samsonova-multiverse · 9 months
В конце будет русская версия и видео.
Below you will see the video.
#drarryAU POV:
"The Alley of Dark Resolutions: Fate Deceived by Magic"
Harry secluded himself in Grimmauld Place and refused to discuss what had happened with anyone, but he couldn't decline a visit from the current Hogwarts headmaster.
"Honestly, youngster, are you sure you knew him?"
Victory over Voldemort brought no joy. Millions of saved lives didn't feel like a reward for overthrowing the tyrant.
His own resurrection mocked us with its shattered heart.
Gazing at the portrait, containing a fragment of a soul, an illusion resembling the person who would never be by his side, Harry looked at his former Transfiguration professor and couldn't understand why neither she nor the others wanted to leave him in peace.
"Yes. Yes... I knew him."
Every day, sitting by the fireplace with a glass in hand, Harry couldn't tear his eyes away from the canvas depicting the young man who sacrificed his life. Draco didn't betray him that night at the cursed Manor, for which he was killed by his own master. Killed because he believed that Harry would need his life, believed that Harry would want to live.
But Harry didn't want to. Not anymore. Not in a world where there isn't a single person grateful to Draco Malfoy. Not in a world where they consider him a pitiful Death Eater.
It was Draco Malfoy who saved them all.
#drarryAU POV:
«Аллея Темных Решений: Судьба, Обманутая Волшебством»
Гарри заперся на Гриммо и ни с кем не хотел обсуждать произошедшее, но не смог отказать в визите нынешнему директору Хогвартса.
— Честное слово, юноша, вы уверены, что знали его?
Победа над Волдемортом не принесла никакой радости. Миллионы спасенных жизней не казались наградой, за свержение тирана.
Собственное воскрешение являлось самой настоящей насмешкой нас своим разбитым сердцем.
Смотря на портрет, в котом была заключена частичка души, мнимое подобие на человека, которого никогда не будет рядом, Гарри смотрел на своего бывшего профессора трансфигурации и не мог понять, почему ни она, ни остальные не хотят оставлять его в покое?
— Да. Да… я знал его.
Каждый день, сидя с бокалом у камина, Гарри не сводил глаз с полотна, на котором был изображен юноша, который отдал свою жизнь. Драко не выдал его той ночью, в проклятом Мэноре, за что и был убит своим хозяином. Убит потому что посчитал, что Гарри будет нужна его жизнь, посчитал, что Гарри захочет жить.
Но, Гарри не хотел. Больше нет. Только не в том мире, где нет ни единого человека, который бы был благодарен Драко Малфою. Не в том мире, где его считают жалким Пожирателем.
Именно Драко Малфой был тем, кто спас их всех.
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shoia · 4 years
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translation in the image description wake up drarry nation
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cluelesspigeons · 4 years
When Harry and Draco adopted a cat
Well technically... they didn’t officially adopt the cat
They hadn’t gone to an animal shelter to pick out the one they liked
Harry brought it home one day, claiming it had simply followed him on the way home from work
Draco knew better, however
Harry had probably found it on the street and had taken pity, so he brought it home
Just like he had done with that parrot, a few years ago
Until Draco had forced him to return the bird to their upstairs neighbour after some ‘missing parrot posters’ had been hung around their apartment building
This time, however, no posters appeared
And Harry was all too happy about it
Much to Draco’s growing frustration
Because that cat...
That cute, little, black kitten everyone seemed to fall in love with...
Hates Draco
It absolutely hates him, he was sure of it
From the moment Harry had called it Minnie and Draco had snorted loudly at the ridiculous lovely name, the cat had glared at him defiantly
Draco hadn’t been sure at the time just why Minne had been looking at him like that
Until the following day
When he had found claw marks covering his favourite shirt
Minnie had simply blinked at him innocently from where she was purring in Harry’s arms when Draco found her
But it didn’t stop with that
Oh no
Everyday, Minnie seemed to become more evil creative
From walking on the kitchen counter and drinking from Draco’s creamy tea to ripping apart some of his favourite books with her needle-like claws
Not to forget the amount of attention she demanded from Harry...
Harry spent more time with their cat than he did with his own boyfriend
Not that Draco was jealous
Ppffttt, absolutely not
But the last straw was when Draco walked into their bedroom one evening and found Minnie curled up next to his boyfriend and taking up his place in the bed
“That bloody, evil, book-ripping, tea-licking, boyfriend-stealing cat!” he exclaimed loudly, startling a very sleepy-looking Harry Potter
Draco was positively fuming as he made his way around to his side of the bed, trying (in vain) to get the cat to leave
Yet Minnie simply blinked at him (again) as if he was just an annoying fly that would eventually go away and leave her to sleep in peace
“What’s wrong?” Harry asked, rubbing his eyes groggily
“What’s wrong?!” Draco repeated indignantly, “what’s wrong is that cat! That’s what’s wrong!”
Harry appeared utterly confused as he looked between his boyfriend and their cat sleeping peacefully again
“What’s wrong with Minnie?”
And Draco positively lost it, ranting about all the things Minnie had done since she started living with them
Meanwhile, a wide, lopsided grin grew on Harry’s face as he watched Draco pace around the room, his hands tugging at his shoulder-length greying blond hair in frustration
Because right then and there, Harry thought he had never felt so much love for one person
And when Draco was finally done being dramatic, Harry pulled him on the bed with him and kissed him softly, shooing Minnie from the bed in the meantime
“You don’t have to be jealous of Minnie, you know”, he mumbled against the blond’s lips
Draco immediately pulled away, an icy glare in his silver eyes
“I am not jealous of that evil menace of a cat!”
Harry chuckled at that, cupping Draco’s cheek and caressing it with the pad of his thumb
“I’m sure you aren’t, love”
Whatever Draco tried to say, however, was cut off by Harry’s lips
And from the doorway of their room, a smug-looking black cat strutted into the living room to sharpen its claws on one of the pillows on the couch Draco had received as a birthday present from his mother
Read the little sequel here.
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accio-that-gay-shit · 4 years
Drarry idea (+Some Ginstoria)
Draco and Harry noticing Ginny and Astoria acting weird. 
D/H have been acting a little more civil to each other
The Potters and Malfoys eat dinner together every Friday, as planned by G/A.
Cut to G/A cooking together while talking and hidden feelings. 
Cue eating with longing glances and oblivious H/D
Cut to night and lie in bed and the gf's look worried. 
Morning gf's declare they want to break up. 
Boys are shocked when it comes, but could tell it wasn't working. 
H/D see each other in Diagon Alley and talk for a bit, learning that both were broken up with on the same morning. 
Being the oblivious gits they are, they don't see the connection. 
Until they see Ginny and Astoria together holding hands a week later and d/h are just like- o h
Harry's smart and is like, hey we should get together just to get payback.
And so they do
H/D and G/A then start having dinners together
Ginny and Astoria are like, we're so happy for you! 
They're not confused at all and genuinely ship it
Eventually with their payback dating, it turns into something real for the both of them
They don't even have to talk about it
They both just know
And just like that everything is the same again but just different and better 
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maiqsu · 4 years
Harry: Love,do you know wher-
Draco: Say sorry
Harry: For what?
Draco: For wasting my time
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rainydayplant · 5 years
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Operation Draco’s New Year’s Kiss part 1
New Drarry au for the start of 2020!
Pansy’s pov
Please note that the ships have changed. The second part will give insight to what they are.
Also! If you would like to be tagged in any drarry au please let me know because I lost where I kept track of all the tags, so sorry.
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criesindrarry · 4 years
summer drarry headcannons
draco hated the summer before he was dating harry
the only reason draco liked summer now was because harry was shirtless all of the time
draco malfoy DOES NOT SUNBURN, but he also doesn't tan
harry on the other hand tans even when wearing sunscreen and sunburns on his shoulders no matter what
they take cold showers together when its an especially hot day
when they do drive draco is a horrible driver and harry is clingy resulting in near accidents whenever harry gets distracted by his boyfriend
contrary to popular belief draco enjoys playing mermaids with harry as much as ron does
harry gets the biggest birthday parties thrown for him because he didn't get them when he was young
draco hates big birthday parties because they remind him of the parties his parents would throw him
muggle men (and oblivious women) flirt with draco at the beach
wizards and witches flirt with harry at the beach
they have tea with molly once a week during the summer or she'll think they've killed each other
they play quidditch with the weasleys on harry's birthday (because fred weasley is alive and well bitches)
they both sleep practically naked because their flat gets so suffocatingly hot
sometimes drunk students will floo to their home and will be taken care of
harry constantly forgets that cooling charms exist because using magic after the war feels strange
draco teases harry for his tan lines
"harry, how the fuck do you assign summer homework and they still like you better?"
just drarry being happy (occasionally jealous) boyfriends after the war
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yourgoodbitch · 5 years
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So there’s this trilogy called Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat. and I FREAKIN LOVE IT. One of the reasons I absolutely adore this trilogy(and this ship) is because it feels just like a drarry au!!! Prince Damen(Harry) is sold into slavery by his half-brother to their enemy kingdom’s crown prince Laurent(Draco). ahhhh there’s so much angst I highly recommend. 
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myrvaenboys · 5 years
Dancing with a Stranger
drarry one shot based on this song
Hope you guys like itttt :))
The music blared as Harry walked around, the bass shaking him to the core. It did nothing to help his raging headache he had gotten from the stupid argument with Draco. They weren’t even in a relationship, not for Harry’s lack of trying, and they were already arguing like they were.
Harry knocked on Draco’s door of his flat in muggle London. When the door opened and Draco appeared, he looked disheveled and surprised to see Harry. He quickly went out and closed the door.
“What are you doing here, Harry?” Draco asked, looking behind his back.
“Well I don’t want to be alone tonight and I was thinking that maybe we could.. spend time together?”
Draco scoffed, “Harry, you can say fuck. You want to fuck tonight.”
Harry blushed bright red, but nodded, “Yeah.. Uhm yeah, I do.”
Draco’s eyes flashed with disappointment but it quickly faded away and the cold and blank mask appeared in its place, “I’m busy. Sorry I can’t always be available to be your fucktoy.”
“Draco, you know damn well you’re not my fucktoy. If anything, I’m yours. I tried to start an actual relationship with you and you said no.” Harry replied, voice rising a little bit.
“Of course I fucking said no, Harry.” Draco responded, voice blank of emotion.
“Why? Why did you fucking say no, Draco? Am I not good enough for you? Is there something wrong with me? Tell me, Draco!” Harry lost his temper, something that tends to happen a lot when he’s around Draco.
As Draco opened his mouth, the door opened and out came Theo Nott. Fucking Theo Nott with a towel wrapped around his stupid waist. Harry looked at Theo in surprise and then looked at Draco who had a tiny smirk on his face. Harry didn’t know what to say.
“You... You said we couldn’t fuck anyone else. You were the one that wanted to fucking make sure that we weren’t fucking anyone else. Are you fucking kidding me, Draco? Are you serious? I tell you I’m in fucking love with you because I’m pretty sure you were in love with me too and your fucking response is to go fuck Theo? All I needed was a simple “I’m not in love with you, Harry.” Not this. Fuck you.” Harry’s voice cracked on the last word, tears gathering in his eyes. He shook his head, turned around and walked away.
“HARRY! HARRY! Wait!” A voice called out. Harry didn’t stop. He just apparated to the gay club he first saw Draco at. Why? he didn’t know.
Harry shook his head and snapped out of the memory. He went to the bar and ordered himself 5 tequila shots. When the bartender gave it to him, he drank them in quick succession, trying to forget about Draco. He didn’t even want to fucking go out tonight, he just wants to forget about Draco. He ordered two more shots, the others sitting warmly in his belly. He drank those as quick as he could and he felt the effects starting just a bit.
Now that he had a bit of liquid courage, he went out to the dance floor and started dancing, moving his body to the beat of the song. Someone came up right in front of him and started grinding on him. Harry put his hands on the guys slim waist and pulled him against himself harder. He looked up at the ceiling. Dammit Draco, look at what you’re making me do, drinking to forget you and dancing with a fucking stranger.
He focused back on the guy who had turned himself around and started rubbing himself on Harry. The guys blonde hair stood out as a contrast to Harry’s skin. The tequila finally took effect and Harry found himself kissing the guy hard and rough. The guy started pulling Harry towards the exit of the club.
“What’s your name?” Harry yelled over the music.
The guy gave him a smile, “Jaxon.”
“I’m Harry.” Jaxon nodded, turning away.
Harry mouthed his name, testing it out on his tongue. It didn’t taste as good as Draco.
They got outside, the cold breeze making Harry feel better after the hot air inside the club. They went into an alleyway right next to the club. Jaxon smashed his lips on Harry’s and kissed. Harry kissed back just as rough, trying to get someone else’s lips out of his memory. Harry slammed Jaxon back against the wall and began kissing his neck while rutting himself against Jaxon.
Jaxon moaned and went to unbutton Harry’s pants. That’s when Harry snapped out of it. He may not be particularly fond of Draco at the moment, but he’s still in love with him. He stopped Jaxon’s hand and pulled himself away.
“I can’t. I can’t do this. I’m sorry.” Harry said, sitting down, back towards the alley wall.
Jaxon slid down the wall, “Yeah, I could tell. Who’s the person?”
Harry smiled a bit, “Draco. I’ve known him since I was 11. But we never really got along until about six months ago when I saw him again at this exact club.”
“Ah, so you’re in love with him huh?” Jaxon asked, with a knowing tone.
Harry sighed, “Yeah but he’s not in love with me. You see after we saw each other again, we started this fuckbuddies thing but then I fell in love with him, or well finally realized that I was. He said that we could only fuck each other and nobody else and that he didn’t want to be hearing about me fucking other people.
But when I told him I’m in love with him, he kind of just pretended he didn’t hear me and I just pretended I never said it. But then today I was at his house and he was acting weird because when I knocked on the door, he came out and closed the door. Then I found out it was because he had been fucking this other guy. And that guy came to the door and when I saw him, I just... I lost my temper.”
“How do you know they were fucking?” Jaxon asked.
“It was pretty fucking obvious. The guy came out with a towel around his waist. Draco was all disheveled.” Harry responded grumpily.
“I’m gonna take a guess and say they’re friends right?”
“... Yeah. They are.” Harry answered after a moments pause.
“Hmm.. So how do you know the guy wasn’t just there because he needed a place to shower?” Jax inquired.
“... Well I don’t. But I’m not stupid enough to assume that.” Harry said vehemently.
“It’s not stupid to assume that. This Draco guy seems like he’s into you. I sincerely doubt he would fuck that up by fucking another guy. Maybe you should ask him, instead of assuming that he’s fucking this other guy.” Jax said, with a slight smile on his face.
Harry stayed quiet and considered this for a moment. Then he nodded, “Yeah, maybe I should.”
“Alright well you should go do that. I would love to help you some more but the rest you gotta figure out yourself and I’m trying to get laid soo.. See you!” Jax laughed and stood.
Harry chuckled and waved his hand and Jax disappeared back into the club. Harry groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. Guess he’ll have to go to Draco and apologize.
As Harry was about to get up, a hand was offered to him, “Need some help, Harry?”
The voice was really fucking familiar, especially around his name. The voice had been screaming it for the past 6 months. Harry looked up and saw Draco. Harry looked at the hand and took it.
“Thank you.” He said quietly.
Draco nodded. It was quiet and awkward.
“Look, I—”
Harry, I—”
They laughed.
“You go first, Draco.” Harry compromised.
“Okay. Harry, Theo wasn’t there because we were fucking okay? I wanted you to think that because I wanted to hurt you.” Draco admitted.
“Why though? Why did you want to hurt me?” Harry asked, curious over the response.
“Because I didn’t want you to be in love with me. Not when you deserve way better than I could ever give you.” Draco said, his eyes drifting to the floor.
“Draco, I don’t want better. Not when I already think you’re the best I could ever have. I’m in love with you, Draco. Not with whatever’s better.” Harry responded, lifting his hands to grab Draco’s face and caress him.
Draco smiled, really brightly while blushing and Harry doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything as beautiful as that.
“Okay. I’m in love with you too. I always have been.” Draco said, biting his lip.
Harry grinned, “You’re fucking beautiful.” He gently kissed Draco’s lips and pulled back, “And I’m so in love with you.”
They kissed again.
“Harry, lets go.” Draco said, eyes bright with arousal.
Harry nodded and before they apparated, said, “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over you, even if I am dancing with a gorgeous stranger.”
Draco’s eyes flashed with jealousy, “You’re not going to be dancing with anybody else except me. I promise you that.”
Harry grinned, “I’m okay with that.”
And off they went.
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Slytherin!Drarry AU
Okay so I love Ron Weasley but imagine if Ron and Draco switched lives?
Harry meeting Draco and his mother on the platform. Narcissa falling in love with the rumpled little boy and showing him how to get onto the platform.
Harry and Draco sitting together on the train and Draco telling Harry all about the wizarding world and their various traditions.
“Blonde hair and a pristine robe? You must be a Malfoy.”
Harry getting sorted into Slytherin, much to the dismay of the other students, but Harry just being happy to be with his new friend.
Draco and Harry practicing quidditch together and Draco being ecstatic when Harry is made seeker.
Draco defending Harry from Snape.
Second year Draco sticking up for Harry when everyone thinks he’s the Heir of Slytherin (along with the rest of Slytherin house)
Third year Draco knowing all about how Sirius Black was framed and helping Harry free him
Fourth year when Harry is entered into the tournament, the entire Slytherin house bans together to help him fucking own the tasks. (Draco being Harry’s biggest fan and making “Potter Rules” badges.)
Fifth year Harry still forming the DA except this time around it’s more than half Slytherin (Turns out Draco’s Patronus is also a stag ;) )
Sixth year Harry not even needing the half blood prince’s textbook because Draco is such a whiz at potions and tutors him free of charge
Sixth year Draco is still pressured with killing Dumbledore and Draco tries to draw away from Harry, for Harry’s sake, but Harry refuses to leave Draco alone until one day Draco ends up hugging Harry and sobbing into his chest telling him about everything that’s going on. Harry hugging him back with equal tightness, telling Draco that they’ll figure it out.
Seventh year Draco ends up telling Harry about his feelings for him and Harry smiling and saying he feels the same way. (Everyone in the Slytherin common room sighing in relief when the pair come out holding hands because finally.)
Seventh year Draco fighting against Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts (as does most of Slytherin house)
Draco and Harry come back for eighth year and everyone faking gagging at the pair of them because they are so in love
Draco and Harry coming back to Hogwarts as professors (Potions and DADA respectively)
Just Slytherin!Drarry AU’s man
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shoia · 6 years
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Harry and the company are going to celebrate his birthday at the concert. Harry (slightly) shocked
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cluelesspigeons · 4 years
A little Valentine’s Day post!!!
How Harry and Draco celebrate Valentine’s Day
They don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day
Draco has absolutely forbidden it from the beginning of their relationship
He didn’t like all the lovey-dovey shit that people got up to
“Honestly Potter, you don’t have to prove me one day of the year that you love me when you can do that the whole year around”
Harry had been disappointed
All his friends celebrated Valentine’s Day with their partners and he still wouldn’t be able to celebrate it despite him finally having found someone he could love
So Harry took matters into his own hands
It was subtle at first
Waking Draco up by worshipping his body
Driving Draco mad by taking his time instead of their normally quick and rough pace
Making breakfast for the two of them and eating it in bed before they would go for another round
Every year, Harry became more and more creative, coming up with the most ridiculous things they could do without raising any suspicion
He even got all their friends on board, helping him come up with ideas
One year, however, he threw all caution to the wind
He planned on taking Draco out to the new fancy restaurant on the corner of the street
When he told Draco (who was still recovering in bed after one of the best orgasm he’d ever had) about their plans for the evening, he was met with a raised eyebrow and narrowed eyes
“It’s Valentine’s Day today”, Draco said, suspicion clearly audible in his voice
Harry only shrugged and walked into their bathroom to shower before getting ready, ignoring the pair of silver eyes burning a hole in his back as he walked away
Later, when Draco walked into their living room (wearing on of those deliciously tight Muggle suits and his long blond hair tied together in a low ponytail) Harry was waiting for him, holding out a single red rose
“I know you don’t like to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but I thought-“
He was silenced by Draco’s soft lips
“If you think I hadn’t noticed what you do on Valentine’s Day every year, then you’re truly more thick-headed than I thought you were”
Harry stared at Draco, gobsmacked
Had he really been that obvious?
“You’re not as subtle as you think you are, love”, Draco whispered, catching Harry’s lips with his own again, “but yes, I’ll go on a date with you on Valentine’s Day, if you insist”
Harry pulled Draco closer to him, a broad smile lighting up his face
They never made it to the restaurant
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stephensloki · 7 years
The Coffee Order pt: 1/?
*Drarry modern day AU*
It was a cold snowy day in London. Draco was working his usual shift at the local coffee shop. He sighed looking at the line of people waiting for their orders to be taken. He finished the cup of hot chocolate he was making.  “Annie!” He shouted reading the name off the cup. A petite blonde girl walked over. “Thanks.” she said smiling. She handed Draco a napkin. He opened it and saw ‘call me ;)’ on it with her number. He got a lot of girls trying to flirt with him, but he just never felt anything towards any of them. The only time he got butterflies in his stomach was for this one customer. He was fit, had soft, bouncy, brown curls. His round glasses framed his deep green eyes. His lips looked soft and pillowy. The type that you craved to kiss. Draco’s favorite part was his lightning bolt scar. Draco snapped back into reality when he heard the door open. It was him. Draco watched as he shook off the snow and put his umbrella in the holder. He walked over to the register to order. Draco got excited seeing he was the only barista free at the moment. He hurried to the register and greeted the man. “How may I help you on this snowy afternoon?” Draco asked him. “Can I get a medium hot coffee with cream and sugar?” he asked Draco. “You sure can sir. May I ask you your name?” he questioned staring deep into the brunette’s eyes. “Harry.” he smiled. “Alrighty harry that will be two pounds.” He said looking at the register. Harry handed him his credit card. Draco rang Harry up. “You can pick your order up down there once it’s done.” Draco pointed towards the little opening. “Thank you” Harry said before walking towards the opening. Draco grabbed a medium cup and wrote Harry’s name on it. He looked up and saw Harry scrolling away on his phone. Draco all of a sudden got a surge of courage. He wrote his number on the cup. He made the cup of coffee and went to the opening. “Harry” He said. Harry walked over and grabbed the cup. Their hands grazed each others sending electricity through the both of them. Harry blushed and looked down. “Have a good day Harry.” Draco said before turning around. “Wait.” Harry called out after him. Draco turned back towards Harry and asked “Yes?” Harry blushed a deep red. “When do you go on break?” He asked Draco nervously. Draco turned tomato red. “I can take it now.” He said untying his apron. Harry smiled and said “Meet me over by the tables.” Draco smiled and watched Harry walk to the tables. Draco made himself a hot chocolate and walked over to Harry.
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sathien · 7 years
The Greatest Showman Drarry AU
Draco as Zach and Harry as Zendaya. (Won't deny I was thinking it from the opera scene onwards)
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the-enallest-spirk · 7 years
Coffee shop au. (Drarry.)
Harry walked along the street till he came to his destination.  A small coffee shop at the end of the road. He smiled upon entering. The smell of coffee and cinnamon filled his nose. He walked up to the counter. A tall bleach blonde barista stood there. He had grey eyes and a very bored expression on his face. "Can I help you?" He asked Harry could tell he might not be the nicest person. And for that he ordered the most complicated thing he could. "Name?" He asked. "Harry." Harry responded. After that Harry went and sat down by a window and started to study the book he had brought. Moments past, soon Harry's name was called. He got up and got his cup of coffee. Instead of his name on the cup it said. "Complicated little prick" Harry shrugged it off and sat back down. Instead of studying that time he watched the blonde barista work. He had to admit, he was cute. Rude. But cute. Harry cursed himself. How could he ever think anyone that rude is cute?! He tired to shrug it off and got back to his book. But nope! The barista just had to take his break and sit two tables across from him! After awhile of peaking over his book just to catch a glimpse of him, he got up and left. Little did he know, the barista was doing almost the same things he was. He watched Harry leave. And he swore he caught a slight pink on Harry's cheeks. This went on for a week. Harry would come in at the same time, and the barista would always be at the counter. And he would always write some thing other then Harry's name on the cup. These included: "dork" "stop ordering the complicated stuff you idiot!" And Harry's favorite "I saw you smiling at me, stop it's weird." He would always sit at the same spot and watch the barista, and so would the barista. One day when the barista  stepped from the counter to take his break, he didn't sit two tables away from Harry. He sat WITH Harry. Harry looked up from his book in confusion "Can I help you?" He asked. "Yeah, what do you think your doing? You come in here every day at the same time, and it's always when I'm working! I've been writting every rude thing I can think of on your cups and you don't complain! Like today, I wrote giant prat on your cup and you smiled! IS this your way of flirting or something?" He asked. "Uh, maybe..?" Harry smiled sheepishly "Well it worked, so..." The the barista looked away crossing his arms and blushed a bit. "Wanna go out when my shift is done?" He asked. Harry froze for a minute. He didn't even know his name, and here he was asking him out. "L-Like on a date?" He stutterd. "Yeah, I guess you could call it that." He replied "Yeah, sure." Harry was so nervous in that one moment that's all he could stutter out. "Good, so meet me back here at five. Sharp." The barista said, getting up. "Wait, I don't even know your name." Harry said. "Draco, Draco Malfoy. " He replied "Okay, see you later then, Draco." Harry smiled. "See you at five, Harry." Draco smirked before walking back off to the counter. .......... I know this has been done. But I really wanted to do it. So enjoy!
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Everyone loves Slytherin!Harry (which don’t get me wrong, I love too) but has anyone ever considered Ravenclaw!Draco? 
- Draco growing up in a relatively normal family (aka. not elitists) 
- Draco loving to read and learn
- Draco being the only one who can keep up with Hermione in classes
- Ravenclaws are also known to be melodramatic and if there is one thing Draco my-father-will-hear-about-this Malfoy is, it’s melodramatic
And think about all the Drarry Au’s!
- Draco being Harry’s potions tutor
- Draco knowing all kinds of spells and tactics to help get Harry though the Triwizard Tournament
- Draco being a master at combat spells and Harry asking him to help coach the DA
Idk man, just Ravenclaw!Draco
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