echosong-87 · 3 months
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Boo… my sona
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trustmy-rage · 2 years
stop talking abt disney in the puss in boots tag, jesus christ
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msp9 · 4 months
First of all
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1) Im actually convinced brooklynn is dead guys.. AND IN THE SMALL TRAILER AT THE END?! HELLO DID YALL SEE DARIUS BALWLING HIS EYES OUT AT THE CRIME SCENE OF THE ALLO AND B. I- i i need a moment.
2) Um im sorry is Yaz livibg on a non-dino island? Sounds like her tbh. She would do that.
4) So yaz's ptsd. Girl is living on a dino free island. (Understanably) ALSO i watch jurassic outpost review and he said that they do shiwcase yaz's ptsd in a deeper level. IM NOT RESDY FOR THAT.
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The " i called brooklynn" then the realisation.
Ben: "what?"
"Darius... Brooklynns dead."
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Note: Im propably gonna make defferent posts for each thing i stated in this one. To analyze them better.
I'll be using #msp9 yapping
So if u find me annoying or anything just block it. I wont take it personally
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romanticremedies · 8 months
I keep seeing posts from you and it says "this post contains blocked tag trolls" and I'm just like "oh no... So scary"
I mean did you block it for Dreaworks Trolls, Homestuck, or Internet Trolls bc I'm currently hyperfixated on the dreamworks franchise trolls lol
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lovepeachy12 · 3 years
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I’m going to post this one before September ends, this is a special month for my country, Mexico.
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thearmada4231 · 6 years
For those of you who have been with me from the beginning, I beg you to hang on just a LITTLE LONGER !! Because guess what ?? SOS chapter 24 is HERE YALL !! AFTER TWO FRICKEN YEARS !! ITS HERE ! I finally updated my Jarida Hunger Games AU fanfic! 🤙🏼
Read it here !
Summary: The team comes to the end of their journey and finally reaches the president’s mansion. But who will survive to see the end? Who’s sacrifices will make victory possible? Will Merida be able to withstand loss, even if it means destroying the enemy she’s vowed to defeat?
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moonxsuncelestials · 2 years
Fun Fact for Voltron Au
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It is confirmed thanks to @palidinus​ that Yun and Shiro are pretty much the Space Dads, so they obviously need TLC and a lot more R & R. So, whenever Shiro and Yun need that time to just get away from everything for that much NEEDED break, and if Lance or Keith have really pushed their buttons, both paladins are in charge of babysitting Li. Yun even gives his baby boy permission to be a bit more chaotic like his cousin, Jade, within reason.
And Li gets to rate them as who he likes better as his babysitter-hands down it’s often Lance. With Keith, Li often calls him Mean Kitty and never learns how to properly pronounce Keith’s name, it’s always ‘Mean Kitty’.
Pidge even records all of the shenanigans to laugh about later.
Also fun fact, Li often doesn’t call the Lions by their colors. Example is Red, whom he calls Big Fire Kitty. Blue is often called Water Kitty, Green is dubbed Pretty Flora Kitty, Yellow is Big Sand Kitty, and Black? Black earned the honorary title of Mama Kitty. 
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ninaikez · 4 years
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la-reine-des-ours · 8 years
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Le Sceau d’Angor Rot
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So hmm woah!! This blog doesn’t even have 2 months :o
So I really bad with words, but I’m thankful that so many people like my silly drawings on here, if you want to check my normal art blog too ;P  
And I hope to continue to provide my dumb content for you guys, even that I’m a little scared that my most famous comic was the Herrah one, not complaining tho.
Again I’m pretty bad with these things, so to commemorate what would you guys want? Me making some requests? Draw Radiance dabbing on a skateboard? Draw Hornet being the leader of a rock band? I really don’t know what to do, so feel free to ask anything, unless is something sad I don’t draw sad things
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echosong-87 · 5 months
New Troll AU!!
All of this was from a different media post thingy called amino!!:
Just a new idea that i got from a story in wattpad… where Branch was turned into a werewolf a post first movie story of how it’ll be… and yeah
Been hyper-fixated on it ever since!!
Plus… i wanna give u a new troll oc!! Her name is Sage Silhouette!! She’s a native american inspired troll… she is a weretroll that found branch and helped him into becoming one as well….
In the story she is the last of her kind or what she thinks due to tragic past unknown… but found a young and injured little grey branch that was left behind moments after the great escape occurred.
She used her blood to turn him into a weretroll because there is faster healing properties within the blood… so yeah.
I still kept all the troll music types big as cats and not as tiny as their movie cannon selves… just to help make things a bit fair for them to defend themselves and etc.
I even made a weretroll!Branch character design as well!!
And yeah!!
The whole AU is called OUTCASTED!! And I am hopeful into making it work!!
This AU is about how Branch became a weretroll was reunited with the Pop Troll Village being dubbed as the shadow beast of the forest…. and How JD became a hitman/bounty hunter… gunna call him bounty hunter!!john dory… plus JD leading the other bounty hunter trolls like the K-pop gang, the reggaeton trolls, the yodelers and of course how he became best buds with Chaz the smooth jazz troll.
And yeah…. Sage’s design was also inspired by Hollyleaf from the warrior cats fan drawings… the black green and red suits beautifully and I dunno why
Hope ya like it!!
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My fav Disney x Dreaworks ship
Mr.Wolf and Dolores Madrigal
(I will be making Headcanons☺)
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inocciduous · 7 years
dreamworks blessed us with so much klance in season 3 theyre fucking playing with us now ;; teasing us ;; grow up C O W A R D S
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diceriadelluntore · 3 years
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Storia Di Musica #189 - Rufus Wainwright, Poses, 2001
Nascere in una famiglia di musicisti è il presupposto per i dischi di questo mese: nel caso di oggi, Rufus Wainwright ha addirittura entrambi i genitori famosi musicisti. Il padre, Loudon III, uno dei più grandi personaggi del folk rock canadese (ascoltate se potete il live A Live One del 1979 o lo splendido Fame And Wealth del 1983) e la madre Kate McGarrigle gli danno la spinta per iniziare dubito a innamorarsi della musica. Suona il piano già a sei anni, è adolescente quando, insieme con la madre, la zia Anna e sua sorella Martha suonano in un gruppo, McGarrigle Sisters And Family, con tour in tutto il paese. Ha quindici anni quando una sua canzone, I'm Running, è presente in un film canadese, un episodio della serie fantasy intitolata Tales for All, che gli vale la nomination per il Genie Awards per la migliore canzone originale e per il Juno Award, l’oscar della Musica canadese nel 1990, come vocalist maschile più promettente. Tuttavia Rufus sviluppa quasi in contrapposizione con lo stile dei genitori una grande passione per il grande periodo del Brill Building americano, per Cole Porter, Gershwin e Irving Berlin, i Beatles e la stupenda capacità di condensare nel pop elementi e momenti di opera lirica. Alcuni suoi demo vengono ascoltati dal direttore della Dreaworks, Lenny Waronker, che gli propone un contratto discografico: dopo mesi di registrazioni, aiutato da tre geniali produttori come Jon Brion, Pierre Marchand e Van Dyke Parks, nel 1998 esce Rufus Wainwright: album splendido, nella lista dei migliori di quell’anno in molte riviste specializzate, Rufus canta e suona chitarra e piano in un disco denso di idee, di qualità e di canzoni spiazzanti, come la bellissima Barcelona (che contiene nel testo estratti del grande librettista italiano Francesco Maria Piave, che collaborò con Giuseppe Verdi, i fratelli Ricci e Saverio Mercadante) o la toccante Matinee Idol, dedicata all’allora da poco scomparso River Phoenix. Wainwright acquisisce notorietà internazionale grazie alla sua partecipazione alla colonna sonora del film Shrek (2001, prodotto dalla Dreamworks) dove canta una bella versione di Hallelujah di Leonard Cohen. Rufus è tipo preciso e meticoloso, tanto che il secondo disco impiega quasi tre anni a nascere: Pierre Marchand lo guida, ma nel disco sono presenti anche contributi produttivi diversi, come quello del co-fondatore dei Propelleheads, pionieri della musica elettronica, Alex Gifford, Ethan Johns, che lavorerà con Tom Waits e produrrà alcuni dei gruppi più interessanti degli anni a venire come Kings of Lion, Kaiser Chief e altri, e Greg Wells, uno dei più famosi produttori degli ultimi 25 anni. Il disco, Poses, che esce nel 2001,  conferma l’originalità del cantautore Wainwright, a conferma che sia uno dei migliori della sua generazione: ogni canzone cambia stile più volte, in un mix che parte dal suo piano in stile Gershwin che a volte viene corroborato da innesti di archi, a volte di fiati, a volte lambisce il trip hop altre volte la dance. Se musicalmente è così ricco e spumeggiante, le tematiche dei testi svelano un lato intimista e malinconico, nato dal suo soggiorno per mesi al mitico Chelsea Hotel di New York: tematiche come la dissolutezza, lo spaesamento, la dipendenza caratterizzano le sue canzoni, come la stupenda Cigarettes And Chocolate Milk, o la dolente The Tower Of Learning che doveva comparire nel film di Buz Lurhmann Moulin Rouge (poi sfumata per motivi di diritti discografici), Greek Song, dedicata ad una “queer love”, si ispira ad un’aria di Mascagni de L’Amico Fritz. Il tema dell’omosessualità è raccontata anche nella spietata Evil Angel, autobiografica, ispirata ad un liason di un giorno con un giornalista a Strasburgo prima di un concerto. Shadows vira al funky, i riferimenti sono sempre eccentrici e intelligenti: Grey Gardens si ispira all’omonimo documentario del 1975 che racconta la vita di due eccentriche donne di campagna, ma anche a La Morte A Venezia di Thomas Mann,  con Rufus che immagina Tazio (uno dei protagonisti del libro di Mann) sia uno degli abitanti della villa del documentario e lui l’altro coabitante. Anche Rebel Prince e The Consort hanno come tema l’omosessualità mentre One Man Guy è una canzone scritta dal padre Loudon e uno dei suoi pezzi forti del repertorio. Chiude il disco una bonus track, una sentita cover di Across The Universe del magico e inimitabile duo Lennon- McCartney e che comparirà nella colonna sonora del film con Sean Penn I Am Sam. Il disco è anche stavolta acclamato dalla critica e vince un premio molto particolare: è Outstanding Music Album GLAAD Media Awards del 2002, cerimonia patrocinata dal Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). Ai Juno Awards del 2002, Wainwright ha tre nomination (Best Songwriter per Poses, Cigarettes And Chocolate Milk e Grey Gardens) ma vince nella categoria Best Alternative Album. Rimane probabilmente la migliore dimostrazione del suo talento, in una carriera che continua ancora oggi sempre a ottimi livelli, e che ogni tanto è arricchita da altre esperienze: nel film The Aviator di Martin Scorsese con Leonardo Di Caprio, sulla storia del miliardario Howard Hughes, il pianista e cantate dei Coconut Grooves è Rufus Wainwright. 
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trollstookmysoul · 8 years
If any of you cried, I would like to say, You’re welcome ;)
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headspacedad · 6 years
i think... for me a big part of the tragedy with kuron is that i feel like he really deserved the fullest extent of life. idk how to explain but, it's why the idea of sharing 'space' with og shiro in his own body or being integrated into black's consciousness feels inadequate. the existential+body horror of being literally lab-grown and abnormally developed with a sense of history that isn't authentic to him... in trying to 'fix' the story they brought this unnecessary suffering into being lmao
It’s Frankenstein’s monster.  The question that echoes back about as far as human kind goes.  Once something is sentient, once it has a sense of self, once its self aware and interactive, is it not human and worth all a human is worth and allowed all the rights and dreams and hopes a human should be allowed?  Look, we joke about our pets running our lives and yet its because we recognize that, even not human, they have thoughts and desires and needs all their own and we should respect those.  ‘Stabby’ is a fictional construct of a roomba with a knife taped to it that I have seen spread across multiple fandoms that all adore nothing but the concept of a vacuum cleaner.  People say they get inspired by bees who fly even though they’re not designed to be aerodynamic.  It is human nature to feel empathy for the world around us, to assign rights and standards to even fictional creations because they reflect us in some ways.
And the clone’s tragedy is all the worse for the fact that, being a story written intentionally to move us emotionally (or what’s the point of a story), we are expected to not be moved by the clone’s struggles and ultimate fate.  That writers that want us to laugh with and cry with and feel through the characters of this story set this one single character aside (two if you count Shiro) and tell us ‘yes, feel for all of them but not this one’.  And, that’s not the way stories work.  That’s not the way characters work.  And that’s not the way giving us a good at heart character, struggling to do right despite the odds and telling us not to care whether he wins or loses works.  Of course we care about the clone!  We’re humans.  He represents so many of our own struggles and our own fears and he’s trying so hard.  We want him to win.  And - he doesn’t.  He isn’t even mourned by people that call him their friend.  He’s dismissed as if he never matter and all his struggles and pain never mattered.  And as human beings there is a part of us that will always stand up and say ‘that’s not fair!’.  It doesn’t matter that life isn’t fair.  We still know when something is not fair and we want our fiction to give us what life so often doesn’t.  ‘That’s not fair’.  And its not.  And we’re expected to not care.  Somehow.  While being expected to care about every other character.  But not that one.  Not the one that’s Shiro , whether he’s Shiro or not.
@voltron and @dreamworksanimation  introduced a character to us, had us spend multiple seasons with that character and then, when it tossed the character aside as nothing but a plot point, expected us to not care.  But that’s not how stories work.  The clone was a part of our story, he was a part of our team and what happened to him was horrifying, watching him fight against it was heart-breaking, watching him succumb to it was terrible.  As it should have been.  Except then the story gave us nothing back.  There was no reward for his struggle.  There was no mourning for his loss.  There was no one in the story itself to remember him or care that he was gone.  There wasn’t even any acknowledgment that what happened to him was wrong.  We had no closure and neither did he.  VLD storytelling is deeply flawed at a lot of very basic levels, something I would expect Dreaworks at least to be more professional than.  The clone saga is just a very obvious, easy to spot example of it.
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