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pumpkins4all · 2 years ago
Hello Hello! If you like talking about mcyt fanfiction, then do check out the Dream SMP fanfic reddit! While it has the dream smp name, our main focus is dsmp/qsmp fanfic and we welcome all other mcyt fanfics too. So like hermitcraft, Empires etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamSMPfanfic/
If this interests you, do drop by! We’d really appreciate it. There’s lot of posts asking for fic recs so if you’re able to recommend anything, that’d be really cool. Also feel free to talk about what you’ve been writing or reading and make fic searches yourself!! 
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zeta-in-de-walls · 11 months ago
Hey there, as you may or may not know, a couple years ago I started a little subreddit for DSMP fanfiction. https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamSMPfanfic/
I don't personally run it anymore, I stepped away away when my interest in the fandom fizzled.
Anyway, the mods are highly considering a rename to MCYTfanfic in order to be more general. (All mcyt fic recs are already allowed but it is predominantly DSMP. It's always been very SBI leaning particularly.)
As always if you have any interest in dsmp fanfiction, I highly encourage you to check it out. You can recommend your favourite stories, get recommendations or just discuss the fanfic community. Searching older recs is an awesome way to discover some hidden gems and it feels good to share your favourite stories.
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cryingtulips · 2 years ago
r/DreamSMPfanfic recently changed it's banner and ngl it looks very cool. I love how it includes the qsmp, and if you read a lot of fanfic, you can probably recognize some of the fics some of the art is based on
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mykaeba · 2 years ago
If you have reddit I would recommend r/dreamsmpfanfic in case somebody there knows the fic you're looking for. I would love to help look if you have more info like other characters, mcd or violence, how old it is, length (like 10k word count), etc. Stuff for the filter
hi anon hope ur doing good!
unfortunately i have very little other info on the fic,, i thought i remembered it being 10k long but i’ve been scouring fics this lenght and couldn’t find it.. the one relationship i’m certain of is wilbur & tommy but there might have been wil & tommy & phil & techno since that’s where i get most of my fics?
no mcd, i don’t remember for violence but can’t think of anything drastic so prolly canon typical? no idea for a rating tho ://
and i’m pretty certain it’s no older than 2022 but again.. no idea which month or which year lmao
so all in all pretty messy memory but at this point i’m starting to think it might’ve been deleted (there are a few of my bookmarks that have been deleted, the fic could’ve been one of them?)
Aanyway i’ll go ask reddit tysm for the idea :D
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conarcoin · 3 years ago
yo btw to anyone who enjoys writing or reading dream smp fanfic check out the r/DreamSMPfanfic subreddit its small but really good
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areus-in-a-little-cave · 3 years ago
https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamSMPfanfic/comments/wff45f/any_quackitycentered_fanfics_pls_im_desperate/ c!quackity centric authors I know there’s a few who follow me. gogogogo
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made-nondescript · 3 years ago
btw if you’re ever in dire need of good fic i can’t recommend r/dreamsmpfanfic enough! amazing suggestions over there
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dsmp-fic-records · 3 years ago
This account is runned by one person, me (i know, unbelievable). I'm Ree and I use he/they/xe. :]
Most of the fics I will recommend are long, but I'll add one shots if they were very poggers.
I know there are quite a lot of accounts that post recommendations for fics, but none have long ones, so I decided to take the matters into my own baby hands. o7
Here is the link to a subreddit where people search for fics and talk about them: https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamSMPfanfic?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
Have fun reading! <3
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quicksandblock · 3 years ago
But there already is a dsmp fic subreddit? it's been around for months, and it's pretty active: r/DreamSMPfanfic.
Further subdivision is exactly what this community doesn't need. I understand and sympathize that you had a bad experience, but the existing subreddit has rules against the kind of negativity that commenter showed, and those rules were enforced after that person broke them. In addition, they were downvoted and chastised by other members of the community, which shows what the overall ethos of the place is:
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The existing subreddit has had policies in place since its inception that all fic (other than boundary breaking) is welcome. A single person breaking the rules isn't a reason to throw the whole community away, and making a whole new sub kind of looks like you're pre-emptively giving up on any chance of fostering more unity within the community. Also, it's a little rude not to even acknowledge all the hard work Zeta has put in to running the place for the past six months.
dsmp fanfic community for reddit!
hi! as a writer, i know how fun it can be to have a place to discuss your fics or share updates. or maybe you want to share your favorite fic as a reader so you can have more people to freak out about That One part with!
with all that in mind, i've created a subreddit for all that and more! it's still a work in progress but i'm hoping it could be a fun place to share and discuss dream smp fanfics that's open for everyone. <3 <3
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years ago
I’m making a reddit for DreamSMP fanfiction
Hey guys!! Okay so I’ve been thinking a ton about Dream SMP fanfiction over the last week. And much as I love it, I’m not all that good at finding the good stuff y’know? And I find that Tumblr’s not always the best medium to have discussions about fanfiction. 
So I was thinking we need a nice space to share and recommend and request fanfiction. That, believe it or not, translates to reddit.
Reddit is well designed as a wonderful place to rec and find fanfiction somehow. Fanfiction subreddits just work. You can make a post on something you’re looking for and then anyone who can help can comment. Then others can also read those comments and also discover new fics. It’s great to have discussion on niche topics on there as its nicely segmented but open. 
So I’ve decided to create a new subreddit for it. (There has been one or two attempts in the past but they looked a little dead so I thought I’d start from scratch.) It’s currently very basic but hopefully functional? I’ll work on sprucing it up more if I can get it rolling. 
And I would really appreciate your help!! I’m sure some of you don’t really know reddit but I’d adore it if you could help get it off the ground by making a few posts. (I’m pretty inexperienced too so if you’ve got any advice I’d love to hear it.) Just stuff like asking for some fics of a type so others can recommend stuff or reccing some good stories you know of. 
Thanks, I love you guys and it’d be so awesome to have a more organised way to search for fics and have fic discussion in this community. Even if it’s not entirely successful, I hope it’ll at least turn into a nice little archive for people looking for more stuff to read.
(Also reblogs for more attention would be very much appreciated. Thanks!)
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years ago
Hey. As many of you already know, I’ve been working on making a good Subreddit for Dream SMP Fanfiction. I made this because I felt like the fandom was lacking a good space to discuss and recommend fanfics to each other which is absolutely wild considering just how active the fanfiction community is. And how tough it can be to find things given A03′s reception to DSMP fanfics.
So I made: https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamSMPfanfic/ And it’s now hit 200 members and it’s great. Just being on there has really inspired me to read and write a lot more and chat about it with others. Everyone’s really kind and are keen to suggest cool fics they’ve read and I’m hopeful that it’ll continue growing and be a place where a lot of hidden gems can come to light. Even now, you can check it out to find dozens of different stories people are suggesting. 
So please, please please, consider checking it out? Even if you’re otherwise unfamiliar with reddit, this space is really easy to use and nice and niche and its really fun to talk about fanfiction with other fans! Also it’s still very small, so more people is still super important.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years ago
Hey hey! So once more, if you’re interested in Dream SMP and related fanfics, please do consider joining the new subreddit I’ve made. 
It’s pretty cool. If you’re looking for more stories to read, go on here and look what stuff people are recommending. So far there’s ~ a couple dozen to look through. Or you can make a request and people will suggest cool stories that hopefully fit what you’re looking for. 
Or you can just have discussions about fanfictions. That’s awesome too. 
It’s only a day old so far, so any posts you make would be very appreciated right now as I’d love for this to become more established. Thanks!!
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years ago
Hey, so I’d say my DSMP fanfic reddit is doing okay right now? It’s alive (which is awesome) but it won’t yet sustain at its small size. So please, please, please consider checking it out!! 
It’s pretty sweet. It’s a place where you can get discuss, recommend and get recommended fanfiction. So it’s super helpful if you’re looking for stuff to read and its a fun spot to just chat about DSMP fanfiction too. Everyone’s very nice and it’s a good spot to suggest some underrated fics you know of as well. Feel free to just post once and vanish or stick around, all is good. Cheers!
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 years ago
Hey guys, if you’re into Dream SMP fanfic at all, do check out the Dream SMP fanfic reddit. I’d really appreciate it. There’s lot of posts asking for fic recs right now so if you’re able to suggest anything, that’d be awesome. And as always, feel free to talk about what you’ve been reading or writing and make requests yourself!! 
Cheers guys!!
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years ago
Top 5 mcyt fanfics? :D
If you're looking for mcyt fanfic recs then firstly please check out the subreddit - I've recced stuff I like on there. https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamSMPfanfic/
Anyway here's five favourites!
Hush now (you were lost but now you're found)
I asked for a monster and you gave me a fairytale
Butterfly reign
Human Error
The Last Heist
All popular, all pretty lengthy, all Tommy-centric xD
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years ago
Hey, hey, hey!
https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamSMPfanfic/  Check out the Dream SMP fanfic subreddit. Great place to find and rec fics and just discuss that whole side of the community. Also if you’re new to it and don’t know where to get started, we can offer you plenty of help and suggestions. ❤
 Seriously, this fandom is massively creative and it’s worth checking out in case the fanfiction scene might be your thing. 
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