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drakkel · 11 months ago
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Scar X Flo
This started as a redraw of a meme I saw somewhere that turned into a full blown illustration! Anyway, the dragons are being gay again. 
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months ago
Your daily dosis of vitamin D(rakken)
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I have been feeling sad and stressed out these past few months. @miss-doodle-jester and I talked about vitamin levels and supplements. That inspired me to make these little blue beans.
I imagine these little goofballs no taller than half a pinky finger, make a LOT of sounds when frustrated and probably bite hard if you don't pay attention to them.
Also don't randomly take vitamin supplements.
Discuss them with your doctor or a medical expert before taking them. Aside from that, supplements are no alternative or replacement for actual food!
EDIT: I found out my vitamin D levels are HEAVILY below the minimal limits... :') Guess I need to draw even more Drakken.
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utaesthetics · 9 days ago
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madame-cookie · 8 months ago
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i don’t have anything to say other than that i love his little pout hehe
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florashifting · 11 months ago
Ugh I hate him so much. I would let him break me in half 😞
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It's Drakka loving hours again, don't mind me
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dummy-dot-exe · 2 months ago
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Psylocke by Drakk | COMM CLOSED@DrakkaiArt
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the-drokainian · 1 month ago
I think I'll change the miraculous to a badge, like what soldiers and generals wear. The eye patch was cool, but I don't like it anymore.
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Behold, if you will, the Lady Drakke!
Or just Drakke to anyone who is the Guardian or has a death wish.
Inspired by @bigfatbreak and their blasphemous. This temperamental little goddess is a queen bee in everything but name and species. She could give Chloe a run for her money on a good day, and you most certainly do not want to see her on a bad day. Unlike the rich brat this one has the fire power to back it up!
She is the Western Dragon Kwami of Devastation.
Her favorite foods are expensive meats, and seems to prefer the price range over the actual taste of the meal. She likes being pampered, napping, eating, and gazing at beautiful things. Despite her brash personality, Drakke does have a sense of honor and will give respect to those she deems worthy (mostly to the other kwami and the Guardian). She is incredibly protective and territorial when it comes to that and those which are important to her even to the point of personally fighting to protect them. Her personality is an odd mix of virtus knight and evil queen, making her a very difficult Kwami to work with, but if you can get past the rough scaly outer layer you will find one of the most loyal and reliable beings to ever exist.
Her miraculous is an eye patch made while Marinette was stress crafting after a long day of Lila bull crap. (My head canon)
As the Groudon to Longg's Kyogre her power allows her holder to turn into any one of three elements: Earth, fire, and Iron.
The weapon for this miraculous is a double-bit battle axe.
The element forms increase and decrease different stats of the holder and can last as long as the wielder can hold it. No longer than five minutes for anyone who is not an "adult".
Earth increases defence and strength while decreasing speed and damage. They can tank damage to a point then they will crumble to dust and reform back as a person. A cataclysm could possibly kill them in this form.
Fire buffs damage and speed, but makes them basically intangible and extremely weak to water. Getting soaked will immediately revert them back to human form of they don't drown first. This form can't be harmed by cataclysm, but everything they touch will burn if it is not fire resistant.
Iron makes the user invulnerable but immobile and blind to the world around them in every meaning of the word. Similar to Shell-ter for the turtle nothing short of a cataclysm level of damage can cause this form to break. However the holder can not move nor sense anything. They have no sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, or hearing. The only exception would be if they were granted any of them magically, such as being akumatized while still in the iron dragon form.
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filthforfriends · 15 days ago
Thomas Raggi 2025
Tom Morello & Friends raising money for L.A. fire aid at the Fonda Theater 2/7/25. Song is Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC, featuring Slash and Luke Spiller of The Struts.
My edit! Clips taken from YouTube: csilver522, Mark Drakk, John Capodice, TJ, Musica Cinema & Spettacolo
More linked here!
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drakkel · 2 years ago
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Flo Killer Jeans
Drew Flo in the pants from this meme: https://twitter.com/onebadnoodle_/status/1661508183330783232
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flowery-laser-blasts · 1 year ago
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Happy Lunar New Year and ring in the year of Drakk-- I mean, Drakg-- the Dragon!
There's a LOT going on here so let me elaborate: - Mama Lipsky invited Dr. Drakken and Shego to come to GO City since it's been a while since their last get-together and she wanted to see what these 'Chinese line dances' are all about. - Drakken didn't know about this plan until two hours before the get-together, because Shego thought it would be more fun to see him panic around to get ready. As a last-minute revenge plot, he rang up GO-tower (good thing it's in the phonebook) and asked if Hego, Mego, and the Wegos were up for a house visit after lunch. Hego instead suggested that they could all meet up at a restaurant for dinner as a fun surprise for Shego. - The possibles coincidentally are also at the restaurant as a "Thank you for helping my boys out when his friends couldn't make it to the lion dance performance." "No big, really! It was an honor to help you all out with this!" "And these lion pants! They're so stretchy and elastic and they don't fall off even after dangling around on top of a tall pole! So say. Are cassava chips like the Asian equivalent of Tortilla chips? Because my man, do I have a spectacular idea coming up!" thus Ron rushed off into the kitchen to make a... well, sort of chips, noodles dish (he ran out to Bueno nacho when he couldn't handle the 'spice' of the cassava.) and well yeah.... 'Toodles' (Tortilla Chip Noodles) was born. Kim being left alone was then spotted by... "Drewbie? Isn't that your friend Kim?" "No." "Yeah, look it's Kim! The girl who helped you and Shego save the world? Yoohoo! Kimberly!! Over here, grab a seat dear! Really Drew, I still can't believe you lied to me about being a radio talkshow doctor instead of a secret service agent training and inspiring the next generation of heroes! Really, you can trust me to not tell others about it." "Yeah, how could you ever lie to your own mother about that, Drewbie." - Meanwhile, James found out that Jim and Tim had this idea of making an actual Dragon 'fly' by the power of science and some spare rocket parts in their dad's car. - Motor Ed simply heard the words 'get-together' from his aunt and invited himself over.
I hope everyone (who celebrates it) has a great time and may this year be a great one for all of us! <3 <3 <3
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the-drokainian · 2 years ago
Behold and tremble before the mighty Lady Drakke!!!
As seen previously here
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kwami commission for @the-drokainian!
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thewordhord · 27 days ago
39 Irregular Norwegian Verbs
Infinitive, present simple past, past perfect
Å bli / blir / ble / har blitt - to become, to remain, to be
Å burde / bør / burde / har burdet - should
Å bære / bærer / bar / har båret - to carry
Å dra / drar / dro[g] / har dradd - to travel, to go
Å drikke / drikker / drakk / har drukket - to drink
Å drive / driver / drev / har drevet - to run/manage
Å dø / dør / døde / har dødd - to die
å finne / finner / fant / har funnet - to find
Å forstå / forstår / forsto / har forstått - to understand
Å fortelle / forteller / fortalte / har fortalt - to tell
Å få / får / fikk / har fått - to get, to receive
Å gi / gir / ga[v] / har gitt - to give
Å gjenta / gjentar / gjentok / har gjentatt - to repeat
Å gjøre / gjør / gjorde / har gjort - to do
Å gå / går / gikk / har gått - to go
Å ha / har / hadde / har hatt - to have
Å hjelpe / hjelper / hjalp / har hjulpet - to help
Å holde / holder / holdt / har holdt - to hold
Å komme / kommer / kom / har kommet - to come
Å kunne / kan / kunne / har kunnet - can, to be able to
Å legge / legger / la / har lagt - to lay, put down
Å ligge / ligger / lå / har ligget - to lie, to be in a place
Å måtte / må / måtte / har måttet - must, to have to
Å se / ser / så / har sett - to see
Å sette / setter / satte / har satt - to set, to put
Å si / sier / sa / har sagt - to say
Å sitte / sitter / satt / har sittet - to sit
Å skjære / skjærer / skar / har skåret - to cut
Å skrive / skriver / skrev / har skrevet - to write
Å skulle / skal / skulle / har skullet - shall / should
Å slå [av/på] / slår / slo / har slått - to turn off/on
Å sove / sover / sov / har sovet - to sleep
Å spørre / spør / spurte / har spurt - to ask
Å stå opp / står / sto / har stått - to stand up
Å ta / tar / tok / har tatt - to take
Å treffe / treffer / traff / har truffet - to meet
Å være / er / var / har vært - to be
Å ville / vil / ville / har villet - to want
Å vite / vet / visste / har visst - to know (as a fact)
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madame-cookie · 1 year ago
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Drakk is among the more directly motivated members of the Scarlet Drakes. They are therefore usually stubborn to be involved in Scarlet’s “projects” unless she can prove the potential intel or loot as useful to them and their bloodstone studies.
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The special armor they wear encapsulates a powerful prototype battery that keeps an artificial magical charge through their body to keep them alive. It has prolonged their life for many years at the expense of draining the life force from others. Although not always happy to do what they must, Drakk sees their experimentation as a necessity they cannot accommodate by considering it a problem that can be leapt over or dug around. What they seek is the power to drive through obstacles like death itself… and who knows, maybe that will be enough.
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cool-cube · 6 months ago
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Another fan alien i've got here called Blockade. i don't have anything else to say here uhhhhh
Blockade is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an Accymentrian from the harsh wasteland of Syght. The Accymentrians were one of the many species created by a now long-lost, hyper-intelligent species that used organics in every bit of technology they owned. The Accymentrians were initially a semi-squishy, armodillo-like species commonly found on Syght, but were modified heavily to act as living walls. Swarms of them were road into war like moving fortresses. But after the sudden dissappearance of their creators, these living walls have been aimlessly roaming around the sandy hills of their planet hoping that they'll be called to war again one day. They are not aware of their creator's dissappearance. Syght also sits in the same solar system as Polyominus and Mo-Drakk (Invincible's homeworld).
Blockade acts as a purely defensive alien, used mainly when he's around other people to be used as a living shield. Blockade's unique biology makes him an immovable object, with the only thing being able to move him is himself. The red, brick looking armour on his back is incredibly durable & can reflect most projectiles. Even without his armour, he can still withstand some heavy blows.
If it wasn't obvious on first glance, Blockade can't do much with his hands. He has no fingers & can't even reach down to touch his foot without falling over. Blockade is also incredibly slow because of the shape of his foot. While nothing can physically push or pull him anywhere, Blockade can be picked up by beings who might be stronger or larger than him like a Tetramand or a To'kustar.
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art-by-ashford · 2 years ago
When you're the byproduct of illegal science gone wrong, you are forced to spend your days in hiding. Soraya and her brother Ja’el are Drakkmorphs-- creatures with the genetic mutations of both human and dragon that were created by shady hack scientists. With the government on a strict "No Drakks" kick, and their father disappearing under mysterious circumstances, these two siblings have to work together to do whatever it takes to survive. Reading this will make your day better. #DRAKKMORPHS: World of Dragons #webcomic #WEBTOON
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33-sansan · 10 months ago
En arbeidsdag i livet mitt
Jeg går på norskkurs 3 dager hver uke. Men jeg har også arbeidstrening. På onsdag og torsdag går jeg på jobb ved Prios Kompetanse. Det er nyttig å ha praksis eller trening med jobb, fordi du kan få arbeidserfaring i Norge og praktisere norsken din gjennom arbeidsmiljøet. Viktigere er det at du kan få kontakt med de andre og bygge opp ditt eget sosiale nettverk. Nå skal jeg fortelle om en arbeidsdag i livet mitt, som faktisk var 17. april. Så kan jeg vise dere hva jeg gjorde.  
På denne dagen sto jeg opp kl. halv 7. Jobben starter kl. 8. Derfor må jeg stå opp tidligere enn skoledager. Jeg pleier å ha god tid om morgenen! Kl. 7.35 dro jeg på jobb med mannen min. Vi gikk forbi broen og stranden. Jeg kunne fortelle at våren endelig er her fordi endene nøt morgenbadet sitt. Men jeg var så trøtt og jeg nøt ikke morgenturen min. Derfor drakk jeg en hel kopp kaffe da jeg kom på kontoret. (Nå begynner jeg å tenke på hvorfor jeg tok med kaffe i stedet for å drikke den før jeg dro på jobb...🧐)
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Jeg fikk en oppgave sist uke hvor jeg skulle skrive en artikkel om strategier for merkevarebygging. Først skrev jeg en oversikt over artikkelen. Så fikk jeg litt hjelp av AI til å finne noen passende eksempler. I dag har bruk av AI i arbeidssituasjoner blitt veldig vanlig. Men du bør ikke stole utelukkende på AI for å skrive artiklene dine. Jeg velger å delta på riktig måte i skrivingen og lar AI hjelpe meg med å søke etter informasjon og hjelpe meg med å polere artiklene mine. 
Etter at jeg var ferdig med oppgaven, kontaktet jeg med kollegaen min, Caroline, som har ansvaret for meg på jobben. Vi snakket litt om hva jeg skulle gjøre etterpå. Vi fikk besøk av vår prosjektpartner fra Tsjekkia. Det var faktisk en ganske vanskelig oppgave. Noen ganger har prosjektene faglig kompliserte temaer som jeg ikke har erfaring med. Jeg brukte litt tid på å gjøre litt research og forstå det før jeg kunne tenke på et emne for artikkelen min. 
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Kl. 12 bestemte vi oss å gå på en kort tur. Vi sitter alltid på kontoret og det er ikke så sunt! Det var fint vær og bare litt kaldt. Steinkjer er en liten by, men den har fortsatt vakre steder her og der. Vi fikk beskjed om at det var et turarrangement kl.15. Og jeg ble veldig begeistret for det. Ingenting er bedre enn ut på tur!
Vi tok med gjestene til Oftenåsen. Hvis du kommer til Steinkjer, må du besøke Oftenåsen, sa kollegaen min. Jeg hadde aldri vært på Oftenåsen før, så jeg var veldig spent på å se den store stolen. 
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Målet var å vise gjestene hva typisk norsk er (tror jeg). Det var en ganske enkel tursti. Og det var fint vær da vi startet. Sola skinte.
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Der fant vi forskjellige flere statuer i skogen. De fleste av dem er troll og i slekt med norske folkeeventyr. De fortalte gjestene historiene bak statuene, og jeg lærte nye ting sammen. Så fint!
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Det var faktisk ganske vanskelig å gå noen steder fordi isen på veien ennå ikke hadde smeltet. Men vi møtte noen eldre mennesker på tur der, en av dem løp til og med. 😂De var typiske nordmenn! Ut på tur alltid! Til slutt kom vi til den store stolen.
Når jeg sier stor så mener jeg STOR!! De fortalte meg at det var den største hagestolen i verden. SÅ KULT!
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Etter besøkte den stolen gikk vi tilbake. Og det startet å snø, senere kom hagler.
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Gjestene fant at det var så rart. Jeg lo og sa, det er bare typisk norsk, skiftende vær! Det ble kaldt og jeg ønsket å ha pølse. Så vi gikk til bensinstasjonen og kjøpte pølse. Ja, du må ha pølse på en typisk norgestur. Det er akkurat slik det er. 
Dette er en arbeidsdag i livet mitt. Hvordan er dagen din?
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