#dreamwidth communities
purpleyin · 2 years
Fandom Trees - Needy Trees
I can't help with this myself as I don't have enough spoons right now - I already had to cancel on a few fannish commitments recently - but I figured I'd post a link here in case anyone else could.
They currently have 56 trees with no gifts and a further 43 with only one gift. Their goal is for everyone to have at least two gifts by the time of reveals on January 5.
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kalgalen · 7 months
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alectoperdita · 6 months
admittedly this is "old man yells at clouds" energy, but I think it sucks that modern fandom often only conceives of community in the form of discord servers
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regnigt · 2 months
Thank you for writing ginzura fics ! I love them alll :D and do you open comms for the fics too ?!
Thank you very much for your kind words!!! ❤❤❤
I don't know if there are any Tumblr communities for GinZura. It would be lovely if there were any! Is there a general Gintama community on Tumblr?
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charmophron · 2 months
mambo no.5 on the sanji playlist
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sharpestasp · 7 months
Communal Creators on Dreamwidth is running a mini-round from March 1st to March 14th!
It is set up to measure TIME spent doing CREATIVE things and your definition of creative is all you need to decide if you spent time on it! We have people refreshing canon, maybe painting, writing, crafting... you name it!
Come by and sign up if you want to join a community dedicated to encouraging one another to do what we love: CREATING!
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broomsticks · 1 year
re. this
if anyone's interested in moving over to dreamwidth, feel free to add me (leftsidedown)! no real idea what's going to go on there yet, kinda just exploring and lurking for now, but I've already found a bunch of interesting folks & communities I'm looking forward to getting to know better. reviving LJ-era MWPP fandom would be AMAZING too -- dog days of summer? rs small gifts? 😍❤️
@mblematic @billsfangearring @tahtahfornow @toujours-prete @impishtubist + anyone else, reblog/reply with your username!!
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mylittleredgirl · 5 months
aww man i was excited that at least one other person might have been interested in pike/vina for rarepair exchange since it got nominated under three star trek shows after i nominated it in crossover, but actually the mods just put them there since my nomination was wrong. so now i'm debating whether to spend half my sign-up slots on a pairing no one wants anyway 😕
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case-of-traxits · 11 months
No True Pair Writing Prompts
So, for anyone unfamiliar, No True Pair is a community over on Dreamwidth that features fanwork prompts. From their community profile:
no_true_pair is, loosely, a mad-libs-style challenge. You make a list of characters, a set of prompts is posted that uses all the characters in different combinations, and you create works using those characters. For example, if your list contained Darth Vader and Mickey Mouse as numbers 2 and 4, there could be a prompt like "2 & 4 go out for coffee" or "4 invites 2 out for dinner, except..." and you'd write Darth Vader and Mickey Mouse going out for coffee, or Mickey Mouse inviting Darth Vader out for dinner and then going from there.
Now, if this sounds interesting to you because you like writing prompts, awesome! I made a spreadsheet of all the prompts available so far (383 prompts available so far, excluding round 10, which was a "by popular demand" rerun of older prompts). The community is super awesome and has an AO3 collection, so if you're interested, you should absolutely give it a whirl! I'm going to explain how it works here.
The Spreadsheet
(The section header is linked to the sheet if you're looking for it)
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The first page of the spreadsheet is the instruction sheet. It includes links to everything and explanations of how the community works. You can see the prompts by clicking the "tabs" down there across the bottom.
If you have a Google Account and you want to play, you should go to "File" and "Make a Copy" to save a copy of it to your own Google Drive so that you can edit the lists. (See below screenshot.)
If you do not have a Google Account, no worries! You can go to "File" and "Download" the sheet to save a local copy that you can use. (See below screenshot.)
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Once you've done that, go to one of the tabs at the bottom to pick a round. I'm going to use Round 8 in this example.
The Round Sheets
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The round sheets look like this. You have a section at the top for your character list, and then the prompts are in the bottom.
You make a list of characters.
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And then the prompts will auto-populate with their names.
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And you can pick whatever you like to go forth and write! Now, obviously, I'm an FF7 writer, but you can do any fandom for this community. Or OCs! They're very welcoming.
Once again, you can find the spreadsheet here if you're interested!
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perfica · 2 years
Looking for something in the Stargate fandom?
Welcome to stargate_search, a community devoted to the finding of gen, het and slash fic, art, meta, vids, websites, etc., in the worlds of Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe.
It's a fairly quiet comm on Dreamwidth right now but we try to be as helpful as possible. Reblog to your friends and join/subscribe/post your searches.
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sisterdivinium · 9 months
Category: F/F Fandom: Warrior Nun (TV) Relationship: Jillian Salvius/Mother Superion
"It was just as impossible as wishing for a sudden refreshing shower in the outskirts of sunny, suffering Madrid during a false angel’s draught, wasn’t it? If perhaps only a bit more indecent." In unrelenting weather, it's hard not to hope for the impossible...
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avonne-writes · 2 years
Lucemond, arranged marriage smut, 700 words
On AO3
A drop of sweat swells in the hollow between Luke's clavicles. The soft linen of his bed sticks to his back, cloud-light fabric woven with threads of gold befitting a royal marriage. His legs are spread to the edge of pain, an ache settled deep and unrelenting in his hips as his husband's weight pins him to the bedding. Where the hot brand of a palm kneads at his inner thigh, his flesh sizzles with pleasure, and he squirms for more of it, for the force to quench his hunger. Candlelight flickers on the coloured windows. 
Luke's eyes close. 
His chambers are hot and stuffy with the scent of crushed flowers. Jasmine, rose and ambrette from the Queen's garden. To ensure vigour, a servant said before she left him with the marble-cold figure of his husband. They stared at each other from opposite sides of a room split by a ray of moonlight. Flames reflected in sapphire, embers simmering in a dark brown gaze.
Are you going to fight? Aemond hissed under his breath, wary but eager in the same frightening way Luke was. Luke bared his teeth. 
Theirs is a marriage of necessity, but there's obsession and desire weaved into their resentment, and Luke loved the thrill of the fight more than the purpose of it. He loved it even more when Aemond's icy grip overpowered him. Gods, you are nervous, he taunted through a laugh and got kissed breathless for it. 
Aemond doesn't feel cool to the touch anymore, his nerves lost to his lust now. His warmth is the heat of a dragon as it prepares to devour its next meal, hard lines against Luke's chest and down where he craves him the most, and his breathing licks at Luke's lips like fire. 
"Good boy." Aemond dips his chin down to steal a kiss, a bite of sweet peach as Luke opens up for him. "Mine now. Mine to have as I please." 
"You wish." Luke chuckles. "As I please."
The next thrusts rock him deeper, but Aemond doesn't protest his words. As the loud slapping of their bodies echoes through the room, he seals his lips to Luke's skin and trails down over its heaving planes until he finds that ticklish little hollow where Luke's heart pounds, and soaks the saltwater right up from it. His sated sigh is the brush of a spring breeze. All Luke wants is to whine and whimper and beg him to make the pleasure peak, but he keeps his mouth locked, not willing to grant the sounds of his bliss to the maester listening dutifully behind the door. They're his and Aemond's only. His wedding night may be an affair of politics but his joy will remain his.
"Is it hard enough?" Aemond whispers into his ear. Barely-there stubble pressed tight to Luke's cheek. His back is slippery under Luke's hands, the moonstone spill of his hair stuck to the crease of Luke's elbows and the damp space between their chests. 
"I need more." Luke swallows around a desperate sound. "Higher."
His fingernails carve their love into the muscles shifting in his embrace and draw a hiss. Aemond captures Luke's hands in his rough touch, splaying Luke's softer fingers apart on the mattress, wedging between them and squeezing. Luke squeezes back. 
They stop fighting their bliss to fly on it instead.
When the waves are settled and there's nothing left to chase, they bask in the quiet glow of the candles for long minutes. Luke finds that he enjoys this almost as much as his first time being taken - being able to stroke Aemond's drowsy, naked body is a wedding gift to himself. 
The maester cracks the door open, peeking in to check what he needs to, but Aemond just fits his hand around Luke's jaw and turns his head away from the man to kiss him. Luke lets him taste his mouth to his heart's desire. 
"Most unusual." The maester mumbles but leaves them to it. 
Luke smiles. Aemond smells like fire and the thin air high up in the skies, and he wonders if his own scent is the sea that pushes them into a balance of souls.
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greaseonmymouth · 10 months
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pledging for GYWO 2024 is open! I’ve pledged again - I’ve done GYWO since 2012 and this year is the second year I’ve completed a pledge (first time was in 2018) though I’ve come close a few times and also some years fallen very short of the mark.
There are several pledge types and throughout the year (and the month) there are various voluntary activities one can participate in to stay motivated. Only mandatory thing is the formal check-in every month.
I’ve seen whispers on here wrt people wanting to check out or go back to dreamwidth; if you are writing minded then this community could be a great way to use dreamwidth more actively and connect with people.
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doomspiral · 1 year
Meta Analysis Community
Predictably Edgy Nonsense Factory is the place to go on a tangent and have a good time doing so. Make posts about: > why someone should ship the thing you like > exactly how fucked up is this guy's brain > story ideas you feel go unexplored
As it says on the tin, this is an 18+ community not necessarily due to smut topics, but because much of the possible topics deserve to be given the kind of consideration you need to be a big kid about. You'll need an account on DreamWidth to participate, but I would love to revamp this for the Hetalia fandom since I made it just before leaving my LAST one. We are a lot more into meta analysis here.
This is NOT a kinkmeme, which is for fic and art fulfillment. You are not trying to get someone else to make something by posting here, the goal is to get analysis into the air and convince people to care about the same things you do. Which, is something this fandom loves to do anyway, this will be a good way to not lose track of things, especially with the upcoming changes to Tumblr.
Talk about your fave characters, talk about your fave culture or period of history, talk about your shipping chart, talk about headcanons and the original text.
Go ham. Have fun. Be respectful.
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a-candle-for-sherlock · 4 months
It’s the first day of Holmestice!!
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mejomonster · 11 months
In case tumblr ever does go down, im mejomonster on twitter insta discord too. Please add me
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