#dreamer's pool
checkoutmybookshelf · 5 months
You Have my Attention: Blackthorn & Grim First Lines
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I found Juliet Marillier in middle school, but it wasn't until I finished my PhD and was looking for something to help me recover from burnout that I found out that she had adult novels as well. Dreamer's Pool was one of the first fun books I picked up, and I fell in love. It still blows my mind that the Tamora Pierce and Mercedes Lackey fans so often haven't found Marillier, but that's why I'm here to give you a sneak peek at how Marillier catches--and holds--readers with her opening sentences.
I fished the rusty nail from under my pallet and scratched another mark on the wall. Tomorrow would be midsummer, not that a person could tell rain from shine in this cesspit. I'd been here a year. A whole year of filth and abuse and being shoved back down the moment I lifted myself so much as an inch. Tomorrow, at last, I'd get my chance to speak out. Tomorrow, I would tell my story.
-- Dreamer's Pool
Rain had swollen the river to a churning mass of gray. The tower wore a soft shroud of mist; though it was past dawn, no cries broke the silence. Perhaps he slept, curled tight on himself, dreaming of a time when he was whole and hale and handsome. Perhaps he knew even in his sleep that she still kept watch, her shawl clutched around her against the cold, her gaze fixed on his shuttered window.
-- Tower of Thorns
He's curled into a ball, shivering, under a piercing white moon. He'd forgotten how bright the moon was, how its light could go right through a man, cold in his bones, searching out what was hidden deep. Go away, he breathes, arms up over his head, knees to his chest, trying to be invisible. Leave me alone. But the light seeks him out, finding a way through the high canopy of the beeches, through the rough blanket of bracken and fern he's scrambled together, through the rags of his clothing, right inside him.
-- Den of Wolves
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Botanic Tournament : Prickly/Stingy Bracket !
Round 1 Poll 6
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lilac-stardust · 1 year
I'm reading the Blackthorn & Grim trilogy by Juliet Marillier (still on the 2nd novel) and I'm imagining Blackthorn as Charlotte Spencer and Grim as Wes Chatham.
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bookcoversonly · 2 years
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Title: Dreamer's Pool | Author: Juliet Marillier | Publisher: Roc (2014)
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where-dreamers-go · 6 months
Wait a flip flop moment.
I haven't written a Riley Poole insert reader since 2022???
I didn't write ANY last year?
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persephinae · 3 months
Oh this bitch for sure killed that girl, now to just find out what the hell is going on
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rubikx107 · 4 months
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Caitlyn artwork
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bubblebabytiger · 4 months
A small rant!
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Yesterday, me and tigey had cake after I was done playing in the pool! We sat on a towel and listened to music too! (Mostly kimya dawson) We sat outside till I think 7 or 8 pm? Then, miqitos started coming out to bite. Then we got back home around 12 because we left around 9 to go home, and it was like a 2-3 hour drive, I think? And we found some Bugz a cricket and a little yellow and black buggy!
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Then, later at night, we roasted marsh mallows! (I even threw in that big piece myself!)
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And this is kitty. She loves pets, but I think I made her mad cause she hit me in the head, but that's okay!
That all! Thank you if you read this all. Have a good day/night!! ♡
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checkoutmybookshelf · 2 years
History, Characters, and Just a Little Bit of Magic
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I discovered Juliet Marillier when I was in high school and was looking for literally *ANY* alternative to Twilight, because while I have nothing against vampires, I was not a Twilight girl. No shade to anyone who loved those books, they just weren't my cup of tea. I first found Wildwood Dancing with it's night people, frog prince, and dancing princesses (and we'll talk about that book someday), but today I want to talk about one of Marillier's adult trilogies. This trilogy follows Blackthorn and Grim as they work through life-changing trauma and find their way back to humanity--their own and others'.
First thing's first: This is an adult trilogy, and a few tirgger warnings appy. First and foremost, there is discussion of and recovery from sexual assault across all three books. I'm not going to get into it here, but take care of yourselves when choosing books to read and maybe steer clear from this trilogy if that topic is not a healthy thing for you to engage in just now. There is also some sacking-of-monastery-level graphic violence, and some absolutely screwey medieval dictatorial power dynamics that lead to gendered violence.
I loved these books, but I include trigger warnings because I would like y'all to be safe and healthy in choosing what to add to your TBR lists. The world is *a lot* right now, so anything that we can do to add some softness and gentleness and joy is important, and trigger warnings facilitate that.
With that bit of business out of the way, let me tell you about Blackthorn and Grimm.
Blackthorn reads a lot older than she actually is; by the time we catch up with her at the beginning of Dreamer's Pool, she's roughly early thirties, but we don't get that temporal marker until quite a ways in, and I'm not going to lie, I was FULLY a decade off in where I initially estimated her age. Blackthorne had her start as a healer who's abilities are greased with, perhaps, just a bit of magic. However, when we meet Blackthorn, she is in the deepest bowels of a men's prison and is, entirely reasonably, extremely cranky about it. Blackthorn has sharp, wounded edges, and watching those edges heal and lose some of their sharpness--although not all, never all, part of what you grow to love about her is the grouchiness that covers a startlingly soft heart--is one of the most compelling parts of the trilogy. Blackthorn is a protagonist who is allowed to be cranky, allowed to be nontraditional in so many ways, and has a certain je ne sais quoi that brought her and her story close to my heart.
If I were to describe Grim in one word...I wouldn't. I just quite simply wouldn't, because reductive, nuance-less pop descriptions do not and will never be appropriate for this trilogy. Grim is a man who is terrified of himself, and deeply ashamed of his past for reasons that do not become clear until the second book. Grim's emotional journey and his dealing with his own PTSD was incredibly compelling to watch, and even in the first book when we don't have the information to understand Grim's self-assessment, all you want to do is hug this man. In a world that is hard, unforgiving, and often unspeakably cruel, Grim is soft and kind in the best ways. Watching these characters interact and influence each other is a masterclass in recovery and rediscovering humanity.
For fully 95% of this trilogy, Blackthorn insists that there is no word for what she and Grim are to each other, and not going to lie, I fully spent 90% of the trilogy (and if you read the books you'll understand why that number should have been 65% absolutely maximum) thinking "Oh this is going to be an emotionally intimate but completely platonic relationship and I love this so much!" Reader, I was wrong. In hindsight, I would call this the slowest of slow-burn romances, but that feels like a woefully inadequate description of the relationship journey these characters go on. Literally, the first book starts with a fae-assisted jailbreak and the final book ends with a corruption trial. The trail from point A to point B is wild, wonderful, and a joy to read.
I picked up this trilogy during my recovery after grad school (the PhD killed my love of reading guys, and rekindling that was a JOURNEY) and publication, and I am so, so glad I did. It was a better fit than I could have ever imagined, and going and finding the rest of Marillier's back catalog really helped jumpstart my love of fun reading again.
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year
Looking for the motivation to write at the moment...
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cg-saturn · 2 years
cld u do a pool/billiards themed stimboard? sry it might b hard to find stuff-
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Hi anon! This one was a little tricky to put together, so Star and I both did some magic and turned some screen recordings into gifs! I hope you like this one, Star and i are so proud of how it came out!
Dni: k!nk/nsfw, maps, terfs, homophobes, transphobes, anti-agere
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tortoise-teapot · 22 days
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ircnwrought · 6 months
amaya tag dump
❛ call of the wind ❜ ▬ ( amaya aesthetic. ) ❛ princess of night ❜ ▬ ( amaya body claim. ) ❛ dreamer's court ❜ ▬ ( amaya desires. ) ❛ through the starlit pool ❜ ▬ ( amaya meme. ) ❛ lost to time ❜ ▬ ( amaya headcanon. ) ❛ master of illusions ❜ ▬ ( amaya appearance. ) ❛ dance until dawn ❜ ▬ ( amaya music. ) ❛ so much for stardust ❜ ▬ ( amaya musings. ) ❛ shadow magic ❜ ▬ ( amaya gif. ) ❛ robed in majesty ❜ ▬ ( amaya wardrobe. ) ❛ the never queen ❜ ▬ ( amaya quote. ) ❛ the veil between worlds ❜ ▬ ( amaya world. ) ❛ night beckons ❜ ▬ ( merve bolugur as amaya. )
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any59 · 7 months
I possess many, many faults. However one of the few things I have going for me is that I rarely ever buy yarn without already having a project for it. And on the off chance I find a yarn I like but I don’t already have a project for, then I find one. So I have a stash of yarn but all of it is either mid project or leftover scrap
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where-dreamers-go · 3 months
"Future Treasure Seekers" Riley Poole x Reader
(A/N: And we’re back with the third/last prequel to the Riley Poole series. This one happens after “Lunch Rescue” and before Part One “Charlotte”. Here we have what happens when Ben talks with Reader about their feelings for Riley and Ben’s theory about the treasure’s first clue.
I tagged the same people from the series, I hope that’s okay. Some have changed though..
Also: HAPPY 2,000 FOLLOWERS!!! <3
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst in beginning. Fluff. Mutual pining. Use of (Y/N) for your name. Two different point of views.
Word Count: 3,491 words)
Adult life could be anything if given the specific circumstances. The good, the bad, and the neutral.
Living next door to your best friend tended to be an enlightening addition to living in an apartment complex. It not only saved you two on phone bills, but also a quick travel distance when wanting to catch up with the other’s life.
“Better than the frozen meal you had yesterday?” You quipped from the other end of the small table.
“Yeah.” Ben admitted, “The edges were burnt.”
“I hate when that happens. Or when I randomly find a piece of corn in something.”
“That brownie?”
“It was weird. Never having that again. I’ll make my own.”
Chuckling, Ben took a sip of his drink. “At least you know what you like now.”
“And you’ve learned a lot. Learned about yourself.”
You nodded before frowning slightly.
Where’s he going with this? You wondered suspiciously, hesitant to take another bite of dinner.
“There’s still a lot out there you haven’t experienced.”
“Why do I feel like you’re going to give me a big brother talk of life advice?” You asked, fully suspicious of your friend.
“Because I am.” Ben stated firmly. “You clearly like Riley.”
“Ben.” You set down the utensil.
“I like to see my friends happy.” He continued.
“Me too, but—”
“What are you afraid of?”
You sighed, slouching back into the chair. Time to be honest. “I don’t want to ruin anything. As it is, I’m having to learn that getting older means drifting away from friends I’ve made in school. I don’t want to push him away or make things awkward times a million. I can’t—,” you swallowed. “I don’t want to risk losing Riley because of . . . me.”
Quiet filled the space at the small dining table. You could see the twinge of sadness in Ben’s eyes.
“You’re a good friend, (Y/N). Maybe too good?” Ben inquired.
Staring down at your unfinished dinner, you grumbled somberly.
Maybe if I was brave enough, I’d do something.
. . .
Attempting to put on a light jacket while simultaneously slipping on your shoes tended to take longer in the mornings. As early as it was, you still tried. One elbow bracing by the front door, one shoe refusing to cooperate, and growing determination was how your morning began.
It only became odd with an urgent series of familiar knocks from the other side of the front door.
What the—?
Peering through the peephole, your confusion remained steady at the sight of Ben Gates.
It’s not even eight o’ clock yet, you thought as you unlocked and opened the door.
“(Y/N),” he greeted brightly. “I think I figured it out.”
You opened your mouth to response, but he was just getting started.
“The Charlotte. It’s not a place and it’s certainly not just a thing. The Charlotte is a ship. A ship that was sailing through the Atlantic years ago.”
“It’s a ship?”
“Yeah. I’ve been researching to know where it was built, what it was supposedly carrying, and it’s destination.”
You shoved your foot into your shoe. “So, where’d it port?”
Ben stuck up his finger and announced, “That’s just it. The Charlotte never did.”
“Well, dang. Okay, um…”
“We just need to figure out where she landed.”
“Ben,” you said firmly. “I have to go in to work today.”
His eyes widened in realization. “Right. Of course.” Ben nodded, thoughts no doubt rushing through his mind. “I’ll call Riley. He’ll work it out on the computer and we’ll let you know everything when you’re off work.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You smiled. “Hopefully my workday goes by fast.”
Ben returned your smile and said with every ounce of determination and hope, “We’re going to find the Charlotte.”
. . .
The afternoon had been full of excited chatter and theories flying around.
Too bad I couldn’t have been here sooner, Riley thought.
Sitting at the small dining table in Ben’s apartment, Riley Poole waited for the results on his laptop. Tracking models took time, but Riley’s was up-to-date. He pushed up his glasses on his nose and waited patiently.
Much more patiently than his friend, Ben, who stood looking over his shoulder in anticipation. His gaze glued onto the tracking model as it moved North into the Arctic Circle.
Looming with crossed arms and no commentary, stood Ian by the kitchen counter.
I’m not sure if it’s comforting or alarming that he’s quiet. Maybe both, if possible.
Half a minute more and the tracking model stopped and delivered its results.
Breaths were held.
Riley blinked.
“There she is,” Ben announced in awe.
“And no one even knows its there?” Riley inquired, squinting at the screen.
“Let’s hope not.” Ian said.
“We have to go.” Ben urged. “All of us.”
“Okay, but how are we going to afford proper equipment? For the arctic?” Riley asked.
“I’ll take care of the costs,” Ian announced confidently and shared a smile with Ben. Although each smile was vastly different, one seemingly smug and the other grateful.
“Thank you.” Ben said genuinely.
How much money does he have? The ticket prices alone could be questionable. Then again, I don’t know how much equipment we’ll need. Or if we can get it there. Riley sat back in the chair.
“Okay.” Ben exhaled. Taking quick steps over to a less cluttered part of the table, Ben picked up his cell phone and started dialing.
“Who are you calling?” Ian raised an eyebrow as he took a closer look at Riley’s computer.
“(Y/N).” Ben revealed simply.
“Ben, (Y/N)’s at work.” Riley reminded his excited friend. “The exhibition is still new.”
“I know,” he waved off his friend gently. “It’s close enough.”
(Y/N)’s going to flip when they find out we tracked down a ship, Riley thought with a growing smile. Or run around.
Phone at his ear, Ben waited for a response while moving about the space.
Glancing at his laptop again, Riley checked the time.
They don’t work late today, do they?
“(Y/N).” Ben’s voice filled the apartment with his enthusiasm. Yet that did not stop the man’s feet as he crossed from one side the room to the next. “It’s about Charlotte.”
Riley smirked, fully knowing that there was no way you wouldn’t know what the phone call was all about.
“Okay. I won’t.”
Riley spoke loudly towards Ben, “How fast can you come home? Ben is pacing.”
Ben stopped abruptly and gave Riley a complex expression that made him suddenly self-conscious of his question.
Was that weird to ask? Riley wondered as he awaited your reply.
“They’ll be back soon,” Ben confirmed with a grin that soon dropped, “and . . . I wasn’t pacing the whole floor. No.”
Riley chuckled just as Ian covered his mouth to suppress a laugh.
Treasure, he thought. It could be anything.
Riley looked over to his laptop screen feeling more free and like himself than he ever had. For, he had helped and contributed.
Ben’s theory has to be right.
. . .
Everything’s going to be all right. You got this.
Being rushed usually involved tardiness and unwanted appointments. Strict deadlines as well.
Shouldering open your apartment door, you had a building excitement. One you knew would likely be tiny in comparison to your best friend’s next door.
After practically throwing your things onto the coffee table, you pocketed your keys and cell phone before heading right back out into the hall.
Stepping up to Ben’s door with a raised hand, it opened before you could knock.
“We know where the Charlotte could be,” Ben announced holding the door wide open.
You hadn’t seen him that happy before, practically about to giggle in glee. If Ben was one to giggle that was.
“Hi to you too.” You chuckled as you walked inside.
Ben’s apartment had a buzz of activity even with only two other people present. Ian stood off to the side, seemingly waiting, and Riley sat on the couch with a bright smile.
“Hi, Ian,” you greeted. “Has Ben filled your ears with enough history today?”
“Almost,” the man smirked. His expression could be read as both amused and confident with everything that had transpired that day.
“We’re one step closer.” Ben said after he closed the door and walked towards Ian. “I just know it.”
“Who would be silly enough to doubt you.” You added. “Certainly not me.” You made your way towards the small dining table where Riley sat with his laptop.
“Not me,” Riley raised his hand.
“And I’m guessing you helped?”
“With the computer. Yeah.”
“Yeah. Big deal,” you said and went in for a hug that Riley almost stood up for. “That’s awesome.”
“Not as big as when we actually find treasure.” Riley stated with a smile as you pulled out of the hug and sat in a chair beside him. “It could be worth millions.”
“If it’s a ship, it could have historical artifacts. Not just including the ship itself.” You said with a grin. “And you managed to find it on the computer?”
“I have a tracking model,” Riley gestured to his laptop.
“Oh dang.”
“We’ll be going to the Arctic Circle.” Ben revealed to you. “An area without much activity.”
“Or any at all,” Riley murmured.
“With who knows how many layers of snow and ice,” you added.
“Which is why we need a team.” Ian announced.
Right, you thought and mentally figured the four of you were not enough.
“I have people in mind.”
That’s convenient, you thought as you looked between the confident Ian and the ever-grinning Ben. And makes this a lot easier. Hopefully.
“But…uh. This is happening soon?” You asked, unsure of the chances of your participation. “Or do we not know yet?”
Ben turned to you with a firm point of a finger. “You’re coming too.”
“I have work. The exhibit has barely been up for over a week. Wouldn’t it be weird if I just took off?”
“You’re great at what you do. They have to let you have time off. The exhibit is perfect. They can handle a few days without you. Hopefully.” Riley added, “They can email someone else.”
Overwhelmed with his compliments, you bumped his knee with yours.
“Thank you.”
Turning at the sound of Ben’s chuckle, you caught Ian rolling his eyes. It only made you overtly aware of your knee still touching Riley’s.
You tore your gaze away from everyone and grumbled in thought, If I’m going to do this… I’m going to have to juggle some things around or something. Without letting people know specifics.
“But, you can make it work?” Ben asked, fully attentive.
Feeling yourself internally caving to the idea of discovering history, you said, “If anything, I haven’t called out sick in months. I could use sick days. I’ll talk with them tomorrow or…when we know for sure when we’re going.”
“Excellent,” Ian said with a determined nod. “I’ll make some calls.”
. . . 
Things were moving fast. Tickets were bought and plans were made. Phone calls were more common and expected between friends.
Check list in hand, you sat on your bed thoughtfully. Curtains closed to conceal the city lights of the city. Luggage sitting on the floor as other items were strategically scattered in your room.
Less than a week stood between you and the possibility of discovering treasure. That left you with much to settle and organize.
Thank goodness you weren’t doing it alone.
“You have a good hat, right? To keep you warm?” You asked into the phone.
“Yeah. Found it in the pocket of my coat.” Riley replied.
“Good place to find it.”
“Speaking of finding things. You have extra batteries, right? Extra film?”
“I have some somewhere,” you muttered, hopping off the bed to venture out of your bedroom and into a makeshift office. Shuffling through a set of drawers took a few moments. “Yup. There’s the right kind too.”
“Nice. Are those from your storm prep stash?”
“Yeah. I’ll get more when we come back.”
“From the Arctic Circle.”
You walked back into your bedroom and placed the pack of batteries by your camera bag.
“So much for traveling extra light. Snow…lots of layers and just-in-case items.”
“Like a bag for all of my chargers.”
“Extra long socks and snacks.”
“Mittens and gloves.”
“And we’ll be wearing most of it. I don’t know what we’ll be carrying.”
“Whatever Ian supplies, I guess,” Riley muttered. “He acted as if getting everything was easy.”
“For him it might.”
“How much money does he have?”
“Don’t know. Don’t think we’ll ever find out.” You stated while marking over a checkmark on your list again. “Equipment alone is a lot.”
“In the thousands, probably. Ben said something about us not having to worry about walking. What’s with that? Did Ian hire dog sled teams too?”
“I have no idea, but Ben’s happy.”
“I’m happy.”
“I know.” You smiled and set your list aside. “And it’s really cool that you found it with the tracking model.”
“Well, uh, if it’s right then we’ll all be shoving snow to get to whatever’s in the ship.”
“It’ll be a lot of work.”
“Hopefully not too much.” Riley added, “We’re looking for treasure not doing hard labor. Then we can spend it however we want.”
However we want, you mused over his words. You had no idea what you would buy first if rewarded with money for your treasure seeking efforts.
“Speaking of spending. Do you think Ian will treat everyone to food?” You asked, glancing at your secret savings in an old notebook.
“Uh. Let’s not push our luck. No matter how nice that’d be.”
“I’ll bring snacks then.”
. . .
Late afternoon light filled corners of your apartment. Time was ticking down to when you would all leave to search for the Charlotte. An air of change circled through the air.
Even your day at work had felt different. The feeling continued inside your apartment where Riley had left his bags in your spare room.
Definitely different, you thought as you made sure you had your basic essentials. Keys, check. Phone and IDs, got them.
“Why do you have to go back?” Riley asked, standing behind your couch.
You tilted your head.
“I mean—you just got off work.” He clarified quickly.
“I just need to give them a few things from my office. I would have done that earlier, but I didn’t know they needed that too. Museum stuff…no big deal, but I’ll be back in no time.” You twisted your keyring between your fingers. “Make yourself at home. The money for the pizza is on the counter if they beat me here.”
Riley nodded. Blue eyes following your movements to the front door.
And it’ll give me time to wrap my mind around Riley staying in my apartment tonight.
. . . 
Looking over his electronics, all were either plugged in to charge or packed away. Riley was thankful that the outlet by the spare bed was visible and connected to a surge protector.
They really know how to use their space, Riley thought as he looked about the spare room. An office, bedroom, and probably storage area. He eyed the closet beside a desk. Not wanting to intrude in your space, Riley kept his distance. Yet he could clearly see the setup around the desk with a calendar stuck to the wall with important dates marked in various colors. This is definitely theirs.
Out of the many times Riley had visited your apartment, he had never been inside alone. Being surrounded by everything that had your specific touch to it was intriguing. Then again, Riley had never been hours away from starting a search for treasure and he certainly had never been in the spare room knowing full well that was where he would sleep for the night.
Sleeping over. Riley thought as he wiped his palms over his jeans and exhaled slowly. It’s just Ben’s place has no room. And he’ll probably be on the phone with Ian every other hour. It’s fine. It’s just us then we leave in the morning. Riley swallowed. And I’ve never had breakfast here either. It’s fine.
Quiet hadn’t fully settled in your apartment. The television was set to an animal documentary. Riley hadn’t thought of changing it even as he sat down to watch.
He had to keep his mind busy, for the moment, away from the treasure and you. Waiting was all he really could do and not just because you called an order for pizza.
Blinking, Riley refocused on the show.
“ . . . now grown, he will do his best to attract a mate.”
Riley threw his head back into the couch cushion and uttered, “You and me both, buddy.”
Ben better not give me that talk again after this, he thought as he bounced his leg anxiously. Who am I kidding? He probably has one prepared.
A knock on the door startled Riley off of the couch.
The pizza had arrived.
. . .
A jingle of keys and a shove, you walked back into your apartment. The smell of pizza clinging to the air.
“Hey,” Riley stood from the couch, “did you get everything done?”
“Uh. Yeah. Everything’s good.” You answered and closed the door. Words left you oddly from feeling a little warm at the sight of Riley in your home and comfortable. You could get used to that image. “So…where are you hiding the pizza? I can smell it.”
“Oven. Keeping all the heat from escaping.” He headed straight for the small kitchen area.
“Thank you.” Setting your keys and such down on the kitchen counter, you watched Riley retrieve the pizza box.
“You’re thanking me?” Riley lifted the cardboard lid. “I’d be bunking with a sleep-deprived Ben if it weren’t for you.”
“Who says I’m not sleep-deprived?”
“I can tell.”
Smiling to yourself, you grabbed two plates from an overhead cabinet.
“For one,” Riley continued, “you’re talking coherently.”
“We’re about to eat pizza. So I don’t know how long that’ll last.”
With a quick smile, Riley distributed a couple of slices for the both of you and headed to the small dining table nearby. “But seriously, thank you.”
“It’s not a problem. You’re always welcome here.” You said and quickly added, “Treasure or no treasure.”
“Hopefully we find something.” Riley said after a bite of pizza.
You nodded, thoughtful.
“Even a small fortune.”
Laughing in agreement, you stated, “It’d be a great addition to my vacation.”
Blue eyes peered up. “You used your vacation days?”
“That’s great! The exhibition will be up for a few months anyway.” Riley exclaimed. “Maybe we’ll find something you could add to a new exhibition.”
“That would be really cool and a bonus considering I don’t exactly have a substitute for my position, but it’ll be fine.”
Both agreeing, you returned to eating. Thankfully the pizza hadn’t gone to room temperature while you were on route back.
The general silence was comforting. Perhaps it was the busy day or the adventure planned ahead of you, but you liked sitting down with Riley without needing to fill in the space with words.
Don’t go off on imagination overdrive while he’s here. Just eat your pizza. You thought to yourself, glad Ben wasn’t there to add commentary for just once. At least Riley’s comfortable here. I just gotta go over my list again after cleaning up. Set out a pair of socks for the flight.
“Hey.” Riley’s voice interrupted your thoughts.
You glanced up.
“You have everything packed except your phone. You haven’t forgotten anything.”
You sat up straighter. “Did I say something out loud?”
“No.” A smile curved his lips. “You had that overthinking look.”
. . .
Nighttime was a particular thing. It gave freedom to how one used their time away from work and offered a more suitable atmosphere for sleep.
Walking out of the bathroom and ready for sleep, you found Riley asleep on the couch. The television was still on and hushed forest sounds emitted from it.
I guess he didn’t head to bed after all. You mused, or I took that long in the bathroom.
Quietly, you knelt down by the couch. “Riley?” You touched his shoulder gently.
“Hmm?” Drowsy eyes glanced your way.
“Time for bed.”
Nodding and closing his eyes again, Riley pushed himself up. Then, with shuffling feet, he headed away from you and the couch.
You watched on.
“Left, Riley,” you instructed as he had been walking towards your room. You covered your own chuckle while Riley redirected himself to the spare room. “Sweet dreams.”
And don’t think too much about where he was heading, you thought to yourself and knowing full well that would be an extremely difficult task to follow through. Riley being adorable and finding treasure among friends, this could be fun. I might be too excited to sleep. Anything can happen.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
Riley Poole Tags: @darkenwolfy @wesleeporstudy @yearning-warmth @thecaptaingingersnap @nervousfandom
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