Mostly Edling, FMAB, Kaebedo, Vanitas and other shippy things. Lots of my own writing. Please, feel free to send me requests! Avatar is trans Vanitas by Scamoosh.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bisexual-inuyasha · 2 days ago
I have a deep desire for Liu Qingge content that does not in any way involve SY or SQQ or any version of L1ushen.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 4 days ago
Tossing Liu Qingge into a hidden realm that manifests his memories into physical form while siphoning his qi and life force. He goes missing for a year before they manage to unravel his bare bones reports and figure out where he last was.
Bingqiu being the ones to go into the hidden realm because they are a Heavenly Demon and a very well read Peak Lord. They come across dozens of formative memories from Liu Qingge, including but not limited to, Liu Qingge's first experience with an aphrodisiac, the first time he held a sword, meeting Liu Mingyan for the first time, watching Liu Mingyan get her spirit sword, accepting the position of Peak Lord, and then Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe's wedding. They see all of it.
At the very center, buried beneath piles of whispered thoughts and forgotten wishes, Liu Qingge lays sleeping. How are they supposed to wake him? Break the hidden realm? Might kill him, it is currently connected to his qi and life force. True loves kiss? Cheesy but plausible, Shen Qingqiu wouldn't put it past Airplane. Gathering the memories and returning them to him? A better idea that doesn't involve tracking down who Liu Qingge may or may not love.
Now instead of just witnessing the memories they have to experience them, listen to Liu Qingge's thoughts and feelings as they happen. Luo Binghe witnesses the worst five years of his life from a new perspective, listens to his shishu spiral in a painfully familiar way. He feels every broken bone, pulled muscle, and insult Luo Binghe hurled his way during those years.
Shen Qingqiu learns exactly what it felt like to be saved in the Lingxi caves. He feels the fear and resignation of tearing himself apart, the confusion and suspicion, he watches his shidi grow closer to him with every cleansing session for Without a Cure.
They leave knowing more about the tightlipped man than they ever should have known without his permission. It's worth it though, with his deeply slumbering form cradled close to the scar on Luo Binghe's chest. He's alive and safe, back within the sects borders for perhaps a few months more than the man would ever normally tolerate.
Nothing's different, Shen Qingqiu convinces himself, his eyes linger on his shidi the way they always did, his thoughts wandering to him during idle periods like usual. He gathers trinkets and gifts he thinks his shidi might enjoy like he had done for years.
Nothing's different, it's just Luo Binghe has started making newer dishes that appeal to the taste buds of another. He probes and picks at the food the War God usual ate and doesn't acknowledge the containers he leaves with something better later that day. Nothing's different, they swear. Knowing didn't change anything, other than perhaps that they see more when they see Liu Qingge.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 7 days ago
Luo Binghe: The Bai Zhan Peak Lord is my emotional support nemesis for some reason. No one else is allowed to punch him
Demon Lords: don't worry we understand, and you have our full approval 😉
Luo Binghe:
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bisexual-inuyasha · 15 days ago
you want to die by his hand so bad it makes you look stupid
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bisexual-inuyasha · 24 days ago
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real yearners know that getting what you want was never a part of the plan
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bisexual-inuyasha · 5 months ago
Before January 2025:
If you are a USAmerican in a relationship that might be affected by legislation that dissolves same-sex marriages, who may no longer be recognized as next-of-kin, especially if you have children, get your rights in writing!
Your marriage certificate may not be enough to prove you have rights to make medical decisions for non-biological children or for a same-sex spouse or partner.
Go to a lawyer, get it spelled out as clearly as possible that you have a voice in emergency medical and legal situations.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 8 months ago
Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
This can be very true, but that is what fic is for lol. Also, I mean, there's some BL stuff out there that is so very poetic. I'm a true romantic at heart, I love all the different ways people put together romances and character interaction. It's just so fun.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 1 year ago
If I say “aww look at the birds” n you say “they’re just sparrows” I’m killing you. Find beauty in nature or else.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 1 year ago
Random ask, why is it your name 'bisexual-inuyasha' ?
Because in my headcanon, Inuyasha is bisexual. I really like Inuyasha, and have since I was a kid. I specifically like Inuyasha/Kagome and Inuyasha/Koga. I also like Inu/Kagoma/Koga. I am not very active in the Inuyasha fandom but sometimes I do go back to it.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 1 year ago
Hello, I just read your posts about Vanitas, and I love them.... Sorry, I'm late into this fandom, just watching and reading it this year.
Do you mind if I ask your top favorite characters dan top favorite moments from the series?
My top favorite characters... Hm. That's a hard one actually. I like Dante and Johann a lot. And Domi/Jeanne, they are so sweet together. Domi watching out for Jeanne, and Jeanne catching Domi and being determined to save her in the end. I think the moment when Domi saves everyone with her own power, coming out of the mind control type thing Mischa put her under is one of my favorites by far. Actually that whole episode. Though, I love so much of them. And Noe and Vanitas... well, they are my favorite two. They complement each other so well, with opposing needs and values that somehow work very well together. The scene where Noe finally gives up on fighting Vanitas because Vanitas knows everything about him and instead does what he's always wanted to do. When he gives up. And then Vanitas can't kill him. That's something I've used as the base dynamic for all of my stories about those two. Now I want to watch Vanitas again.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 1 year ago
Hello....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/manhwa/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why you loved them? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks.
I haven't! Hm. That's very hard to say. I think I can say for sure that my favorite in games are Kaebedo and Haino. I love both of those so much, for different reasons. The story is simply amazing and has a lot of possibilities, with each of their relationships adding so much to the canon even though they are both non-canon pairings. For other mediums. Hm. For books, I'd probably say my favorite couple is the Dragon/Agnieszka from Uprooted. It is my favorite novel by far, and I love the slow build romance and how reluctant the Dragon is to experience love. And Agnieszka finding strength in herself and her friend, breaking all the rules but not out of just rebellion. I'll have to reread this again, as I usually try to reread it once a year. For animated medium, I'm going to go with Maybe Wangxian? Or the main couple from the Liu Yao series, Cheng Qian/Yan Zhengming. Wangxian is the one that's most popular so I get to see a lot more stuff about them. But I love my frozen ghost boy and his pompous/ridiculous love interest. It is by far my favorite light novel I've read and genuinely one of the most fun/heartbreaking love stories and found family stories.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 2 years ago
honest to god can’t stop thinking about this song about jeff bezos by philip labes (link takes you to his spotify). it’s such a good example of politically driven folk music.
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bisexual-inuyasha · 2 years ago
how long do i need to go outside for to fix my mental health. will 5 minutes do it. please say yes
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bisexual-inuyasha · 2 years ago
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Yilling Laozu with white hair
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bisexual-inuyasha · 2 years ago
Kaeya, to Rosaria: Those pants look great, and I bet they’d look even better on Dilucs floor.
Diluc: Are you hitting on Rosaria...for me?
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bisexual-inuyasha · 2 years ago
people on here r rly like 'attraction to big people is fetishistic, attraction to small people is pedophilic, having sexual thoughts about a real person is objectifying and basically harassment (and having them about fictional people is perverted), kinky sex is immoral, if youre open about your sex life in any way youre a pervert, if youre not open about them you are queerbaiting. basically you should be completely sexless while everything you do is sexualized and up for debate/speculation. this is good for the lgbt community'
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bisexual-inuyasha · 2 years ago
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Desmoxytes Purpurosea - Shocking Pink Dragon Millipede
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