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Monsters Reimagined: Thri-Kreen
D&D lore has never been kind to human/animal hybrid characters, especially to those who resemble animals stereotyped as being “evil”, such as gnolls or lizardfolk. This goes double for Thri-kreen the game’s default bugpeople, who etither get no lore at all, or get a few paragraphs describing how they don’t have emotions or personalities and see most other humanoids merely as food.
That’s the personality of a monster species, not a player option, and that general flatness of concept is expressed by almost every piece of thri-kreen art: depicting them mostly naked in a barren landscape brandishing a weapon at something.
While there’s a few seeds of interesting worldbuilding in the different versions of the Thri-Kreen , I’ve found the best way to make them conceptually rich is to continue my trend of combining two lackluster bits of canon into something distinctive, in this case, the mostly forgotten race of creatures known as dromites, who share the Thri-Kreen’s traits of being insectoid and psionic, but have a lot more interesting notes about their culture, Here’s What I’ve come up with:
The “Kreen” evolved on a distant world as a singular psionic hivemind, functioning much in the way you’d expect any colony of insects might save their ability to learn and retain information was far greater than that of any simple arthropod. Developing knowledge of engineering and magic that let them spread across the planes, they eventually suffered some kind of disaster that caused their hivemind to dissolve, leaving the “Thri-Kreen” as free willed individuals for the first time, where as before they were merely fragments of a consciousness that spanned planets.  The chaos was immediate, as if each organ and cell of a single body suddenly gained awareness, forcing the fragments of what was arguably a single world spanning organism to begin constructing cultures and civilizations from scratch.
While in the many millennia since the end of their hivemind have seen the Mantises take numerous different paths, the concept of “wholeness” is a reoccurring theme. The name “Thri-Kreen” literally means “un-whole”, referencing their psionic bond with one another, and hearkening back to their undiminished “Kreen” or “whole” state of the distant past. This search for wholeness leads the Thri-Kreen to live in small, closely bonded groups where each individual may be in contact with every other individual, much in the same way that creatures in cold climates will stick together to share bodyheat. While it’s not unsusual for smaller groups to break off from a larger one, absolute isolation is considered to be a terrible state for a Thri-Kreen.
Outsiders who come into contract with the Mantisfolk would describe them as a strange mix of dependant and standoffish: offering help without ever being asked but challenging every opinion ever voiced. This is because unlike most mortals, who tend to become resistant when their opinions are challenged, Thri-Kreen seek group consensus above all and when faced with a crisis will begin checking their ideas against others to throw their weight behind the best option possible. This leads to Thri-Kreen settlements being largely non-hierarchical, through prone to sudden political swings.
Thri-Kreen are mostly genderless, through groups looking to expand ( or larger enclaves looking to maintain their population) will yearly elect “queens” and “consorts” for the reponsibility of producing young.  Most other species mistake these individuals as leaders of the Thri-Kreen, when really their job is to fuck for days to months at a time.   Smaller, nomadic groups of Mantisfolk gather together to have these sorts of elections, and the young are divided equally to be raised by the different packmembers as they enter their pupation stage.
 The umberhulks that populate the underdark and slave pens of the cruel neogi bear an uncomfortable resemblance to present day Thri-Kreen, hearkening to the fact that while many of their kind found new beginnings across the astral sea after the dissolution of their singularity, many others found terrible ends. Likewise, the clockwork horrors that swarm across spelljammer ships and junkworlds communicate in a codified form of the Thri-Keen language, hinting at the existence of what might be an extinct conclave of mantisfolk engineers, or a hidden coterie of insectoid artificers intent on recreating their kind’s previous numbers in metal.
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wolfoftonight · 2 years
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Sekala returns! Had an idea for this sketch for a long time, just never had the confidence to go through with it.
Still fucked up the other dude lmao
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drjdorr · 2 years
D and d is so fun. Like I enjoy playing my suave effortless killer Jysgo just riding the back of a giant while invisible stabbing away at him with impunity. And in the same battle my little dromite fighter Kato so effortlessly blocks an attack that he just asked the enemy to surrender because Kato had bigger threats to deal with. He then casually walked off two 20ft drops because it was the shortest route between him and the actual threats.
Just that juxtaposition of bad-a perfect killer and humorous "the enemy is down this wall" CLANG CLANG
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bananartista · 2 years
Tecnica mista su carta A3 (29×42 cm)(Mixed media on A3 paper)(s)composizione tratta dall’opera: (Noesi nippo-chimera, honononga autoinganno parusia, bramosia, idee, febbre, totalità,– fimzil, klentor , – , dromitive, thetadon –Pericle avanza.)
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cirnineball · 5 years
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here’s my very first (non-pregenerated) d&d character, a CN (formerly CG) dromite wilder/rogue called Xolu
initially an inhabitant of a cavernous illithid thrall world, she and a party of 3 others commandeered a nautiloid and took to the stars, hopping from planet to planet based off of whatever sourcebooks we could get our hands on that time around
Xolu ended up getting retired by intentionally drifting off into the phlogiston on the aforementioned nautiloid, with a subdued lich whose phylactery could not be found as the only passenger. if the vessel ever were to make landfall (spacefall?) in another crystal sphere, the lich would be able to free themself and become a threat once more
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bardicbeany · 7 years
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OC Moodboards || Vilu Kethech || Dromite Erudite
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max-icons · 4 years
hi i was wondering if you could do wattson x rampart icons with the skins "the devi you know"(rampart skin) and the "dromite" (wattson skin),can u put a pastel background with it too?
done ! enjoy :) ✨
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randomitemdrop · 5 years
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Item: set of ancient vessels containing the essences of four Coleopteran Dromite bards, who used their psionic powers to make people believe they were more talented than they actually were. At this point, the juice has been contained for fifty years or so, so it’s probably pretty revolting, but if you manage to win four Constitution checks and drink them all down, you get that same effect: other characters will regard everything you do as an amazing work of genius.
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Playable Monsters, pt. 2
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“Monster Party” © Jared von Hindman, accessed at his site here
[The last time I compiled the playable races from this blog, there were five of them. Now there’s about twenty. It’s a design space I’ve gotten more comfortable playing with. Note that these are not playtested, and as such may be weirdly balanced compared to standard PC races.]
Aikelar–swamp-dwelling alligator centaurs Dhinnibarada–swift desert folk with bird-like legs Dromite–insect-like humanoids with power over elemental forces Erqidlit–feral wolfish humanoids native to the frozen wastes Grugach–pastoral, horned fey with animate hair Humbug–brash and blustering insectoids, fond of argument for its own sake Ipotane–hoofed, warlike raiders that can mimic voices Jaebrin–fey jesters resistant to enchantment magic Kawauso–benevolent shapeshifting otter people Kithkin–psychic halflings attuned to the emotions of their allies Lombax–desert dwelling furries with technological affinities Melonhead–giant gnomes with weird mental powers Owlborn–feathered guardians of the deep woods Paranthropus–early humans with giant jaws Spellscale–magically talented dragon-blooded humanoids Variant Aasimar–the couatl-blooded scaleborn aasimar and the mystic eternalkin Variant Tieflings–the leathery geasborn tieflings and the black-eyed horrorspawn Veytha–giant archers native to the tundra
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Gender/sexuality is fake is something I see a lot of people work into fictional worlds, but why not go the other way? More genders, more sexes, more sexualities, all supported by religion. If you want a D&D example to work from, look at Dromites, who have six different elemental based sexes and in previous editions have been declared to all be completely poly.
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WotC real cowards if they don't bring back dromites
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doodlebeany · 7 years
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Vilu, my lil dromite!
I think I drew them less alien looking and more ant person-like than my previous attempt. sign of improvement maybe?? 
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drjdorr · 2 years
A while ago I wrote a local fairy tale(think Grimm not Disney) for the drow community Jysgo grew up in in the campaign I play him in. Additionally he uses the name of the Spider King for his criminal identity in reference to this story so may I present
The Spider King
Once there was a young male of no house worth mentioning, of no mother of note. Just a lowly commoner like any other. But he craved for more.
 From a young age, he trained. His teachers were impressed, but knew he would take on more than he could handle. His classmates couldn’t best him, but knew there must be someone who could. Even the priestesses of most holy Lolth admired his skill, but knew he was but a male. But he trained all the same. He trained and trained till he could barely stand and then he trained harder still. Soon he graduated and rose in the ranks of any group he joined for in sword work, none could compare, in stealth, not even the most sensitive shrieker could sense him, and in magic, only the priestesses of most holy Lolth could even challenge him.
He achieved victory after victory. Any house he allied with won their conflicts, he brought low the obnoxious duergar, vanquished the pathetic svirfneblin, brought back many dromite slaves, ended countless rebellions, even slaughtering many of the vile cursed surface elves. Soon the male had made a name for himself and had come to be known as the Spider Lord. he served many houses and serviced many matrons. He surpassed every drow in our glorious city, even some lesser females, but the priestess of most holy Lolth still reigned above him.
Till one day before the great eight matrons, he proclaimed himself their superior and placing a spider crown upon his head, and proclaimed himself the Spider King. no sooner had the words left his lips than blood followed.
As the impudent male collapsed in pain and suffering, a figure stepped from the dark and as her eight legs shifted to two it was clear that before them stood most holy Lolth. “Pathetic male,” the first among elves spat, “you forget your place” the Spider King writhed in agony, spiders pouring from his eyes. “A male like you should do well to remember your place.” the true Queen of Spiders raised the arrogant male’s face to look into her own “And for your insolence, you will suffer evermore, never to rest, never to move on, never to know glory or reward, you shall remain here forever” and with that the foolish male died in pain and agony, leaving nothing but his spider crown.
Sometimes when the air moves just right through the stalactites, you can still hear him, still suffering his eternal punishment
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sapphicseer · 7 years
Here is an example of a custom race I made and a short racial history I wrote, What you submit doesn’t have to be nearly as fleshed out, this is just an example of a custom race I have done before. In addition, in pathfinder race rules there are standard races and advanced races, Standard races are about as powerful as humans while advanced races have more options and more points to spend on racial traits in the Pathfinder racemaker system, but conversely the DM is supposed to throw them and the party up against harder opponents. (Pathfinder’s solution to avoiding the easy out of LA)
Free Bun (Standard)
Type: Fey 2RP, Bun 0RP
Size: Tiny 4RP (+2 AC, +2 Attack, -2 Combat Manuver Checks and CMD, +8 Stealth, -2 STR, +2 Dex)
Base Speed: Standard (30ft)
Ability Score Modifiers: Mixed Weakness -2RP (-4 STR, +2 Dex, -2WIS, +2CHA)
Languages: Common, Kenku. Bonus: Auran, Terran, Sylvan, Elven, Draconic. 0RP
Racial Traits 
Magical Racial Traits
Fascination: Free Buns have been Genetically bred for Cuteness, and they can leverage that for practical use. A Bun may, once per day, do a display of cuteness that causes all humanoid creatures within 20 feet to become fascinated with the Bun, as the Bard’s Bardic Performance. The saving throw is DC10+1/2 Character level + CHA modifier. 3 RP
Skill and Feat Racial Traits
Skill Training: Buns always have Bluff and Diplomacy as Class Skills 1RP
Movement Racial Traits
Jumper: Buns are always considered to have a running start for acrobatics checks, and they move around quickly by doing small hops 2RP
Fast: Buns Hop quickly, and have a +10 to their movement speed 1RP
Defense Racial Traits
Reflexive (+2 Reflex) 2RP
Weak Willed (-1 Will) -1RP
Elemental Vulnerability-Fire: Bun Fur is naturally flammable -2 RP
Senses Racial Traits 
Low-light vision 0RP
Total: 10 RP
Free Bun (Advanced)
Type: Fey 2RP, Bun 0RP
Size: Tiny 4RP (+2 AC, +2 Attack, -2 Combat Manuver Checks and CMD, +8 Stealth, -2 STR, +2 Dex)
Base Speed: Standard (30ft)
Ability Score Modifiers: Mixed Weakness -2RP (-4 STR, +2 Dex, -2WIS, +2CHA)
Languages: Common, Kenku. Bonus: Auran, Terran, Sylvan, Elven, Draconic. 0RP
Racial Traits 
Ability Score Racial Traits
Advanced Charisma (+2 CHA, and Buns always have Bluff and Diplomacy as Class Skills) 4RP
Magical Racial Traits
Fascination: Free Buns have been Genetically bred for Cuteness, and they can leverage that for practical use. A Bun may, once per day, do a display of cutess that causes all humanoid creatures within 20 feet to become fascinated with the Bun, as the Bard’s Bardic Performance. The saving throw is DC10+1/2 Character level + CHA modifier. 3 RP
Movement Racial Traits
Jumper: Buns are always considered to have a running start for acrobatics checks, and they move around quickly by doing small hops 2RP
Fast: Buns Hop quickly, and have a +10 to their movement speed 1RP
Offensive Racial Traits
Bunslinger: All Free Buns are capable with Firearms, and gain the Exotic Weapon Proficency (Firearms) feat. In addition, they may use Firearms designed for Small creatures with no penalty. 3RP
Ferocity: Racial Memories of desperate last stands against oppressors continue to hold firm. If the hit points of a Bun fall below 0 but it is not yet dead, it can continue to fight. If it does, it is staggered, and loses 1 hit point each round. It still dies when its hit points reach a negative amount equal to its Constitution score. 4RP
Defense Racial Traits
Reflexive (+2 Reflex) 2RP
Weak Willed (-1 Will) -1RP
Elemental Vulnerability-Fire: Bun Fur is naturally flammable -2 RP
Senses Racial Traits 
Low-light vision 0RP 
Total: 20 RP
Alternate Class Features
Some Bun are descended from Free Bun Soldiers from the days of conquest, or interbreeding from Homeland Jackalopes have reintroduced these traits. No Matter how you have gained these genetics, you are more naturally suited to Melee warfare than the standard Bun.
Lose: Tiny Size, Reflexive, Bunslinger, Advanced Charisma -14RP
Small Size You are now small size. +1 size bonus to AC, +1 Size bonus to Attack Rolls, -1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to CMD, and +4 Stealth. You have a reach of 5 feet. 0RP
Natural Attack-Gore: You have two small but prominent Antlers, and you can shove them into your enemies for not insignificant amounts of damage (1d6 Piercing) RP1
Swarming: Buns are used to fighting communally. If you are in the same square as an ally and attack the same foe, you and your ally are both considered to be flanking that enemy. 1RP
Pouncing Hop: If you charge an enemy and make a successful long jump of at least your character level, you can make a full attack at the end of your charge. This relies on the Bun hopping, so unless your mount has pounce it does not apply when riding something. 2RP
Advanced Dexterity (+2 Dex) 4RP
Weapon Finesse: Warbuns can better take advantage of their natural dexterity than other races 2RP
Manipulating Ears: Warbun train early to better take advantage of their natural ability to control their ears, and they have mastered it to a point where their ears together act like a single hand that can wield weapons. They can also be used for anything that requires free hands. 4RP
Free Bun Feats
Fear the Skies (Racial)
Prequesites: Free Bun Race
Due to Racial training, Free Bun gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls, a +2 dodge bonus to AC, and a +2 bonus on Perception checks against flying creatures. In addition, enemies on higher ground gain no attack roll bonus against members of this race and Free Bun have the effects of Favored Enemy Humanoid (Avian) (+2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against Humanoid Avians. Likewise, they get a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. They may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.)
There are two major populations of bun so far in the universe. One is on this small planet tidally locked to a brown dwarf star in a micronebulae, And the other is on a much larger planet they share with bird people called the Kenku. The Kenku are by far the most populous species on the planet, and when the two populations meet the Kenku mistake them for animals and take them as pets. Over time, no more wild Buns on the planet remain.but eventually after an incident only referred to as the "New Squakington Rebellion"occurs, where A large number of Bun Buns broke into open rebellion at a "Pet" show, taking up arms and holding out against a siege by the Kenku for 6 months, causing almost 2000 Kenku casualties. The siege was eventually broken, but the survivors of that incident were sent to researchers to see what made them able to do it, and they discovered that the Bun Buns were sentient, so they were trained as servants and how to speak. The Buns were gradually re-classified as servants but the pet practice was still incredibly common, and over time they were bred to be smaller and less dangerous, as well as more obedient. However, a small number of them did gain their freedom, and although they faced heavy discrimination and population control, they did take up work in colleges as scribes or perform service jobs.
Skip forward a few hundred years until you get to bird people have their version of world war 1. A lot of states are exterminated, and almost all of the population is committed to the war effort, to a point where many nations train their Buns for menial labor or spy service, and then eventually the war is over and because of Bun support a lot of soldiers resist having the buns be re-subjugated to a point where they are technically given freedom but it is only in name.
However, one country (known in the bird people tongue as "Flapping Underwing Clinking coin" due to their language being repeating sounds they associate with concepts, [It is only a coincidence the abbreviation is FUCC]) never freed its buns during the war, but it did take over several countries that did. Thus, those buns did what was reasonable: They assassinated the Emperor of the FUCC state, and organized a mass uprising with their new logistical and spy support.They won because almost everyone important died on the first night, and eventually someone I will refer to as Bunpoleon was crowned. He would then go on to wage several wars against neighboring states (Both for territory and because they were mass executing buns to prevent more assassinations), and then, after expanded by about a factor of 2, Bunpoleon just stopped for about 15 years. The Buns reach combat-capable ages at 15, and they have great population growth potential, and because they redirected all the rich people's money into schooling a lot of the newer buns were trained and highly intelligent. The buns also developed a new non-monarchy style of government to mimic their communal lifestyle, and after 15 years they attacked and took over about a dozen nations, before suddenly calling armistice and using this to force The Universal Declaration of Bird and Bun rights. Then he split his territory into about 30 states fitting the communal governing model, and retired and founded a paladin order dedicated to defending Bun and Bird rights. And then later on they made spaceships and met aliens like the Githyanki, Dromites, and humans; and it was cool.
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goblins-den · 7 years
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Where Mayonnaise Comes From
It's Cinco De Mayo, so here's a preview poem from my next book, More Lullabies For Goblins.
Where does mayonnaise come from?
I know where it does...
it comes from a creature called a Dromit:
it has white skin and purple fuzz.
It lives on the planet Mars–
they have farms of them all around 
where they're kept in secret bases
deep in the underground.
Mucus is squeezed from their noses
with specialized, pressurized hoses...
then it's packaged in various ways
and labeled as "Mayonnaise."
So next time you eat a burger,
remember to thank the Dromit. 
Hold your nose while scarfing it down,
and try your best not to vomit!
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bardicbeany · 8 years
Currently the center pic for Vilu’s moodboard is a wotc dromite pic because my own drawings of Vilu aren’t quite nice enough to put in a moodboard and I haven’t had anyone draw Vilu for me yet lol
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