#oh god thats right i go back into Wikipedia mode come march again probably
glittertrail · 2 years
Happy New Year's Sandra
What a fucking year it's been. One hell of a year.
I want to thank you for being such a great friend this year, one of the people I'm the happiest to have begun talking to in fact. Might I even dare say you're one of the best people of the year. You're one of the bright things in my life this year.
We're going to beat up next year and take no prisoners, so that it may be better than this one. And then I'm gonna bother you a lot when España s3 airs, just because I can.
Happy new year tesoro
This year has *sucked* but yes I'm so glad you're in my life too 🥰 thank you for being there and making it better. We're too stubborn to die so yes the only option is to take no prisoners
And i always welcome the dres brainrot 💞
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