#drink some water! have a snack! use the washroom! do whatever you think you need to do right now :)
b-o-e · 1 year
i just wanted to let you know that i love your wally series sooo much lol
i try to reread it at every waking moment of my day lol<33
quick question! i was wondering if you had a basic plot lined out for the story or if you just poofed an idea into existence and wrote it lol
i tend to have a basic plot outline but then sprinkle my own random ideas into it as i write lol
its interesting to see how different writers actually write, and i love your style sooo much so i wanted to know how you did it!
sorry for rambling lol
have a fantastic day/night and remember to hydrate! <333
~ 🍞 anon (if i can be lol) <3
gawwwwwhhhh thank you, that's so sweet! I am honoured B) and no worries for rambling at all! I love it to be honest! I think this is basically how things went.
one night, I was tryna sleep, then the plot of snorrrk mimimi popped into my head! I tried to go back to bed, but I was like "yknow what, if I don't write this down right now, I'm going to forget it by morning" so I wrote my idea down, then tried to sleep again. then the plot extended in my head, so I wrote it down, tried to sleep. then again, and again, so I was like "yeah I guess I'm staying up until I've written this entirely" bahahah!
after I wrote and posted that, a few more ideas popped into my head, so I started them off n picked away at em when I could. everything was made to be readable as a oneshot (although the more recent ones are definitely more dependent on the prior fics), with little nods to the fics that came before for people to be like "ooooh" as they connect the dots between them, n just. yeah, haha!
when it comes to plot, I am mostly reliant on music and random stuff that pops in my head haha. I am an avid daydreamer, so that is a big help! makes me sad I can't just transport them into writing, haha! I really just go with the flow for the most part n let stuff come to me. I typically only have short term plot lines in my head, which unfortunately leads to me getting a bit lost as to where to go next at times.
I believe that's all I can really think to talk about. I don't know, I have a really hard time explaining my thought process, so I hope this at least slightly made sense!
sorry for my thoughtless rambles, and I hope you have a fantastic day or night as well! I appreciate your message very much! <3 I like the name as well, hehe.
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audhd-bitch · 3 years
Ok so I'm a 2nd year biology undergrad who's got ADHD-PI, so all those "study hacks" out there don't work for me lol. I have issues with emotional reg, initiation, motivation, and exec funct.
Here are some tips for ND students, from an actually ND individual:
Time ur meds to you study schedule
Pls get enough sleep the night before lol. Little/no sleep is bad for everyone. Your brain is too tired to do shit and will shut down way faster.
I'm not kidding, eat breakfast. Ur brain literally needs food to function and focus. Smoothies are easy to make and drink. Add protein powder if you don't know about ur next meal. Meal replacement drinks are easy too. You don't even have to prep. Just keep some in ur fridge.
Also I recommend an easy and non perishable trail mix with snacks you'll actually eat. Obviously eating well is good ect ect, but eating no food is worse than eating junk food. I have my favourites (Choco almonds and dried cranberries) in a ziploc. You need glucose for your brain to function.
Have a study IG/YouTube/Pinterest to inspire and get into the mindset. Tricks your brain into think studying is aesthetic. (This is a personal one, cuz I'm a huge nerd about aesthetics and feeling/looking academic lmao).
If social media isn't for you, implement the academia aestheticism into your actual life. Embrace dark acedemia, become soft/angelic-acedemia.
Use noise cancelling headphone and music. Fuck ppl looking at you with those awesome noise protectors on. Fucking rock on 🤘 I have a specific Spotify playlist that has no lyrics. But alternatively, one with lyrics if I want some rapper shouting at me not to give up lmaoooo.
Water!!!! Drink it!! Get a water bottle that's cute as shit, add lemon or flavour, get fizzy water, use a curly straw. Whatever you want!!! (Mine is a coral/ocean themed one from Starbucks)
Find a location that fits ur sensory needs (study w/ ppl, alone, quiet, bright, ect)
Find several locations you really like. I have 4 on rotation. Sometimes the same scenery makes me v unmotivated, but I still need consistency.
Sometimes you do need a break. Don't burn yourself out.
Keep on top of your school work. Have a study plan that works for you.
As for tests, make little questions. You can ask the questions yourself, or ask someone to quiz you/teach them the terminology. (active recall y'all 😎)
Use q-cards? Write down the new terms you learnt right after the class on the bus ride home. You literally have nothing else to do there.
Very important to have at least one class you love/like per semester. Serotonin doesn't work on command for us. I use at least one class as a crutch for the rest of my classes. At least I'm studying for one class than zero.
Know where the washrooms/quiet zones are incase of meltdowns
If ur uni has one, join a ND club. Or make one urself.
Study buddies!! Body doubling (just having someone there) helps with accountability as there is now an external source for responsibility/pressure.
Accomadations!!! Sign up for them every semester, even if you don't think you'll need them.
If u can, (and won't break ur focus) stretch between study sessions. Take a small walk around the tables.
A calendar on your phone is so helpful. At the beginning of the semester, I just get it over with and type everything down. And all these have alarms/reminders that go off on the day of the event. I have 2. One is just for my assignments and test schedule. The other is for general scheduling.
Also, download an app blocker. Super helpful if you find your phone v distracting. If you want to pause it, it gives you 5 seconds to decide. Usually in that time, it's not instant gratification anymore and I don't want to go on IG lol.
I have dealt with many setbacks. I was on academic probation in spring 2021, but now I'm getting As and high Bs.
My meds have helped me with energy/motivation/exec funct, and my study hacks have helped me with organizing/management so that I can succeed. I also have accomadations and access to the counsellors/docs. All these are vital to succeed. You need support and that's ok. ADHD is a disability and that is a neutral statement. Ableism/inaccessibility is what sucks.
If ur in school for ur parents, stop. (Easier said than done, ik. My mom is Japanese af) Put up boundaries w/ ur parents. You're now an adult and they need to understand this. If ur in school cuz you've been in the workforce and see how much it sucks to survive on minimum wage (like me) I totally get it. If ur in school to just learn, that's awesome.
Doesn't really matter why ur in school, as long as ur either enjoying it or have a goal. No goal, but enjoying it? Nice. Not enjoying it but u have a goal? You can do it. Neither of these apply? I would sit down and really think what I want. You don't need to go to school right after hs. I started my first semester at 21 years old. 🤷
Also, sometimes school doesn't work out and that's ok. Maybe you go back in a semester, a couple years, or never. In the end, try and do what makes you happy.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 3 years
The Hook
Chapter 2: Getting to Know You
Prompt: “I shouldn’t be here.” “Well you are. Don’t even think about leaving.”
The next morning, Ling woke up alone. Ed had reminded him Al expected him back. And besides, Ling was all talk. He could kiss Edward Elric but anything more would have to wait until he dealt with his suitor situation. It wasn’t cheating, he knew. But that didn’t mean it was right.
Was he a suitor when he never bothered to ask? Ling’s eyes were itchy with lack of sleep. His cheek tingled from where he’d slept on it. God, mornings sucked. Especially early mornings after a late night.
Even still… he smiled. Last night had not been a total waste. He wrapped his fingers around something warm and smooth, something that had rested against his curled stomach through the night.
“Young Lord, I’ve brought you a snack before your meeting. You barely ate yesterday, so I brought extra.” Lan Fan’s voice carried through the doorway, especially loud. “Do you need anything to drink?”
“He’s gone, Lan Fan.” Ling sighed, sitting up. He was decidedly less dressed than when he’d gone to his rooms. By the time Ed left he was too tired to shrug into his sleep clothes. He’d been missing a shirt and his pants had already been half off. He’d just stripped into his undies and fallen asleep under a mountain of blankets.
“What’s that?” Lan Fan sat across from him, her legs crossed and posture careful. “A gift?”
“You could say that.”
It was only a small cat figure, crudely carved from a soft wood Ling had never gotten around to figuring out on his own.
“It’s. Um, cute?”
It wasn’t. It looked awful. Edward wasn’t artistically inclined in that way. Ling couldn’t care less. “Thank you.”
“Speaking of gifts, you’ve got another. It arrived this morning.” Lan Fan took a bite of Ling’s food. “You should eat.”
“What was the gift?” Ling scooped up a mouthful of rice. “Who was it from?”
“Not Edward Elric.” Lan Fan spoke around her food. “The other man you’re supposed to be involved with.”
Ling’s throat felt dry. He coughed. “We’ve certainly not been meant to be involved yet, Lan Fan. That won’t happen for another month. You know there’s quite a long engagement process in Xing.”
“Yes, Sire. I’m aware.” She closed her eyes. He watched as she considered for a moment. “When you are ready for my opinion I will be sure to give it.”
Irritation flared through Ling but he let it pass. Lan Fan was always free to give her opinion. The only thing putting him off was that he knew what her opinion was. And that she was right. He took a deep breath and pushed a smile onto his face. “I await the day.”
Today was not like the last two. He had so much to do. It was not like his engagement meant the kingdom stopped running. And his hands-on approach to ruling meant he couldn’t shove many duties onto his advisors and court. He was entangled in all of the decisions, from clan relations to trade negotiations. He had all the details and all the paperwork.
So he dragged himself up, splashing cool water on his face. Lan Fan raised an eyebrow at his undress.
“It’s not like it’s anything you haven’t seen before.”
“No, that’s true. I used to kick your ass when you’d wake up half naked after getting mugged in the Hua clans.”
“I wish you wouldn’t remind me of starving days.” Ling put on a pouty face. “Don’t you know you’re supposed to respect me now, Lan Fan? I’m working hard as emperor.”
“I have the utmost respect for you, Sire.” She smiled at him, and it was genuine. She wasn’t too angry at him, then. “I just want you to be careful. You are walking in a thin place. The thin places are difficult to keep you safe in.”
“You don’t have to protect me from everything, Lan Fan.” He gathered up his robes. With a celebration came the expectation of finery. “Though if you want to help me into this ridiculous outfit, I’d appreciate it.”
She did, and by the time his first round of consultation was to start, he was fully dressed. His hair was pulled back today, in the proper style. He arranged his expression into an indifferent coolness.
“Don’t forget, Sire. You’ve got the matter of the gift to deal with.”
His stomach clenched. “Don’t worry. I won’t forget it.”
When she wasn’t looking, Ling snuck the little cat into his pocket.
The mysterious suitor’s gift was on his mind through the whole morning. As his constituents asked about the borders of their fields and the negotiation, he ran his thumb over the figurine in his pocket and tried not to look towards the table where the gift waited for him.
A maze of questions and conflicts and negotiations later, he was being led to the gift. A no stuck in his throat. Refusal built like a physical pressure in his chest. The urge to leave was so strong his hands shook with it.
His advisors were clueless. And of all the days, Lan Fan was busy with other affairs. She wasn’t even in the palace. For the first time since he was inaugurated, a clammy sweat broke over his forehead.
He stood at the box. He didn’t care what was in it. It wouldn’t change his mind, whatever it was.
But accepting the gift was a furthering. For every step into Xingese tradition he took, the expectation he would follow through grew. Maybe this is why he just stood, staring at the box, for several minutes.
The longer he took, the heavier the silence around him grew.
Low rumbling started in the back of the crowd. A few people grumbled and a couple shouted as someone aggressively, and rudely, shoved their way through.
Ed pushed his way near the front, a notebook in his hand, his metal fingers clasped around a pen. Ling heard him shout over the thin wall of people ahead of him. “Well, get on with it. How else are any of us supposed to know what’s in it?”
Ling laughed. He pulled the fabric wrapping from the box. It was a nice enough fabric. From far away, the cloth had just looked like a boring eggwhite, but up close he could see damasked swirls twisting around the corners. The box was equally almost boring--cream, slightly darker, with a line of gold around the opening. His expectations were low.
And good thing.
The gift was a simple, expensive shaving set. Ling felt like this was something Fu would have enjoyed. However, he, with his lack of facial hair and attachment to his other bodily hair, had no use for it. He quirked a brow, put the nice, ivory handled blade back into the oversized box beside the crystal container of what he could only assume was cologne. Maybe?
A single boom of laughter sounded from the general vicinity of Ed, but no one else seemed to think anything of the gift. And then, to his horror, one of his advisors cleared their throat.
“For when he is here, Sire. To shave your husband.”
Ling carefully closed the box. He was trying, and failing, to look nonchalant.
“Sire, should we respond with a gift in kind?”
Ling ground his teeth. “I will be in my room, crafting a response for my… suitor.”
He’d chosen the word specifically for its connotation of uncertainty. A suitor has not been accepted yet. The advisors all glared, and a few of the crowd closest to him gasped. He could feel the burning in his cheeks. Anger, embarrassment, and maybe a smidge of disappointment flooded his thoughts. He needed to be out of here.
Murmuring grew behind him, growing to a small roar as the heavy doors to the court closed behind him.
It was hard to stomp through all his layers but he did his best.
The kitchens were busy when he arrived. Lan Fan was elbow deep in a bowl of dumpling filling. She took one look at his face and picked up the bowl to move towards him.
“We should go, Sire,” she finished kneading the ingredients together and dumped the bowl into the arms of another kitchenhand. “Your face may frighten the staff.”
He shuttered his expression, pushing the emotions and thoughts deep inside until he could be somewhere private. It was not easy, and from Lan Fan’s face he could tell he was not fully successful. He tried, though, and that was the best he could do.
“It was bad?” Lan Fan spoke under her breath while she washed her hands.
He couldn’t speak on it. It was insulting, actually. The kind of gift given to a stranger. But worse so, because it was a gift truly meant for the gifter--a gift of expectation. A note that said one day, he expected Ling to serve him.
He did not become Emperor to serve over-confident old men.
The thought made him bristle. His face contorted into a sneer, despite his best efforts to keep a neutral expression. He turned away, so that only Lan Fan could see him. “It is best discussed somewhere else.”
She didn’t respond, only dried her hands and hurried from the room. Ling followed, though he could only go so fast without tripping over the length of his robes. The hindrance was especially frustrating, and even more so because he wanted to move. To push himself, quicken his steps and his body until he couldn’t hardly breathe.
He already didn’t want to do this.
He had a growing list of reasons to refuse.
Except there was a reason he accepted in the first place.
It was enough to fuel the fire inside him higher, until he was nearly bursting at the seams in his shuffling pace.
Finally, they were in an empty room. A quick glance around told him it was an empty washroom, and if not for Lan Fan’s very blatant disinterest in men, they may have been in trouble. As it was, she only slammed the door closed (a cathartic sound, though it did nothing for his thrumming body.) When she turned towards him, there was only concern. He hadn’t realized he’d expected anything less. But now, some tightness around his lungs loosened.
He’d been expecting a reprimand.
“What was the gift?” She started pulling his robes off of him.
Briefly, he wondered if this was unusual. The thought left his mind as soon as it crossed. He shifted his shoulders to help her remove the uppermost layer. “It was a shaving set.”
“Hm?” She moved to his front, untying a sash. “But you don’t have any facial hair.”
“It wasn’t for me to use myself.” Ling’s hands shook again. “Hua explained. It was for me to use, on him.”
Lan Fan’s fingers fumbled on the sash. “That doesn’t make sense, Sire.”
“It was meant as exactly what it was.” Ling stepped back and finished undoing the sash to his underrobe himself. “A notification of expectation. A signal that he wants me to be a doting husband.”
“I can see how in some twisted way that makes sense.” Lan Fan frowned. “Though he must be aware it doesn’t give a good impression.”
“He doesn’t think he has to care. He offered his hand in marriage without knowing me, Lan Fan. He wasn’t taking me into account at all. He wants Xing.”
“No.” She sat on an empty countertop. Her expression bothered him. “Not just Xing. He wants you, too. Sire.”
His skin felt raw. Only a few days ago, that may have been a relief. Now it was an irritation digging its way into his blood. “What makes you say that?”
“He’s been keeping tabs on you through the advisors. He has asked specifically after your health and happiness. The reports have been mixed, but he’s asked more than once.”
For a moment, Ling went cold. “Have any of them mentioned--”
“No. No mention of him. But the Amestrian does seem interested in you, specifically, Sire.” She frowned. “Though, I can say from your reaction to the gift that it’s a hopeless cause on his part.”
“What do I do?” He sat on the floor. At least a dozen tailors would be scandalized at his treatment of his clothing, but what did he care? Those same tailors complained every time he wore an outfit a second time.
“I cannot answer you, Ling. I’m sorry.” She smiled. “You should go to breakfast.”
“I’m not hungry.” He was too angry to feel hungry.
“Ed will be there. Surely, he will calm you down.” Lan Fan smiled. “Besides, you should at least try.”
Ling closed his eyes. “I’m not putting the robes back on.”
“You’ll scandalize us all, Sire.” But she was still smiling when she said it. “Please, at least keep your head around the boy.”
Ling blushed. He left, tired and still irritated.
He ignored the stares of the others. Admittedly, his under robe and darkest, loosest pants were not the usual outfit for an emperor. It would take until tomorrow for the rumors to reach outside the kingdom. And when they did, he’d solidify them with his announcement of withdrawal from the marriage.
What had Ed called it?
A soft rebellion.
He sat, heavily, in his seat at the top of the table. Ed and Al sat near him, like they had the night before. Soon, this would become noticeable. Soon, he’d have to deal with all of the fallout from there. Right now though…
“I like your new look.” Ed tapped his fingers on his glass, taking a deep drink. He stared Ling down, questioning. “It’s certainly to stir up some talk around here. Especially with how you stormed out earlier.”
“Surprised you noticed over all your laughter.” Ling stretched in his seat. The dining hall was chilly as the flame of his anger started to wane. “Al, you wouldn’t believe how loud your asshole of a brother laughed at me in my own court.”
“I’m sure he didn’t laugh half as loud as he snored.” Al contemplated, rubbing their chin. “Though I guess he didn’t do much snoring in your room last night.”
Ed and Ling both squawked a protest but Al just snorted.
“I gotta say, though. Your kitchen knows how to make a roast quail that just melts.” Al took a bite, a nibble really, and savored it.
“Al’s a bit of a foodie. In fact, I don’t think they’ve ever enjoyed a place we’ve visited as much. They go on and on about the food here in the room. Do you know how much I had to hear about the sugared sweet potatoes? That was a half hour rant at least.”
“They were good! And one of the cooks said she’d share her recipe with me.” Al’s eyes narrowed, a slow and innocent smile spreading across their face. “Besides, it’s not like I haven’t had to hear--”
“Ha! An-any way.” Ed waved his arm, the shine glinting with the bright lights of the room.
Ling caught the metal fingers in his, and Ed’s face lit up like a cherry sparkler. “Did you polish this?”
“Uh…” Ed’s mouth fell open as Ling openly observed the newly cleaned screws and gleaming plates. “Well, yeah. I mean, if I’m going to be modelling for an emperor, I figured it best be up to emperor’s standards.”
“Silly Edward.” Ling pulled the hand towards his face, checking the wear and tarnish. The scuff was still noticeable at the thumb, bits of unreachable fade peeking out from beneath overlapping metal. “I like your hands either way.”
Al coughed. “People are going to notice if you guys keep all that up.”
Ling dropped Ed’s hand and turned to his food. “So you say the quail is good?”
His appetite did return. He ate steadily through baked quail, quail egg dotted rice, taro starch candies, fried squash blossoms, sweet tomato filled dumplings. Occasionally Al would ask about a dish and he’d explain whatever he knew--not usually very much--and they’d write down a few notes to ask about later. And occasionally, he’d glance over to see Ed, a wide grin on his face, eyes alight, cheeks still tinged pink, and his heart would stutter.
This was the feeling he’d dreamed of as a kid. This excitement buzzing through him whenever he looked at Ed. The easy comradery between himself and the two brothers.
Ling leaned over, keeping his voice quiet and his body language inconspicuous. Al didn’t even look up.
“Let’s meet up where we met the first time, tonight.”
Ed nodded, and they continued through their meal until Ling had to excuse himself.
If Ed’s face turned a deeper shade of red, Al didn’t mention it.
As much as Ling was enjoying his scandalous outfit, he couldn’t justify doing any more official work in it. He changed into a simpler, less heavy version of the outfit he wore that morning. He hadn’t seen Lan Fan at breakfast. He assumed she had a good reason for wherever she was. Still. He wanted to tell her he’d made up his mind.
He toured through the city, overseeing repair projects and brokering deals between bickering businesses. The people weren’t quite sure what to do with him. And he was still learning exactly how to be what they expected of him. His advisors had tried to shepherd him into similes of past emperors. He chafed under their pressures as they tried to fill a shell they’d formed for him. The worst times were when they could cite legitimate reasons for their herding.
For example, he was exposed and in danger while out in the towns. So therefore, they must be able to have him well guarded. This very logical set of observations was followed with therefore every step he made had to be very meticulously timed and prescreened. Theoretically, he would spend only a small allotted time at each job, and no more.
One thing was always true, no matter how meticulously planned his outings. Each job multiplied. If he showed up to discuss the demarcation of a farming plot, the result would mean that already grown crops would have to be divided. Inevitably, a dispute would have to be settled. Then, as is only polite when you’ve just told at least one person they’ve less crops than they thought they did, he’d sit for a tea.
Today he didn’t get to lunch. Or back for another round of celebrations. And this was the way it always went, for any of his days he spent out with the people.
It was his favorite part of the job.
By the time he returned to the palace he was exhausted deep in his very bones. The robes, lighter he’d thought than the earlier ones, weighed him down. And still, he had dinner to go through. And the aftermath of this morning to handle. He wanted to sleep.
Then, he remembered.
He had a meeting. After dinner.
His steps still dragged, but a little less.
He made his way to his room and collapsed in his bed.
Only to jump up a moment later, shouting. “What the hell?”
A body wiggled under his covers. Fighting his way from a mountain of plush blankets, Ed’s head popped up. “Oh, you’re back. You were supposed to be back hours ago.”
A soft smile lit his face despite the heaviness of his limbs. “I can’t half ass a job with the people. They’d never forget and the bitching wouldn’t end for years. Probably until I died.”
“Even during your engagement?”
Ling scoffed. “Don’t play with me. You and I both know that’s a sham.”
“You sure?” Ed hugged the covers to his chest. Ling thought it was awfully cheeky that the Amestrian could sleep in his bed, wake up, and immediately start asking prying questions. Maybe he should have been bothered. Instead he was mildly impressed.
“Am I sure that the supposed suitor of mine who I’ve never met, who has no reason to have any interest in a decades younger new emperor in a country with an assassin problem, is nothing more than a sham of political leverage?” Ling slid his top off. He’d put it back on before dinner. But now, he needed to be lighter.
“Leverage? And what does that mean, for you?”
This conversation was a heavy one. Heavier than the exhaustion in his bones. Heavier than the robe he’d allowed to slide onto the floor. Heavier still than the thoughts that had been running through his head all day. “Do you know how I became Emperor?”
Ed frowned. “You fought your way through the other heirs, made alliances, made deals. That’s how every Xingese emperor ascends, right?”
“No. I’d have never been able to fight my way through 43 heirs.” Ling rubbed his eyes. “Promises. I made promises to those I didn’t need to fight my way through. Promises that their clan wouldn’t starve. Promises that I wouldn’t mercilessly kill those clans whose heirs I did have to fight through.”
“Sounds better.” Ed smiled. Ling didn’t.
“If I promised you, right now, that I would fix Amestris for you. That utilizing my marriage to your ruler, I would root out and destroy the corruption that causes Amestris to spread into neighboring countries like a virus. How would you feel?”
Ed’s face shifted, first to anger then to thoughtfulness, before finally landing on doubt. “How could you, even if you did marry him? Amestrians aren’t trusting. They’ve been in war after war--”
“Exactly. And yet, with the resources of Xing, the possibility arises that I could. And this is the possibility I’m faced with. Right now, I’m new, and my rule is based on promises that are thin until I fulfill them. And some of them will only be fulfilled when I die and haven’t killed off the opposing clans. When people aren’t used to honesty, believing in good things will become impossible.” Ling sat on the bed, pushed aside the covers. Ed was still dressed in this morning's clothes. As any normal person would be, Ling decided. “Having a strong military force behind my decrees would go a long way to making people take me seriously.”
“Sounds cowardly to me.” Ed crossed his arms. Ling was going to have to reign this conversation in, or he’d get no sleep before dinner.
“Yes, cowardly,” Ling wrapped his arms around Ed’s waist. “I’m certainly cowardly enough, but maybe not enough for this.”
Ed fought back his grin, but to no avail. “Well, I can’t believe I was lured all the way to the palace under false pretenses.”
“You mean you don’t want to become my mistress?” Ling placed a kiss against Ed’s throat. He wouldn’t usually be so forward, but he had found Ed in his bed.
“Don’t think I’ve got the legs.”
“I wouldn’t ask you to anyway.” And then Ling pulled Ed down, curled around the small statured boy, and fell asleep.
This way, exactly, was how Lan Fan found them. Ed, lying awake in Ling’s arms, and Ling, deep asleep.
“He seems relaxed.” Lan Fan shut the door quietly behind her. “This is good. I wanted to talk to you privately anyway.”
Ed sputtered. “He’s right here, it’s not like we’re alone.”
Lan Fan gave him a deadpan stare. Then she opened her mouth, talking loudly. “Ling! Oh, Ling, it’s an emergency, Ed is cutting off my leg with his automail arm. He’s going to kill me Ling, watch out!”
Ed gaped, waving his free hand in her direction. “Stop it stop it stop it! What are you doing?”
But Ling didn’t wake up. He only snuggled deeper into Ed’s chest, wrapped his arms tighter around Ed’s waist, and hummed contentedly.
“So, as I was saying.” Lan Fan on Ling’s desk, glancing through some of his pictures. “You came here before he got back. Before lunch. You must be hungry.”
“Starving, actually.”
“Careful, he’s got to be starving too.” She rested her chin on her hand, staring him down. “He’s been known to nibble in his sleep.”
“You two are close, yeah?”
“What are your intentions with the Emperor of Xing?” She uncrossed her leg, hopping down from the work desk. “How can I trust you?”
“We had an interesting conversation about trust earlier.” Ed looked up to the ceiling. “I don’t have any intentions, to be honest. I barely know him.”
Lan Fan was at the edge of the bed now. He could feel her cool touch on his leg, a threat more than a comfort. “That’s not a very comforting answer, considering what’s on the line.”
“You couldn’t very well trust me if I lied to you, could you?” Ed swallowed. “I like him. I have since I saw him half-passed out in the garden. He was so far gone he couldn’t stand, and he thought the flowers were stars.”
“It’s hard to understand why you went out after him.” Lan Fan’s grip on his leg tightened. “I had assumed he wanted to be alone. Why didn’t you?”
“I--” Ed hesitated. How much did he want to tell her? “I’ve had that look on my face before. The one he had when he went outside. I hadn’t wanted to be alone, then.”
“So you just took a chance? Followed a hunch?” She sat on the bed. Ling shifted beside him. “And then stayed out there with him, until we found you.”
“He doesn’t remember that part, I think.” Ed spread his fingers over Ling’s arm. “He asked me to lay with him. I didn’t want to disappoint him.”
“You really don’t want anything from him, do you?”
“Just a chance.” Ed turned his face into Ling’s hair. “A chance to get to know him.”
“He wants you to.” Lan Fan sighed. “It’s time to get ready for dinner, now.”
“Right.” Ed ran his fingers through Ling’s hair, careful to keep the metal from tangling. “I should probably go. You probably wanted to talk to him, yeah?”
“I think it would be best.” Lan Fan didn’t move. “After all, it wouldn’t do for you two to arrive at dinner together, again.”
Ed moved carefully, lifting Ling’s arm and sliding out from beneath him. “He sleeps like a log.”
“Only after his visits to the people. It drains him but he loves it. He doesn’t do well sitting still.” She stood before Ed could reach the door, hand outstretched. “I think you’ll love him, before too long. I wish you good luck, Edward Elric. It is no easy task loving Ling Yao.”
He frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t get me wrong. It’s worth it, every step.” Her hand hung in the air, waiting. “But he is emperor. And he doesn’t understand how important he is.”
“I make no promises.” He shook her hand and left, feeling somehow that he had made a vow, despite his claims.
Maybe he was already a lot deeper in than he thought.
They didn’t sit together at dinner this time. Ling was dressed in the robe he’d worn to town, only slightly rumpled, and smiling at everyone. A few people had attempted to ask him about his show over the gift this morning. He waved off their questions easily and changed the subject.
He’d even had one of the waiters sneak a baked taro bun over to Al, who had greedily devoured the whole thing. But he didn’t look at Ed.
Lan Fan stuck to his side, slyly moving him away from the less pleasant visitors. Ling pretended not to notice, but at one point he grew frustrated with a conversation, grabbed her around the waist, and did a circle around the room with her, ignoring any woh tried to talk to him. She laughed at him, and he ended up laughing with her. It was only a single round but it was enough to stir up the murmuring all over again.
The abrupt change had successfully signaled a change, however. The groups of people chattering needlessly started to break up into smaller groups, and music began playing. Ling watched as people stopped paying attention to him, concerning themselves with their own conversations.
He took a deep breath and sat down, rubbing his hands over his face. “God, that was becoming insufferable. I receive one shaving set and everyone has jokes and questions.”
“I think it’s more than that, Sire.” Lan Fan stretched. “Are you keeping your appointment?”
“A good emperor always does, right Lan Fan?” He grinned at her.
She squeezed his hand. “Just guard yourself, sire. We don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
He stuck his tongue out. “You’re always so serious. Never want to just have fun.”
“I have all sorts of fun when I’m with you, Sire.”
They both burst into giggles. He stood, brushing at the wrinkles on his top. “I’ve best get going. Ed disappeared quite a few minutes ago. He’ll be worried if I don’t show up soon.”
“Sire?” She tugged on his sleeve. “You do deserve to be happy. Don’t let any of us make you doubt that.”
A lump rose in his throat. “And is that your official opinion, Lan Fan?”
“That is always my opinion, Sire.”
He was still riding the high of knowing he’d be able to rely on Lan Fan, even if he made the selfish decision, even if he allowed his pride to rule just this once, when he made his way to the archway. Ed sat beneath, staring up at the tiny white flowers that dotted overhead.
“They do kind of look like stars, if you cross your eyes a bit.” Ed thumped back, stretching his arms above him.
“You’ll never reach them. They are the stars, after all.” Ling sat down and matched Ed’s pose.
“Do you remember asking to watch the stars with me?”
Ling shook his head. “No, I don’t. But I’d like to get the chance to try for real.”
“Well, that’s all up to you. I could always be your mistress.”
“You wouldn’t, you’re far too moral for that.” Ling hummed. “No, I’m going to call off the engagement. I can’t follow through with it.”
“Is this because of me? Don’t make a decision like that because of me. We just met, after all. What if we like different music or something?”
“Don’t worry. I’d probably have made this decision even if I hadn’t met you.” Probably. Maybe. Ling hoped he would have. “I’ve given up a lot to be Emperor. But I feel like this would be giving up more than I could actually bear.”
“I won’t argue with you.” Ed turned on his side. “I can’t say I wasn’t hoping.”
Ling opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a hand grabbing his arm. Lan Fan was here, and she’d obviously hurried.
“Lord, there’s been a development. We’ve just received word.”
Ling frowned, his brow pulling together. “What is it? Is everything ok?”
Lan Fan looked towards Ed, and then back to him. “Your fiance is heading here, to meet. He cites a misunderstanding as the cause, but I fear he may have learned of,” she made a vague gesture towards Ed. “Your extracurriculars.”
Ed’s face turned red again, a sight that would have usually sent Ling into cheery, warm feelings. But now his stomach felt it was digging its way into the dirt.
He would be meeting his suitor after all.
Ed grabbed his hand, already sitting up. "I shouldn't be here. People are bound to start showing up soon to congratulate you."
Ling didn't let go of Ed's hand as he moved to leave. "Well, you are. Don't even think about leaving me here."
Ed stopped, looking to Ling uncertain. "But--"
And so Ed stayed, waiting for Ling as advisors came to tell him he only had two days before the King of Amestris arrived.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me -Chapter 29
Warnings: none really
Tagging: @ocfairygodmother​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @alievans007​
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The water is scalding. Causing her to wince; ripping the breath from her lungs as she steps underneath it. Accepting it’s brutality and punishment in an attempt to exchange physical pain for internal. She bites down on her bottom lip hard enough to break skin and draw blood; holds her breath and bouncing up and down on her heels as she suffers through the temporary agony in the hopes of gaining long term relief.
Her heart aches. A pain far more intense than anything she’s ever experienced in her thirty-five years.  An emptiness has settled deep inside of her; holes that had long ago been patched back together threatening to burst wide open. The anguish is unbearable. The start of what feels like prolonged state of mourning that comes with expected yet still devastating loss. It’s a painful and bitter pill to swallow when you’ve the end of your rope and no matter how desperately you try to hold on, you still wind up torn apart and broken in the end.
Tyler’s confession had blindsided her; knocking the wind clear out of her and sending both her emotions and her reality into a violent tailspin. She’d a setback when it came to alcohol. After all, he’d fallen off the wagon three times in the last six and half years and the last time she’d relegated herself to the fact that it would always be part of their life. Comforting herself with thoughts of how at least he wasn’t a mean or a violent drunk. Loud and obnoxious, and often overly emotional and sensitive and sometimes even absentminded and neglectful, but never intimidating or aggressive. That she would never tolerate.
But he hadn’t had Oxy in his system since the rehab stint after Dhaka, and it had been successfully flushed from his system and he’d never gone back to it again. It’d been a tough battle, but he’d come out happier and healthier without the added weight of dependency. For almost seven years he’d never given the drug a second thought and had dedicated himself to living a cleaner life; hating the mere thought of taking anything stronger than over the counter pain medication despite being in near constant agony.
Things had been better. Even with alcohol still in the picture. Once he was off the Oxy he became calmer. More content. Those jagged and rough edges softening. But then the Dhaka nightmares began and was closely followed by depression and PTSD; powerful and unrelenting demons that had dragged him into the very depths of hell. Convincing him that he -and everyone around him- would be better off if he had died that day on the bridge. There’d been no reasoning with him while in that state, and it had taken two legitimate suicide attempts and as many psych ward stays to convince him to get the help that he so desperately needed.
But they’d made it through. Somehow emerging from the darkest and most dreadful times -and a six month separation- stronger than ever. Surviving things that would have torn most couples apart. And even though the battle with alcohol had remained, not once had he ever mentioned needing or wanting or Oxy. Even while rehabbing from painful knee and shoulder replacement surgeries. He’d just battled through it; never complaining, barely wincing or grimacing even on the worst days. He’d accepted it as his new natural state of life; permanent punishment for the bad decisions and the horrible things he’d had to resort to just to stay alive. A life of physical suffering in exchange for having a life at all.
It had been hard. Hearing the confession as it tumbled from lips. The stark and brutal realization of just how lost and troubled he actually is; seeing the desperation and vulnerability...and even shame and disgust...in his eyes and all over his face. It’s difficult; loving someone that much and having to watch them suffer. Knowing that there’s more you can do for them and feeling completely and utterly helpless. There’s no words that can make things better or take all the pain -both physical and mental- away.
She’d known the moment he’d said it that things were out of her reach. That HE was out of her reach. That there was nothing more she could say or do that would make even the slightest bit of difference. That if things keep spiralling out of control and the want and need became too powerful to control, he would fall back into old habits. And that will be the final straw. No more chances. No more thinking that love alone is enough to save someone. It should be -and it would be- in a perfect world. But there’s only so much she can take; only so much fight left in her. And if he gets to that point, she will have lost him. With no chance of ever getting him back.
The tears come now. Spilling down her face and joined by painful, choking sobs that cause her entire body to quake. Tears of anger and frustration; profound sadness that accompanies an impending loss. The ache in her heart and the tightness in her chest increasing, and she places both palms and her forehead against cool, smooth tile and closes her eyes. Standing directly under the steaming, pounding water until there’s no more tears to shed and the sobs settle into nothing more than soft, pitiful whimpers.
You can do this, she tells herself, even though the emptiness and the tremendous sense of loss say otherwise.  You’ve gotten through worse. You got through Dhaka. You got through what happened on the bridge. You can get through this too.
She thinks of those minutes and hours immediately afterwards; sitting in a packed OR waiting room still clad in the same clothes and Doc Marten boots she’d been wearing on the bridge. Covered in dirt and grime and blood. So much blood. Some of it still bright and damp and smelling fresh, other areas thick and dark and stiffening the fabric of her t-shirt. It had caked and stained her hands and gathered under her nails; travelled all the way to her elbows and was streaked across her face and forehead and had even settled in her hair. She’d been alone. No Nik. No Yaz. No team members whose names she didn’t remember. And the shock of just what had happened -the things she’d seen and the things she’d done- had left her feeling numb. As if her body and mind were acting on their own accord and she had absolutely no control over them.
She can remember the looks on other peoples’ faces. Their outright horror and disgust at being confronted by so much blood,  their obvious concern for her fragile mental state, and genuine curiosity. Complete strangers had offered her drinks of water and juice and small snacks, yet couldn’t refrain from asking well meaning yet horribly invasive questions that she had no reasonable answers for. A nurse had brought her a pair of scrubs and socks to change into and had escorted her to a staff shower so she could clean herself up. And she remembers standing under the water watching as all the blood washed away; swirling around at her feet before disappearing down the drain.
She hadn’t been in the waiting area for ten minutes before the surgeon had come out with his first update; grim faced and stern, not an ounce of confidence in his eyes. Giving her the clear plastic bag packed with Tyler’s belongings; whatever could be salvaged, that was. Combat boots, cell phone, the watch and the bracelets he’d been wearing, the utility vest. She’d spent half an hour in a public washroom trying to scrub the latter clean; sobbing uncontrollably as she tried to ignore the rips and the tears and the bullet holes, using hand soap to attempt to get all of the blood and dirt out. Her stunned and foolish brain convincing her that it HAD to be done. After all, he might need it again.
Tightly screwing her eyes shut, she drops her chin to her chest; breathing slow and steady as she lets the steaming water pound against her body. And while soothing, it does nothing to wash away the vivid and haunting memories that will forever plague her mind.
She finds him on the couch; in nothing but a pair of tattered old sweats with his legs stretched out and his bare feet propped on the coffee table.  Eyes closed and breathing soft and steady; Addie lying high on his chest with her face against his neck, his cheek pressed against the side of her head and a protective hand on her back. It’s quite the sight; that big, strong man made up muscles and tattoos and scars with a tiny baby clad in a bubble gum pink sleeper. And she’s quiet and stealthy as she picks up his cell from where it sits on the coffee table, quickly snapping a picture before returning the phone to its resting place.
“What’cha doing?” It’s a groggy mumble, stirred awake when he feels her plucking the empty baby bottle from where he’d set in between his thighs.
“You fell asleep,” she explains, then places the bottle on the table. “Want me to take her? I can put her in her crib and you…”
“Leave her. She’s fine for now.”
With his free hand he reaches out and takes hold of her wrist, gently tugging her towards him and down onto the couch. Arm wrapping around her when she settles in tightly against him; legs tucked under her, head against his shoulder, a hand on his stomach.  
The familiarity of him is comforting; smooth skin against her cheek, the smell that clings to him, the warmth of the strong, solid body and the feel of those tight, well defined abdominal muscles under her fingertips as she slowly and methodically traces each one. Yet she can feel the tension in her shoulders and that aching -that dread- that lingers in the pit of her stomach. And she wonders if he’s fallen asleep again; if those demons and those monsters have finally agreed to let him rest.  Until she feels the brush of his thumb along her shoulder and then his body moving against hers as he carefully moves Addie from her resting place; laying her along his forearm with her head in the crook of his elbow, then tucking her tightly into him.
“Everything okay?” Tyler asks, and she nods. “You haven’t said much since we got home.”
That was eight hours ago, and since then they’ve maybe had five minutes of meaningful conversation. Despite putting on a good front with the smiles and the laughs, they’d been fabricated for the most part. She’d been quiet and distant. With him, with the kids, even with Salena who’d cover over to ‘hangout’ with Ovi and Kyle while they held down things on the homefront.
He’d thought things were okay; that his confession and the open and honest -and completely rational- talk afterwards had been a good start. That while it was going to be a long, hard road, at least they were beginning it on the right foot.  And he hates how weak it makes him feel; how the last seven years of fighting PTSD and depression and everything that comes with him have left him a neurotic, self conscious mess.
“There hasn’t been much to say,” she says, as her fingers continue their exploration of his abs and the small scars and imperfections that mar his stomach. “It’s been one thing after another since we got home.”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “It’s been a little...I don’t know…”
“Off the reservations?”
He chuckles. “That works.”
“And it annoyed me that there were so many goddamn people here. Ovi and Chloe and Kyle and Salena.  Like what the hell? We’re not a drop in centre or a shelter for wayward youth.”
“Well someone did have to watch the kids.”
“They should have left when we got back. They didn’t have to stick around. It’s like having four other kids. We have to entertain them and feed them and worry about keeping them happy. I’m their maid or their mother. Like, fuck off already.”
Tyler grins. “You’re feisty tonight.”
“It just pissed me off. I love having my brother visit and I like Salena and it’s nice to have a friend. But God. Go away. I like when it’s just us and the kids and I don’t have to worry about other people.”
“Fuck ‘em. I don’t worry about anyone else. Just my people. That’s all that I care about.”
“Is it wrong that I’m glad my brother is next door eating the neighbour’s ass like a cupcake?”
“When you say it that way? Yes. It is. It is wrong. In so many ways.”
“I mean, I know he just met her and despite what he says, I know it’s one of the main reasons he broke things off with Nik. But at least he’s out of my hair. I’ve got enough to deal with. I don’t need his bullshit on top of it.”
“You know what I think? I think we’re the last two people who should be talking about things happening too fast between him and Sabrina.”
“Salena,” she corrects. “I don’t know if you actually don’t remember her name, or if you just call her Sabrina just to be a dick.”
“It’s just to be a dick,” Tyler admits.
“You honestly don’t like her? It’s not just you being paranoid for no reason?”
“It’s not that I don’t like her. I just don’t trust her. And not in a paranoid or overprotective way. I’m working on being okay with the ‘you having friends’ thing. I’m good with that. There’s just something about her. Something that doesn’t sit right. And you've always said I have good instincts.”
“Very good instincts. Amazing instincts, actually.”
“Well they’re telling me that there’s something not right with her. That she’s not who she says she is. Who you think she is. Even Millie said she doesn’t trust her.”
“Well in all fairness, Millie is five and hates anyone who doesn’t put pineapple on pizza or who eats steak cooked past medium rare.”
“I just want you to be careful. I’m not saying don’t talk to her or don’t hang out with her. ‘Cause I get that you need friends. Just be careful around her. Don’t get too close, don’t say too much. That’s all I ask.”
“Okay,” she says, a smile on her face as she pats his stomach and kisses his shoulder. “See how agreeable I can be when you don’t freak out and we actually talk about things?”
“You are less of a bitch.”
“You know, you start out so well and you always manage to end so badly.”
“Kind of like everything in my life.”
She frowns. “That is not what I meant and you know it. I meant it as a joke. I was teasing you.” She tousles his hair, then runs her fingers through it. Loving the messy ‘bed head’ look it so easily takes on. “Are you alright? You’re not…?”
“Thinking about getting drunk and high? No. I’m not. I honestly haven’t thought about that since this morning. I don’t think about it all the time. It’s not every day, twenty four hours a day. Just when shit happens.”
“Like Ovi wanting help,” she concludes. “And your dad. And the nightmares.”
Tyler nods.
“I mean I get it. I do. I don’t know exactly what you’re feeling or what’s going on in your head, but I know you struggle. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate and a lot of things inside of you that are weighing you down. And I know the kind of life you’ve lived. The things you’ve seen and the things you’ve had to do. That would mess anyone up.”
It’s been a lifetime of turmoil. An abusive childhood, the death of his mother at a young age, a tumultuous marriage right out of high school, and the death of his first child. And he’d spent years devoting himself to the military and then to the job. Never taking time to truly rest and worry about himself.
“I don’t want you to think less of me,” he says. “I don't want you being disgusted or disappointed or…”
“Okay, first off,” Esme interjects. “I won't let you talk about yourself like that. Because none of that is true. I’m not disappointed or disgusted. Not in the slightest. And I could never think less of you. Because I know what kind of man you are and I know you’re strong and resilient and you’re loyal and protective and all those amazing things that make you, you. I mean, yeah, I won’t lie; there’s some things about you that drive me batshit insane.”
Tyler smirks.
“But it’s stupid shit like your snoring and how cold your feet are and you have the nerve to put them against me in bed. Or how you refuse to separate laundry before putting it in the machine and we’ve had to throw out so many clothes. Or how our last Christmas in Colorado you actually used a staple gun to put the lights on the house.”
“Don’t hold back baby,” he grins. “Tell me how you really feel.”
“But it’s dumb stuff like that. It’s the little things that drive me nuts but don’t make me love you any less. And I bet you have a whole list of things that drive you crazy when it comes to me.”
“It’s not actually a list, but…”
“But they’re still things that drive you nuts, right? Do they make you love me any less? Even the more serious things. Are they horrible enough to make you think less of me?”
“Of course not.”
“Well then why would I think that way about you? You’re not a terrible person because you’ve got issues. It’s not like you were a mean or an abusive drunk. That would have been a lot worse.”
“You would have totally kicked my ass if I ever got like that.”
“I would have given you the ass kicking of a lifetime. And then I would have taken your kids and left and I would have made sure you never found out. And that would have hurt you a lot more than anything physical I could have done.”
It’s the harsh and honest truth. As much as she wants him around, she would be more than capable of surviving without him. Of taking the kids and giving them a good life; somewhere safe and happy, away from the turmoil and heartache that booze and drugs would cause. And he wouldn’t blame her if she did leave. If that six month separation had taught him anything, it’s that she’s a hell of a lot stronger than anyone...even him...gives her credit for.
“If you go back to that...the booze...the meds...especially the meds..I can’t stay with you, Tyler. I can’t. Not because I don’t love you. Because I do. With everything I am and everything I have. But I love my children more and I won’t let them grow up like that. I refuse to let them go through that. I can live with going back to the job, but if you go back to the way you were when we met...if Oxy comes into this house or I find you’re sneaking off and doing it somewhere else...we’re done. I’ll walk out of here and I will take those kids and I won’t look back. And I know you don’t want that.”
“I don’t want that.”
Emotion chokes at him; tears filling his eyes as he looks down at the baby sleeping soundly against him. So tiny and so perfect. Everything that’s beautiful and good about the two of them existing in those six pounds and fifteen inches. Five times he’d experienced this; the joy and the profound love that comes with being a dad. And six months away from his kid had felt like a lifetime and had nearly destroyed him.
“You could survive without me,” she says. “But I know you wouldn’t survive long without them.”
“I don’t want to live without any of you,” he tells her. “We’re in this together. The second we found out about Millie and when we decided to get married. I don’t want to lose them and I don’t want to lose you either.”
“But you will. If you go back to the way you were.  The booze, the Oxy, the death wish. If you go back to that, we are not going to make it. Because I need to think about those kids first. I won’t let them grow up like that and you shouldn’t want them to either.”
“I don’t. I don’t want that. I don’t want to be that person again.”
“I can handle the job. If you decide you want to go back, I can accept it and we can live like that. That won’t kill us. But the rest will. And I don’t want that.  I don’t want to have to walk away. Because I love you. More than I ever thought I could love someone, especially after Mark. I’d rather live with you than without you.”
“Even with the snoring and the cold feet?” he teases.
“I just tell you to put on socks or to roll over and be quiet. Sometimes I plug your nose until you can't breathe and you wake up.”
“So you are homicidal.”
“I’m not trying to kill you. I’m trying to wake you up and to stop your snoring. Now if I covered your nose and your mouth, you might have a valid concern.”
Tyler smirks.
She tightens the hold on his hair, then presses his lips to his temple, followed by his ear, then down to his cheek. Lips warms and feathery as they travel along his jaw as she speaks. “You are the strongest person I know. That I’ve ever known. And I need you to fight this. Harder than you’ve ever fought anything else. Even after Dhaka. Because you have little humans that love you and adore you and would miss you so much. If you can’t do it for myself or for me, do it for them. I mean look at her…” she reaches across to him to run a palm over Addie’s head; the dark hair soft against her skin. “...look how beautiful she is. How perfect she is. You did this. You helped make this. Something so amazing. Why would you not want to fight?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I just don’t know I have anything left to fight it.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. You don’t give up. You’re not a quitter. Maybe before we met and you felt like you had nothing to lose and thought you deserved to die. But now you have everything to live for. So if you think I’m just going to sit back and let you...of all people...just give up, you have another thing coming. So stop,” she kisses his cheek. “Stop your shit and get it together and fight this thing. Promise me, Tyler. That you’re not going to give in to this.”
“I’m not going to give in,” he assures her. “I don’t want to lose you or my kids. That would kill me quicker than anything else ever could.”
“See , now THIS is when being ferociously stubborn is a good thing,” her face and voice seem brighter. “And isn’t she something else?” She traces the outer edge of Addie’s ear with her fingertip. “She’s just so tiny and so perfect and so amazing.”
“And beautiful,” he adds. “Just like her mom. We did good, yeah?”
“We did. Five times. It’s surreal, isn’t it? If you think about where you were seven years ago compared to now.”
“I don’t even want to think about where I was seven years go. I mean, other than when you walked into my place looking all cute and shit in your little shorts and your tank top.”
“I still can’t believe you remember what I was wearing. It’s not like it was anything spectacular. Not like Nik and her blouse cut down to her belly button nearly.”
“I never paid attention to what she was wearing. I was too busy looking at your ass in those shorts.”
She laughs. “You were honestly checking out my ass?”
“And other things,” he admits. “I’m a guy. I’m gonna look. Especially when fresh meat walks through the door.”
“Fresh meat? Really? That’s what you thought of me?”
“I don’t mean it in that way. I didn’t know who you were; I’d never seen you before. And you just show up out of the blue and walk in looking like that? Yeah, I checked you out.”
“You were very sly about it because I thought you hated me.”
“I didn’t hate you. I was nice to you.”
“That was nice? That was you being nice?”
“Okay, so maybe you annoyed me a little.”
“I annoyed you now?” she laughs. “How did I annoy you? I barely spoke to you or looked at you.”
“I didn’t like that Nik just showed up like that and brought someone with her. And it threw me off that you looked like you did and your ass looked like it did. And I hadn’t had sex in like four months, so…”
“That’s what it was! I annoyed you because you were sexually frustrated.”
“Pretty much,” Tyler nods.  “And you were wearing those shorts and that strap of your tank top kept falling down. I kept wanting to push it back up but Nik was there and that would have been really awkward if I’d kicked her out and made her wait while I banged you.”
“Awfully bold of you to assume I would have succumbed to your advances.”
A sly grin spreads across his face. “You so would have.”
“Actually, yeah. I would have,” she agrees, and then bursts out laughing and drops her forehead onto his shoulder. “You’re a bad influence! You and your blue eyes and your stupidly handsome face. For what it’s worth, you sort of annoyed me too.”
“How? I behaved myself.”
“You did. But I was annoyed at how ridiculously good looking you were. I’ve seen a lot of mercenaries, but I’d never seen one that looked like that.”
“So you were checking me out too.”
“Of course I was. I’m not blind. I know a good thing when I see it.”  She jumps off the couch and heads for the kitchen, returning with a carton of ice cream and two spoons. “I mean, you were all tall and big arms and broad shoulders and the pure definition of walking sex. And the voice…” she drops down beside him once more, handing him a spoon and pulling off the lid on the ice cream. “...that would have sealed the deal. If you had said drop your pants, I would have done it, no questions asked.”
“Talk about a wasted opportunity.”
“Well we made up for it over the course of five days,” she reasons. “I couldn’t give it up in the first ten minutes. I already looked like a big enough slut after knowing you for three days.”
“For the record, I never thought you were a slut.”
“That’s reassuring. I thought you were one, so…”
He frowns. “That’s not nice.”
“A guy doesn’t look like you and not get laid a lot. I’m just saying. And the things you knew how to do and how well you did them? Yeah. I knew you were a player.”
“Yeah? Well for someone who claims to have only been with three guys including me, you knew a little too much and were a little too willing to let me do certain things.”
“You’re going to complain about it seven years later? Really?”
“I’m not complaining. I’m just saying how it seemed.”
“Well you spend four years never having an orgasm other than the ones you give yourself, then let’s see how you feel when someone comes along and gives you multiple.  I have to say, you were on the ball that night.”
“I wanted you to keep coming back for more so I had to make a good first impression.”
“Oh believe me. You did. Because here I am, seven years later, looking like a hot mess after having five kids, and still putting out.”
“You’re beautiful. Always have been. Always will be.”
She arches an eyebrow. “Even after that many kids?”
He gives her a wink and leans in to kiss her. “Especially after that many kids.”
He groans as he stands; a grimace on his face and limp more pronounced as he carries Addie to her playpen; gently placing her inside and then tightly tucking a blanket around her.
“You okay?” Esme asks, as he returns to the couch, sitting down beside her once more. “You haven’t limped that bad in a long time.”
“I’m just stiff as hell,” he assures, then frowns as he reaches for one of the spoons. “Are you trying to make me fat?”
“You’re in a bulk. Ice cream will help you do that. Although I should be getting you fat. So then I don’t have to worry about all those thirsty teachers and playground moms.”
“You already don’t have to worry about them. Besides, you should be more concerned about the neighbor.”
Esme grins. “She thinks you’re a snack.”
“A snack? Fuck her. I’m the whole goddamn buffet.”
“Plus extra dessert. And those warm lemon smelling face cloths some places give you.”
Tyler grins. “I think that’s honestly the best and the weirdest compliment anyone has ever given me. Just so you know, you’re the whole dessert section of the buffet. Plus extra chocolate sauce and sprinkles.”
“You keep sweet talking me like that and I may just jump you right here.”
“Yeah? You promise?”
“We’ll see…” she singsongs, and they lapse into a companionable silence as they dig into the ice cream. Listening to Addie’s soft breathing and the sounds of the nocturnal wildlife that lingers on their property.
“So…” he breaks the silence. “...I was thinking.”
“Uh oh. I don’t know if I like the way you said that.”
“About what you said today. About the job. How you’d be okay with me going back.”
Both eyebrows arch as she regards him.
“I just want you to hear me out, okay? Just listen to what I have to say before saying anything back or freaking out on me. Can you do that?”
Esme nods.
“I have an idea. Actually, it was Ovi’s idea first but I tweaked it and made it make more sense. More beneficial. For me. For us. As a family.”
“Alright,” she swallows some ice cream and helps herself to another spoonful.
“What if I started my own operation? If I got my own group of guys together and made up a  team and got the word out that we’re available and looking for work? What if I was the boss. The Nik of things, so to speak.”
“Where would you find the guys?”
“It’s been almost seven years since Dhaka but my name still has a lot of pull. I let people know I’m looking for mercs, there won’t be a shortage of interested people. And I have a few that have been itching get back into it  and would jump at the chance.  Remember Nathan?”
“The marine from New Zealand?”
“He’s been wanting to break away from Nik for a while. Says she’s losing her touch and things are going to shit.  He’s put his name out there but has gotten a lot of interest.”
“What are his numbers like?”
“Decent. Got a good kill record. Not that that means everything when it comes to the job. But he hasn’t gotten seriously hurt, hasn’t gotten a client or a teammate killed, or royally fucked up.”
“So he’d be one to take a chance on.”
Tyler nods.
“Who else?”
“Just guys I’ve worked with before. That I know work hard and I can trust. Nik won’t be happy though.”
“Because you’re getting into it and getting a piece of that pie?”
“That and I’d be pinching some of her guys. And she knows if people know it’s my operation, we’ll start pulling all the big jobs. Word travels fast in the game and if surviving Dhaka did anything…”
“It boosted your reputation,” she concludes. “Big time. People will be shocked. If you decide to get back in it. Especially if you get back in as a boss. Is that really something you want to do? Or would you rather be right in it getting your own hands dirty?”
“I’d rather come home to my family. And there’s a way better chance of that if I just run things. I mean, I’d have to go where the jobs are, but I wouldn’t have to go out right out in the field. I’d just stay behind and run shit.”
“Hmm…” Esme taps the bowl of her spoon against her lips as she considers his word.
“What are you thinking?” Tyler asks. “And be honest. Don’t just say that you think I want to hear.”
“Well, first, I think it’s a huge step for you.”
“In a good way, or…”
“Of course in a good way. In a very good way. You have the experience. You know how you want things done and you know how you want guys to be. And you know they’ll work for you and that they’ll work well.”
“Actually, there is no but. Not that I can think of. And I already told you that I was okay with you going back. Even when it was just the thought of you back out in the field. Could you run things from home? Until there’s a job and you have to go wherever?”
“Baby, in this day and age and with the technology out there? I could run things while taking a shit.”
“And it’s something you’d be happy with?”
“I think so. I think it would stop me from missing the job. I’d still be in life, but not actually in it. I would be a hell of a lot safer, that’s for sure.”
“I know I’d feel better about it,” she admits.
“It would take a bit. To get everything off the ground. I might need your help.”
Her eyes widen.
“Just with intel stuff and getting the word out. Nothing serious.”
“I am not getting involved like I did in Ireland.”
“I wouldn't want you to. Strictly behind the scenes. I promise.”
She sighs. “I suppose I could help with that. What’s in it for me? What kind of payout do I get?”
He grins. “My undying love and loyalty?”
“I already have that. Next.”
“Lots of dick?” he tries again.
“I already get that.”
He shrugs. “I don’t know then. What do you want?”
“I want to go away. Just the two of us. For a couple days. Three at the most.”
“Okay,” Tyler agrees. “Where?”
“I want to go to Kimberley.”
He cocks an eyebrow. “Why the hell would you want to go there?”
“I want you to call Koen and tell him we want to stay at the shack. That we’ll pay for him to stay somewhere else for two or three days. I want to go hiking and I want to camp for a night at that gorge you told me about. Where you jumped off the cliff and scared the shit out of Rata.”
“That’s all you want?”
Esme nods.
“Really? You don’t want flowers or expensive jewellery or…”
“I don’t want those things. I want to go away. With you. Just the two of us. And that’s where I want to go. Can you make it happen?”
He gives a confident smile. “Consider it done.”
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Be Smart When You Follow These Tips On Travel
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When you consider travel, do you see it as something that requires a long investment to arrange for which area to the following you will travel? Assuming this is the case, at that point, you have a limited perspective on it. Traveling is a great deal more and it very well may be modified so it works with you. Peruse on to discover how.
Pre-winter is an extraordinary time to travel through New England. This is when the leaves start to change into their delightful brilliant shading. The climate chills off, making the air feel refreshingly fresh. You never again need to contend with summer sightseers. This is the time when you can back off your pace of travel and simply appreciate the magnificence around you.
Pack some plastic zipper sacks. You realize you need them to get your fluids and toiletries through security, yet additional items can generally prove to be useful. You may require a couple of additional for snacks out and about, as a refuse sack, or as an ice pack in a crisis. The greater part of all, they prove to be useful when you are pressing to return home and have a drenching wet bathing suit to put in your pack.
In the event that you have a long flight coming up, it might entice take a tranquilizer to make the travel time go quicker. Be that as it may, hold up until your plane is open to question before you take it. In the event that you nap off before it's in the air, you may miss critical declarations or more awful, be approached to land to switch planes.
For a peaceful get-away, begin setting yourself up multi-week before leaving. Make beyond any doubt your loved ones know where you are going, and have someone drive by your home to make beyond any doubt all is well. Introduce an alert is essential. Discover someone to deal with your pets and plants.
Attempt to eat something mellow amid the supper before your plane ride. You would prefer not to feel queasy or need to utilize the restroom various times amid the flight. A bit of toast for breakfast or a measure of soup for lunch would be an incredible alternative.
In the event that you have a dread of flying and need a beverage to enable you to unwind on the plane, dependably make beyond any doubt that you add two beverages of water to that one mixed refreshment. The most exceedingly bad thing you can do is drink a lot on a plane and become ill or dried out.
In the event that you have sensitivities to felines, hounds or even residue, you ought to carry your hypersensitivity prescription alongside you on the plane. Individuals will, in general, bring their creatures along on flights. Regardless of whether the creature isn't going with them on the trip, despite everything they have pet dander on their garments.
On the off chance that you will in general travel a ton, an extraordinary activity is purchase a postcard from each new area. Gather your postcards in a photograph collection (they are a similar size as the normal photo) and compose the dates on the back when you went there. Doing this will make your trip critical and give you some pleasant pictures to think back on.
In the event that you are anticipating going swimming at all amid your trip, bring two distinct bathing suits. Along these lines, when one of them is wet, you can give it access the washroom to dry and you should crisp one to put on for whatever water exercises you have booked throughout the afternoon.
Abstain from contracting a bug, or more awful, on the plane with hand sanitizer. An airplane is an encased space where a substantial number of individuals are restricted for an all-inclusive timeframe. To make matters more terrible, the air inside the lodge is flowed, spreading germs from traveler to traveler. To abstain from finding something, attempt to abstain from contacting your eyes, nose, and mouth. On the off chance that you should scratch that tingle, wash your hands, and after that apply hand sanitizer.
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In the wake of perusing the majority of that, do despite everything you see traveling similarly? Do you currently see that it is quite a lot more and that there are exceptionally basic things that you can add to your arrangement to help make the most of your trip more? It is anything but a huge amount of work; it's whatever you make it.
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shewrites24742 · 3 years
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Lip-lock in the elevator 🤤
I scowl with frustration at myself in the mirror. Damn my hair - it's still wet and it won't behave to be perfect on important days. And my mom, Ahh it's okay that we are late mom it's fine please don't yell at me for being late and obviously, it's not my wedding. I took a deep breath to wear this lehenga. I put some makeup on my face just to be perfect lol. I wore my sandals matching my lehenga. Oh, I forgot my perfume and I came down from my room. My mom, bro and dad were waiting for me downstairs being angry because I'm late. We sat in our car and rush out of traffic we reached the place which the wedding we are going to attend today. Oh, tho relatives, I just hate them sometimes and their kids wowed pretty attitude they maintain while saying a hi to me. I used to think sometimes is this is my family? But Thank God, my favourite cousin is there too. My daddy's uncles sons daughter. Tia, I just love to be with her at any boring functions we attend. Tia n I used to roam a lot in the wedding hear gossips about aunties as much as we can and laugh a lot. Yeah, she's my best cousin sister I have.
While we were hearing one aunty gossips one waiter come to us with cold drinks and some snacks. He was in a hurry but while serving us he spills the cold drink on my sister's dress. I stood up and want to fight with him from my back one guy came to stop me up I don't know who's he but he said sorry for the waiter's mistake. And Tia said to him it's okay we're Cool. I was like 'who the heck he is?' I said to Tia, she replied to me ' It's okay happens sometimes, and there are so many people attending this wedding that's why the waiter is in a hurry' I nodded to her. And that guy who came from my backside to stop me again came to go us and he's trying to talk with me. I just ignored him off and my amazing sister said to him 'Dia is like that only not to worry about but she's a good person in real life.' I was shattered why she told him my name while saying about me. Tia why did yaar how can you do it? He smiles at me and gone. My mom called me out to meet another relative of my family I sat with them I was not even interested to meet them. And wow, what I just saw Tia and that guy is talking again? When I saw them together I felt bad that I am sitting here and you guys are talking still. That guy again looked at me and smiles I given him an angry look. 'Don't u dare just don't be with my sister or I will make some pieces of you and grilled it up and give them to the street dogs maybe they will enjoy you eating' by the way I'm saying in my mind? Pandit came to my mom and said ' Call the groom and the other relatives' We were from the groom side and I saw that guy is from the bride side oh man. He's wearing the sherwani which was my favourite colour hey, what the heck why I'm amazed by his wearing now? Tia saw me I'm looking at him being amazed she said me ' Hey you what are you looking at Dia?' I reply to her 'nothing'. And again he saw me and given me a cute smile and wow I smiled at him back. Wow-what the heck is happening to me now? After some rasams, the food stall got opened. I and Tia ran to take our first feast which is on the food stall. Gulab jamun our favourite dessert. We were standing in the queue for the food. That guy came again he was given his hand to Tia and pulled her on the other side. Tia called me up there I gone and because of him we got the food first I was thinking in my mind why is he doing this for us for what? Later when we were done having our amazing feast we have gone to wash our hands and drink chilled water again he came up to us serve us the water we both drank it and I hold my Tia's hand we went to my mom and we spoke to her " mom we are done with food can we go and roam here we are just here okay if you need us just call" my mom reply, "Okay".
I and Tia were roaming at the wedding doing the same thing listening to gossips about Aunties and drinking cold drinks too. That guy came again to us asking ' Do you need anything just say okay I'm from the bride side and I don't want to disappoint you guys which is from the groom side'. We just said okay n ignored him. My mom called us up for the gifts which were upstairs. I and Tia went to the building which is next to the wedding hall. That building was so high like it has a 15 floor we took the elevator and that guy came again with us in the lift. I was thinking the whole time why is he following us Every time. Mom told us the 6th floor and the room where the gifts were kept we took it all and taken the lift for the ground floor that guy helped us he took some of the gifts which were with me and Tia hold them well. We reached the wedding hall given the gifts to my mom where she kept inside of the grooms home. And we again started roaming here and there that guy was following us still.
That time I want to go for a pee and my mom called Tia and she went to my mom. I checked the groom's room there are so many people and I saw that guy I asked him ' it's an emergency can you please tell me where's the washroom'. He holds my hands for the first time and I felt good that time I don't know why but it is. We went to the same building where we took the gifts from and he told me where's the washroom is I gone up there I felt so relax after peeing and I checked my face wipe it up a little from tissues because I'm sweating a lot when I came out. He holds my hands again and we took elevator for the ground floor.
I don't know what happened to him when we went inside the elevator he presses the button on the ground floor. And then he looked at me said fuck first and grabbed me and kissed me slowly on my lips I was shocked instead to take him away from me I kissed him back he holds my back so tightly while kissing me harder and yes I got melt on him. And for god sake, we reach the ground floor which I don't want to. He asked me should we join the wedding I nodded to him. But he grabbed me again and he presses the button for the 15th floor. I was like wow what's happening in here now. Again he grabbed me so tightly and he kissed me again with slow I kissed him back our tongue meets we LIP LOCKED while kissing yes and I loved it when he does it he smells so good when I'm in his arms. He closes his eyes while kissing me and I opened my eyes to see him he looks so amazing when he's this much close to me. We were kissing still and he asked me can we go to the terrace now if you want to I don't know why I nodded to him even for that but I was impressed with him. We kissed again and on the 15th floor we reached we gone to the terrace he holds my hands again while we were going there I asked him about his family he said to me, " he's the younger one his elder bro mom and dad were in the family ". He grabbed me again in his arms and he kisses me again he holds my neck while kissing me and then he looked into my eyes wow that stare make me melt again he grabbed my neck and started giving kisses on my neck it felt so amazing when he does it I was moaning in his ears I grabbed his hair and he continues to kisses my neck he asked me to remove the dupatta of my lehenga. I just nodded him he smiled at me and I smiled at him again. He sat down first I was next to him we kiss again and this time he made me sit on his laps. I felt something down and I asked him what it is he said nothing. We continue to our kisses he asked me can I keep my hands on my butts if you don't mind. And I nodded to him we kiss again. I was on him he gave me kisses on my neck I was moaning a lot and while moaning he kissed me on lips harder I took his hands to my cups I allow him to press them up when his hands cupping it up I was moaning in his mouth he grabbed my head and he again starts giving neck kisses to me oh man how can he does it yaar he's every kiss is so amazing and it's making me feel like I'm in heaven like oh man just do it again please don't stop kissing my neck. While I was moaning harder he comes up to kiss my lips again after that he asked me can I go down to touch you. Nobody ever does it but I don't know we will meet again or something so I nodded again. I was being so in the mood I was biting my lips while he was kissing my neck. And he tries to lose my lehenga a little he touches me down there, first of all, I was so wet he smiles on me when he touches it first then his fingers was massaging my vaginas clits and the labia and he kisses me again while doing it. I was moaning again. He was massaging my clits again and touching that button slow which makes me moan louder in his mouth and then he put the middle finger inside of it slow which makes me so horny and I can't stop moaning he kissed me again given me liplock I was so amazed from him. It turns me so on that time he starts rubbing my clits slow first and in the rhythm he starts doing it fast and faster it makes me so horny and yes it was so satisfying he makes me cum so hard. And I fell in his arms being tired a lot I saw someone is calling on my cell phone when I check it was Tia I picked up and she asked me " where the hell was you it time to leave now your mom and dad is searching for you now come fast now time to leave we all need to get some photos with the groom and the bride". I replied, "Yes I'm coming down wait".
We both went down to the 6th-floor room and I was making my dress my hair okay as it was before. He asked, "I do u know who am I". I said to him 'you're from the bride side'. He replied, " yes that's true but do you know my name". I reply "God I forget to ask him his name". But whatever I asked him " what's your name?" He replied "Deepak". I was in the fairy tale moment he's name is Deepak and my name is Dia wow. We reached the ground floor and I went to see my Tia and she's there near to my mom. My whole family was staring at me I know they were angry with me because I was with that guy and he's still watching me which make me blush so much. We took a group photo and that guy I mean Deepak came in that photo too I was happy to share that moment with him. I and Tia were together and Deepak sat next to me he taken my phone and dial his number on my cell phones number pad I saved his number. So it's been a while and it's time to leave as well he was behind us while we were leaving he grabs my hands and said hope I'll meet u soon Dia. I have given him a smile with blushing. We sat inside our car and my dad drove it to our home.
When we reach home I ran to my room taken a shower and thinking to call him now but I didn't. I don't know what happened to me but I didn't call him up. After one week I saw his number again but I was thinking to call him out but I won't still. Now it's been a month and I haven't called him yet I want to call him but I think maybe he forgets about me or something so I haven't called him up still. After some days I got a call from Tia she said to me " Hey Dia my mom and dad fixed my marriage and I want you to be with me at the muhh dikhayi". I was happy for her but then I think of Deepak too what if he is going to get married or maybe I don't know. After some days we all gone to Tia's home for the muhh dikhayi and what I saw Wow, Deepak and his family was there I was in shock what the hell he is doing here is he's going to get married to my Tia or something?
To be continued 🤯
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solasulad · 6 years
The Cousin Josh.
I’m feeling all types of emotions with this one. And I know I really really fucked up but I’m hating my self asking for more. I don’t think I’m gonna ask. I’ll just let it be like always but until then imma cry myself to sleep once I get those itches.
So.. let’s start..
Abel called me Friday night saying happy birthday. Told him thanks and that we should chill, me him and josh + whatever girls I could gather. He said sure I was like ii. Completely forgot about it for a second until he called me Saturday after noon asking what was up with josh on the line I was like blessed! If worst comes to worst I can chill with these guys. Had plans with S. for dinner but she flopped on me, so took these guys on instead. Invited R, to come to the club so it was perfect!
After running back and forth from one end of the city to another, I finally get to the Airbnb and settle in. It’s about 8pm now and my sister was tryna come over but told her nah. More like yah come but ignored her.
Anyways. I get to the Airbnb and start to slowly figure my life out. R. says she finishes at 9 and will come over after getting dressed I’m like cool, tell the boys to meet for 10 at the Airbnb. Bomb, I have an hour before the guys are to come and I slowly/quickly get ready.
I’m doing my make up, r. Hits me up with she’s gonna be late so I’m like Okk cause the guys haven’t arrived yet.
It’s now 10 & I get a call from Abel saying he’s down stairs... I’m like wow... okay my faces done by still haven’t got dressed & not sure if I was gonna add more make up on. So they kinda just fucked that up.
I finish whatever makeup I can, I put my shoes on and get them from downstairs. They both give me hugs Abel gives me a kiss on the neck and picks me up. Josh gives me a hug that’s it. We head up stairs, they chill on the bed/couch while playing music as I get ready. I’m running back and forth from the bed to washroom cause it’s an open Airbnb aka loft. So I finally get my dress & underwear put it on and lotion myself up. I walk out the washroom and they say it looks good, Abel complimenting me heavy as fuck and well, josh saying it looks good. In that moment I never really payed josh any attention cause he wasn’t looking my way. I just left it as that cause abel was trying heavy.
Anyways, they both compliment my dress, my hair and make up. I felt like the shit. We wait for my friend to come  & head downstairs for a smoke. Took only one pull of the weed and felt it. They both drinking so they give me some & I kill it. They ask me what I’m tryna do I’m like get drunk drunk 😭.
We wait for R. Then send her an Uber to her, she comes at 11:30 ish & we head out to the club.
Abel started puking up in the car and I was like wow really. Grown ass niggah can’t handle himself. Smh
We get to the club I’m like wavy but not drunk R.’s chilling dancing, Josh orders is a drink and I’m like w/e I’m good with it. He gets us Jack Daniels & coke. I’m drinking that shit like it’s water sipping it fast.. then Abel gives me his. I’m like awh sheet gonna get fucked up 🙌🏾!
Finish his drink then start dancing not really doing much just moving my ass, lol there was a moment when after hoping rooms we found a chill vibe and I started shaking my ass twerking, the dress was so short so I had to stop. Abel kept amping me up that was dirty annoying 😩. We stuck with the guys and danced, before walking into the club R. Asks me about the guys & I tell her Joshs a cute but Abel’s cock blocking & that if she was down to go for him. She’s like she’s had her eyes on him & he is a cutie. I’m like “well damn” before even coming to the club I was laying down on the bed and showed Abel a pic of R said I was gonna hook josh and her up.
So now the club. When emotions kinda ran thru me. So we are now still in a room dancing. I’m enjoying myself and just dancing with the group kinda. Not really hugging up anyone just there dancing Abel tried to get me to turn around but I didn’t. Anyways, we dancing me looking towards Abel and Abel moving in squares like he’s retarded, I turn around to see if R. Was good and see her and josh kissing... I was like well damn now look at this. My mood was like “shit, but whatever Abel’s cock blocked me”
So, after a couple mins R comes to me and she’s like omg he’s so cute, im like yo go for it he’s a cutie!! Also I’m like yo Abel’s cock blocking’s me I need to meet some guys. She’s like we’re gonna ditch them and go out. Blessed right?? Yah well.. we tell them that we’re gonna use the washroom. As we’re leaving I’m like joshs 96 so be aware she’s like idc he’s hot, I tell her go for it! My geographic area of guys have big dicks anyways & she starts to laugh. We use the washroom, then decide to make are way around she wanted to finesse guys for drinks lmao. We end up walking out and some guy pulls on her. He looked like Israel we went to high school with. So she’s taking to this guy & I’m just standing there... I’m looking around his friends are looking at me but no ones approaching me. One big ass belly guy came to me asking me my name, I tell him then it’s quite. I’m like what’s yours? He tells me he’s called snack, so i make a joke saying cause he eats a lot! LMAO he didn’t find that funny, but then it’s quite, he gives me his henny bottle and I take a big ass shot not thinking that I’d get fucked up.. hes like eh. LOL...
So then it gets quite, this short guy was just looking at me, he then approaches me asks for my insta gram I give him my name he adds me. Not really making Convos with the guys cause they beat as fuck. I just stand there. I hesitated on leaving her but didn’t want to get lost, so then.. I turn around and see josh walking around, I approach him & he comes over, he sees R with a guy and we’re like let’s go back to the room?
We all are walking together then out of nowhere we lose R and the guy. Me and Josh can’t find her but then something happens. I think he complimented me on my dress cause he said I looked sexy or something.
(Bare with me, the remaining shit I’m about to say is based off of drunken memory)
So he says something and then leans in for a tight hug I guess cause I end up biting his neck then he starts kissing me. I’m trying to remember how it started but idk lol I was off it.
So we kissing and minding our own business when I ask where’s Abel? He’s like behind you? I turn around and see him, Josh says let’s go for a smoke, we go outside & leave Abel inside. Josh takes his jacket off puts it on me so smooth &  We get a smoke from someone & then continue the convo.
Not sure but I remember telling him that I found him attractive at first but Abel was into me, then telling him that I told him I just wanted to be friends. I think I also told him what he did that night I went over to his place and how I left early. He’s like Abel’s into you really idk man it’s rough.
So he’s smoking then puts the cig in my mouth while my hands are in his pockets. So smooth so   Fucking cute. We make out more outside until Abel comes, then not sure what happens but he ends up leaving us alone. And we’re both like fuck.
I guess I didn’t want him to see us like that and get hurt. So we kept it short afterwards.
The henny starts to kick in and I feel mad sick. Like nauseous out of nowhere. We walking back and met with abel inside, joshs still holding me tight cause my walking fucked up, I guess he felt me wanting to throw up and he he asks if I’m good, I shrug no and he asks if I wanna throw up I’m like yah, he rushes me to the washroom and I start puking. He entered the girls side and holding my hair back while I puke rubbing my back. I feel better so we go after I wash my mouth.
It’s time to go and get my coat from the front, we still don’t know where R is so we end up just going without her. Waiting in the line for my coat I feel sick again, and then josh rushes me back to the washroom as he’s holding me from the back I start puking up on his arm and then in the toilet, I finish wash my mouth and apologize he’s like it’s okay don’t worry. I’m saying sorry and that I’m such a light weight.
We go outside and get hotdogs from the front, waiting for it I drink water they give me and then slowly eat the hot dog, I couldn’t even eat it cause I was so drunk I started puking again. They call an Uber and it comes right away. Before getting into the car I puke a little more and then sit in the middle between them both. I close my eyes and just try to breathe as josh says.
We get to the Airbnb quick & im sobering up kinda. Lol nah not really but better than puking that’s for sure.
We get upstairs and laugh that r’s gone, I’m like idk she met some guy that’s all her. We get in and I’m freezing. I get comfy on the bed while abel and josh play some music. Josh starts playing some weeknd songs and I start obsessing singing while laying down. Abel comes in the bed tryna cuddle and I get out leave him in the bed alone lmao.
So I put my hoodie on but still feel cold so i change into jeans and a hoodie. I come back into the room abel walls in and I sit on the side of the bed.
I’m sitting on the bed Abel’s falling and sleep and joshs sitting on the couch. Josh says he’s gonna go for a smoke, looks at me and asks if I wanna come with I’m like yah.
We leave go outside and he’s smoking his spliff. We start talking about what happened in the club and I’m like my friend likes you tho, he’s like nah it’s not even like that I was just there cause she was. I’m like okay, the once again tryna remember what happened but we end up kissing while he’s smoking his spliff, he takes a pull and blows it into my mouth. We kiss more outside then once he’s done he’s like let’s go for a walk.
We start walking towards the area I parked at, and find a corner stairwell outside that leads into the parking. There’s a camera up there so nothing freaky happened but... he starts kissing me grabbing me up and I had to stop him cause I wasn’t tryna be on the internet for some thotty shit.
So we start walking back to the building and then I’m like fuck I wanna fuck you or something, and he says the same, I ask him imma need a dick pic and he’s like you wanna see it I’m like yes! He pulls it out right then and there. I’m shookth at the size and thickness like wth. I tell him I’m tight and that’s gonna hurt. So I’m horny now and we make our way back upstairs. I say I need your body on a bed but laugh that Abel’s knocked out on the bed.
We head to the pool room in the building and look around see only one camera there, we block ourselves from the camera and start making out more. He pulls his dick out and I’m like I’m not gonna suck it here but he begs, so I only give him a tease of it. I go down on him without knowing what I’m doing I deep throat it. I finish not making him cum but get back up and he starts kissing me.
We leave that room and head back up stairs making out in the elevator. We get into the apartment and Abel’s knocked out, I take my jacket off and turn around and see josh waving at me to come in the bathroom. We get in and start making out more he pulls my pants off and goes down on me I’m shook as fuck cause he’s actually eating it hard & I come from that!!! He finishes up pulls his dick and NO CONDOM and fucks me raw. I’m face down ass up on the toilet he’s going in I’m trying not to scream banging my head on the wall, I’m dry at this point because of the position and limited space, but we switch and he spits on me to lube me up.
I’m sitting down backwards to him riding him and then he comes pulling me off backing me away on the floor. I’m like wow. This mother fucker!
He finishes and is still hard as fuck! Like wtf mane pls. He goes in again after cleaning up and a couple mins later I tap out. - not sure actually, thinking he only did it once now -
But anyhoo, we finish up in the bathroom both weird cause of the situation with Abel & me with R.
He leave and I clean up myself. I come back into the bed area and lay down adjacent to abel.
It’s now 6am and I’m trying to sleep knowing I gotta check out at 11am.. smh In set the alarm and close my eyes.
Wake up from Abel around 9am pissed cause I only got 1 and a half hours of sleep. Smh we get my things and we check out.
Josh drives us back to Abel’s cause I’m still fucked from last night both mentally and pussy wise.
We get to his and we aren’t really saying much about what happened last night. We get some breakfast and head back to his place now it’s like 11am or so, still tiered.
We in Abel’s room just chilling and Abel steps out, I think I brought up what happened last night and the whole mood changes cause he starts looking at me all sexual and I’m doing the same. Abel comes back and we stop. We kept doing that pretty much the whole time abel would leave. He went to the washroom to get changed and then josh said something about how he wanted to kiss me rn, I lean over towards him and we start making out on the bed, I think we heard foot steps so he backed off of me, Abel came in the room and left again, and we go back at it.
After that Abel stays in and we chill listening to music.
Josh calls one of his boys over FaceTime talking. I say something and then his friend asks who’s that, he says it’s a friend. Joshs friend after a minute or so says give me the phone to her I show my face and he’s like “hey joshs my best friend don’t take him” I’m like uhm, you can have him I didn’t even want him smiling, look up joshs smirking. So I pass the phone over to josh and his friends like she gorgeous as fuck. They continue the talk and I over hear joshs friend say something about him and a girl. I’m listening but pretending not really, on my phone.
He’s like it is what it is, mans like I feel you you there she’s there, you have needs. So the. Josh says something kicking my leg I ignore it pretending not to listen. He switches up starts speaking in his language tryna throw me off and then puts headphones in. Whole time Abel’s just sitting on the bed while I’m laying down.
So they finish the convo and then it just vibes from there Abel’s playing Chris brown wet the bed and other sexual songs.
I tell him I’m about to go and josh asks if I can drop him off close by I’m like yah. Already knowing what we about to do why not?
I tell abel I’m gonna go he’s like nooooo pls just stay blah blah blah unattractive as fuck. I finally leave after an hour or so saying I was gonna go now it’s like 3pm. Give abel a hug and leave with josh.
We get in the car jump on the highway and head downtown again.
Car ride was quite, wasn’t really talking about what happened until maybe 10-15 mins in?
So I bring it up and then he’s like it was wild nothing he’s seen before like the head game wasn’t sloppy but classy as fuck. How I deep the dick down and the looks I was giving him. I tell him same I was shook when he ate me out of nowhere and then he tells me my shits tight the tightest he’s ever gotten. I’m like wow lol
So I’m driving now on regular roads and I look over at him and kiss him. Trying to pay attention to the road we kiss for a bit then get to his area.
He asks if I wanna chill for a bit I’m like yah why not. We park up beside his place and we’re making out, he’s sucking on my tits and pulls my pants down fingering me hard. I cum once again from that and he takes his fingers dips it into his mouth and puts it in mine then continues kissing me.
I had it at this point this why is a freak!!!
I lean over to his side and go in for head, I look at his dick and see the bumps I seen earlier when I was sucking him in the pool room.....
So I stop and ask him if he’s good? He’s like yah don’t worry those are just rashes from dryness... I’m like you sure? Cause they where red and fresh rashes on his dick.... possible herpes man!!
He’s like nah they aren’t and that he’s clean I’m just tryna make sure, tell him if I get an std I’m killing him!!
He assured me it’s nothing and I continue. Smh I deep it maybe two three times and call it a quits. Told him I’m tryna tease him cause of the place we parked up at is risky...
So he has blue balls now and then tucks it away, starts biting on my tits again and I’m done it felt sooo good like shit has only did that to me other guys don’t know how to suck tits!
He’s sucking it and we make out more I lean again playing with his dick after I told him to put it away i pull it out again. Smh I kiss it some more and say that’s final. I tell him I have to go, he’s like okay. But we still continue kissing. I pull off saying I got to go and then mood changes.
Those rough sexual kisses turn into emotional kisses we kiss slowly and with passion, I felt that heavy.
He tells me leave him here he’ll walk over to his place and I can head out, I’m like okay.
I tell him bye zaddy as he leaves. He laughs.
I pull out the parking spot and see him standing there waiting so it seemed. His look was like he was upset or something.
I roll down the window do a eating sign with my hand and tongue and he smiles.
I leave. That’s that.
Now it’s Monday. Didn’t hear from him since yesterday after I dropped him off. Don’t know if I wanna be with him cause those kisses got me fucked up real shit.
We even talked about plans on fucking but space and time was an issue. He jokingly said “you know I’m a busy person, you gotta make an appointment in advance I’m like lol so I can’t hit you up randomly saying I need dick?” He laughs.
But real shit, Saturday night was wild. I didn’t think I was gonna end up with him either. He’s a fine mother fucker too. Oh man. Now I was creeping his insta earlier and still see the rose and D next to his bio.. go to his girls page and see the same J with a black heart. Smh she isn’t even cute, idk if I wanna do anything with him.
Don’t think he’ll hit me up unless it’s a party, but it is what it is. He’s 96 I’m 95 I don’t want to picture myself with him cause of his religion either. I gotta step back and forget about Saturday night.
Got me at work all fucked up, wanting to send him a message but pulled back. Smh.
Now I don’t know if I want to continue it cause Abel’s feelings are gonna get crushed heavy in the process so I’m just gonna let it be. He’s looking out for his cousin and I get that but also thinking why block your happiness?
& now that’s how I enter my 23 years of life. Getting raw fucked in the bathroom while sucking a dick that has bumps on it. I need to go get checked out maybe this weekend cause i can't bare the pain if it happens.  Ha.
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20 Essential Things to Pack in Your Travel Bag
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Once you have booked your transportation and room, the next thing to worry about is packing your luggage. A vacation can turn into a nightmare if you have not packed the right things for your trip. To lessen your burden, we have come up with a list of essential things that is a must in every travel bag.
Hygiene Kit
A hygienic kit is the most important thing to pack for any travel. It should include basic toiletries like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrush. It is very much essential to keep us fresh and energetic. Do pack it in small Ziploc bags to prevent leakage. Don’t forget to pack all your necessities because the place where you travel may not have your favorite brand. This will be definitely frustrating at times!
Photocopy of Documents
Before your trip, make copies of your essential documents like passport, driving license and medical prescriptions (if any).  If you don’t want to carry all your documents in the print form use digital versions. You can snap photos of your identity proofs on your mobile (better option is to store in the cloud). Use this as a backup if you cannot find the copies of your document.
Power Bank
Think about this, you are taking adorable selfies in your favorite tourist destination, but all of a sudden your phone battery is dead. It is not a feasible option to buy a new one on your trip. To avoid such situation always carry a portable power bank with you wherever you go. You can charge it will minimal electricity and in less time.
First Aid Kit
The unexpected happens all the time. But, you should be equipped to face any situation. Prior to your trip, plan what you need to pack in your first aid kit. Pack essentials like antiseptic creams, painkillers, band-aids, and cotton. This will come handy for you and your fellow travelers. So, pack whatever medicines require because no one knows when it will be useful.
Eye Mask & Ear Plugs
During your travel, sometimes you have to sleep with your room lights on. Use an eye mask in such situations so that you will have a good sleep without any difficulty. If you are prone to the cold climate, it is advisable to pack earplugs. This will protect your sensitive ears from the harsh climate. Eye mask and ear plugs are must items in my travel bag!
Ziploc bags
Carry plenty of Ziploc packs during your travel. This will come handy in many ways. You can store used shampoo and soaps in a Ziploc bag. You can also use it to pack dirty clothes to keep away the smell. One can keep half-eaten candies and biscuits in a Ziploc bag to keep it fresh. On the whole, there are many untold benefits of Ziploc bags.
Water Bottle
Drinking unhygienic water leads to many diseases. So, carry clean water in a bottle with you whenever possible. This prevents the spread of any diseases through water. Moreover, we will get dehydrated easily while traveling places. Make sure you pack a water bottle in your travel bag.
The one thing about traveling is you will be hungry at all times (Not all, but definitely me!). Pack a trail mix (a mix of nuts, dried fruits, granola & chocolates) or a few cookies packets along with your luggage. If you don’t want to go out for breakfast or dinner, have light snacks. This is the best option for lazy folks like me!
Using the hard and rough towels in the hotel rooms is quite irritating. To avoid this, I pack my own set of towels for any trip. This will make you feel relaxed and not to worry about the age of the towel. My personal suggestion is to use our own towels for personal hygiene reasons.
Wherever you go, don’t forget to pack your umbrella with your luggage. This will come handy in all seasons whether it may be summer or rainy season. It will protect you from scorching sunlight and light showers (rainfall). Make sure you pack a foldable umbrella that occupies less space in your bag. An added advantage is you can pose for some beautiful pictures!
There is no such person who doesn’t want to pack sunglasses. Some people use for looking classy whereas some use it for its actual purpose (i.e) our eyes. Sunglasses are not just for protecting your eyes from sun rays but also to hide your hangover eyes!
The one thing that is a must-have for any baggage is scarves. Not a fluffy one, but soft and large one that is a fit for all seasons. It won’t take much space to pack your scarves in your luggage. It keeps you warm and at the same protects you from dirt. Wherever I travel, scarves will definitely come under the top 10 items on my packing list.
Cosmetics Pouch
I never leave for any trip without my cosmetics bag (I hope every girl can relate to it!). All beauty products like moisturizer, face wash, cream, and comb come under cosmetics pouch. We cannot predict the climate of the place we are visiting but we can take protective measures. Applying sunscreen lotions or creams for our face protects our skin from climatic changes.
Your trip is incomplete without snapping a few selfies. Even though we have advanced mobile to take pictures, we cannot compare it with the image quality of the camera. So, carry your camera with a pack of batteries (or power bank) and click some fantastic pictures. Do include your camera on your packing list.
Travel Document Holder
A travel document holder can hold all your important documents, hotel confirmation, itinerary, ATM cards and cash. It can be even used as a wallet and you don’t need to carry a separate purse. It can be also placed in your handbag inside of your luggage. It saves space in your bag and it is quite handy.
This is purely for all those bookworms like me! I am sure that all book lovers will say yes to this. If you stuck in an airport or feel like doing nothing in your hotel room, you can enjoy reading an interesting novel. For me, books are a must thing to be packed in my luggage.
Pen & Notepad
One never knows when there will be a need for a pen and a notepad to note down something. During travel, we constantly have to write something and keep notes. Let it be writing the directions or list of souvenirs to buy. So pack a pen and a note in your luggage to help you in such situations.
Wet Wipes
Wet wipes eliminate the need to use water to wipe your face or hands. It is economical as well as a time-saving option. You need not run behind washrooms to find some clean water to refresh.  I always pack a few packets of wet wipes in my hand luggage.
Swiss Knife
The swiss knife is a best friend for every traveler. It has different uses like a cutter, chopper, bottle opener, can opener and much more. It is my personal recommendation to keep one wherever you travel.
Air Pillow
Your entire trip will be uncomfortable if you do not get a good sleep. During travel, we will find uneasy in sleeping in the bus or flight seats. Use an air pillow to sleep peacefully during the entire travel. If the pillow offered by the hotel is hard, you can use the air pillow in such cases also.
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