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without hardships we will never grow, only age but never truly grow.
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we will be sharing educational information, links, positive posts, coping skills, treatment options, as well as some fun little things i have planned! stay tuned to find out more!
follow us on: facebook: Do you know how much you matter? instagram: @doyouknowhowmuchyoumatter snapchat: endthestigma725
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The craziest thing is;
look at that i just said crazy.
did it make you cringe?
it made me cringe.
because being called crazy
became an every day thing
feeling crazy
became an everyday thing
how crazy is that.
the crazy thing is.
im not crazy
mental illness is spelled like this M-e-n-t-a-l -i-l-l-n-e-s-s not C-R-A-Z-Y
did you know that?
now you do.
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doyouknowhowmuchyoumatter #endthestigma
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Life is always going to have the rough & tough moments. The bring you to your knees, heart-wrenching moments; the moments where you aren't sure if you can do it anymore; you are going to lose people you love;; it is simply inevitable. you will have moments of weakness, thoughts of opening another bottle after another; or another needle, or another inhale, or another cut, or another pound lost even if you are significantly under weight, or another binge-eating episode to drown your emotions, or another impulsive decision to make it all drown away
you will have moments where you think you need it, all of it. just once will be enough you think to yourself.
but that is when you decide to tell yourself..
"i matter, i am stronger than my weaknesses"
Life can bring you to your knees a thousand times, and you will still stand up stronger than ever before. you were made for this earth, you were made to withstand the toughest of battles; no matter what they may be;; YOU were made to be here. & to be loved. & to be a living, breathing, unique being.
so let those thoughts go. let them disappear; remind your beautiful self WHY the world is so beautiful with YOU in it.
nobody else has your strength nobody else has your laugh nobody else has your heart nobody else has your beautiful mind nobody else has your smile, eyes, hair, face, hands, nobody. because you my love, can not be copied. you can not be replaced; there is only one YOU. & YOU matter.
selflove #selfhealing #doyouknowhowmuchyoumatter
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MY reason.
I created this blog as a coping mechanism of my own, and to also help others who have and currently are struggling with any sort of mental illness. depression is no joke. mood disorders, bipolar, schizophrenia, adhd, anxiety, what have you, its all NO JOKE. and whoever tells you; “get over it” or my ABSOLUTE favorite “it’s not that bad”.. tell them to go screw themselves, I mean it. do it. because these are the kind of people that end up pushing people like you and me over the edge in the most literal way possible.. I can’t tell you how many times I have tried talking to someone about what goes on in my head, and they make the ‘issue’ into a joke, or just shove it under the rug. I'm over it. I'm over the hush hush stigma mental illness has. I'm so incredibly over it.. so here I am writing to --at the moment ZERO followers, but still having a shred of hope that I can still help someone, anyone. I can help someone look in the mirror and tell themselves “I matter, and I will survive” and actually mean it. I hope one day, all of this will matter to at least one more person other than myself because that’s all that I really want is to save at least one person besides myself from this stupid illness, that I wish never existed, an illness that so many people like to think is --all in your head, all made up, all drama, all whatever they think it is besides what it ACTUALLY is.--
which let’s talk about it. let’s honestly, talk about it. bring in the raw nitty gritty truth of the matter.
Mental illness is REAL
some facts for you pulled from various psychiatry sites, & books proven by psychologist, doctors, psychiatrists.
“Mental illness is any disease or disorder that influences the way a person thinks, feels, behaves, and/or relates to others and to his or her surroundings. Although the symptoms of mental illness can range from mild to severe and are different depending on the type of mental illness, a person with an untreated mental illness often is unable to cope with life's daily routines and demands.
What Causes Mental Illness?
Although the exact cause of most mental illnesses is not known, it is becoming clear through research that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and environmental factors -- not personal weakness or a character defect -- and recovery from a mental illness is not simply a matter of will and self-discipline.”
read that again over and over until you get it... that last line now. read it again. please. one more time. IS NOT SIMPLY A MATTER OF WILL AND SELF-DISCIPLINE.
what does that mean exactly?
it means mental illness is not something that can just be ignored, it means that no matter what you do to try and ignore it, or try to discipline yourself, it will not just go away.
it can be caused by a number of things:
hereditary/genetics: A lot of mental illnesses do run in families, they may be passed through genes from parent to child... but just because your mom or dad may have a mental illness does NOT mean you WILL have one too, but it is possible. Experts believe that many mental illnesses are linked with more than one gene.
Biology: an abnormal balance of neurotransmitters can cause symptoms of mental illness
psychological trama: can be triggered by psychological trauma suffered as a child such as severe emotional, physical, sexual abuse. or a loss of a loved one, or even neglect.
Environmental stressors: death, divorce, dysfunctional family, changing jobs/school, or even substance abuse can trigger mental illness.
All of the above can trigger/cause a mental illness to appear.
NOW, can it be prevented?
unfortunately, a combo of factors come into play and most mental illnesses have really no way of BEING prevented due to the circumstances life brings you, or the genes you may or may not have been given.
mental illness is very common even more common than cancer, diabetes and even heart disease.
“Mental illnesses are very common. In fact, they are more common than cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 25% of American adults (those ages 18 and older) and about 13% of American children (those ages 8 to 15) are diagnosed with a mental disorder during a given year.”---medicinenet.com
“Major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are among the U.S.'s top 10 leading causes of disability. Mental illness does not discriminate. It can affect people of any age, income or educational level, and cultural background. Although mental illness affects both males and females, certain conditions -- such as eating disorders -- tend to occur more often in females, and other disorders -- such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) -- more commonly occur in children.” --medicinenet.com
YES! it can. but do you know what that entails? you. it entails you being reliable to yourself, or even your family to care enough to help YOU do something about it. it entails, ongoing treatment, weather that be psychotherapy, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a treatment facility, group therapies, water therapy, musical therapy,  or simply a person you can talk to and trust enough to open up to, medications can help, but the biggest thing that can help you is yourself! 
PLEASE don’t give up on yourself because I fully believe life will get better for all of those who are struggling.. scary part is I never believed this until recently. I never believed my sadness would go away. I never believed I could love myself, or even look at myself and say “you are beautiful”, I never believed I could become stronger than I ever was.. is it a struggle? HELL YES it is. it’s so damn hard do I still wake up wanting to sleep all day because that is so much better than facing my reality? YES, do I get up anyway YES. loving life & loving yourself can be SOOOOO hard... but it is damn possible. and it is so close to your reach... giving up is NOT an option. keep telling yourself that until you believe it.. drop those who are bringing you down if you have to.  YOUR life is worth living and YOU are worth loving.
I know you can get there.
YOU can never be replaced. there is only ONE you.
so are you going to be so scared and say fuck everything and run. or are you going to face your FEAR and face everything and recover?
#selflove #ENDTHESTIGMA #suicideispermanent #yourproblemsaretemporary
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laugh at yoself girls and boys.
laugh and laugh.
it’s the best medicine.
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it isn’t going to be easy, life isn’t easy. I just promise it is going to be worth it. the world needs your smile, your laugh, your unique personality. take another breath, live another minute, keep living another hour, another day, another month, another year.
YOU matter & you can never ever be replaced..
#live #breathe #heartbeatafterheartbeat
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Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone else’s inability to see your worth.
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