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pumpkins4all · 2 years ago
Hello Hello! If you like talking about mcyt fanfiction, then do check out the Dream SMP fanfic reddit! While it has the dream smp name, our main focus is dsmp/qsmp fanfic and we welcome all other mcyt fanfics too. So like hermitcraft, Empires etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamSMPfanfic/
If this interests you, do drop by! We’d really appreciate it. There’s lot of posts asking for fic recs so if you’re able to recommend anything, that’d be really cool. Also feel free to talk about what you’ve been writing or reading and make fic searches yourself!! 
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zeta-in-de-walls · 11 months ago
Hey there, as you may or may not know, a couple years ago I started a little subreddit for DSMP fanfiction. https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamSMPfanfic/
I don't personally run it anymore, I stepped away away when my interest in the fandom fizzled.
Anyway, the mods are highly considering a rename to MCYTfanfic in order to be more general. (All mcyt fic recs are already allowed but it is predominantly DSMP. It's always been very SBI leaning particularly.)
As always if you have any interest in dsmp fanfiction, I highly encourage you to check it out. You can recommend your favourite stories, get recommendations or just discuss the fanfic community. Searching older recs is an awesome way to discover some hidden gems and it feels good to share your favourite stories.
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cryingtulips · 2 years ago
r/DreamSMPfanfic recently changed it's banner and ngl it looks very cool. I love how it includes the qsmp, and if you read a lot of fanfic, you can probably recognize some of the fics some of the art is based on
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mykaeba · 2 years ago
If you have reddit I would recommend r/dreamsmpfanfic in case somebody there knows the fic you're looking for. I would love to help look if you have more info like other characters, mcd or violence, how old it is, length (like 10k word count), etc. Stuff for the filter
hi anon hope ur doing good!
unfortunately i have very little other info on the fic,, i thought i remembered it being 10k long but i’ve been scouring fics this lenght and couldn’t find it.. the one relationship i’m certain of is wilbur & tommy but there might have been wil & tommy & phil & techno since that’s where i get most of my fics?
no mcd, i don’t remember for violence but can’t think of anything drastic so prolly canon typical? no idea for a rating tho ://
and i’m pretty certain it’s no older than 2022 but again.. no idea which month or which year lmao
so all in all pretty messy memory but at this point i’m starting to think it might’ve been deleted (there are a few of my bookmarks that have been deleted, the fic could’ve been one of them?)
Aanyway i’ll go ask reddit tysm for the idea :D
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eclipse-not-found · 2 years ago
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𓁹his voice is in my mind(villaininnit story)𓁹 - ☻Chat reveal☻ (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1317994372-%F0%93%81%B9his-voice-is-in-my-mind-villaininnit-story- Tommy was just living his life dream is in jail everyone is happy but Tommy wasn't because dream lives in his head. . . . (create in a roleplay)
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itshalza · 4 years ago
“I’m a Monster”
Just a Foolish and Puffy Family Dynamic Hurt/Comfort fic. Comes directly after Foolish’s second lore stream in canon. Cross-posted from AO3
Characters: Captain Puffy, Foolish, Awesamdude, Ponk (mentioned), BadBoyHalo (mentioned), HannahxxRose (mentioned)
!! Content Warning: just a hurt/comfort fic, light angst, spoilers for Foolish’s latest lore stream
Summary: After the conflict with the Eggpire, Foolish struggles with his feelings and memories of his past and Puffy talks him out of it.
Puffy was walking up the prime path towards the community house, heading to Foolish’s summer home to give him some of the gold she had collected while on her latest mining trip. To be completely honest, she didn’t really have a use for it, and her son needed it for his build, so she was happy to give it to him. That’s when she noticed an extremely nervous Sam exit the community portal.
“Sam?” Puffy asked, causing the creeper hybrid to jump. Puffy’s voice softened only slightly at his reaction. “What’s got you all worked up?”
Sam cleared his throat, stumbling over his words. How would he explain this to her? There’s no way that Puffy would take kindly to him saying that he was scared by her son. “Um, it’s nothing. It’s definitely nothing,” He said quickly, moving to walk past her.
Puffy sighed, grabbing his shoulder to stop him from leaving. It was definitely something. “Sam?” she said sternly, like she would scold a child.
Sam groaned. “Listen, you aren’t gonna like this, but Foolish did some freaky stuff at the temple and I do not have the time or energy to process how much that scared me, okay? I have to go help Han-” he started, speaking fast and nervously once again.
“What do you mean ‘freaky stuff?’” Puffy asked.
“The man can summon lightning! He practically smited Bad, Ant, and Ponk right in front of me because they-”
“Wait, wait, wait! What were Bad and the others doing there?” Puffy asked, concern growing in her voice.
Sam shrugged slightly. “I don’t know, apparently Ponk threatened Foolish or something and-”
“Did you know about this?” She asked, growing angry. Did Sam know about this and not tell her?
“No, Puffy! Of course not!” Sam said, growing increasingly exasperated with how long this conversation was taking. He began to walk off, turning around to talk to her. “Listen I don’t exactly know what happened, but your son is really strange and slightly terrifying, okay? I have to go. I have to find Hannah. I have to make sure she’s okay. I have-”
“Sam?” Puffy called, setting aside her anger for a moment. He stopped talking and moving, looking up at her. “Good luck.” She said gently. Sam nodded before taking off.
Puffy stopped for a moment, trying to comprehend Sam’s words before she realized that she had places to be. She had to get to Foolish, and if Sam was telling the truth, she had to move with some urgency. She navigated through the Nether, trying to hurry through the harsh terrain as fast and as safely as possible. She needed to get to her son as soon as possible, but if she fell into the lava below the bridge, that defeated her sense of her urgency.
Once she exited the Nether through the Portal that led to Foolish’s summer home, she instantly knew something was wrong. The hair on her arms stood on end like there was a static electric charge in the air. There was also a strong smell of gunpowder and smoke. In fact, there was still some smoke hanging in the air.
And then it hit her. There was a sudden absence of the large, towering statue of Ra that normally stands out over the landscape. Why did it take her so long to notice it? Now there was only a pile of rubble where the statue once stood.
As she moved closer, the static electricity grew stronger. The hair on her head began to stand on end. She smoothed it down with a quick gesture. Looking down at the path, she noticed a large scorch mark in the cobblestone path along with a large fissure in the path. This definitely confused her. Nothing she knew of could have caused such a fissure. It definitely wasn’t from TNT. She pressed on, making sure to not get any of the ash on her boots.
Puffy looked over the statue once more before heading towards the Temple. She figured that’s where he would be if he was even still here. She also noticed the absence of her son’s cat, Nefrekitty. The cat usually found its way to Puffy and rubbed against her legs as she headed into the temple, but she assumed that the cat was comforting Foolish at the moment rather than waiting for visitors.
She entered the large entrance of the temple, looking around for a moment to take in its grandiosity. It took her breath away every time visited. She could never begin to comprehend how long it took Foolish to build all of this. It was exquisitely crafted. The sandstone was carved with such precision that she would have assumed it was the work of a machine, but she had seen her adopted son carve the stone with his own two hands.
Her eyes were drawn into the center of the room, where usually a beacon shined brightly in the middle of a pile of riches mortals could only dream about obtaining in a lifetime. Instead, the beacon was shut off, and the totem sat with his knees pulled into his chest, sobbing quietly.
Puffy saw red instantly. What did Sam do to him? Who made him this upset? She would get to the bottom of this no matter what she had to do.
But then she took a deep breath… getting angry wouldn’t fix anything. In fact, it would probably only upset Foolish more to see her that upset. She took a few centering breaths before approaching him quietly.
She opened her mouth to speak but paused, realizing she had no idea how to approach the situation. She didn’t even know what happened! How was she supposed to help him when she didn’t know what she was helping him with?!
Puffy figured that her son was unaware of her presence, but that obviously proved to be false as he reacted to her hesitation.
“Let me guess, you’re scared of me too?” He asked, his tone bitter. Much more bitter than he had ever spoken to Puffy before. It was almost like he realized how harsh his tone was, as only a second later he started crying harder. He gripped his knees tighter, not able to do much other than cry.
Puffy tensed up slightly. She didn’t even know where this came from. Was this her fault?
No, now wasn’t the time for that train of thought. She could self reflect later; she needed to help comfort her son. That was her job, and she needed to do it right this time because maybe, just maybe she can stop Foolish from going down a similar path to her other son.
She dropped to her knees in front of him, wrapping her arms around his trembling frame. He reacted almost instantly, hugging her tightly and crying into her shoulder. She rubbed his back lightly, trying to comprehend the amount of emotion he was displaying. She’d never even seen Foolish cry since he was much younger, let alone full out sob like this.
“I would never be scared of you Foolish,” She said softly. She gripped him a little tighter, as if punctuating her sentence. “I could never be-” she started again before he pulled away. He scurried backwards away from her, not looking his mother in the eyes.
“You don’t know what I did! You don’t know what I’ve done!” He yelled. He held his head in his hands, choking back a sob. “I thought I moved on; I thought I changed. I’m not like that anymore.”
“Foolish-” Puffy started, a slight scold to her tone. She figured he was being dramatic. She had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.
“I’m a monster, Puffy!” He shouted in between sobs. He gripped his hair in his fingers, pulling on it lightly. “I thought I moved on from my past, but today I was right back there. Today there was a flicker of who I used to be and I-” He started, getting cut off by another cry erupting from his throat.
Puffy was absolutely frozen. She had no idea how to react to this. “Foolish?” She started, her tone much softer this time. The totem looked up slightly, sniffling softly. “Do you want to talk about what happened?” She asked. There was no way she would be able to help him if she didn’t know what was happening.
Foolish took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself enough to speak to her. He wiped the tears from his cheeks, sniffling before getting to explaining the events of the day.
“Well, Ponk, Bad, and Ant came over to harass me about that stupid egg again. I tried to ignore it for so long but it just came back with a vengeance. They kept putting TNT in my builds and threatening to blow it up. And then they came while Sam was visiting and-” He started before getting visibly upset again. Tears fell from his eyes once more.
Puffy leaned forward, putting her hand on his shoulder gently. He looked up at her, being greeted by a soft smile. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to Fool,” She said, using her nickname for him, “I just figured it might be beneficial to get this off your chest.”
Foolish nodded slightly. Deep down he knew she was right, but he didn’t want to tell her at all. What would happen if she found out what he did and was scared of him? Rightfully, she should be scared of him, but the last thing he wanted was for his own Papa Puffy to be scared of him. Because then who else would he have on the server… other than Junior of course.
“They blew up the statue, and-” he started, pausing when his breathing hitched, although his voice stronger than before, “ and they killed my cat and they kept threatening me and-”
He stopped, contemplating if he really wanted to tell Puffy this.
“And?” She ushered gently.
“And then I just got so mad. I was so angry and upset and I-” he started, choking on his words. “I struck them with lightning.”
Puffy didn’t outwardly react knowing that would elicit a negative response from Foolish, but that surprised her. Foolish was generally a pacifist, letting his words fight his battles.
“I just got so mad and I didn’t mean to, I promise. I didn’t mean to do it, Papa, I promise.” He sputtered out, just now looking up at her. His emerald eyes pleaded for her to say anything.
Puffy grabbed his hand gently, but Foolish pulled it away, He didn’t want to hurt her. She was really all he had left. He didn’t want to make her leave too.
“I know you didn’t mean to, Fool.”
“It was an accident. I know they aren’t bad people. They don’t have control over their actions, but I just got so mad and it just happened and then Sam, he-”
“What did Sam do?” Puffy asked, tensing up just enough to be noticeable.
“He was so scared, Puffy. He ran off without saying anything but I knew. He thinks I’m a monster. And I am! Bad, Ant, and Ponk aren’t perfect but they didn’t deserve that!” He said, his voice growing increasingly upset as he rambled on.
“Hey, hey, hey.” she said softly. She reached for his shoulder again, but he lunged forward and pulled her into a hug. Puffy instinctively wrapped her arms around him once again, letting him cry softly into her shoulder.
“Foolish, you are not a monster. You weren’t then, you aren’t now, and you never will be, okay? You didn’t mean to hurt them; it was out of emotion and that’s okay sometimes.” She said softly, rubbing his back gently. “The fact that you can acknowledge that deep down they didn’t mean to hurt you means something right?” she asked softly. Foolish nodded slightly, hugging her tighter.
Puffy sighed softly. “I’ll talk to Sam, okay? He’s… really overwhelmed right now, and he definitely didn’t react correctly.” She said gently. After a few moments, she ruffled his hair playfully. “In the meantime, let’s get you something to eat okay? You must be drained from all that. I’ll make you some of my mushroom stew and you can tell me about your plans to rebuild the statue.”
Foolish perked up. It was hard to tell whether he was happy about the stew or getting to talk about his builds, but he pulled away from the hug, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “That would be nice.” he said, his face regaining a bit of the smile that was usually plastered onto it.
The two could talk about Foolish’s past later, if he even wanted to talk about it at all. For now, they walked out of the temple hand in hand as Foolish rambled about the next statue he planned to build.
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docktorhollliday · 4 years ago
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And heres Wilbur’s eyes
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legyt · 4 years ago
pAin, in many things ;-;
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When you don't know how to draw a rose-
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inwhichispeak · 4 years ago
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iam50b3r · 3 years ago
I’m writing a Violet Evergarden AU and holy crap I’ve been working so long on this so I’m gonna be hyping it up here! Tubbo’s the main character (aka Violet), Wilbur is the Major (Gilbert), and Phil is Claudia :) 
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thefanficdude · 3 years ago
The Winter Months: NOVEMBER, Part 1
TRIGGER WARNING: Depression, suicidal implications and possible eating disorder
There were many differences between Wilbur and Dream.
For one, Wilbur’s village only had one leader that looked over every little detail, but Dream’s city had a leader for various things such as military, rations, and others. So because everyone had the title of leader, Dream himself had the title of… Dream.
In the city, whoever was Dream (the name of the leader position) left behind their name from birth and would further be referred to as Dream, either until death or the possible event that the title is evoked. The reason for this was because the god they worshipped had a similar name and it was an act of praise, sort of to say that no matter who was giving the orders, the ultimate ruler was their god.
Meanwhile, the village didn’t believe in any kind of god or deity figure. They solely depended on themselves to survive, and that was something Dream’s people would never understand.
Except for one.
Ranboo teleported back to the city he called home after the conversation he had with someone from the village. Toby, if Ranboo remembered correctly. He hoped he did. Ranboo had a reputation to forget things very easily, and that was one of the reasons Dream never made him in charge of anything. Ranboo was fine with that, he understood Dream’s reasoning.
Yet even in no position of power, Ranboo needed to talk to Dream like he was. He made his way to Dream’s house that was also used as a gathering place of sorts. It was the tallest building in the city, so it was easy to set apart from the rest. Ranboo stepped through the thin layer of snow on the ground until he got to the door. He knocked.
“Dream?” Ranboo said through the door. “It’s Ranboo.” Nobody answered. He knocked again. “Sir, I met someone while I was in the forest.” About 5 seconds passed.
“Come in,” A smooth voice came from the other side of the door and Ranboo walked in, silently closing the door behind him.
Dream stood where he normally did; at the head of the long table inside. Maps of the area, specifically the village, were scattered about, each one with different coloured marks of ink. Beside Dream on the side of the table was the newcomer. Ranboo couldn’t remember his name, but it started with G. Ever since he came, Dream and him had been inseparable. It was weird, but Ranboo didn’t think about it much more than that.
“Who did you see?” Dream asked.
“Someone from the village,” Ranboo replied. “He had brown hair, probably the same age as me, and-”
“No,” Dream cut him off. “What was his name?”
“Oh,” Ranboo became embarrassed. It was obvious that’s what he should’ve said first instead of a full description. “Toby.” The man beside Dream looked up.
“Toby?” He asked. Ranboo nodded. Dream looked at him.
“Do you know who that is, George?” Right, his name is George. Ranboo thought. George nodded.
“Yes, but everyone calls him Tubbo. Only people he feels especially close with call him Toby. I don’t even think his best friend calls him that.” George looked at Ranboo. “He told you to call him Toby?”
“Yeah,” Ranboo confirmed. “But he didn’t really-”
“What did you say to him?” Dream now stared directly at Ranboo.
“Uh,” Ranboo was in slight paralysis by Dream’s gaze. “Nothing much, I just told him I was from here and-”
“Ranboo,” Dream walked towards Ranboo. The few seconds of silence as he made his way felt like years. “Did you tell him our plan?” It was a question, but his voice was monotone the whole way through.
“No, of course not,” He lied. “But I got some info that might be useful to you.”
“Really?” Dream looked over his shoulder to George then back at Ranboo. “What info?”
“Phil is no longer their leader,” Ranboo said. “Wilbur, his son, is. The plan was to kill their leader, but you have the wrong target.” Dream smiled with amusement.
“Wow,” Dream said. “I had no idea.” He went back to the table. “I had no idea… that you could underestimate me so much.”
“Ranboo, there is literally a member of the village standing right beside me,” Dream gestured to George. “You thought I didn’t ask who their leader is?”
“But the letter said you were going to kill their leader.” Ranboo pointed out.
“Did you really think I was going to send them a letter telling them what my plan is?” Dream was still smiling. This was entertaining for him. “No, Ranboo. The target was Phil all along.”
“But what’s the point?” Ranboo asked. “It would be so much easier to fight them if Wilbur died instead of Phil.” Ranboo hated every word he was saying, but it was true, and he needed to know.
“Because if I killed Wilbur,” Dream said. “It would be too easy. After all, games are much more fun on hard mode.”
“So…” Ranboo thought for a moment. “So you’re going to kill Phil… for fun?”
“Yeah,” Dream said. “Is that a problem?” Ranboo took a breath.
“No, sir.” Ranboo turned to make his way out, but Dream stopped him.
“And one more thing,” Dream said. “I’m not ‘going to’ kill Phil. I already have.” Ranboo’s stomach sank.
“You what?”
Wilbur sat in the forest, leaning against the tree his father was buried under. A sign hung from the trunk. It read Here lies the Winged Legend. Rest in Peace Philza. The day it happened was still so clear to him.
The letter threatened him, Wilbur the leader, so he hid in his house with the letter from Dream in hand. There wasn’t much else to do except read it over and over again. Every once in a while, Wilbur would open the curtains on his window just a little bit to see what was happening with everyone else outside.
Then one time, he opened the curtains and looked into the forest, just in time to see an arrow point upwards. It was aimed at Phil. Before Wilbur could even process what was happening, the arrow flew and landed at it’s target. Phil’s wings stopped moving and he fell from the heavens to the ground. Without even thinking, Wilbur burst out of his house and ran towards the greenhouse, where Phil had fallen.
Wilbur saw Phil and got on his knees as soon as he got there. Wilbur picked him up and cradled him, looking into his open, soulless eyes. Wilbur shook him, yelled, even screamed his name, but he didn’t wake up. Wilbur checked to see if he was breathing. Nothing. Wilbur checked for a pulse. Nothing.
Wilbur screamed into the world and cried into his father’s chest for the last time.
Five days later, here he was, sitting at Phil’s grave while playing guitar, desperately looking for a familiar tune. He wouldn’t find one for a long time.
“Wilbur?” Tommy emerged from the brush, but Wilbur didn’t look up from his guitar. Tommy sighed. “Goddammit man, I’ve been looking for you for 20 minutes! I thought you died!”
“That wouldn’t be so bad.” Wilbur said.
“What the fuck,” Tommy sat down beside Wilbur. “Dude, don’t say shit like that.” Wilbur stopped playing and looked at Tommy.
“Why? It’s not like he bothered to stick around either.” Wilbur gestured to Phil’s grave. “Now leave me alone.” He continued to play, plucking randomly at the strings, making a melody that didn’t make sense.
Tommy was fed up with this. He stood up and took Wilbur’s guitar right out of his hands. Wilbur tried to grab it back, but Tommy started running back to the village.
“Hey! What the fuck are you doing!?” Wilbur stood and chased him.
“You need to stop feeling bad for yourself!” Tommy yelled back, still running.
“And you can’t just fucking take my shit and leave!” Wilbur yelled.
“Yes I can!” Tommy said. “Cause I’m doing it right now, bitch!”
Tommy and Wilbur made it to the clearing where the village was and Tommy ran into the Community House before Wilbur could catch up. Wilbur ran into the doorway, but stopped when he saw that everyone was there. They were all looking at him, sorrow and worry in their eyes. They were all sitting where they normally did. Niki and Eret beside each other, and Tommy and Tubbo on the opposite of them (though Tommy was standing, still holding his guitar). Phil always sat beside Tubbo, but that side of the bench was empty now. It would never be the same.
“What’s this?” Wilbur asked.
“We’re worried about you, Will.” Niki said. “Ever since Phil passed away, you’ve been at his grave for hours at a time. You even refuse to eat sometimes. It’s not healthy.”
“And we need you,” Tommy said, handing Wilbur his guitar back. He took it with force. Wilbur was annoyed by this, but he knew they were right. He didn’t want to admit that, but then he remembered that’s the reason he never got to apologize to Phil. That guilt would stay with him forever, simply because he didn’t want to be humble. “Wilbur,” Tommy continued. “As much as we need a leader, I need you as a brother more, so don’t fucking sit on your ass all day because of something you never could’ve prevented”
“But that’s the problem,” Wilbur said. “I never saw it coming until I saw the arrow fly out of the forest, and even then I couldn’t stop it.”
“But how would you have stopped it even then?” Eret asked. “Tommy’s right, there’s nothing you or any of us could’ve done.” Wilbur looked at the ground and closed his eyes.
“I can’t tell if it’s easier to process knowing I could’ve stopped it or not…” Wilbur said, silent tears building in his eyes. “I just feel so many emotions and pain, and all I want is for it to go away.” Niki stood up and put a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s going to be hard regardless of the situation,” She said. “Every heartbreak, dissapointment, and loss leaves a wound. Of course it hurts now, but eventually, either in a month or years, that wound will heal. It won’t be gone forever though. That wound is going to leave a scar, and everytime you think of him, it’ll hurt a little bit. But that’s your mind’s way of reminding you to not forget about him. If we truly moved on for good, nobody would remember you father and the many wise words he left behind.” Niki put a hand on Wilbur’s cheek to wipe away a tear with her thumb and Wilbur leaned into it. He’d forgotten how nice it was to be assured by physical touch. “The pain you’re feeling, no matter how unbearable, is not bad. It means you’re human, just like the rest of us.”
Wilbur felt something wrap around his torso. He looked down to see Tommy hugging him.
“We all need you, Wilbur.” Tommy said. “Now more than ever. If you give up, then we’re fucked… but there’s still hope. We just need you to stick around for a little longer. Can you do that?” Tommy looked up at Wilbur, and he could never say no to Tommy, especially now. As much as he hated it, everyone was depending on him. Wilbur took a breath and looked at everyone.
“We continue this fight in the name of Phil,” Wilbur said with passion, rage, and determination surging through his veins. “Say ‘Ai’ if you are with me!”
“Ai!” Everyone chorused in joy, and Wilbur smiled for the first time in a while.
“And, I’d like to make an announcement.” Wilbur looked at Tommy. “Tommy,” his gaze shifted to Niki. “And Niki. You are both hereby given the title of my right-hand man and woman!” Everyone cheered, celebrating the return of their leader, their newfound hope, and the promotion of two village members. For the first time since the death of Phil, there was happiness.
“So what’s first, Wilbur?” Tommy asked. Wilbur smiled.
“Well,” Wilbur said. “We need to get as much information about the enemy as we can so that we can make the best attack plan possible.”
“Oh, we got that covered!” Tommy said. Wilbur looked at Tommy confused.
“You do?”
Tommy looked at Tubbo. Tubbo stood.
“Wilbur,” Tubbo said. “We have a spy.”
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teetkmost123 · 4 years ago
Check this out mtfs.
One thousand wishes
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years ago
I’m making a reddit for DreamSMP fanfiction
Hey guys!! Okay so I’ve been thinking a ton about Dream SMP fanfiction over the last week. And much as I love it, I’m not all that good at finding the good stuff y’know? And I find that Tumblr’s not always the best medium to have discussions about fanfiction. 
So I was thinking we need a nice space to share and recommend and request fanfiction. That, believe it or not, translates to reddit.
Reddit is well designed as a wonderful place to rec and find fanfiction somehow. Fanfiction subreddits just work. You can make a post on something you’re looking for and then anyone who can help can comment. Then others can also read those comments and also discover new fics. It’s great to have discussion on niche topics on there as its nicely segmented but open. 
So I’ve decided to create a new subreddit for it. (There has been one or two attempts in the past but they looked a little dead so I thought I’d start from scratch.) It’s currently very basic but hopefully functional? I’ll work on sprucing it up more if I can get it rolling. 
And I would really appreciate your help!! I’m sure some of you don’t really know reddit but I’d adore it if you could help get it off the ground by making a few posts. (I’m pretty inexperienced too so if you’ve got any advice I’d love to hear it.) Just stuff like asking for some fics of a type so others can recommend stuff or reccing some good stories you know of. 
Thanks, I love you guys and it’d be so awesome to have a more organised way to search for fics and have fic discussion in this community. Even if it’s not entirely successful, I hope it’ll at least turn into a nice little archive for people looking for more stuff to read.
(Also reblogs for more attention would be very much appreciated. Thanks!)
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conarcoin · 3 years ago
yo btw to anyone who enjoys writing or reading dream smp fanfic check out the r/DreamSMPfanfic subreddit its small but really good
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eclipse-not-found · 2 years ago
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𓁹his voice is in my mind(villaininnit story)𓁹 - ☻Prologue☻ (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1317679921-%F0%93%81%B9his-voice-is-in-my-mind-villaininnit-story- Tommy was just living his life dream is in jail everyone is happy but Tommy wasn't because dream lives in his head. . . . (create in a roleplay)
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itshalza · 4 years ago
Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right
Just a Villain!Puffy and C!Foolish Angst piece I wrote to spite my friends, cross-posted from AO3. 
Characters: Villain!Puffy, Foolish, Warden!Sam, Dream, Tommyinnit (mentioned)
!! Content Warning: Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Angst, Arguing, Spoilers for Tommy’s stream from 3/1/2021
Summary: After Dream kills Tommy while trapped in prison, Puffy realizes something must be done about Dream... and Foolish is a witness to all of it. (1.8K words)
It didn’t take Sam long to realize that something was off once he went back to the security room, monitoring Puffy’s visit with her son, Dream. It had only been a few days since Dream killed Tommy in the cell. Sam was torn up, but the prisoner needed watching no matter how much grief the warden was experiencing. Normally, it would be against protocol for him to let a visitor see Dream so recently after an incident, but Puffy was insistent. She practically stormed into the prison lobby and demanded that Sam let her in. He only let her in because he was too tired and too upset to deal with Dream’s hysterical mother. Obviously, he should have waited until he was in a better mental state because he slipped up on the protocols, not checking Puffy’s inventory nearly as closely as he normally would have for a visitor.
Once Puffy started raising her voice, that’s when Sam decided to intervene. “Puffy, if you don’t calm down I’m going to have to ask you to get back on the bridge.” he said flatly into the intercom.
“Oh shut up for once in your life Sam!” Puffy yelled out to nowhere in particular before getting back to scolding Dream. “I can’t believe you would do that to him. He was a child. He-” She started, although her voice had much more resentment than one would expect to hear from a mother speaking to her child.
“Oh come on mom, are you serious? You really think Tommy didn’t have this coming?” Dream scoffed, rolling his eyes.
As the screaming match continued, Sam decided that it would probably be best to get ready to intervene in this interaction. This really could prove to be a security threat. But he couldn’t be the one to go in for her. That would be a breach of protocol and a security risk he couldn’t take. Plus, he didn’t think that Puffy would listen to him anyway. The two had already been at odds lately over the egg, and he didn’t think his guidance would be effective at all in this situation. So he grabbed his communicator and decided to call someone who he thought would be helpful.
“Hello?” The totem’s cheery voice rang from the device.
“Uh… hey Foolish. Is there anyway you could make your way up to the prison? Puffy is visiting Dream and she is making me... nervous.” he started, hesitating slightly on the word. He didn’t want Foolish to think that Sam wasn’t doing his job well, because he was. Puffy was just being difficult. “I just need you to be ready to talk to her if I need you to.”
“Yeah sure. We can have a little family reunion in the prison.” Foolish replied, a laugh behind his voice. The joke obviously didn’t land with the worn out warden. Sam let out a slightly annoyed sigh, causing Foolish to clear his throat to fill the silence. “I can be there in five minutes, is that okay? I’m at my summer home.”
Sam’s eyes flicked from the monitor to press the unmute button on the intercom, listening to their fighting for a moment before muting it again. “Just get here quick, okay?” Sam said, his voice maintaining its bland tone despite the worry he felt.
“Of course Sammy. Be there in a few.” The totem said, oblivious to Sam’s discomfort before ending the call and heading into the nether portal to L’Manberg.
Sam put the communicator on the desk, waiting a few moments before unmuting the intercom once again to hear their bickering once again.
“I don’t care how annoying Tommy was while you were trapped in here, that doesn’t give you the right to kill him.” Puffy yelled, seeming exasperated with her son. Hell, Sam would be too. Dream had opened up about what he did to Tommy during his exile, and not only did he open up, he seemed proud of it. The thought made Sam sick to his stomach.
“Listen, you have no idea what was going on in here so I don’t think you can tell me whether or not I am justified.” Dream spat back, crossing his arms. Then he looked like he realized something. “You know what, let’s ask Sam. He overheard some of it. Sam, was Tommy being a little-”
Sam cut Dream off before he could finish. “Don’t drag me into this.” He said sharply. He leaned back in his seat, nervously waiting for Foolish to show up.
“You do understand that you took a human life the other day, right? Tommy is never coming back, and his blood is on your hands.” Puffy said. She didn't even seem upset about Tommy anymore; she just seemed angry. She was just so angry.
Dream scoffed, rolling his eyes. “One: that’s not entirely true. Two: you do understand that I don’t care, right?” He mocked his mother’s tone with his final words, which only seemed to infuriate her further.
Sam was about to speak up and tell Puffy that he was coming to get her before he heard Foolish’s voice over the intercom. “Uh... Overworld to Sam?” He trailed. Apparently it wasn’t the first time Foolish tried to get his attention.
The warden flicked a switch on the control board. “You can go through the portal.” He said, his voice starting to display an edge of the anxiety that felt like lead in his veins.
“Roger dodger that.” The totem said, oblivious to Sam’s sudden change of tone. Sam quickly made his way to the lobby of the prison. This was breaking so many protocols but this was an emergency situation in his eyes, and Sapnap and Punz were unreachable. Sam entered the lobby just before Foolish did.
“I’m not going to lie; this is going to be very different than if you would visit the prison on a normal day, okay? Just don’t tell anyone.” He said, opening up locker two.
“Yeah, of course. Are you okay Sam?” Foolish asked, entering the locker to dump his items into the chest. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He said, putting a slight emphasis on the word ‘I.’ He handed Foolish the forms once he exited the locker.
“I hereby assume-” Foolish began reading off the form before being cut off by the other in the room. “Just sign the form.”
Foolish looked up at him with a confused look but complied anyway. After all, Sam was the sole authority on the prison grounds. He certainly was not going to question him. Sam led Foolish through the prison, skipping most of the safeguards put in place which only confused Foolish further.
“Uh… hey Sam aren’t you supposed to like, kill me a lot right now or something?” Foolish asked, partially to remedy his own confusion and partially to lighten the mood. Sam simply ignored his question, pressing the button to lower the wall of lava.
“Make sure you walk with the bridge.” Sam said firmly. Foolish definitely seemed a little on edge, but he tried not to show Sam. After all, he really did want to see his family together again, and if Sam were to doubt whether or not he was fit to visit the prison, he might not be able to go in.
As the lava receded, the yelling began to be unmuffled. The bridge started moving and Foolish took small steps to stay with it.
“Mom, you have no idea why I do the things I do, so I would suggest you mind your business!”
“Don’t call me that. Don’t call me your mother. You are no son of mine. You’re a monster”
“If you say I am then so be it. Have you ever thought that this is your fault that I’m this way? You did raise me after-” Dream started to retort, but clearly there was something about Puffy’s movement that made Dream lose his spunk.
That’s when Sam realized his mistake when he saw the notable glint of enchanted netherite.
“Mom, how did you get that in here?” Dream asked, his voice smaller now, realizing he went too far.
“You aren’t my son. You will never be my son again.” Puffy’s voice was eerily calm despite the circumstances, and she was completely oblivious to her second son’s arrival.
Foolish was frozen. The bridge had stopped and he was locked in place. He was watching the scene play out in front of him like it was a scene in a movie. He felt so incredibly helpless even though he had the ability to stop it.
Sam had run to the control board to lock the prison down. This was an extremely vulnerable situation, and the last thing that needed to happen was a serious security threat.
“You know what, Dream?” Puffy asked, running her finger along the flat side of the blade. “This is my fault. Something I did made you this way. I don’t know what it was, but I know what I have to do to stop it.” She said. Her voice was still calm, although it began to develop an edge as she continued.
Before Dream could protest, Puffy ran the blade cleanly through his stomach, clenching her teeth. Luckily, his mask hid the look of horror and pain from Foolish’s face as he watched hopelessly, but there was something much worse watching a blank smile as your brother died by your mother’s hand. Once her son went limp, she removed the blade and let his body fall to the floor. She stared down at her blood covered hands, a smile starting to grow before she heard a broken sob from behind her.
Foolish felt like he was going to be sick. His knees felt weak, but he made sure to stay upright to avoid falling into the lava around him. He covered his mouth, eyes nervously scanning his mother’s form.
“Foolish…” Puffy trailed, reaching out towards her surviving son, face falling as he flinched away from her touch. “Foolish it’s not what you-”
“Sam, call back the bridge!” He yelled, not breaking eye contact with her. He was scared what would happen if he took his eyes off of her.
Sam, too, was frozen. He cleared his throat, muttering a soft “you got it” into the intercom.
“Foolish, please.” Puffy said, tears biting at her eyes. The totem shook his head, taking small steps backwards with the bridge.
“I did the right thing! I was protecting you from that monster.” Puffy yelled. Foolish didn’t react. His emerald eyes just stared with fear at the person he used to consider his mother.
The bridge jolted to a stop but Foolish didn’t move. He was frozen listening to Puffy call out. “Come on Foolish. Don’t leave me here. You know Papa Puffy loves you!”
He didn’t move until the lava finally enclosed the cell. He fell to his knees and let himself cry for the loss of his family.
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