaf will slowly curl around the insect and will digest it! not as speedy or dramatic as venus flytraps but still very cool :)
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looooocust · 3 years
bog stuff
purple pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea subsp. purpurea), round-leaf sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), English sundew (Drosera anglica), and common butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris)
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Tons of sticky #drosera anglica California x Hawaii overcrowding their pot. The Hawaiian variety from Alaka’i Swamp grows in one of the wettest locations on earth! https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgSkCXFy3Y/?igshid=6sqosed2m78o
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artscult-com · 7 years
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035-Round-leaved Sundew, Long-leaved Sundew, Great Sundew - drosera rotundifolia, drosera intermedia, drosera anglica - high resolution image from old book.
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artscult · 7 years
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English Sundew, drosera anglica - high resolution image from old book.
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ngcarnivorousplants · 10 years
NECPS Trip to Try to Find Drosera linearis and Drosera anglica
Mount Katahdin
The weekend before Labor Day, a few members of the NECPS, myself included traveled to the far northern reaches of Maine, past Mount Katahdin, to try to find Drosera linearis and Drosera anglica at a site that was rumored to hold both.
Sarracenia purpurea
Once we found the proper launch point, down a long dirt road, we quickly came across our first carnivores, Sarracenia purpurea. It was a surprising find, given the conditions, which included lots of garbage from passersby and evidence of extensive use of herbicides.
Sarracenia purpurea
Despite the crowded, lower-light conditions, various garbage, including metals, and herbicide use, the Sarracenia purpurea seemed, at times, to be growing well. A good sign for future findings.
Sarracenia purpurea
Oddly, these Sarracenia purpurea were in the process of flowering, something their southern cousins had done months early. My guess is that the herbicide had affected the timing of the Sarracenia's growth, making it flower much later than it would ordinarily.
Sarracenia purpurea Drosera rotundifolia
Leaning in close to the flower, I saw my first Drosera of the trip, a Drosera rotundifolia. It was an exciting find, if only because it indicated that other Drosera would be nearby.
Drosera rotundifolia
And nearby there were more Drosera...rotundifolia. I imagine that if the bank on which it was growing was less crowded by grasses there would be Drosera everywhere.
Drosera rotundifolia
As I kept searching, I found only Drosera rotundifolia. To be fair, the hike in was much farther than my party anticipated, nearly 3 miles to the stream leading to the fen which we hoped would allow access to the bog. Unfortunately, this meant that my party had to turn back sooner than expected, but, ultimately, the rest of the NECPS members on the journey could not find an access point from the fen to the bog, so we never did end up seeing Drosera linearis or Drosera anglica.
Sarracenia purpurea
Ultimately, the best sight of the day was this clump of S. purpurea across a small stream running alongside the trail. The water was too deep, even with waders, to get a closer look. Nearby, a little inlet was filled with an aquatic Utricularia of one species or another. (It wasn't in bloom, so it was hard for me to ID).
Sarracenia purpurea
Already, we are planning a return trip for next year. That trip will be overnight, and probably involve a fair bit of bushwacking, as that seems to be the only realistic way to access the bog. Unfortunately, without a machete it was impossible to make to through the thick shrubbery to the bog from anywhere along the trail, and the stream did not seem to lead to the bog. (Alternatively, we might try with a boat. I'm not sure that will be successful, but given how difficult it is to walk in bogs, that would probably be a better option than merely walking).
An interesting flower
Lastly, on the journey back to the car to get more water, I took this photo of a companion bog plant. I'm not sure what it is, but if you know, please let me know in an email or via a comment below.
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carniuniverse · 10 years
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Einige winterharte Sonnentaue:
1. Drosera obovata
2. Drosera anglica
3. Drosera rotundifolia
4. Drosera intermedia
5. Drosera filiformis ssp. filiformis (Das "ssp." steht für subspecies und kennzeichnet, dass es innerhalb der Art verschiedene Variationen gibt. Ein weiteres Beispiel für Drosera filiformis ist die ssp. tracyi. Eine subspecies besitzt das gleiche Genmaterial wie die reine Art, besiedelt jedoch nur einen Teil des Naturstandortes und unterscheidet sich in der äußeren Erscheinungsform. Auf Drosera filiformis bezogen besitzt die ssp. filiformis rote Taudrüsen, während ssp. tracyi mit grünen Drüsen besetzt ist. Ssp. tracyi ist auch etwas frostempfindlicher als ssp. filiformis, da letztgenannte etwas nördlicher angesiedelt ist.)
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