#dream why is your skin like dat
shadowphoenixrider · 3 months
Thoughts At Midnight
(A short coda to "Heal Me", where Gambit has a talk, both with the others, and himself. Results vary. He also decided to shoot me in the face with Feels, so enjoy that too!)
The other X-Men were returning in dribs and drabs by the time Gambit and Shadow arrived back at the mansion, so they decided to slip in the back, avoiding them for the time being.
"I'll talk about it tomorrow morning." Shadow said as they approached her dorm. "I need to sleep on it."
"Of course." Gambit nodded. "Do ya want me to tell Rogue, at least?"
"If she asks, yeah." Shadow smiled as they stopped by her door. "Thank you for tonight, Remy. Both for the rescue and....everything else."
"Anytime, petite." He smiled back, savouring the sound of his name in her voice. "I enjoyed tonight too."
"I'm glad." She replied, her smile becoming shy. There was a pause. "Alright. G'night, Remy."
"A moment, mon amie." Gambit reached for her hand. "May I?"
Shadow tilted her head curiously to the side, placing her hand in his. He flashed her a grin, lifting her hand to press a kiss to her knuckles, delighting at the blush that darkened across her cheeks.
"Bonne nuit, chère." He rumbled warmly. "Sweet dreams."
Gambit turned to leave, only to be stopped short by Shadow's grip on his wrist.
"Hey, where do you think you're going after that?" She tugged him back, a determined look on her face. "C'mere."
He opened his mouth to protest when Shadow hopped up on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"See you in the morning, Remy." She flashed him a brilliant smile, before she slipped behind her door.
Tentatively, Gambit lifted his hand to his cheek, unsure whether to disturb the lingering sensation of her lips against his skin. Could he hold it there as long as possible, maybe?
"There ya are, Remy!" Came a bright Southern drawl from behind him, further down the corridor. "Thought ah heard your voice."
"Bonsoir, mon amie." Gambit grinned, making his way to Rogue. "Jus' makin' sure Shadow got back to her place safe."
"She okay?" Rogue asked. "She looked like a widow at a funeral when ya left."
"Yeah, better den she were." Gambit replied. "Got her anger out first, den had a good cry." He offered Rogue a smile. "She was a lot better after dat."
"Sure..." Rogue's green eyes narrowed slightly. "Remy, are you bleeding?"
"Bleedin'? Shouldn't be, Shadow woulda noticed-" He lifted his hand to where Rogue pointed, feeling the rough scabs on his temple. "Oh, dat! Sparrin' accident'." He grinned toothily. "Ya know how it goes."
"Sparrin'?" Rogue raised an eyebrow. "You didn't upset her, did you?"
"No no!" Gambit shook his head. "She were already upset 'bout Tom, so Gambit found her a big stick, an' we went at it." He smiled bashfully. "In dat Shadow went at it. Gambit just tried not to get hurt."
"Aw, I woulda liked to have seen that." Smirked Rogue, gesturing with her head for Gambit to follow her to the main lobby, where they'd no doubt find the others. "Looks like you got a taste of humble pie!"
"Hah! She gave Gambit a good dance, but dat were just an accident - she were hittin' so hard de stick broke, caught Gambit a little in de crossfire."
"Oof." Rogue winced. "You're lucky they didn't end up in your eyes, sugah!"
"Yeah...Gambit didn't exactly realize dat tree branches not always de best weapons until it, ya know." He mimed an explosion with his hands.
"Wait," Rogue suddenly stopped, turning to him. "You didn't go to the Danger Room?"
"Non." Gambit rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Thought she'd do better if we took a walk. Didn't think she'd want de Professor askin' questions as to why she were home so early."
Rogue gave him a Look, before shaking her head and setting off again.
"Thank goodness you took the mutant who could heal with you, Remy," she said.
"Ah, it all turned out fine in de end, mon amie." Gambit smiled as they stepped out onto the upper landing. The other X-Men were milling below, slowly splitting off. "She needed it."
"Yeah, guess she did." Rogue folded her arms, a smile playing on her lips. "Still woulda have liked to see her put the Cajun in his place!"
"Ya wound me, Rogue!" Gambit exclaimed dramatically, pressing a hand to his chest. She rolled her eyes. "Tink ya'll find we ended it in a draw."
"Sure, sugah. I'll check with Shadow in the morning."
"You do dat, she'll say de same!"
That was when Scott noticed them chatting, and climbed up the stairs to them.
"Gambit, where is Shadow?" He asked. "Is she alright?"
"She fine now Cyclops, jus' gon' to bed." Gambit replied. "Evenin' took it outta her."
"I can imagine." Scott nodded, before he seemed to look again, frowning. "Wait. Are you bleeding?"
"No, Shadow healed me up. Long story." Gambit replied flatly. I really need to wash those blood stains off.
"...Sure." Scott said, clearly unconvinced. Gambit couldn't see his eyes move behind those ruby glasses, but he guessed that there might have been a glance at Rogue. Gambit could rely on her to keep his secrets, thankfully, so she gave Scott no further hints to pursue.
"Anyway, thank you both for not starting a fight." Scott continued, folding his arms. "We'll be able to go back there, although with an eye kept on us. They understood that the first punch was thrown by Tom, as it were."
"Dat's good." Gambit nodded. "Woulda been a shame to lose dat place thanks to that couyon." He glanced to Rogue. "What happened to him?"
"Gave him to the boys at the door." She replied, scowling. "Though maybe not as gently as he woulda liked."
"Good." Gambit smirked grimly. "Deserved dat, afta what he did." He looked back to Scott. "What'd ya hear from him?"
"Not much, only what the crowd was muttering about." He replied, frowning. "Something about Shadow...killing someone?"
"Nearly killin' someone." Rogue corrected. "Tom thought if he couldn't get his gal back, he'd tear her down by revealin' stuff that she was sensitive about. Like her past and her real name."
"I see." Scott's expression darkened. "I didn't hear it myself, but I'll let the others know that if they did hear anything, not to use it." He looked between them, sudden realization dawning. "Wait, how do you know that Shadow only nearly killed someone?"
"Remember dat time she went out in de storm?" Gambit commented. "She tol' me den. Rogue too. She wanted to wait 'til a better time to tell you and de others," he said bitterly.
"Until Tom told the whole club." Scott finished. "Right, that makes sense." He sighed. "I suppose she's not going to tell anyone now."
"Maybe, maybe not." Said Rogue. "She might wanna set the record straight in the mornin'."
"Seemed like she wanted to talk about somethin' in the mornin'." Gambit nodded. "Might be dat."
"Fair enough. Guess we'll have to leave any further discussions for then." Scott concluded. "Have a good night, you two."
He took his leave, and Gambit ran his hand through his hair with a sigh.
"Gonna take an early night myself." The Cajun spoke. "Need to freshen up after dat sparrin' session. An' get rid of dese blood stains before someone else asks me 'bout them."
"Alright Remy." Rogue smiled. "See ya around."
"Bonne nuit, mon amie."
As the hot water poured over him, Gambit let out a long sigh, tension unwinding out of his body.
He'd been economical with the truth - he didn't just want to cleanse his body after his and Shadow's 'dance'. Gambit needed to think, and only the bathroom attached to his dorm provided the privacy he needed.
His thoughts drifted back to Shadow, as they often seemed to these days. It was no secret Gambit found her attractive. She had the same fire that had drawn him to Rogue, despite her more bookish side. It had intrigued him: the quiet, intelligent, more shy outside, and the mischievous firebrand that burned with passion underneath. And she wasn't stuck-up about her knowledge either; if you didn't know what she was talking about, Shadow would be only too happy to teach, her eyes lighting up like stars as she did. Sure, sometimes she became tangled up in her tangents, but he liked to listen, and had learned a thing or two from her impromptu 'lectures'.
And then there was, of course, Shadow's physical attractiveness. Although she favoured soft, baggy hoodies and men's sized logo shirts that hid the shape of her torso, her jeans and trousers were a lot more generous at accenting her thighs and ass. Gambit couldn't deny that he had admired her assets in quieter moments, when he was less likely to get caught by Logan. He'd learnt from the first time.
He ran a hand through his hair, letting the water soak into the long reddish brown tresses that draped over his shoulders, and huffed a sigh.
It had only been when he'd seen her in a skin-tight jumpsuit for a Danger Room simulation that he'd seen Shadow's figure in its full glory - the gorgeous curve of her hips continued up her body, almost hourglass-like. It was a bit of a shame she didn't show herself off more, yet Gambit found himself also liking the more androgynous way she presented. It left more to his imagination, about how he'd love to run his hands down the elegant contours of her sides, cup her petite breasts-
Gambit grunted, swatting the thoughts aside as interest twitched below his waist. He reached for the soap to occupy his hands.
Yes. He wanted her. It had been a passing spark when she'd been newly settling into the mansion, a curious thought of what she looked and felt like under all those clothes. But as they'd grown closer, become more playful, his flirting not only accepted but bounced back to him... Desire had begun to grow. No longer just curiosity now, but a need to feel her, hear her - although it seemed almost silly, when he really thought about it. Shadow had already been the most intimate with him as they could be - slipping inside his skin, as one with him as his heart or powers. In that case, sex should be so easy; just a matter of finding a free night, protection and letting her set the scene. He wanted her, and she seemingly wanted him, what with the number of times they seemed to be kissing one another now.
So why did Gambit feel so...twisted up about it all? His mind cast itself back to when he'd been eavesdropping, that day when they'd almost kissed in the lab:
"I don't want to make things complicated. If we never become anything more than friends with benefits, that's fine with me."
No, he didn't want to make things complicated either, especially for Shadow. Gambit didn't mind it happening to him - it felt like the story of his life, in honesty. But not for her - she didn't deserve the messiness that would result if something went wrong.
So it was fine, wasn't it? Shadow had said she was fine being a friend with benefits. And Gambit absolutely would be fine with that too. It was a win-win!
Yet Shadow's other words echoed in his head, shouted with fire and conviction back at her ex-boyfriend:
"The hell is it any of your business who I'm dating or fucking? Are you afraid if I date another mutant I might discover someone who understands what it's like to never be truly normal?"
Gambit gritted his teeth, shaking his head. No, he was not going to entertain that thought. They were words said in the heat of a passionate moment. She said she didn't want to complicate things, to break his heart. It didn't count.
He didn't count.
The Cajun leaned forward, pressing his forehead against the cool tiles, letting it ground him. It hadn't worked out with Rogue, one of the most incredible women he knew, and he'd really tried. What did a lowly swamp rat like him have to measure up to an equally incredible intelligent university graduate with a gorgeous smile and the ability to heal with a touch?
Gambit breathed hard, trying to hold back the wet burning sensation in his eyes.
"I thought you were better than this.” Tom's voice now reverberated in his mind's ears. “That you were smart enough not to let someone like him convince you he was worth your time."
Guess we all make mistakes.
...And yet...
Gambit opened his eyes, letting the tears run down to the tip of his nose, scowling deeply.
What did he know? That scumbag loved Shadow until it became inconvenient for him, who saw a beacon burning bright and wanted to douse it because it wasn't his. Why was Gambit taking anything he said to heart? He'd rather sooner be lectured by Mr. Sinister.
So maybe Gambit couldn't give Shadow what she needed, and wouldn't complicate her life in a misguided attempt to try. But that didn't mean there wasn't things Gambit could give her. If she wanted to be friends with benefits with him, then that is what they would be.
If that was how Gambit had to show his love, then so be it.
Merde. Affection. Not love. He just had an attraction to her.
Just an attraction.
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takesomeblue · 4 years
My First two designs bc I'm boerd <3
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bee-agere · 3 years
Hey hope you have a good day so far, I wanted to ask If I could get an Karl imagine were he's the little (headspace 3) and he slips druing a Mr.Beast hide and seek were they are in a abondand place again, he gets confused about were he is and CG reader who is searching with Chris and Jimmy finds him and comforts him (he has some stuff in his bag) (And the Mr Beast knows about all this) the rest it up to you.
Don't forget to drink and eat and have a good day !
Hide And Seek
Little!Karl Jacobs x CG!GN!Reader
TW/CW: Slight panicked thoughts, but it isn’t too extreme, crying.
Hello! I hope you liked this, because I had a lot of fun writing it! ^~^ Have a nice day everyone, and take care!
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Karl loved being part of the Mr Beast crew, there was no doubt about it. It was just so much fun! He got to run around and laugh and play with his friends and it was just perfect. So, when Jimmy asked him to be part of the new hide and seek video, he was overjoyed! He got to play hide and seek with his friends? Well, that was just a win-win situation for this little.
It was around an hour in when he started slipping. It was only small, so he assumed he’d be able to fight through the regression until the game was done. Oh boy, was he wrong. One moment he was whispering to his camera about how he was going to win, and the next he was babbling and giggling like a toddler. The hiding spot he was currently in was in some sort of abandoned office. Filing cabinets were knocked over, papers were everywhere, desks were rotting away to nothingness, it overall wasn’t a good place for a little.
Karl’s thumb went up to his mouth, biting at the skin and nail of it. He had no idea where he was, he had no idea where you were! He found himself a clean corner of a room, tucking his knees to his chest and rocking himself softly. Where was he? Where were you? He needed you! Karl is a very dependent little, he always needs someone helping him, so to see nobody around to help, it panicked him.
Soft cries left his mouth, tears running down his cheeks. He suddenly remembered he always kept an emergency stuffie in his bag. His opened his bag slowly and pulled out his brown teddy bear, hugging it to his chest and letting the tears flow. He hated being alone, he wished and wished upon all the stars in space that you would suddenly appear.
You were searching for people with Chris and Jimmy, being a part of the seekers. You had already caught three people, which meant there were a fair few left to find, Karl included. Part of you was worried that he’d regress, but he didn’t show any signs of it, so you assumed he’d be fine. (Oh, how wrong you were).
“Hey guys.” You got Jimmy’s and Chris attention. “I don’t think we’ve checked in there yet.” The three of you opened the door to the abandoned office Karl was currently in, and after checking the room, you heard Chris call your name.
You furrowed your eyebrows and walked over to the corner Chris was at, and immediately understood. There was Karl in little space, cuddled into his bear and looking like the world was ending in front of him.
“Oh, honey.” You said sympathetically, waking around the desk and getting on the floor with him. He choked back a sob and sniffed.
“I fought you weft me!” Karl sobbed, his voice shaking. You wrapped your arms around the sobbing boy and quietly shushed him, running your fingers through his hair.
“I would never do that, honey. I wouldn’t dream of leaving you.” You explained. Chris and Jimmy gave Karl one last sympathetic look before moving on, they did have a job to do. You were happy that most of the Mr Beast crew knew about his regression, you would’ve hated it if Karl had to hide it, like it was something to be ashamed of. But they all accepted it with open arms, making things a whole lot easier. “We were just playing hide and seek, and you know I always find you, honey.”
Karl giggled and sniffed, his head resting on your shoulder as your arm wrapped around his. “m a good hider doe, so dat’s why it took you so long to find me.” He said a matter-a-facetedly. You smiled and kissed his forehead.
“Yes, you’re a very good hider, honey.” You said, “Are you okay now? Do you need anything?” Karl wiped his cheeks free of old tears and shook his head. He seemed to be happy with you and his bear.
“Home now, mama/dada/baba?” Karl asked softly.
“Of course we can, honey. How does some snacks and a movie sound?” Karl clapped excitedly and giggled as you helped him up from the floor. As fun as hide and seek was, Karl was ready to go home, and so were you.
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katsuflossy · 4 years
😛 requesting nighttime headcanons for any of da boiz (Dabi Todo Izu)
Nighttime Headcanons
Pairings: Dabi x reader, Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki
TW: bad coping mechanisms(?)
A/n: when Tay requests something but you took too long so she did one herself 😭😭 I hope you enjoy it still Tay Tay
Taglist: @melanimed @myhoodacademia @lilsparkyswife @mypimpademia @mrs-atushiro @peach-child @xx-opaqued-xx @sunshineszn @tsukkisukkii
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♠️ Sleep? Mans hardly sleep
♠️ He’s a villain... he’s not dreaming of bunnies and strawberries in his bed at night.
♠️ Most likely will get up in the middle of the night and go for a “walk” and returns disheveled, eyes glinting with satisfied bloodlust.
♠️ He won’t stop this routine until you tell him to. It would take a lot of begging too. Dabi has trauma that plagues him in the dead of night. His mind runs a mile a minute about the past, future, and present while he lies in his bed.
♠️ The thoughts only slow a little if you’re there. Thinking about you clears his mind, especially if the day ended positively. He’d nod off, you resting his chest, pleasant memories shaping his dreams.
♠️ However, it’s different when the day didn’t end so well. Whether it was an argument blooming between you two or something with the League, thoughts of you will not help. They’ll transform into his worst nightmares of your breakup, your torture, or your death. The possibilities of you getting hurt are endless. These times it’s best to stay up with him, assure him that everything would be alright and you’re not going anywhere. 
♠️ Failure of this will result in Dabi leaving in the late hours of the morning, back to causing trouble in the streets of Japan. 
♠️ Don’t let him fall down the rabbit hole again.
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🥦 Also part of the “what’s sleep” gang because he’s a workaholic.
🥦 He’s usually staying in the home gym or backyard at the last second to 1 AM, pushing his powers to the limits. 
🥦 He’ll definitely get in bed earlier if you ask, but he won’t go to sleep. Unless you’re begging, he’ll be pulling out his laptop and work papers on new projects and villians. He’d keep his mumbling low and his keyboard cackling to a minimum. 
🥦 Idc idc he’s wearing a bonnet to sleep. You and Mina put him on and now he got himself the satin green/light red one. He’s investing in some silk pillows right at this moment. 
🥦 Anyways he makes sure everything is ready for him to leave tomorrow quick and efficiently. He checks his to do list three times over.
🥦 Will also make sure your things are laid out for you, down to the your favorite black or blue pen. Your bag is neatly packed, categorized by color and size.
🥦 The type that willl join you in getting ready for bed. You’ll both will brush your teeth at the same times, engaging in conversation about today or tomorrow.
🥦 Please moisturize his hair for him...twist it up if you need to because baby boy needs to learn how to take care of his hair.
🥦 If you do there’s a high chance he’ll fall asleep mid-hair massage,100% if there’s RnB in the backgroud. It’s the time when his thoughts stop running at 100mph and he’s just Izuku Midoriya, not pro-hero Deku..
🥦 If he’s still awake, he’ll see that you get the same treatment as well. A nice back massage from Midoriya along with nothing but utter praise will definitely have you out like a light.
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🧊This baby boy loves his sleep... but doesn’t have a night time routine? 
🧊 He’s one of them who just washes their face with dove soap and water but STILL has clear, radiant ass skin.
🧊 He’ll ask what’s exfoliator, toner, hydrating serum—everything you use—and then starts using it for himself.
🧊 Matching face masks become a nightly ritual. His favorite is the bubble clay mask. He’ll dip his nose in own mask just for fun (I hc he may be playful with his s/o).
🧊 Aside from that, his routine is calm. He simply builds it based on your own so he could spend all the time he could with you before bed. 
🧊 He’ll stand at the side or sit on the toilet as you get ready. Your playlist blasting as you do a lil dancey dance. He’ll just stay in the room and vibe.
🧊 Definitely the one to come behind you, hands around your waist, and rock to any song that’s playing (Throw dat ass back on him why don’t you 😏). 
🧊 I’ve said this before but let him sleep before you. He is prone to nightmares and being in your arms as you comb through his hair will put him into a peaceful, deep slumber. 
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delicrieux · 3 years
Hey Dee! Can you write a Loki Laufeyson one shot using prompt 26 'this reminded me of you'? Thanks! Love your writing!
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MONA LISA SMILE   | endless drabble series (valentine's day special)
summary: a portrait, a girl, a memory.  pairing: loki laufeyson x reader a/n: its valentines day so yk wat dat means!!!
masterlist. ☕. reqs are open for the v-day prompt list.
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Girl-mystery extraordinaire, a witch-woman, ember’s delight, lovely muse, plague-maiden if, say, the plague was one of ill-fitting emotion, infectious and malicious, sent to melt the ice around his heart. Sizzling, acidic, billowing smoke and this feeling, this strange, terrifying feeling he gets when he looks at you. Hard to breathe, two hearts skipping in unison the same treacherous beat. 
He’s obvious, more than you could ever be. You wrapped in your shawl against the backdrop of dazzling snow, with your lips quirked gently to the side in a half-smile and a gaze that implies you know the secrets of the whole world. His whole world, surely, for he had never, and has never since, met anyone even close to you. Only Da Vinci, in his genius, had managed to capture something akin to your likeness - not in face, but in look. That look, that knowing, that Mona Lisa smile, no, false name, (Y/N) (L/N) smile that haunts him in his dreams when he misses you. And he misses you always. These days, the weight of your absence is heavier than ever before.
The Louvre is full of people, naturally, there’s seldom a time when it isn’t. While full of exhibitions worthy of being admired, most stray to the famous woman - never to linger, but rather take a picture and move on, say, well, I’ve seen her, note, well, the portraits smaller than I expected, whine, well, not as impressive, question, why so many people flock here? He’s here, too, in the back, in his black suit, dressed for a funeral, and the cast of people keeps changing and here remains only he and you - no, not you, someone only similar to you, the closest thing he has left of you.
He met you when Midgard was still young and when Norway was nothing but piles of snow and wooden huts, deer-skin hides for robes and stone hammers that cut down trees and cut down enemies depending on the time of day. You were born on a snowy day somewhere in the mountains and you played with runes instead of dolls and made salves from herbs to heal infections along with learning the songs and lullabies of your tribe. Like most you worshiped Allfather and the Great Mother and feared the rest. You didn’t know of his significance when he showed up, and he did not think you would become anyone special. And in the grand scheme of things, you were not anyone special, no one to write a tome about - just one more name and face forgotten to history. 
But you were special. To him and him only.
It was a good love, a real one, the tragic kind. You lived and loved and died and he continue to live and love you more each day. All he has of you is memories: of blizzards, and clear sunny skies, and deep nights aglow with embers of an already dying fire. Your voice has drifted over the years - once it was crisp like a bell, though now it’s more of a dull sound, an ache, some distorted echo of your laugh. But your smile remains, it’s yet to abandon him. He clings to it, that smile. He fears that if he forgets it then you will cease existing entirely.
Mona Lisa helps, she has helped for centuries now. If he were to steal her, he would take her to your grave and show you, say, “She reminded me of you.” 
He has all the magic in the world to do anything he desires and yet all of that magic is useless against mortality. So many trials and errors, so many paltry illusions, so many disappointments. Nothing ever came close to you. Nothing ever will.
The day passes, the people leave, he remains, the last one, hearing the footsteps of the guard that has come to usher him out.
He says his quiet goodbye to the portrait and hopes to dream of you so he could tell you one more time just how much he loves you.
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hope you liked it xx
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Hey Possum, Remember this fic?
I was wondering if you could write a fic where that Sammy, Wally, Norman and Susie find a way to Hell's studio and meet their alternate counterparts
Bonus points if: Susie scares Snowflake again causing the small toon to run to his paps, Both Sammys compare notes, both Wallys talk about their families, and Bendy pranking the two sammys
This took longer than expected, but at least they're getting along! ...Maybe.
After returning home, the timid imp had promised himself that he'd never ever go into other dimensions again. While nothing was outright scary or dangerous (aside from the chainsaw wielding Music Director, but even he didn't directly threaten him), he just felt like there was something deeply wrong about that place... The weird smells, the way everyone looked so worn and beaten down, the oppressing air of the uncanny valley- Part of him even wished that there WAS a monster in that place, he wished that... that there was some big bad scary villain that would cackle menacingly and and evilly twirl his mustache after tying someone to railroad tracks and cause lightning and thunder and then get defeated by some hero and everyone could live happily ever after.
That way, there wouldn't be that lingering uneasy feeling of dread in there, right? Maybe if there was a clear threat that could be taken down and dealt with, the tension would be gone and that timeline would be hopefully just another timeline like home, but with different flavors.
Part of him felt bad about being scared of the other Studio, after all, those other workers seemed interesting, even if they did smell funny..
Snowflake did a double take as he saw her.
"I'm so happy to hear that everything's going great here! ..To be honest, part of me was a little worried that it was only as good as it seemed on the surface..."
"Well I can't really blame you for worrying, and sorry to hear about losing the role, your Joey sounds like... like an absolute jerk!"
"It's putting it lightly, but yes." the shorter woman nodded.
Right there, talking with his own timeline's Susie was a petite woman with fiery red hair tied in a braid resting on her shoulder, she had blue eyes but one of them was dull and lazy. She had tannish peach skin peppered with freckles. She looked so different, and yet, and most importantly, her voice matched up with HIS timeline's Susie Campbell perfectly.
He felt a large pit in his stomach as he saw her. Sure, she was as sweet and kind as the Susie he knew, she had the same slightly southern twain to her voice, but there was just something that felt deeply wrong about the timeline she came from..
Part of him felt like it was a *good* thing that magic wasn't the norm in that studio, he felt like if it was, things would go from bad to worse.
"Hi there, kiddo! Remember me?" the woman from another dimension waved him over and asked him as innocently as if they had met in a non-supernatural but still odd way.
"Y-yes, although I wasn't expecting to see you here... Did something happen in your place?!"
"No, at least nothing bad did. The boys and I were just curious."
"B-but how did you all get here?! There's no-" he put his hands over his mouth, remembering Joey's warning about the timeline butterfly effect "Er, w-we came from such a far away place! And we didn't tell you where we're from! And- and-"
Were they some kind of supernatural stalkers?! Was this why he was so nervous about the people in that timeline?! Did they know he was coming in the first place?! They had either said or implied that their Joey was bad, but were the rest of them bad too...? He looked at her like a deer in the headlights, he SWORE that he never even told any of them his name!
While it was a small thing, it was what broke the camel's back and the imp zoomed off in search of his father, who he really hoped would convince him that this was just a weird dream... ------
"-So I kid ya not, da first thing dat little babyfaced new-hire me did the second I walked into that room was clear my throat, gettin' all of their attention and say 'Hey, you guys look like you've killed before and wont hesitate ta kill again! Wanna kill my parents?' I didn't get an answer, just, silence aside from Jack hitting one of the pool balls outta reflex. While I don't think anyone decided to adopt me right then an' there, I think that's the key moment where I went from 'The annoyin' janitor' to 'Da kid we need to check in on every now an' again'."
"Hold on, I'm still wrappin' my head around ya having your first kid in your teens, I'm an adult, I've only got one kid an' I need all the help I can get with Snowflake!"
"Well, I think part of it is dat Vincent is a human kid an' Snowflake's a cahtoon demon who brings in alotta strays and also has a supahnateral force of chaos and mischief actin' like a mama bear ta him. Yeah he sounds like a good kid, but he's also the type of kid who needs a lotta hands on deck to properly raise."
"Ya got me there." the other Wally adjusted his hat.
"DAAAAAAAAAAD!" The little toon zipped out of nowhere and clung to the janitor's back and neck, unintentionally tackling him in the process.
"Speak of the lil' devil..." The janitor pat his son's back. "What happened, Snowflake?"
"T-there w-w-was- there was-" the imp stuttered while he did a double take, realizing that there were two of 'his dad' even if one of them looked very different...
"Do ya think he saw Susie's eye fall out?" his other dimensional double whispered to him.
"Gosh I hope not, it would probably scar him..."
"M-ms. Susie's eye fell out?!"
"N-no! I mean, *hopefully* it didn't but sometimes glass eyes can-"
The janitor was cut off by the sound of the imp screaming bloody murder.
Sammy didn't like the new 'guests' that showed up in the music department. Er- rather didn't like the other Sammy as well as the fact that the four of them had spontaneously appeared in his personal break room. (the 'Sammy sanctuary' as Bendy humorously called it.)
The other Susie was friendly and chipper, the woman's 'lazy eye' was a little off putting for some, but he didn't mind. He had mixed feelings about the other Wally as he did the notion of a timeline where he and Wally were brothers. The other Norman was... tolerable. He didn't like the man's sense of humor, and his stories creeped him out, but at least he was smart enough to know when to quit.
He couldn't blame the others for leaving but he wished they didn't leave him with him.
THIS guy? He was almost convinced that if he took his eyes away from him for too long, he'd either kill someone or ...something else... And it didn't help that he showed up half naked and with a goddamned chainsaw.
Aside from the obvious signs that there was something deeply wrong about that guy, there were other things about this 'Sammy' that unnerved him; the redness in the whites of his eyes, the man's twitchy movements, an all too familiar bitter smell mixed in the man's breath that wasn't tobacco...
He shook his head, he didn't want to overthink this other Sammy and what was going on with him, he just wanted 'babysitting' to be over and done with as soon as possible. He didn't want this man chasing down the other musicians, he didn't want him causing trouble with his instruments, and the last thing he wanted was to call the cops over him-
"Hey! Don't touch that!" the Musician barked at his double as he took the notes out of his hands. "They're not finished, and I don't need you messing with them-"
"The character that theme is for is Ruby, right?"
The other musician fished some crumpled up, half done sheets of music out of the trash. "What seems to be the issue between all of these drafts and your current one is that they're all too *orderly* there's chaos in Rube Goldberg machines. Organized chaos, yes, but it's still very chaotic. And it's noisy chaos too."
"Uh huh, and how do you suggest I add 'more chaos' into this?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Well-timed sound effects and improvised instruments over instrument instruments in some places. Sometimes, an empty can of soup and a wooden stick gives off the sound you need over a drum set." the man shrugged. "Here, let me show you an example..."
He took an empty can of bacon soup, a drumstick, the chainsaw, and a violin. With the violin, he followed the notes of his double's piece, he rev'd the chainsaw and used its low, mechanical purr as a base, and he rhythmically tapped the drumstick against the empty can.
The other Sammy used an empty tape to record the song, in spite of his feelings about his double, he couldn't deny that at least he knew what he was doing...
"So what does he do to keep you here?"
"Yes, I might.. ...have issues, but I'm not blind or deaf. I could hear you muttering under your breath about 'crazy things happening like this every week', I saw the bucket of ink placed over your office door, and I'm very used to the phrase 'Goddamnit Joey, not again', but I wasn't expecting to hear it right after coming here."
"...Wanna talk with it over drinks in the breakroom?"
"You can drink, I'll just have coke."
As they got there, the neater and more put together Sammy poured the bottle of whiskey into a glass and handed his double a can of cola. The shirtless one added a fine, white powder to his own drink which he mixed in while his double wasn't looking.
"I work here mostly out of spite."
"...Spite? That's it?"
"Most of it." he sipped on his glass. "There's also some of the few coworkers here that I like and don't think I'll see if I don't work here and I'm partly convinced that the Ink will throw a tantrum if I leave for good."
"The ink's alive?"
"We have living toons here and the ink is magic, it wouldn't surprise me if it was alive too, especially with how it acts sometimes..." he shook his head. "So what about you? Why do you stay in your studio?"
"I have nowhere else to go."
"At first I thought that one of the only good things about Joey was that it didn't matter who or what you were to him as long as you were talented..." The man sighed as he stared at his drink. "At first, I thought it was a good thing that he went out of his way to hire people who most found undesirable.. But as it turned out, that was his plan. Nobody cares if people like me wind up dead or missing. Police in the area can't be half assed to keep anyone but their own kind safe, they're not going to bother." he spat bitterly "I'm sure that shitheel bastard only fired me and re hired me only to show me that it doesn't matter if I run, I can never go back home, he's burned all my bridges that I didn't burn first. The studio is my home now. And I'm sure it'll be my grave too."
"You know... It doesn't have to be."
The brown haired man let out a loud, broken sounding laugh at the black haired man's suggestion.
"...'It doesn't have to be', god, you're so fucking optimistic it's hilarious!"
Sammy gave his double a questioning look..
"What? And don't suggest I live here, trust me, you really don't want me to do that.."
"But weren't you the one who got everyone here in the first place?"
"It obviously wasn't your Joey, otherwise, he would've made the toons by now and judging by what you've told me about him, he would've used it for other terrible things too. It couldn't be your Norman because according to him and this timeline's Norman 'He knows better than to mess with this damn' trash'." The neater Sammy listed off on his fingers. "If any Wally knew magic, I'm sure he'd use it whenever he could, especially in a place where everyone's used to it. That leaves you and your Susie and I could be wrong, but I think that you people wound up in my place because you were the one doing the spell. And don't take this the wrong way, but you are definitely unhinged enough to take on magic."
Sammy stayed silent and stared at his own hands. "I... I don't-"
The shirtless man was cut off by a bucket of ink landing on them both.
"Dammit Bendy!" Sammy cursed as he wiped the ink out of his eyes. "Can't you see this is *not* the time?!"
"Oops, didn't know we had a guest.." the imp nervously chuckled. "You're from the same place as other-Norman, right?"
"Ti ast fach..." The other Sammy grumbled under his breath as he got up.
"uh... gesundheit?"
"Bendy, if I were you, I would run." Sammy suggested as he watched his double reach for the now empty bucket.
"A-aren't you gonna tell him to calm down?!"
"Nope, good luck."
The music director of this timeline exited the room, leaving his double and Bendy to their own devices.
Both Normans rolled their eyes (or in his double's case, his eye) when they saw Bendy running for dear life away from the bucket-wielding Music Director who was screaming profanities.
"...So I take it there's never a dull moment in your timeline either?"
"Nope, in fact I'm surprised the this one's Sammy didn't join 'im..."
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lxstfulbeans · 4 years
JUST CURIOUS OR NOOOOT....if you’re open or not, that’s cool~....
*slides a hundred your way*
I must know, what would it be like for Levi, Erwin, and lastly HANGE *clears throat* to be with a Black S/O, but here’s the catch. They’re the only black person behind the wall..well atleast what’s his name comes around..
Also, Drink plenty of water, stay hydrated, sleep well, relax, breathe, happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
Aight I gotchu babes, lemme get that hunnid up outcha 😏. And thank you so much 🥺 same to you!!
I feel like I gave more to Erwin and Hange than Levi, but I love these three equally 😭✋🏽. But, hope you enjoy this!
Headcanons: what it’s like with the only black s/o behind the walls.
Levi Ackerman:
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When he first met you, he’s like “what in the fuck-“
He never meant it in bad way, oh no ma’am. It’s just that NO ONE has ever seen anyone like you before, let alone thought there were people of a different race.
But knowing Levi, and seeing his resting bitch face.. how could you ever know 💀.
My guy literally lived in the UNDERGROUND, on some “City of Ember” type shit, and has never seen someone like you before.
When you decided to join the Survery Corps. then eventually choosing the Scouts after being top of your class. He took it as an opportunity to observe you (well, him and like twenty, thirty other people 💀), whenever y’all sat and talked about expedition plans with Hange and the Commander, he enjoyed listening to you speak your mind and blast your opinions.
And don’t get me started on how strong and open-minded you are.
Eventually, he’ll start catching feelings. He’ll talk to you more, occasionally praise you for a job well done more than he’s done ANYONE else. He’ll even fucking compliment you and pick up on little things you’ve done.
Of course, when the other brats get outta hand when it comes to awful flirting and tryna see what that thang do. He shuts that shit down before it can even start.
“Oi. Get the fuck outta here before I use you as live bait for the Titans.”
Best believe they skedaddled.
He asks if you’re okay, and to tell him that if anyone else makes you uncomfortable like that again so he could properly whoop they ass.
Y’all get to talking and.. somehow talk most of the day away.
When he heard you laugh, he was struck. His heart pounding, though he couldn’t help but feel a smile tug at his lips.
Then, he asks you to be his. Which you accept with pride.
He’s always there to help you with wash days if you need it. He loves helping you, even if he doesn’t really show it.
Oh, and that discrimination shit? Y’all can cut that shit out right now cuz Levi don’t play.
Teamwork makes the dream work when it comes to cleaning. He’s impressed at how much better you are at it than he others.
Oh and your COOKING babyyy
He be stingy with it for sure. He was big mad when everybody else wanted some, at least you saved some pie for him.
And y’all are partners in fucking crime. Y’all be bodying Titans left and right bruh. Don’t nobody want the smoke.
Erwin Smith:
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Oh my lawd, why is he so fine and RESPECTFUL 😔✊🏽.
Okay, okay this ain’t about me rn heheh.
Honestly, he’ll be flabbergasted to be in your presence. He’s never seen someone of a different race before, he wondered were there more of you on the outside?
When he saw you the first time on the return from another expedition outside the walls. His eyes met you and he was just.. amazed. He was sure that he wasn’t seeing things but, he had to see you again.
When he couldn’t find you, he had to come to the conclusion that you were a hallucination. I mean, he was exhausted, sleep deprived, and hungry.
But, eventually he found you by yourself at the bridge. He was amazed at how the morning sun made you glow, reflecting off of your brown skin.
When you caught him staring, he choked on his words as he rambled with apologies. This made you smile, inviting him to sit and enjoy the morning with you.
Y’all started talking and you just.. clicked. When he heard your laugh for the first time, he had it bad.
He tried visiting you as much as he could, even if it was only a simple “hello, how are you?” or the slightest of small talk.
When the Walls were invaded, you were helpless. No one bothered to help you, either saving their own asses or being eaten alive. You couldn’t count the times where you were so close to meeting death. You refused to become a victim and have fear control you.
When you joined the Scouts, he was shocked to you standing here before him. Your fist over your heart as you announce yourself. He never thought you would be here about to risk your life everyday.
But, he saw that fire in your eyes and smiled.
He couldn’t guarantee your safety but would do everything in his power to make sure nothing happens to you.
He’s a busy man. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t sit and talk with you all of the time. If you were lucky, he’d send a smile or even a wink your way.
Though, he’s often caught you by yourself again, watching the sunset or gazing into the night sky. The way you skin would glow made him look back on old times.
He sits with you, talking the night away and making you smile again.
Overtime, you eventually get closer. When you originally closed yourself of because of the events of “That Day”, but opened up more and more when you both were together.
Whenever somebody tries to snitch on you to him, you’re literally not phased by this shit.
“Tell him then, I don’t give no fuck! Matter of fact, I’ll tell him for you!”
He honestly adores how you don’t take shit from anybody, but he lets you get away with a little bit of things. He won’t reprimand you but will give you a slap on the wrist if you went too far with something.
Whenever he says something unintentionally funny, you just crack up laughing. Like, you are wheezing so silently and rolling on the floor in tears. He couldn’t help but chuckle and shake his head at how silly you were.
He adored everything about you. Your laugh, how your skin glows in the light, your captivating smile, and how you weren’t playing games with nobody.
This time, he realizes his growing feelings for you.
Eventually, he confesses his feelings to you. Like this man is poetic as hell, he’s listing off everything he loves about you, even the little things made his heart soar. You were honestly shocked that your Commander felt this way about you.. but you couldn’t lie and say you didn’t feel the same.
After y’all get boo’d up, you’re basically a power couple.
Somebody got one time to talk shit about you, on god he is on them like white on rice.
“If you say one more word about them, I will personally make sure that on the next expedition, I will leave you behind...”
Ah, don’t you just love it when it he gets serious and protective?
And both y’all side-eye the fuck outta people when they don’t rub you the right way.
Wash days? He’s all for it. Once he sees your arms drooping, clearly worn out from washing your hair, he’ll happily roll up his sleeves and get up in there.
Bruh, have you seen his hands?? You KNOW his massages are bomb af, like you damn near fall asleep everytime he massages and scratches your scalp.
Don’t get him started on your cooking, he’d do anything for it. He gets so happy when you save extra plates for him to eat later.
When push comes to shove and everyone’s losing their shit, you have to be strong. Erwin’s always motivated you and inspired you, if humanity had any chance to survive, you had to show it.
“Y’all need to get yo shit together PERIODT! It’s okay to be scared, but we won’t make it out of this if you keep actin’ like this! Y’all signed up to protect humanity right?! Well, show these Titans who they fuckin’ with!”
After hearing that.. he wanted to marry you.
(bonus: let’s say that he’s alive 💀 cuz I literally cried when he got clapped like how-)
When you were finally able to go outside the walls without any fear of the Titans, you felt free.
When you came across the ocean, he couldn’t take his eye off of how amazed you looked at the clear blue waters, the sun making it shine towards its horizon.
“It’s everything Cadet Arlelt said, right? Where there’s an ocean.. there’s other lands, eventually other enemies.”
“I know. We made it this far, it’s only right that we keep goin’.”
Hange Zoë:
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Hange can GET IT MM- 🤧 they are literally so fine.
oh, and it’s kinda canon that they’re non-binary so 😃.
This’ll be after you first join the Scouts and baby they was on you like white on rice INSTANTLY.
They’ve never seen anyone like you before. It was almost forbidden to learn or talk about anything beyond the walls, were there more of you?? Where did you come from?
Though, they’re outta pocket questions and lack of knowledge of something called, “personal space” kinda made you nervous so they brought down a couple notches.
When they got to know you more, they were just ecstatic to see you.
When Hange caught you alone, basking in the warm embrace of the sun, they couldn’t take the throbbing of their heart as your dark skin was shining.
When you eventually start dating, they had no problem putting folks in their place when they try you.
“Alright, I see that you have quite a lot to say about my s/o! I bet you won’t be spouting a word when you come face to face with Titan. I’ll happily let you see them up close..”
They’d absolutely kill for your cooking. Deadass. If they’re not the first and last one to get a plate, they’ll be big mad for a hot minute.
I’m sure they observe you a lot, especially when it comes to your routines and how you try your best not to smell like a hunnid cans of bounce dat ass 💀. So when wash day comes and you’re kinda tired after training, they’ll happily wash your hair for you.
They’ll praise you for all the hard work you’ve done, giving you little forehead kisses, massaging and giving light scratches to your scalp.
OOH WEE- you are in absolute heaven with them.
Both of y’all share that chaotic energy, bugging the hell outta Levi when you get the chance.
When it comes to fighting Titans, y’all don’t play! When it’s time to put the moves on ‘em you do it!
- - END SCENE - -
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twatshag · 3 years
♤ Sakusa kiyoomi's night terrors ♤
Unfaithful. Oh it was just a dream. But why did it feel so real...
Genre: fluff to angst and then back to fluff, smut
Pairing: TIMESKIP both characters!!!!!sakusa x fem reader (in dream atsumu X READER)
Warnings: smut in dream, you cheating in the dream (you wrong for dat sis😩)
M DNI!!!
HIS POV small glimpse of your pov as well
What a day. I sighed looking at the clock it was only 5 pm. Y/n was going to be here at 8 pm. I cleaned and already bought groceries for dinner.
I'm quite satisfied with how things looked around the apartment. As of lately y/n decided to bring me some plants and decorations everytime she visited, because in her opinion my apartment looked lifeless and bland.
I smiled softly thinking about tonight. I'm going to ask her to move in with me today. I mean I hope she doesnt mind. Maybe she'll be taken back by my sudden request or oh god what if she rejects me.. ?
I gulped trying to focus on the show I was watching and pushing back all the negative outcomes. She told me about this show during one of our phone calls and told me that I'd definitely enjoy it. She knows me so well, god I can't wait to tell her how much I appreciate her today.
As of lately I've been gathering up the courage to finally tell her that I'm ready to have intercourse with her. She's been so loving and patient this whole time I can't imagine how sweet she is for waiting up 6 months for me. I couldn't imagine if there was anyone who'd be so willing to respect my very picky boundaries but there she was.
I can't help but think about how it would feel for me and her being so close together. And becoming one. I blushed deeply at the thought. After all there Is one benefit of her not living with me.
That's not seeing me blush like this tsk. I bet she'd give me that smug smile and ask if I'm okay. I rolled my eyes thinking about her smug smile.
I never really asked if she's had.. intercourse with someone before. What if I wasn't good enough to satisfy her expectations..? What if.. she rejects my offer? What if I hurt her during it ? Oh god I don't want that. My head plagued me with bad thoughts about the idea of trying to satisfy her and failing miserably.
Y/n is absolutely gorgeous, all my team mates seem to love her and hell I really hate the way that stupid setter of a team mate looks at her.
I can't help but get jealous because she seems so comfortable with him. Sometimes I even find myself comparing the alternative realities of her being with him instead.
He's easy going has no stupid boundaries and he probably has a ton of experience to satisfy her.. my heart clenched at the thought of her leaving me for him.
I pushed those thoughts back once again. I looked at the clock it read 5:30 pm. Maybe I can dose off and when she comes around I'll tell her everything that's on my mind. I can't keep on post poning things.
I closed my eyes long forgotten about the show playing in the background as I waited for her.
My eyes shot open as I heard muffled sounds in my apartment. Just what the hell was that?
I groaned as I sat up and looked at the clock it read 6:50 pm. Could she have arrived early?
The sounds were coming from the bedroom I smiled softly as I heard her beautiful voice. A voice that's so gentle when talking to me, so soft when she notices the way I slump from a long day of practice. Everything I've ever wanted in a woman. Was mine to keep and cherish.
I peeked through the crack and I noticed someone hovering over the bed. Smiling I opened it more to see what she was doing.
"Oh god yes yes tsumu right there." I felt my heart rip out of my chest. There she laid in my own apartment,in my own bed. With him. On top of her kissing her neck and thrusting into her.
She clung to him harder than she's ever clung to me.
Her mouth hung open and the so beautiful voice was now a curse I was hearing.
He kissed her neck hungrily.
"Ya feel so good angel-so fucking good." He quickened his pace while kissing her disgustingly his tongue gracing her so beautiful skin and infecting it. "Tsumu- aghnn mmhm yes-God fuck yes- yes y-ea-s." I wanted to scream, to move and tear them apart, to burn the whole apartment down hell even to avert my eyes but I couldn't.
Everything I've loved sat there being caressed by another man. That man was not me.
That man was someone better than I'll ever be.
Her gaze fell on me. Tears perked up my eyes looking at her stone lust filled eyes.
She gave me a smug smile.. That smug smile that was always so playfully displayed looked much darker than ever. No hint of playfulness or mercy. No hint of fake innocence as it once had.
"You've always been such a burden sakusa." I flinched at her tone and the mention of my last name, while that man was kissing her neck hungirly, thrusting into her as if I wasn't even there to begin with. That I ceased to exist in his world as of now.
Everything went silent for a moment, her whimpers became muted from the way the faux blonde thrusted into her as she spoke the next words.
"I never loved you. Sakusa. Me and you both know that atsumu was always the righteous man for me. You good for nothing replaceable freak."
And with that I was pushed back into the sofa my eyes shot open as I stared at her face above me cheeks flushed red from her shower she looked so beautiful but my heart it ached from what I saw. Did he see her like this too? She shrieked and stepped back.
"jesus christ kiyo! What the hell ?! are you psychic? I was about to wake you up!"
Kiyo... a name she always called me when things were serious. But the worry and softness that concealed her voice was not enough for me to accept what I just saw as an illusion.
I stood up pushing past her acting like she's not even there. I despised her existence with all my heart yet I can't help but repeat those words in my head. She's right I am replaceable. I'm a freak and I'll never be able to find love.
"Hey what the hell?! I'm talking to you, you know mister sleepy head!" She followed me into the kitchen trying to get me to talk to her, god her presence made me want to vomit.
I grabbed a glass and poured water into it and as I began to drink it to calm my nerve down before I lost my composure that was literally hanging by a thread right now.
I felt her hand on my back and to say the least i wanted nothing but to get her filthy hands and presence out of my life right now.
"Omi..what's wrong you kn-"
"Don't fucking touch me." I hissed, venom lacing my tone as I averted her gaze because seeing her made my heart clench.
Everything that I always wanted was in the arms of someone else. But why keep me around? Why hurt me like this?
I felt her staring at me wide eyed and from the corner of my eye I could see that she looked at her hand.
"I'm sorry are my hands di-"
"They're fucking filthy you disgusting bitch." This time I looked her in the eyes. Her eyes widened at my tone. She deserved it. She did this to herself what the hell was she expecting?
me to welcome her back after she just tore my heart apart ? After she was....with him? In my fucking bed? Infecting it and my life with the pain?
"Omi you don'-"
"Get out."
"W-what? Wh-"
"I SAID GET OUT!" I slammed my hand on the counter and she flinched "get the hell out of my apartment you filthy-" not even finishing my sentence I suddenly felt cold and wet
If there's anything that life has taught me it's that whenever someone was angry DO NOT stay around them. For the sake of the both of you.
As I entered kiyoomi's apartment having a spare he was sleeping peacefully on the sofa making me smile softly. Deciding to leave him rest until I took my clothes off showering and then coming back to the living room to wake him up.
I couldn't help but notice that he was shuffling as if he was in pain i frowned and I decided to reach to shake him awake just as I was about to do so to my surprise he just jolted awake and now here we are.
He was being extremely mean and I think that I know what was going on he was shouting at me with a tone I've never recognised before.
The advise of leaving someone angry long left my mind and the glass of water now emptied in omi's face.
He stared at the ground with such pure anger and hate shocked that I had the nerve to even do such a thing after whatever the hell he saw or heard.
I sighed
"What ever dream y/n did just know that I'd never do to you. When you're ready to talk to me about it I'll be in your balcony. I'm sorry for.. throwing water in your face but you need to understand that I had no other choice." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly putting the glass down on the counter in case he wanted to drink one more time before facing me. And with that I left and made my way to his balcony.
Whatever he saw must've hurt him deeply for him to react that way I thought I sat down looking at the beautiful sight of Tokyo breathing in its air smiling softly at the sounds of the lifeful city.
Whenever he's ready he'll come to me.
Back to his pov
She... threw water in my face. Suddenly I feel more awake. And guilty. God I feel so guilty. It was just a dream.
And I thought she'd... I have to fix this.
Panicking on how the hell i was going to word off 'sorry i had a dream where you cheated and I was so sure you did it so I screamed at you ' to her I filled the glass of water and drank it going into the bedroom sighing and letting a few tears spill while changing my wet shirt.
At times like this I'd truly begin to wish that I was like everyone else.
That I wasn't a very cautious man who was so blunt and had a comeback for everything but the man that could've made her life better.
I put on my slides and my hand hovered over my balcony door. Watching her city gaze smiling softly to herself.
At times where she would come over she always insisted on drinking coffee in my balcony at night.
At first it sounded so silly because I wouldn't get to sleep the whole night but instead i slept better and happier more fulfilled.
"Staring isn't nice you know?" Her sweet voice cut my train of memories and I opened the door clearing my throat.
God how awkward where the hell do I even begin to apologise i feel so guilty and dumb for even doubting you.
I sat next to her.
"You cheated on me.." she snapped her neck so fast it felt like it broke wide eyed. Before she could even speak I reassured "in my dream."Her expression softened she nodded listening to what I had to say.
"It felt so...real.. I walked onto you and atsumu.. and you told me that I'm a burden and you n-never loved me." I couldn't face her. I couldn't even look at her because of my ignorance and insecurities it truly was a pathetic sight for her to witness me this way.
Hot tears streamed down my face as I sniffiled.
"I know you always assure me that there's no need for me to be jealous or worry about him but it felt so real. I know that you'd be better of with someone who understood you better than I did. Act better than I did..hell even not doubt you because of something like this. "
my heart clenched at the next outcome. That being Her actually leaving me. I opened my mouth to speak only to be cut off by her "can I touch you?"
I looked at her nervously nodding like a small child as she pulled me into her arms hugging me while rubbing my back.
"I'd never dream of leaving you Kiyoomi. Yet alone be in someone else's arms.." I clung to her worried that if I didn't she'd leave me.
I cried softly against her repeating apologies while she rocked me.
"Hey hey Shh omi.. it's alright I know you didn't mean any of it. Besides I can't believe dream me cheated on you and with nasty ass atsumu out of all people" she fake gagged.
Making me laugh tearfully against her chest pulling away to look at her and she cupped my face in her hands making me look deeply in her so beautiful love filled eyes. Something dream her didnt have.
"There hasn't been a day that's passed where I don't thank god that you chose me out of everyone else omi. I'd be so stupid to throw away everything that you've given me." She smiled at me so sweetly it gave me toothache "i dont care if there are people out there who have no boundaries and arent afraid of germs and hell can touch me no matter what because those people arent you. I'd never ever lay in someone's elses arms kiyo..you're the one for me you know that right?" She looked back at me searching for a confirmation that I believed her so I nodded gently "It's always going to be you omi.. okay? I'm not going anywhere and you're stuck with me sadly." She giggled while a few tears were threatening to spill from her eyes my heart clenched this time because of her sweetness and care.
"I wouldn't mind being anywhere as long as it's with you y/n" I smiled at her as I brought my hand to her face and kissed her. The taste of her lips were always so intoxicating. So addictive.
And at that I knew it'll be okay. I loved her so much, with every muscle and bone in my body. But it was okay because so did she.
"How do you want the pork chopped?" I looked at her from my counter while she confusingly stared at me "omi... I don't eat pork." Oops I forgot that. And now I'm embarrassed that I did. "O-oh yeah sorry." Fucking idiot.. I thought to myself.
She giggled and hugged me from behind and kissed my shoulder peeking from the sides watching me as I chopped the pork. Smiling at her so familiar warmth.
"No need to be embarrassed you're not the only one who forgets it all the time you know" I rolled my eyes at her observant habit still smiling at her warmth but I wont let her slide that easy so I'll tease her "says the big baby who's clinging onto me like a baby koalo." She giggled against my back sending shivers down my spine. "Yeah its your fault that you're so handsome and cuddly." I chuckled at her reasoning she hummed as if she was in thought. "Oh yeah, Omi you wanted to talk to me about something was it me cheating on you in your dream or something else ?" She teased.
I got a bit stiff At the thought of even asking her to move in with me. She backed away from me as I turned around.
"Y-yeah.." she raised an eyebrow at me "so which one is it?" She asked eagerly crossing her arms "I-uh,," why was this so freaking hard to ask I scratched the back of my neck avoiding her gaze. "Move in w-ith me...?" I mumbled softly I felt my face heat up as I attempted to ask her that half ass effort.
She smiled that one smug smile I loved to see so much but I'll never tell her that.
"Speak up I cant hear you omi" I rolled my eyes at her and turned my back continuing with chopping up the pork. "Guess you dont want to.." I mumbled earning a small gasp from her and to leech onto me from the side hugging me tightly "no no no sorry I heard you yes I'd love that, actually I've been dying to move in with you but I can't just ask hey I'm going to move in with you so make room for me in your closet" she giggled and kissed my cheek lovingly making me smile. I looked up at her as she smiled so hard at me teeth and everything. She leaned in to kiss me.
Now or never.
"I'm also ready to have sex with you." I moved away to the freezer to grab something I can make her leaving her hangingon thin air. She almost choked on nothing blushing immediately.
"YOU WHAT NOW??" I smirked at her loud voice and shock.
"Is chicken okay?" And now her face turned sour in disbelief. Possibly redder too.
"I guess chicken it is" I shrugged smirking at her.
At the end of the day i always knew that home was always going to be right here with her around me. I'm one lucky man to have her around me. But I've hit bulls eye with her love for me.
Kiyoomi made you chicken soup that day. And he decided that today was the day to give you his all let's just say.. his insecurities weren't right at all about him. Even saying that he totally satisfied you wasn't enough to describe the feeling you felt. Now sakusa has grown addicted to how you feel around him. My guy is whipped and extremely horny for you.
A/N: I LITERSLLY FELL ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING THIS AHAHAHAHA anyway I feel like this isn't my best work yet but I hope that you guys liked it ;(;( I feel like there's not enough his pov content so I decided to make it his pov also this isn't my best work so I'm sorryyyy im insecure rn pls I hope yall enjoyed this thank you so much for reading !!
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hajim3 · 4 years
𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝚡 𝙲𝚑𝚞𝚋𝚋𝚢!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒦꒷‧˚꒦꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷
Just a little bit of Hange loving on their chubby baby 😌
⚠️For Hange I use female anatomy and she/they pronouns unless requested otherwise
warnings: none; fluff; gn!reader; kinda modern au but not really
n e way enjoy 😁💖
word count: 348
꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒦꒷‧˚꒦꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷
➥ Ok first of all I feel like Hange would absolutely ADORE a chubby s/o
➥ Like there is nothing on your body that she doesn’t like
➥ Insecurities?? Wtf are those 🤨❓Hange will make sure that you love every bit of yourself just as much and they do and if you don’t like them she will give a whole ass list of why it’s amazing
➥ Like if you get a new outfit and you ask Hange how it looks get ready for her to SHOWER you with a billion compliments
➥ Like if you get a new outfit and you ask Hange how it looks get ready for her to SHOWER you with a billion compliments
“It looks hot on you sweetie but I think it’ll look better on the floor 😊😙”
➥ This bitch will throw hands with ANYONE who tried to say anything bad about you
➥ If your standing with someone and just having a conversation with them and she sees you across the room, she will run up behind you and jump on your back, screaming your name to scare you and you actually flipped her on her back onto the ground due to reflexes 😭
➥ Honestly, Hange is just always so happy to see you. Like every time your chubby cheeks, thicc thighs and cute tummy come into their sight range, their eyes just absolutely glow like they look like they have galaxies in their eyes
➥ Cuddles feel like a dream with this person 😩
➥ There is not a spot on your body that she isn’t touching, squeezing, or pinching and if cuddles gets a little bit playful Hange will dead ass blow raspberries on your skin and will tickle the shit out of you and y’all just have a giggle fest all night
➥ ok I think I might end this here but I wanna end this off by saying that Hange would call you Bubba or Bubs 🙏🏾
 ⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝
© original work of hajim3 (2021), do not modify or repost without permission.
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trashboatprince · 3 years
Since I’m still in a sci-fi mood (along with, like, monsters and romance stuff too, but that’s always there), and I haven’t been able to really... make any new written content recently, I decided to rework an old one-shot I wrote for the space pirate au with how my Henry, Hugo, met Bendy in it.
I honestly don’t remember if I ever posted it here, I know I posted it on discord for my friends to read, but I’m posting up a better version here. Plus, rewriting an old drabble might help me get back into the swing of things when it comes to writing! Especially since I’ve got a zine entry to work on. 
As always, Hugo is a half human/half alien (Asterian), and he’s fourteen in this. Bendy is a being from another universe or dimension, it’s unclear where Bendy’s from, but he’s a demon.
Asterians are a race of aliens that have the ability to travel through the vacuum of space with no need to breathe and have bioluminescent skin, but because Hugo is part human, he can’t last as long in space as he should.
On with the fic!
Hugo had lost count of how long he had been left on this stupid hunk of space rock, but he knew that he would probably be dead in due time. 
He considered that he’s probably got about an hour or two left, and knowing the Butcher Gang, they’ll either show up last minute to watch him suffer before putting him back on the ship, or they’ll just let him perish. They’re real jackasses like that.
At least he took his sketchbook with him after they threw him off the ship for their own enjoyment, but still, not much to draw when all around him was just inky darkness and a weak light source from a distant star. 
He sighed, soundless, his skin gently flashing a neon green, starting from his face down to his fingertips.
“Dat’s a real fancy trick ya can do, kid.”
Hugo’s eyes widened and he turned, shocked to have heard a voice, when he normally couldn’t hear anything in the vacuum of space. He was surprised to see something moving in the darkness of space around him. Something shifted, specks of lights moving around in front of him, before something formed. It looked like a wide, cartoon-ish smile, and from there a whiteness started to spread, forming an odd shape. Then two black, nearly full ovals, with little cuts in them, appeared in the white. It was a face!
“Hiya!” The face greeted in a childish voice, though clearly accented. The shape got closer and as it stepped onto the rock with Hugo, the half-human saw a shape form.
The darkness of space took on legs, oddly shaped, along with a long tail, them a small body that was sorta shaped like a bean. Arms with clawed hands followed, and the face seemed to have more of a head shape to it, though clearly shaped like a strange crescent form. The blackness of the body was covered in what looked like stars, twinkling and flashing, a variety of colors.
“What?” The strange creature asked. “Ya not gonna greet me?”
Hugo frowned, gesturing to his throat and then opened his mouth before shaking his head, his skin flashing involuntarily.
“Ah, right,” The creature nodded, frowning, “ya guys in dis universe can’t talk in da vacuum of space. Hold on.” 
He snapped his fingers, the snap actually made a sound, and a bubble surrounded the whole rock. Hugo let out a surprised laugh, before slapping a hand over his mouth, blinking. “W-what?”
“Just a li’l trick, super easy to do!” A grin formed on the other’s face. “It’s made outta natural gases dat drift around us, can’t just make it all, ya know, willy-nilly, but it’s super simple! So, what’s yours dat mine’s Bendy!”
Hugo had to take a moment to register what this guy, Bendy, has said. “It’s, uh, it’s Hugo.” He replied, coughing, trying to sound deeper than he naturally was. 
“Hugo, huh?” Bendy grinned brightly. “Nice to meet’cha! So, whatcha doin’ out here in an asteroid belt? Not really a social spot fer ya... what are you?”
“I dunno.” Hugo shrugged. “Human and somethin’ else, I reckon. What exactly are you?”
“Demon? You mean, like, those human monsters?”
Bendy snorted loudly at this. “Pah-lease! Nonononononono- weeeellll... yes? No? Maybe so! Hard to tell, I mean, demons an’ angels aren’t technically natural to dis dimension, but we exist! We’ve been to Earth! I’ve been there, a number of times, really nice, an’ kinda bad, but it’s got lots of fun stuff there! Ya ever been?”
Hugo shook his head. “No, never really been in that area of the galaxy. Been, uh, stuck in situations were I don’t get to pick where I go.”
The grin slipped on Bendy’s face, as if he was reading the situation and figured out what Hugo was referring to. “Ah, I getcha. Still, maybe you’ll get to see it! It’s pretty neat!” The grin returned and cosmic eyes glanced to the sketchbook resting next to Hugo. “Oh! Ya draw?”
There was a nod, and Bendy asked to see. Hugo let him and Bendy started to look at the sketches and drawings Hugo’s done over the past few months. He seemed rather excited and giddy about them, chatting and pointing out what he loved, or pointed out what was good but could use some improvement.
It was... kinda nice, Hugo thought as he sat there, listening to Bendy ramble on and on. He hadn’t really had anyone to talk to in ages, not since his escape from his previous life and being cabin boy on the Butcher Gang’s ship didn’t give him much respect from anyone onboard, so having a strange being this excited to talk to him was like a breath of fresh air.
“So, why are ya sittin’ on this floatin’ rock, Hugo?” Bendy asked after a while, when their conversation had turned into small talk and such.
“I got left behind for no good reason by the Butcher Gang, they’re the pirates I ‘work’ for.” Hugo stuck out his tongue, making a face. “They’re a bunch of lowlife bastards, is what they are! I bet I could be a better pirate than them any day!” 
“You wanna be a pirate?”
“Yeah!” Hugo got to his feet, grinning. “I wanted to be a ranger when I was a kid, but I think a pirate would be cooler! Better! I can make a name for myself, I can rule the skies in my own ship! One day, I’ll have my name known across the galaxy! People will fear the name Hugo, no more lookin’ down on me and thinkin’ I’m just some freak or useless mutt!”
Bendy stared at him for a moment, quietly, and Hugo suddenly felt self conscious, before Bendy’s grin grew even bigger than it had before, nearly face splitting. His eyes sparkled with stars, brightly, it was so strange. “That... SOUNDS AMAZIN’! Can I join!? Can I be part of yer crew, Hugo!?”
Hugo was a bit caught off-guard by this. “You... you wanna be part of my crew? Why?”
“Cause dat sounds like so much fun! Look, I’m a drifter, I explore wherever I drift to, but dat gets so borin’ after so long! An’ bein’ a space pirate sounds like a blast! I’ll help you escape, an’ you an’ I can go on a bajillion adventures together!”
Bendy shoved his hand out at Hugo, smiling. “I’ll make yer dreams come true, Hugo. If ya want mah help.”
“...” Hugo looked at the offered hand. “What do you get outta this? No offense, but from what I know about demons, they like to make deals.”
“None taken.” Bendy shrugged, casually. “I getcha, not easy to trust a demon, we do have a rep fer deals an’ da like, kinda ruins it fer the honest demons like me. But listen, all I want outta this is a fun life! An’ I think yer just da guy to make dat happen.” He winked and Hugo chuckled.
“Alright, you’ve got a deal, Bendy!” Hugo took the offered hand with manic glee.
“Wait, you just... took the deal? Just like that?” Harrison asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did you not consider that it could have been a trick?”
“Honestly?” Hugo shrugged. “I considered that, yeah, but Bendy sounded honest, and somethin’ about him screamed ‘he’ll be the most important friend you’ll ever have’. And I was right.”
Hugo chuckled, rubbing at his right palm, where black mark was in his skin, like a tattoo. It was Bendy’s mark, meant for protection and connection. Harrison had asked about it, had asked how Hugo had even met Bendy, and the pirate decided to tell him.
“Do you regret it?” Harrison asked as he looked at the mark.
“Nope, never have, never will. Bendy and I are friends till the end.”
“I see... wait, how the heck did you two become father and son then?”
“Oh, see, now that’s a really funny story! So, when I was fifteen...”
It had been a slip from Bendy, by the way, he has accidentally called Hugo ‘dad’ and then it sorta just stuck around. Hugo has embraced the role of dad with his whole being, especially since he can get away with dad jokes now.
But yeah, here’s how these two met in this au! 
Harrison is my friend inkspottie’s Henry, by the way. 
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shadowphoenixrider · 4 months
Summer Dreams
(This fic is set before Sins of the Past, because of course I write a fic that precedes it...after I post it. XD This is from Shadow's 1st person POV, and it's mostly fluff and some banter. Hope you enjoy!)
"Shadow, outside on a summer's day?" I rolled my eyes at the familiar Cajun drawl coming up beside me. "Never thought Gambit'd see de day."
I gave the dark-eyed mutant a Look, although I was unable to hold it against his wide, playful grin.
"I've been outside plenty of times, Cajun." I replied, folding my arms. "I'm just not as athletically gifted as you or the others - I prefer my outdoor time be savouring it, not being reminded of PE at school."
"That why ya prefer de Danger Room?" Gambit asked, shoving a hand into the pocket of his ripped jeans.
"Yeah. Less baggage, more fun." I half-chuckled. "Even when I get my ass kicked by everyone. I do feel like I'm getting better at it though, slowly but surely."
"Reckon so. Next guy dat tangles wit ya ain't gonna know what hit him!" Gambit chuckled.
My smile faltered, and I looked away. Ah, yes. I was only here for as long as my admin leave lasted, and the need to keep me hidden from the Friends of Humanity. Luckily the latter seemed no longer an issue, yet...
When I was younger, I had dreamed of being spirited away to a place like Xavier's school, a place where I belonged and could escape to. A place I could be me, could be more. Those dreams had lingered, despite growing up, buried under adult responsibilities.
Now they had been all but laid in my lap, all for the taking, yet I was no longer the bright-eyed energetic teenager like Jubilee. And it was clear I could never measure up to the other X-Men; their powers were stronger, their fighting prowess leagues ahead, and I had the body of a nerd whose crowning achievement was climbing a hill in the Scottish Highlands.
Xavier had assured me numerous times I was welcome to stay as long as I wanted, even beyond the agreement. Even Wolverine was fairly convinced that I was not threat to the team, mostly through me being a wet noodle in sparring matches, though the time had helped.
And yet...
A cool wind gusted by us, stirring the long grasses over the grounds like a beautiful green ocean, rippling like the surface of the lake. It would be cut short soon, as pleasant as it would be to see the wild flowers bloom within - a reputation had to be upheld.
"Beautiful day, eh, petite?" Gambit said softly. His gaze had followed mine, looking out over the rolling grasses, the breeze playing with the long curls of his red-brown hair. I found my eyes tracing the line of his stubbled jaw, chiselled like marble, lingering long enough that his eyes flicked back to me, catching me staring.
I blushed, quickly looking away.
"Y-Yeah, it is. It's why I came out. Wanted to enjoy it."
I saw something flash across Gambit's face from corner of my eye.
"Hope I ain't disturbin' you, then." Something in that statement made me frown slightly, an undercurrent of negativity.
"No, not all." I shook my head, looking back to him. "I don't mind company." I considered a moment, rewording myself. "I like your company."
His eyebrows lifted for a moment, an enigmatic smile tugging at his lips.
"Merci, petite," he said. "Glad ya feel that way."
I held his gaze for a long moment; his black and red eyes had always captivated me from the first moment we met, and they did so once again. It seemed that I'd also gotten under Gambit's skin, both literally and metaphorically, as he'd appeared to have taken it upon himself to be my unofficial guardian whilst staying the mansion. According to Jubilee, he'd done similar for her, so it wasn't exactly a surprise.
However, I couldn't shake the feeling that the Cajun with kinetic mastery had taken a particular shine to me. When I took time to myself, he often would check up on me just once to make sure I was alright, always asking about the latest errand I was running for Doctor McCoy, and even reading over my shoulder when he thought I hadn't noticed him.
Not to mention how willing he was to goad me into verbal sparring matches...
Suddenly, I heard a high-pitched twittering noise, rising and falling into a wheezy warble. Whipping my head to the side, I caught sight of a quick flash of blue across the grass, joined by another sweeping low with scythe shaped wings.
"Look! Swallows!" I gasped.
The swallows skimmed the grasses like fish through water, so impossibly fast that my eyes could barely keep up. Diving and twisting, their forked tail streamers flared whenever they changed direction in instants of a second, white bellies flashing in the sun. Bold or reckless, the swallows shot by us as streaks of blue, their bubbling song lifting up and around us.
"Ki-yar!" Gambit exclaimed as one wheeled inches from us, close enough to show the white spots under its tail. "Those birds can really move! Didn't know dey came out dis way."
"Neither did I!" I replied, giddy in my excitement as I watched them dance in the midday sun. "I was more expecting to see swifts!"
"Dere's a difference?" Gambit asked, cocking his head to the side curiously.
"Yes - same family, different species. Look, watch this one!" I pointed to a swallow gliding low, just before it banked sharply, its tail streamers spread wide. "See how long its tail is? Swifts' tails are much shorter and stubbier. That and swifts are all black, look like miniature crescents when they're in the air. Swallows like these are blue and white, with a little red face."
The look on his face was one of intrigued wonder, almost like he was seeing me for the first time again.
"They both hunt similarly, though I've more often seen swallows hunt like this - snatching insects hovering above the long grass." I continued. "Swifts tend to fly high, so high you can barely see them circling above. But you definitely hear them - it's a sound you've probably heard before, though didn't know what it was. It's a high-pitched scream, very eerie." I chuckled. "There's tales that they used to be known as the Devil's Screamers because of it."
"That so?" Gambit raised an eyebrow. A smile pulled across his lips. "Sounds like dese birds mean a lot to you."
"Birds in general do." I lifted a shoulder. "I just...I just like them. Always a little annoyed my mutant powers never let me fly or become one, honestly."
Gambit chuckled richly.
"Ain't that the truth. Bein' able to fly would make things quite a bit easier. Don't mind being picked up by de ladies on missions, but it'd be nice not to have to rely on them, you know?"
I nodded.
"Yeah. You don't want to be seen as a burden all the time. Especially when you can't see how you could be an asset to them."
Gambit glanced at me, expression unreadable.
"The Professor says there always be somethin' you can give back. Even if ya don't see it yet," he said.
"Hah." I let my gaze drift back to the swallows. "I don't know what I can give aside from my powers, and they don't even work on two of you."
"Gambit can think of many things a beautiful woman like yourself can bring to de team, mon amie." Gambit said, one thick eyebrow arched. "Far beyond ya company an' excellent conversation."
"If you make a comment about my ass, I'm punching you." I shot back, annoyance prickling along my skin. Really?!
"Non, Gambit not gonna play with you like that," he said, his tone becoming contrite. "If ya did want to stay with us, you would be givin' back. Even if ya powers can't heal Rogue an' only sorta work on Wolverine, he don't need it. An' dat still leaves everyone else dat would appreciate ya healing touch after a bad day at de office."
"As for not bein' as fit as de rest of us - it come wit time, petite. Gambit had a bit of a headstart, but he had to get in shape too. Jubilee'll do de same when she gets old enough. An' maybe ya don't ever get to de same level as us." He shrugged. "Den dat's fine. Beast be more den happy to have someone wit him in de lab, or lookin' up things when we be out in de field. 'Nother fighter be useful, but that don't mean ya useless. Far from it."
A pair of swallows twisted and tumbled together, twittering excitedly. They seemed so free, unchained from worries and guilt and doubt. One arched away from its mate, barrelling towards us as it sang its reedy, warbling song, so close it stirred the hair covering my ear.
For a second, I wasn't on the grounds of the X-Mansion; I was back at school, young, feeling completely alone. Yet the swallows hurtled across the playing fields like blue bullets, whipping past my ears and filling the air with song. They lifted my heart, dancing around me without a care in the world, as free as the wind they soared through. How I longed to follow them, to escape the fear and the hurt and the-
"Shadow?" Gambit's voice snapped me from my memories. He was frowning slightly. "Doin' ok?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just...thinking."
"Anythin' you wanna share with Gambit?" He asked kindly.
"I..." I shut my mouth. Thought for a second. "I always liked birds, but swallows have always had a close place in my heart." I explained, Gambit watching me intently. "I remember always being so excited to see them arrive when I was little, seeing their little chicks all squashed into the nest. They're beautiful birds, both in how they look and how they fly. And they...they've always been a good sign, for me."
"How so?"
"I...When I went through a rough patch, growing up, I didn't see them as often. When I did, it would be an event to me. A good day, something I could cling to when everything was shit." I smiled. "They became my good luck charm."
The Cajun slowly turned his head to the swallows.
"Den it certainly be a good day for you," he said gently.
"Yes. Definitely." I nodded. That was it. My mind was made up.
Swallows made their own destinies, flying hundreds upon thousands of miles over fathomless oceans and burning deserts to where they'd been born to raise their own chicks. It was time I made my own.
"Hey Gambit?" I asked, stepping closer to him.
"Hmm?" He hummed pleasantly, turning his head to me.
"Think the Danger Room's free right now?"
He raised an eyebrow at me, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"Bored of de outside already, petite?" He teased.
"Well, I wanted to do some practice with you, but now I think I want to kick your ass!" I grinned, folding my arms and straightening my back to my full height.
"Dem's fightin' words, mon amie! Gambit don't know if ya can deliver, though." He grinned back, tucking a finger under his chin. "Maybe if Gambit tie his hand behind his back?"
I shoved him playfully, making him laugh.
"You are such a twat!" I turned away from him, folding my arms again. "Maybe I'll ask Storm instead, if you're gonna be mean to me!"
"Ah come now petite, Gambit only razzin' ya!" His grin gentled into a smile, and I let him slide his arm around my shoulders. "Gambit always happy to practice wit ya. Got any other ideas if it be taken, though?"
"Not really, hadn't thought that far ahead." I admitted, looking up at him. "You got anything that doesn't involve a card game?"
"Pshht, not everythin' 'bout Gambit involves cards, petite."
"Only most things." I smirked, raising an eyebrow.
It was his turn to give me a side-eyed Look.
"Ok, now you be de mean one, mon amie."
"Hey look, you were the one who started this!" I replied, spreading my hands.
"Maybe Gambit should jus' go away den if ya gonna hurt his feelin's!" He declared dramatically, pulling an upset expression two degrees away from needing a fainting couch.
"Nooo, don't go." I giggled, grabbing his wrist as he tried to unwind his arm from me. "Where else am I going to find a handsome Cajun to keep me company?"
The switch in his demeanour was immediate and amusing, Gambit leering at me with an eyebrow quirked and a suggestive grin.
"Oh, you think Gambit's handsome, do you?" His voice sunk into a lower register that made my lower back shiver.
"You're not bad on the eyes, no." I said, trying to ignore the heat rising into my face. "Anyway, I was asking you about what other ideas you might have if the Danger Room's busy."
Gambit seemed to debate with himself for a second or two, before he blinked, softening his expression.
"It do be a bit of a shame to head to de Danger Room an' waste this beautiful day, petite," he said. "How about we take a walk down to de lake? Might not be as intense as de simulations, but ya might enjoy stretchin' ya legs a little more dis way."
I frowned thoughtfully.
"Gambit be happy to let ya walk alone though, if ya prefer." He added, slightly hurriedly. "Dere be a path ya can follow dat takes ya back to de mansion-"
"I enjoy your company, Gambit." I reminded him, smiling. "And you're right. We should enjoy this day whilst we've got it." I nodded towards the forest. "Shall we?"
For a moment, Gambit's smile was wide and genuine, almost...giddy? And then he stepped up next to me, and we began our stroll, the swallow-song following in our wake.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
NSFW Headcanons: Buzen Gou, Matsui Gou, Samidare Gou
A continuation of these headcanons I made, but nsfw, fufufufu (^ω~) 
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Buzen Gou
Remember when i said that Buzen’s legs are nice? OH     dude this man is BUILT. He has slightly above average build (not like     Tonborkiri for example) but it’s obvious he has muscle on him. And he     adores showing it off to you and you alone!!! Can and will take off his     shirt in the middle of a run/walk with you just to make you flush and     stare.
His legs are so fucking nice man, thick from running     all of the time and muscly but not too much. But you know what you could     do with those thicc thighs? Mark them up with hickies. Will show them off     on his runs if it’s hot outside. Sure Buzen will flush for a moment before     smiling, “Yeah, I think they’re nice.” He would say, proud of them.
He also has a nice ass, change my MIND. Gets super embarrassed     if you slap his ass, or he is straddling your lap and you use his ass to     pull his closer hehehehehe.
Buzen is kinda loud in bed, not UBER loud but enough to     hear it within the confines of the room and have it bounce off of the     walls. He does love it when you are loud though!
Oh dude Buzen is not above teasing in public, most     often happening on your runs together. Will suddenly claim it’s hot and     then take off his shirt with a wink, “Like what you see, love?” and sure     he’ll put it back on in the citadel but he kNOWS. Also going back to his     nice ass, can and will wear pants to show it off. He is confident about     his form for sure.
He can’t handle it if you tease him back though, he     tries, he swear he’s tougher than this. But the minute you try to tease     him back, he has to retrain himself and remind himself he’s in public     before trying to fuck you into some kinda surface.
Buzen by default is a switch who is comfortable with     either role. Bottom? Top? As long as he and you are connected by this sexual     intimacy, he is happy! His favorite places to kiss are your lips and your     thighs though, marking yours up just like how you do his! A taste of your     own medicine!!! Can and will be found between your legs all day if he     must.
There are times when he chuckles or laughs during sex,     going back to the ticklishness of him. He can’t help it! Sometimes it’s     during a serious heated moment but sometimes he let out a small giggle,     amazed at the fact you two are doing this – the more likely you two are to     be found out that you two are doing the do, the more giggles will come.
BuBu’s sex drive is rather spontaneous and in a way, it’s     obvious to tell whenever he wants to do the do. His eyes will wander over     your form yes but it’s his touches that give him away. A sideways hug is     found with his fingers ghosting over your form, kisses turn more     passionate, and if he’s feeling bold enough he’ll press a kiss to the side     of your neck in public.
Body worship is oh so prevalent here, even more so if     you can worship the body that BuBu has. Run your tongue into the hip of     his hips, kiss his scars, trace his veins, massage his muscles, oh man he’ll     melt under your touch. Buzen is the same to you, equal body worship here!
Buzen’s weak points are his inner thighs, yes, but also     the nip of his neck behind his ear. He loves it when you whisper naughty     things into his ears and you may hear the slightest of growls back, “Do     not test me love, I wonder how long you can handle it until we get back to     our room, hm?”
Buzen adores it when he can hold your hips when you are     riding him, the view is almost enough to make him cum.
He won’t lie that he hasn’t thought about shower sex,     but will only try it with you if you want. Besides, he loves lil intimate     showers with you, sexual or not!
Massages always turn out to be sexy fun times anyway,     knowing him. One minute he’s rubbing your shoulders and the next they’re     gliding down and WHOOPS THERE GOES THE CLOTHES.
Aftercare means there’s always a bottle of water     present and clean up is mandatory. After that he becomes the big spoon of     your dreams, murmuring praises into your ears and rocking you to sleep.
  Matsui Gou
It takes a long time before Matsui is ready for sexual intimacy. He already has trouble within the confines of your relationship, thinking of whether or not he’s good enough for you. The first time you have sex together is slow and awkward and clumsy. Yes you two have talked about this many times but Matsui is a very slow and cautious person. His fingers against your skin are oh so gentle, kisses pressed up and down your form. No matter who is on top or who is on the bottom, Matsui wants to ensure that you are feeling good.
There are times when he will stop and question it, “Are you feeling good?” “Does this hurt? Please let me know.” And he shows nothing but concern for you! God forbid him from hurting you.
Matsui has a pretty low sex drive, feeling much more comfy with romantic intimacy than sexual intimacy more than anything. That isn’t to say he isn’t willing to have sex with you! He does, it just takes him a while to get enough confidence.
And then there’s the body worship. Oh Matsui will want nothing more than to show you how much he loves you. His hand will always be in yours, and if it isn’t damn right he’s going to search for it. Hand kisses are mandatory between you during sex, and maybe sucking each other’s fingers. Oh Matsui will almost die from a nosebleed.
·Matsui does frequent this one sex shop to find suitable lingerie for the two of you. Sometimes it may be matching or sometimes it’s a bit of a surprise. He tends to bring extra tissues with him though in case his nose begins to bleed. He prefers picking out things that have nice material that is comfortable, and suits your body/skin tone. If he does wear something scandalous under his clothing it’s something to compliment himself or you! Gods help him if he catches even a glimpse of something naughty under your clothing; he’s found dead on the floor.
When Matsui wants to be sexually intimate, he’ll come up to you with a shy smile and a flushed face, and tell you straight up that he wants to be intimate with you. Of course it’s in private when it tells it to you.
Matsui doesn’t mind marking you but always seems to treat you like glass. His kisses are gentle and will hesitant to do anything to make you bleed. Gods forbid that! If he worries about himself biting you, he will ask for you to lead and thus will practically gag himself. He adores it when you mark him though, and sure he may try to hide it under his clothing but everyone knows with his red face and how he’s constantly adjusting his clothing in a mirror.
Oh sweet Matsui has such a big ol praise kink. He is doing nothing but murmuring the sweetest of words against your skin. “You look so beautiful right now, I wish you could see the way I see you.” “It is alright, my love, I have you. Come here, let me touch you a little more, yes?” “P-Please…will you mark me more? Let the others know that I am yours?”
Ain’t nothing more sexy than consent as he asks for permission to remove items or touch certain parts of your body. If you do the same to him, he’ll be happy.
What gets him riled up the most is pulling him by his collar to kiss him, depending on who is sitting on who’s lap at the time. His hands on your hips, rubbing soothing circles into them.
Matsui is rarely ever rough. The only time he is rough is when your hips snap together during sex, his hands gripping your hips and careful to never break skin.
Despite how soft Matsui is, there are times that if you push his buttons enough, Matsui turns out to be rather intense. This normally involves casually showing off hints of lingerie under your clothing, have your hands glide over his body when no one is looking, whispering sweet nothings into his ears and sometimes full on trapping him against a surface, straddling his hips. A switch will almost be flipped within his mind and soon he flips you two over with a smirk dancing on his lips. “Are you sure you want to play this game with me?”
Matsui is a bottom leaning switch, but again it doesn’t matter much to him who is on top and who is on the bottom. He’s just happy being connected with you like this. That being said, don’t be surprised if he suddenly wants to switch things around outta nowhere. He is also rather quiet in bed.
Toys are a maybe? It’ll be further on down the line of your relationship.
After care consists of Matsui rubbing your sore body, with whispers of, “Are you alright? I didn’t harm you right?” “Did I hurt you? I apologize.” Half of it are apologies and other times it’s just him telling you how good you did, or if he did good. He just wants to be praised, okay????
Samidare Gou
Marking. Oh this man is very much into marking his territory. Of course he’ll be giving you hickies everywhere he can! No stopping him here! Why would he stop when he wants to show the world that you belong to him???? Can and will show off his own marks if he must. He will be proud of them after all!
Samidare is probably one of the more feral of his brothers, next to Murakumo. There will be growls and groans when he is having sex, loud and proud, and you have to keep him quiet, gags or mouth or fingers. Take your pick.
Samidare is a service top. He won’t mind who is what role and he’s pretty fluid and ready to adjust to whatever role you will assign to him, but Samidare on top is something else. His fingers will leave marks on your skin, and will not hesitate to make you scream his name.
It’s rather easy to see if Samidare is in the mood. He becomes more protective and possessive of you around the other TouDan, growling at anyone and hugging you from behind. His hands ghosting over your form, and his favorite neck and shoulder kisses linger for far more longer than they normally do. In fact, they might start trailing upward to your ear to whisper something into them, or downwards to make a map of stars upon the expanse of your back. 
It’s not that Samidare has a high sex drive or anything, it ebbs and flows with the wind. There are times when he’s happy just to kiss you and then there are times when he wants to fuck you into the nearest surface and make you beg. 
Speaking of begging, he is very much into that. Flip the roles, make him beg for your touch. It’s delicious I swear. 
Oh Samidare lives for praise. Praising him makes his cock twitch in longing and him to lean into your touches, soft whimpers whenever you tell him how much of a good boy he is. Because he is in fact, a good boi.
Samidare has a pretty good nose, and knows your scent very well. So uh, don’t be surprised if he steals an article of clothing from you and you find him jerking it off to your scent. 
Also loves it when he goes down on you and you pull on his hair. There is this guttural growl that leaves his throat and his eyes will glance upwards almost begging you to do it again.
Don’t tease Samidare in public unless you want to play with fire. How dare you press up against him like this, playing at his own game. Be careful dear, you might find yourself on top of your desk, clothes ripped to shreds and Samidare overstimulating you to no end.
Yes he’s also into overstim and orgasm denial, will abuse these as he sees fit.
Breeding kink? Maybe? 
Oh dude this man has a bit of a thing for your hands. Pet him, force him to suck on your fingers and call him a good boy. He’ll love it.
Does he have a fave position? Doggy style? Maybe. MIssionary? Maybe. You riding on top of him? Y  ES
Aftercare is nothing but cuddles, he wants to hold you close man. Sure you two will clean up but Samidare is ready to knock tf oUT.
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hoodassnerd · 4 years
Genre: Erik x oc
Words: a lot (I’m so sorry)
Summary: Joanna is a thug at heart but maybe not all the way through
Erik shut off the alarm and look at the girl in his bed.
‘Seven? Sheela? Something with a s? I don’t fuckin know, she gotta get the fuck up tho’
Erik poked her in the back “Aye shawty, you gotta get up. “ she grunted and readjusted to get comfortable. Erik sighs, “AYO!” He shouted. She jumped up from her spot “What! It’s mad early!” “Exactly, that why you need to getcho ass up. I gotta work and I don’t know you like that so you gotta step” he said getting out of the bed.
She looked at him disappointed “Damn you really just gon kick me out like that?” She asked him. “Yea. Bye Keisha.” Erik walked into the bathroom closing the door. “MY NAME IS TIFFANY!” “Whatever the fuck it is, you gotta go” he said. Erik turned on the water ignoring whatever she was yelling at him and got in the shower so he could start his day.
Around 2:37 pm Joanna Brown woke up from her damn good dream about cheesecake and Captain America. “Shit!” She said as she finished her stretched. A good stretch. The one that makes you shake. “I should have called off today. I hate having to use my customer service voice to all them ugly ass men.” She said to herself. Jo worked at footlocker at the front register. She only kept the job because she was a sneaker head. Jo was very self conscious about her body but the men at her job didn’t give a damn about her feelings because her was shaped like the number 8. Even thought she had many customer complaints, they weren’t gonna fire her. She was the reason for half of their customers.
Jo turned on her music phone and connected it to her tv. “Rob the jewelry sto’ tell ‘em make me a grill”. Joanna milly rocked her way into the bathroom and started her showers he tied up her silver bundles and got in the water.
About 30 seconds later her primary phone rang. She looked at the screen and saw Erik’s name and the ugliest scared face you’ve ever seen. Tapping the screen she picked up the phone and started singing the song. “Got 30 down at the bottom 30 mo’ at the top, all invisible set with little ice cube blocks. If I could call it a dri-“ “I didn’t call you to hear yo fine ass sing nelly in my face” Erik said into the phone. Jo looked offended “So why dafuq did you call me?” “I called you to see if y’all got the new 11’s that just came out.” Jo looked into the phone “nigga I just got in the shower! I don’t even know if the sun is still yellow yet! And stop calling me pretty, you know I don’t like you”
Ever since they were in high school, Erik was sweet on Jo. She transferred from New York during their sophomore year. They eventually became friends after she fist fought the quarterback because he wouldn’t leave her alone. Even though they didn’t have any classes together he would always make sure that he saw her when she was at school. Erik liked Jo and was determined to get her to like him back. He would always compliment her and try to make her feel good about her self but Jo didn’t see it like that. Jo was a hood nigga, so she didn’t really want attention from men. Unless she needed some dick.
“Let me finish washing my ass first. I’ll hit you when I’m at work to let you know if we got em’” Erik smiled showing his caps “Thank you lil’ mama. Let me see ya titties” Jo hung up the phone “Bitch I am not showing you my titties” she said as she put the it back down. Willow Smiths - Wait a minute started to play on her tv “Oh this my shit!” She shouted as she turned up the volume.
‘Wait a minute! I think I left my conscience on your front door step! Woo-oo Woo-oo, Wait a minute I think I let my consciousness in the sixth dimension. But I’m here right now, right now”
Jo got in her navy blue 67’ impala that was given to her by her uncle. She started the car and the radio came on ‘FUCK A FLASH THIS AINT SNAPCHAT! CUZ IVE BEEN GETTIN’ PAID, YELLOW DIAMOND-‘. Jo jumped so high she hit her head on the roof of the car “Ow fuck! Shit” she said turning down the volume and rubbing her head. “Let me turn this shit down. I’m not the Same nigga from last night”
Pulling into the parking lot at the mall she looked at the time on her phone 4:02 ‘shiiiiiiiieeeeeeedddddd I still got 30 minutes’ she thought.
‘ when I get up all in ya’ and we can hear the angels callin us, and we can see the sunrise before us and when I’m in that thang, I make that body sang I make her say🚨🚨🚨’
“nigga this my shit!!” She said turning the up volume. The song turned down and switched to big gangster by Kevin gates. “Scuse me bitch... oh. What you want nigga!” She said to Erik as she got out the car. “Why yo thick ass just getting out the car?” He said staring directly at her . Jo stopped and looked around ‘Did this nigga wait here for me?’ “what kinda stalker shit is you on bruh?” She hung up the phone when she saw him. “Chill lil mama. I’m just trying to make sure my future wife got to work safe.” “Where she at?” Jo said confused. Erik sucked his teeth “Girl stop playin, you know it’s you. Wicho sexy ass, ooooh girl I’d love to see all that ass in a sundress.” He said licking his lips.
“Boy if you don’t get yo ass on somewhere. I wouldn’t dare marry yo ass. All the bitches you be fucking I don’t know where to dick been, nigga” she said grabbing her work bag out her backseat. “Why you ain’t take yo ass in the store? Everybody in there fuck wichu, they would have gave you a discount if you would have asked. Renee prolly would’ve gave you them shits for free, she in love wicho bum ass.” She said reaching for the door. Erik slapped her hand away from the handle. “Why you always do that like I can’t open the door” she said walking pass him. “When a man is present a women shouldn’t touch doorknobs or handles.” He said staring at her ass. “Mmmmhmmmm. Whatever nigga”
“Hi, welcome to footlocker! If you need anything just let me know!” Jo said in her customer service voice. “Fake ass” Erik said walking passed the counter. “Shut up and getcho shoes nigga!” She said back.
As Jo was reluctantly helping Erik, like the good employee she was, the door buzzer went off “Hi welcome to foo- Fuck. Welcome to footlocker if you need help please don’t ask me. “ Erik turned around and saw three men walk in the store and smirk at Jo. One was tall, about 6’4, light skin with a fucked up gumby haircut. The second one was shorter, kinda looked like Boosie with dreads. The third one looked like Dave east.....but dirty.
“Who dat?” He asked watching them walk around the store “Remember I told you about that nigga that keep coming in here bothering me but I can’t do shit cuz he buy ten pair of shoes?” He nodded “That’s his ugly ass. The dinghy one. He get on my fucking nerves. This nigga smoke boggies and think it’s ok to talk directly in my face like boy get the fuck on” she said scanning eriks shoes while he was laughing his ass off “This shit not funny bruh like, I told him I had a boyfriend but he won’t leave me the fuck alone”. Erik looked at her inquisitively “Did you describe ya so called boyfriend” he said putting quotes around boyfriend. She shook her head no. “Bet” he said. “Aye bro where you going?”
Erik walked over to the shoe display and picked up the cement grey 4’s “lil mama, y’all got these in a 12!” He asked. Jo looked up from the register to see Erik across the store “
What’s those?” “Come here and see” she rolled her eyes and put his other shoes under the counter and jogged over. “Oh the cements, let me check in the back” noticing the ‘Dave east’ looking at Jo, Erik slid his hand on her hip as she talked. She looked at him sideways like he was crazy. He lifted his brows as to say ‘play along’ Jo gave him a stink face but nodded slightly “Gimme a kiss ma” “no I’m at work” “you so mean to me” he said pouting.
Jo rolled her eyes and walked to the back room. “Aye bro. Why you pushing up on ole girl like that?” Erik turned around to see ‘Dave east’ looking like he wanted to fight. “And who the fuck is you to be asking about my girl?” He said as he squared his shoulders. ‘Dave east’ backed up a little “oh shit bro my bad I didn’t know that shorty was yours.” Erik clenched his jaw a little “ stop staring at my girl. And If she tell me you keep harassing her imma beat the shit outchu” Erik said slightly walking toward him. ‘Dave east’ turned around and walked away. “All we got is 11 and 13. “ Erik looked at jo “that’s fine mamas, I got some already. Thank you tho” jo looked at him “ so you telling me that you made me walk all the way ova he fah some shoes you already got? You deadass? Your total is $557.82” Erik smirked at her “I can’t get a thank you?” “Fah what?” Erik smiled real big “you see ya mans?” Jo looked around “what you say to him?” She said as her eyes lit up “I told him to stop talking to you and he left” jo raised an eyebrow “I know you lying but thank you” she held her hand out, Erik looked her up and down “ what?” He asked “give me yo money, hoe” jo said with an attitude. Erik sucked his teeth and gave her his card. “Declined” “WHAT!” “I’m just fucking witchu. Enjoy your day, sir!” “You play to fucking much” Erik mumbled as he walked out the store.
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petitprincess1 · 3 years
My Roommate’s a Demonic Deer Ch8 (Still 4 Months Later)
AO3 Link Summary:  Alastor and Anthony both feel a bit of paranoia for this day out, but a small heart-to-heart (in their own way) puts them at ease. Words: 1,124 I AM SO SORRY. I know I explained the situation, which I will keep up for future readers, but I still feel really bad for making you guys wait. It's not a long chapter, but I feel like it's better than doing nothing at all. I really hope you guys enjoy! Warning: Mild paranoia and panic attacks. ~~~ Alastor felt himself slightly become paranoid at the thought of Anthony being near another person, especially one that he didn't know. ...Granted, he doesn't really know anyone that Anthony knew, but still! It made him feel...like he needed to guard him, keep an eye on him at all times.
…..Cherri could easily be working for  Valentino or even is trying to earn some money! Alastor's not being paranoid, it makes perfect sense! Anthony often could be closed off about those that hurt him, so it only makes sense that he just assumes Cherri is a friend. Yes...yes…
Al then shook himself off and sighed, saying to himself, "Alright...now, all I need is some form of a disguise. I refuse to wear the awful clothing they have nowadays, however." ~~~ Anthony rocked on his heels as he waited for Alastor or Cherri to appear, wearing his crop top still, but switched the sweatpants for some shorts. He wasn't expecting the deer man to even say yes to the idea, if anything he thought the demon would have him grovel. The bastard seemed like the kind of jerk to do that. Then again, he had been a bit nicer to him ever since the story. Maybe...things were turning around?
The boy thought for a second before snorting, "Fuck no! That asshole jus' wanted me ta shut up or-"
He then flinched at feeling his phone buzz and his heart dropped. A slight choked feeling came about him as he took out his phone from his pocket, shaking while doing so. The Italian's eyes were closed as he unlocked his phone and opened an eye slightly. A huge relief waved over him at seeing Cherri text him, "Out front of this dump, waiting for ya, Angie!"
The freckled, spunky girl also had a picture of herself with her tongue sticking out and holding up a middle finger. Anthony felt so dumb for getting so worried. He knew Val rarely texted, but….the silence was unnerving. Who knows what that fucking sociopath was gonna do to him when he came back. Hell, who's to say that he won't even be there or anywhere!? ...Maybe going out was a bad idea. Yeah, he can always just back out. A quick text is all he needed to. A text and he'll be perfectly sa-
"Are we ready to go, my dear fellow?" Alastor’s chipper voice broke Anthony out of his panicked state. He took a deep breath and turned around, looking up instinctively, "Yeah, yeah. Cherri's out…."
He trailed off when he didn't see the normally tall deer demon and instead saw a dark-skinned man. Anthony figured it was still Al, since he was sharply dressed in a button-down shirt and slacks and had a large grin on his face, but it was still shocking. He….He was shorter than him!
The lad waved his hand over the top of his head and Al's black, coiffed hair multiple times. Granted, it was only like an inch or two of difference, but it was an immense change from the seven foot demon. Anthony did this a few more times, only because he could see the annoyed twitch in Alastor's grin. The disguised demon asked, fixing his glasses and taking a deep breath, "Are you quite done?"
Anthony blinked at him and did it one more time, snorting at the light red glow in his eyes. He grinned, "Hey, don't get mad at me! I'm jus' shocked ya actually got yerself a human disguise and one dat's actually fashionable, ya know?" Alastor blinked at him and whispered, "I can still cut open your stomach and rip out your entrails like a magician pulling scarves, you know?"
The lad just waved him off as he went walking out the door, "Enough cute flirtin', Al. Cherri's waitin' fer us! I think yer gonna like her, 'specially since ya adore me~"
He winked at Al before leaving out into the hall with a chuckle. Anthony ended up missing Alastor becoming so comically flustered that his ears and tail appeared on his body. The disguised demon mumbled a curse at his magic betraying him and wondering why it was even acting such an odd way. ~~~ When the two were in the main lobby, Alastor grabbed Anthony's forearm, stopping him before he could make any sexual joke, "Are you alright? I felt you become...uneasy before I asked if you were ready."
Anthony’s grin immediately dropped as he looked away and muttered, "I'm alright, Al. Geez, I'm startin' ta think ya got some- hey!"
He shouted at feeling Alastor’s grip tighten and the man narrow his eyes at him, the smile on his face becoming more strained. The boy's eyes narrowed, as well, and he huffed, practically yelling, "I'm fine! Jus' was worried about Val, dat's all! It's really no big deal, Alastor! Don't gotta worry 'bout me when I'm jus' bein' fuckin' stupid and actin' like a pussy!"
Alastor's previous worries about Cherri working for Valentino slightly diminished, since he also felt sudden relief from Anthony. However, he still had a weird nagging in the back of his mind. Either way, the disguised demon released Anthony’s arm and told him gently, "I know I don't...but that's why I do. You don't have to worry. I'm here."
Anthony seemed shocked at the response and even somewhat flattered. He cleared his throat and mumbled, looking at the floor, "Uh, well...thanks, I guess." Al nodded, "Of course. After all, why would I want to feel like a mess all day because you can't keep your silly, petty emotions in check."
"Yeah, well, fuck ya too, Smiles!"
The two stared at one another before chuckling, clearly showing this was all just fun games. Suddenly, a freckled girl with wild hair appeared at the entrance, poking her head in and shouting, "Yo, gaybirds! Get out here before I leave ya two!"
Anthony shouted back, "Yeah, we're on our way, tittums~!"
The girl practically cackled as she left out and Anthony went running towards the front door. Wanting to hurry but not feel too uncouth, Alastor just quickly walked towards the entrance. The landlady shouted out to Anthony, "Don't be bringing any mud into this damn place, Anthony! You'll be cleanin' it up!"
The boy shouted as he left out, "Suck my left tit, Karen!"
Before Alastor could leave as well, the landlady advised, "Oh, young man, please do be careful how you act outside. It may be normal for the boy, but some might be frightened by your...talents and protective nature."
Al stared at the woman for a few seconds before nodding, "Of course, milady! I wouldn't dream of ruining le cafard's day out."
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strawnarrries · 4 years
Can you write a blurb/smut about Niall bringing you home in Ireland to meet his parents and family and everything about his life there and you guys end up having sex in his childhood room, and him saying something like “I never had a girl here” or something. Pleaseeeee. I love you
aw i love you too and thanks for requesting girly! i kinda took a different road with the ending on this one but i think its cute and hope you enjoy! //
you sighed softly as you laid in bed, the stress and anxiety from the day melting off your shoulders. you and niall had traveled down to ireland for you to meet his family for the first time. you were a nervous wreck the entire way down, but was also very excited to meet the family and see where he grew up. meeting his family definitely wasnt as bad as you thought it would be. they were super welcoming and made you feel very homely and comfortable. and seeing his home country was incredible. you had never been to ireland and you never imagined it being so spacious and peaceful. it was absolutely gorgeous.  
but the day had finally come to an end and everyone was in bed, ready to get their beauty rest. but niall had other plans. 
you were laying in bed, scrolling through your phone while niall was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. he eventually came into the room, smirking deeply at you and from that moment you knew you were in for an eventful night. he closed the door with his foot and pounced on the bed like a lion catching its prey, hovering over you. he peppered your face with kisses and you giggled uncontrollably, squirming under him. he pressed one last deep kiss to your lips and lifted his head to look at you, his eyes covered in a layer of lust. 
“hi” you grinned innocently at him, setting your phone on his bedside table. 
“hi petal” 
petal. the nickname he only called you in the bedroom. 
he leaned down and kissed you passionately. each kiss getting deeper and more heated. his tongue swiped in and out of your mouth as he licked into you, humming softly against your lips. his hands began to roam and they soon snuck under your shirt, cupping your bare breasts and squeezing. you knew you had to stop it there. you didnt want to. you wanted him to keep going. you wanted him to touch you and lick you and fuck you. but there was no way in hell you were gonna do that with his parents that you just met two rooms over.
you unattached your lips from his, reaching up and grabbing his wrist, pulling it out from under your shirt, “i dunno if dats a good idea, ni. what if your parents catch us? i met them for the first time today, thatd be an awful first impression.”
“but you’ve already had your first impression with em” 
“youre kidding?” 
“no babe, we can be quiet”
“you cant!” 
“yes i can! i just choose not to”
you sighed, “niall i really dont think we should do this” 
“petal, cmon,” he leaned down, pressing his lips to your neck, licking and sucking at all the areas he knew were your sweet spots
your arms wrapped around his back, feeling his warm, freckly skin under your palms as your head mindlessly fell to the side, giving him more access to kiss at your neck. you felt your breath hitch in your throat and your panties dampen at his assault to your sweet spots.
“niall,” you breathed out, wanting so badly to push him away but you couldn’t get yourself to do it. his lips worked magic on your spots, pulling you more and more into the palm of his hand. 
“i know ya wanna. bet yer soaked right now” his voiced dropped an octave and his hands began to roam again, slipping into your nike shorts and past your cotton panties. his fingers moved up and down your slit, feeling just how drenched he got you, “fuckin’ knew it.” 
he placed two fingers on your now throbbing clit, rubbing it how he knows you love it. you let out a breathy whine, your back arching slightly and from that moment he knew you were putty in his hands, “cmon y/n. lemme make ya feel good”
“please” your voice cracked and you could feel niall smirk against your skin.
“that’s me girl” he grinned, pressing his lips to yours.
he kissed you deeply, licking into your mouth. his fingers worked magic on your clit before he began to undress you completely, tossing your clothes onto the floor next to the bed. he slipped his briefs off, slipped on a condom and pulled you on his lap so you were straddling him.
“i need ya so bad,” he whispered, placing his hands firmly on your hips while you lined yourself up with his entrance. 
he easily slipped in and you lowered yourself onto him, feeling tension immediately release. he was so thick and felt so good. you began to grind your hips against his, allowing his tip to hit all your good spots, sending your mind into a frenzy. you wanted to moan so bad but you swallowed them back, digging your nails into his mattress. 
“look so pretty grindin’ on me cock like dat,” he hummed, “ya feel me in yer stomach?” 
“mhm, you feel so good. n-never wanna stop” you whispered into his ear, feeling the pit of your stomach tighten as you got closer to your orgasm. 
“fuck,” he breathed out deeply, “i’ve always dreamed of fuckin’ me girl in dis room” 
“yeah? never done that before?” you smirked, sitting up and pressing your hands against the sheets next to his head to support your body up
“nope, never had a girl in here” he shook his head, eyeing your naked body as it hovered over him, “fuck you’re hot” 
“glad i could be your first” you whispered into his ear, nipping at it a bit
“christ, i love ya” he breathed out
“what?” you asked, leaning up and staring at him 
“y/n, dont stop” he whined, trying to move your hips against him again
“no you just told me you loved me” 
he started giggling, “ah fuck yeah i didnt wanna say it like this. i planned on sayin it in a more cute way i guess ya could say but yeah i do love ya. so fuckin’ much.” 
a huge smile erupted on your lips, “really?” 
“oh yeah,” he nodded, “‘s why i brought ya here. wanted t’ show ya me hometown and meet the fam and tell you i loved ya but like i said i didnt wanna say it like how i did, kinda just slipped out” 
“i love you too, niall” 
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solaeter · 3 years
Hello there, congrats on 100! 💞
I'll use the 🐧 emoji 💞 Gimme dat penguin :D
I'm genderfluid, a lesbian, INFJ (Very accurate) and Gemini.
I'm 5'2, blue eyes, fair skin, brown short hair (I get headaches if it's too long ;-;) and a curvy body type. My clothing style is a bit wacky, I sorta wear anything and don't match. If I had a NASA sweater I'd wear it all the time.
My dream job was to be an astronaut or something that deals with space entirely, but that got messed up in highschool. Hence why it’s a dream now :(. Now it’s to be an artist or writer because it’s one of the ways I know how to express myself.
I'm not comfortable with my own feelings so I have trouble expressing them, believing that if I do only bad things will open. I often stay trapped in my own thoughts. I'm very loyal, can be awkward in most situations(very uncomfortable in social situations), selfless and love to help people no matter what. Once I've opened up to anyone, I don't shut up and I love to goof around with them. I don't actually get mad, it's a hard emotion to get out of me. I love to write, draw, fold origami, play games and listen to music(any genre that isn't country). I enjoy space and looking at the stars, I can sit for hours talking about them. Scary movies, I LOVE watching them so much. I wish to travel the world but funds and a fear of heights stop me.
Things I don’t like..The one thing I can think of is when someone assumes something about me. I can get rather defensive over the assumption and cry about it later LOL. I’m also kinda a picky eater, but I’m willing to try new foods?
Thank you so much and congrats again lil monkey 💞
Jujutsu Kaisen Matchup Event | OPEN
Thank you so much for participating goober! ヾ(。・ω・)シ
Out of everyone in Jujutsu Kaisen, I pair you with…
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Yuki may ask everyone for their type, but you're just the type she loves! Appearances are the farthest thing from her mind, I imagine she actually meshes better with those who have good personalities and that aren't afraid to actually debate with her over various opinions. She'll enjoy your curves and make jokes that it's more to hold onto. And who cares about clothing style? Yuki values comfort and mobility over form and fashion. 
Yuki is patient, so in the beginning when you're not very open, she'll respect your boundaries and gradually get to know you. Everything about you intrigued her, so she had all the time in the world for you.
Yuki is the outgoing one in your relationship. Despite being known as lazy, she'll show interest in whatever you're explaining and she'll help you achieve your goals that are within reason. 
One thing Yuki really admires is how you're so calm. Sure being sensitive is one thing, but to see how hard it is to actually anger you, man she's totally smitten. Simply because she's just as calm and knows that if there is conflict down the road between you two, space, time and a little bit of communication will solve the issue sooner rather than later. 
Yuki would also be very intrigued in your dreams of creative works. You draw? Let her see so she can admire and say you're one talented son of a bitch. Writing? Holy shit, she doesn't have time for that but she will commend you for enjoying it. Now letting her see is a different story but she won't pry too much if you get all shy. Origami? Yuki probably can't fold for shit and will absolutely be amazed and keep everything you make. Will even show it off to her pupil Todo just because. 
Your desire to help everyone is very admirable, but Yuki will be your voice of reason. There are some who cannot be helped or will simply use you for their own benefit. Even if that means breaking you down. That's where Yuki comes in. She will protect you from those who dare bring you down. You're too precious to her and seeing you hurt, she simply won't accept it.
Yuki will carry any social outing, keeping you comfortable while she uses her cheerful personality to keep the air light and happy. You will never be forced into anything because no one should have to break their barriers unless absolutely necessary. 
Yuki might be a tease, but that's just to see you flustered and won't press if it actually gets to you because she knows when to back off. She can't help but enjoy how your cute little cheeks burn when she showers you in tender words of love. 
She loves to travel, so Yuki will definitely take you out to some sort of 'perfect' stargazing spot just to get a reaction from you. Seeing how your eyes light up and the general excitement course through you is all she needed. Now if there's anywhere you want to go and she's not completely busy, you can expect a trip down the road. 
I imagine Yuki isn't really picky with food. As long as it's good she's happy. But if you go out, she'll keep in mind what you like and don't like. And if you want to branch out to try something new, she's quick to agree because life's all about taking chances and trying new things. 
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