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thewordhord · 2 months ago
Leiligheten min er liten. Jeg bor i Roma, den italienske byen. Jeg bor alene. I nærheten er det mange butikker. Det er tre matbutikker, en klesbutikk, og en bensinstasjon. Det er mange steder å kjøpe en kopp kaffe.
(A1 Norwegian language practice)
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thetisming · 10 months ago
amatonormativity: a romantic partner should be the most important person in EVERYONE'S life
NOT amatonormativity: MY romantic partner is the most important person in MY life, but i understand this is not the same for other people
allosexnormativity: EVERYONE should have sex and sex is something EVERYONE needs/wants/should want
NOT allosexnormativity: I PERSONALLY enjoy sex and love having sex because it makes ME feel good, but other people dont feel the same and that's okay
platonormativity: having friends is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs/has/should have friends
NOT platonormativity: having friends is important to ME and I PERSONALLY love having friends, but there are people who dont and theres nothing wrong with that
faminormativity (is that the word?): family is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs to have their family
NOT faminormativity: family is important to ME and I PERSONALLY need my family with me, but other people dont feel the same and i understand that
lovenormativity (again, not sure if this is a word): EVERYBODY feels love and there's something wrong wiith you if you dont
NOT lovenormativity: I PERSONALLY feel love and love people, but not everyone does and that's completely okay!
NOT amatonormativity: i dont have friends/have any desire to have friends, i am happy with other relationships/no relationships at all
NOT platonormativity: i dont have any desire to be in a romantic relationships, and i am happy with my platonic relationships
NOT allosexnormativity: i like hooking up with people and having one night stands or friends with benefits
NOT faminormativity: i care about my family deeply and am close with family members
NOT lovenormativity: i feel love for people i care about
it's not normative to personally enjoy something, so long as you respect that other people simply arent like you and aren't going to like the same things as you. taking down normativity is a two way street, allos and aspecs need to do it. support your local aros, aces, apls, afams and other aspecs today! remember to challange all normativities, and to not enforce other normativity by saying how bullshit other normativities are!
nothing is universal. romance is not universal. sex is not universal. friendship is not universal. family is not universal. love is not universal. nothing is universal.
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centrally-unplanned · 10 months ago
(Extreme on-brand post incoming) Some translation discourse about Chainsaw Man's latest chapter right now - in English this scene is translated as "slut":
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But in the original it is 痴女/Chijo:
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Literally "dumb woman" but almost always today used to mean "female molester". So people are complaining that, particularly given that Asa was the initiator of the current sexual encounter in question, that this is an incorrect translation - her anger is more over being a violator than shame over her sex drive or whatever.
I don't think they are right about that - "slut" is the best translation of 痴女. It doesn't not mean 'molester', it is used for someone who actually does that, but that is comparatively rare - its primarily used more metaphorically for a "sexually aggressive woman". Here is a typical dictionary entry for the word, which includes this line:
"to lose oneself in lust". Because the idea of this molester is that it isn't some calculating predator or anything, it is that she is overcome by her emotions, unable to reign herself in, and thus crosses boundaries. Hence the word origin - "dumb woman", right? Sounds like a slut to me, pretty similar to how we use that term - even if it has no connotations of sexual assault in English.
Also this is just the culturally accepted translation of the word, I think that counts for something.
But I want to go deeper - after all, there are other words in Japanese that mean "slut", like パンコ/Panko - yes like-but-not-exactly the breadcrumbs let's not get distracted okay? So why use 痴女? Here, I am going to note that this is a manga, it's part of a specific culture. Maybe you've noticed that in eroge male media - even tame ones like harem shows - compared to western porn the men are pretty passive? They don't make a lot of stories of chads pulling chicks, it is nerds having alien space hotties throw themselves at him.
This definitely comes from wider Japanese culture, don't get me wrong (and I lack expertise there, lets not oversell myself), but it is definitely the case than in animanga a male passivity streak is just sort of embedded as the default. And you can see that in the use of 痴女 in the medium.
So let's run an experiment! Let's go to e-hentai, and find the first relevant result with that word in the title. Here we go:
"The girl in the top caste is actually a lewd, perverted chijo"
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And yeah, its about a hot, popular teen girl being paid to fuck some guys who propositioned her. The fourth page literally includes a guy saying "I am so excited, this rules". He isn't being consent violated in the slightest, the fantasy that makes her a chijo is how eager and lustful she is.
Audiences read all this stuff and cross reference each other, like language does. Its a pretty common term in the space. None of the cultural focus is on the violation aspect, all of the cultural focus is on the desire, and it has added punch as a sort of shameful secret ("Popular girl is actually..."). It's just slightly confusing because there are undercurrents of default norms in the sexual language that we in English don't have. The default Japanese slut is 20% more aggressive, as it were.
Slut, therefore, is the correct term for a manga translation. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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nebulaedaniel · 9 months ago
since we’re now talking about the racism in the phandom, i’m very glad it’s being brought to light so thank you to @dapg-otmebytheballs @demonqueenart and everyone else talking about this, i want to talk about cancel culture.
now i’m as white as they come, so before reading any of this i need you all to read the posts made by some of the people starting this conversation. here’s some links. xx xx xx xx xx
the reason i want to bring this up is because it’s something i noticed in a lot of the posts bringing up the behavior that dnp have/have had. its bizarre to me that we as a society, but especially we as a fandom, feel the need to disclose that bringing up problematic behavior isn’t an attack or call to ‘cancel’ someone!
to be able to have an open discussion where people CAN evolve and learn, bad behaviors need to be brought up without the immediate assumption that the person talking about it wants to bring harm to the other.
i am not here to defend dan and phil, they are well old enough to have these realizations on their own and stand for their actions, but, without the space to point out these behaviors, there will be no change. if these questions are being brought up within fandom spaces, why assume that the person means harm? excuse my metaphor but why would they set fire to their own house? i can understand wanting to take something with a grain of salt if it was coming from someone not in the fandom spaces at all, or someone not familiar with dan and phil whatsoever, but since it is the fans bringing this up, the absolute least you can do is believe them and listen.
wanting to see change is far from the same as wanting to see someone ‘canceled’ or lose their platform. these discussions are good and important to have, and i want to again thank everyone who has taken time of their days to speak up about this. it’s labor you shouldn’t have to do, and i really hope that we as a fandom learn from this. i know i will.
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daryun · 2 years ago
"Trying to bite down on Arslan's long spear, the lion did not suceed and was pierced deep into its throat"
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Colour illustration from Book 8 by Yoshitaka Amano, featuring Arslan hunting a lion. He earns his Shirghir title here. It's only in uploading this image now that I realise you can actually see another lion (a lioness) crouching in the grass behind Arslan's horse.
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thisautistic · 2 months ago
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mooooore fascinating pronoun stuff! kant uses guu/กรู(I, informal, impolite) here to refer to himself, presumably to express his guilt and disgust at himself. he earlier did call fadel 'ai'fadel' which is informal/impolite but here:
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the 'you' he uses is khun/คุณ, (formal, polite) to show his respect to fadel.
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but herrrreeee he goes back to phom/ผม(I, formal, polite) for himself. also, presumably to show respect. im going crazyyyyyyyy
i've literally never seen so much playing with thai pronouns as i have in this show and i'm enjoying it soooo much
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snownorites · 5 months ago
Some disjointed thoughts on Sua and her sister that I had yesterday cause I've seen some people on twt being really adamant that Sua was in the "loved before anakt" category and I don't think that's what the point of Heavenly Garden is personally
For one, I don’t think she's actually looking out for Sua here. (using WhataFruit's translation)
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I think her intention was to make Sua feel bad about herself. The word choice is extremely deliberate: "you're so unkempt" "that is unseemly" "you're already dumb enough as it is". That last one is obvious but those first two I think are super important to understanding the kind of competitive environment "being" a doll must have fostered. She's trying to put Sua "in her place" here and make her feel like she doesn't actually deserve any of the favouritism Nigeh gives her because she's "stupid" and can't even play her part properly.
And Sua has every reason to believe what her sister tells her. Outside of her cruelty she's so nice, so gentle, she even plays with her and tickles her. Ofc Sua would assume that she has the best intentions and to me that's the point of why her sister acts that way. It's not about affection or love really, it's something closer to bullying. This way every insult, every instance of belittling however small stays with her and hurts her. Her pity of Sua may be "genuine" but it seems to be more mocking? Saying that she loved Sua to me feels a bit like buying into the performance.
The framing of the comic to me is also very interesting because the contrast between Mizi and Sua's sister is telling us that we need to consider their affects on Sua in relation with each other. Sua did not feel loved before she met Mizi.
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Her saying this is supposed to show that her sister was all she ever knew in terms of human connection. "Back then" as in before meeting Mizi.
Sua thinks that her sister was actually the pitiful one all along but something really interesting is that it's not because she finally found self worth or because she knows that her sister was wrong about her being unkempt or "stupid", it goes right back to love. Her sister is pitiful because she didn't know love.
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That heavenly garden, Mizi, loving and being loved. If Sua felt love before anakt I don't really see why it'd be framed like this.
And the thing is that love is a super big theme in Alien Stage. You could very well argue that this is just how her sister shows love and since we don't have her pov the way that we do Io's or Ivan's there's absolutely no way to refute that the same way there's no way to prove that. But to me including Sua in the same category as Mizi and now Till feels really disingenuous. Mizi and Till felt loved before anakt and carried forward that love in all their actions. Sua did not and her actions reflect that.
I think that Sua's feelings of self hatred are a pretty important thing to also consider when analysing anything to do with her (and I'll probably have to do a seperate post about that because this is already so fucking long lmao) People don't pay enough attention to this and how a lot of it comes from the bullying she experienced
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Before Mizi, Sua was objectified by everyone around her, humans and segyein alike. And maybe her sister was different and we'll see that in another comic but to me heavenly garden's intention is to reinforce that this bullying wasn't just the very overt kind that's shown above. Like with the new Till comic, all the material we get builds onto each other, Heavenly Garden gives context to just how sinister the bullying was.
And I don't say all this to say that people are wrong about her sister potentially loving her, maybe she did, but Sua did not feel loved or experience that love. It's weird that I'm seeing more justification and rationalisation of her sister's behaviour than people actually taking Sua's narrative into consideration and trying to understand how her sister fits into it.
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leonsliga · 11 days ago
Today I am pleased to announce that I will be presenting the oak tree at the 637th Maiabend (“May Evening”) festival of the Bochumer Maiabendgesellschaft (the society that plans and organizes the festival). I was extremely pleased about the request. Why? Because I believe the oak stands for strength and stability, and I believe these are values that define both the people of Bochum and the city itself.
I’m very glad that I grew up in Bochum and immensely grateful to the city, as well as to the people who live there; that’s why I didn’t have to think long when I got the request to help maintain this tradition—one which celebrates precisely these values (strength and stability). I believe we will have a great day there [at the festival]. We as Bochum natives can celebrate ourselves and our history there. I'm looking forward to it, I hope you’re looking forward to it as well, and until then I wish you all the best.
~ Your Leon
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catboygirljoker · 14 days ago
As both a Xigbar Fucker TM and someone who is...at least better at translating japanese than I am, I want to ask clarification, because i've both seen claims that japanese Xigbar refers to Roxas as "tora" (a direction translation being "tiger" and similar-sounding to "sora") and that the direction translation is closer to "kitten" <- i've seen that one a lot in fan translations of the Days manga, personally. but had to be changed for english translations since using kitten as a pet name is less little league softball coach and more. you know. would you happen to know which one is closer to the truth also he can call me kitten if he likes <.< who said that.
whoiugh did anybody see that? i think a gnome ran by saying a true and beautiful statement <-reference to a post about the phrase "who said that"
i've seen the post that says Xigbar calls Roxas "tora" in Japanese—this is untrue. "tora" is the Japanese word for "tiger", but in the original JP version of the game, Xigbar calls Roxas "koneko-chan", which is translated best as "kitten". to my understanding it's a nickname primarily given to young girls.
i think in light of that, the closer localization might be "princess"? in terms of vibes, like, Xigbar calling Roxas a feminine nickname to razz him? but that might not have been the original intended connotation!
for the record, he also does not call Roxas "kito" (or "kido"/"kiddo", JP does have a D sound), he calls him "bouya"/"bōya", which means "boy" (i think a false cognate/not a loanword/a coincidence that it sounds like the English word, but i could be wrong). it's also translated "newbie" and "greenhorn".
so in JP the nicknames Xigbar gives Roxas seem to be kind of diminutive or backhanded, which isn't really the tone in the EN translation—possibly because that wasn't the tone intended in the first place, and there's something lost in me, an amateur, doing my best with a little research and 4 half-remembered years of JP classes, trying to translate the terms LOL
(also, in JP Xigbar calls Xion "pou-chan"/"pō-chan", a nickname derived from the french word "poupée" meaning doll :] )
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mo-ok · 7 months ago
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would you like a red boy? hold out your hand i'll give you a red boy 🥰
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thewordhord · 2 months ago
39 Irregular Norwegian Verbs
Infinitive, present simple past, past perfect
Å bli / blir / ble / har blitt - to become, to remain, to be
Å burde / bør / burde / har burdet - should
Å bære / bærer / bar / har båret - to carry
Å dra / drar / dro[g] / har dradd - to travel, to go
Å drikke / drikker / drakk / har drukket - to drink
Å drive / driver / drev / har drevet - to run/manage
Å dø / dør / døde / har dødd - to die
å finne / finner / fant / har funnet - to find
Å forstå / forstår / forsto / har forstått - to understand
Å fortelle / forteller / fortalte / har fortalt - to tell
Å få / får / fikk / har fått - to get, to receive
Å gi / gir / ga[v] / har gitt - to give
Å gjenta / gjentar / gjentok / har gjentatt - to repeat
Å gjøre / gjør / gjorde / har gjort - to do
Å gå / går / gikk / har gått - to go
Å ha / har / hadde / har hatt - to have
Å hjelpe / hjelper / hjalp / har hjulpet - to help
Å holde / holder / holdt / har holdt - to hold
Å komme / kommer / kom / har kommet - to come
Å kunne / kan / kunne / har kunnet - can, to be able to
Å legge / legger / la / har lagt - to lay, put down
Å ligge / ligger / lå / har ligget - to lie, to be in a place
Å måtte / må / måtte / har måttet - must, to have to
Å se / ser / så / har sett - to see
Å sette / setter / satte / har satt - to set, to put
Å si / sier / sa / har sagt - to say
Å sitte / sitter / satt / har sittet - to sit
Å skjære / skjærer / skar / har skåret - to cut
Å skrive / skriver / skrev / har skrevet - to write
Å skulle / skal / skulle / har skullet - shall / should
Å slå [av/på] / slår / slo / har slått - to turn off/on
Å sove / sover / sov / har sovet - to sleep
Å spørre / spør / spurte / har spurt - to ask
Å stå opp / står / sto / har stått - to stand up
Å ta / tar / tok / har tatt - to take
Å treffe / treffer / traff / har truffet - to meet
Å være / er / var / har vært - to be
Å ville / vil / ville / har villet - to want
Å vite / vet / visste / har visst - to know (as a fact)
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grimowled · 2 months ago
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kutyozh · 6 months ago
queer and decolonial vocabulary
В рамках Brick-By-Brick Challenge я собрали список слов, которых я услышали в видео "Как пересекается гомофобия и расизм? Истории бурята, калмычек и татарина". Очень рекомендую вам посмотреть его!! Есть и английские субтитры.
I recommend watching the video even if you don't understand Russian, it has English subs!
в шкафу́ — in the closet
гей — gay (noun)
гетеросексуа́льный; ге́теро — heterosexual; hetero
деколониа́льность — decolonialism
импе́рский — imperial
камин-а́ут; каминг-а́ут* — coming-out (noun)
кви́рность — queerness
лесбия́нка — lesbian (noun)
патриарха́льный — patriarchal
пересека́ться / пересе́чься — to intersect
пресле́дование — persecution
сексуа́льность — sexuality
сопротивле́ние — resistance
спектр — spectrum
ста́рший — in this context: elder (noun)
трансге́ндерный; транс — transgender; trans
тра̀нс-же́нщина — trans woman
трансфеми́нный — transfeminine
трансфо́бный — transphobic
цисге́ндерный; цис — cisgender; cis
шамани́зм — shamanism
язы́ческий — pagan (adjective)
*the first spelling is what I heard in the video, but I found both versions online
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melonymint753 · 9 months ago
Melinoë 🤝 Moros
One inopportune fall or movement away from stabbing themselves with their own armor
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sparkles-oflight · 1 year ago
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The color is pink
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aeroblossom · 1 year ago
thoughts about rhinedottir, alchemy, albedo and so on
☆ i just remembered i made a post suggesting naberius as the third descender and was suddenly struck with the realization that rhinedottir was also called the flower not of this world. what does that mean. what did she do with him. did she kill and eat him and gain his otherworldlyness. no but really
> Neuvillette and the Traveler later speculated that elemental power might be intrinsic to Descenders, given that both the Gnoses and the Vision-less Traveler are imbued with said power.[5] If this is true, it would be expected that other Descenders would be able to wield elemental powers, as well.
☆ and if visions are smaller versions of gnoses, this only makes me think of how albedo, a creation of rhinedottir, is a vision wielder - but his vision is the smallest one in the game, implying he uses it very little compared to alchemy, and since he's made of chalk, the power of geo may be intrinsic to him. so if she was trying to recreate the primordial human, and descenders have intrinsic elemental power, and the first usurper aka the primordial one has all this "golden" aura associated with him...
☆ if the stages of alchemy in genshin are reversed. if remuria was able to attain the philosopher's stone. if everything was once made of gold... then azosite... could it be the philosopher's stone? the khaenriahn robots use it to function. remus employed the use of ichor with one other ingredient i'm forgetting to create the golden symphony.
☆ adding on that, the standard ruin guard model has always reminded me of talos, the first robot, an automaton made to guard an island. the fuel it ran on was called ichor, blood of the gods.
☆ i know the word petrichor refers to the smell of the earth after rain, but now... perhaps they used it for a different reason.
☆ i have forever been curious about the intention behind rhinedottir's name. the daughter of the rhine - the rhine river. a river. river... time flows in a river. the river between life and death. the starry band across the teyvat sky, that i always thought of as a river. obviously her name is derived from the wagner play, but why would the creator of (mostly) geo entities be associated with rivers?
☆ an idea i proposed a long time ago: albedo is the only character aside from obviously sus ones like gods and the traveler, whose fate mona doesn't read. his constellation is also the weirdest thing to be a constellation. remember that the people of teyvat do actually utilize these asterisms, and like in real life, most (aside from gods or godlike entities) are based on things found in life and nature. albedo's doesn't seem like something that could just naturally occur. albedo's constellation may be fake.
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