#dragons and blades
abyssgrant · 2 days
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Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
Just a normal man who got caught up in the end of the world.
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rhetoricandlogic · 1 year
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Dragons & Blades series by Aliette de Bodard
Reviewed by Galen Strickland Posted June 5, 2020 Edits and Addendum on September 3, 2022
Please note: I reviewed the first title two years ago, but am now combining it with its first sequel, using a different URL. I will eventually delete the older page.
1. Of Dragons, Feast and Murders / 2. Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances
A new novella described as a spin-off from Aliette de Bodard's Dominion of the Fallen series, "Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders" will be published in a little over a month, July 7, 2020. I received an e-ARC from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. At this time Amazon only has a pre-order for Kindle, and B&N only for the Nook. I'm not sure if a print edition is planned for later. [UPDATE July 7: Amazon now has it in paperback (link above), B&N still only for the Nook, but no listing at Bookshop yet (EDIT: still not at Bookshop more than two years later).] The novels were published by ACE, but the shorter works have been either self-published online only, or in the case of these two, through the indie press JABberwocky Literary Agency.
I have the first novel in the series but haven't read it yet, although I've now read four shorter works, and I believe there are at least three others. I think this is set after the third novel, but it's enough of a stand-alone story as long as you are aware of the general premise. Most of the series is set in a post-apocalyptic Paris, with Fallen Angels aligned in various Houses, along with other supernatural beings. This story is about the Fallen Angel Asmodeus, head of House Hawthorn, and his husband Thuan, a dragon from the Celestial City, which I gather is in an alternate dimension, but I could be wrong about that. Thuan can shape-shift and take human form, and Asmodeus can keep his wings in check to appear human too. The Celestial City, based on Vietnamese culture, is home not only to dragons, but also crab/humans and fish/humans, and probably other creatures, but dragons are the dominant class.
Thuan is a member of the royal family but is uninterested in that part of his life. He is a scholar, fond of books. He now lives with Asmodeus in Paris, but they have come back to the palace in anticipation of the Tet Holiday, Lunar New Year. Their visit is interrupted by a murder. Due to his keen ability to smell blood, Asmodeus gets to the body quickly, and the authorities are unaware he finds and keeps a bag of an unknown powder found on the victim's body, which he suspects is a poison. Thuan is invited to aid in the investigation by one of his cousins, a local magistrate. There are other bodies too, one burned beyond recognition, another Thuan suspects was killed by Asmodeus, who is known to be fond of knives. A synopsis of the story includes "…a tale of dragons, and Fallen angels—and also kissing, sarcasm and stabbing." Asmodeus is convinced they are being trapped between rival court factions. He would rather return to Paris, but Thuan reluctantly commits his help. When they determine the purpose of the powder, Thuan races to warn and protect the Empress. This works well on its own, you can forget about the supernatural trappings and read it as a straight mystery, replete with corrupt authorities, arrogant royalty, and underlings presented as scapegoats.
Posted September 3, 2022: I'm now even more anxious to read the Dominion novels, since things were revealed in this new story that I don't recall from "Dragons." Supposedly Asmodeus and Thuan's marriage was arranged between the Fallen and the Celestial City. They have grown to love and respect each other, but that was not always the case, and they still have occasional quarrels. I won't detail one of their previous conflicts. As with the first story this is a mystery, with another body discovered, but the body comes after they encounter a ghost of a young girl in an abandoned shrine. The ghost, whose name they learn is Lan, apparently witnessed the murder of another. Since I'm averse to violence and am an avid reader, I identify with Thuan the most, but there are aspects of Asmodeus's character that I admire as well. The "Blades" of the stories collective title comes from him, his favorite weapons being knives and swords. He is quick-tempered, sometimes even gleeful in his displays of violence, but he has a very strict moral code, that code being the basis for his belief that violence is necessary in many instances. One of the instances he won't budge on is the protection of children, even if they are a ghost.
Asmodeus takes Lan under his wings, both literally and figuratively, while Thuan is hesitant to even be close to her, especially because they are on a break at the Celestial Palace and caring for two of his nieces, Camille and Ai Nhi. He is plagued with the predominant notion that ghosts feed on the living, sort of like zombies and vampires in other legends. Asmodeus keeps referring to Lan not as a ghost but as a girl who needs their help. Thuan's nieces embrace her as another friend, while Thuan is afraid for himself and everyone else. He has good reason to be afraid. It seems someone has targeted Lan because she had witnessed a murder the perpetrator wants to keep covered up. Another of Thuan's relatives is consulted, who gives them vital information about previous murders in and around the abandoned shrine. On several occasions they are attacked by cut paper figurines imbued with magic, both Thuan and Asmodeus sustaining injuries, the latter being the most severe. Thuan's cousin directs them to the most likely suspect, whom they eventually defeat, but it is not easy. As all of this is happening, Lan becomes more and more substantial. Asmodeus declares her a new part of the family, which delights Camille and Ai Nhi, but it will take a long time for Thuan to overcome his prejudices.
Another intriguing mystery, with significant character development, along with a deeper exploration of Celestial City politics and bureaucracy, not to mention the difficulty of two very different 'people' navigating a serious relationship. Can Thuan and Asmodeus reconcile their different natures, their different outlooks for the future? One benefit for the city as a whole comes about when they determine the likely cause of Lan's death: starvation. Thuan is able to put into place new policies that aid the poor, not just with food, but also better education and preparation for employment. It's too late for Lan, even if she is able to retain her spirit and thrive within a loving family. I hope for more stories featuring Thuan and Asmodeus, whether or not Lan is still around. Recommended.
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acgamesda · 3 months
I hope that Lucanis' sex scene will have him embrace Rook in a makeout session, abruptly stop and enter the sequance of removing like 23 variously sized knives he's carrying on himself around on daily basis with Rook laying on the bed watching and trying to understand where he kept those knives...
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the-nothing-maker · 2 months
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Holy blemishes
(Mel is my main D&D guy from @luposlipaphobya's campaign, Val Cardinal !)
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analog-kidd · 8 months
If Fire Emblem Had Tumblr
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🪄child-of-elimine Follow
This is a reminder that practicing dark magic will always be dangerous, evil, and very problematic!
🌑purplegaymagic Follow
Yes certain types of dark magic can be dangerous but ITS NOT EVILL!!
🖤the-elder-mage Follow
First of all op, you're from elibe so you should know that the preferred name for dark magic here is elder magic.
Second, op is a dragonphobe and supports the g*nocide of all dragons.
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❤️️crimsonrider Follow
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👼talyspeggy Follow
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(25,434 notes)
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🪚sidecharater121 Follow
Me watching my friend getting warped to Zenith for the 5th time in different clothes cause they were popular
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(1,547 notes)
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🌪wimdymagey Follow
wdym you dont need a tome to summon magic in fodlan and valentia??????
🌪wimdymagey Follow
Im over here flipping thru the pages of my book for my life hoping my head doesnt get caved in by a hand axe!!
(3,957 notes)
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🌘nohrian-cum Follow
Wait... weapons can break????
⚔️myrmigone Follow
(122 notes)
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🪵chopinheads Follow
Hey guys! I'm a fighter about to promote!
Should I promote to warrior or hero?
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🗿the-real-axe-man Follow
pegasuses are such misandrists. wtf did i do to you flying pony??
Pegasuses arent even usful, they litterally get one shotted by an archer with 5 strength.
👼talyspeggy Follow
Literally not every pegasi breed "hates" men.
Go to Hoshido if you wanna see men riding pegasi.
I'm so sorry that certain pegasi were born not wanting a man to ride them.
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😷helpfulheals Follow
Hey guys @/begnionianloverss is a laguzphobe and supports the s*renes m*ssacre saying that "they deserved it"
😺ran-the-catboy Follow
Oof,, thanks for informing us, I have friends who follow that account, gonna tell them that info immediately!
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🏰armored-general Follow
Can myrmidons shut up abt their crit rates???
Yall cant even do 1 damage against me, how tf that crit rate gonna help you???
⚔️myrmigone Follow
Flame Sword
Levin Sword
Wind Sword
Sonic Sword
🏰armored-general Follow
with YOUR 3 MAGIC???????? LMAO!!!! stop coping and admit that myrmidon is a shit class
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🏹no1-archer Follow
Heard that @flameempire was hosting a bbq at belhalla, very excited!
🏹no1-archer Follow
🐉divinedragonfanclub Follow
wtf is happening in jugdral
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🚫anti-crest-revolution Follow
Gods I hate people with crests
Privileged mfs
⚡️zapanddash Follow
Brooooo my crest literally randomly summons a thunder storm whenever im around.
I was in khadein (a literal desert nation) a while ago and in the middle of THE HOT DESERT DAY A FUCKING TORENTIAL RAIN STORM APPEARS!!!
That is not a privilege
🌑purplegaymagic Follow
OP you literally have a crest! how can you say you hate crests when YOU HAVE ONE YOURSELF!!!! SMH
(34,667 notes)
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🧙‍♂️gotohs-big-naturals Follow
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I can fix him
💐eirika-erica Follow
No you fucking can't
🐎expthiefseth Follow
No you fucking can't
🐲frenofdragon Follow
No you fucking can't
🪨the-obsidianrock Follow
No you fucking can't
🔱lancemaster22 Follow
No you fucking can't
(2,331 notes)
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🥷ninja-paint Follow
pets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets you
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😺ran-the-catboy Follow
gets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets pet
(776 notes)
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This website was a waste of money
(933,720 notes)
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1K notes · View notes
winter2468 · 3 months
so I've found the greatest elden ring fanfic of all time:
Things Tarnished Are No Longer Allowed To Do In The Lands Between
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withdenim · 9 months
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Sorry for the stupid line callback he was just like. Specifically requested or something. Idk .
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milton-chamberlain · 1 month
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Payment via PayPal on Boosty unfortunately does not work now. If you can only pay using PayPal, then use Hipolink!
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rexonalapis · 1 year
dragon a: my boyfriend is a war criminal (he escaped prison)
dragon b: my boyfriend used to be an inmate but now he has a full time job as a warden (of the same prison)
dragon c: (i grew up in prison) my boyfriend is trying to commit intergalactic crime by constantly attempting to kill me
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bycaprinae · 2 months
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✨Until death do us apart ✨
Happy 11 days left until TDP S6! ! ! ! Commission for @arvikam !!!
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 5 months
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Another Wyll dialogue that has me CRACKING UP (IYKYK)
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n0tamused · 1 month
HSR characters as dragons
A/N: Hellloo, it is I once more with my dragon rambles. This time we're moving onto HSR a bit more. I do hope you all like how these turned out, and if you'd like any specific character turned into a dragon, please do lemme know in the comments or reblogs. Idk when I'll do the next part, but I do plan to continue this little series.
Content: Dr. Ratio, Luocha and Blade as dragons, x reader, gn reader, fluff, angst(Blade's part)
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Dr Ratio:
-A lot don’t consider him a dragon, and they’d have a point since visually Dr. Ratio does lack in the stereotypical dragon aspects, and he himself would classify himself as a “gryphon” much more than a dragon. 
-Nonetheless, he makes the list of many dragon related magazines and novels and research papers
-Dr. Ratio is huge (doctor- you’re huge!)(not sorry) in this dragon form, he certainly does not lack in mass either, hiding quite the muscular form under all the feathers and fluff which he pays a lot of attention to
-One of the life goals he has set is that search for knowledge and more knowledge and to cure the illness called ignorance and stupidity. This life-long dedication has brought him to a lot of places, and a lot of forgotten where he truly hails from.
-Due to his size, he usually cannot fit in many places, and since he frequents cities, schools and so on, he is more often seen in his human form, handling his business accordingly and swiftly. He is calculated, and sometimes considers his beastly form something that represents 2 things. 2-The future version of what he wants to achieve; dragons and gryphons are often classified as hoarders of knowledge, being one of the wisest species that there is, and if he could achieve that peak form, he might have a better time fulfilling his goal. And 2-A representation of a more negative side of himself, driven more by beastly instincts. Quite the contradiction to the first point, which led Ratio to some insecurities about his form. He doesn’t want to risk being impulsive or acting on animalistic impulse, so he doesn’t take on the form that often at all.
-He doesn’t flaunt it either, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive of gorgeous to look at when he does take on the form of the giant bird-dragon
-Due to his build, he is quite well prepared should a fight arise - but as per his morals and protocol, he would much rather take the diplomatic route. Although if the intimidation factor would have any good use, he may arrive at the negotiation site in his dragon form, showing off his size and big claws before reverting to his human form when he lands.
-Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise, but his fur and fluff is so soft and he also smells really nice. (I could fall asleep in his fluff and never wake up)
-He is really cautious in his dragon form, stepping lightly and gingerly around anything that could be damaged or broken easily, specifically you. Speaking of that - for a dragon his size he really does step lightly. His footsteps don’t echo or tremble the ground like you may expect, and also similarly - he flies very silently. You don’t hear him approaching at all.
-He would let you pet him only after a lot of nagging, feeling a bit embarrassed mentally about the situation as he just sits there and then there’s you, a tiny human hopping around him all giddy and with stars in your eyes as you pet him and maybe even try to climb him. He’s grumpy, but he is flattered- especially since it is you bringing forth all this mirth and compliments for this beastly form, and also him as a human too
-He’s also ambidextrous, both in human and dragon form. 
-.... I'm tempted to say that in dragon form he can also use his hind legs as hands too due to this... like bro is skilled okay, knowledge gave him writing buffs lmao
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-(pretty dragon pretty dragon-)
-A very kind looking dragon, gentle and smelling of spring and reminiscent of a bountiful harvest with his pale gold scales and flowing golden mane.
-It is unknown where exactly he came from, as he sort of just appeared one day and came to exist within the people’s memories
-Some of the jewelry decorating his mane and body were gifts from some youngsters he came across. He accepted these gifts and polished them before putting them on himself, wearing the gifts with pride, earning the trust of the locals smoothly and swiftly with his humble demeanor
-He is well versed in medicinal herbs and has offered his aid to many individuals, even fellow dragons. While he does frequent his dragon form a lot, as it also makes carrying wares easier, he is still human and both dragon and human need to eat. While he has offered free services to those in dire need, he does charge others, and although his prices are not high, the price is still there.
-Some claim he uses magic to grow his herbs, since everyone that got their wares of herbs from him claim that they instantly felt better, after a sniff or a first sip. 
-His front legs are a bit shorter, making his hips stand a bit higher when he is walking on all fours, but he is also able to walk on his hind legs, and his front legs are very flexible. He can harvest and plant his own herbs just fine in his dragon form. His heavy tail gives him a great balance and if need be he can run very fast. He is quite agile, whether it be on 2 or 4 feet and, despite the gentle nature, can fight.
-You can often catch him laying down in some sun-kissed spot near the city, surrounded by kids after his business hours, all kids admiring his form; playing with his mane or claws or scarves on his body, one kid is braiding little braids on one side, and there’s a kid that somehow  climbed their way up onto his forehead, holding onto his bangs for dear life. Luocha lays his head down, huffing as the kids exhaust themselves jumping and playing. Although if the sun is setting he doesn’t hold back on telling them to go home or telling them some ghost tale to scare them back into their parent’s arms. 
-He does love picking you up too if he is feeling cheeky, setting you on his back or his head as he walks back to your shared residence in that place.
A:n: Luocha is one of my favorite designs that I’ve done so far, look at him auhfoisfahofsg
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-Once a young, moon-kissed and pale dragon was now a shell of his former self, with only small patches of pale fluff standing out as a faint reminder of what he once was.
-His illness made spiky protrusions grow from his underbelly and it ruined his maw as well. However formidable it all made him, dark and scary, he was in constant pain.
-He is rarely ever seen, and ever since the ‘incident’ he has become a ghost tale to scare the kids with, a warning to any other long-life species as to what may happen if they follow down his route and what can happen if they're struck with the same illness as him
-Blade avoids any reflective surfaces in which he may look at himself, as that can sometimes make his mara flare up. He often spends his time in solitude, be it doing missions or spending his time in forgetfulness. Forgetting has become a hobby now, staring at the dark walls of some cave he found as he slowly realizes his memories are shrinking. It's as if all his puzzle pieces are being taken away from him, thrown away or hidden from his clutches.
-Blade frequently takes the form of the dragon, the pain seems more manageable when he is huge and terrifying. A lot of people that catch a glimpse of him also stay far far away, and unless they're the object of his mission - he won't go after them either. The sight of him alone is terrifying. 
-Big curled horns that are dark gray like the dark side of the moon, and if you look close enough there's small shimmers in the shadow clad corners of his scales and horns. Up close he is…pretty in his own right, his subconscious struggling to keep the remaining pieces of his past intact through physical attributes.
-His long flowing mane is soft and well kept, even if Blade doesn't particularly pay much attention to it, or the other fluff spots on his body. 
-He doesn't know where the jewelry in his hair came from, but there's something about it that forbids him from removing it. 
-The red sash around him was put there by Kafka and you, and if often maintained by you two. And there's something intimate about tying the bow at his back or putting the big golden clips into his fur. It's the trust he puts into you, and while it may seem like such a mundane action like helping someone button up their shirt, it means a lot more when Blade is in question, someone who doesn't let anyone else touch him or go near him.
-I think it is safe to say that this bad boy can fight. And fight he does. His mara has hardened his teeth further, and if any fall out during a scuffle, another one will take its place soon after. Although he is a bit long, he is quite strong. The only disadvantage he has is the fact that he is flightless. His species might as well fall into some branch of a drake. He can breathe fire though, and that ability has served him before in making weapons - these days though he doesn't use it much. He has teeth and claws, and that's enough. 
-During more easy days, he does like having you around, when his mara is silent and not dragging him under, your presence is comforting. He'll just lay down near you and soak in your presence. He will scoff or huff if you decide to shuffle closer, but he will most likely give in in times like these. Touch him, run your fingers through his fur, the fluff and the mane, he'll close his eyes and sigh. 
Size chart:
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-Listen, I had a hard time trying to figure out sizes for them since they'd almost the same, but in the end I settled with this.
-Dr Ratio > Luocha > Blade
-Blade is huge but he is more long lol, and if it came to a hypothetical fight with either of the other two, Blade is winning no argument there, unless they yank him into the skies and slam him down idk
-There is a little difference in size between them tbh
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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zegalba · 2 years
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“Unicorn Sword” & “Draco Dragon Sword”.
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maahriarts · 8 months
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Hark! A magpie
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cry-ptidd · 2 months
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” Am I not right to weep? O my children, cursed children of a hateful mother - ”
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luckyblackcatxiii · 5 months
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I love Arrigal so much, even though I know this man would--and most likely will--sell me to Satan for a corn chip. It's been so long since Saverio first met him outside Barovia, that it's great to see him within the Mists. I can't wait to meet him again <3 (and now that we were gifted a bunch of money recently, I'm sure the feeling is mutual)
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