lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
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Elden Rain 1 • 2 • 3 • VOID
And so the saga ends with this massive thing with one last concept courtesy of @transgenderfivepebbles and @spontyfandoms because youre so right, both games have freaky void worms. Any other concept tho i have no idea if it can work or not because rw's cast is not as big as elden ring. Heck i don't even know who Sig can be because i'm stretching the cast super thin lmao
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Also apologies for the super long post because my storyboard for this comic is super janky and that made some of the pages here like... 1500 x 4000 px. Which should be fine in PC krita but I'm doing this comic in my very old tablet because i told myself I wouldn't render this too much but uh... yeah. This also caused much lags but it was worth. Behold my storyboard!
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Anyways i'm done 👍
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hollownest-whore · 25 days
Nobody cares but hc that bardoon's kind are a type of lesser Wyrm "worms" that specifically feed off the decomposing bodies/kingdoms of dead Wyrms as they grow
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cordycepsbian · 9 months
"we're probably not going to draw our ideas for this because a lot of other people have done this crossover and we have too many crossover aus already" and yet, only three days later,
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bloomingbluebell · 2 days
emotional about herrah tonight
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ekourege · 4 months
thinking about how the only peace void is given in hollow knight is oblivion. anger, stagnation, and confinement are the only other options. The Dream No More ending makes me insane because it's the only one that ends in a calm resolution. In the death and rejoining of all vessels into the sea. peace in duty fulfilled, ease in death, justice in their own undoing....
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mausoleumepilogue · 8 months
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Rest your weary eyes o' extinguished one, you have fought well. Rest eternal in the many arms of your Father. His Primordial Majesty, Sleep.
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froqgy · 6 months
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flame-shadow · 1 year
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item randomizers are so cruel sometimes
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malwarechips · 1 year
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i need to stop getting attached to characters who Just Die .
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fungal-wasted · 1 year
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weeklyxero · 1 year
fun fact- at the start, i had considered not announcing publicly that i was working on a xero skin, but im glad i did. it's been fun to see reactions and read about how excited some of y'all are. really encouraging too. xero fans unite <3
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arty-cakes · 7 months
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these two would get along
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e17omm · 1 year
Hollow Knight true final boss but vocalization mod is on.
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clubsheartsspades · 1 year
I no longer love this game =((
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It has taken everything from me
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cluepoke-archive · 10 months
Encountered my first major glitch... scary
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mxyzptplk · 1 year
why does everyone always dreamnail marissa specifically? she doesn't seem like she would be the first ghost you'd encounter after getting dreamnail. i know it's a meme but how do new players accidentally do this?
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