#dre s3
oicuperp · 5 months
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Arantxa: *on the phone* Hey Choriza, do you know my blood type?
Choriza: Of course, it's B-.
Arantxa: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
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walkthatduck · 1 year
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so pretty 💗
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abracazabka · 2 years
I don't know if I suddenly matured more between seasons, but the romantic writing in obx season 3 seems so juvenile (more than it's always been, I understand they are literal juveniles) & lazy to me. This isn't even relevant to shipping, it's just a bad script. The relationships used to be Good stupid but now they're just Bad stupid.
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idontwikeit · 3 months
they really went and both white saviored the shit out of lestat and absolved him for his role in claudia's death in one go. the racist fans really did get what they wanted (and a much evil-er brown man on top)
First I have to say sorry for all the potential english error I'm not as well articulated, I'm drowsy from meds, not my first language etc and it's been so long since I write any sort of paragraph length things that sadly are not work emails
So I have been giving it some thought during rewatches, and I can see what you mean by they white saviored lestat and absolved him for the role he played in claudia's death, but I feel like this doesn't necessarily apply as on the whole. Lestat was still abusive, the relationship was still toxic (acknowledged by cast), even in the 1st half, Louis addressed it (Why you rehearsed a play that would burn your daughter alive? Why you crossed an ocean to rehearse a play that would burn your daughter alive?). But again, I'm not as well-read to expand on the white savior trope subject, if anyone would like to correct me please do.
As for when Louis said “it’s not on you”, it is strange and at first watch, I did go wtf but in my rewatches, I can see why since it’s not out of character for Louis to say so. He did, in fact, let Lestat back in, after ep5 dv him choking Claudia and almost killing Louis, and the cheating. Just as s1ep7 Claudia said, "You spend an hour with him and you’re breathing in sync together". Louis absolving Lestat’s role in Claudia's death, just as him absolving Armand's role in Claudia's death (before he knew Armand was going let the coven to kill him too I guess), and accepting what Lestat did to him ("I didn't know it was a gift"), is his way for him to move on from his grief.
Whether we as audience choose to accept it is another thing, I feel like there is an insistence of the complicity from earlier episodes but they failed to link everything up.
I think ultimately what I dislike amounted to poor execution on screen for 1) having to start laying ground for s3 with lestat as the centerpiece and 2) having to let Louis free himself from the past and from the two relationship he had, in an already immensely packed episode. The one-go, as you said, is too jarring. And I love how dre (@/gayvampiredivorce), it doesn't feel as "earned".
And building off sasha (@/hermit-frog)'s meta post and what we talked about in dm, I won't say he's "much evil-er", it does align with his past actions, at least after rewatching 3 times to try and see from his angle (coz mygod so many points really they just let it go unanswered). Him adhering to the great laws, him following the rituals and rules by the coven and the role assigned by the coven, the insistence of a curfew etc. Also him having no concept of love ("does he know what love is" by assad) and thus cannot trust it and thus making the choice.
Also ultimately i think with coven and louis, I think Armand always goes for the option that will provide destruction of the other: when the coven gave him the choice, one is with the supposed guarantee of destruction of Claudia and Louis (eliminating the uncontrollable factors that threatened the ritualistic pattern of his life), another is the mutual existence of coven and louis (which I think in Armand's belief, will not be possible, just like lestat and his previous coven), so he chose coven; when louis was freed as Armand cannot stand it (as reasoned in sasha's meta post) and made him choose again (informing the coven or not), the coven can no longer offer a clear role for him to play a part it is the destruction of coven, so he chose Louis. I don't think he can handle two paths at once to choose from.
(But same with ep3, he was going to kill Louis until the very last minute, his impulsiveness of wanting to have the love Louis had for Claudia is what stopped him there. For me at least, I don't think Armand was going to let coven kill Louis, but I also don't think Armand knows what he would do until the moment arrives. And he would never know with now Lestat "saving" Louis.)
And so I feel like again, it is the poor execution of the show writing. If the fight between Louis and Armand is longer which we only had not even a glimpse of and only heard, I think we can see more from his side of the story. calling armand as a much eviler brown man I feel like will be a disservice to assad's acting
if anyone more articulated than me wish to talk about this, please do
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moonshotsx · 7 months
i'm not even watching dres all stars (s3 really made me hate the judging panel and based on what i'm seeing it's still whack) but the drama going on rn? idek what happened but it's iconic 😭✋🏻
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t4yce · 8 months
Who are you the most excited for on DRES All Stars?
pakita and sagittaria for sure!!! i loved pakita on s3 so im happy to have her back on my screen again even though that season just happened lol and s1 feels like soo long ago but that season and sagi stole my heart so yes i'm very much looking forward to seeing her again too 💖 what about you anon??? ❣️
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svdlise · 1 year
SVD eilvet /LES second grade 2023-2024
Degemer mat a hetan deoc’h er blog, eilvead/eilveidi RUZ ar bloavezh mat ! Amañ e kaviot ar pezh bet graet e-pad ar prantadoù, ar pezh a vefe d’ober ha liammoù davet lec’hiennoù internet dedennus.
Tem Korf-den ha yec’hed
tennad II Hiliadur ha sekselezh-den
pennad A Ar c’horf-den eus ar frouezhusadur d’ar gaezouregezh
pennad B Empenn, plijadur ha sekselezh
pennad CH Hormon hag hiliadur
tennad I Mikro-organegoù ha yec’hed
S3 Degemer. Lañsañ ar bloavezh gant ur modelizadur analogel evit drevezañ red ur virus nevez en ur boblad hag hini ur virus en ur boblad gwarezet gant un dregantad disheñvel a dud vaksinet.
Diazezet eo al labour-mañ war ur pennad eus ar CNRS
D’ober : pep hini ac’hanoc’h a rank sevel ar grafik, peder c’hrommenn enni gant an disoc’hoù en deus bet gant e strollad.
pennad A Elfennoù patogenel ha kleñvedoù dre-dreuzkas
Pal : Lakaat war-wel ha kompren diferadennoù an treuzkas kleñved eeun ha dre vektor hag ar c’hlaoustreoù a savont.
S4 dre hanter-strollad el labo 1. Klokaat un teul dre glask en un teul e brezhoneg (wikipedia viruz) ha klokaat un destenn db ar paludism diwar ur video e galleg.
N'eus ket a labour d'ober evit ar wech a-zeu.
raktreset S5 Taol-arnod dre strollad. Implijout ar mikroskop e surentez a-benn evezhiañ kelligoù diabarzh ar genou.
S6 Kentel klasad : oberourion ar c’hleñvedoù dre virus (VIH pe sars) ha dre bakteri. Reizhañ ar grafik.
S7 prouad. Labourioù da adwelet. Kentel da c'houzout. Grafik da c'houzout ober.
Raktres goude ar vakañsoù
S10 Rentañ an deverioù hag ober ar poent war an hanter trimiziad tremenet.
pennad B Mikrobiot ha yec’hed
Implijout an dresadenn-evezhiañ evit lakaat ar mikrobiot war-wel
Dielloù al levr evit digeriñ gant an hentenn skiantel
Thematic Structural organisation of life / Tem  Aozadur ar boudoù-bev hag o mont-en-dro
S11 Taol-arnod ha test : implijout ar mikroskop e surentez a-benn evezhiañ kelligoù elodea hag ar c’hloroplast enno - sevel un dresadenn-evezhiañ gwelloc’h eget an hini diwezhañ / Observe elodea cells by the optical microscop and draw a perfect observational drawing (better than last time already).
Hervez an amzer hag a chomo e vo evezhiet kelligoù goell/The same work can be done with the yeast cells
S12 Kentel. Aozadur ar vuhez. perzhioù boutin ar boudoù-bev. Sevel ur glasidigezh dre voestoù emboestet.
Sellet an deroù (6 mn)  Petra eo ar vuhez ? gant Science étonnante.
Perak ne soñj ket da skiantourien zo e vefe bev ar virus ?
S13 Taol-arnod. Evezhiañ kelligoù ognon ruz en dour dous hag ouzhpennañ dour holenaet. Tennañ ur poltred a-raok ha goude da lejañdiñ er sal.
S14 Kentel
ar gellig minimom hag ar wezenn filogenetek Lifemap - Welcome
An ognon ruz ha lejañdiñ ar poltriji e plasmoliz Quand la cellule gonfle et dégonfle : turgescence et plasmolyse – ASTRANTIA.NET – les SVT en prépa
Klokaat ur c'heñveriañ etre kelligoù loenel ha plantel
Kentel skrivet e brezhoneg ha/pe e saozneg
S15 gant an drioad c'hoariva
S16 Prouad abaoe S9
S19 TA Szg/Bzg metabolegezh ur plant heuliet gant ur sistem ASU. Delioù Elodea en dour gant pe hep gouloù. Sevel ur grafik dre capstone.
S20 Rentañ ha difaziañ ar prouad. Klokaat ar grafik hag e zielfennañ.Krogiñ da skrivañ ar gentel e Bzg ha/pe Szg
Arbennikadur ar c'helligoù ha koll o hollvarregezh Histologie et pathologie des organes (umontpellier.fr)
L'autre partie du cerveau : Yves Agid présente les cellules gliales aussi importantes que les neurones - Sciences et Avenir
Sevel gerioù kroaz
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glittertrail · 2 years
Happy New Year's Sandra
What a fucking year it's been. One hell of a year.
I want to thank you for being such a great friend this year, one of the people I'm the happiest to have begun talking to in fact. Might I even dare say you're one of the best people of the year. You're one of the bright things in my life this year.
We're going to beat up next year and take no prisoners, so that it may be better than this one. And then I'm gonna bother you a lot when España s3 airs, just because I can.
Happy new year tesoro
This year has *sucked* but yes I'm so glad you're in my life too 🥰 thank you for being there and making it better. We're too stubborn to die so yes the only option is to take no prisoners
And i always welcome the dres brainrot 💞
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oicuperp · 5 months
personalmente nunca me ha gustado tanto un look de supremme como este jeje ES QUE LE QUEDA TAN BIEN EL OUTFIT DE SEÑORA MAYOR
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Clover: “Ladies and gentlemen” is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly, I’m falling asleep already. “Cowards” on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, to the point, and dramatic.
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squipedmew · 3 years
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connor being in prison was the best part of the season 3 finale, don’t @ me
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
1, 3, 4, 9, 14 and 26!
Wowie you really wanna know what my coconut of brain thinks😂
Anything for ya babes💖 (I’ve answered 9 but I can do it again)
1. Non Rpdr Queen you’d love to see compete?
1000% Juno Birch. She is just so snarky and her drag is so so so different than everything on the show. The makeover challenge would be so much fun to watch with her
3. Favorite non-US drag race series?
Haven’t watched a whole lot of international stuff cuz streaming services are bitches but from what I have seen UK2 was really good mostly cuz of Tia Kofi and Lawrence being so funny but I really really wanna watch DRE and CDR1&2
4. Lipsync you can’t believe hasn’t been done on drag race before?
Bitch the fact they haven’t done any Selena songs! Hello? Como la Flor? Bidi Bidi Bom Bom? I could fall in love?!? I understand if it’s a language thing but they did ‘Hey Mickey’ IN SPANISH in s3 with Yara and Carmen!!!
9. Someone you loved seeing again on Allstars?
So I changed this one to who I loved seeing in allstars, but I am loving Jaida! She absolutely got the short end of the stick with the pandemic but she came into this season SWINGING like good god and she’s def in my top 3 for who I want to win
14. An underrated queen?
God this list could go on for forever but I’d have to say an underrated queen would have to Pearl because BABY! She had completely grown and become her own person from drag race and everything that happened and her drag is BEAUTIFUL like she grew so so so much that I almost didn’t recognize her when I saw a picture of her recently
26. Comfort season?
Again, this has many many answers but if I had to pick just one, it would be season 14 because of how close all the girls were while filming and still are. This season helped me find all 80ish of you (ohmyfuckinggod I can’t believe that number) who love these girls just as much as I do and I feel like I found my people because of s14
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purplejan · 2 years
i was tagged by the lovelies: @glittertrail @goodemethyd @jemikatses @littlesunflowersandhoney @myhusbandharryhamilton and @inthehytes. thank you so much besties, it took me a while but here's mine 💕
three ships: jankie, icethia and pillby first ever ship: from drag race, jankie my beloved (and the reason i'm here on tumblr 😌) last song: dolce by young cister feat duki last film: i watch very few films, BUT last month my besties and i went to see benedetta to the artsy cinema near our place and omg it was wild kcwkjwnekwe currently reading: i'm just about to catch up on all the fics/wips/prompts i've missed since yesterday (and i also have to read some stuff for uni but,,, that's gonna have to wait methinks) currently watching: mainly dres (still haven't seen last week's episode though) and derry girls s3. currently consuming: just had mac and cheese with brocoli i made for lunch for my roommies and i. currently craving: the mojitos i'm gonna get later tonight once we go out (i'm actually so excited for tonight cause my bestie is basically introducing her almost gf to the rest of my friend group and just the energy and vibes are great tonight <3 )
i have no idea who hasn't done this so i'm sorry if you've already done it and i haven't seen, but no pressure tags: @edilypilled @stillgoode @violet-amore @aydeedledoo @petitmonde @sweetestberryofthebunch and @callmemars17
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fairy-moan · 2 years
Im so happy cause S2 of DRES its done cause even tho i love the cast and the judges its was a season with poor decision making since episode 01 and it left a sour taste in my mouth pretty much every episode so hopes up for S3 to be more fair
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jade-marie · 3 years
So you want Beth to be beaten, killed, or not quite beaten? I would like to know what punishment she still deserves? Because "Fuck Nick, fuck Beth. Die bitches. I'd be happy for him to team up with Nick to get rid of Beth and then shoot her, or vice versa." - also your words.
Hahahahaha you missed out the part where I said I wanted Rio to “go full Targaryen and burn them all”. I also said I wanted Rio to bury Beth in his garden. Literally, read my description - “sarcastic prick” - because I am, in fact, a sarcastic prick. 
Idk if the phrase “beat her ass” is being lost in translation somewhere and suddenly means Beth being beaten to within an inch of her life. I would’ve settled for Rhea slapping her in S3. Like I said in my post a minute ago, I don’t want some guy twice her size to beat the shit out of her. I’m also not saying I want this to be a punishment. I’m saying that: 
Firstly, her being shielded from the physical violence of the world she entered is ridiculous. Ruby got shot, Dean got beaten and shot, Turner was tied up and beaten, then shot in a later episode, Lucy was shot and then dismembered.
Secondly, I would get total pleasure from watching Beth suffer for a few minutes because I watch a lot of violent crime shows and movies, I’ve grown accustomed to it tbh.
Total honesty? Would I care if Rio shot Beth? Would I care if she died? No, not really, because I don’t like her. I think she’s annoying and that’s enough for a fictional character to meet the chopping block, in my humble opinion, as a viewer. Tbf I would probably laugh if she got shot and, again, that’s not as a punishment for anything she did to Rio but because I find her incredibly annoying. I also laughed when Matt in TVD got hit by a car and when Dre in Power was burned alive because they annoyed the shit out of me.
Guess what? Both of those characters were men. My intolerance of certain characters is about them being annoying, not me being a misogynist. 
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