don't lose the chance to do something great
113K posts
hey, welcome other site refugees!  You've found a safe spot to stop and catch your breath.  Sit and have something comforting to drink.   I'll be happy to answer questions and help as I can.  I'm kitsune13tamlin on AO3, kitsune13 from ff.net and bunyip from pillowfort. I'm an adult over 18 and an old fan that's been around a bit so don't expect drama.  Expect to see bunnies here though.  We love rabbits in this house.  Avatar is of Shiro from Voltron: Legendary Defender and drawn by yelmor-boots! If you're busy trying to censor what people do fictionally, this isn't the place for you.  YKINMK(ATO). ALL SHIROS ARE GOOD SHIROS
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
headspacedad · 11 hours ago
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headspacedad · 11 hours ago
Rockets of the world
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headspacedad · 11 hours ago
The sound of heavy rain while you are in bed.
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headspacedad · 11 hours ago
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guys what's your methods? personally i think about doctors examining me, works like a charm
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headspacedad · 11 hours ago
Invincible doodles from February!
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I like how this one came out for a first try but something feels missing. Can't quite figure out what though.
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Oh yes! Mark getting his ass kicked! That's what was missing!
"You okay?"
"*wheezing* Yeah."
"...Go get patched up."
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headspacedad · 11 hours ago
Dance of Heroes!
Chapter 18 "A Tale of..." is now up! This one and 19 are more or less "breather" chapters. Partially to let the characters rest and partially to give me time to make backlog. I have the next 4 chapters more or less outlined, its just actually writing that's the hard part 😭 anyways, enjoy!
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headspacedad · 11 hours ago
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Good girl.
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headspacedad · 11 hours ago
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btw i added a few new cross stitch patterns to my shop!~ check them out on my shop: 8pxl
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headspacedad · 11 hours ago
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this Conversation pit is ruining my life
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headspacedad · 11 hours ago
Today in important facts about bunnies:
Northern Arctic hares have a strange habit of fleeing by hopping on their hind legs instead of running on all fours, and no one knows why the hell this happens
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headspacedad · 1 day ago
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Scary Tales.
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headspacedad · 2 days ago
just seems fitting to post this here
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headspacedad · 2 days ago
Today at work, a customer and I were talking about holidays in March. She mentioned St. Patrick's Day and I, being the good tumblr user that I am, brought up the Ides of March and said "sometimes you've just got to stab a politician".
Then while the rest of the staff gave a few weak laughs behind me, the old lady and I locked eyes and both of us started to cackle.
I may live in a red state but I, for that brief moment, was very much not alone.
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headspacedad · 2 days ago
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(alt included)
Link to Video. (Please help Panda make money.)
Video description and transcript under the cut.
Description: TikTok video by The Panda Redd. Re-enactment of final scene of Under the Hood. All roles played by Panda (a tall, well-built young white man with a mohawk, wearing a grey hoodie). Setting is a dark basement lit only by a hanging light bulb.
Jason: (holding gun on Bruce) "Bruce, I forgive you for not saving me."
Batman: (glares silently)
Jason: "But why? Why on God's Earth—" (hits Joker across the face)
Joker (tied to a chair): *cackles*
Jason: "—is HE still alive??"
Batman: "I'm sorry, d'you want me to be serious here or—?"
Jason: (in disbelief) "YES, Bruce! I want you to be serious right now! If he had done what he did to me to you, I would've done nothing but search the earth for this pile of death-worshipping garbage!"
Joker: "I love you too, Sugar Plum."
Batman: (holds hands up) "Okay, yeah, I get that, totally, I get that. Um. Have you tried?"
Jason: "Excuse you?"
Batman: "Have you tried to kill him yet?"
Jason: (to Joker) "Is he being serious?"
Joker: (also confused) "I'm gonna be honest with you, Junior. I don't know."
Jason: "Got it. Great." (turns back to Batman) "What the fuck does THAT mean?"
Batman: "Okay, so no, you haven't. Cool. Do it."
Jason: (lowers gun) "What."
Batman: "Do it, cap his ass. Shoot him."
Joker: (finally rattled) "I'm gonna go with Junior here, and say...what??"
Jason: "You want me to shoot him?"
Batman: "I want someone to shoot him! Give me the gun, I'll do it!"
Jason: (mutters, brain blue screening) "What is going on right now? This should a lot harder than it is."
Batman: "C'mon, son! You decapitated like eleven people three days ago! Fuckin' do it!"
Joker: (turns to Jason quizzically) "This has gotta be some sort of test, ri—"
(BANG! Jason fires. Joker lands on the floor lifeless, eyes still open.)
Jason: "There, you happy? Jesus. Was that so hard? All of this time and it was THAT easy!"
Jason: "What the fuck is that supposed to—" (looks down at floor where the Joker was lying)
Batman: "I don't know what you're talking about 'easy'. There's nothing there." (nods at floor)
Floor: (is devoid of Joker)
Jason: (stares)
Floor: (continues to be sans anything but carpet)
Jason: "What the fuck?"
Batman: "Yeah."
Batman: "Take as long as you need with this."
Jason: (looking around frantically) "I just shot him! He hit the floor! What the f—" (turns back to the floor)
Floor: (is just vibin')
Jason: "Where the fuck did he go??"
Batman: "See that shit? That shit right there happens every fucking time!"
Jason: "There's not even a blood stain! It's just gone!"
Batman: "Yeah, like two days after you died, I chased him into a helicopter where he got shot like six times. The helicopter exploded and crashed into the ocean. And his body was gone before Superman could find it."
Jason: "Oh my God. I don't understand how this is even fucking possible!"
Batman: "He's like a cryptid! I don't fucking get it!"
Joker: (disembodied laughter) "AHAHAHAHA HAHAHA!"
Jason: (freaked out, turning in circles trying to find him) "Oh my God!"
Jason: "Dude. Fuck whatever's going on here, that's some fucking bullshit."
Batman: "Thank you! Finally someone gets it!"
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headspacedad · 2 days ago
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headspacedad · 3 days ago
as a subtitler im incredibly biased as i say this but. shoutout to forms of fan labor other than fanart and fanfiction. fanart and fanfiction are awesome, don't take this as a dig at those, but i have a big appreciation for fans who provide closed captioning/subtitles/translations of works out of love n passion; fans who recap and explain aspects of the original work; fucking SPEEDRUNNERS, holy shit, shoutout to speedrunners and challenge runners in video game communities. lots of things that fall outside the scope of what comes to mind when people think of fanart/fan labor are integral parts of a healthy fan ecosystem
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headspacedad · 3 days ago
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